Dominant Factors Influencing the Existence and Distribution of Alluvial Fans in Japan
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(1977): Comparative study of the fluvial plain based on the geomorphological land classification. Geogr. Rev. Japan, 50, 1-31." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="斉藤享治 (1978): 岩手県胆沢川流域における段丘形成. 地理評, 51, 852-863." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="斉藤享治 (1982): 集水域の地形・地質条件による扇状地の分類. 地理評, 55, 334-349." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="斉藤享治 (1983): 扇状地の形態・構造の統計分析による岩屑供給量と河床変化の時代変遷. 地理評, 56, 61-80." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Schumm, S. A. (1956): The evolution of drainage systems and slopes in badland at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 67, 597-646." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="田山利三郎・土田定次郎 (1939): 北上山地の地形学的研究, 其の1, 河岸段丘.斉藤報恩会学術報告, No. 22, 1-84." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="戸谷洋・町田洋・内藤博夫・堀信行 (1971): 日本における扇状地の分布. 矢沢大二・戸谷洋・貝塚爽平編; 扇状地. 古今書院, 97-120." /> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Yoshikawa, T. (1974): Denudation and tectonic movement in contemporary Japan. Bull. Dept. Geogr. Univ. Tokyo, No. 6, 1-14." /> <meta name="dc.identifier" content="10.5190/tga1948.36.1" /> <meta name="journal_code" content="tga1948" /> <meta name="journal_title" content="Annals of the Tohoku Geographical Association" /> <meta name="journal_abbrev" content="Annals of The Tohoku Geographycal Asocciation" /> <meta name="publisher" content="THE TOHOKU GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION" /> <meta name="authors" content="Kyoji SAITO" /> <meta name="title" content="Dominant Factors Influencing the Existence and Distribution of Alluvial Fans in Japan" /> <meta name="publication_date" content="1984/03/25" /> <meta name="online_date" content="2010/04/30" /> <meta name="volume" content="36" /> <meta name="issue" content="1" /> <meta name="firstpage" content="1" /> <meta name="lastpage" content="12" /> <meta name="doi" content="10.5190/tga1948.36.1" /> <meta name="fulltext_world_readable" content="" /> <meta name="pdf_url" content="" /> <meta name="print_issn" content="0387-2777" /> <meta name="online_issn" content="1884-1244" /> <meta name="issn_l" content="0387-2777" /> <meta name="language" content="en" /> <meta name="abstract" content="The two to nine categories of eleven factors leading to the existence and distribution of alluvial fans are listed in large drainage basins of areas over 200km2 (Table 1). Discriminant function analysis shows that favourable categories for a fan formation are the relief ratio greater than 39.8‰, Quaternary vertical displacement over 1, 000m, alluvial plain, basin, the Coast of the Sea of Japan, the Pacific side of Japan, and so on (Fig. 3). The ratio of each factor to form a fan is drawn in each drainage basin in Figs. 4 and 5. The high frequencies of the dominant factors, such as the sedimentary environment, climatic condition, relief ratio, and vertical displacement, explain the distribution of fans to a considerable degree (Fig. 7). The factor of the sedimentary environment is also remarkably dependent on the factors, such as the relief ratio, geology of the drainage basin, and vertical displacement (Fig. 8). Now, the debris supply is abundant in drainage basins with great relief ratio or large vertical displacement, where fans and alluvial plains develope. In the Coast of the Sea of Japan and the Pacific side of Japan where the periglacial areas spread widely during the glacial age, a great deal of debris was produced in the source area of the mountain. Contrary to this, the debris productions were small in the Southwest Japan where the periglacial areas did not spread at the time. In Hokkaido, the debris supplies were small under the low preciptation. These factors determined by the above analyses shall provide clues to explain the reason of each alluvial fan development." /> <meta name="references" content="Chamberlin, T. C. and Salisbury, R. D. (1909): Geology. John Murray, London, 684p." /> <meta name="references" content="第四紀地殻変動研究グループ (1968): 第四紀地殻変動図. 第四紀研究, 7, 182-187." /> <meta name="references" content="原田清 (1938): 昭和9年庄川洪水流入口付近における地形地質の計量的調査の結果に就いて. 地理評, 14, 832-856." /> <meta name="references" content="市瀬由自 (1968): 福井平野の地形. 法政大学文学部紀要, 13, 1-27." /> <meta name="references" content="門村浩 (1971): 扇状地の微地形とその形成. 矢沢大二・戸谷洋・貝塚爽平編; 扇状地. 古今書院, 55-96." /> <meta name="references" content="貝塚爽平・成瀬洋 (1977): 古地理の変遷. 日本第四紀学会編; 日本の第四紀研究. 東京大学出版会, 331-351." /> <meta name="references" content="活断層研究会編 (1980): 日本の活断層―分布図と資料. 東京大学出版会, 363頁." /> <meta name="references" content="守屋以智雄 (1979): 日本の第四紀火山の地形発達と分類. 地理評, 52, 479-501." /> <meta name="references" content="村田貞蔵 (1933): 扇状地とその上流河谷との勾配関係に就て. 地理評, 9, 857-869." /> <meta name="references" content="中野尊正 (1956): 日本の平野. 古今書院, 320頁." /> <meta name="references" content="大森博雄 (1974): 山地斜面の安定性に対する地形, 地質, 植生の関与の度合. 地理評, 47, 633-652." /> <meta name="references" content="Oya, M. (1977): Comparative study of the fluvial plain based on the geomorphological land classification. Geogr. Rev. Japan, 50, 1-31." /> <meta name="references" content="斉藤享治 (1978): 岩手県胆沢川流域における段丘形成. 地理評, 51, 852-863." /> <meta name="references" content="斉藤享治 (1982): 集水域の地形・地質条件による扇状地の分類. 地理評, 55, 334-349." /> <meta name="references" content="斉藤享治 (1983): 扇状地の形態・構造の統計分析による岩屑供給量と河床変化の時代変遷. 