Maptime Los Angeles

<!DOCTYPE html > <html> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8'/> <meta name='twitter:site' content='@maptimela' /> <meta property='og:site_name' content='Maptime Los Angeles' /> <meta name='twitter:url' content='' /> <meta property='og:url' content='' /> <meta name='twitter:title' content='' /> <meta property='og:title' content='' /> <meta name='twitter:description' content='{% for item in paginator.posts %} {% if item.category == &#39;event&#39; %} {{item.title}} {{item.content}} Join us: {{ | date:&quot;%A, %b %d %Y&quot;}} RSVP {% else %} {{item.title}} {{item.content}} Posted {{' /> <meta property='og:description' content='{% for item in paginator.posts %} {% if item.category == &#39;event&#39; %} {{item.title}} {{item.content}} Join us: {{ | date:&quot;%A, %b %d %Y&quot;}} RSVP {% else %} {{item.title}} {{item.content}} Posted {{' /> <title>Maptime Los Angeles</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/site.css' type='text/css'/> <link rel='shortcut icon' href='/img/favicon.png' type='image/x-icon' /> <script src=''></script> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' /> </head> <body> <div class='masthead fill-blue'> <div class='fill-darken0 pad1y strong dark'> <div class='limiter'> <a href=''></a> | <a href='/about'>about us</a> </div> </div> </div> <header class='fill-blue'> <div class='limiter contain'> <a href='/' class='sprite maptime pin-left'>Maptime</a> <div class='col12 clearfix pad2y'> <div class='round pad2 col6 margin6 strong dark fill-darken0 fill-chapter row4 truncate contain'> <h1><a class='dark contain z1' href='/'>Join us on Meetup:</a></h1> <div class='pin-right pad4x pad1y hide-mobile'> <span class='sprite marker'></span> </div> <a href='' class='contain z1 fill-blue button'> Meetup </a> <a href='' class='contain z1 fill-blue button'> Twitter </a> </div> </div> </div> </header> <div class='limiter pad4y'> <div class='col12 clearfix'> <aside class='col3 fr space-bottom2 sidebar'> <div class='fill-purple strong dark round pad2 space-bottom2'> <h3>The next Maptime Los Angeles is:</h3> <div>TBD<br>Sign-up on meetup and get a cheery email about the next meeting</div> <a class="button fill-orange block" href="">Sign-up</a> </div> </aside> <div class='col8 margin2r prose content'> <!-- This loops through the paginated posts --> <div class='space-bottom4'> <h2><a href='/2016/10/07/update/'>Mind the dusty website</a></h2> <h3 id="welcome-to-maptimela-if-you-look-at-the-posts-below-it-seems-we-havent-been-doing-much-but-we-have">Welcome to maptimeLA!!! If you look at the posts below, it seems we haven’t been doing much, but we have!</h3> <p><img src="" alt="" /> As Vectoria the bear trys to keep up with all our explorations and starts to post here, you could in the meantime,</p> <p>Check out our happenings on <a href="">twitter @maptimeLA</a></p> <p>Or you can see when our next meeting is on <a href="">Meetup</a></p> <div class='pad1y keyline-top'> <strong class='quiet small block space-bottom1'>Posted Oct 07 2016 by Omar Ureta</strong> </div> </div> <div class='space-bottom4'> <h2><a href='/2015/06/17/hackathon/'>What MaptimeLA's Been Up To</a></h2> <p>Since our last post here in January, the Maptime LA group has held eleven meetups and worked on two projects and won a total of three awards. [Insert trophy emojis here]</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hello from LA!!! <a href="">@MAPTIMELA</a> <a href="">#hackforla</a> shout out to maptimers in NY!! <a href="">@MaptimeHQ</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Omar Ureta (@theworksla) <a href="">June 6, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async="" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <p>We’ve been using a combination of in-person project working nights, midnight Slack conversations, Trello task-wrangling, GitHub collaborating, meeting up at people’s houses and going to actual hackathon events to make it all happen.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Watch out CGIA <a href="">@MaptimeLA</a> is doin&#39; it!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jacqui Swartz (@jacquiswartz) <a href="">February 20, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async="" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <p>In the open flexible/structured, learning/making, all-about-beginners space of Maptime, I wanted to note some meta-lessons we’ve learned on how to make projects with a lot of people work.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My <a href="">@HackForLA</a> team hard at work on day 2 of the <a href="">#hackforchange</a> hackathon! Many <a href="">@maptimela</a> members here :) <a href="">#NDoCH</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Liz Krane (@LearningNerd) <a href="">June 7, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async="" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <hr /> <h1 id="handy-tools">Handy tools:</h1> <ol> <li>Butcher paper</li> <li>Pens, pencils</li> <li>Outlets</li> <li>WiFi</li> <li>Lots of people!</li> <li>Online: Slack, GitHub, Trello</li> </ol> <h1 id="before-the-event">Before the event</h1> <ul> <li>Prepare a GitHub repository of a template with dependencies, comments, documentation and instructions.</li> <li>Download documentation in case the WiFi goes down. Dash for OSX is handy for this.</li> <li>Deploy to <code class="highlighter-rouge">gh-pages</code> from the start so people can keep testing it on all sorts of browsers and devices.</li> </ul> <h1 id="brainstorming">Brainstorming</h1> <ul> <li>Find something that interests you and you can actually use</li> <li>Keep the prize categories in mind!</li> </ul> <h1 id="during-the-event">During the event</h1> <ul> <li>Use a big piece of paper to brainstorm, wireframe and draw out flows. Visual is easier to talk about!</li> <li>Keep it simple: Try to focus on one single user’s use case. For now.