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That\u2019s when visitors got a first look at Qing Bao and Bao Li. These are giant pandas. They arrived from China in October 2024. They went through quarantine. They had health checks. Then they were ready to delight the crowds. Visitors watch Qing Bao play. The pandas were ready for the public on January 24.KAYLA BARTKOWSKI\u2014GETTY IMAGES Brandie Smith is the zoo\u2019s director. \u201cBao Li and Qing Bao have already won the hearts of our staff,\u201d she said in January. The pandas are winning the public over, too. People visit them at the zoo. And they can watch the animals on the Giant Panda Cam. It\u2019s on the zoo\u2019s website. Meet the Bears Qing Bao and Bao Li are a loan from China. China first sent pandas to the U.S. in 1972. Those pandas also went to the National Zoo. The loan is seen as an act of friendship. Qing Bao eats bamboo in her enclosure at the National Zoo in January.ANNA MONEYMAKER\u2014GETTY IMAGES Qing Bao and Bao Li are 3 years old. Their personalities are different. Laurie Thompson works at the zoo. She told Washingtonian that Qing Bao is \u201ccautious.\u201d But Bao Li is \u201cfull of energy,\u201d Thompson says. \u201cJust kind of opposites.\u201d","current_level":"en-500","excerpt":"January 24 was an exciting day at the Smithsonian\u2019s National Zoo, in Washington, D.C. That\u2019s when visitors got a first look at Qing Bao and Bao Li. These are giant pandas. They arrived from China in October 2024. 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They arrived from China in October","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"January 24 was an exciting day at the Smithsonian\u2019s National Zoo, in Washington, D.C. That\u2019s when visitors got a first look at Qing Bao and Bao Li. These are giant pandas. They arrived from China in October 2024. They went through quarantine. They had health checks. Then they were ready to delight the crowds. Visitors watch Qing Bao play. The pandas were ready for the public on January 24.KAYLA BARTKOWSKI\u2014GETTY IMAGES Brandie Smith is the zoo\u2019s director. \u201cBao Li and Qing Bao have already won the hearts of our staff,\u201d she said in January. The pandas are winning the public over, too. People visit them at the zoo. And they can watch the animals on the Giant Panda Cam. It\u2019s on the zoo\u2019s website. Meet the Bears Qing Bao and Bao Li are a loan from China. China first sent pandas to the U.S. in 1972. Those pandas also went to the National Zoo. The loan is seen as an act of friendship. Qing Bao eats bamboo in her enclosure at the National Zoo in January.ANNA MONEYMAKER\u2014GETTY IMAGES Qing Bao and Bao Li are 3 years old. Their personalities are different. Laurie Thompson works at the zoo. She told Washingtonian that Qing Bao is \u201ccautious.\u201d But Bao Li is \u201cfull of energy,\u201d Thompson says. \u201cJust kind of opposites.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/two-at-the-zoo-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Two at the Zoo","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92667":{"authors":[{"id":36899,"name":"Solcyr\u00e9 Burga","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/solcyre-burga\/"}],"byline":"for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"The United States is having an\u00a0egg shortage. There aren\u2019t enough eggs to go around. The shortage is tied to bird flu. This is a disease that makes birds sick. Bird flu spreads quickly. It has affected millions of birds. These include chickens. Fewer chickens means fewer eggs. But people and businesses still want eggs. The demand for them is high. So they have become more expensive. Egg prices may increase by 20% this year. That number comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Businesses are making changes. Some grocery stores have new policies. They have set limits on how many eggs people can buy. Shoppers may be limited to one or two cartons at a time. This may change. But the shortage is ongoing.","current_level":"","excerpt":"The United States is having an\u00a0egg shortage. There aren\u2019t enough eggs to go around. The shortage is tied to bird flu. This is a disease that makes birds sick. \r Bird flu spreads quickly. It has affected millions of birds.\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/egg-scramble-g2\/","post_id":92667,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742374225,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G2_250328_egg_scramble.jpg?w=1024","title":"Egg Scramble","topic":{"id":883,"name":"Food and Nutrition","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/food-and-nutrition\/","slug":"food-and-nutrition"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92667","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The United States is having an\u00a0egg shortage. There aren\u2019t enough eggs to go around. The shortage is tied to bird flu. This is a disease that makes birds sick. Bird flu spreads quickly. It has affected millions of","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The United States is having an\u00a0egg shortage. There aren\u2019t enough eggs to go around. The shortage is tied to bird flu. This is a disease that makes birds sick. Bird flu spreads quickly. It has affected millions of birds. These include chickens. Fewer chickens means fewer eggs. But people and businesses still want eggs. The demand for them is high. So they have become more expensive. Egg prices may increase by 20% this year. That number comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Businesses are making changes. Some grocery stores have new policies. They have set limits on how many eggs people can buy. Shoppers may be limited to one or two cartons at a time. This may change. But the shortage is ongoing.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/egg-scramble-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Egg Scramble","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92669":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Monarch butterflies do a lot for us. They\u2019re pollinators. They help plants make seeds and fruits. In 2022, these butterflies became endangered. This was due to climate change. But there\u2019s good news: The eastern monarch butterfly population is growing. It has nearly doubled in 2025. This news comes from a new report from the World Wildlife Fund. It also comes from Mexico\u2019s National Commission of Protected Natural Areas. The groups found that the butterfly population is healthier than last year. But numbers are still lower than they should be. Monarchs need healthy plants and forests. People all over the continent are working to protect them.