Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives

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(r(document), r(window), r(f.prototype)) : f.prototype.hasOwnProperty(u) && (o(window), o(f.prototype)), a.on(u + "-start", function (t, n) { var e = t[1], r = c(e, "nr@wrapped", function () { function t() { if ("function" == typeof e.handleEvent) return e.handleEvent.apply(e, arguments) } var n = { object: t, "function": e }[typeof e]; return n ? s(n, "fn-", null, || "anonymous") : e }); this.wrapped = t[1] = r }), a.on(d + "-start", function (t) { t[1] = this.wrapped || t[1] }) }, {}], 6: [function (t, n, e) { var r = t("ee").get("history"), o = t(19)(r); n.exports = r, o.inPlace(window.history, ["pushState", "replaceState"], "-") }, {}], 7: [function (t, n, e) { var r = t("ee").get("raf"), o = t(19)(r), i = "equestAnimationFrame"; n.exports = r, o.inPlace(window, ["r" + i, "mozR" + i, "webkitR" + i, "msR" + i], "raf-"), r.on("raf-start", function (t) { t[0] = o(t[0], "fn-") }) }, {}], 8: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n, e) { t[0] = a(t[0], "fn-", null, e) } function o(t, n, e) { this.method = e, this.timerDuration = isNaN(t[1]) ? 0 : +t[1], t[0] = a(t[0], "fn-", this, e) } var i = t("ee").get("timer"), a = t(19)(i), s = "setTimeout", c = "setInterval", f = "clearTimeout", u = "-start", d = "-"; n.exports = i, a.inPlace(window, [s, "setImmediate"], s + d), a.inPlace(window, [c], c + d), a.inPlace(window, [f, "clearImmediate"], f + d), i.on(c + u, r), i.on(s + u, o) }, {}], 9: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n) { d.inPlace(n, ["onreadystatechange"], "fn-", s) } function o() { var t = this, n = u.context(t); t.readyState > 3 && !n.resolved && (n.resolved = !0, u.emit("xhr-resolved", [], t)), d.inPlace(t, y, "fn-", s) } function i(t) { g.push(t), h && (x ? x.then(a) : v ? v(a) : (E = -E, = E)) } function a() { for (var t = 0; t < g.length; t++)r([], g[t]); g.length && (g = []) } function s(t, n) { return n } function c(t, n) { for (var e in t) n[e] = t[e]; return n } t(5); var f = t("ee"), u = f.get("xhr"), d = t(19)(u), l = NREUM.o, p = l.XHR, h = l.MO, m = l.PR, v = l.SI, w = "readystatechange", y = ["onload", "onerror", "onabort", "onloadstart", "onloadend", "onprogress", "ontimeout"], g = []; n.exports = u; var b = window.XMLHttpRequest = function (t) { var n = new p(t); try { u.emit("new-xhr", [n], n), n.addEventListener(w, o, !1) } catch (e) { try { u.emit("internal-error", [e]) } catch (r) { } } return n }; if (c(p, b), b.prototype = p.prototype, d.inPlace(b.prototype, ["open", "send"], "-xhr-", s), u.on("send-xhr-start", function (t, n) { r(t, n), i(n) }), u.on("open-xhr-start", r), h) { var x = m && m.resolve(); if (!v && !m) { var E = 1, O = document.createTextNode(E); new h(a).observe(O, { characterData: !0 }) } } else f.on("fn-end", function (t) { t[0] && t[0].type === w || a() }) }, {}], 10: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t) { var n = this.params, e = this.metrics; if (!this.ended) { this.ended = !0; for (var r = 0; r < d; r++)t.removeEventListener(u[r], this.listener, !1); if (!n.aborted) { if (e.duration = - this.startTime, 4 === t.readyState) { n.status = t.status; var i = o(t, this.lastSize); if (i && (e.rxSize = i), this.sameOrigin) { var c = t.getResponseHeader("X-NewRelic-App-Data"); c && ( = c.split(", ").pop()) } } else n.status = 0; e.cbTime = this.cbTime, f.emit("xhr-done", [t], t), s("xhr", [n, e, this.startTime]) } } } function o(t, n) { var e = t.responseType; if ("json" === e && null !