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<strong>(&ldquo;Williams&rdquo; / &ldquo;we&rdquo; / &ldquo;our&rdquo; / &ldquo;us&rdquo;)</strong> takes your privacy very seriously and is committing to protecting your personal data.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you wish to contact us regarding this privacy policy, please see the contact details<strong><em> <a href="#ContactUs">here</a></em></strong>. Williams is the data controller and our registered office is Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0DQ.</p> <p>This privacy policy (together with the terms and conditions, which you can find <em><strong><a href="/web/20211208044904/" target="_blank">here</a></strong></em>&nbsp;) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us through your use of our websites (<a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>) and any sub-domains (the &ldquo;<strong>Website<span>(s)</span></strong>&rdquo;), and/or when you visit our premises at Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0DQ (our &quot;<strong>Site</strong>&quot;)&nbsp;or attend one of our events will be processed by us. &nbsp;</p> <p>This privacy policy does not apply to websites that you may be able to access via links on the Websites and/or activities offered by third parties. We are not responsible for the collection or use of your personal data from these third party websites.&nbsp;Please ensure you review any relevant policies.</p> <p><strong>TOPICS COVERED</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><strong><a href="#DataWeCollect">DATA WE COLLECT FROM YOU OR ABOUT YOU AND OUR SOURCES OF THAT DATA</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#PurposeAndLegal">PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#Marketing">MARKETING</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#DisclosureOfPersonalData">DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#WhereStorePersonalData">WHERE WE STORE YOUR PERSONAL DATA</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#Security">SECURITY</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#RetainingPersonalData">RETAINING PERSONAL DATA</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#YourLegalRights">YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#Cookies">COOKIES</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#ChangesToPolicy">CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="#ContactUs">HOW TO CONTACT US</a></strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. </strong></p> <p><strong><a name="DataWeCollect"></a>DATA WE COLLECT FROM YOU OR ABOUT YOU AND OUR SOURCES OF THAT DATA</strong></p> <p>We will collect, use, store and transfer the following data about you:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Data you give us.</strong>&nbsp; You may give us data about you: <ul> <li>by filing in a form on a Website.&nbsp; For instance, when you complete the &ldquo;CONTACT US&rdquo; form on a Website; &nbsp;</li> <li>when you register your details to gain behind the scenes access at Williams and agree to receive: <ul> <li>newsletters with exclusive news and team updates;</li> <li>competition notifications;</li> <li>notifications about how to visit Williams;</li> <li>team merchandise offers; and</li> <li>updates on exclusive fan events;</li> </ul> </li> <li>if you ask us to provide you with other marketing communications;</li> <li>if you ask us to provide you with personalised online content such as targeted advertising;</li> <li>when entering a competition or prize draw;</li> <li>when you place an order on a Website and during our fulfilment of such order;</li> <li>if you contact us or correspond with us (for example, by phone, email or otherwise) for any other reason, for example, to find out more about Williams Heritage or to enquire about and/or book an event with us;</li> <li>when you provide us with comments, opinions and/or feedback or when you complete a survey, for example, about a Website, your visitor experience or the Williams Experience Centre,&nbsp;or any of our products;</li> <li>when you register for our Paddock Club web application (at</li> <li>at the security gate when you arrive on Site;</li> <li>by filling out the visitor sign-in sheet;</li> <li>when you arrange a visit to our Site including a visit to the Williams Experience Centre on the Site;</li> <li>if you register to use our Site visitor WiFi facilities;</li> <li>when you visit the Williams HQ in Grove, the Williams Experience Centre or attend one of our events.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Data we collect about you. </strong>We will collect the following personal data about you: <ul> <li>name, person you are visiting/reason for your visit, date and time of your visit to the Site and vehicle registration number;</li> <li>technical information, including the type of device (and its unique device identifier) you use to access a Website, the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug in types and versions, operating systems, mobile network information and platform; and</li> <li>information about your visit to a Website including full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from a Website (including date and time), pages you viewed, page response time, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.</li> </ul> </li> <li><strong>Data we collect from or which is provided by third parties. </strong>We may be given personal data about you by third parties such as the operator of the; at a Website, ticket sales websites and social media platforms, or anyone making a booking on your behalf for you to attend Williams&rsquo; site or hospitality.</li> </ul> <p><strong><a name="PurposeAndLegal"></a>PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA</strong></p> <p>We will use the <strong>personal data</strong> held about you for the purposes stated below:</p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;"> <thead> <tr> <td style="border: 1pt solid black; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Purpose of Processing</strong></p> </td> <td style="border-top: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-left: none; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Type of personal data </strong></p> </td> <td style="border-top: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-left: none; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Legal basis for processing</strong></p> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To process and deliver any order you place directly with Williams, including managing payments, fees and charges and collect and recover money owed to us.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, password, billing address, delivery address, credit or debit card details and phone number;<br/> details of any access assistance and dietary requirements (to the extent relevant) and details of your bookings and reservations.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Performance of a contract.