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Monarch butterflies do a lot for us. They\u2019re pollinators. They help plants make seeds and fruits. In 2022, these butterflies became endangered. This was due to climate change. But there\u2019s good news: The eastern monarch butterfly population is growing. It\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/butterflies-on-the-rise-g2\/","post_id":92669,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742373943,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G2_250328_butterflies_on_the_rise.jpg?w=1024","title":"Butterflies on the Rise","topic":{"id":878,"name":"Environment","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/environment\/","slug":"environment"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92669","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Monarch butterflies do a lot for us. They\u2019re pollinators. They help plants make seeds and fruits. In 2022, these butterflies became endangered. This was due to climate change. But there\u2019s good news: The eastern monarch butterfly population is","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Monarch butterflies do a lot for us. They\u2019re pollinators. They help plants make seeds and fruits. In 2022, these butterflies became endangered. This was due to climate change. But there\u2019s good news: The eastern monarch butterfly population is growing. It has nearly doubled in 2025. This news comes from a new report from the World Wildlife Fund. It also comes from Mexico\u2019s National Commission of Protected Natural Areas. The groups found that the butterfly population is healthier than last year. But numbers are still lower than they should be. Monarchs need healthy plants and forests. People all over the continent are working to protect them.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/butterflies-on-the-rise-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Butterflies on the Rise","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92673":{"authors":[{"id":38593,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-dylan-landaw\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Paddington is back in theaters. The polite bear started as a storybook character. In his third film, Paddington in Peru, he and the Brown family travel to see his Aunt Lucy. In Peru, they learn she\u2019s missing. They go into the jungle to find her. They face danger together. In the end, Paddington must decide where he truly belongs. For Paddington, home is the people he loves. Director Dougal Wilson agrees. \u201cHome doesn\u2019t necessarily have to be one place,\u201d he told TFK. \u201cHome can be wherever you find friends.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Paddington is back in theaters. The polite bear started as a storybook character. In his third film, Paddington in Peru, he and the Brown family travel to see his Aunt Lucy. In Peru, they learn she\u2019s missing. They go into\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/finding-home-g2\/","post_id":92673,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742373347,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G2_250328_finding_home.jpg?w=1024","title":"Finding Home","topic":{"id":889,"name":"Movies and Television","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/movies-and-television\/","slug":"movies-and-television"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92673","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Paddington is back in theaters. The polite bear started as a storybook character. In his third film, Paddington in Peru, he and the Brown family travel to see his Aunt Lucy. In Peru, they learn she\u2019s missing. They go","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Paddington is back in theaters. The polite bear started as a storybook character. In his third film, Paddington in Peru, he and the Brown family travel to see his Aunt Lucy. In Peru, they learn she\u2019s missing. They go into the jungle to find her. They face danger together. In the end, Paddington must decide where he truly belongs. For Paddington, home is the people he loves. Director Dougal Wilson agrees. \u201cHome doesn\u2019t necessarily have to be one place,\u201d he told TFK. \u201cHome can be wherever you find friends.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/finding-home-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Finding Home","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92675":{"authors":[{"id":38591,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Vivian Goldhirsh","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-vivian-goldhirsh\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Paul Fleischman is a Newbery Medal\u2013winning author. His latest book is The Class with Wings. It tells of a group of students who are tracking a bird migration. The tiny birds are called veeries. As a teacher describes the veeries\u2019 migration, her students imagine the birds\u2019 journey and relate to it. Tens of thousands of veeries migrate each year. \u201cMigrating birds have a hard life,\u201d Fleischman told TFK. The Class with Wings also includes resources for tracking and protecting birds. Fleischman hopes the book will inspire students to \u201cgo out and adventure.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Paul Fleischman is a Newbery Medal\u2013winning author. His latest book is The Class with Wings. It tells of a group of students who are tracking a bird migration. The tiny birds are called veeries. As a teacher describes the veeries\u2019\u2026","issue_date":1743120000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/little-birds-big-journey-g2\/","post_id":92675,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1742373017,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/03\/G2_250328_little_birds_big_journey.jpg?w=1024","title":"Little Birds, Big Journey","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92675","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Paul Fleischman is a Newbery Medal\u2013winning author. His latest book is The Class with Wings. It tells of a group of students who are tracking a bird migration. The tiny birds are called veeries. As a teacher describes the","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Paul Fleischman is a Newbery Medal\u2013winning author. His latest book is The Class with Wings. It tells of a group of students who are tracking a bird migration. The tiny birds are called veeries. As a teacher describes the veeries\u2019 migration, her students imagine the birds\u2019 journey and relate to it. Tens of thousands of veeries migrate each year. \u201cMigrating birds have a hard life,\u201d Fleischman told TFK. The Class with Wings also includes resources for tracking and protecting birds. Fleischman hopes the book will inspire students to \u201cgo out and adventure.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/little-birds-big-journey-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Little Birds, Big Journey","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92390":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"What animals live in your backyard? Squirrels? Birds? Deer? In India, elephants are a common sight. People have to share space with them. This inspired an art project. It\u2019s called The Great Elephant Migration. Its purpose is to remind us that we can live peacefully alongside wildlife. The project also supports Indian artists and habitats. Visitors take photos with the sculptures in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2024.COURTESY THE GREAT ELEPHANT MIGRATION Art on the Move Artists in India sculpt elephants for the project. The sculptures are taken all over the world. They\u2019re traveling across the United States right now. You might see them in a city near you. The Great Elephant Migration begins its U.S. tour in July 2024. First stop: Newport, Rhode Island.COREY FAVINO Fiona Humphrey helped start the project. She wants people to interact with the elephants. (Yes, you can touch them!) People can also purchase the artworks. Humphrey spoke with TIME for Kids. She said she hopes visitors will think, \u201cIf these elephants lived in my backyard, what would that look like?