'Everybody Eats' Is Savs' Food and Streetwear Festival| KQED
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year, Everybody Eats is the brainchild of Savs founder Mike Liwanag (left). The community-focused streetwear and food festival will feature popular street food vendors like Macs by Icky and Señor Sisig.</span><cite class="routes-Site-routes-Post-StandardImage-__StandardImage__postImage_FeaturedImgCaption_Credit"> (Photo of Mike Liwanag and Christian Martin by Jordan Jimenez; ice cream taco photo courtesy of Macs by Icky; burrito photo courtesy of Señor Sisig)</cite></div></div></div><span class="" title=""><div class="post-body"><p><p>Over a decade ago, Mike Liwanag — the founder of the <a href="">Savs clothing brand</a> — began his career in streetwear by selling Manny Pacquiao shirts “out the trunk” without any permission or permits.</p> <p>At the time, social media wasn’t much of an option. So instead of selling direct-to-customer online, he had to hustle outside of popular venues where Pacquiao’s fights were being broadcasted. The young Filipino American clothing maker blew up in 2008 after selling over 20,000 shirts in four fights. The hype even reached Pacquiao himself.</p> <p>“I was working 80 to 90 hours a week with a full-time job, just selling in the streets, and [Pacquiao] found out and invited me to meet him,” Liwanag says. “I was nervous at first, but we chopped it up and he gave us his blessing. He’s a real one. He could’ve sued us. Instead I was able to stack my bread and quit my job.”</p> <p>In 2012 he founded Savs, one of the region’s premier clothing brands that specializes in custom sports apparel, basketball shorts and Filipino American drip. You may have seen their <a href="">retro baseball jerseys — with “Lumpia” scripted across the chest</a> — at an A’s or Giants game.</p> <p>Liwanag has since become <a href="">a godfather of Bay Area streetwear</a>. A veteran in the game, he’s helped launch other viral Filipino-owned brands — namely, <a href="">Who Cares?</a> and <a href="">Collect and Select</a> — and continues finding ways to give back to his community.</p> <p></p></div></span><div class="components-Ad-__Ad__ad components-Ad-__Ad__ad__fullwidth"><div><div class="components-Ad-__Ad__ad_Wrapper"><span class="components-Ad-__Ad__ad_Label">Sponsored</span><div class="components-Ad-__Ad__ad_Img"></div></div></div></div><span class="" title=""><div class="post-body"><p></p> <p>His latest idea? A food and clothing festival called <a href="">Everybody Eats</a>.</p> <p>Co-organized by San Francisco event mogul <a href="">Anthony Presents</a>, as well as the aforementioned Who Cares? and Collect and Select — two independent brands run by a pair of brothers who got their start as Liwanag’s teenage employees — Everybody Eats is rooted in family-style celebration, flavorful culture and collective wealth. The annual festival cross-stitches homegrown Bay Area platforms together through music, special-edition apparel, social advocacy and, of course, food. From heavyweights like World Famous Hot Boys and Señor Sisig — whose owners Liwanag has been close with since his early days — to up-and-comers like <a href="">Busog</a> (Tagalog for “full”), Vatos Tacos and <a href="">Macs By Icky</a>, the event will offer plenty of ways to eat, literally.</p> <figure id="attachment_13935586" class="wp-caption alignnone" style="max-width: 1920px"><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-13935586" src="" alt="A man pulls the brim of a green baseball cap down over his eyes. The cap's logo reads, "Everybody Eats."" width="1920" height="2400" srcset=" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1229w, 1638w" sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px"><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">A limited-edition snapback from 2022’s inaugural Everybody Eats festival. The cap was a collaboration between Who Cares? and Savs. <cite>(Courtesy of Hometeam.Films)</cite></figcaption></figure> <p>In addition, local clothing brands including Bass Resources (owned by East Bay rapper P-Lo), Dirty Pesos, Breed, Beyond Deadstock, Adapt and <a href="">JSquared</a>’s Maraud will be in attendance.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400"></p></div></span><div class="clear post-body"><div class="utils-parseShortcode-shortcodes-AsideShortcode-__AsideShortcode__aside"></div></div><span class="" title=""><div class="post-body"><p></span>“It’s tied closely to how we live, how we work, how we interact,” says Liwanag. “The saying <a href="">‘everybody eats’ was made popular in [the 2002 film] <i>Paid In Full</i></a>, and it just represents doing what you gotta do and giving back. The pie is big enough for everyone to get a slice.”</p> <p>The event initially started in 2022 as a 10-year-anniversary celebration for Savs, but has since expanded into a yearly showcase for brands that Liwanag is a fan of. Speaking with him is like taking a seminar on purpose-driven entrepreneurialism. Inspired by artists like <a href="">Vallejo’s LaRussell</a> — who often centers his business model on free or give-what-you-can experiences — it’s clear that Liwanag is dedicated to uplifting the Bay Area’s creative community by serving others.</p> <p>“It’s not about the money. It’s about the freedom and ability to help others realize their dreams,” says Liwanag. “We’re making [Everybody Eats] a free community event where people can feel good and fund charities. That’s more gratifying than a paycheck for me at this point.”</p> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-12127869" src="" alt="" width="800" height="78" srcset=" 800w, 400w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px"></p> <p></p> <p><a href=""><i>Everybody Eats</i></a><i> will feature over 30 foodmakers and clothing brands in addition to music and guest speakers. It will take place on Sat., Oct. 7 from noon to 5 p.m. at The Crossing (200 Folsom St., San Francisco).</i></p> </div></p></span></article><span data-postindex="0" style="opacity:0">lower waypoint</span><div class="routes-Site-routes-Post-EmailSignup-__EmailSignup__postEmailSignup"><div id="recaptcha-button" data-sitekey="6LeJrDYqAAAAALV7KwpN2cuH0pn7bDreEln45KxQ" data-callback="onRecaptchaSuccess" data-size="invisible"></div><div class="components-NewsLetterEmailSignup-components-SignupImage-__SignupImage__signup"><div class="components-NewsLetterEmailSignup-components-SignupImage-__SignupImage__signup_HeaderImage"><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer"><img src="" alt="" style="display:none"/><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImageLoaded" style="background-image:url('')"></div><div class="components-Image-__Image__imageContainer_ImagePreLoad" style="background-image:url('')"></div></div></div><div class="components-NewsLetterEmailSignup-components-SignupImage-__SignupImage__signup_Image"><div class="components-NewsLetterEmailSignup-components-SignupImage-__SignupImage__signup_FormIntro">Care about what’s happening in Bay Area arts? 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The community-focused streetwear and food festival will feature popular street food vendors like Macs by Icky and Señor Sisig.", "description": null, "title": "everybodyeats", "credit": "Photo of Mike Liwanag and Christian Martin by Jordan Jimenez; ice cream taco photo courtesy of Macs by Icky; burrito photo courtesy of Señor Sisig", "status": "inherit", "altTag": "A collage of photographs: On the left, two Asian American men mug for the camera in sunglasses, baseball caps, and T-shirts that read \"Everybody Eats\"; on the top right are three chocolate-dipped ice cream tacos; on the bottom right, a hand holds up a burrito with the Golden Gate Bridge as the backdrop.", "fetchFailed": false, "isLoading": false } }, "audioPlayerReducer": { "postId": "stream_live", "isPaused": true, "isPlaying": false, "pfsActive": false, "pledgeModalIsOpen": true, "playerDrawerIsOpen": false }, "authorsReducer": { "achazaro": { "type": "authors", "id": "11748", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11748", "found": true }, "name": "Alan Chazaro", "firstName": "Alan", "lastName": "Chazaro", "slug": "achazaro", "email": "", "display_author_email": true, "staff_mastheads": [ "arts" ], "title": "Food Writer and Reporter", "bio": "Alan Chazaro is the author of \u003cem>This Is Not a Frank Ocean Cover Album\u003c/em> (Black Lawrence Press, 2019), \u003cem>Piñata Theory\u003c/em> (Black Lawrence Press, 2020), and \u003cem>Notes from the Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge\u003c/em> (Ghost City Press, 2021). He is a graduate of June Jordan’s Poetry for the People program at UC Berkeley and a former Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fellow at the University of San Francisco. He writes about sports, food, art, music, education, and culture while repping the Bay on \u003ca href=\"\">Twitter\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Instagram\u003c/a> at @alan_chazaro.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "alan_chazaro", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "arts", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Alan Chazaro | KQED", "description": "Food Writer and Reporter", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/achazaro" } }, "breakingNewsReducer": {}, "campaignFinanceReducer": {}, "pagesReducer": {}, "postsReducer": { "stream_live": { "type": "live", "id": "stream_live", "audioUrl": "", "title": "Live Stream", "excerpt": "Live Stream information currently unavailable.", "link": "/radio", "featImg": "", "label": { "name": "KQED Live", "link": "/" } }, "stream_kqedNewscast": { "type": "posts", "id": "stream_kqedNewscast", "audioUrl": "", "title": "KQED Newscast", "featImg": "", "label": { "name": "88.5 FM", "link": "/" } }, "arts_13935114": { "type": "posts", "id": "arts_13935114", "meta": { "index": "posts_1716263798", "site": "arts", "id": "13935114", "found": true }, "parent": 0, "labelTerm": {}, "blocks": [], "publishDate": 1696264258, "format": "standard", "title": "A Bay Area Streetwear Legend Wants Everyone to Eat", "headTitle": "A Bay Area Streetwear Legend Wants Everyone to Eat | KQED", "content": "\u003cp>Over a decade ago, Mike Liwanag — the founder of the \u003ca href=\"\">Savs clothing brand\u003c/a> — began his career in streetwear by selling Manny Pacquiao shirts “out the trunk” without any permission or permits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At the time, social media wasn’t much of an option. So instead of selling direct-to-customer online, he had to hustle outside of popular venues where Pacquiao’s fights were being broadcasted. The young Filipino American clothing maker blew up in 2008 after selling over 20,000 shirts in four fights. The hype even reached Pacquiao himself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I was working 80 to 90 hours a week with a full-time job, just selling in the streets, and [Pacquiao] found out and invited me to meet him,” Liwanag says. “I was nervous at first, but we chopped it up and he gave us his blessing. He’s a real one. He could’ve sued us. Instead I was able to stack my bread and quit my job.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2012 he founded Savs, one of the region’s premier clothing brands that specializes in custom sports apparel, basketball shorts and Filipino American drip. You may have seen their \u003ca href=\"\">retro baseball jerseys — with “Lumpia” scripted across the chest\u003c/a> — at an A’s or Giants game.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Liwanag has since become \u003ca href=\"\">a godfather of Bay Area streetwear\u003c/a>. A veteran in the game, he’s helped launch other viral Filipino-owned brands — namely, \u003ca href=\"\">Who Cares?\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Collect and Select\u003c/a> — and continues finding ways to give back to his community.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>[ad fullwidth]\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>His latest idea? A food and clothing festival called \u003ca href=\"\">Everybody Eats\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Co-organized by San Francisco event mogul \u003ca href=\"\">Anthony Presents\u003c/a>, as well as the aforementioned Who Cares? and Collect and Select — two independent brands run by a pair of brothers who got their start as Liwanag’s teenage employees — Everybody Eats is rooted in family-style celebration, flavorful culture and collective wealth. The annual festival cross-stitches homegrown Bay Area platforms together through music, special-edition apparel, social advocacy and, of course, food. From heavyweights like World Famous Hot Boys and Señor Sisig — whose owners Liwanag has been close with since his early days — to up-and-comers like \u003ca href=\"\">Busog\u003c/a> (Tagalog for “full”), Vatos Tacos and \u003ca href=\"\">Macs By Icky\u003c/a>, the event will offer plenty of ways to eat, literally.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_13935586\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1920px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-13935586\" src=\"\" alt=\"A man pulls the brim of a green baseball cap down over his eyes. The cap's logo reads, "Everybody Eats."\" width=\"1920\" height=\"2400\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1229w, 1638w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A limited-edition snapback from 2022’s inaugural Everybody Eats festival. The cap was a collaboration between Who Cares? and Savs. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of Hometeam.Films)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>In addition, local clothing brands including Bass Resources (owned by East Bay rapper P-Lo), Dirty Pesos, Breed, Beyond Deadstock, Adapt and \u003ca href=\"\">JSquared\u003c/a>’s Maraud will be in attendance.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400\">[aside postID='arts_13929263,arts_13923522,arts_13932574']\u003c/span>“It’s tied closely to how we live, how we work, how we interact,” says Liwanag. “The saying \u003ca href=\"\">‘everybody eats’ was made popular in [the 2002 film] \u003ci>Paid In Full\u003c/i>\u003c/a>, and it just represents doing what you gotta do and giving back. The pie is big enough for everyone to get a slice.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The event initially started in 2022 as a 10-year-anniversary celebration for Savs, but has since expanded into a yearly showcase for brands that Liwanag is a fan of. Speaking with him is like taking a seminar on purpose-driven entrepreneurialism. Inspired by artists like \u003ca href=\"\">Vallejo’s LaRussell\u003c/a> — who often centers his business model on free or give-what-you-can experiences — it’s clear that Liwanag is dedicated to uplifting the Bay Area’s creative community by serving others.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s not about the money. It’s about the freedom and ability to help others realize their dreams,” says Liwanag. “We’re making [Everybody Eats] a free community event where people can feel good and fund charities. That’s more gratifying than a paycheck for me at this point.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-12127869\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"78\" srcset=\" 800w, 400w, 768w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003ci>Everybody Eats\u003c/i>\u003c/a>\u003ci> will feature over 30 foodmakers and clothing brands in addition to music and guest speakers. It will take place on Sat., Oct. 7 from noon to 5 p.m. at The Crossing (200 Folsom St., San Francisco).\u003c/i>\u003c/p>\n\n", "stats": { "hasVideo": false, "hasChartOrMap": false, "hasAudio": false, "hasPolis": false, "wordCount": 711, "hasGoogleForm": false, "hasGallery": false, "hasHearkenModule": false, "iframeSrcs": [], "paragraphCount": 15 }, "modified": 1705003298, "excerpt": "Savs' Everybody Eats festival brings together the Bay Area’s best food and fashion.", "headData": { "twImgId": "", "twTitle": "A Bay Area Streetwear Legend Wants Everyone to Eat", "socialTitle": "'Everybody Eats' Is Savs' Food and Streetwear Festival%%sep%% KQED", "ogTitle": "A Bay Area Streetwear Legend Wants Everyone to Eat", "ogImgId": "", "twDescription": "", "description": "Savs' Everybody Eats festival brings together the Bay Area’s best food and fashion.", "title": "'Everybody Eats' Is Savs' Food and Streetwear Festival| KQED", "ogDescription": "", "schema": { "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "headline": "A Bay Area Streetwear Legend Wants Everyone to Eat", "datePublished": "2023-10-02T09:30:58-07:00", "dateModified": "2024-01-11T12:01:38-08:00", "image": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Alan Chazaro", "jobTitle": "Food Writer and Reporter", "url": "" } }, "authorsData": [ { "type": "authors", "id": "11748", "meta": { "index": "authors_1716337520", "id": "11748", "found": true }, "name": "Alan Chazaro", "firstName": "Alan", "lastName": "Chazaro", "slug": "achazaro", "email": "", "display_author_email": true, "staff_mastheads": [ "arts" ], "title": "Food Writer and Reporter", "bio": "Alan Chazaro is the author of \u003cem>This Is Not a Frank Ocean Cover Album\u003c/em> (Black Lawrence Press, 2019), \u003cem>Piñata Theory\u003c/em> (Black Lawrence Press, 2020), and \u003cem>Notes from the Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge\u003c/em> (Ghost City Press, 2021). He is a graduate of June Jordan’s Poetry for the People program at UC Berkeley and a former Lawrence Ferlinghetti Fellow at the University of San Francisco. He writes about sports, food, art, music, education, and culture while repping the Bay on \u003ca href=\"\">Twitter\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Instagram\u003c/a> at @alan_chazaro.", "avatar": "", "twitter": "alan_chazaro", "facebook": null, "instagram": null, "linkedin": null, "sites": [ { "site": "arts", "roles": [ "editor" ] }, { "site": "news", "roles": [ "editor" ] } ], "headData": { "title": "Alan Chazaro | KQED", "description": "Food Writer and Reporter", "ogImgSrc": "", "twImgSrc": "" }, "isLoading": false, "link": "/author/achazaro" } ], "imageData": { "ogImageSize": { "file": "", "width": 1020, "mimeType": "image/jpeg", "height": 574 }, "ogImageWidth": "1020", "ogImageHeight": "574", "twitterImageUrl": "", "twImageSize": { "file": "", "width": 1020, "mimeType": "image/jpeg", "height": 574 }, "twitterCard": "summary_large_image" }, "tagData": { "tags": [ "fashion", "Filipino", "Filipino food", "San Francisco", "thedolist" ] } }, "guestAuthors": [], "slug": "everybody-eats-streetwear-food-festival-savs-sf", "status": "publish", "sourceUrl": "/food/", "excludeFromSiteSearch": "Include", "sticky": false, "source": "Food", "articleAge": "0", "path": "/arts/13935114/everybody-eats-streetwear-food-festival-savs-sf", "audioTrackLength": null, "parsedContent": [ { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003cp>Over a decade ago, Mike Liwanag — the founder of the \u003ca href=\"\">Savs clothing brand\u003c/a> — began his career in streetwear by selling Manny Pacquiao shirts “out the trunk” without any permission or permits.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>At the time, social media wasn’t much of an option. So instead of selling direct-to-customer online, he had to hustle outside of popular venues where Pacquiao’s fights were being broadcasted. The young Filipino American clothing maker blew up in 2008 after selling over 20,000 shirts in four fights. The hype even reached Pacquiao himself.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“I was working 80 to 90 hours a week with a full-time job, just selling in the streets, and [Pacquiao] found out and invited me to meet him,” Liwanag says. “I was nervous at first, but we chopped it up and he gave us his blessing. He’s a real one. He could’ve sued us. Instead I was able to stack my bread and quit my job.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>In 2012 he founded Savs, one of the region’s premier clothing brands that specializes in custom sports apparel, basketball shorts and Filipino American drip. You may have seen their \u003ca href=\"\">retro baseball jerseys — with “Lumpia” scripted across the chest\u003c/a> — at an A’s or Giants game.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Liwanag has since become \u003ca href=\"\">a godfather of Bay Area streetwear\u003c/a>. A veteran in the game, he’s helped launch other viral Filipino-owned brands — namely, \u003ca href=\"\">Who Cares?\u003c/a> and \u003ca href=\"\">Collect and Select\u003c/a> — and continues finding ways to give back to his community.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "ad", "attributes": { "named": { "label": "fullwidth" }, "numeric": [ "fullwidth" ] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>His latest idea? A food and clothing festival called \u003ca href=\"\">Everybody Eats\u003c/a>.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>Co-organized by San Francisco event mogul \u003ca href=\"\">Anthony Presents\u003c/a>, as well as the aforementioned Who Cares? and Collect and Select — two independent brands run by a pair of brothers who got their start as Liwanag’s teenage employees — Everybody Eats is rooted in family-style celebration, flavorful culture and collective wealth. The annual festival cross-stitches homegrown Bay Area platforms together through music, special-edition apparel, social advocacy and, of course, food. From heavyweights like World Famous Hot Boys and Señor Sisig — whose owners Liwanag has been close with since his early days — to up-and-comers like \u003ca href=\"\">Busog\u003c/a> (Tagalog for “full”), Vatos Tacos and \u003ca href=\"\">Macs By Icky\u003c/a>, the event will offer plenty of ways to eat, literally.\u003c/p>\n\u003cfigure id=\"attachment_13935586\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\" style=\"max-width: 1920px\">\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"size-full wp-image-13935586\" src=\"\" alt=\"A man pulls the brim of a green baseball cap down over his eyes. The cap's logo reads, "Everybody Eats."\" width=\"1920\" height=\"2400\" srcset=\" 1920w, 800w, 1020w, 160w, 768w, 1229w, 1638w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px\">\u003cfigcaption class=\"wp-caption-text\">A limited-edition snapback from 2022’s inaugural Everybody Eats festival. The cap was a collaboration between Who Cares? and Savs. \u003ccite>(Courtesy of Hometeam.Films)\u003c/cite>\u003c/figcaption>\u003c/figure>\n\u003cp>In addition, local clothing brands including Bass Resources (owned by East Bay rapper P-Lo), Dirty Pesos, Breed, Beyond Deadstock, Adapt and \u003ca href=\"\">JSquared\u003c/a>’s Maraud will be in attendance.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan style=\"font-weight: 400\">\u003c/p>\u003c/div>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "component", "content": "", "name": "aside", "attributes": { "named": { "postid": "arts_13929263,arts_13923522,arts_13932574", "label": "" }, "numeric": [] } }, { "type": "contentString", "content": "\u003cdiv class=\"post-body\">\u003cp>\u003c/span>“It’s tied closely to how we live, how we work, how we interact,” says Liwanag. “The saying \u003ca href=\"\">‘everybody eats’ was made popular in [the 2002 film] \u003ci>Paid In Full\u003c/i>\u003c/a>, and it just represents doing what you gotta do and giving back. The pie is big enough for everyone to get a slice.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>The event initially started in 2022 as a 10-year-anniversary celebration for Savs, but has since expanded into a yearly showcase for brands that Liwanag is a fan of. Speaking with him is like taking a seminar on purpose-driven entrepreneurialism. Inspired by artists like \u003ca href=\"\">Vallejo’s LaRussell\u003c/a> — who often centers his business model on free or give-what-you-can experiences — it’s clear that Liwanag is dedicated to uplifting the Bay Area’s creative community by serving others.\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>“It’s not about the money. It’s about the freedom and ability to help others realize their dreams,” says Liwanag. “We’re making [Everybody Eats] a free community event where people can feel good and fund charities. That’s more gratifying than a paycheck for me at this point.”\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cimg loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-12127869\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"78\" srcset=\" 800w, 400w, 768w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px\">\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003c/p>\n\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"\">\u003ci>Everybody Eats\u003c/i>\u003c/a>\u003ci> will feature over 30 foodmakers and clothing brands in addition to music and guest speakers. It will take place on Sat., Oct. 7 from noon to 5 p.m. at The Crossing (200 Folsom St., San Francisco).\u003c/i>\u003c/p>\n\n\u003c/div>\u003c/p>", "attributes": { "named": {}, "numeric": [] } } ], "link": "/arts/13935114/everybody-eats-streetwear-food-festival-savs-sf", "authors": [ "11748" ], "programs": [ "arts_140" ], "categories": [ "arts_1", "arts_12276" ], "tags": [ "arts_1696", "arts_2855", "arts_14183", "arts_1146", "arts_585" ], "featImg": "arts_13935581", "label": "source_arts_13935114", "isLoading": false, "hasAllInfo": true } }, "programsReducer": { "possible": { "id": "possible", "title": "Possible", "info": "Possible is hosted by entrepreneur Reid Hoffman and writer Aria Finger. Together in Possible, Hoffman and Finger lead enlightening discussions about building a brighter collective future. The show features interviews with visionary guests like Trevor Noah, Sam Altman and Janette Sadik-Khan. Possible paints an optimistic portrait of the world we can create through science, policy, business, art and our shared humanity. It asks: What if everything goes right for once? How can we get there? Each episode also includes a short fiction story generated by advanced AI GPT-4, serving as a thought-provoking springboard to speculate how humanity could leverage technology for good.", "airtime": "SUN 2pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Possible" }, "link": "/radio/program/possible", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "spotify": "" } }, "1a": { "id": "1a", "title": "1A", "info": "1A is home to the national conversation. 