<br/> <br/> Consent (in respect of your dietary or access assistance requirements)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To manage our relationship with you, including</p> <p style="margin-left: 36pt; text-indent: -18pt;">-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dealing with any enquiries, correspondence, concerns or complaints you have raised with us;</p> <p style="margin-left: 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; text-align: justify;">-&nbsp; &nbsp; notifying you about changes to our terms and conditions and privacy policy; or</p> <p style="margin-left: 36pt; text-indent: -18pt; text-align: justify;">-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;asking you to leave a review or take a survey.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, address, job title, company name, opinion and information about any concerns or issues you have raised.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Performance of a contract and our legitimate interest &ndash; to enable us to keep our records updated and to better understand our fans, guests and customers.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To enable you to partake in a prize draw, competition or complete a survey.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, job title, company name, phone number and address details.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Performance of a contract and legitimate interest &ndash; to enable us to understand our fans and customers better.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To allow you to attend the Site when visiting the Williams Experience Centre or any other area.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, phone number and address details.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to enable us to provide you with access.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To allow you to attend the Site when you have purchased a ticket to an event at the Williams Experience Centre</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, company/organisation, email address, phone number, postal address, date and time of visit and vehicle registration number.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest - to enable us to provide you with access.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To record that visitors have entered into confidentiality obligations.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, company/organisation, person you are visiting and date and time of visit.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Performance of a contract and legitimate interest - to enable us to provide you with access.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To process your request to access our visitor Wi-Fi facility</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, job title, device information, and company/organisation.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest - to enable us to provide you with access.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>For security and fraud prevention purposes</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, job title, company/organisation and any relevant identification documents.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest - to improve and ensure the safety of the Site.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To register you for behind the scenes access.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, password, date of birth and country of residence or your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Microsoft details.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to enable you to manage your profile.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To register you for the Williams VIP web application.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address, job title, company name and password.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to enable you to register for the Williams VIP web application.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>As part of our efforts to keep the Websites safe and secure.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your personal contact details and the technical information mentioned above.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to improve and ensure the safety of the Websites.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To compile reports (which do not personally identify you) about the use of the Websites.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to improve the Websites.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To ensure that content on the Websites is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to improve the Websites.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you and measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to understand our fans better, keep the Websites updated and relevant and to develop our business and to inform our marketing strategy.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To use data analytics to improve our website, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to understand our fans better, keep the Websites updated and relevant and to develop our business and to inform our marketing strategy.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To better understand our audience.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above, email address, address, date of birth, job titles and which organisation you are from.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Legitimate interest &ndash; to allow us to prepare statistical information to be used internally to better understand our fans, but also to be shared with our advertisers in non-personally identifying form to enable them to understand who their adverts are presented to and who they wish to target for advertising purposes.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To provide you with marketing communications, for example, newsletters, updates and notifications.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, postal address, phone number or email address.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Consent.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To provide you with marketing communications with information about our sponsors and partners and news and updates about their services, activities and products.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, postal address, phone number or email address</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Consent.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To make suggestions and recommendations to you about products, services or events that may be of interest to you.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, date of birth, email address, postal address, phone number or the technical information mentioned above.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Consent.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To provide you with marketing communications in respect of, which is operated by Innovation 1<sup>st</sup>.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Your name, email address or social media handle.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Consent.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1pt solid black; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-left: 1pt solid black; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>To provide personalised online content to you (via the Websites, social media platforms or our online partners).