\u201d The elephants visit New York City in 2024. Visitors saw them on the streets of Manhattan.MARK WARNER Careful Crafting Tarsh Thekaekara is a scientist. He helped start the Real Elephant Collective. That\u2019s a group of 200 artists. They\u2019re in Southern India. They create the sculptures. The sculptures are modeled on actual elephants. The real ones live in Southern India.MARK WARNER The sculptures are as big as real elephants. Parts are made from a plant called lantana. The plant is a problem in India. It destroys wildlife habitats. The artists use the lantana in their sculptures. This helps \u201cagainst the spread of lantana,\u201d Thekaekara says. An artist with the Real Elephant Collective works on a baby elephant sculpture.COURTESY THE REAL ELEPHANT COLLECTIVE Most of us don\u2019t live among elephants. But we can all think about how we live with wildlife. If people in India live among \u201cthe world\u2019s largest land mammal,\u201d Thekaekara says, \u201csurely you can live with everything, right?\u201d","current_level":"en-520","excerpt":"What animals live in your backyard? Squirrels? Birds? Deer? In India, elephants are a common sight. People have to share space with them. This inspired an art project. It\u2019s called The Great Elephant Migration. Its purpose is to remind us\u2026","issue_date":1742515200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/one-big-herd-g2\/","post_id":92390,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741946400,"reading_levels":{"en-370":"Reading Level 370L","en-520":"Reading Level 520L","en-680":"Reading Level 680L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G3G5_250228_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"One Big Herd","topic":{"id":876,"name":"Animals","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/animals\/","slug":"animals"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92390","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"What animals live in your backyard? Squirrels? Birds? Deer? In India, elephants are a common sight. People have to share space with them. This inspired an art project. It\u2019s called The Great Elephant Migration. Its purpose is to remind","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"What animals live in your backyard? Squirrels? Birds? Deer? In India, elephants are a common sight. People have to share space with them. This inspired an art project. It\u2019s called The Great Elephant Migration. Its purpose is to remind us that we can live peacefully alongside wildlife. The project also supports Indian artists and habitats. Visitors take photos with the sculptures in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2024.COURTESY THE GREAT ELEPHANT MIGRATION Art on the Move Artists in India sculpt elephants for the project. The sculptures are taken all over the world. They\u2019re traveling across the United States right now. You might see them in a city near you. The Great Elephant Migration begins its U.S. tour in July 2024. First stop: Newport, Rhode Island.COREY FAVINO Fiona Humphrey helped start the project. She wants people to interact with the elephants. (Yes, you can touch them!) People can also purchase the artworks. Humphrey spoke with TIME for Kids. She said she hopes visitors will think, \u201cIf these elephants lived in my backyard, what would that look like?\u201d The elephants visit New York City in 2024. Visitors saw them on the streets of Manhattan.MARK WARNER Careful Crafting Tarsh Thekaekara is a scientist. He helped start the Real Elephant Collective. That\u2019s a group of 200 artists. They\u2019re in Southern India. They create the sculptures. The sculptures are modeled on actual elephants. The real ones live in Southern India.MARK WARNER The sculptures are as big as real elephants. Parts are made from a plant called lantana. The plant is a problem in India. It destroys wildlife habitats. The artists use the lantana in their sculptures. This helps \u201cagainst the spread of lantana,\u201d Thekaekara says. An artist with the Real Elephant Collective works on a baby elephant sculpture.COURTESY THE REAL ELEPHANT COLLECTIVE Most of us don\u2019t live among elephants. But we can all think about how we live with wildlife. If people in India live among \u201cthe world\u2019s largest land mammal,\u201d Thekaekara says, \u201csurely you can live with everything, right?\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/one-big-herd-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"One Big Herd","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92396":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Indian elephants aren\u2019t like other elephants. They\u2019re smaller, for one thing. But the animals that inspired The Great Elephant Migration are different in another way, too. They live alongside people. Indian elephants like to live in a specific kind of place. They prefer forests and grasslands. These areas have lots of food and water. But such places are becoming harder to find. People have been cutting down trees. Elephants\u2019 habitats are used for farming and building. So the elephants have to find somewhere else to live. With fewer places to go, elephants have started making their way into human villages. In some parts of Southern India, elephants and people are neighbors. A sign warns drivers to slow down. Wild elephants live nearby. Drivers may come across them in the roadway.MANJUNATH KIRAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES People are still figuring out how to live with their new neighbors. There are problems. Elephants are messy eaters. Sometimes, they eat people\u2019s crops. This makes life harder for farmers. And people have to be extra careful. They have to watch out for elephants crossing the road, as in the photo above. Many people are trying to keep the elephants safe. They\u2019re working to protect elephant habitats. And they\u2019re helping humans and elephants be good neighbors.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Indian elephants aren\u2019t like other elephants. They\u2019re smaller, for one thing. But the animals that inspired The Great Elephant Migration are different in another way, too. They live alongside people. \r Indian elephants like to live in a specific kind\u2026","issue_date":1741305600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/hi-neighbor-g2\/","post_id":92396,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741942823,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250321_herd_of_elephants.jpg?w=1024","title":"Hi, Neighbor!","topic":{"id":876,"name":"Animals","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/animals\/","slug":"animals"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92396","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Indian elephants aren\u2019t like other elephants. They\u2019re smaller, for one thing. But the animals that inspired The Great Elephant Migration are different in another way, too. They live alongside people. Indian elephants like to live in a specific","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Indian elephants aren\u2019t like other elephants. They\u2019re smaller, for one thing. But the animals that inspired The Great Elephant Migration are different in another way, too. They live alongside people. Indian elephants like to live in a specific kind of place. They prefer forests and grasslands. These areas have lots of food and water. But such places are becoming harder to find. People have been cutting down trees. Elephants\u2019 habitats are used for farming and building. So the elephants have to find somewhere else to live. With fewer places to go, elephants have started making their way into human villages. In some parts of Southern India, elephants and people are neighbors. A sign warns drivers to slow down. Wild elephants live nearby. Drivers may come across them in the roadway.MANJUNATH KIRAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES People are still figuring out how to live with their new neighbors. There are problems. Elephants are messy eaters. Sometimes, they eat people\u2019s crops. This makes life harder for farmers. And people have to be extra careful. They have to watch out for elephants crossing the road, as in the photo above. Many people are trying to keep the elephants safe. They\u2019re working to protect elephant habitats. And they\u2019re helping humans and elephants be good neighbors.