{"title":"A Taxonomy Proposal on Criterion Structure for Evaluating Freight Village Concepts in Early-Stage Design Projects","authors":"R\u0131za G\u00fcrhan Korkut, Metin \u00c7elik, S\u00fcleyman \u00d6zkaynak","volume":139,"journal":"International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering","pagesStart":760,"pagesEnd":765,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10009296","abstract":"The early-stage design and development projects for the freight village initiatives require a comprehensive analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. Considering the literature review on structural and operational management requirements, this study proposed an original taxonomy on criterion structure to assess freight village conceptualization. The potential challenges and uncertainties of the developed taxonomy are extended. Besides requirement analysis, this study is also expected to contribute to forthcoming research on benchmarking of freight villages in different regions. The methodology used in this research is a systematic review on several articles as per their modelling approaches, sustainability, entities and decisions made together with the uncertainties and features of their models taken into consideration. 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