&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>The technical information mentioned above, your name and email address.</p> </td> <td style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid black; border-right: 1pt solid black; padding: 5.65pt;" valign="top"> <p>Consent.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Where we need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you.</p> <p>Where we have a legal basis to use your personal data without consent (as we have described above), this policy fulfils our duty to process personal data fairly and lawfully and in a manner that you would expect given the nature of our relationship with you, by giving you appropriate notice and explanation of the way in which your personal data will be used.</p> <p>Where consent is required for our use of your personal data, by ticking the appropriate consent box or otherwise communicating your consent, you consent to our use of that personal data for the purposes covered by the specific consent that you have given.&nbsp;For example, we will only process your personal data for marketing purposes if we have your consent to do so.</p> <p><strong><a name="Marketing"></a>MARKETING</strong></p> <p>As mentioned above, we would like to send and present you with information about Williams which may be of interest to you.</p> <p>We will provide your details to our partners, including the operator of the Williams webstore (currently Innovation 1st), only if you have consented to this (and only to the persons that are covered by your consent), but we will <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">not</span></strong> provide your personal data to any other businesses so they can use your personal data for marketing purposes.</p> <p>We will only send and present you with marketing communications if you would like us to. You will have the opportunity to clearly set out whether you wish to receive marketing communications from us by ticking the relevant boxes.</p> <p><strong><a name="DisclosureOfPersonalData"></a>DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA </strong></p> <p>We may share your personal data with selected third parties in accordance with this policy, including:</p> <ul> <li>with the operator of the Williams webstore (currently Innovation 1st)&nbsp;at the applicable Website and who would be contracting with you should you wish to purchase any products via the webstore, but only if you have consented to this.&nbsp;A link to their privacy policy can be found <strong><em><a href="" target="_blank"><strong><em>here</em></strong></a></em></strong>;</li> <li>with our partners, but only if you have consented to this and then only to those of our partners for whom you have given consent.&nbsp;A list to our current partners can be found<strong><em> <a href="/web/20211208044904/" target="_blank">here</a></em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong></li> <li>with Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft (if you use your account with them to sign up / in with us), if applicable;</li> <li>service providers (for example, IT services or CRM services), business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with you, but also when sending out marketing communications;</li> <li>professional advisers acting as processors or joint controllers including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services;</li> <li>any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006;</li> <li>analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of the Websites;</li> <li>government or other law enforcement agencies, in connection with the investigation of unlawful activities or for other legal reasons (this may include your location information); or</li> <li>a third party where all or substantially all of our assets are acquired by such third party, in which case personal data held by us, including your personal data, will be one of the transferred assets (however, we will let you know before this happens).</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><a name="WhereStorePersonalData"></a>WHERE WE STORE YOUR PERSONAL DATA</strong></p> <p>The personal data that we collect from you is not transferred to or stored at destinations outside the European Economic Area (<strong>EEA</strong>).</p> <p>If you would like to find out more about this or obtain a copy of the relevant standard contractual clauses, please contact us at The Legal Department, Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited, Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0DQ or by email at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong><a name="Security"></a>SECURITY </strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt; text-indent: 0cm;">All the information you provide us with is stored on servers that use technical and organisational measures that are designed to safeguard your personal data.</p> <p>Where you have chosen (or we have given you) access details and/or a password which enable you to access your Williams team profile, you are responsible for keeping these access details and password confidential.&nbsp;We ask you not to share your access details and password with anyone.</p> <p>We maintain (and ensure that anyone we share your personal data with maintains)<b> </b>appropriate technical and organisational measures that are designed to ensure that an appropriate level of security in respect of all personal data we process. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to the<b> </b>Websites and you acknowledge that any transmission is at your own risk.</p> <p><strong><a name="RetainingPersonalData"></a>RETAINING PERSONAL DATA </strong></p> <p>We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.</p> <p>In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case we may use such information without further notice to you.</p> <p>Even if you request that we erase your data, we may still need to keep it (please see below) or may keep it in a form that doesn&rsquo;t identify you. Unless you have an account on our website (to gain behind the scenes access) or you have agreed that we may use your personal data for marketing purposes (for example, to provide you with team updates and other marketing communications), we will only keep your personal data for six (6) years after you have made a purchase from us or via the Websites or have attended our Paddock Club experience (as applicable). Please note that where you make a purchase through a webpage which is operated by a third party (eg via or if you buy tickets for the Williams Experience Centre which are sold by The Ticket Factory or another third party), you should refer to their privacy policies for further information as to how your data is handled and how long it is kept.</p> <p><strong><a name="YourLegalRights"></a>YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS </strong></p> <p>You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Access.</strong>&nbsp;You have the right to access data we hold about you.&nbsp;This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.</li> <li><strong>Rectification or erasure</strong>. You have the right to request that we rectify or delete any personal data that we hold about you (unless we have the legal right to retain it). This right does not extend to non-personal data. Please note that your rights to request erasure may be limited by applicable law.