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/hi-neighbor-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Hi, Neighbor!","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91849":{"authors":[{"id":38590,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-milo-bhushan\/"}],"byline":"","content":"In October 2023, a patient arrived at the South Carolina Aquarium. It was taken to the Sea Turtle Care Center. The turtle was given the name Ricotta. It was tangled in fishing line. And it had swallowed some. Two surgeries were needed to remove the line. Ricotta is prepped for surgery to remove fishing line from its intestines.SOUTH CAROLINA AQUARIUM UNDER SCDNR MTP 2024-0004 Grace Buschiazzo is a sea turtle biologist. She works at the care center. Ricotta was a memorable patient, she says. But Ricotta\u2019s story is not unusual. Many turtles have come to the center tangled in fishing line. Buschiazzo and her team care for turtles who are entangled. They help others that have been hit by a boat or bitten. Buschiazzo loves \u201cgetting to see the whole process,\u201d she says. \u201cFrom rescue and rehab to release.\u201d TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan visits the South Carolina Aquarium to talk with Buschiazzo.COURTESY KACIE BHUSHAN Finding Her Way Buschiazzo was interested in marine biology as a kid. Then at 15, she went to Panama. She volunteered to help protect sea turtle eggs. That\u2019s when she fell in love with the animals. Buschiazzo got her degree in marine science. She continued to volunteer with turtles. In March 2023, she started working at the South Carolina Aquarium. In its 24 years, the Sea Turtle Care Center has released 430 turtles back to the wild.GEORGETTE DOUWMA\u2014GETTY IMAGES A Day in the Life At the Sea Turtle Care Center, Buschiazzo works with veterinarians. She helps with surgeries. She prepares meals for the turtles. She does whatever is necessary to help the turtles recover. Buschiazzo and a team member take a close look at a juvenile Kemp\u2019s ridley sea turtle.SOUTH CAROLINA AQUARIUM UNDER SCDNR MTP 2024-0004 When they do, they\u2019re released back into the sea. Since 2000, the Sea Turtle Care Center has released more than 400 turtles. This year, Ricotta joined that list. \u201cI was there,\u201d Buschiazzo says. \u201cI got to watch it, and it was fantastic.\u201d","current_level":"en-520","excerpt":"In October 2023, a patient arrived at the South Carolina Aquarium. It was taken to the Sea Turtle Care Center. The turtle was given the name Ricotta. It was tangled in fishing line. And it had swallowed some. Two surgeries\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/saving-turtles-g2\/","post_id":91849,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741341633,"reading_levels":{"en-340":"Reading Level 340L","en-520":"Reading Level 520L","en-670":"Reading Level 670L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G3G5_241018_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Saving Turtles","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"91849","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"In October 2023, a patient arrived at the South Carolina Aquarium. It was taken to the Sea Turtle Care Center. The turtle was given the name Ricotta. It was tangled in fishing line. And it had swallowed some. Two surgeries","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"In October 2023, a patient arrived at the South Carolina Aquarium. It was taken to the Sea Turtle Care Center. The turtle was given the name Ricotta. It was tangled in fishing line. And it had swallowed some. Two surgeries were needed to remove the line. Ricotta is prepped for surgery to remove fishing line from its intestines.SOUTH CAROLINA AQUARIUM UNDER SCDNR MTP 2024-0004 Grace Buschiazzo is a sea turtle biologist. She works at the care center. Ricotta was a memorable patient, she says. But Ricotta\u2019s story is not unusual. Many turtles have come to the center tangled in fishing line. Buschiazzo and her team care for turtles who are entangled. They help others that have been hit by a boat or bitten. Buschiazzo loves \u201cgetting to see the whole process,\u201d she says. \u201cFrom rescue and rehab to release.\u201d TFK Kid Reporter Milo Bhushan visits the South Carolina Aquarium to talk with Buschiazzo.COURTESY KACIE BHUSHAN Finding Her Way Buschiazzo was interested in marine biology as a kid. Then at 15, she went to Panama. She volunteered to help protect sea turtle eggs. That\u2019s when she fell in love with the animals. Buschiazzo got her degree in marine science. She continued to volunteer with turtles. In March 2023, she started working at the South Carolina Aquarium. In its 24 years, the Sea Turtle Care Center has released 430 turtles back to the wild.GEORGETTE DOUWMA\u2014GETTY IMAGES A Day in the Life At the Sea Turtle Care Center, Buschiazzo works with veterinarians. She helps with surgeries. She prepares meals for the turtles. She does whatever is necessary to help the turtles recover. Buschiazzo and a team member take a close look at a juvenile Kemp\u2019s ridley sea turtle.SOUTH CAROLINA AQUARIUM UNDER SCDNR MTP 2024-0004 When they do, they\u2019re released back into the sea. Since 2000, the Sea Turtle Care Center has released more than 400 turtles. This year, Ricotta joined that list. \u201cI was there,\u201d Buschiazzo says. \u201cI got to watch it, and it was fantastic.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/saving-turtles-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Saving Turtles","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91810":{"authors":[],"byline":"Matthew Cona","content":"Mike LaSala was a police officer in Nassau County, New York. Until he retired in 2020, he worked as a K-9 handler. That\u2019s a police officer who is trained to use working dogs as partners. Twelve-year-old Matthew Cona dreams of being a K-9 handler. He spoke with LaSala about the job. Matthew Cona meets Zada, a Belgian Malinois. This is a common breed of police dog.COURTESY JAMIE CONA What were the hardest parts of being a K-9 handler? To become a K-9 handler, you need three certifications. It is an extra 540 hours of training. That\u2019s after your initial police force training. How did becoming a K-9 handler change your work as a police officer? It actually made me busier. You\u2019re called in anytime someone needs something done. Dogs are certified in tracking human scent. They can track a person, find evidence, and do building searches. What advice would you give kids who would like to be K-9 handlers? Being a good handler is like being a good parent. You have to be dedicated and consistent. You have to think of the dog first. It\u2019s all about their trust in you. Piper is a police dog. She helped officers track a suspect who was in hiding.MEDIANEWS GROUP\/LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS\/GETTY IMAGES","current_level":"","excerpt":"Mike