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<span>Thu</span> <span> 2</span> </h2> </div> <div class="hrchart" data-bgcolor="#"> <div id="hrchart" class="chart"> <ul> <li> <p class="time">2p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">81°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">3p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">82°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">4p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">82°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">5p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">82°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">6p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">80°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">7p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">79°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>10%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">8p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">77°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>20%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">9p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">76°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>20%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">10p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">75°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>30%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">11p</p> <img alt="Mostly Cloudy" src="//" title="Mostly Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">73°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>40%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">12a</p> <img alt="Cloudy" src="//" title="Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">72°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">1a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">71°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">2a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">70°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">3a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">70°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">4a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">69°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">5a</p> <img alt="Cloudy" src="//" title="Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">69°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">6a</p> <img alt="Cloudy" src="//" title="Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">70°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>40%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">7a</p> <img alt="Cloudy" src="//" title="Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">71°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>40%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">8a</p> <img alt="Cloudy" src="//" title="Cloudy"/> <p class="temp">72°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">9a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">74°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">10a</p> <img alt="T-Storms" src="//" title="T-Storms"/> <p class="temp">76°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>60%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">11a</p> <img alt="Light Rain" src="//" title="Light Rain"/> <p class="temp">78°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>60%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">12p</p> <img alt="Light Rain" src="//" title="Light Rain"/> <p class="temp">80°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> <li> <p class="time">1p</p> <img alt="Light Rain" src="//" title="Light Rain"/> <p class="temp">81°</p> <div class="precipicn"><span>50%</span></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="df"> <div class="dailymsg" id="dailymsg"><h2>Daily Forecast</h2></div> <ul class="forecast-list"> <li class="active"> <a role="button" href="?day=1" aria-label="The forecast for Thu, 2 is . High of 82° and low of 69°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Thu</span> <span> 2</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Mostly Cloudy" title="Mostly Cloudy" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">82°</p> <p>69°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>40%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=2" aria-label="The forecast for Fri, 3 is . High of 83° and low of 67°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Fri</span> <span> 3</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="T-Storms" title="T-Storms" data-icon="27"/> <p class="daytemphigh">83°</p> <p>67°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>70%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=3" aria-label="The forecast for Sat, 4 is . High of 83° and low of 70°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Sat</span> <span> 4</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Mostly Cloudy" title="Mostly Cloudy" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">83°</p> <p>70°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>70%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=4" aria-label="The forecast for Sun, 5 is . High of 80° and low of 67°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Sun</span> <span> 5</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="T-Storms" title="T-Storms" data-icon="27"/> <p class="daytemphigh">80°</p> <p>67°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>100%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=5" aria-label="The forecast for Mon, 6 is . High of 83° and low of 66°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Mon</span> <span> 6</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Partly Sunny" title="Partly Sunny" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">83°</p> <p>66°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>100%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=6" aria-label="The forecast for Tue, 7 is . High of 82° and low of 61°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Tue</span> <span> 7</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Partly Sunny" title="Partly