1A brings on great guests and frames the best debate in ways that make you think, share and engage.", "airtime": "MON-THU 11pm-12am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/1a", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "all-things-considered": { "id": "all-things-considered", "title": "All Things Considered", "info": "Every weekday, \u003cem>All Things Considered\u003c/em> hosts Robert Siegel, Audie Cornish, Ari Shapiro, and Kelly McEvers present the program's trademark mix of news, interviews, commentaries, reviews, and offbeat features. Michel Martin hosts on the weekends.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 1pm-2pm, 4:30pm-6:30pm\u003cbr />SAT-SUN 5pm-6pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/all-things-considered" }, "american-suburb-podcast": { "id": "american-suburb-podcast", "title": "American Suburb: The Podcast", "tagline": "The flip side of gentrification, told through one town", "info": "Gentrification is changing cities across America, forcing people from neighborhoods they have long called home. Call them the displaced. Now those priced out of the Bay Area are looking for a better life in an unlikely place. American Suburb follows this migration to one California town along the Delta, 45 miles from San Francisco. But is this once sleepy suburb ready for them?", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/news/series/american-suburb-podcast", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 17 }, "link": "/news/series/american-suburb-podcast/", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "", "google": "" } }, "baycurious": { "id": "baycurious", "title": "Bay Curious", "tagline": "Exploring the Bay Area, one question at a time", "info": "KQED’s new podcast, Bay Curious, gets to the bottom of the mysteries — both profound and peculiar — that give the Bay Area its unique identity. And we’ll do it with your help! You ask the questions. You decide what Bay Curious investigates. And you join us on the journey to find the answers.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "\"KQED Bay Curious", "officialWebsiteLink": "/news/series/baycurious", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 2 }, "link": "/podcasts/baycurious", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "rss": "", "google": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "bbc-world-service": { "id": "bbc-world-service", "title": "BBC World Service", "info": "The day's top stories from BBC News compiled twice daily in the week, once at weekends.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 9pm-10pm, TUE-FRI 1am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "BBC World Service" }, "link": "/radio/program/bbc-world-service", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "code-switch-life-kit": { "id": "code-switch-life-kit", "title": "Code Switch / Life Kit", "info": "\u003cem>Code Switch\u003c/em>, which listeners will hear in the first part of the hour, has fearless and much-needed conversations about race. Hosted by journalists of color, the show tackles the subject of race head-on, exploring how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and more.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />\u003cem>Life Kit\u003c/em>, which will be in the second part of the hour, guides you through spaces and feelings no one prepares you for — from finances to mental health, from workplace microaggressions to imposter syndrome, from relationships to parenting. The show features experts with real world experience and shares their knowledge. Because everyone needs a little help being human.\u003cbr />\u003cbr />\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Code Switch\u003c/em> offical site and podcast\u003c/a>\u003cbr />\u003ca href=\"\">\u003cem>Life Kit\u003c/em> offical site and podcast\u003c/a>\u003cbr />", "airtime": "SUN 9pm-10pm", "imageSrc": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/code-switch-life-kit", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "commonwealth-club": { "id": "commonwealth-club", "title": "Commonwealth Club of California Podcast", "info": "The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum. As a non-partisan forum, The Club brings to the public airwaves diverse viewpoints on important topics. The Club's weekly radio broadcast - the oldest in the U.S., dating back to 1924 - is carried across the nation on public radio stations and is now podcasting. Our website archive features audio of our recent programs, as well as selected speeches from our long and distinguished history. This podcast feed is usually updated twice a week and is always un-edited.", "airtime": "THU 10pm, FRI 1am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Commonwealth Club of California" }, "link": "/radio/program/commonwealth-club", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "tuneIn": "" } }, "forum": { "id": "forum", "title": "Forum", "tagline": "The conversation starts here", "info": "KQED’s live call-in program discussing local, state, national and international issues, as well as in-depth interviews.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 9am-11am, 10pm-11pm", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Forum with Mina Kim and Alexis Madrigal", "officialWebsiteLink": "/forum", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 8 }, "link": "/forum", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "freakonomics-radio": { "id": "freakonomics-radio", "title": "Freakonomics Radio", "info": "Freakonomics Radio is a one-hour award-winning podcast and public-radio project hosted by Stephen Dubner, with co-author Steve Levitt as a regular guest. It is produced in partnership with WNYC.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 1am-2am, SAT 3pm-4pm", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/freakonomics-radio", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "fresh-air": { "id": "fresh-air", "title": "Fresh Air", "info": "Hosted by Terry Gross, \u003cem>Fresh Air from WHYY\u003c/em> is the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues. One of public radio's most popular programs, Fresh Air features intimate conversations with today's biggest luminaries.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 7pm-8pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/fresh-air", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "here-and-now": { "id": "here-and-now", "title": "Here & Now", "info": "A live production of NPR and WBUR Boston, in collaboration with stations across the country, Here & Now reflects the fluid world of news as it's happening in the middle of the day, with timely, in-depth news, interviews and conversation. Hosted by Robin Young, Jeremy Hobson and Tonya Mosley.", "airtime": "MON-THU 11am-12pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/here-and-now", "subsdcribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "how-i-built-this": { "id": "how-i-built-this", "title": "How I Built This with Guy Raz", "info": "Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world's best known companies. How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 7:30pm-8pm", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/how-i-built-this", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "inside-europe": { "id": "inside-europe", "title": "Inside Europe", "info": "Inside Europe, a one-hour weekly news magazine hosted by Helen Seeney and Keith Walker, explores the topical issues shaping the continent. No other part of the globe has experienced such dynamic political and social change in recent years.", "airtime": "SAT 3am-4am", "imageSrc": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "Deutsche Welle" }, "link": "/radio/program/inside-europe", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "latino-usa": { "id": "latino-usa", "title": "Latino USA", "airtime": "MON 1am-2am, SUN 6pm-7pm", "info": "Latino USA, the radio journal of news and culture, is the only national, English-language radio program produced from a Latino perspective.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/latino-usa", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "live-from-here-highlights": { "id": "live-from-here-highlights", "title": "Live from Here Highlights", "info": "Chris Thile steps to the mic as the host of Live from Here (formerly A Prairie Home Companion), a live public radio variety show. Download Chris’s Song of the Week plus other highlights from the broadcast. Produced by American Public Media.", "airtime": "SAT 6pm-8pm, SUN 11am-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "american public media" }, "link": "/radio/program/live-from-here-highlights", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "marketplace": { "id": "marketplace", "title": "Marketplace", "info": "Our flagship program, helmed by Kai Ryssdal, examines what the day in money delivered, through stories, conversations, newsworthy numbers and more. Updated Monday through Friday at about 3:30 p.m. PT.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 4pm-4:30pm, MON-WED 6:30pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "American Public Media" }, "link": "/radio/program/marketplace", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "mindshift": { "id": "mindshift", "title": "MindShift", "tagline": "A podcast about the future of learning and how we raise our kids", "info": "The MindShift podcast explores the innovations in education that are shaping how kids learn. Hosts Ki Sung and Katrina Schwartz introduce listeners to educators, researchers, parents and students who are developing effective ways to improve how kids learn. We cover topics like how fed-up administrators are developing surprising tactics to deal with classroom disruptions; how listening to podcasts are helping kids develop reading skills; the consequences of overparenting; and why interdisciplinary learning can engage students on all ends of the traditional achievement spectrum. This podcast is part of the MindShift education site, a division of KQED News. KQED is an NPR/PBS member station based in San Francisco. You can also visit the MindShift website for episodes and supplemental blog posts or tweet us \u003ca href=\"\">@MindShiftKQED\u003c/a> or visit us at \u003ca href=\"/mindshift\">\u003c/a>", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED MindShift: How We Will Learn", "officialWebsiteLink": "/mindshift/", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 11 }, "link": "/podcasts/mindshift", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "morning-edition": { "id": "morning-edition", "title": "Morning Edition", "info": "\u003cem>Morning Edition\u003c/em> takes listeners around the country and the world with multi-faceted stories and commentaries every weekday. Hosts Steve Inskeep, David Greene and Rachel Martin bring you the latest breaking news and features to prepare you for the day.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 3am-9am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/morning-edition" }, "onourwatch": { "id": "onourwatch", "title": "On Our Watch", "tagline": "Deeply-reported investigative journalism", "info": "For decades, the process for how police police themselves has been inconsistent – if not opaque. In some states, like California, these proceedings were completely hidden. After a new police transparency law unsealed scores of internal affairs files, our reporters set out to examine these cases and the shadow world of police discipline. On Our Watch brings listeners into the rooms where officers are questioned and witnesses are interrogated to find out who this system is really protecting. Is it the officers, or the public they've sworn to serve?", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "On Our Watch from NPR and KQED", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/onourwatch", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 10 }, "link": "/podcasts/onourwatch", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "tuneIn": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "on-the-media": { "id": "on-the-media", "title": "On The Media", "info": "Our weekly podcast explores how the media 'sausage' is made, casts an incisive eye on fluctuations in the marketplace of ideas, and examines threats to the freedom of information and expression in America and abroad. For one hour a week, the show tries to lift the veil from the process of \"making media,\" especially news media, because it's through that lens that we see the world and the world sees us", "airtime": "SUN 2pm-3pm, MON 12am-1am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "wnyc" }, "link": "/radio/program/on-the-media", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "our-body-politic": { "id": "our-body-politic", "title": "Our Body Politic", "info": "Presented by KQED, KCRW and KPCC, and created and hosted by award-winning journalist Farai Chideya, Our Body Politic is unapologetically centered on reporting on not just how women of color experience the major political events of today, but how they’re impacting those very issues.", "airtime": "SAT 6pm-7pm, SUN 1am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kcrw" }, "link": "/radio/program/our-body-politic", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "", "tuneIn": "" } }, "pbs-newshour": { "id": "pbs-newshour", "title": "PBS NewsHour", "info": "Analysis, background reports and updates from the PBS NewsHour putting today's news in context.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 3pm-4pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "pbs" }, "link": "/radio/program/pbs-newshour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "perspectives": { "id": "perspectives", "title": "Perspectives", "tagline": "KQED's series of of daily listener commentaries since 1991", "info": "KQED's series of of daily listener commentaries since 1991.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/perspectives/", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 13 }, "link": "/perspectives", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "rss": "", "google": "" } }, "planet-money": { "id": "planet-money", "title": "Planet Money", "info": "The economy explained. Imagine you could call up a friend and say, Meet me at the bar and tell me what's going on with the economy. Now imagine that's actually a fun evening.", "airtime": "SUN 3pm-4pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/planet-money", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "politicalbreakdown": { "id": "politicalbreakdown", "title": "Political Breakdown", "tagline": "Politics from a personal perspective", "info": "Political Breakdown is a new series that explores the political intersection of California and the nation. Each week hosts Scott Shafer and Marisa Lagos are joined with a new special guest to unpack politics -- with personality — and offer an insider’s glimpse at how politics happens.", "airtime": "THU 6:30pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Political Breakdown", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/politicalbreakdown", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 6 }, "link": "/podcasts/politicalbreakdown", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "pri-the-world": { "id": "pri-the-world", "title": "PRI's The World: Latest Edition", "info": "Each weekday, host Marco Werman and his team of producers bring you the world's most interesting stories in an hour of radio that reminds us just how small our planet really is.", "airtime": "MON-FRI 2pm-3pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "PRI" }, "link": "/radio/program/pri-the-world", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "radiolab": { "id": "radiolab", "title": "Radiolab", "info": "A two-time Peabody Award-winner, Radiolab is an investigation told through sounds and stories, and centered around one big idea. In the Radiolab world, information sounds like music and science and culture collide. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, the show is designed for listeners who demand skepticism, but appreciate wonder. WNYC Studios is the producer of other leading podcasts including Freakonomics Radio, Death, Sex & Money, On the Media and many more.", "airtime": "SUN 12am-1am, SAT 2pm-3pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "science", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/radiolab", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "reveal": { "id": "reveal", "title": "Reveal", "info": "Created by The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, Reveal is public radios first one-hour weekly radio show and podcast dedicated to investigative reporting. Credible, fact based and without a partisan agenda, Reveal combines the power and artistry of driveway moment storytelling with data-rich reporting on critically important issues. The result is stories that inform and inspire, arming our listeners with information to right injustices, hold the powerful accountable and improve lives.Reveal is hosted by Al Letson and showcases the award-winning work of CIR and newsrooms large and small across the nation. In a radio and podcast market crowded with choices, Reveal focuses on important and often surprising stories that illuminate the world for our listeners.", "airtime": "SAT 4pm-5pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/reveal", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "says-you": { "id": "says-you", "title": "Says You!", "info": "Public radio's game show of bluff and bluster, words and whimsy. The warmest, wittiest cocktail party - it's spirited and civil, brainy and boisterous, peppered with musical interludes. Fast paced and playful, it's the most fun you can have with language without getting your mouth washed out with soap. Our motto: It's not important to know the answers, it's important to like the answers!", "airtime": "SUN 4pm-5pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "comedy", "source": "Pipit and Finch" }, "link": "/radio/program/says-you", "subscribe": { "apple": "!/id1050199826", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "science-friday": { "id": "science-friday", "title": "Science Friday", "info": "Science Friday is a weekly science talk show, broadcast live over public radio stations nationwide. Each week, the show focuses on science topics that are in the news and tries to bring an educated, balanced discussion to bear on the scientific issues at hand. Panels of expert guests join host Ira Flatow, a veteran science journalist, to discuss science and to take questions from listeners during the call-in portion of the program.", "airtime": "FRI 11am-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/science-friday", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "selected-shorts": { "id": "selected-shorts", "title": "Selected Shorts", "info": "Spellbinding short stories by established and emerging writers take on a new life when they are performed by stars of the stage and screen.", "airtime": "SAT 8pm-9pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "pri" }, "link": "/radio/program/selected-shorts", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "snap-judgment": { "id": "snap-judgment", "title": "Snap Judgment", "tagline": "Real stories with killer beats", "info": "The Snap Judgment radio show and podcast mixes real stories with killer beats to produce cinematic, dramatic radio. Snap's musical brand of storytelling dares listeners to see the world through the eyes of another. This is storytelling... with a BEAT!! Snap first aired on public radio stations nationwide in July 2010. Today, Snap Judgment airs on over 450 public radio stations and is brought to the airwaves by KQED & PRX.", "airtime": "SAT 1pm-2pm, 9pm-10pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "kqed", "order": 3 }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "soldout": { "id": "soldout", "title": "SOLD OUT: Rethinking Housing in America", "tagline": "A new future for housing", "info": "Sold Out: Rethinking Housing in America", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Sold Out: Rethinking Housing in America", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/soldout", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 12 }, "link": "/podcasts/soldout", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "rss": "", "spotify": "", "stitcher": "", "tunein": "", "google": "" } }, "spooked": { "id": "spooked", "title": "Spooked", "tagline": "True-life supernatural stories", "info": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 4 }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "ted-radio-hour": { "id": "ted-radio-hour", "title": "TED Radio Hour", "info": "The TED Radio Hour is a journey through fascinating ideas, astonishing inventions, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ways to think and create.", "airtime": "SUN 3pm-4pm, SAT 10pm-11pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/ted-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "tech-nation": { "id": "tech-nation", "title": "Tech Nation Radio Podcast", "info": "Tech Nation is a weekly public radio program, hosted by Dr. Moira Gunn. Founded in 1993, it has grown from a simple interview show to a multi-faceted production, featuring conversations with noted technology and science leaders, and a weekly science and technology-related commentary.", "airtime": "FRI 10pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "science", "source": "Tech Nation Media" }, "link": "/radio/program/tech-nation", "subscribe": { "rss": "" } }, "thebay": { "id": "thebay", "title": "The Bay", "tagline": "Local news to keep you rooted", "info": "Host Devin Katayama walks you through the biggest story of the day with reporters and newsmakers.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Bay", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/thebay", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "kqed", "order": 1 }, "link": "/podcasts/thebay", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "californiareport": { "id": "californiareport", "title": "The California Report", "tagline": "California, day by day", "info": "KQED’s statewide radio news program providing daily coverage of issues, trends and public policy decisions.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The California Report", "officialWebsiteLink": "/californiareport", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 7 }, "link": "/californiareport", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "californiareportmagazine": { "id": "californiareportmagazine", "title": "The California Report Magazine", "tagline": "Your state, your stories", "info": "Every week, The California Report Magazine takes you on a road trip for the ears: to visit the places and meet the people who make California unique. The in-depth storytelling podcast from the California Report.", "airtime": "FRI 4:30pm-5pm, 6:30pm-7pm, 11pm-11:30pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "/californiareportmagazine", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 9 }, "link": "/californiareportmagazine", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "rss": "" } }, "thelatest": { "id": "thelatest", "title": "The Latest", "tagline": "Trusted local news in real time", "info": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Latest", "officialWebsiteLink": "/thelatest", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 5 }, "link": "/thelatest", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "npr": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "theleap": { "id": "theleap", "title": "The Leap", "tagline": "What if you closed your eyes, and jumped?", "info": "Stories about people making dramatic, risky changes, told by award-winning public radio reporter Judy Campbell.