Dolmetsch Online - Manuscript/Staff/Music paper/Papier 脿 musique

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For while in all other works of art it is possible to distinguish the matter from the form,<br>and the understanding can always make this distinction, yet it is the constant effort of art to obliterate it."</i><br><b>Walter Pater</b> (1839-1894) English essayist and art and literary critic</font><hr> <p><table width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td width=350 valign=top style='width:257.7pt;border:solid windowtext .5pt; background:#EAEAEA;padding:0.5cm 5.4pt 0.5cm 5.4pt'><h1>How to Read and Print pdf Files</h1><p><b>pdf</b> is an excellent format for distributing print quality information over the Internet. All the files listed on this page have been created with standard Windows programs. The finished output has then been printed to the <a href="" target="_blank"><b>PDF Creator</b></a> virtual printer set to a minimum of 600 dpi. Because the resolution of computer monitors is much lower than 600 dpi, the 'on-screen' quality appear poorer and more variable than that on a modern printer. We recommend that you always print these files rather than using them 'on-screen'. All these documents may be copied and used freely.</p><p> The files you are downloading are in <b>pdf</b> format - start at <font color=blue><b>1.</b></font></p><p><font color=blue><b>1.</b></font> You can download any <b>pdf</b> file to your hard drive by doing the following:</p><p><font color=brown><B>Windows</B>- right click over the relevant link and save.<br><B>Mac</B>- click on the relevant link, hold and save.</font></p><p><font color=blue><b>2.</b></font> Read <b>pdf</b> format files using a <b>pdf</b> reader<br>for example: <b>Acrobat Reader</b> or <b>gsview</b>.</p><p><font color=blue><b>3.</b></font> With a <b>pdf</b> reader you will also be able to print the file(s) to your local printer.<p><font color=blue><b>4.</b></font> If you are having problems getting music to print from pdf files (for example, you get only garbled output) please refer to this article which offers numerous ways to solve this. <p><b> <a href="" target="_blank">My Adobe Acrobat pdf files are printing garbage</a></b> <p> If you have any problems with these instructions please <a href=""><b>contact us</b></a> and we will try to help you.<p><font color=blue><b>5.</b></font> If you notice spaces where there should be letters <b>c</b> or <b>K</b> then you can fix this by upgrading your Acrobat Reader to the latest version for your operating system. This problem arises from the Microsoft Postscript generator and is not the fault of our pdf format file generator.</font></p><p><hr><p>If you require the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print the pdf files, and this is not already installed on your computer, use the link through the Acrobat logo below.<p><a href=""><img src="acrobat.gif" border=0 alt="Free Download - Adobe Acrobat Reader"></a></p><p><hr><p><h1>How to Make pdf Format Files</h1><p>Those interested in producing pdf format files may like to read Christian Mondrup's comprehensive <a href="">How to produce a pdf score</a>.<p>Alternatively, refer to <a href="">Free PDF</a> which provides similar information.<p> <hr> <p> <h1>Paper Size</h1> <p> We have set our printable material to fit the standard A4 paper size. If printed out on paper of another size the image may not be centred on the page, or may flow over to a second sheet. This problem is most commonly found when users print material intended for A4 paper size onto American Letter size paper. The two sizes are as follows:<p> <table> <tr><td> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=2>Millimetres</td><td colspan=2>Inches</td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Width</td><td>Length</td><td>Width</td><td>Length</td></tr> <tr><td>A4</td><td>210.0</td><td>297.0</td><td>8.26</td><td>11.69</td></tr> <tr><td>Letter</td><td>215.9</td><td>279.4</td><td>8.50</td><td>11.00</td></tr> </table> <p> We recommend those who want to learn more about the history of the two paper sizes read the article entitled <a href="" target="_blank">A4 vs US Letter</a> by Brian Forte printed in Between Borders. <p> <hr> <p> If you would like to make a donation to support this resource please click on the <b>Donate</b> button below. <p> <center> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="SX56LZ76JW93S"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online."> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"> </form> </center> <p> </td><td width=20>&nbsp;</td><td> <h3><a href="pdffiles.htm">Other Printable Information</a> <font color="#8B0000">::</font> <a href="#top"><img src="top.gif" alt="top" border="0" ></a></h3> <p> <a name="manuscript"></a> <h3><font color=blue>Blank Manuscript/Staff/Music Paper/Papier 脿 musique from Dolmetsch Online</font> <font color="#8B0000">::</font> <a href="#top"><img src="top.gif" alt="top" border="0" ></a></font></h3> <p> <font color=blue>We have prepared blank manuscript/staff/music paper which you can print out onto your local printer.<br>We recommend you use a good quality paper which will improve the quality of the output.