Sunny" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">82°</p> <p>61°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>30%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=7" aria-label="The forecast for Wed, 8 is . High of 74° and low of 59°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Wed</span> <span> 8</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Mostly Sunny" title="Mostly Sunny" data-icon="1"/> <p class="daytemphigh">74°</p> <p>59°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>30%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=8" aria-label="The forecast for Thu, 9 is . High of 79° and low of 61°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Thu</span> <span> 9</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Partly Sunny" title="Partly Sunny" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">79°</p> <p>61°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>20%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=9" aria-label="The forecast for Fri, 10 is . High of 86° and low of 67°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Fri</span> <span> 10</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Mostly Cloudy" title="Mostly Cloudy" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">86°</p> <p>67°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>40%</span></div> </a> </li> <li> <a role="button" href="?day=10" aria-label="The forecast for Sat, 11 is . High of 88° and low of 69°."> <div class="dt"> <span>Sat</span> <span> 11</span> </div> <img class="image skyimg" src="//" alt="Mostly Cloudy" title="Mostly Cloudy" data-icon="3"/> <p class="daytemphigh">88°</p> <p>69°</p> <div title="Precipitation" class="precipicn "><span>40%</span></div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="normalsection" data-section-id="weatherskyline"><div class="full-width"><div class="sectioncontent" data-region="weatherskyline_section"> </div></div></div> <div class="pagingsection" data-aop="weathernews_paging" data-section-id="weathernews"> <button class="leftarrow"></button> <div class="full-width"> <h2><a href="/web/20160602172509/">News</a></h2> <div class="sectioncontent"> <div class="newlist" data-module-id="homepage-today|weathernews|paging|weatherhomepagenews|sectionHeadlines"> <div class="a2 withad flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hl2u3-a2"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Cars float in the flood waters in Simbach am Inn, Germany, Thursday, June 2, 2016. Several people have died." height="240" src="//" title="Cars float in the flood waters in Simbach am Inn, Germany, Thursday, June 2, 2016. Several people ha... - AP Photo/Matthias Schrader" width="624"/> <div> <h4>Rivers in France, Germany burst their banks; floods kill 6</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Associated Press </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Bonnie brings heavy rain to parts of east coast" height="100" src="//" title="Bonnie brings heavy rain to parts of east coast - Fox News" width="138"/> <h4>Bonnie strengthens back to tropical depression off North Carolina</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="When permafrost thaws under a lake, microbes decompose organic material and convert it to methane. Anthony is known for cutting holes in the ice and lighting the gas." height="100" src="//" title="When permafrost thaws under a lake, microbes decompose organic material and convert it to methane. A... - Josh Haner/The New York Times/Redux" width="138"/> <h4>Melting Permafrost Is Turbocharging Climate Change</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Newsweek</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<p>Last week, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization issued a report called “<a href="">World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate</a>.” It contains twelve case studies and eighteen snapshots of what climate change is expected to do to places that have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites. More than a thousand sites around the world have the UNESCO designation, which is awarded on the basis of “outstanding universal value,” or O.U.V., in U.N. bureaucratese; it’s something between a Michelin star and an Olympic medal, both a marketable touristic imprimatur and a reminder of both the aspirations and the limits of internationalism. And so the report, co-produced with the Union of Concerned Scientists, provides an eclectic set of postcards from our cataclysmic future.</p><p>Hoi An, Vietnam.</p>" height="100" src="//" title="Last week, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization issued a report cal... - PHOTOGRAPH BY JEREMY HORNER / LIGHTROCKET / GETTY" width="138"/> <h4>How Climate Change Will Destroy Our Global Heritage</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">New Yorker</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="100" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="138"/> <h4>Record-challenging heat to scorch western US, increase wildfire threat into next week</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Dustin Toll, left, and other family members use two boats on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, to remove furniture from the mobile home of his grandparents, which had been flooded by the Brazos River in Rosenberg, Texas. (AP Photo/Juan Lozano)" height="240" src="//" title="Dustin Toll, left, and other family members use two boats on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, to remove furn... - The Associated Press" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Some moving, others staying after latest Texas flooding</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Associated Press </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3-a2"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Alejandra Ventura lifts her dog out of the water as the Brazos River tops its banks and floods a mobile home park in Richmond, Texas." height="100" src="//" title="Alejandra Ventura lifts her dog out of the water as the Brazos River tops its banks and floods a mob... - REUTERS/Daniel Kramer" width="138"/> <h4>Texas' Brazos River hits century high, Houston braces for floods</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3-a2 