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Leap", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/theleap", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 15 }, "link": "/podcasts/theleap", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "masters-of-scale": { "id": "masters-of-scale", "title": "Masters of Scale", "info": "Masters of Scale is an original podcast in which LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock Partner Reid Hoffman sets out to describe and prove theories that explain how great entrepreneurs take their companies from zero to a gazillion in ingenious fashion.", "airtime": "Every other Wednesday June 12 through October 16 at 8pm (repeats Thursdays at 2am)", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "WaitWhat" }, "link": "/radio/program/masters-of-scale", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-moth-radio-hour": { "id": "the-moth-radio-hour", "title": "The Moth Radio Hour", "info": "Since its launch in 1997, The Moth has presented thousands of true stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. Moth storytellers stand alone, under a spotlight, with only a microphone and a roomful of strangers. The storyteller and the audience embark on a high-wire act of shared experience which is both terrifying and exhilarating. Since 2008, The Moth podcast has featured many of our favorite stories told live on Moth stages around the country. For information on all of our programs and live events, visit", "airtime": "SAT 8pm-9pm and SUN 11am-12pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "prx" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-moth-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-new-yorker-radio-hour": { "id": "the-new-yorker-radio-hour", "title": "The New Yorker Radio Hour", "info": "The New Yorker Radio Hour is a weekly program presented by the magazine's editor, David Remnick, and produced by WNYC Studios and The New Yorker. Each episode features a diverse mix of interviews, profiles, storytelling, and an occasional burst of humor inspired by the magazine, and shaped by its writers, artists, and editors. This isn't a radio version of a magazine, but something all its own, reflecting the rich possibilities of audio storytelling and conversation. Theme music for the show was composed and performed by Merrill Garbus of tUnE-YArDs.", "airtime": "SAT 10am-11am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-new-yorker-radio-hour", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "the-takeaway": { "id": "the-takeaway", "title": "The Takeaway", "info": "The Takeaway is produced in partnership with its national audience. It delivers perspective and analysis to help us better understand the day’s news. Be a part of the American conversation on-air and online.", "airtime": "MON-THU 12pm-1pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "WNYC" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-takeaway", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "this-american-life": { "id": "this-american-life", "title": "This American Life", "info": "This American Life is a weekly public radio show, heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. It is hosted by Ira Glass, produced in collaboration with Chicago Public Media, delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange, and has won all of the major broadcasting awards.", "airtime": "SAT 12pm-1pm, 7pm-8pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "wbez" }, "link": "/radio/program/this-american-life", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "truthbetold": { "id": "truthbetold", "title": "Truth Be Told", "tagline": "Advice by and for people of color", "info": "We’re the friend you call after a long day, the one who gets it. Through wisdom from some of the greatest thinkers of our time, host Tonya Mosley explores what it means to grow and thrive as a Black person in America, while discovering new ways of being that serve as a portal to more love, more healing, and more joy.", "airtime": "", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Truth Be Told with Tonya Mosley", "officialWebsiteLink": "https://www.kqed.ord/podcasts/truthbetold", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/podcasts/truthbetold", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "google": "", "npr": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "" } }, "wait-wait-dont-tell-me": { "id": "wait-wait-dont-tell-me", "title": "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!", "info": "Peter Sagal and Bill Kurtis host the weekly NPR News quiz show alongside some of the best and brightest news and entertainment personalities.", "airtime": "SUN 10am-11am, SAT 11am-12pm, SAT 6pm-7pm", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/wait-wait-dont-tell-me", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "washington-week": { "id": "washington-week", "title": "Washington Week", "info": "For 50 years, Washington Week has been the most intelligent and up to date conversation about the most important news stories of the week. Washington Week is the longest-running news and public affairs program on PBS and features journalists -- not pundits -- lending insight and perspective to the week's important news stories.", "airtime": "SAT 1:30am-2am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "pbs" }, "link": "/radio/program/washington-week", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "weekend-edition-saturday": { "id": "weekend-edition-saturday", "title": "Weekend Edition Saturday", "info": "Weekend Edition Saturday wraps up the week's news and offers a mix of analysis and features on a wide range of topics, including arts, sports, entertainment, and human interest stories. The two-hour program is hosted by NPR's Peabody Award-winning Scott Simon.", "airtime": "SAT 5am-10am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/weekend-edition-saturday" }, "weekend-edition-sunday": { "id": "weekend-edition-sunday", "title": "Weekend Edition Sunday", "info": "Weekend Edition Sunday features interviews with newsmakers, artists, scientists, politicians, musicians, writers, theologians and historians. The program has covered news events from Nelson Mandela's 1990 release from a South African prison to the capture of Saddam Hussein.", "airtime": "SUN 5am-10am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/weekend-edition-sunday" }, "world-affairs": { "id": "world-affairs", "title": "World Affairs", "info": "The world as we knew it is undergoing a rapid transformation…so what's next? Welcome to WorldAffairs, your guide to a changing world. We give you the context you need to navigate across borders and ideologies. Through sound-rich stories and in-depth interviews, we break down what it means to be a global citizen on a hot, crowded planet. Our hosts, Ray Suarez, Teresa Cotsirilos and Philip Yun help you make sense of an uncertain world, one story at a time.", "airtime": "MON 10pm, TUE 1am, SAT 3am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "World Affairs" }, "link": "/radio/program/world-affairs", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "on-shifting-ground": { "id": "on-shifting-ground", "title": "On Shifting Ground with Ray Suarez", "info": "Geopolitical turmoil. A warming planet. Authoritarians on the rise. We live in a chaotic world that’s rapidly shifting around us. “On Shifting Ground with Ray Suarez” explores international fault lines and how they impact us all. Each week, NPR veteran Ray Suarez hosts conversations with journalists, leaders and policy experts to help us read between the headlines – and give us hope for human resilience.", "airtime": "MON 10pm, TUE 1am, SAT 3am", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "On Shifting Ground" }, "link": "/radio/program/on-shifting-ground", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "rss": "" } }, "hidden-brain": { "id": "hidden-brain", "title": "Hidden Brain", "info": "Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 7pm-8pm", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "NPR" }, "link": "/radio/program/hidden-brain", "subscribe": { "apple": "", "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "city-arts": { "id": "city-arts", "title": "City Arts & Lectures", "info": "A one-hour radio program to hear celebrated writers, artists and thinkers address contemporary ideas and values, often discussing the creative process. Please note: tapes or transcripts are not available", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 1pm-2pm, TUE 10pm, WED 1am", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "City Arts & Lectures" }, "link": "", "subscribe": { "tuneIn": "", "rss": "" } }, "white-lies": { "id": "white-lies", "title": "White Lies", "info": "In 1965, Rev. James Reeb was murdered in Selma, Alabama. Three men were tried and acquitted, but no one was ever held to account. Fifty years later, two journalists from Alabama return to the city where it happened, expose the lies that kept the murder from being solved and uncover a story about guilt and memory that says as much about America today as it does about the past.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/white-lies", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "google": "", "spotify": "", "rss": "" } }, "rightnowish": { "id": "rightnowish", "title": "Rightnowish", "tagline": "Art is where you find it", "info": "Rightnowish digs into life in the Bay Area right now… ish. Journalist Pendarvis Harshaw takes us to galleries painted on the sides of liquor stores in West Oakland. We'll dance in warehouses in the Bayview, make smoothies with kids in South Berkeley, and listen to classical music in a 1984 Cutlass Supreme in Richmond. Every week, Pen talks to movers and shakers about how the Bay Area shapes what they create, and how they shape the place we call home.", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED Rightnowish with Pendarvis Harshaw", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/rightnowish", "meta": { "site": "arts", "source": "kqed", "order": 14 }, "link": "/podcasts/rightnowish", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "rss": "", "apple": "", "stitcher": "", "google": "", "spotify": "" } }, "jerrybrown": { "id": "jerrybrown", "title": "The Political Mind of Jerry Brown", "tagline": "Lessons from a lifetime in politics", "info": "The Political Mind of Jerry Brown brings listeners the wisdom of the former Governor, Mayor, and presidential candidate. Scott Shafer interviewed Brown for more than 40 hours, covering the former governor's life and half-century in the political game – and Brown has some lessons he'd like to share. ", "imageSrc": "", "imageAlt": "KQED The Political Mind of Jerry Brown", "officialWebsiteLink": "/podcasts/jerrybrown", "meta": { "site": "news", "source": "kqed", "order": 16 }, "link": "/podcasts/jerrybrown", "subscribe": { "npr": "", "apple": "", "rss": "", "tuneIn": "", "stitcher": "", "spotify": "", "google": "" } }, "the-splendid-table": { "id": "the-splendid-table", "title": "The Splendid Table", "info": "\u003cem>The Splendid Table\u003c/em> hosts our nation's conversations about cooking, sustainability and food culture.", "imageSrc": "", "officialWebsiteLink": "", "airtime": "SUN 10-11 pm", "meta": { "site": "radio", "source": "npr" }, "link": "/radio/program/the-splendid-table" } }, "racesReducer": { "5921": { "id": "5921", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 158422, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Doris Matsui", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 89456, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tom Silva", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 48920, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Mandel", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 20046, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-09T01:00:38.194Z" }, "5922": { "id": "5922", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rudy Recile", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "John Garamendi", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "5924": { "id": "5924", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 185034, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark DeSaulnier", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 121265, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katherine Piccinini", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34883, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Nolan Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 19459, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Joe Sweeney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 7606, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Mohamed Elsherbini", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 1821, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-09T01:02:32.415Z" }, "5926": { "id": "5926", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 153801, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.85, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lateefah Simon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 85905, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jennifer Tran", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 22964, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tony Daysog", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 17197, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Slauson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 9699, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Glenn Kaplan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 6785, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eric Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 4243, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Abdur Sikder", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2847, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ned Nuerge", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2532, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Andre Todd", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1629, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-16T00:22:36.062Z" }, "5928": { "id": "5928", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 125831, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.89, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Eric Swalwell", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 83989, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Vin Kruttiventi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 22106, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Alison Hayden", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11928, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Luis Reynoso", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 7808, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:51:36.366Z" }, "5930": { "id": "5930", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 182188, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sam Liccardo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 38492, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Evan Low", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 30261, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Joe Simitian", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 30256, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Peter Ohtaki", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 23283, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Peter Dixon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14677, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Rishi Kumar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 12383, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Karl Ryan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11563, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Julie Lythcott-Haims", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 11386, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ahmed Mostafa", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 5814, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Greg Tanaka", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2421, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Joby Bernstein", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1652, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-05-02T14:15:13.232Z" }, "5931": { "id": "5931", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 117534, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.9, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ro Khanna", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 73941, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Anita Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 31539, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Ritesh Tandon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 5728, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Mario Ramirez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 4491, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Joe Dehn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "Lib", "voteCount": 1835, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-08T01:50:53.956Z" }, "5932": { "id": "5932", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 96302, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Zoe Lofgren", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 49323, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Peter Hernandez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 31622, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Charlene Nijmeh", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 10614, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Lawrence Milan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2712, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Luele Kifle", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2031, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:26:02.706Z" }, "5963": { "id": "5963", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 139085, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Greer", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 38079, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Chris Rogers", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 27126, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Rusty Hicks", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 25615, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ariel Kelley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 19483, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Frankie Myers", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 17694, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ted Williams", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 9550, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Cynthia Click", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1538, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-22T21:38:36.711Z" }, "5972": { "id": "5972", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 99775, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lori Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 50085, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Dave Ennis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 26074, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Wanda Wallis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 14638, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jeffrey Flack", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 8978, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-08T02:01:24.524Z" }, "5973": { "id": "5973", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 143532, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Damon Connolly", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 111275, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andy Podshadley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 17240, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Eryn Cervantes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 15017, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-21T00:25:32.262Z" }, "5975": { "id": "5975", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 106997, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Buffy Wicks", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 78678, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Margot Smith", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 18251, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Utkarsh Jain", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 10068, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-15T01:30:34.539Z" }, "5976": { "id": "5976", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 97144, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sonia Ledo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 30946, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Anamarie Farias", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 29512, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Monica Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 24775, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Karen Mitchoff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 11911, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-14T00:19:38.858Z" }, "5977": { "id": "5977", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Joseph Rubay", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Rebecca Bauer-Kahan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "5978": { "id": "5978", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 111003, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Matt Haney", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 90915, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Manuel Noris-Barrera", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 13843, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Otto Duke", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 6245, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:36:19.697Z" }, "5979": { "id": "5979", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 86008, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mia Bonta", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 73040, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andre Sandford", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "AIP", "voteCount": 4575, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Pechenuk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4389, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Cheyenne Kenney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4004, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-05-02T14:13:20.724Z" }, "5980": { "id": "5980", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 113959, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Catherine Stefani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 64960, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 33035, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Nadia 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wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark Gilham", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Diane Papan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "5984": { "id": "5984", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 23", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 116963, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Marc Berman", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 67106, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Lydia Kou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 23699, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Gus Mattammal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 13277, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Allan Marson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 12881, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T01:13:06.280Z" }, "5987": { "id": "5987", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 26", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 72753, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Patrick Ahrens", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 25036, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tara Sreekrishnan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 19600, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Sophie Song", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 15954, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Omar Din", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 8772, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Bob Goodwyn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "Lib", "voteCount": 2170, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ashish Garg", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 1221, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-13T21:06:29.070Z" }, "5989": { "id": "5989", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 28", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Gail Pellerin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Liz Lawler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6010": { "id": "6010", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 49", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Fong", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Long Liu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6018": { "id": "6018", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 229348, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 98.93, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jared Huffman", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 169005, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Chris Coulombe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 37372, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tief Gibbs", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 18437, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jolian Kangas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 3166, "isWinner": false 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false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 9004, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:49:44.113Z" }, "6031": { "id": "6031", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Anna Kramer", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Kevin Mullin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6035": { "id": "6035", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate 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"State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 24", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 66643, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Alex Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 45544, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Brunton", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 14951, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marti Souza", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 6148, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-14T23:23:49.770Z" }, "6088": { "id": "6088", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State House, District 25", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 69560, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 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"candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "J.W. 