</li> <li><strong>Restriction</strong>. You also have the right to restrict us from processing your personal data if the data is inaccurate, the processing is unlawful or we no longer need your personal data for the purposes for which we hold it.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Data portability. </strong>You have the right<strong> </strong>to obtain personal data we hold about you, in a structured, electronic format, and to transmit such data to another data controller if the legal basis for processing such personal data is consent.</li> <li><strong>Object /change of preferences</strong>. You have a right to request that we stop processing your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party). You have the right to object where we are processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. For example, if you have given your consent to receive team updates or other marketing communications, but have changed your mind, you have the ability to opt out from receiving such communications going forward by contacting us using the details provided below or by clicking the relevant link in any communications you receive.</li> <li><strong>Complaints.</strong> If for any reason you are not happy with the way that we have handled your personal data, please contact us. If you are still not happy, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner&rsquo;s Office.</li> </ul> <p>Please note that if you ask us to stop processing your personal data in certain ways or erase your personal data, and this type of processing of data is needed to facilitate your use of the Websites or the provision of products or services to you, you may not be able to use the Websites or receive products or services from us as you did before.&nbsp;This does not include your right to object to direct marketing, which can be exercised at any time without restrictions. Please allow at least ten working days for your request to be actioned.</p> <p>Please note that the rights mentioned above do not extend to <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">non-personal data</span></strong>.</p> <p>If you would like to exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please contact us at The Legal Department, Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited, Grove, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0DQ or by email at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong><a name="Cookies"></a>COOKIES</strong></p> <p>Our Websites use cookies and other similar technologies (as described below) to distinguish you from other users of our Websites. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Site, allows us to improve our Websites and provide you with tailored content and advertising.</p> <p>Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer if you agree.&nbsp;Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer&rsquo;s or mobile device&rsquo;s hard drive.</p> <p>We use the following cookies:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Strictly necessary cookies</strong>. These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Websites. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of the Websites, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.</li> <li><strong>Analytical/performance cookies</strong>. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Websites when they are using them. This helps us to improve the way the Websites work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.</li> <li><strong>Functionality cookies</strong>. These are used to recognise you when you return to the Websites. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).</li> <li><strong>Targeting cookies</strong>. These cookies record your visit to the Websites, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make the Websites and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.</li> </ul> <p>We use Google Analytics which is an analytical / performance cookie. The Websites use Google Analytics to help analyse how users use the Websites, collecting standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymised form from which no user is identifiable. We have also implemented Google Analytics features based on Display Advertising&nbsp;(<a href="">Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting</a>).</p> <p>This information is transmitted to Google and processed to compile statistical reports on activity on the Website and so be able to develop the Websites and the content around our users&rsquo; interests. These reports allow us to optimise our user experience. Google provide a browser add-on for users who wish to prevent their data from being used by Google Analytics.</p> <p>Click&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;for an overview of privacy at Google, and click&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;if you wish to opt out from the operation of Google Analytics.&nbsp; In addition, you can use the&nbsp;<a href="">Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on</a>&nbsp;to disable tracking by Google Analytics.</p> <p>You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the table below:</p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse;" width="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border: 1pt solid windowtext; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Cookie</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-left: none; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Expiration</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-left: none; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Purpose</strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-left: none; background: #d9d9d9; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><strong>Origin</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>_gid</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>24 hours</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>This is a Google cookie that is used to distinguish users.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>_gat_UA-37733489-1</p> <p>_gat_UA-37733489-4</p> <p>_gat_UA-37733489-6</p> <p>_gat_UA-37733489-7</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>1 minute</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>This is a Google cookie that is used to throttle request rate.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>_ga</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>2 years</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>This is a Google cookie that is used to distinguish users.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>10 years</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>This is a Sitecore Engagement Analytics Cookie which identifies repeat visits from a single user. This expires ten years after the last page requested by a user. It doesn&rsquo;t identify individuals using the website.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>heritage#lang</p> <p>esports#lang</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of Session</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Sitecore cookie to track a user&rsquo;s language selection.