media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Deadly floods in Germany" height="100" src="//" title="Deadly floods in Germany - Reuters" width="138"/> <h4>Deadly floods in Germany</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="showcasead"> <div id="rectangle3_homepage_4e727e31-0721-451b-8684-9db9a9cdbc25" data-aop="weatherhomepagenews_sectionheadlines"> <div class="outeradcontainer"> <div id="dap_4e727e31-0721-451b-8684-9db9a9cdbc25" class="adcontainer" data-adjs="{"allowedViews":"SIZE234COLUMN","dap":"&AP=1089&PG=WEAUSEN13&PVGUID=27953e8bf4d944b793e0e239d343c864&PROVIDERID=7HD66FC","width": 300,"height": 250,"iaf": {"isEnabled":0, "isDarkTheme":0} ,"option": {"scrollInit":true,"enableAdRefresh":true,"adaptiveRefresh":true,"adaptiveRefreshInterval":3000,"adsVNextHeight":"250","adsVNextWidth":"300","adContainerType":"fileless","rid":"27953e8bf4d944b793e0e239d343c864"} }"> </div> <a href="" class="adchoices" target="_blank" data-piitxt="adchoices"> <span class="adchoiceicon"></span> <span>AdChoices</span> </a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="hlhu3-a2"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="100" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="138"/> <h4>Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1: La Nina may fuel most active season in 3 years</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3-a2"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="100" src="//" title="Provided by Climate Central" width="138"/> <h4>Easing Drought Boosts California Hydropower, For Now</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Climate Central</span> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="b2 flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="100" src="//" title="Provided by Climate Central" width="138"/> <h4>The Temperature Spiral Has an Update. It’s Not Pretty.</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Climate Central</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A structure is consumed by flames as an out of control wildfire burns near Willow, Alaska, on June 14, 2015." height="100" src="//" title="A structure is consumed by flames as an out of control wildfire burns near Willow, Alaska, on June 1... - Mat-Su Borough/Stefan Hinman via Reuters" width="138"/> <h4>Spike in Alaska wildfires is worsening global warming, US says</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The Guardian</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A mobile home lies almost completely underwater after heavy rains in Richmond, Texas. Precipitation was expected to intensify over the weekend as moisture from tropical depression Patricia, which struck the Pacific coast of Mexico on Friday as a very powerful hurricane, meets with a storm system coming from the west and over Texas." height="64" src="//" title="A mobile home lies almost completely underwater after heavy rains in Richmond, Texas. Precipitation ... - REUTERS/Daniel Kramer" width="85"/> <h4>Flooding in Texas</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="#PlutoFlyby - Space enthusiasts celebrated the historic flyby of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which came within 7,750 miles of Pluto�s surface and captured close-up images of the icy dwarf planet." height="64" src="//" title="#PlutoFlyby - Space enthusiasts celebrated the historic flyby of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, whi... - REUTERS/NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI/Handout" width="85"/> <h4>Pluto's perplexing polygonal patterns caused by convection, scientists suggest</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The Guardian</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>Soaking rain, thunderstorms to return to northeastern US</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="This image of the Corona Arch in Moab, Utah, is an example of the stunning night-sky views available in the minimally inhabited regions of central and southern Utah." height="100" src="//" title="This image of the Corona Arch in Moab, Utah, is an example of the stunning night-sky views available... - Mike Taylor - Taylor Photography" width="138"/> <h4>Astronomy Festival Kicks Off in Utah, Far From City Lights</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Social media captures several tornadoes in Oklahoma" height="100" src="//" title="Social media captures several tornadoes in Oklahoma - Washington Post" width="138"/> <h4>Social media captures several tornadoes in Oklahoma</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" title="The Washington Post" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The Washington Post</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Thousands evacuated in historic French floods" height="64" src="//" title="Thousands evacuated in historic French floods - Reuters" width="85"/> <h4>Thousands evacuated in historic French floods</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Moody County Sheriff's Office" height="64" src="//" title="Moody County Sheriff's Office - Provided by CityLab" width="85"/> <h4>A Single Lightning Bolt Killed 21 Cows in South Dakota</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">CityLab</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Astronaut Harrison Schmitt collects lunar rake samples at the Taurus-Littrow landing site on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission in this December 11, 1972" height="64" src="//" title="Astronaut Harrison Schmitt collects lunar rake samples at the Taurus-Littrow landing site on the moo... - Provided by AFP" width="85"/> <h4>A new, water-logged history of the Moon</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AFP</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Bride-to-be Liu Yuan Yuan of China poses for photographs at the Trocardero gardens in Paris, France, Tuesday, May 31, 2016. Heavy precipitation has drenched parts of France, prompting flood warnings near the English Channel and causing more delays at the French Open. (AP Photo/Raphael Satter)" height="240" src="//" title="Bride-to-be Liu Yuan Yuan of China poses for photographs at the Trocardero gardens in Paris, France,... - The