<br>The output from your printer will be far superior to the same image on your computer screen. <p> If you require any other layout please let us know and we will make it available. </font></p> <p> <b><font color=blue>Solo format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="blankmanuscript4land.pdf">4-stave with no clef to one page (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="spreadfour.pdf">4-stave with no clef, wide spread for comments, notes, etc. (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscript6land.pdf">6-stave with no clef to one page (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscript6portwiderule.pdf">6-stave (large) with no clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptnoclef8.pdf">8-stave with no clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscript8port10mmstaffheight.pdf">8-stave with no clef - 10 mm staff height (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscripttrebleclef8.pdf">8-stave with treble clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptbassclef8.pdf">8-stave with bass clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptnoclef10.pdf">10-stave with no clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="tenlinetrebleclef.pdf">10-stave with treble clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="10staffaltoclef(A4).pdf">10-stave with alto clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="10stafftenorclef(A4).pdf">10-stave with tenor clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="10staffbassclef(A4).pdf">10-stave with bass clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscript12.pdf">12-stave with no clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscripttrebleclef12.pdf">12-stave with treble clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptaltoclef12.pdf">12-stave with alto clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptbassclef12.pdf">12-stave with bass clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Special large paper format (these should be printed on the paper size specified below)</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal14lineslandscape.pdf">14-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" landscape)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal16lines.pdf">16-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal17lines.pdf">17-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal17lineslandscape.pdf">17-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" landscape)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal20lines.pdf">20-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptTabloid40lines.pdf">24-stave with no clef to one page (Tabloid - 11" x 17" landscape)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptUSlegal25.pdf">25-stave with no clef to one page (US Legal - 8.5" x 14" portrait)</a> <li><a href="18staffnoclef(A3).pdf">18-stave with no clef to one page (A3)</a> <li><a href="22staffnoclef(A3).pdf">22-stave with no clef to one page (A3)</a> <li><a href="30linefullscoreA3.pdf">30-stave with no clef to one page (A3)</a> <li><a href="40linefullscoreA3.pdf">40-stave with no clef to one page (A3)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptTabloid40lines.pdf">40-stave with no clef to one page (Tabloid - 11" x 17" portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Keyboard format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="Grandscoreoctavo.pdf">1-stave keyboard with treble and bass clef (Octavo landscape)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptpiano4large.pdf">4-stave keyboard with treble and bass clef to one page (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="blankmanuscriptpiano6.pdf">6-stave keyboard with treble and bass clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="keyboardschenker.pdf">2-stave keyboard no clef with surrounding space for Schenker analysis (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="organscore.pdf">4-stave organ with pedal, treble clef, blank clef, bass clef (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="organscorelandscape.pdf">3-stave organ with pedal, treble clef, blank clef, bass clef (A4 landscape)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="duo.pdf">6-stave, duo format, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="duo4systemsmallertopline.pdf">4-stave, duo format (75%-size top line), blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="trio.pdf">4-stave, trio format, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="quartet.pdf">3-stave, quartet format, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="quintet.pdf">3-stave, quintet format, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Choral format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="Fourstavetwostafffortext.pdf">4-stave, duo format (space for text), blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="Fourpartspacefortext.pdf">2-stave, quartet format (space for text), blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble with keyboard format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="pianoplusone 4.pdf">keyboard + one, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="pianotrio.pdf">keyboard + two, blank clefs (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="pianoquartet.pdf">keyboard + three, blank clef (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="pianoquintet.pdf">keyboard + four, blank clef (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="keyboard+5.pdf">keyboard + five, blank clef (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble with keyboard - special paper format (these should be printed on the paper size specified below)</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="SATBKeyoctavoportrait.pdf">SATB + keyboard (2 staff) (octavo portrait)</a> <li><a href="SATBKeyoctavolandscape.pdf">SATB + keyboard (1 staff) (octavo landscape)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Band format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="9stave.pdf">nine instrument band, blank clef (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigband.pdf">big band, blank clef, standard layout (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="bigbandblank.pdf">big band, blank clef, neutral layout (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigbandvariantA.pdf">big band, blank clef, (2 