LaSala was a police officer in Nassau County, New York. Until he retired in 2020, he worked as a K-9 handler. That\u2019s a police officer who is trained to use working dogs as partners. Twelve-year-old Matthew Cona dreams of\u2026","issue_date":1741910400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/officers-best-friend-g2\/","post_id":91810,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1741338059,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/01\/G2_250314_Mike_and_Maverick.jpg?w=1024","title":"Officer\u2019s Best Friend","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"91810","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Mike LaSala was a police officer in Nassau County, New York. Until he retired in 2020, he worked as a K-9 handler. That\u2019s a police officer who is trained to use working dogs as partners. Twelve-year-old","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Mike LaSala was a police officer in Nassau County, New York. Until he retired in 2020, he worked as a K-9 handler. That\u2019s a police officer who is trained to use working dogs as partners. Twelve-year-old Matthew Cona dreams of being a K-9 handler. He spoke with LaSala about the job. Matthew Cona meets Zada, a Belgian Malinois. This is a common breed of police dog.COURTESY JAMIE CONA What were the hardest parts of being a K-9 handler? To become a K-9 handler, you need three certifications. It is an extra 540 hours of training. That\u2019s after your initial police force training. How did becoming a K-9 handler change your work as a police officer? It actually made me busier. You\u2019re called in anytime someone needs something done. Dogs are certified in tracking human scent. They can track a person, find evidence, and do building searches. What advice would you give kids who would like to be K-9 handlers? Being a good handler is like being a good parent. You have to be dedicated and consistent. You have to think of the dog first. It\u2019s all about their trust in you. Piper is a police dog. She helped officers track a suspect who was in hiding.MEDIANEWS GROUP\/LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS\/GETTY IMAGES","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/officers-best-friend-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Officer\u2019s Best Friend","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92357":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"The bald eagle is a symbol of strength. These raptors are large. Their wingspan can be eight feet. But not so long ago, their population was weak. Today, the birds are a success story for conservation. Four bald eagles perch in Alaska. About 30,000 bald eagles live there. The birds are a common sight.MICHAEL BARRETT\u2014GETTY IMAGES Saving Bald Eagles In the 1970s, eagles were in trouble. A chemical called DDT was being used across the country. It was meant to kill pests. But it also harmed other animals and people. DDT weakened the shells of eagle eggs. Because of this, fewer eaglets were hatched. DDT was made illegal in 1972. By then, the eagle population was very low. A bald eagle nests with its two eaglets. Mothers usually lay one to three eggs a year.MARK NEWMAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES People across the country worked to protect the birds. Conservationists brought in healthy eagles from other places, such as Canada. And they made sure eagle eggs had a safe place to hatch. Now, eagles are no longer endangered in the U.S. Their numbers are growing in many states. But the birds still face dangers. They are hit by cars. They get tangled in fishing line. And they become sick with bird flu. The illness is affecting animals all over the country. This eagle, Freedom, lives in a zoo in New Jersey. In January, the state took eagles off of its endangered list.SETH WENIG\u2014AP PHOTO Doing Our Part Matthew Palumbo is a wildlife biologist. He wants everyone to care about eagles. He says we can all do our part. Palumbo told TIME for Kids that people should clean up their trash. This helps maintain \u201cclean water, clean air, and clean soil.\u201d A bald eagle comes in for a landing in Canada. More than half of the world\u2019s eagles live in Canada.VIKTOR DAVARE\u2014GETTY IMAGES If you\u2019re lucky, you might see an eagle in the wild. But be sure to watch it from far away. \u201cOne way to help protect them is to give them plenty of space,\u201d Palumbo says.","current_level":"en-520","excerpt":"The bald eagle is a symbol of strength. These raptors are large. Their wingspan can be eight feet. But not so long ago, their population was weak. Today, the birds are a success story for conservation. Saving Bald Eagles\r In\u2026","issue_date":1741305600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/eagles-soar-g2\/","post_id":92357,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1740736804,"reading_levels":{"en-350":"Reading Level 350L","en-520":"Reading Level 520L","en-680":"Reading Level 680L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250307_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Eagles Soar","topic":{"id":876,"name":"Animals","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/animals\/","slug":"animals"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92357","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The bald eagle is a symbol of strength. These raptors are large. Their wingspan can be eight feet. But not so long ago, their population was weak. Today, the birds are a success story for conservation. Four bald eagles perch","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The bald eagle is a symbol of strength. These raptors are large. Their wingspan can be eight feet. But not so long ago, their population was weak. Today, the birds are a success story for conservation. Four bald eagles perch in Alaska. About 30,000 bald eagles live there. The birds are a common sight.MICHAEL BARRETT\u2014GETTY IMAGES Saving Bald Eagles In the 1970s, eagles were in trouble. A chemical called DDT was being used across the country. It was meant to kill pests. But it also harmed other animals and people. DDT weakened the shells of eagle eggs. Because of this, fewer eaglets were hatched. DDT was made illegal in 1972. By then, the eagle population was very low. A bald eagle nests with its two eaglets. Mothers usually lay one to three eggs a year.MARK NEWMAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES People across the country worked to protect the birds. Conservationists brought in healthy eagles from other places, such as Canada. And they made sure eagle eggs had a safe place to hatch. Now, eagles are no longer endangered in the U.S. Their numbers are growing in many states. But the birds still face dangers. They are hit by cars. They get tangled in fishing line. And they become sick with bird flu. The illness is affecting animals all over the country. This eagle, Freedom, lives in a zoo in New Jersey. In January, the state took eagles off of its endangered list.SETH WENIG\u2014AP PHOTO Doing Our Part Matthew Palumbo is a wildlife biologist. He wants everyone to care about eagles. He says we can all do our part. Palumbo told TIME for Kids that people should clean up their trash. This helps maintain \u201cclean water, clean air, and clean soil.\u201d A bald eagle comes in for a landing in Canada. More than half of the world\u2019s eagles live in Canada.VIKTOR DAVARE\u2014GETTY IMAGES If you\u2019re lucky, you might see an eagle in the wild. But be sure to watch it from far away. \u201cOne way to help protect them is to give them plenty of space,\u201d Palumbo says.