Associated Press" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Rain pummels France, Seine River overflows Paris embankments</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Associated Press </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Obama urges preparation ahead of hurricane season" height="240" src="//" title="Obama urges preparation ahead of hurricane season - Provided by The Hill" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Obama urges preparation ahead of hurricane season</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> The Hill </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Hurricane Katrina blows sand off a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in August 2005. (J. Pat Carter/AP)" height="100" src="//" title="Hurricane Katrina blows sand off a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in August 2005. (J. Pat Carter... - Provided by CityLab" width="138"/> <h4>The U.S. Enters a Historic 10-Year 'Hurricane Drought'</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">CityLab</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="State officials say a study of the eight main Hawaiian Islands shows that ocean debris regularly accumulates around the archipelago, and that most of it is not linked to the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The aerial survey shows that much of the debris that accumulates on the shores of Hawaii is from fishing gear and plastics discarded locally. (Dan Dennison/Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources via AP)" height="100" src="//" title="State officials say a study of the eight main Hawaiian Islands shows that ocean debris regularly acc... - Provided by Associated Press" width="138"/> <h4>Aerial surveys document ocean debris around Hawaii</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Associated Press</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A FEMA representative surveys Lori Faillaci, left, about heat and power availability January 17, 2013 in a neighborhood damaged during Hurricane Sandy, January 17, 2013 in the Queens borough of New York" height="64" src="//" title="A FEMA representative surveys Lori Faillaci, left, about heat and power availability January 17, 201... - Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images" width="85"/> <h4>FEMA’s new ‘disaster deductible’ shifts responsibility to states</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Tribune Washington Bureau</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>Texas facing another week of strong storms, flooding</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="In the capital of the Caribbean nation of Dominica, a rubbish fire smolders between uprooted hulks of trees while, in the background, homeless Dominicans live in a tent camp provided by U.S. aid on Nov. 8, 1979 in Roseau, Dominica. The island was ravaged" height="64" src="//" title="Hurricanes 1979 - 1980 - Associated Press" width="85"/> <h4>Retired: Hurricane names we won't see again</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="b2 flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="100" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="138"/> <h4>Tropical system may threaten Caribbean, Gulf area next week</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Small section of a close-up view of Pluto showing some of the dwarf planet's mountains and nitrogen-ice plains, as seen by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft. Image released on May 27, 2016." height="100" src="//" title="Small section of a close-up view of Pluto showing some of the dwarf planet's mountains and nitrogen-... - NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute" width="138"/> <h4>Amazing Pluto Shines in Best Close-Up Views Yet</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="WATCH: Tornado touches down near Colorado-Nebraska border" height="64" src="//" title="WATCH: Tornado touches down near Colorado-Nebraska border - AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>WATCH: Tornado touches down near Colorado-Nebraska border</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>Strong storms on tap from Minneapolis to Kansas City</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>Cooler air to spread across northeastern US</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="2016 summer forecast" height="100" src="//" title="2016 summer forecast - Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury" width="138"/> <h4>Find out the US summer forecast</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle">The Weather Network</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A farmer harvests wheat" height="100" src="//" title="A farmer harvests wheat - Faisal Mahmood/ REUTERS" width="138"/> <h4>Extreme weather increasing level of toxins in food</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="STILLWATER, OK - JANUARY 27: A Halliburton oil well fielder works on a well head at a fracking rig site January 27, 2016 near Stillwater, Oklahoma. (Photo by J Pat Carter/Getty Images)" height="64" src="//" title="A Halliburton oil well fielder works on a well head at a fracking rig site near Stillwater, Okla., o... - J Pat Carter/Getty Images" width="85"/> <h4>How fracking can contribute to climate change</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The Guardian</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="MOSCOW, RUSSIA - MAY 13 : People enjoy spring weather at the Kolomenskoye Park in Moscow, Russia on May 13, 2016. (Photo by Sefa Karacan/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)" height="64" src="//" title="Spring weather in Moscow - Anadolu Agency/Getty Images" width="85"/> <h4>Weather pictures of the month: May 2016</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>Western US: Summer heat to surge this week</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="240" src="//" title="undefined - Provided by AccuWeather" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Cloudy skies may hinder views of the picturesque NYC phenomenon</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> AccuWeather </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Drone Video Shows Devastating Flood in Braunsbach" height="240" src="//" title="Drone Video Shows Devastating Flood in Braunsbach - Storyful" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Drone Video Shows Devastating Flood</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Storyful </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Dungeness crabs for sale in Seattle.