地理評, 56, 61-80." /> <meta name="references" content="Schumm, S. A. (1956): The evolution of drainage systems and slopes in badland at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 67, 597-646." /> <meta name="references" content="田山利三郎・土田定次郎 (1939): 北上山地の地形学的研究, 其の1, 河岸段丘.斉藤報恩会学術報告, No. 22, 1-84." /> <meta name="references" content="戸谷洋・町田洋・内藤博夫・堀信行 (1971): 日本における扇状地の分布. 矢沢大二・戸谷洋・貝塚爽平編; 扇状地. 古今書院, 97-120." /> <meta name="references" content="Yoshikawa, T. (1974): Denudation and tectonic movement in contemporary Japan. Bull. Dept. Geogr. Univ. 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Discriminant function analysis shows that favourable categories for a fan formation are the relief ratio greater than 39.8‰, Quaternary vertical displacement over 1, 000m, alluvial plain, basin, the Coast of the Sea of Japan, the Pacific side of Japan, and so on (Fig. 3). The ratio of each factor to form a fan is drawn in each drainage basin in Figs. 4 and 5.<br>The high frequencies of the dominant factors, such as the sedimentary environment, climatic condition, relief ratio, and vertical displacement, explain the distribution of fans to a considerable degree (Fig. 7). The factor of the sedimentary environment is also remarkably dependent on the factors, such as the relief ratio, geology of the drainage basin, and vertical displacement (Fig. 8).<br>Now, the debris supply is abundant in drainage basins with great relief ratio or large vertical displacement, where fans and alluvial plains develope. In the Coast of the Sea of Japan and the Pacific side of Japan where the periglacial areas spread widely during the glacial age, a great deal of debris was produced in the source area of the mountain. Contrary to this, the debris productions were small in the Southwest Japan where the periglacial areas did not spread at the time. In Hokkaido, the debris supplies were small under the low preciptation.<br>These factors determined by the above analyses shall provide clues to explain the reason of each alluvial fan development. </p> <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="datarepo-wrap"></div> <input type="hidden" id="figshareArticleSearchUrl" value=""> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="article-overiew-references-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">References (19)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="article-overiew-related-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Related articles (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="figures-tables-wrap"> <div class="section-title-noborder-18" style="display:none;">Figures (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="author-information-wrap" style=""> <div id="author_info_main"> <div id="author_info_title" class="section-title-18" onClick="getAuthorList(this)"> <img src="/web/images/data-services/J-GLOBAL.jpg" alt="" class="jglobal_img"> <span id="author_info_label">Content from these authors</span></div> <div class="accordion_container"> <div id="author_info_status"></div> <div id="author_info_contents"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="supplimentary-materials-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Supplementary material (0)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="resultsanddiscussion-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Result List ()</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="citedby-wrap"> <div class="section-title-18" style="display:none;">Cited by (2)</div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="jstage-external-links"> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div class="section-divider"> <div class="grey-txt-color fontsize12"> © The Tohoku Geographical Asocciation </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="article-navigation-links" class="print-non-disp"> <a href="" class="previous-icon colorscheme09-lighter">Next article</a> <div class="clearfix"> </div> </div> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> </div> <div id="non-sticky-content-rightsection" class="print-non-disp"> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div class="section-divider"> <div class="section-title-14">Favorites & Alerts</div> <ul class="star-list-style"> <li><a href = "javascript:;" class = "add-favorites-articles" value= "1">Add to favorites</a></li> <li><a href = "javascript:;" class = "add-favorites-articles" value= "4">Additional info alert</a></li> <li><a href =" javascript:;" class = "add-favorites-articles" value= "2">Citation alert</a></li> <li><a href = "javascript:;" class = "add-favorites-articles" value= "3">Authentication alert</a></li> </ul> </div> <form action = "/fav/articles/_insert/-char/en" method = "get" id = "favorites-articles" name = "favorites-articles"></form> <form action = "/fav/title/_insert/-char/en" method = "get" id = "favorites-titles" name = "favorites-titles"></form> <input type="hidden" name="sryCd" value="tga1948"> <input type="hidden" name="noVol" value="36"> <input type="hidden" name="noIssue" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="kijiCd" value="36_1_1"> <!-- INNER SECTION :: END --> <!-- INNER SECTION :: START --> <div id="related_articles_main"> <div id="related_articles_title" class="section-title-14"> <span onclick="getArticleJGID(this)" style="cursor: pointer;"> <img src="/web/images/data-services/J-GLOBAL.jpg" alt="" class="jglobal_img_side"> <div id="related_articles_label"> <span style="display:inline-block; 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