Demonstrating Voice Preprocessing on the EVMK2G | Video |

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It covers the hardware and software requirements, the demonstration setup, and the execution of the demonstration on the EVMK2G using Code Composer Studio.</p></div> <!-- end: rich text content --> </ti-view-more> </section> <!-- end: about --> <!-- start: presenters --> <section class="u-margin-bottom-16" id="presenterSection"> </section> <!-- end: presenters --> <!-- start: resources --> <section class="ti_aem-page-video-section-info-resources"> <h4 class="u-margin-bottom-4">Resources</h4> <ul id="resourceList" class="u-list-unstyled u-divide-y u-margin-bottom-0 mod-no-top-line"> <li><a href="/content/dam/videos/external-videos/en-us/2/3816841626001/5420417760001.mp4/subassets/Audio-Preprocessing-Demo-SLIDES.pdf" data-lid="resources-Presentation" data-navtitle="view-resource"><ti-svg-icon icon-set="actions" appearance="secondary" size="s" class="u-margin-right-2">download</ti-svg-icon>Presentation</a></li> <li><a href="" data-lid="resources-TIDEP-0088" data-navtitle="view-resource"> <ti-svg-icon icon-set="objects" appearance="secondary" size="s" class="u-margin-right-2">arrow-right</ti-svg-icon> TIDEP-0088</a></li> <li><a href="" data-lid="resources-RTOS Software Developer Guide: Building The SDK" data-navtitle="view-resource"> <ti-svg-icon icon-set="objects" appearance="secondary" size="s" class="u-margin-right-2">arrow-right</ti-svg-icon> RTOS Software Developer Guide: Building The SDK</a></li> <li><a href="" data-lid="resources-Code Composer Studio (CCS) Training" data-navtitle="view-resource"> <ti-svg-icon icon-set="objects" appearance="secondary" size="s" class="u-margin-right-2">arrow-right</ti-svg-icon> Code Composer Studio (CCS) Training</a></li> <li><a href="" data-lid="resources-Audacity® Audio analysis tool" data-navtitle="view-resource"> <ti-svg-icon icon-set="objects" appearance="secondary" size="s" class="u-margin-right-2">arrow-right</ti-svg-icon> Audacity® Audio analysis tool</a></li> </ul> </section> <!-- end: resources --> </ti-tab-panel> <ti-tab-panel id="transcript-tab" tab-id="transcript-tab" tab-title="Transcript" data-lid="ti-tab-container" data-navtitle="Transcript"> <section id="transcript" class="ti_p-layout-space-small"> <!-- div for transcript text which is displayed with AJAX call from 3play plugin --> <div id='3p-plugin-target' class='p3sdk-target'></div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (!window["3pLangString"]) { window["3pLangString"] = "languages"; } </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"VideoObject","name":"Demonstrating Voice Preprocessing on the EVMK2G","description":"This video demonstrates the voice pre-processing TI design for the EVMK2G platform.","uploadDate":"2017-05-03T17:09:57.851Z","thumbnailUrl":"","embedUrl":"//","transcript":"[MUSIC PLAYING] The voice preprocessing TI design for the K2G platform features a demo. In this video, we will take a look at how to run this demo on the K2GEVM. The voice preprocessing TI design demo on the K2GEVM is set up as illustrated here. The audio inputs are taken into the K2GEVM through a 8 mic circular mic board, or CMB, using the I2S protocol. The audio is then processed using various algorithms, such as beamforming, adaptive spectral noise reduction, multi-source selection, and dynamic range control. These algorithms are referred by the acronyms BF, ASNR, MSS, and DRC, respectively. The output of the DRC, which contains a signal with the highest energy, is sent through the headphone jack on the EVM to listen to the audio. Clean audio, which has gone through processing, can be heard on the left ear. Uncleaned raw audio from the center reference microphone is fed into the right headphone ear. This provides a great way to distinguish the impact of voice preprocessing on the audio signal. The best way to analyze the audio is to connect the headphone output to a PC. Software such as Adobe Audition or Audacity can now be used to better analyze the audio quality. The circular mic board, or CMB, is a 8 mic circular array with 7 mics on the periphery and center reference mic. It is designed with Knowles analog mics. Digital mics can also be used in a design if desired. The mics feed into two PCM1864 ADCs on the underside of the array, which output audio using the I2S protocol. These I2S lines can be interfaced to the DSP as seen fit. We also have a dot STL 3D printer file so that anyone can 3D print a small stand-off for the CMB PCB. This provides a nice, stable platform for the CMB to sit on when running the audio preprocessing demo. Here are the connection details between the K2GEVM and the circular mic board, or CMB. Please pay close attention to the jumper settings underneath the CMB. It is a tight fit to squeeze in the cable, so please pay close attention to ensure the wires aren't crossed. Let's not look into the software packages that contain the audio preprocessing demos. The K2G processor SDK RTOS package has the K2G audio preprocessing demo starting with version 3.03. These demos can be found at the path specified here. Note that there are various dependent components that are part of the AER and VOLIB packages, which would need to be included in the build. In this segment, we will take a closer look at the K2G real-time audio preprocessing demo. We will assume that the K2G Processor SDK RTOS package and CCS version 6.1.3 are installed at C colon TI. Also, ensure the AER and VOLIB packages are installed at the correct locations. Navigate to the Processor SDK RTOS package, as seen here, and run the set ENV dot bat file. This will set up the build tools environment. Next, navigate to the build directory of the real-time demo. Do a gmake clean, followed by gmake all. At this point, the demo build process will begin. Please note that this build can take several minutes, so let's cut to the chase for the sake of time. Once the build completes, the K2G beamforming real-time binary will be populated in the build directory, as seen here. This binary can now be run on the C66x core on the K2GEVM. Assuming that the CMB is connected, let's see how you would load and run the demo. We will not cover CCS set up content in this segment. However, please see the Getting Started with CCS link at the end of this video for more information. In CCS, launch a target configuration for the K2GEVM. Connect to the C66x core, ensuring that the GEL file is loaded on the core. Navigate to the location of the K2GBFRT dot out binary we built previously and load it on the core. CCS symbols will also get loaded, which will allow for setting breakpoints in the code to further examine the behavior of the demo. Hit Resume, and at this point the demo will start running. In this case, we had the line out from the EVM connected to the PC line in. We will launch Audacity and see the audio output from the demo. Here we can see the left channel with the clean audio, and the right side with unclean audio. This can be recorded and split into left and right channels in order to listen to each channel separately. This provides a great way to analyze the processed and unprocessed audio quality. This completes the segment, which covered the basics of beamforming, design tools, hardware, and software used to demonstrate the real-time audio preprocessing on the K2G platforms. If you have any questions on running these demos, please used TI's E2E forums for assistance. Thank you for watching. 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