</p><p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Credit:&nbsp;<a href="" style="color:#0000aa;background-color:#92c0e0;">erikzen</a>/Flickr</p>" height="100" src="//" title="<p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Dungeness crabs for sale in Seattle.<... - Provided by Climate Central" width="138"/> <h4>Acidifying Waters Put Dungeness Crabs at Risk</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Climate Central</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<p><strong>Sunset on the longest day of the year:</strong> 10:08 p.m. </p><p><strong>Hours of sunlight:</strong> 18 hours, 37 minutes </p><p>After the long, cold winter, Scandinavians go all out to mark their mild summers, when the skies stay reddish-gold all night. Dining spills outdoors whenever possible. Skansen, the city's giant open-air museum, is open until 10 p.m. on Midsummer Eve, for folk dancing around the Maypole (er, Junepole).</p>" height="100" src="//" title="<p><strong>Sunset on the longest day of the year:</strong> 10:08 p.m. </p><p><strong>Hours of sunlig... - Robert Harding World Imagery / Alamy" width="138"/> <h4>The Midnight Sun: Places Where the Sun Never Sets</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Condé Nast Traveler</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by AccuWeather" width="85"/> <h4>2016 South America winter forecast</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AccuWeather</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="The reef studies center released the results of its survey of the 2,300-kilometer (1,430-mile) reef off Australia's east coast on Monday. The scientists found that about 35 percent of the coral in the northern and central sections of the reef are dead or dying. Some parts of the reef had lost more than half of the coral to bleaching. (David Bellwood/ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT" height="64" src="//" title="The reef studies center released the results of its survey of the 2,300-kilometer (1,430-mile) reef ... - Provided by Associated Press" width="85"/> <h4>Bleaching kills third of coral in Great Barrier Reef's north</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Associated Press</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="chicago murder" height="64" src="//" title="chicago murder - Provided by IBT US" width="85"/> <h4>Chicago Facing A Long, Hot Summer</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">International Business Times</span> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="b2 flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Williams, Ricky and Kayla Smith and their 2-year-old daughter Kailee pose in front of the tornado safe room built in their garage in Joplin, Mo., shortly after they got married in 2013. The couple was able to pay for the safe room with wedding gift donations. A trend in tornado-prone areas of the Midwest and South are for engaged couples to use their wedding registries and word of mouth to seek safe room donations instead of the typical gifts such as kitchen appliances or other household goods. (Jason T. Williams via AP)" height="100" src="//" title="Williams, Ricky and Kayla Smith and their 2-year-old daughter Kailee pose in front of the tornado sa... - Provided by Associated Press" width="138"/> <h4>Storm safe rooms as a wedding gift? Sure, in Tornado Alley</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Associated Press</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Artist's illustration of a superstorm erupting from the sun." height="100" src="//" title="Artist's illustration of a superstorm erupting from the sun. - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Genna Duberstein" width="138"/> <h4>Superflares from the Sun May Have Sparked Life by Warming Earth</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Going home to curl up?" height="64" src="//" title="Going home to curl up? - Provided by Quartz" width="85"/> <h4>Why does rain seem to make you sleepy?</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Quartz</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A giant Australian cuttlefish (Sepia apama), Spencer Gulf, South Australia." height="64" src="//" title="A giant Australian cuttlefish (Sepia apama), Spencer Gulf, South Australia. - David Wiltshire" width="85"/> <h4>Cuttlefish, Squid and Relatives Thrive in Warming Oceans</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">LiveScience</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by" width="85"/> <h4>Watch Lake Mead, largest reservoir in US, shrink over 15 years</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="A fire truck is parked at the entrance to Monceau parc in the center of Paris, France, Saturday, May 28, 2016, after a lightning bolt crashed down onto a Paris park, striking 11 people at a child's birthday party." height="100" src="//" title="A fire truck is parked at the entrance to Monceau parc in the center of Paris, France, Saturday, May... - AP Photo/Francois Mori" width="138"/> <h4>One dead, several injured as lightning storms hit Europe</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AFP</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Mars making closest approach to Earth in 11 years" height="100" src="//" title="Mars making closest approach to Earth in 11 years - USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc." width="138"/> <h4>Mars making closest approach to Earth in 11 years</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">USA TODAY</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Urmia - USGS/Landsat" width="85"/> <h4>Satellite views of a changing world</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<p log-id="article-p" style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Livestock drink from a drying river outside Utrecht, a small town in the northwest of KwaZulu-Natal, on Nov. 8, 2015.