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"State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 171623, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jim Shoemaker", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 74935, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jerry McNerney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 57040, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Carlos Villapudua", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 39648, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-13T20:07:46.382Z" }, "6532": { "id": "6532", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 192446, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jesse Arreguín", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 61837, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jovanka Beckles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 34025, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Dan Kalb", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 28842, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Kathryn Lybarger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 28041, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sandre Swanson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 22862, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jeanne Solnordal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 16839, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-16T00:58:11.533Z" }, "6533": { "id": "6533", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tim Grayson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marisol Rubio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6534": { "id": "6534", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 228260, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Scott Wiener", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 166592, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yvette Corkrean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34438, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Cynthia Cravens", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 18513, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jing Xiong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 8717, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T02:01:51.597Z" }, "6535": { "id": "6535", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 13", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 227191, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 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"isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Robert Howell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34173, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tony Loaiza", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 21618, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-13T01:15:45.365Z" }, "6548": { "id": "6548", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 39", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 0, "uncontested": true, "precinctsReportPercentage": 0, "eevp": 0, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Akilah Weber", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Divine", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 0, "isWinner": true } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:00:30.000Z" }, "6611": { "id": "6611", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 188732, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nancy Pelosi", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 138285, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bruce Lou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 16285, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marjorie Mikels", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 9363, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Bianca Von Krieg", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 7634, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jason Zeng", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 6607, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jason Boyce", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 4325, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Larry Nichelson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3482, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eve Del Castello", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2751, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-12T00:31:55.445Z" }, "8589": { "id": "8589", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 7276537, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.66, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adam Schiff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2299507, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Steve Garvey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2292414, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katie Porter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1115606, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Barbara Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 714408, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eric Early", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 240723, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "James Bradley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 98180, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Christina Pascucci", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 61755, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sharleta Bassett", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 54422, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sarah Liew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 38483, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Laura Garza ", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 34320, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jonathan Reiss", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 34283, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sepi Gilani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 34056, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Gail Lightfoot", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "Lib", "voteCount": 33046, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Denice Gary-Pandol", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 25494, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "James Macauley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 23168, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Harmesh Kumar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 21522, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "David Peterson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 21076, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Douglas Pierce", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 19371, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Major Singh", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 16965, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "John Rose", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14577, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Perry Pound", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 14134, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Raji Rab", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 13558, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Mark Ruzon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "NPP", "voteCount": 13429, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Forrest Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "AIP", "voteCount": 13027, "isWinner": 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California", "raceName": "President,", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 2466569, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.58, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Donald Trump", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 1953947, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Nikki Haley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 430792, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ron DeSantis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 35581, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Chris Christie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 20164, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Vivek Ramaswamy", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 11069, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Rachel Swift", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 4231, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "David Stuckenberg", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3895, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Ryan Binkley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3563, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Asa Hutchinson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 3327, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:13:19.766Z" }, "81993": { "id": "81993", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I Unexpired Term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top2", "totalVotes": 7358837, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99.66, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Steve Garvey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 2444940, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Adam Schiff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 2155146, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katie Porter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 1269194, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Barbara Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 863278, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Eric Early", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 448788, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Christina Pascucci", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 109421, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Sepi Gilani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 68070, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-06T04:31:08.186Z" }, "82014": { "id": "82014", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 1 - Behavioral Health Services Program", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 7221972, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 100, "tabulationStatus": "End of AP Tabulation", "dateUpdated": "May 9, 2024", "timeUpdated": "2:18 PM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 3624998, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 3596974, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-03-21T00:11:06.265Z" }, "timeLoaded": "February 21, 2025 4:56 AM", "nationalRacesLoaded": true, "localRacesLoaded": true, "overrides": [ { "id": "5921", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5922", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5924", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5926", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5928", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5930", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5931", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5932", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5963", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5972", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5973", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5975", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5976", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5977", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { 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"raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "5989", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 28", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6010", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6018", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6020", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6025", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6031", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6035", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6067", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6087", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 24", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6088", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 25", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6092", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 29", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6223", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates 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"State Senate, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "6611", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8589", "raceName": "U.S. Senate (Full Term)", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8686", "raceName": "California Democratic Presidential Primary", "raceDescription": "Candidates are competing for 496 delegates.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "8688", "raceName": "California Republican Presidential Primary", "raceDescription": "Candidates are competing for 169 delegates.", "raceReadTheStory": "" }, { "id": "81993", "raceName": "U.S. Senate (Partial/Unexpired Term)", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates advance to general election." }, { "id": "82014", "raceName": "Proposition 1", "raceDescription": "Bond and mental health reforms. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "" } ], "AlamedaJudge5": { "id": "AlamedaJudge5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 200601, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Terry Wiley", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 200601 } ] }, "AlamedaJudge12": { "id": "AlamedaJudge12", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 240853, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark Fickes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 133009 }, { "candidateName": "Michael P. Johnson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 107844 } ] }, "AlamedaBoard2": { "id": "AlamedaBoard2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Education, Trustee Area 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 33580, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "John Lewis", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6943 }, { "candidateName": "Angela Normand", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 26637 } ] }, "AlamedaBoard5": { "id": "AlamedaBoard5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Education, Trustee Area 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 26072, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Guadalupe \"Lupe\" Angulo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7521 }, { "candidateName": "Janevette Cole", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13338 }, { "candidateName": "Joe Orlando Ramos", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5213 } ] }, "AlamedaBoard6": { "id": "AlamedaBoard6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Education, Trustee Area 6", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 30864, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "John Guerrero", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9989 }, { "candidateName": "Eileen McDonald", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20875 } ] }, "AlamedaSup1": { "id": "AlamedaSup1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 41038, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "David Haubert", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41038 } ] }, "AlamedaSup2": { "id": "AlamedaSup2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 31034, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Elisa Márquez", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 31034 } ] }, "AlamedaSup4": { "id": "AlamedaSup4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 57007, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jennifer Esteen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22400 }, { "candidateName": "Nate Miley", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 34607 } ] }, "AlamedaSup5": { "id": "AlamedaSup5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 81059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ben Bartlett", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13518 }, { "candidateName": "Nikki Fortunato Bas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 27597 }, { "candidateName": "John J. Bauters", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16783 }, { "candidateName": "Ken Berrick", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7520 }, { "candidateName": "Omar Farmer", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1240 }, { "candidateName": "Gregory Hodge", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3419 }, { "candidateName": "Chris Moore", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7428 }, { "candidateName": "Gerald Pechenuk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 305 }, { "candidateName": "Lorrel Plimier", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3249 } ] }, "AlamedaBoard7": { "id": "AlamedaBoard7", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Flood Control & Water Conservation District Director, Zone 7, Full Term", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 134340, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Alan Burnham", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15723 }, { "candidateName": "Sandy Figuers", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22454 }, { "candidateName": "Laurene K. Green", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30343 }, { "candidateName": "Kathy Narum", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23833 }, { "candidateName": "Seema Badar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7468 }, { "candidateName": "Catherine Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 34519 } ] }, "AlamedaAuditor": { "id": "AlamedaAuditor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland Auditor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 59227, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Houston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 59227 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureA": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Alameda County. Civil service. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 282335, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 167903 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 114432 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureB": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Alameda County. Recall rules. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 282683, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182200 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 100483 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureD": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 79797, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 59852 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19945 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureE": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Alameda Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 22692, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17280 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5412 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureF": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "Piedmont. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 4855, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3673 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1182 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureG": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Albany Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 5898, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4651 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1247 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureH": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Berkeley Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 33331, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29418 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3913 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureI": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "Hayward Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 21929, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14151 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7778 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureJ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "San Leandro Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:02 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 1, 2024", "totalVotes": 12338, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7784 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4554 } ] }, "CCD2": { "id": "CCD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 45776, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Candace Andersen", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 45776 } ] }, "CCD3": { "id": "CCD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 25120, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Diane Burgis", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25120 } ] }, "CCD5": { "id": "CCD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 37045, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Barbanica", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14338 }, { "candidateName": "Jelani Killings", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5683 }, { "candidateName": "Shanelle Scales-Preston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12993 }, { "candidateName": "Iztaccuauhtli Hector Gonzalez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4031 } ] }, "CCMeasureA": { "id": "CCMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Martinez. Appoint City Clerk. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 11513, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7554 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3959 } ] }, "CCMeasureB": { "id": "CCMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Antioch Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 17971, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10397 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7574 } ] }, "CCMeasureC": { "id": "CCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Martinez Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 9230, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6917 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2313 } ] }, "CCMeasureD": { "id": "CCMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Contra Costa", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Moraga School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:45 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 6007, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4052 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1955 } ] }, "MarinD2": { "id": "MarinD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 18466, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Brian Colbert", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7971 }, { "candidateName": "Heather McPhail Sridharan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4851 }, { "candidateName": "Ryan O'Neil", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2647 }, { "candidateName": "Gabe Paulson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2997 } ] }, "MarinD3": { "id": "MarinD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 13274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Stephanie Moulton-Peters", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13274 } ] }, "MarinD4": { "id": "MarinD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 12986, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Dennis Rodoni", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10086 }, { "candidateName": "Francis Drouillard", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2900 } ] }, "MarinLarkspurCC": { "id": "MarinLarkspurCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Larkspur City Council (Short Term)", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 4176, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Stephanie Andre", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2514 }, { "candidateName": "Claire Paquette", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1008 }, { "candidateName": "Lana Scott", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 654 } ] }, "MarinRossCouncil": { "id": "MarinRossCouncil", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Ross Town Council", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1740, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Charles William \"Bill\" Kircher, Jr.", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 536 }, { "candidateName": "Mathew Salter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 502 }, { "candidateName": "Shadi Aboukhater", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 187 }, { "candidateName": "Teri Dowling", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 515 } ] }, "MarinMeasureA": { "id": "MarinMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Tamalpais Union High School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 45345, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24376 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20969 } ] }, "MarinMeasureB": { "id": "MarinMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Petaluma Joint Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 132, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 62 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 70 } ] }, "MarinMeasureC": { "id": "MarinMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Belvedere. Appropriation limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 870, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 679 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 191 } ] }, "MarinMeasureD": { "id": "MarinMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Larkspur. Rent stabilization. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 4955, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2573 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2382 } ] }, "MarinMeasureE": { "id": "MarinMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Ross. Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 874, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 683 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 191 } ] }, "MarinMeasureF": { "id": "MarinMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "San Anselmo. Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 5193, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3083 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2110 } ] }, "MarinMeasureG": { "id": "MarinMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Bel Marin Keys Community Services District. Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 830, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 661 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 169 } ] }, "MarinMeasureH": { "id": "MarinMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Marinwood Community Services District. Appropriations limit, fire protection. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1738, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1369 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 369 } ] }, "MarinMeasureI": { "id": "MarinMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "Marinwood Community Services District. Appropriations limit, parks. Passes with a majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 27, 2024", "totalVotes": 1735, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1336 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 399 } ] }, "NapaD2": { "id": "NapaD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8351, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Liz Alessio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6340 }, { "candidateName": "Doris Gentry", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2011 } ] }, "NapaD4": { "id": "NapaD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7306, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Amber Manfree", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3913 }, { "candidateName": "Pete Mott", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3393 } ] }, "NapaD5": { "id": "NapaD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 5356, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mariam Aboudamous", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2379 }, { "candidateName": "Belia Ramos", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2977 } ] }, "NapaMeasureD": { "id": "NapaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Howell Mountain Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 741, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 367 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 374 } ] }, "NapaMeasureU": { "id": "NapaMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Lake Berryessa Resort Improvement District. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 86, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 63 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23 } ] }, "NapaMeasureU1": { "id": "NapaMeasureU1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Yountville. Appropriations limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 793 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 132 } ] }, "SFJudge1": { "id": "SFJudge1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Seat 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 202960, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Begert", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 124943 }, { "candidateName": "Chip Zecher", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 78017 } ] }, "SFJudge13": { "id": "SFJudge13", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Seat 13", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 202386, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jean Myungjin Roland", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 90012 }, { "candidateName": "Patrick S. Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 112374 } ] }, "SFPropA": { "id": "SFPropA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition A", "raceDescription": "Housing bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 225187, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 158497 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 66690 } ] }, "SFPropB": { "id": "SFPropB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition B", "raceDescription": "Police staffing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222954, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 61580 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 161374 } ] }, "SFPropC": { "id": "SFPropC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition C", "raceDescription": "Transfer tax exemption. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 220349, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 116311 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 104038 } ] }, "SFPropD": { "id": "SFPropD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition D", "raceDescription": "Ethics laws. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222615, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 198584 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24031 } ] }, "SFPropE": { "id": "SFPropE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition E", "raceDescription": "Police policies. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222817, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 120529 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102288 } ] }, "SFPropF": { "id": "SFPropF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition F", "raceDescription": "Drug screening. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 224004, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 130214 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 93790 } ] }, "SFPropG": { "id": "SFPropG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Proposition G", "raceDescription": "Eighth-grade algebra. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:50 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 21, 2024", "totalVotes": 222704, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182066 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40638 } ] }, "SMJudge4": { "id": "SMJudge4", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 108919, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sarah Burdick", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 108919 } ] }, "SMD1": { "id": "SMD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 29650, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Speier", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20353 }, { "candidateName": "Ann Schneider", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9297 } ] }, "SMD4": { "id": "SMD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22725, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Antonio Lopez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5730 }, { "candidateName": "Lisa Gauthier", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10358 }, { "candidateName": "Celeste Brevard", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1268 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Bocanegra", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1909 }, { "candidateName": "Maggie Cornejo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3460 } ] }, "SMD5": { "id": "SMD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 19937, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "David Canepa", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19937 } ] }, "SMMeasureB": { "id": "SMMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "County Service Area #1 (Highlands). Special tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 1549, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1360 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 189 } ] }, "SMMeasureC": { "id": "SMMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Jefferson Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 12234, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8543 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3691 } ] }, "SMMeasureE": { "id": "SMMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Woodside Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 1392, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 910 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 482 } ] }, "SMMeasureG": { "id": "SMMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Pacifica School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 11548, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7067 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4481 } ] }, "SMMeasureH": { "id": "SMMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "San Carlos School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:56 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 9938, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6283 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3655 } ] }, "SCJudge5": { "id": "SCJudge5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 301953, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jay Boyarsky", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 142549 }, { "candidateName": "Nicole M. Ford", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 52147 }, { "candidateName": "Johnene Linda Stebbins", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 107257 } ] }, "SCD2": { "id": "SCD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 44059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Corina Herrera-Loera", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10519 }, { "candidateName": "Jennifer Margaret Celaya", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2394 }, { "candidateName": "Madison Nguyen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12794 }, { "candidateName": "Betty Duong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14031 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson McElmurry", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4321 } ] }, "SCD3": { "id": "SCD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 42549, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Otto Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42549 } ] }, "SCD5": { "id": "SCD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 88712, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Margaret Abe-Koga", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 37172 }, { "candidateName": "Sally J. Lieber", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21962 }, { "candidateName": "Barry Chang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6164 }, { "candidateName": "Peter C. Fung", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17892 }, { "candidateName": "Sandy Sans", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5522 } ] }, "SCSJMayor": { "id": "SCSJMayor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José Mayor", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 167064, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Matt Mahan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 144701 }, { "candidateName": "Tyrone Wade", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22363 } ] }, "SCSJD2": { "id": "SCSJD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14131, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Joe Lopez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4950 }, { "candidateName": "Pamela Campos", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3436 }, { "candidateName": "Vanessa Sandoval", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2719 }, { "candidateName": "Babu Prasad", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3026 } ] }, "SCSJD4": { "id": "SCSJD4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14322, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Kansen Chu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5931 }, { "candidateName": "David Cohen", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8391 } ] }, "SCSJD6": { "id": "SCSJD6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 6", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22146, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Olivia Navarro", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6913 }, { "candidateName": "Alex Shoor", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3850 }, { "candidateName": "Angelo \"A.J.\" Pasciuti", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2688 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Mulcahy", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8695 } ] }, "SCSJD8": { "id": "SCSJD8", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 8", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 21462, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tam Truong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6982 }, { "candidateName": "Domingo Candelas", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8466 }, { "candidateName": "Sukhdev Singh Bainiwal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5513 }, { "candidateName": "Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 501 } ] }, "SCSJD10": { "id": "SCSJD10", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "San José City Council, District 10", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 22799, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "George Casey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8805 }, { "candidateName": "Arjun Batra", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8354 }, { "candidateName": "Lenka Wright", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5640 } ] }, "SCMeasureA": { "id": "SCMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Appointed city clerk. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 20315, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6580 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13735 } ] }, "SCMeasureB": { "id": "SCMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Appointed police chief. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 20567, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5680 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14887 } ] }, "SCMeasureC": { "id": "SCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:05 PM", "dateUpdated": "April 4, 2024", "totalVotes": 14656, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10261 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4395 } ] }, "SolanoD15": { "id": "SolanoD15", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Department 15", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 81709, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 36844 }, { "candidateName": "Bryan J. Kim", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 44865 } ] }, "SolanoD1": { "id": "SolanoD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 13786, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Michael Wilson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6401 }, { "candidateName": "Cassandra James", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7385 } ] }, "SolanoD2": { "id": "SolanoD2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 2", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 19903, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Monica Brown", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10951 }, { "candidateName": "Nora Dizon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3135 }, { "candidateName": "Rochelle Sherlock", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5817 } ] }, "SolanoD5": { "id": "SolanoD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 17888, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mitch Mashburn", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11210 }, { "candidateName": "Chadwick J. Ledoux", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6678 } ] }, "SolanoEducation": { "id": "SolanoEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Sacramento County Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 3650, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Heather Davis", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2960 }, { "candidateName": "Shazleen Khan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 690 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureA": { "id": "SolanoMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Benicia. Hotel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10136, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7869 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2267 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureB": { "id": "SolanoMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Benicia. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10164, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7335 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2829 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureC": { "id": "SolanoMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Benicia Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 10112, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6316 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3796 } ] }, "SolanoMeasureN": { "id": "SolanoMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Solano", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "Davis Joint Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:08 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 28, 2024", "totalVotes": 15, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10 } ] }, "SonomaJudge3": { "id": "SonomaJudge3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 115405, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Kristine M. Burk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 79498 }, { "candidateName": "Beki Berrey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 35907 } ] }, "SonomaJudge4": { "id": "SonomaJudge4", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 4", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 86789, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Paul J. Lozada", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 86789 } ] }, "SonomaJudge6": { "id": "SonomaJudge6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Superior Court Judge, Office 6", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 117990, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Omar Figueroa", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42236 }, { "candidateName": "Kenneth English", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 75754 } ] }, "SonomaD1": { "id": "SonomaD1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 30348, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rebecca Hermosillo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23958 }, { "candidateName": "Jonathan Mathieu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6390 } ] }, "SonomaD3": { "id": "SonomaD3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 16312, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Chris Coursey", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11346 }, { "candidateName": "Omar Medina", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4966 } ] }, "SonomaD5": { "id": "SonomaD5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Candidate with majority vote wins seat. If no candidate reaches majority, top two candidates advance to runoff in general election.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 23356, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lynda Hopkins", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23356 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureA": { "id": "SonomaMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 13756, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10320 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3436 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureB": { "id": "SonomaMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "Petaluma Joint Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 24877, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15795 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9082 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureC": { "id": "SonomaMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Fort Ross School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 286, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 159 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 127 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureD": { "id": "SonomaMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Harmony Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 1925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1089 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 836 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureE": { "id": "SonomaMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Petaluma City (Elementary) School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 11133, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7622 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3511 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureG": { "id": "SonomaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Rincon Valley Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "6:51 PM", "dateUpdated": "March 29, 2024", "totalVotes": 14577, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8668 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5909 } ] }, "SonomaMeasureH": { "id": "SonomaMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Sonoma", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Sonoma County. Sales tax. 