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/eagles-soar-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Eagles Soar","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92363":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"The Environmental Protection Agency lists animals that are endangered. These species are protected. Learn about four species whose populations have recovered. Least terns (above) are in the same family as seagulls. They live in the central U.S. The birds were endangered for 36 years. They were delisted in February 2021. The gray wolf population has rebounded in some areas. The animals were delisted in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. That was in 2017. KATHLEEN REEDER WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY\/GETTY IMAGES Humpback whales are found in oceans all over the world. Some populations are making a comeback. In 2016, 14 populations were delisted. WILDESTANIMAL\/GETTY IMAGES Lesser long-nosed bats are only three inches tall. The species can be found in Arizona and New Mexico. These bats were delisted in 2018.","current_level":"","excerpt":"The Environmental Protection Agency lists animals that are endangered. These species are protected. Learn about four species whose populations have recovered.\r Least terns (above) are in the same family as seagulls. They live in the central U.S. The birds were\u2026","issue_date":1741305600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/growing-species-g2\/","post_id":92363,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1740733239,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250307_least_terns.jpg?w=1024","title":"Growing Species","topic":{"id":876,"name":"Animals","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/animals\/","slug":"animals"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92363","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The Environmental Protection Agency lists animals that are endangered. These species are protected. Learn about four species whose populations have recovered. Least terns (above) are in the same family as seagulls. They live in the central U.S. The birds","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The Environmental Protection Agency lists animals that are endangered. These species are protected. Learn about four species whose populations have recovered. Least terns (above) are in the same family as seagulls. They live in the central U.S. The birds were endangered for 36 years. They were delisted in February 2021. The gray wolf population has rebounded in some areas. The animals were delisted in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. That was in 2017. KATHLEEN REEDER WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY\/GETTY IMAGES Humpback whales are found in oceans all over the world. Some populations are making a comeback. In 2016, 14 populations were delisted. WILDESTANIMAL\/GETTY IMAGES Lesser long-nosed bats are only three inches tall. The species can be found in Arizona and New Mexico. These bats were delisted in 2018.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/growing-species-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Growing Species","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92402":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website. TFK editors will choose up to 10 talented students to be TFK Kid Reporters for the 2025\u20132026 school year. Joining our crew is \u201ca once-in-a-lifetime chance,\u201d TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain says. \u201cIt helps aspiring reporters improve their editing, writing, and interviewing skills.\u201d To apply online or by mail, ask a parent, guardian, or teacher to view details at\/kid-reporter.","current_level":"","excerpt":"We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website.\u2026","issue_date":1740700800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/k1\/are-you-ready-to-report\/","post_id":92402,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1740387617,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":2988,"name":"Community","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/community\/","slug":"community"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/KRContest_2025.jpg?w=1024","title":"Are You Ready to Report?","topic":{"id":891,"name":"Young Game Changers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/young-game-changers\/","slug":"young-game-changers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6","k1"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"},{"id":5,"name":"K-1","permalink":"\/k1\/","slug":"k1"}],"objectID":"92402","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website. TFK editors will choose up to 10 talented students to be TFK Kid Reporters for the 2025\u20132026 school year. Joining our crew is \u201ca once-in-a-lifetime chance,\u201d TFK Kid Reporter Safiyyah Hussain says. \u201cIt helps aspiring reporters improve their editing, writing, and interviewing skills.\u201d To apply online or by mail, ask a parent, guardian, or teacher to view details at\/kid-reporter.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/k1\/are-you-ready-to-report\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Are You Ready to Report?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"k1","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92125":{"authors":[{"id":1874,"name":"Jaime Joyce","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/jaime-joyce\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. This is Trump\u2019s second term. He also served as president from 2017 to 2021. The inauguration took place in Washington, D.C. It was scheduled to happen outside. But the weather was very cold. So it was held inside the U.S. Capitol building. Trump was sworn in just after noon. He said the oath of office with his wife, Melania, by his side. J.D. Vance was sworn in as vice president. J.D. Vance is also sworn in on January 20, as the country\u2019s new vice president.SAUL LOEB\u2014AFP\/POOL Trump promised to \u201cdefend the Constitution of the United States\u201d in his oath. Then he gave a speech. \u201cIf we work together,\u201d Trump said, \u201cthere is nothing we cannot do.\u201d After the Ceremony Later, Trump and Vance attended a parade. Firefighters, police officers, and musicians took part. Then Trump signed executive orders. These say how he wants the country to be run. At night, Trump went to inaugural balls. There was music. People danced. Trump pledged to make \u201cbig progress\u201d to better the country.","current_level":"en-490","excerpt":"On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. This is Trump\u2019s second term. He also served as president from 2017 to 2021. \r The inauguration took place in Washington, D.C. It was\u2026","issue_date":1739491200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/sworn-in-g2\/","post_id":92125,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1738760920,"reading_levels":{"en-350":"Reading Level 350L","en-490":"Reading Level 490L","en-620":"Reading Level 620L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250214_trump.jpg?w=1024","title":"Sworn In","topic":{"id":869,"name":"Government","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/government\/","slug":"government"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92125","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. This is Trump\u2019s second term. He also served as president from 2017 to 2021. The inauguration took place in Washington, D.C. It","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. This is Trump\u2019s second term. He also served as president from 2017 to 2021. The inauguration took place in Washington, D.C. It was scheduled to happen outside. But the weather was very cold. So it was held inside the U.S. Capitol building. Trump was sworn in just after noon. He said the oath of office with his wife, Melania, by his side. J.D. Vance was sworn in as vice president. J.D. Vance is also sworn in on January 20, as the country\u2019s new vice president.SAUL LOEB\u2014AFP\/POOL Trump promised to \u201cdefend the Constitution of the United States\u201d in his oath. Then he gave a speech. \u201cIf we work together,\u201d Trump said, \u201cthere is nothing we cannot do.