</p><p log-id="article-p" style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;"><strong log-id="article-strong">Click image to enlarge.</strong>&nbsp;Credit: REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko</p>" height="64" src="//" title="<p log-id="article-p" style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Livestock drink fr... - Provided by Climate Central" width="85"/> <h4>The Hotter Future Africa Is Facing</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Climate Central</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Glycine, an organic compound contained in proteins, was found in the cloud around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the European Space Agency's probe, Rosetta" height="64" src="//" title="Glycine, an organic compound contained in proteins, was found in the cloud around Comet 67P/Churyumo... - Provided by AFP" width="85"/> <h4>Comet contains glycine, key part of recipe for life</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">AFP</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Lightning from a severe storm fills the sky behind a grain elevator in Belvue, Kan., Wednesday, May 25, 2016. The storm produced tornadoes near Chapman, Kan." height="240" src="//" title="Belvue, Kan. - Orlin Wagner/AP" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Stunning images from this week in weather</h4> <span class="sourcename"> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="240" src="//" title="Provided by Business Insider" width="300"/> <div> <h4>El Niño is over — but its impacts are still being felt across the globe</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Business Insider </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="This satellite image taken Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 at 8:45 a.m. EDT, and released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), shows Hurricane Joaquin of the Bahamas. The Category 4 storm ripped off roofs, uprooted trees and unleashed heavy flooding as it hurled torrents of rain across the eastern and central Bahamas on Friday, and the U.S. Coast Guard said it was searching for a cargo ship with 33 people aboard that went missing during the storm. (NOAA via AP)" height="100" src="//" title="This satellite image taken Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 at 8:45 a.m. EDT, and released by the National Ocean... - Provided by Associated Press" width="138"/> <h4>Feds expect more Atlantic tropical storms than last 3 years</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Associated Press</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Stonehenge, Salisbury, England." height="100" src="//" title="Stonehenge, Salisbury, England. - Andrew Testa for The New York Times" width="138"/> <h4>Report Warns of Climate Change Disasters That Rival Hollywood’s</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The New York Times</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="New stars are the lifeblood of our Galaxy, and there is enough material revealed by this Herschel infrared image to build stars for millions of years to come. Situated 8000 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula – Latin for little fox – the region in the image is known as Vulpecula OB1. It is a ‘stellar association’ in which a batch of truly giant ‘OB’ stars is being born. The vast quantities of ultraviolet and other radiation emitted by these stars is compressing the surrounding cloud, causing nearby regions of dust and gas to begin the collapse into more new stars. In time, this process will ‘eat’ its way through the cloud, transforming some of the raw material into shining new stars." height="64" src="//" title="The Little Fox and the Giant Stars - ESA/Herschel/PACS, SPIRE/Hi-GAL Project" width="85"/> <h4>New stars and other amazing space photos</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="The largest piece of hail ever recorded in the U.S. was the size of a volleyball, 8 inches in diameter, in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23, 2010, said Cory Van Pelt, National Weather Service meteorologist. The hail weighed 1 lb. and 15 ounces and had a circumference of 18.62 inches." height="64" src="//" title="The largest piece of hail ever recorded in the U.S. was the size of a volleyball, 8 inches in diamet... - Hearst Newspapers" width="85"/> <h4>Reports of hail skyrocket in 2016 in Texas</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">San Antonio Express-News</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Coronal Hole" height="64" src="//" title="Coronal Hole - Provided by Popular Science" width="85"/> <h4>This 'Hole' On The Surface Of The Sun Looks Amazing</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Popular Science</span> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="b2 flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Mount Etna volcano explodes." height="100" src="//" title="Mount Etna - Reuters" width="138"/> <h4>Italy's Mount Etna volcano erupts again</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Reuters</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="In this Aug. 4, 2012 file photo, tourists walk to Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park just outside Seward, Alaska. Global warming is carving measurable changes into the Alaskan Arctic." height="100" src="//" title="arctic melt - AP Photo/Mark Thiessen" width="138"/> <h4>This Is How Hot The Arctic Is Right Now</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Popular Science</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Earth is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind place. To remind you of this, we've rounded up some of the most beautiful and mesmerizing pictures of our home planet. These images will make you fall in love with earth all over again." height="64" src="//" title="Earth is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind place. To remind you of this, we've rounded up some of the most ... - REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann" width="85"/> <h4>Pictures that will change the way you see the world</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Business Insider</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by The Verge" width="85"/> <h4>Mars is emerging from an ice age that began about 400,000 years ago</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">The Verge</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Wikimedia Commons" width="85"/> <h4>These scientists made their own clouds</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Business Insider</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<div class="media media-element-container media-default full-width shareable" style="font-size:13px;"><div class="caption-wrapper"><div class="field-body"><p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;">This 1946 photo shows a pier being destroyed in Hilo, Hawaii, a disaster that catalyzed the formation of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, according to NOAA.