== n) return n; var r = "arraybuffer" === e || "blob" === e || "json" === e ? t.response : t.responseText; return h(r) } function i(t, n) { var e = c(n), r = t.params; = e.hostname + ":" + e.port, r.pathname = e.pathname, t.sameOrigin = e.sameOrigin } var a = t("loader"); if (a.xhrWrappable) { var s = t("handle"), c = t(11), f = t("ee"), u = ["load", "error", "abort", "timeout"], d = u.length, l = t("id"), p = t(14), h = t(13), m = window.XMLHttpRequest; a.features.xhr = !0, t(9), f.on("new-xhr", function (t) { var n = this; n.totalCbs = 0, n.called = 0, n.cbTime = 0, n.end = r, n.ended = !1, n.xhrGuids = {}, n.lastSize = null, p && (p > 34 || p < 10) || window.opera || t.addEventListener("progress", function (t) { n.lastSize = t.loaded }, !1) }), f.on("open-xhr-start", function (t) { this.params = { method: t[0] }, i(this, t[1]), this.metrics = {} }), f.on("open-xhr-end", function (t, n) { "loader_config" in NREUM && "xpid" in NREUM.loader_config && this.sameOrigin && n.setRequestHeader("X-NewRelic-ID", NREUM.loader_config.xpid) }), f.on("send-xhr-start", function (t, n) { var e = this.metrics, r = t[0], o = this; if (e && r) { var i = h(r); i && (e.txSize = i) } this.startTime =, this.listener = function (t) { try { "abort" === t.type && (o.params.aborted = !0), ("load" !== t.type || o.called === o.totalCbs && (o.onloadCalled || "function" != typeof n.onload)) && o.end(n) } catch (e) { try { f.emit("internal-error", [e]) } catch (r) { } } }; for (var s = 0; s < d; s++)n.addEventListener(u[s], this.listener, !1) }), f.on("xhr-cb-time", function (t, n, e) { this.cbTime += t, n ? this.onloadCalled = !0 : this.called += 1, this.called !== this.totalCbs || !this.onloadCalled && "function" == typeof e.onload || this.end(e) }), f.on("xhr-load-added", function (t, n) { var e = "" + l(t) + !!n; this.xhrGuids && !this.xhrGuids[e] && (this.xhrGuids[e] = !0, this.totalCbs += 1) }), f.on("xhr-load-removed", function (t, n) { var e = "" + l(t) + !!n; this.xhrGuids && this.xhrGuids[e] && (delete this.xhrGuids[e], this.totalCbs -= 1) }), f.on("addEventListener-end", function (t, n) { n instanceof m && "load" === t[0] && f.emit("xhr-load-added", [t[1], t[2]], n) }), f.on("removeEventListener-end", function (t, n) { n instanceof m && "load" === t[0] && f.emit("xhr-load-removed", [t[1], t[2]], n) }), f.on("fn-start", function (t, n, e) { n instanceof m && ("onload" === e && (this.onload = !0), ("load" === (t[0] && t[0].type) || this.onload) && (this.xhrCbStart = }), f.on("fn-end", function (t, n) { this.xhrCbStart && f.emit("xhr-cb-time", [ - this.xhrCbStart, this.onload, n], n) }) } }, {}], 11: [function (t, n, e) { n.exports = function (t) { var n = document.createElement("a"), e = window.location, r = {}; n.href = t, r.port = n.port; var o = n.href.split("://"); !r.port && o[1] && (r.port = o[1].split("/")[0].split("@").pop().split(":")[1]), r.port && "0" !== r.port || (r.port = "https" === o[0] ? "443" : "80"), r.hostname = n.hostname || e.hostname, r.pathname = n.pathname, r.protocol = o[0], "/" !== r.pathname.charAt(0) && (r.pathname = "/" + r.pathname); var i = !n.protocol || ":" === n.protocol || n.protocol === e.protocol, a = n.hostname === document.domain && n.port === e.port; return r.sameOrigin = i && (!n.hostname || a), r } }, {}], 12: [function (t, n, e) { function r() { } function o(t, n, e) { return function () { return i(t, [].concat(s(arguments)), n ? null : this, e), n ? void 0 : this } } var i = t("handle"), a = t(16), s = t(17), c = t("ee").get("tracer"), f = t("loader"), u = NREUM; "undefined" == typeof window.newrelic && (newrelic = u); var d = ["setPageViewName", "setCustomAttribute", "setErrorHandler", "finished", "addToTrace", "inlineHit", "addRelease"], l = "api-", p = l + "ixn-"; a(d, function (t, n) { u[n] = o(l + n, !0, "api") }), u.addPageAction = o(l + "addPageAction", !0), u.setCurrentRouteName = o(l + "routeName", !0), n.exports = newrelic, u.interaction = function () { return (new r).get() }; var h = r.prototype = { createTracer: function (t, n) { var e = {}, r = this, o = "function" == typeof n; return i(p + "tracer", [, t, e], r), function () { if (c.emit((o ? "" : "no-") + "fn-start", [, r, o], e), o) try { return n.apply(this, arguments) } catch (t) { throw c.emit("fn-err", [arguments, this, t], e), t } finally { c.emit("fn-end", [], e) } } } }; a("actionText,setName,setAttribute,save,ignore,onEnd,getContext,end,get".split(","), function (t, n) { h[n] = o(p + n) }), newrelic.noticeError = function (t, n) { "string" == typeof t && (t = new Error(t)), i("err", [t,, !1, n]) } }, {}], 13: [function (t, n, e) { n.exports = function (t) { if ("string" == typeof t && t.length) return t.length; if ("object" == typeof t) { if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer && t.byteLength) return t.byteLength; if ("undefined" != typeof Blob && t instanceof Blob && t.size) return t.size; if (!("undefined" != typeof FormData && t instanceof FormData)) try { return JSON.stringify(t).length } catch (n) { return } } } }, {}], 14: [function (t, n, e) { var r = 0, o = navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/); o && (r = +o[1]), n.exports = r }, {}], 15: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n) { if (!o) return !1; if (t !== o) return !1; if (!n) return !0; if (!i) return !1; for (var e = i.split("."), r = n.split("."), a = 0; a < r.length; a++)if (r[a] !== e[a]) return !1; return !0 } var o = null, i = null, a = /Version\/(\S+)\s+Safari/; if (navigator.userAgent) { var s = navigator.userAgent, c = s.match(a); c && s.indexOf("Chrome") === -1 && s.indexOf("Chromium") === -1 && (o = "Safari", i = c[1]) } n.exports = { agent: o, version: i, match: r } }, {}], 16: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n) { var e = [], r = "", i = 0; for (r in t), r) && (e[i] = n(r, t[r]), i += 1); return e } var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; n.exports = r }, {}], 17: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n, e) { n || (n = 0), "undefined" == typeof e && (e = t ? t.length : 0); for (var r = -1, o = e - n || 0, i = Array(o < 0 ? 0 : o); ++r < o;)i[r] = t[n + r]; return i } n.exports = r }, {}], 18: [function (t, n, e) { n.exports = { exists: "undefined" != typeof window.performance && window.performance.timing && "undefined" != typeof window.performance.timing.navigationStart } }, {}], 19: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t) { return !(t && t instanceof Function && t.apply && !t[a]) } var o = t("ee"), i = t(17), a = "nr@original", s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, c = !1; n.exports = function (t, n) { function e(t, n, e, o) { function nrWrapper() { var r, a, s, c; try { a = this, r = i(arguments), s = "function" == typeof e ? e(r, a) : e || {} } catch (f) { l([f, "", [r, a, o], s]) } u(n + "start", [r, a, o], s); try { return c = t.apply(a, r) } catch (d) { throw u(n + "err", [r, a, d], s), d } finally { u(n + "end", [r, a, c], s) } } return r(t) ? t : (n || (n = ""), nrWrapper[a] = t, d(t, nrWrapper), nrWrapper) } function f(t, n, o, i) { o || (o = ""); var a, s, c, f = "-" === o.charAt(0); for (c = 0; c < n.length; c++)s = n[c], a = t[s], r(a) || (t[s] = e(a, f ? s + o : o, i, s)) } function u(e, r, o) { if (!c || n) { var i = c; c = !0; try { t.emit(e, r, o, n) } catch (a) { l([a, e, r, o]) } c = i } } function d(t, n) { if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { var e = Object.keys(t); return e.forEach(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(n, e, { get: function () { return t[e] }, set: function (n) { return t[e] = n, n } }) }), n } catch (r) { l([r]) } for (var o in t), o) && (n[o] = t[o]); return n } function l(n) { try { t.emit("internal-error", n) } catch (e) { } } return t || (t = o), e.inPlace = f, e.flag = a, e } }, {}], ee: [function (t, n, e) { function r() { } function o(t) { function n(t) { return t && t instanceof r ? t : t ? c(t, s, i) : i() } function e(e, r, o, i) { if (!l.aborted || i) { t && t(e, r, o); for (var a = n(o), s = m(e), c = s.length, f = 0; f < c; f++)s[f].apply(a, r); var d = u[g[e]]; return d && d.push([b, e, r, a]), a } } function p(t, n) { y[t] = m(t).concat(n) } function h(t, n) { var e = y[t]; if (e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)e[r] === n && e.splice(r, 1) } function m(t) { return y[t] || [] } function v(t) { return d[t] = d[t] || o(e) } function w(t, n) { f(t, function (t, e) { n = n || "feature", g[e] = n, n in u || (u[n] = []) }) } var y = {}, g = {}, b = { on: p, addEventListener: p, removeEventListener: h, emit: e, get: v, listeners: m, context: n, buffer: w, abort: a, aborted: !1 }; return b } function i() { return new r } function a() { (u.api || u.feature) && (l.aborted = !0, u = l.backlog = {}) } var s = "nr@context", c = t("gos"), f = t(16), u = {}, d = {}, l = n.exports = o(); l.backlog = u }, {}], gos: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n, e) { if (, n)) return t[n]; var r = e(); if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { return Object.defineProperty(t, n, { value: r, writable: !0, enumerable: !1 }), r } catch (i) { } return t[n] = r, r } var o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; n.exports = r }, {}], handle: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t, n, e, r) { o.buffer([t], r), o.emit(t, n, e) } var o = t("ee").get("handle"); n.exports = r, = o }, {}], id: [function (t, n, e) { function r(t) { var n = typeof t; return !t || "object" !== n && "function" !== n ? -1 : t === window ? 0 : a(t, i, function () { return o++ }) } var o = 1, i = "nr@id", a = t("gos"); n.exports = r }, {}], loader: [function (t, n, e) { function r() { if (!E++) { var t = =, n = p.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; if (setTimeout(u.abort, 3e4), !(t && t.licenseKey && t.applicationID && n)) return u.abort(); f(g, function (n, e) { t[n] || (t[n] = e) }), c("mark", ["onload", a() + x.offset], null, "api"); var e = p.createElement("script"); e.src = "https://" + t.agent, n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n) } } function o() { "complete" === p.readyState && i() } function i() { c("mark", ["domContent", a() + x.offset], null, "api") } function a() { return O.exists && ? Math.round( : (s = Math.max((new Date).getTime(), s)) - x.offset } var s = (new Date).getTime(), c = t("handle"), f = t(16), u = t("ee"), d = t(15), l = window, p = l.document, h = "addEventListener", m = "attachEvent", v = l.XMLHttpRequest, w = v && v.prototype; NREUM.o = { ST: setTimeout, SI: l.setImmediate, CT: clearTimeout, XHR: v, REQ: l.Request, EV: l.Event, PR: l.Promise, MO: l.MutationObserver }; var y = "" + location, g = { beacon: "", errorBeacon: "", agent: "" }, b = v && w && w[h] && !/CriOS/.test(navigator.userAgent), x = n.exports = { offset: s, now: a, origin: y, features: {}, xhrWrappable: b, userAgent: d }; t(12), p[h] ? 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