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>ASP.NET_SessionId</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of Session</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Used to identify the users session on our web server.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>.AspNet.ApplicationCookie</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of Session or when user explicity logs out.</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Authentication cookie for users who have logged into our identity site.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>__RequestVerificationToken</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of Session</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Anti-forgery token used to help prevent CSRF attacks.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span><br/> <span style="font-weight: lighter;"></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>ai_user</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>365 days</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Associated with Microsoft Application Insights, used to collect statistical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. Unique user identifier cookie enabling counting of the number of users accessing the application over time.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>ai_session</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>30 minutes</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Associated with Microsoft Application Insights, used to collect statistical usage and telemetry information for apps built on the Azure cloud platform. Unique anonymous session identifier cookie.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>CMSCookieLevel</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>365 days</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Specifies which cookies are allowed by the visitor.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>CMSLandingPageLoaded</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>20 minutes</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Indicates the landing page has already been visited and the landing page activity is not logged again for the current visitor. Expires after 20 minutes and the expiration period of the key is renewed every time the website is accessed again.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>CMSCsrfCookie</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of session</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Used to store a security token that the system uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Helps protect against Cross site request forgery.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>CurrentContact</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>50 years</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Used to store the GUID of the contact related to the current site visitor. Used to track activities on the website.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Campaign</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">50 years</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores the name of the campaign assigned to the visitor.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Source</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">50 years</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores the channel from which visitor arrived as part of a campaign (e.g. email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Based on the utm_source query string parameter.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Content</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">50 years</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores the specific content item through which the visitor arrived as part of a campaign. Based on the utm_content query string parameter.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">TrackedCampaigns</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">20 minutes</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores all the campaigns, which should be tracked within a JavaScript snippet.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">UrlReferrer</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">1 day</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores the URL referrer from which the user arrives on the website.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">CMSAB&lt;ABtestname&gt;</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">2 months</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Used to track conversions for the test and maintain consistent page content for the visitor.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">CMSMVT&lt;mvtestname&gt;</td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">1 month</td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top">Stores the combination of variants assigned to the visitor by a MVT test. Used to track conversions for the test and maintain consistent page content for the visitor.</td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>cc-level</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>365 days</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Used to track the level of cookie consent a user has given.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p><br/><br/></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>fr</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>3 months</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Facebook Analytics cookie. Contains a unique browser and user id.</p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>vimeo, __qca, __gads, continuous_play_v3, player, _abexps, vuid, is_logged_in, _ga, has_logged_in, _ceg.s, _ceg.u, __ssid, has_uploaded, _mibhv, sst_aid, sst_uid</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Dates are set in the cookies themselves and may vary in length, depending on the purpose of the cookie.</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>To display and deliver videos on our site, we make use of Vimeo, a video sharing website. The embedded Vimeo player, uses these cookies to check if certain features or preferences have been selected by the user. To find about more about how each cookie is used by see&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Vimeo&rsquo;s cookie list.</a>&nbsp;More information can be found on&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Vimeo&rsquo;s privacy policy.</a></p> </td> <td style="width: 77.65pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 192.4pt; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-left: 1pt solid windowtext; border-image: initial; border-top: none; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>ARRAffinity, ARRAffinitySameSite</p> </td> <td style="width: 66.45pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>End of Session</p> </td> <td style="width: 130.5pt; border-top: none; border-left: none; border-bottom: 1pt solid windowtext; border-right: 1pt solid windowtext; padding: 0cm 5.4pt;" valign="top"> <p>Set by websites run on the Windows Azure cloud platform. 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