</p><div></div></div></div></div>" height="100" src="//" title="<div class="media media-element-container media-default full-width shareable" style="font-size:13px;... - Provided by Popular Science" width="138"/> <h4>A New Algorithm Could Help Warn Of Incoming Tsunamis</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Popular Science</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Watch the birth of a lightning strike in slow motion" height="100" src="//" title="Watch the birth of a lightning strike in slow motion - USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, Inc." width="138"/> <h4>Watch the birth of a lightning strike in slow motion</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">USA TODAY</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Skywatcher Chris Schur was able to glimpse Comet Linear 252P with his naked eye just after capturing it on camera. The image was taken from Payson, Arizona on the morning of April 2, 2016." height="64" src="//" title="Skywatcher Chris Schur was able to glimpse Comet Linear 252P with his naked eye just after capturing... - Chris Schur | SchurAstrophotography" width="85"/> <h4>Stunning Turquoise Comet Wows Amateur Astronomer</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Indian boys on their way to play cricket walk through a dried patch of Chandola Lake in Ahmadabad, India, Saturday, May 14, 2016. Much of India has been suffering from a heat wave for weeks along with a severe drought that has decimated crops, killed liv" height="64" src="//" title="India Heat Wave - Ajit Solanki/ASSOCIATED PRESS/AP Images" width="85"/> <h4>10 of the hottest places on Earth in history</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="64" src="//" title="Provided by Climate Central" width="85"/> <h4>Abrupt Atlantic Ocean Changes May Have Been Natural</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Climate Central</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="undefined" height="240" src="//" title="Provided by Atlantic Media Company" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Summer could be a scorcher for most of the US</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> CityLab </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u3b media video"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Scientists Seek To Save Earth From Killer Asteroids" height="240" src="//" title="Scientists Seek To Save Earth From Killer Asteroids - Buzz60 Video" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Scientists Seek To Save Earth From Killer Asteroids</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Buzz60 </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="5 Facts About the Trickiness of Weather Forecasting" height="100" src="//" title="5 Facts About the Trickiness of Weather Forecasting - iStock" width="138"/> <h4>5 Facts About the Trickiness of Weather Forecasting</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Mental Floss</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hlhu3b"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="<div class="media media-element-container media-default full-width shareable" style="font-size:13px;"><div class="caption-wrapper"><div class="field-credit"><p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;"><a href="" style="color:#0000aa;background-color:#92c0e0;">Ray Hornsay</a></p></div><div class="field-body"><p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;">Burning Coals</p></div></div></div><p style="margin-bottom:1em;padding:0px 0.2em;font-size:13px;">Temperature records are&nbsp;<a href="" style="color:#0000aa;background-color:#92c0e0;">being broken left and right</a>. But what is the endgame here?</p>" height="100" src="//" title="<div class="media media-element-container media-default full-width shareable" style="font-size:13px;... - Provided by Popular Science" width="138"/> <h4>What Would Happen If All The Fuel On Earth Were Burned?</h4> <span class="sourcename"> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> <span class="sourcetitle">Popular Science</span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="Kentucky" height="64" src="//" title="Kentucky - Scott Serio/Eclipse Sportswire/Getty Images" width="85"/> <h4>Grey but gorgeous: Beautiful pictures of rain</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> <li class="hl1u1 media photo"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/"> <img alt="" height="64" src="//" title="Walter - Everett/Rex Images" width="85"/> <h4>2016 hurricane season – as played by famous people</h4> <span class="sourcename nosourcelogo"> <span class="sourcetitle"></span> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="paging"></div> </div> <button class="rightarrow"></button> </div> <div class="pagingsection makelist" data-aop="storestripe_paging" data-section-id="storestripe"> <button class="leftarrow"></button> <div class="full-width"> <h2>Microsoft Store Offers</h2> <div class="sectioncontent"> <div class="newlist eocbmodule" data-module-id="homepage-today|storestripe|paging|sectionHeadlines|sectionHeadlines"> <div class="eocb flexenabled height6u"> <ul class="autosizeflex flexbox-polyfill"> <li class="hl3"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="nativead" data-pg="TSTPRMUS32" data-pid="7HD66FC"> <img