\u201d After the Ceremony Later, Trump and Vance attended a parade. Firefighters, police officers, and musicians took part. Then Trump signed executive orders. These say how he wants the country to be run. At night, Trump went to inaugural balls. There was music. People danced. Trump pledged to make \u201cbig progress\u201d to better the country.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/sworn-in-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Sworn In","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92150":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"A \u201cdinosaur highway\u201d has been discovered in Oxfordshire, England. This is what experts are calling a set of dinosaur tracks that have been uncovered. The find was announced in January. There are more than 200 prints. They date back 166 million years. Worker Gary Johnson found the tracks in June 2023. It was an accident. He noticed strange bumps in the ground. A team investigated the bumps. They turned out to be dinosaur tracks. The team took pictures and made molds of the prints. Concrete molds are made of the footprints.EMMA NICHOLS\u2014OUMNH\/AP The prints are very detailed, Duncan Murdock said. He\u2019s an Earth scientist. They show \u201chow the mud was deformed\u201d as the dinosaurs walked, he says. They could tell scientists how big the dinos were, and how they moved.","current_level":"","excerpt":"A \u201cdinosaur highway\u201d has been discovered in Oxfordshire, England. This is what experts are calling a set of dinosaur tracks that have been uncovered. The find was announced in January. There are more than 200 prints. They date back 166\u2026","issue_date":1739491200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/stomping-grounds-g2\/","post_id":92150,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1738760849,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250214_highway.jpg?w=1024","title":"Stomping Grounds","topic":{"id":16891,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/science\/","slug":"science"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92150","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"A \u201cdinosaur highway\u201d has been discovered in Oxfordshire, England. This is what experts are calling a set of dinosaur tracks that have been uncovered. The find was announced in January. There are more than 200 prints. They date back 166","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"A \u201cdinosaur highway\u201d has been discovered in Oxfordshire, England. This is what experts are calling a set of dinosaur tracks that have been uncovered. The find was announced in January. There are more than 200 prints. They date back 166 million years. Worker Gary Johnson found the tracks in June 2023. It was an accident. He noticed strange bumps in the ground. A team investigated the bumps. They turned out to be dinosaur tracks. The team took pictures and made molds of the prints. Concrete molds are made of the footprints.EMMA NICHOLS\u2014OUMNH\/AP The prints are very detailed, Duncan Murdock said. He\u2019s an Earth scientist. They show \u201chow the mud was deformed\u201d as the dinosaurs walked, he says. They could tell scientists how big the dinos were, and how they moved.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/stomping-grounds-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Stomping Grounds","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"92148":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wowed crowds in January. The showcase takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year. It\u2019s one of the world\u2019s biggest technology events. Companies present their newest tech products. They share innovative ideas. These ideas give people a peek into the future. Flying cars? Automatic construction sites? These inventions could one day be part of everyday life. Artificial intelligence, or AI, stole the show. \u201cAI was everywhere\u201d at CES, writes Arthur Gies. He works for the New York Times. Companies showed off AI-powered lawn mowers, robots, vacuums, and more.","current_level":"","excerpt":"The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wowed crowds in January. The showcase takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year. It\u2019s one of the world\u2019s biggest technology events. Companies present their newest tech products. They share innovative ideas. These ideas give\u2026","issue_date":1739491200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/cool-tech-on-display-g2\/","post_id":92148,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1738760721,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2025\/02\/G2_250214_cool_tech_on_display_f56826.jpg?w=1024","title":"Cool Tech on Display","topic":{"id":880,"name":"Inventions","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/inventions\/","slug":"inventions"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"92148","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wowed crowds in January. The showcase takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year. It\u2019s one of the world\u2019s biggest technology events. Companies present their newest tech products. They share innovative ideas. These","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wowed crowds in January. The showcase takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year. It\u2019s one of the world\u2019s biggest technology events. Companies present their newest tech products. They share innovative ideas. These ideas give people a peek into the future. Flying cars? Automatic construction sites? These inventions could one day be part of everyday life. Artificial intelligence, or AI, stole the show. \u201cAI was everywhere\u201d at CES, writes Arthur Gies. He works for the New York Times. Companies showed off AI-powered lawn mowers, robots, vacuums, and more.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/cool-tech-on-display-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Cool Tech on Display","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}}},"nbHits":928,"page":0,"nbPages":47,"hitsPerPage":20,"exhaustiveNbHits":true,"exhaustiveTypo":true,"exhaustive":{"nbHits":true,"typo":true},"query":"","params":"exactOnSingleWordQuery=word&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22editions%3Ag2%22%5D%2C%5B%22post_type%3Atfk_article%22%5D%2C%22subscribers_only%3A-true%22%2C%22family_only%3A-true%22%2C%22teacher_only%3A-true%22%5D&page=0","renderingContent":[],"processingTimeMS":2,"processingTimingsMS":{"_request":{"roundTrip":1},"afterFetch":{"format":{"highlighting":3,"snippeting":5,"total":10}},"getIdx":{"load":{"total":1},"total":1},"total":2},"serverTimeMS":13}}; </script> </head> <body class="archive 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tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Two at the Zoo</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 19, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >January 24 was an exciting day at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, in Washington, D.C. That’s when visitors got a first look at Qing Bao and Bao Li. These are giant pandas. They arrived from China in October 2024. They went…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Egg Scramble</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 19, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The United States is having an egg shortage. There aren’t enough eggs to go around. The shortage is tied to bird flu. This is a disease that makes birds sick. Bird flu spreads quickly. It has affected millions of birds.