</li> <li>Make a list of the most important tasks, and expand them to other types of tasks like: copy (coming up with fun names, slogans, instructions), researching data, cleaning data, documentation, README, cleaning up the code, coming up with images for the presentation… endless!</li> </ul> <h1 id="keeping-code-clean-and-happy">Keeping code clean and happy</h1> <h1 id="working-on-the-project">Working on the project</h1> <ul> <li>Pair people up as much as possible.</li> <li>Why? Pairing is important at a hackathon because it keeps people talking to each other, and you can get a gauge of where they are at.</li> <li>Pairing also makes it easier to find each other’s typos.</li> <li>Ask people “Let’s try..” “Want to try this?”</li> <li>Take lots of breaks :-)</li> </ul> <h1 id="after-the-event">After the event</h1> <ul> <li>What did you learn? Write it down, post it and share it to people.</li> <li>Make the code into something re-usable and document it.</li> <li>Comment the code to make it easier for others to replicate.</li> </ul> <h1 id="want-to-contribute">Want to contribute?</h1> <ul> <li>Make a pull request!</li> </ul> <div class='pad1y keyline-top'> <strong class='quiet small block space-bottom1'>Posted Jun 17 2015 by Machiko Yasuda</strong> </div> </div> <div class='space-bottom4'> <h2><a href='/event/2015/01/08/hacknight/'>Hack Night in the New Year</a></h2> <p>Our first meeting of 2015 will be a hack night! Bring a project or an idea and bring it to life!</p> <p>In case you don’t have an active project, or want to attend without feeling obligated to work on a project fear not. This is a space welcoming to people of all skill levels and backgrounds. You can come just hang out, ask questions, learn something new, and meet new people.</p> <hr /> <p>The California Geographic Information Association is hosting a Map Contest, and the winner takes home $1500!</p> <p>We are organizing a team of mappers to compete in the contest and this meetup will be our first organizational meeting.</p> <p>If you are interested in helping out, please come to the meeting and let us know! Even if you are very new to web mapping, we can use any help we can get for planning and strategy.</p> <p>Winning this contest would position our chapter to have funds for the next year to pay for administrative things (and maybe even pizza). Help us win pizza!</p> <p>You can get more information about the contest here -…</p> <h2 id="transit">Transit:</h2> <ul> <li>Rail: 7th Street / Metro Center (Purple, Red, Expo, Blue Lines): Two blocks away</li> <li>Bus: 720</li> </ul> <h2 id="location">Location:</h2> <p>Address: 811 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1460, Los Angeles, CA <script src=""></script></p> <div class='keyline-all round pad2 col12 clearfix'> <div class='col8 pad0y'> Join us: <span class='quiet'>Thursday, Jan 08 2015</span> </div> <div class='col4'> <a class='button fill-orange block' href=''>RSVP</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='space-bottom4'> <h2><a href='/event/2014/12/11/nonprofits/'>Non-Profit Showcase</a></h2> <p>Jared Hyneman from World Vision presents on his global geo projects.</p> <p>Know of a non-profit that uses GIS in their mission?</p> <p>We’re waiting for more to confirm, and as the holiday refrain goes, the more the merrier!</p> <p><img src="" alt="" /></p> <h2 id="transit">Transit:</h2> <ul> <li>Rail: 7th Street / Metro Center (Purple, Red, Expo, Blue Lines): Two blocks away</li> <li>Bus: 720</li> </ul> <h2 id="location">Location:</h2> <p>Address: 600 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Suite 1050 — Conference Room <script src=""></script></p> <div class='keyline-all round pad2 col12 clearfix'> <div class='col8 pad0y'> Join us: <span class='quiet'>Thursday, Dec 11 2014</span> </div> <div class='col4'> <a class='button fill-orange block' href=''>RSVP</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='space-bottom4'> <h2><a href='/event/2014/11/13/factual/'>Field Trip to Factual Inc</a></h2> <p>Hear from the man himself, Tyler Bell gives us a tour and speaks to us about Factual.</p> <p>Factual is a location platform that enables personalized and contextually relevant mobile experiences by enriching mobile location signals with definitive global data.</p> <p>Factual’s real-time data stack builds and maintains data on a global scale, with Factual’s core Global Places data covering over 65 million local businesses and points of interest in 50 countries.</p> <p>Factual’s platform also informs location with contextual demographic and commercial data, and offers cleaning and mapping services for business listings and points of interest.</p> <h2 id="transit">Transit:</h2> <p>ATTN: Give yourself an hour to get from downtown to Century City in your car and park at the Westfield Century City Mall for $1/hr. for the first 3 hrs., carpooling highly suggested.</p> <p>-OR-</p> <p>Take the 28/728 bus for the same amount of time and $1.75 each way from downtown.</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p>Tell the front desk you are going up to the meetup at Factual on the 34th floor.</p> <p>Thanks to Factual for the pizza and beverages!</p> <h2 id="location">Location:</h2> <p>Address: 1999 Avenue of the Stars, 35th Floor, Los Angeles, CA <script src=""></script></p> <div class='keyline-all round pad2 col12 clearfix'> <div class='col8 pad0y'> Join us: <span class='quiet'>Thursday, Nov 13 2014</span> </div> <div class='col4'> <a class='button fill-orange block' href=''>RSVP</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Pagination links --> <div class='col12 center small strong space pad2y'> <a href='/page2' class='button fill-blue rcon right-arrow'>Older</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class='fill-light pad2y'> <div class='limiter center small quiet'> <p>This website is <a href=''>open source</a> and you can improve it. Learn more about contributing <a href=''>here</a>.</p> </div> </footer> <script src='/js/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src='/js/underscore.min.js'></script> <script src='/site.js'></script> </body> </html>

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