alt="" height="170" src="//" title="Netatmo Weather Station - Microsoft" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Plan outdoor activities with the Netatmo Weather Station</h4> <span class="nativead">Microsoft Store | Sponsored</span> <span class="sourcename"> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl3"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="nativead" data-pg="TSTPRMUS32" data-pid="7HD66FC"> <img alt="" height="170" src="//" title="Roku - Microsoft" width="300"/> <div> <h4>With thousands of channels to stream, you’ll always know the latest news and weather</h4> <span class="nativead">Microsoft Store | Sponsored</span> <span class="sourcename"> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl3"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="nativead" data-pg="TSTPRMUS32" data-pid="7HD66FC"> <img alt="" height="170" src="//" title="Parrot Max Jumping Race Drone - Microsoft" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Enjoy these drones inside or out, no matter what the weather throws your way</h4> <span class="nativead">Microsoft Store | Sponsored</span> <span class="sourcename"> </span> </div> </a> </li> <li class="hl3"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="nativead" data-pg="TSTPRMUS32" data-pid="7HD66FC"> <img alt="" height="170" src="//" title="Just Dance 2016 Xbox - Microsoft" width="300"/> <div> <h4>Entertain the family on rainy days with Just Dance 2016 for Xbox One</h4> <span class="nativead">Microsoft Store | Sponsored</span> <span class="sourcename"> </span> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="paging"></div> </div> <button class="rightarrow"></button> </div> <div class="normalsection inlinead" data-section-id="adextremeweatherskyline"><div class="full-width"><div class="sectioncontent" data-region="adextremeweatherskyline_section"> <div class="ad" id="banner4_homepage_fd0de55a-f6fc-45b8-adfa-379c089d75ac"> <div> <div id="banner4_homepage_container_fd0de55a-f6fc-45b8-adfa-379c089d75ac"> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ (function define_dap() { if (window.dap) { return; 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["width", "offsetWidth", "scrollWidth"] : ["height", "offsetHeight", "scrollHeight"]; var pixelStyle = isWidth ? "pixelWidth" : "pixelHeight"; var dimensionStyle = isWidth ? "width" : "height"; var totalProperties = 3; var maxDimension = 0, dimension = 0; for (var i = 0; i < totalProperties; i++) { if ((dimension = element[dimensionProperties[i]]) > maxDimension) { maxDimension = dimension; if (maxDimension > threshold) { break; } } } var elemStyle =; if (maxDimension <= threshold && elemStyle) { if ((dimension = elemStyle[pixelStyle]) > maxDimension) { maxDimension = dimension; if (maxDimension <= threshold && (dimension = parseInt(elemStyle[dimensionStyle])) > maxDimension) { maxDimension = dimension; } } } return maxDimension; } function setAdContainerDisplayState(elemId, doShow, adSizeClassname) { var adHtmlContainer = ((document.getElementById(elemId) || {}).parentNode || {}).parentNode; if (!adHtmlContainer) { return; } = doShow ? "" : "none"; var className = adHtmlContainer.className; className = addOrRemoveClassname(className, postEvaluationClassname, doShow); className = addOrRemoveClassname(className, postEvaluationAdSmallClassname, adSizeClassname === postEvaluationAdSmallClassname); className = addOrRemoveClassname(className, postEvaluationAdMediumClassname, adSizeClassname === postEvaluationAdMediumClassname); className = addOrRemoveClassname(className, postEvaluationAdLargeClassname, adSizeClassname === postEvaluationAdLargeClassname); className = addOrRemoveClassname(className, postEvaluationNoAdClassname, adSizeClassname === postEvaluationNoAdClassname); adHtmlContainer.className = className; } function addOrRemoveClassname(classNameList, className, add) { var classIndex = classNameList.indexOf(className); if (add) { if (classIndex === -1) { return classNameList + " " + className; } } else if (classIndex >= 0) { return classNameList.replace(className, ""); } return classNameList; } window.dap = dapResult; })(); //]]> dap("&AP=1390&PG=WEAUSEN14&PVGUID=27953e8bf4d944b793e0e239d343c864&PROVIDERID=7HD66FC", 728, 90, "banner4_homepage_container_fd0de55a-f6fc-45b8-adfa-379c089d75ac"); </script> </div> <a href="" target="_blank" class="adchoices" data-piitxt="adchoices"> <span>AdChoices</span> </a> </div> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </div> <div id="aside" data-region="aside"> </div> <div id="nav"> <ul class="verticalsnav"> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Home</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">News</a> </li> <li class="current"> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Weather</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Entertainment</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Sports</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Money</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Lifestyle</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Health & Fitness</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Food & Drink</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Travel</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Autos</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Video</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Dating</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="foot"> <div> <a href="">© 2016 Microsoft</a> <a href="">Privacy</a> <a href="">Legal</a> <a href="">About our Ads</a> <a href="">Feedback</a> <a href="">Help</a> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">MSN Worldwide</a> <a href="">Newsletter</a> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Weather News Archive</a> <a href="/web/20160602172509/">Data Providers</a> </div> </div> <div> <img src="//" alt="image beacon" width="1" height="1"/><img src="" alt="image beacon" width="1" height="1"/><img src="//" alt="image beacon" width="1" height="1"/> </div> </body> <!--MSNAvailToken--></html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:25:09 Jun 02, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 02:21:22 Mar 02, 2025. 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