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Animals</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Butterflies on the Rise</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 19, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Monarch butterflies do a lot for us. They’re pollinators. They help plants make seeds and fruits. In 2022, these butterflies became endangered. This was due to climate change. But there’s good news: The eastern monarch butterfly population is growing. It…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Entertainment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Little Birds, Big Journey</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 19, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Paul Fleischman is a Newbery Medal–winning author. His latest book is The Class with Wings. It tells of a group of students who are tracking a bird migration. The tiny birds are called veeries. As a teacher describes the veeries’…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >One Big Herd</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 14, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >What animals live in your backyard? Squirrels? Birds? Deer? In India, elephants are a common sight. People have to share space with them. This inspired an art project. It’s called The Great Elephant Migration. Its purpose is to remind us…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Hi, Neighbor!</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 14, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Indian elephants aren’t like other elephants. They’re smaller, for one thing. But the animals that inspired The Great Elephant Migration are different in another way, too. They live alongside people. Indian elephants like to live in a specific kind…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Animals</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Saving Turtles</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 7, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >In October 2023, a patient arrived at the South Carolina Aquarium. It was taken to the Sea Turtle Care Center. The turtle was given the name Ricotta. It was tangled in fishing line. And it had swallowed some. Two surgeries…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Animals</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Officer’s Best Friend</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> March 7, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Mike LaSala was a police officer in Nassau County, New York. Until he retired in 2020, he worked as a K-9 handler. That’s a police officer who is trained to use working dogs as partners. Twelve-year-old Matthew Cona dreams of…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Eagles Soar</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 28, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The bald eagle is a symbol of strength. These raptors are large. Their wingspan can be eight feet. But not so long ago, their population was weak. Today, the birds are a success story for conservation. Saving Bald Eagles In…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Entertainment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Growing Species</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 28, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The Environmental Protection Agency lists animals that are endangered. These species are protected. Learn about four species whose populations have recovered. Least terns (above) are in the same family as seagulls. They live in the central U.S. The birds were…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Community</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Are You Ready to Report?</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 24, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >We have a big announcement to make! The TFK Kid Reporter Contest is back. Do you have what it takes to write and report for TIME for Kids? Apply now for a chance to contribute to our magazines and website.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Sworn In</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 5, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. This is Trump’s second term. He also served as president from 2017 to 2021. The inauguration took place in Washington, D.C. It was…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Stomping Grounds</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 5, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >A “dinosaur highway” has been discovered in Oxfordshire, England. This is what experts are calling a set of dinosaur tracks that have been uncovered. The find was announced in January. There are more than 200 prints. They date back 166…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Technology</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Cool Tech on Display</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> February 5, 2025 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) wowed crowds in January. The showcase takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, each year. It’s one of the world’s biggest technology events. Companies present their newest tech products. They share innovative ideas. These ideas give…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">1</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">2</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">3</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">4</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">5</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">&hellip;</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">47</a> <a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next</a></div> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- d6e5c47a495f6107cc2ee19d4ddc3a26e11967050d1e84a2df59300955eb6468|1740496611 --><footer class="c-footer dont-print"> <div class="site-container"> <div class="standard-container"> <nav> <ul class="c-footer__menu-items"> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/contact-us/">Contact us</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy policy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/#_Toc54003735">California privacy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/terms-of-service/">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">Subscribe</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">CLASSROOM INTERNATIONAL</a></li> </ul> </nav> <img src="" class="c-footer__logo" alt="TIME for Kids." /> <div class="horizontal-rule"></div> <div class="c-footer__legal"> <small>&copy; 2025 TIME USA, LLC. 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