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"raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 342680, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mike Thompson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 227730, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "John Munn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 114950, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:27:44.646Z" }, "5697": { "id": "5697", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 295770, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Doris 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"5699", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 251357, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Josh Harder", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 130183, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Kevin Lincoln", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 121174, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T00:40:53.537Z" }, "5701": { "id": "5701", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 339111, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nancy Pelosi", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 274796, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bruce Lou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 64315, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:03:30.399Z" }, "5702": { "id": "5702", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 283025, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Lateefah Simon", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 185176, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jennifer Tran", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 97849, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T01:19:52.852Z" }, "5704": { "id": "5704", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 276388, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Eric Swalwell", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 187263, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Vin Kruttiventi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 89125, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:56:14.288Z" }, "5705": { "id": "5705", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins 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"State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 228506, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Zoe Lofgren", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 147674, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Peter Hernandez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 80832, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:34:06.248Z" }, "5709": { "id": "5709", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 364320, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jimmy Panetta", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 252458, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jason Anderson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 111862, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:11:42.601Z" }, "5746": { "id": "5746", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 358804, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jerry McNerney", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 189668, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jim Shoemaker", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 169136, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T00:59:02.478Z" }, "5747": { "id": "5747", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 348838, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jesse Arreguín", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 199423, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Jovanka Beckles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 149415, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-16T01:00:05.900Z" }, "5748": { "id": "5748", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 372334, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Tim Grayson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 193558, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Marisol Rubio", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 178776, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-21T01:40:25.112Z" }, "5749": { "id": "5749", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 417863, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Scott Wiener", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 325148, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yvette Corkrean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 92715, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:30:29.104Z" }, "5750": { "id": "5750", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 13", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 434563, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Josh Becker", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 314889, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Alexander Glew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 119674, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T05:31:17.600Z" }, "5751": { "id": "5751", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Senate, District 15", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 380029, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Dave Cortese", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 260719, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Robert Howell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 119310, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:29:11.774Z" }, "5763": { "id": "5763", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 235135, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Chris Rogers", 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"type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 243891, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Damon Connolly", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 184605, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andy Podshadley", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 59286, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:37:23.490Z" }, "5774": { "id": "5774", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 14", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 182423, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 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"isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T00:45:27.762Z" }, "5776": { "id": "5776", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 16", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 251165, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Rebecca Bauer-Kahan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 161029, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Joseph Rubay", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 90136, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T00:46:42.757Z" }, "5777": { "id": "5777", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 17", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 200390, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Matt Haney", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 169490, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Manuel Noris-Barrera", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 30900, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T07:04:53.675Z" }, "5778": { "id": "5778", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 18", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 167056, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mia Bonta", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 134073, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Andre Sandford", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 32983, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T06:14:07.579Z" }, "5779": { "id": "5779", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 19", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 196474, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Catherine Stefani", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 118928, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "David Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 77546, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-10T02:02:13.334Z" }, "5780": { "id": "5780", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 20", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 173675, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Liz Ortega", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 126615, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Sangeetha Shanbhogue", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 47060, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-09T02:17:44.124Z" }, "5781": { "id": "5781", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 21", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 199509, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Diane Papan", 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"location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 24", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 159086, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Alex Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 105150, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Bob Brunton", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 53936, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-10T02:05:19.921Z" }, "5786": { "id": "5786", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 25", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 157829, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ash Kalra", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 107968, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Ted Stroll", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 49861, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-07T01:34:48.486Z" }, "5787": { "id": "5787", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 26", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 137199, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Patrick Ahrens", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 76807, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Tara Sreekrishnan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 60392, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-11T19:51:42.335Z" }, "5789": { "id": "5789", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "State Assembly, District 28", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 226488, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Gail Pellerin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 151419, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Liz Lawler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 75069, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-07T01:33:07.038Z" }, "6855": { "id": "6855", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Mayor, San Francisco", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 390184, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote 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false }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 2079, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1791, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1613, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 1319, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 812, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 412, "isWinner": false }, { "candidateName": "Total Write-Ins", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 4, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-20T00:39:58.562Z" }, "8514": { "id": "8514", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 364544, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Mark DeSaulnier", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "D", "voteCount": 242325, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Katherine Piccinini", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "R", "voteCount": 122219, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T04:35:13.273Z" }, "8619": { "id": "8619", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "U.S. Senate, Class I", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 15348846, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 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"voteCount": 6204637, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-06T04:34:43.856Z" }, "83019": { "id": "83019", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Question, Recall - Oakland Mayor Thao", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 142755, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 86535, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 56220, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-11T23:23:35.964Z" }, "83020": { "id": "83020", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Question, Recall - Alameda County District Attorney Price", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", 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"2024-11-11T02:11:21.241Z" }, "83065": { "id": "83065", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 32 - Raise Minimum Wage", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 15155929, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, "tabulationStatus": "Vote Certified", "dateUpdated": "December 16, 2024", "timeUpdated": "9:03 AM", "source": "AP", "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 7686126, "isWinner": true }, { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": null, "voteCount": 7469803, "isWinner": false } ], "winnerDateTime": "2024-11-20T01:03:41.030Z" }, "83066": { "id": "83066", "type": "apRace", "location": "State of California", "raceName": "Proposition, 33 - Expand Local Rent Control", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceType": "top1", "totalVotes": 14955422, "precinctsReportPercentage": 100, "eevp": 99, 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"raceName": "State Assembly, District 29", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5692", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5694", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 4", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5697", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5698", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 8", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5699", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5701", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 11", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5702", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 12", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "5704", "raceName": "U.S. House of 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District 28", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "6855", "raceName": "SF Mayor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "8514", "raceName": "U.S. House of Representatives, District 10", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "8619", "raceName": "U.S. Senate full term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "82961", "raceName": "U.S. Senate unexpired term", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat." }, { "id": "83019", "raceName": "Oakland Mayor recall", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83020", "raceName": "Alameda DA recall", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83060", "raceName": "Proposition 2", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83061", "raceName": "Proposition 3", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83062", "raceName": "Proposition 4", "raceDescription": "Passes with majority vote." }, { "id": "83063", 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", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 59036, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Benny Lee", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18907 }, { "candidateName": "Moira “Mimi” Dean", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14960 }, { "candidateName": "Bob Glaze", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5028 }, { "candidateName": "Luis Reynoso", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5421 }, { "candidateName": "Damaris Villalobos-Galindo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14720 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureK": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "San Joaquin Delta Community College District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 77, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 37 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureL": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "Albany Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8873, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6408 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2465 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureM": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "Fremont Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 76065, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 48882 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 27183 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureN": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "New Haven Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 26526, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17909 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8617 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureO": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "Newark Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15697, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10616 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5081 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureP": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure P", "raceDescription": "Piedmont Unified School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7011, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5684 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1327 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureQ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Q", "raceDescription": "San Lorenzo Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% + 1 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 23822, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15832 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7990 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureC": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Albany. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8966, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6322 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2644 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureR": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "Albany. Business license tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8856, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4216 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4640 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureS": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureS", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure S", "raceDescription": "Albany. Appoint city manager. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5508 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2766 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureT": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "Albany. Eliminate bond requirement. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8170, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5793 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2377 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureU": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Albany. Bonding limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7959, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5697 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2262 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureV": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Albany. Youth voting. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8767, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5619 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3148 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureW": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51630, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 31461 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20169 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureX": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 53242, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41819 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11423 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureY": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52536, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 39508 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13028 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureZ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Sugary drinks and sweetenders tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52929, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 42280 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10649 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureAA": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Spending limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52282, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 46394 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5888 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureBB": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Affordable housing programs. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52882, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29623 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23259 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureCC": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Affordable housing programs. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51633, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18070 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33563 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureDD": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureDD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure DD", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. CAFO prohibition. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49700, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30761 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18939 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureEE": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52312, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23873 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28439 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureFF": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureFF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure FF", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52489, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 31942 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20547 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureGG": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Fossil fuel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52229, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16178 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 36051 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureHH": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureHH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure HH", "raceDescription": "Berkeley. Indoor air quality. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 51108, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22205 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28903 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureII": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureII", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure II", "raceDescription": "Dublin. Open Space Initiative. Passes with 50% vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25701, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13649 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12052 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureJJ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureJJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure JJ", "raceDescription": "Dublin. Government accountability. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25445, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19350 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6095 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureK1": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureK1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure K1", "raceDescription": "Hayward. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 46707, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38826 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7881 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureLL": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureLL", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure LL", "raceDescription": "Newark. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15814, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12721 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3093 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureMM": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureMM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure MM", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Wildfire protection zone. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35275, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25125 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10150 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureNN": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureNN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure NN", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Parking tax. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 159573, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 112971 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 46602 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureOO": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureOO", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure OO", "raceDescription": "Oakland. Public ethics comission. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 150503, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 110317 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 40186 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasurePP": { "id": "AlamedaMeasurePP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure PP", "raceDescription": "Pleasanton. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34880, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15983 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18897 } ] }, "AlamedaMeasureQQ": { "id": "AlamedaMeasureQQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Measure QQ", "raceDescription": "Union City. Gross receipts tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 24809, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20249 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4560 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncil": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncil", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany City Council", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7969, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jennifer Hansen-Romero", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2072 }, { "candidateName": "Peggy (Margaret) McQuaid", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2150 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Garrett-Pinguelo", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 393 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Tiedemann", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1490 }, { "candidateName": "Preston Jordan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1864 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncilFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyCityCouncilFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany City Council Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top three candidates win seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top3", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7865.9493, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jennifer Hansen-Romero", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2002 }, { "candidateName": "Peggy (Margaret) McQuaid", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2002 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Garrett-Pinguelo (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Tiedemann", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1823.9955 }, { "candidateName": "Preston Jordan ", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2037.9538 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducation": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7096, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jolene Gazmen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1633 }, { "candidateName": "Dayna Inkeles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1972 }, { "candidateName": "Brian L. Doss", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 718 }, { "candidateName": "Veronica Davidson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2773 } ] }, "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducationFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaAlbanyBoardofEducationFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Albany Board of Education Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top2", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6949.5470000000005, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jolene Gazmen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1997.5386 }, { "candidateName": "Dayna Inkeles", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2569.0084 }, { "candidateName": "Brian L. Doss (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Veronica Davidson", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2383 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyMayor": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyMayor", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley Mayor", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 52493, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adena Ishii", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19978 }, { "candidateName": "Sophie Hahn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19633 }, { "candidateName": "Kate Harrison", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11853 }, { "candidateName": "Naomi D. Pete", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 501 }, { "candidateName": "Logan Bowie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 528 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyMayorFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyMayorFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley Mayor Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49265, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Adena Ishii", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25156 }, { "candidateName": "Sophie Hahn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24109 }, { "candidateName": "Kate Harrison (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Naomi D. Pete (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Logan Bowie (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict2": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 2", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6873, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Terry Taplin", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4787 }, { "candidateName": "Jenny Guarino", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2086 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict3": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 3", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6096, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Deborah Matthews", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1833 }, { "candidateName": "John “Chip” Moore (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ben Bartlett", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4263 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8585, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nilang Gor", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1063 }, { "candidateName": "Todd Andrew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1721 }, { "candidateName": "Shoshana O’Keefe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5801 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 8262, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Nilang Gor (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Todd Andrew", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1995 }, { "candidateName": "Shoshana O’Keefe", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6267 } ] }, "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict6": { "id": "AlamedaBerkeleyCityCouncilDistrict6", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Berkeley City Council, District 6", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7332, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Brent Blackaby", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4405 }, { "candidateName": "Andy Katz", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2927 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLarge": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLarge", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, At Large", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 143599, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Cristina “Tina” Tostado", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5406 }, { "candidateName": "Charlene Wang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 30485 }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Ruth Pechenuk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4835 }, { "candidateName": "Rowena Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 41871 }, { "candidateName": "Nancy Sidebotham", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2254 }, { "candidateName": "LeRonne L. Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 39258 }, { "candidateName": "Fabian Robinson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2794 }, { "candidateName": "Shawn Danino", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9695 }, { "candidateName": "Kanitha Matoury", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5629 }, { "candidateName": "Selika Thomas", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1372 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLargeFinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilAtLargeFinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, At Large Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 127094, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Cristina “Tina” Tostado (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Charlene Wang (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Mindy Ruth Pechenuk (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Rowena Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 72315 }, { "candidateName": "Nancy Sidebotham (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "LeRonne L. Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 54779 }, { "candidateName": "Fabian Robinson (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Shawn Danino (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Kanitha Matoury (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Selika Thomas (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 1 ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29613, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward C. Frank", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2581 }, { "candidateName": "Zac Unger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22641 }, { "candidateName": "Len Raphael", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4391 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict1FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 1 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29252, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward C. Frank (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Zac Unger", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 24350 }, { "candidateName": "Len Raphael", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4902 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 3 ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 20561, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Baba Afolabi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1600 }, { "candidateName": "Carroll Fife", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9871 }, { "candidateName": "Michelle D. Hailey", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1458 }, { "candidateName": "Warren Mitchell Logan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6222 }, { "candidateName": "Shan M. Hirsch", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 609 }, { "candidateName": "Meron Semedar", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 801 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict3FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 3 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19506, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Baba Afolabi (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Carroll Fife", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11437 }, { "candidateName": "Michelle D. Hailey (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Warren Mitchell Logan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8069 }, { "candidateName": "Shan M. Hirsch (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Meron Semedar (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12299, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Noel Gallo", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6482 }, { "candidateName": "Dominic Prado", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1930 }, { "candidateName": "Erin Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3887 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12059, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Noel Gallo", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7120 }, { "candidateName": "Dominic Prado (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Erin Armstrong", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4939 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13089, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Merika Goolsby", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2063 }, { "candidateName": "Ken Houston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4428 }, { "candidateName": "Iris Merriouns", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4132 }, { "candidateName": "Marcie Hodge", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2466 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7FinalRound": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityCouncilDistrict7FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Council, District 7 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12106, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Merika Goolsby (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ken Houston", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6303 }, { "candidateName": "Iris Merriouns", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5803 }, { "candidateName": "Marcie Hodge (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "AlamedaOaklandCityAttorney": { "id": "AlamedaOaklandCityAttorney", "type": "localRace", "location": "Alameda", "raceName": "Oakland City Attorney", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "9:01 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 137594, 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1120, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 807 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 313 } ] }, "MarinMeasureE": { "id": "MarinMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Kentfield School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6981, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4219 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2762 } ] }, "MarinMeasureG": { "id": "MarinMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Sausalito Marin City School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 5885, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4123 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1762 } ] }, "MarinMeasureH": { "id": "MarinMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "Marin", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "Fairfax. Appoint City Clerk. Passes with majority vote. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:57 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 335, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 274 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 61 } ] }, "NapaNapaCountyBoardofEducationTrusteeArea5": { "id": "NapaNapaCountyBoardofEducationTrusteeArea5", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Napa County Board of Education, Trustee Area 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 60783, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 44230 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16553 } ] }, "NapaMeasureG": { "id": "NapaMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Napa. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34724, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19961 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14763 } ] }, "NapaMeasureA1": { "id": "NapaMeasureA1", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure A1", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Establishing charter city. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2719, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1191 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1528 } ] }, "NapaMeasureA2": { "id": "NapaMeasureA2", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "Measure A2", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Real property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2741, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1123 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1618 } ] }, "NapaMeasureBStHelena": { "id": "NapaMeasureBStHelena", "type": "localRace", "location": "Napa", "raceName": "St. Helena, Measure B", "raceDescription": "St. Helena. Winery and planned agritourism overlay. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:25 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 2764, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1366 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1398 } ] }, "SFBoardofEducation": { "id": "SFBoardofEducation", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Education", "raceDescription": "Top four candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top4", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1012778, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Laurance Lem Lee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 45736 }, { "candidateName": "Lefteris Eleftheriou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22285 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Huling", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 168659 }, { "candidateName": "Ann Hsu", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 81044 }, { "candidateName": "John Jersin", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 122450 }, { "candidateName": "Parag Gupta", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 139340 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Alexander", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 122698 }, { "candidateName": "Supryia Marie Ray", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 127834 }, { "candidateName": "Virginia Cheung", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 101017 }, { "candidateName": "Min Chang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 48550 }, { "candidateName": "Maddy Krantz", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33165 } ] }, "SFCommunityCollegeBoard": { "id": "SFCommunityCollegeBoard", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Community College Board", "raceDescription": "Top four candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top4", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 823294, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Ruth Ferguson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 114132 }, { "candidateName": "Leanna C. Louie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 50353 }, { "candidateName": "Heather McCarty", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 162477 }, { "candidateName": "Julio J. Ramos", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38741 }, { "candidateName": "Aliya Chisti", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 149638 }, { "candidateName": "Ben Kaplan", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 49320 }, { "candidateName": "Alan Wong", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 140951 }, { "candidateName": "Luis Zamora", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 117682 } ] }, "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict7": { "id": "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Director, District 7", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. Includes votes from San Francisco and Alameda County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 161254, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Victor E. Flores", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 92729 }, { "candidateName": "Dana Lang", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 68525 } ] }, "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict9": { "id": "SFBARTBoardofDirectorsDistrict9", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Director, District 9", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 137871, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Edward Wright", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 86966 }, { "candidateName": "Joe Sangirardi", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 50905 } ] }, "SFMeasureA": { "id": "SFMeasureA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure A", "raceDescription": "San Francisco Unified School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 377297, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 282968 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 94329 } ] }, "SFMeasureB": { "id": "SFMeasureB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure B", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Community health and safety bond. Passes with 2/3 vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 376637, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 274187 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102450 } ] }, "SFMeasureC": { "id": "SFMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Inspector General position. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 370366, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 225704 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 144662 } ] }, "SFMeasureD": { "id": "SFMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Commissions and mayoral authority. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 366327, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 158723 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 207604 } ] }, "SFMeasureE": { "id": "SFMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Commissions task force. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363854, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 192540 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 171314 } ] }, "SFMeasureF": { "id": "SFMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Police pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 361671, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 163835 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 197836 } ] }, "SFMeasureG": { "id": "SFMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Affordable housing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 370824, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 217807 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 153017 } ] }, "SFMeasureH": { "id": "SFMeasureH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure H", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Firefighter pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 365942, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 192601 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 173341 } ] }, "SFMeasureI": { "id": "SFMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure I", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Nurse and 911 operator pensions. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363459, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 261318 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102141 } ] }, "SFMeasureJ": { "id": "SFMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. City spending. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 362785, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 297972 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 64813 } ] }, "SFMeasureK": { "id": "SFMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Permanently closing Upper Great Highway to private vehicles. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 376489, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 206042 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 170447 } ] }, "SFMeasureL": { "id": "SFMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Transportation network companies tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 369575, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 210375 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 159200 } ] }, "SFMeasureM": { "id": "SFMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Business tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 342310, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 237930 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 104380 } ] }, "SFMeasureN": { "id": "SFMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Student loan reimbursement. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 363432, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 187979 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 175453 } ] }, "SFMeasureO": { "id": "SFMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "San Francisco. Reproductive rights. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 373249, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 312914 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 60335 } ] }, "SFMayorRound1": { "id": "SFMayorRound1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Mayor Round 1", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 390180, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "London Breed", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 95117 }, { "candidateName": "Mark Farrell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 72115 }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1319 }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2079 }, { "candidateName": "Dylan Hirsch-Shell", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2897 }, { "candidateName": "Daniel Lurie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 102720 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1791 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Peskin", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 89215 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 812 }, { "candidateName": "Ahsha Safai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11425 }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1613 }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 412 }, { "candidateName": "Ellen Zhou", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8665 } ] }, "SFMayorRound3": { "id": "SFMayorRound3", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "San Francisco Mayor Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 331477, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "London Breed", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 149113 }, { "candidateName": "Mark Farrell (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Henry Flynn (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Keith Freedman (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Dylan Hirsch-Shell (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Daniel Lurie", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 182364 }, { "candidateName": "Nelson Mei (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Aaron Peskin (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Paul Robertson (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ahsha Safai (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Shahram Shariati (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jon Soderstrom (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ellen Zhou (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35478, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sherman D'Silva", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 899 }, { "candidateName": "Marjan Philhour", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14755 }, { "candidateName": "Connie Chan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16670 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Boehner", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1344 }, { "candidateName": "Jen Nossokoff", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1810 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict1FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 1 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 34299, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sherman D'Silva (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Marjan Philhour", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16499 }, { "candidateName": "Connie Chan", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17800 }, { "candidateName": "Jeremiah Boehner (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jen Nossokoff (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 28758, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sharon Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8489 }, { "candidateName": "Moe Jamil", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3753 }, { "candidateName": "Wendy Ha Chau", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1565 }, { "candidateName": "Eduard Navarro", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 879 }, { "candidateName": "Danny Sauter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11272 }, { "candidateName": "Matthew Susk", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2800 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict3FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 3 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 25568, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Sharon Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11512 }, { "candidateName": "Moe Jamil (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Wendy Ha Chau (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Eduard Navarro (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Danny Sauter", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14056 }, { "candidateName": "Matthew Susk (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result reflects redistributed votes. The results of the instant runoff will change as more first-choice votes are counted.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29698, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Autumn Hope Looijen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2606 }, { "candidateName": "Bilal Mahmood", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11840 }, { "candidateName": "Scotty Jacobs", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2796 }, { "candidateName": "Allen Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 444 }, { "candidateName": "Dean Preston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12012 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict5FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 5 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 27818, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Autumn Hope Looijen (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Bilal Mahmood", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14741 }, { "candidateName": "Scotty Jacobs (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Allen Jones (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Dean Preston", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13077 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 7 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 37318, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Myrna Melgar", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17532 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Martin-Pinto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5135 }, { "candidateName": "Edward S. Yee", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1244 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Boschetto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13407 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict7FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 7 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 35412, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Myrna Melgar", "candidateIncumbent": true, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 18916 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Martin-Pinto (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Edward S. Yee (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Matt Boschetto", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 16496 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 9 Round One", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 32731, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Fielder", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13844 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Jon Torres", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1140 }, { "candidateName": "Roberto Hernandez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6606 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Gutierrez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 931 }, { "candidateName": "Trevor Chandler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9042 }, { "candidateName": "Julian Bermudez", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 600 }, { "candidateName": "H. Brown", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 568 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict9FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 9 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 29409, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Jackie Fielder", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17546 }, { "candidateName": "Stephen Jon Torres (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Roberto Hernandez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jaime Gutierrez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Trevor Chandler", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11863 }, { "candidateName": "Julian Bermudez (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "H. Brown (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 11 First Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This result only reflects voters’ first-choice candidate. If votes are redistributed in an instant runoff, they are not reflected in this result.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 27928, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Oscar Flores", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2896 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8675 }, { "candidateName": "Roger Marenco", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 604 }, { "candidateName": "Jose Morales", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 629 }, { "candidateName": "Ernest “EJ” Jones", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5441 }, { "candidateName": "Adlah Chisti", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1434 }, { "candidateName": "Chyanne Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8249 } ] }, "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11FinalRound": { "id": "SFBoardofSupervisorsDistrict11FinalRound", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "Board of Supervisors, District 11 Final Round", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. This is the latest ranked choice data provided by the Department of Elections office.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "top1", "timeUpdated": "7:55 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 23804, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Oscar Flores (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Michael Lai", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11803 }, { "candidateName": "Roger Marenco (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Jose Morales (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Ernest “EJ” Jones (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Adlah Chisti (eliminated)", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 0 }, { "candidateName": "Chyanne Chen", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12001 } ] }, "SFCityAttorney": { "id": "SFCityAttorney", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Francisco", "raceName": "City Attorney ", "raceDescription": "Top candidate wins seat. 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Hall", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1207 }, { "candidateName": "John V. Aguerre", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 785 } ] }, "SMGranadaCommunityServicesDistrictBoardofDirectors": { "id": "SMGranadaCommunityServicesDistrictBoardofDirectors", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Granada Community Services District, Board of Directors", "raceDescription": "Top two candidates win seat. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13708, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9706 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4002 } ] }, "SMMeasureZ": { "id": "SMMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Jefferson Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 49953, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 38447 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11506 } ] }, "SMMeasureHH": { "id": "SMMeasureHH", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure HH", "raceDescription": "Bayshore Elementary School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1705, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1215 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 490 } ] }, "SMMeasureP": { "id": "SMMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure P", "raceDescription": "Belmont-Redwood Shores School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 20334, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13712 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6622 } ] }, "SMMeasureGG": { "id": "SMMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Burlingame School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15139, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11203 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3936 } ] }, "SMMeasureU": { "id": "SMMeasureU", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure U", "raceDescription": "Menlo Park City School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 14136, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10174 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3962 } ] }, "SMMeasureJ": { "id": "SMMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "Millbrae Elementary School District. School bond. Passes wtith 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 10950, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6986 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3964 } ] }, "SMMeasureEE": { "id": "SMMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Pacifica School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19170, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13902 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5268 } ] }, "SMMeasureS": { "id": "SMMeasureS", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure S", "raceDescription": "Ravenswood City School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 7945, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6249 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1696 } ] }, "SMMeasureX": { "id": "SMMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "San Bruno Park School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15828, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11919 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3909 } ] }, "SMMeasureO": { "id": "SMMeasureO", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure O", "raceDescription": "San Bruno Park School District. Term limit. Passes with majority vote. ", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15031, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12419 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2612 } ] }, "SMMeasureY": { "id": "SMMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Woodside Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 1985, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1536 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 449 } ] }, "SMMeasureDD": { "id": "SMMeasureDD", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure DD", "raceDescription": "Belmont. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 12925, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10945 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1980 } ] }, "SMMeasureAA": { "id": "SMMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Colma. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote. 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Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6278, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4860 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 1418 } ] }, "SMMeasureV": { "id": "SMMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Foster City. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 13252, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9831 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3421 } ] }, "SMMeasureR": { "id": "SMMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "Half Moon Bay. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 6145, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3969 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2176 } ] }, "SMMeasureCC": { "id": "SMMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Menlo Park. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 15571, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13009 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2562 } ] }, "SMMeasureFF": { "id": "SMMeasureFF", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure FF", "raceDescription": "Millbrae. Term limit. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 9905, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 7729 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2176 } ] }, "SMMeasureM": { "id": "SMMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure M ", "raceDescription": "Pacifica. Transient occupancy tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 19664, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 15284 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4380 } ] }, "SMMeasureBB": { "id": "SMMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Redwood City. Business license tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 32216, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 26988 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5228 } ] }, "SMMeasureQ": { "id": "SMMeasureQ", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure Q", "raceDescription": "San Bruno. Infrastructure bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 17380, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12703 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4677 } ] }, "SMMeasureL": { "id": "SMMeasureL", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure L", "raceDescription": "San Carlos. Appoint city treasurer. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 14980, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11206 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3774 } ] }, "SMMeasureT": { "id": "SMMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "San Mateo. Affordable housing. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:16 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 3, 2024", "totalVotes": 42554, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 25271 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17283 } ] }, "SMMeasureW": { "id": "SMMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "San Mateo", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "South San Francisco. Business lincese tax. 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Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 20932, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11265 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 9667 } ] }, "SCMeasureC": { "id": "SCMeasureC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure C", "raceDescription": "Gilroy. Sales tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 22210, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13438 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8772 } ] }, "SCMeasureD": { "id": "SCMeasureD", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure D", "raceDescription": "Palo Alto. El Camino Park. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 30913, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 22806 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8107 } ] }, "SCMeasureE": { "id": "SCMeasureE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure E", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale. Library bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 49763, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29503 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 20260 } ] }, "SCMeasureF": { "id": "SCMeasureF", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure F", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale. Inclusivity in governance. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 47536, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17959 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 29577 } ] }, "SCMeasureG": { "id": "SCMeasureG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure G", "raceDescription": "Mountain View. Property transfer tax. Passes with majority vote", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 29492, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21330 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 8162 } ] }, "SCMeasureI": { "id": "SCMeasureI", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure I ", "raceDescription": "Santa Clara. Infrastructure bond. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 40532, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28133 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12399 } ] }, "SCMeasureJ": { "id": "SCMeasureJ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure J", "raceDescription": "Milpitas. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24432, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19582 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4850 } ] }, "SCMeasureK": { "id": "SCMeasureK", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure K", "raceDescription": "Campbell. Sales tax. Passes with majority vote. 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Includes votes from Santa Clara County and San Benito County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23916, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11897 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12019 } ] }, "SCMeasureM": { "id": "SCMeasureM", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure M", "raceDescription": "San Benito High School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote. Includes votes from Santa Clara County and San Benito County.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23798, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12076 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 11722 } ] }, "SCMeasureN": { "id": "SCMeasureN", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure N", "raceDescription": "East Side Union High School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 173551, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 126490 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 47061 } ] }, "SCMeasureP": { "id": "SCMeasureP", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure P ", "raceDescription": "Campbell Union High School District. School bond. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24265, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 17303 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6962 } ] }, "SCMeasureR": { "id": "SCMeasureR", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure R", "raceDescription": "San Jose Unified School District. School bond. 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Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 7160, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5018 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 2142 } ] }, "SCMeasureT": { "id": "SCMeasureT", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure T", "raceDescription": "Mount Pleasant Elementary School District. School bond. 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Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 18065, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13953 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 4112 } ] }, "SCMeasureV": { "id": "SCMeasureV", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure V", "raceDescription": "Union Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 20980, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 14799 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6181 } ] }, "SCMeasureW": { "id": "SCMeasureW", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure W", "raceDescription": "Franklin-McKinley School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 24905, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19283 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5622 } ] }, "SCMeasureX": { "id": "SCMeasureX", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure X", "raceDescription": "Evergreen Elementary School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 40274, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 28008 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 12266 } ] }, "SCMeasureY": { "id": "SCMeasureY", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure Y", "raceDescription": "Sunnyvale School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 28676, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 23566 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5110 } ] }, "SCMeasureZ": { "id": "SCMeasureZ", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure Z", "raceDescription": "Cupertino Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 55064, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 33626 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 21438 } ] }, "SCMeasureAA": { "id": "SCMeasureAA", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure AA", "raceDescription": "Mountain View Whisman School District. Parcel tax. Passes with 2/3 vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 25605, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 19275 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 6330 } ] }, "SCMeasureBB": { "id": "SCMeasureBB", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure BB", "raceDescription": "Cambrian School District. Parcel tax. Passes with majority vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 13215, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10183 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 3032 } ] }, "SCMeasureCC": { "id": "SCMeasureCC", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure CC", "raceDescription": "Los Gatos Union School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 16092, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10682 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 5410 } ] }, "SCMeasureEE": { "id": "SCMeasureEE", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure EE", "raceDescription": "Los Altos School District. School bond. Passes with 55% vote.", "raceReadTheStory": "", "raceType": "yesNo", "timeUpdated": "7:54 PM", "dateUpdated": "Dec 5, 2024", "totalVotes": 23185, "candidates": [ { "candidateName": "Yes", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 13032 }, { "candidateName": "No", "candidateIncumbent": false, "candidateParty": "", "voteCount": 10153 } ] }, "SCMeasureGG": { "id": "SCMeasureGG", "type": "localRace", "location": "Santa Clara", "raceName": "Measure GG", "raceDescription": "Orchard School District. School bond. 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