alto, 2 ten, 1 bari, 4 trpt, 4 trbn, guitar, piano, bass, drums - A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigbandvariantD.pdf">big band, blank clef, (2 alto, 2 ten, 1 bari, 4 trpt, 4 trbn, bass trbn, guitar, piano, bass, drums - A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigbandvariantB.pdf">big band, blank clef, (2 alto, 2 ten, 1 bari, 4 trpt, 2 hrn, 2 trbn, guitar, piano, bass, drums - A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigbandvariantC.pdf">big band, blank clef, (2 alto, 2 ten, 1 bari, 4 trpt, 2 hrn, 2 trbn, bass trbn, guitar, piano, bass, drums - A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bigbandblanklandscape.pdf">big band, blank clef, neutral layout (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="drumcorpspercussion.pdf">drum corps - percussion (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="brassband.pdf">brass band (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Percussion format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="singlelinepercussion.pdf">untuned percussion (single line - also for rhythmic dictation)</a> <li><a href="percussion3line.pdf">drumline format (three lines unbarred - titled snares, tenors, bass)</a> <li><a href="percussion3linewthbarlines.pdf">drumline format (three lines barred - titled snares, tenors, bass)</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Plucked string format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="lutetablature8lineportrait.pdf">8-stave lute tablature (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="lutetablature6linelandscape.pdf">6-stave lute tablature (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="12stave6linelutetablature.pdf">12-stave 6 line lute tablature (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="lute+1soloinstrument.pdf">5-stave lute tablature + 1 solo instrument (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="lute+2soloinstruments.pdf">4-stave lute tablature + 2 solo instruments (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="12staffTABscore.pdf">12-stave ukulele tablature (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="ukulele+1treblesoloinstrument.pdf">6-stave paired ukulele tablature + 1 solo instrument (treble clef) (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="guitartablature8lineportrait.pdf">8-stave guitar tablature (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="guitartablature6linelandscape.pdf">6-stave guitar tablature (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="bassguitartablature10lineportrait.pdf">10-stave bass guitar lute tablature (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bassguitartablature7linelandscape.pdf">7-stave bass guitar tablature (A4 landscape)</a> <li><a href="Staff with bass clef plus 4-string TAB (5 staves) (A4).pdf">5-stave paired bass clef bass guitar and 4-string bass guitar tab staves (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="guitarplustab.pdf">6-stave paired treble clef guitar and guitar tab staves (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="guitarnoclefplustab.pdf">6-stave paired no clef guitar and guitar tab staves (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bassguitarplusbasstab.pdf">6-stave paired bass clef guitar and bass guitar tab staves (A4 portrait)</a> <li><a href="bassguitarnoclefplusbasstab.pdf">6-stave paired no clef bass guitar and bass guitar tab staves (A4 portrait)</a> </ul> <p> <hr> <p> <h3><font color=blue>Jeff Consi's Drum Manuscript</font> <font color="#8B0000">::</font> <a href="#top"><img src="top.gif" alt="top" border="0" ></a></font></h3> <p> <a href="" target="_blank">Jeff Consi</a> writes: "In the PDF file I included enough space for the song title, a text box to write the tempo(bpm), space for the time signature, and a 聯ride key聰 that I use to quickly figure out the ride pattern of the song. It聮s just four crotchets (1/4 notes) that you can turn into quavers (1/8 notes) or semiquavers (1/16 notes) by tying them together with a pen or pencil. I found this to be an easy way to quickly get a summary of the tune. I usually grab the iPod and go through each song, writing down intros, grooves, major drum fills, and the endings of the songs. I enter the bpm in the tempo text box, and tie the notes together in the 聯ride key聰 to form the basic ride pattern of each tune." <p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Jeff Consi's Drum Manuscript (A4 format)</a> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Jeff Consi's Drum Manuscript (US letter format)</a> </ul> <p> <hr> <p> <h3><font color=blue>Blank Manuscript/Staff Paper from The University of Virginia - Music Paper Resource</font> <font color="#8B0000">::</font> <a href="#top"><img src="top.gif" alt="top" border="0" ></a></font></h3> <p> All are for 8&half; x 11 paper (portrait orientation) unless otherwise noted <p> <b><font color=blue>General format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>6-stave (large for elementary school use) <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>8-stave paper for parts or lead sheets <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>10-stave paper for parts or lead sheets <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>9-stave paper for sketches (landscape) <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>instrumental solo with reduced-size solo staff <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>instrumental duet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>instrumental trio <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>instrumental quartet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>instrumental quintet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Solo format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>piano (keyboard) solo <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>organ solo <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>guitar tablature <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>piano and organ duet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>woodwind trio <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>brass trio <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>string trio <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>string quartet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>woodwind quintet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>brass quintet <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>brass choir <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Band format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>full concert band (8<font size=-3>1/2</font> x 14) <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> (11 x 17) <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>marching band <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>brass band <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>jazz band <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Orchestra format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>string orchestra <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>string orchestra with piano <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>small orchestra <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>full orchestra (8<font size=-3>1/2</font> x 14) <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Choral format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li>vocal solo with piano <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>two-part vocal with piano <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SSA <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SAB <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SATB <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SATB hymnal <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SATB with piano <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> <li>SSATB <a href="">PS</a> <a href="">PDF</a> </ul> </font> <p> <hr> <p> <h3><font color=blue>Blank Manuscript/Staff Paper from - Music Paper in Postscript, PDF and GIF formats</font> <font color="#8B0000">::</font> <a href="#top"><img src="top.gif" alt="top" border="0" ></a></font></h3> <p> <b><font color=blue>Blank sheets</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">8 evenly-spaced staves without clefs</a> <li><a href="">4 systems for one instrument and piano accompaniment</a> <li><a href="">5 grand-staff systems without clefs</a> <li><a href="">12 evenly-spaced staves without clefs</a> <li><a href="">3 systems for organ music with no clefs</a> <li><a href="">2 systems of 4 single-staff instruments</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble/duo format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">4 systems for bass-clef instrument and piano</a> <li><a href="">4 systems for treble-clef instrument and piano</a> <li><a href="">4 systems for one instrument and piano accompaniment</a> <li><a href="">4 systems for alto-clef instrument and piano</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Ensemble/quartet format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">2 systems for string quartet</a> <li><a href="">2 systems of 4 single-staff instruments</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Keyboard format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">5 grand-staff systems without clefs</a> <li><a href="">5 grand-staff systems</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Solo format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">8 staves with an alto clef</a> <li><a href="">3 systems for organ music</a> <li><a href="">8 staves with a bass clef</a> <li><a href="">3 systems for organ music with no clefs</a> <li><a href="">8 staves with a treble clef</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Theory format</font></b> <p> <ul> <li><a href="">12 staves at the left side of the page for note taking in music theory class</a> <li><a href="">4 staves at the top of the page for chorale dictation/composition with space below for writing notes</a> <li><a href="">12 staves at the right side of the page for note taking in music theory class</a> </ul> <p> <b><font color=blue>Bilinear manuscript paper</font></b> <p> Bilinear Music Notation is regarded as the only truly viable alternative notation system for music. First published in 1997 (by <a href="" target="_blank">Jos茅 A. Sotorrio</a>), it is the only reform proposal to solve all the problems of traditional notation whilst retaining the same essential functionality required for practical music-making. No accidentals, key signatures, or clefs are required; all notes have just one absolute position on the staff in all octaves; less vertical space is required resulting in fewer ledger lines; it accommodates ranges more efficiently and simplifies the notation of transposing instruments; it reduces microtonal symbology; rhythmic notation is traditional or 聭chronographical聮 (proportionate). <p> <ul> <li><a href="">Bilinear manuscript paper</a> </ul> <p> </td><td width="60">&nbsp;</td></tr></table><p><hr><script type="text/javascript"> function returnDocument() { var file_name = document.location.href; var end = (file_name.indexOf("?") == -1) ? file_name.length : file_name.indexOf("?"); return file_name.substring(file_name.lastIndexOf("/")+1, end); } document.write('<font size=-2>URL:' + returnDocument() + ' <i><br>last modified: ' + date_lastmod() + '</i><br>&copy; Dolmetsch Organisation 2000 - 2013 </font>'); </script> </body> </html>

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