Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ | Sucuri

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For the Sucuri Platform, you must sign up for a plan that covers all of your domains. Yes, we understand they share the same core, but they don't always share the same theme. Depending on your configuration, you could have multiple unique domains pointing to one install. Those distinct domains could be affected or blocklisted, and without directed knowledge of the domains we'd be none the wiser. To address this, a license is required for every domain to ensure we go through each one individually. Due to the nature of Multisite configurations, you cannot effectively sign up to cover just one domain without touching all of the others." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We offer multiple opportunities to partner with us depending on your client's needs. You can find more information on our Partnerships page." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is Sucuri a subscription service?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, all plans are subscriptions. If you wish to stop the subscription you will need to submit a general request form via your dashboard." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can you explain your unlimited cleanup policy?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Our unlimited cleanup policy is simple. We'll provide you an incident response team over the 12-month subscription that allows you to engage our team in the event of security incidents. We offer unlimited cleanup with the Sucuri Platform. If you need a cleanup, we require that you open a Malware Removal Request to provide access and permission to clean the site." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How long does the malware cleanup process take?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In many cases, our scripts clean the site immediately upon receiving valid FTP credentials. However, if an escalation to a senior analyst is required, we cannot promise a resolution timeframe, but 90% of Basic plan is resolved with 24 hours, Pro within 12 hours, and Business within 6. We offer one-time priority escalations - chat with us to learn more." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will you clean my website if my website is already infected?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, the Sucuri Platform will clean your website if you are currently infected." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What do you need to clean my website?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In order to begin the cleanup process, we need access to your server and its associated files. We get this access in the form of FTP, sFTP, or SSH access to your server. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, SFTP for Secure File Transfer Protocol, and SSH for Secure Shell. These are connection protocol mechanisms that allow us to log into servers to edit/add/remove files." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I start the cleanup process?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "If you are alerted to malware, you will want to login to your Sucuri dashboard in order to open a Malware Removal Request in the Support section of the dashboard. You can see further information on how to do this and the cleanup process in our Knowledge Base articles." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you backup the site before cleaning?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We backup every file we touch. We do not backup the entire site but do offer a backup service you can leverage if you're interested in a backup solution." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does the Website Security bundle protect my website?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Website Security bundle includes our firewall which protects your site from vulnerabilities and attacks. The firewall is included in the plan but needs to be enabled by changing the DNS A records to point to our firewall IP. You can read more about the firewall and setup in our Knowledge Base articles." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Website Firewall", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Website Firewall is an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (ID/PS) designed specifically for websites. It sits as an intermediary filter between your website visitor and the web server housing the website. It scans all incoming requests and filters all malicious activity to ensure that attackers do not try to abuse your website or its resources." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How does the protection work?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The protection is provided via a custom Website Firewall solution that functions as a perimeter defense for your website. It directs all incoming traffic to your website through our network, allowing us to filter out all malicious traffic." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do I have to install anything to activate the protection?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No, the process is seamless and our team is ready to assist. To enable you'll be asked to make a slight DNS A record change; more advanced users can also opt to do a name server change and allow us to manage the website's DNS as well." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How long does the malware cleanup process take?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In many cases, our scripts clean the site immediately upon receiving valid FTP credentials. However, if an escalation to a senior analyst is required, we cannot promise a resolution timeframe, but 90% of Basic plan is resolved with 24 hours, Pro within 12 hours, and Business within 6. We offer one-time priority escalations - chat with us to learn more." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": " How does Sucuri work?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Getting started is easy. Protect your site and clean up malware by creating an account and signing up for a subscription. Then add your website to the monitoring dashboard and activate server-side scanning. Next, you'll activate the cloud-based firewall to protect your server and website. If your site is hacked, submit a malware removal ticket and we'll address the problem right away." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": " Is Sucuri safe?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Since 2008, our globally-distributed team has ceaselessly innovated with one goal in mind – to make websites safer and faster in a world of emerging threats. Sucuri is a globally recognized company that provides security to thousands of happy webmasters across the net." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does Sucuri's products slow down your site?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Here at Sucuri, we firmly believe that security should never degrade user experience. In fact, clients who leverage the Sucuri Firewall and CDN can see improved site speed by an average of 70% through our website content caching and globally distributed Anycast network." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How much does Sucuri cost?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We offer plans for every budget, and subscriptions vary depending on the service.Sucuri Firewall plans include the web application firewall, virtual patching and hardening,advanced DDoS mitigation, CDN speed enhancements and high availability load balancing.Platform plans include the Sucuri Firewall features as well as monitoring and malware cleanup.We also offer custom plans and enterprise features for web professionals with multiple websites.You can find more details about specific features and costs on our pricing page." } }] } </script> <style> .hero-section { margin-top: 90px; padding: 50px 0; background-color: #efefef } body,h1,h2,h2 a,h2 a:visited,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,select,textarea { font-size: 14px; 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position: absolute;">How much does Sucuri cost?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How much does Sucuri cost?"> <i></i> <h4>How much does Sucuri cost?</h4> <p><p>We offer plans for every budget, and subscriptions vary depending on the service.</p><p>Sucuri Firewall plans include the web application firewall, virtual patching and hardening, advanced DDoS mitigation, CDN speed enhancements and high availability load balancing. Platform plans include the Sucuri Firewall features as well as monitoring and malware cleanup.</p><p>We also offer custom plans and enterprise features for web professionals with multiple websites.</p><p>You can find more details about specific features and costs on our <strong><a href="">pricing page</a>.</strong></p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer refunds?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer refunds?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer refunds?</h4> <p>Yes, we do in the following conditions: </br> </br> 1. If it’s within 30 days of purchase and a Malware Removal Request has not been submitted.</br></br> 2. If we are unable to clean the site on the first Malware Removal Request.</p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you define a website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you define a website?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you define a website?</h4> <p><p>The definition of a website varies by organization, but here at Sucuri we define them as a single domain name or CMS installation.</p><p>The following configuration, for example, requires a unique license:</p><p><strong></strong> directs traffic to <strong></strong></p><p>In situations like the one described above, the domain name requires its own coverage to monitor blocklist status. Sites that have a redirect and *share files* will only require one license. We will clean the files and assist with the blocklisting status for both sites.</p><p>The following configuration <strong>does not</strong> require a license:</p><p><strong></strong> or <strong></strong></p><p>In this configuration, we will treat the blog / forum or other extension of the main website as part of the main website, as long as a domain is not associated with the directory. If a domain is associated with the directory, again, it will require it’s own license. This means if your domain configuration is <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> then you would require a unique license for all three – the main domain and the subdomains.</p><p>Subdomains can use the same service as the main domain in a very specific set of conditions, and it all relates to how our service is applied. The Sucuri Platform includes a cloud-based firewall, the monitoring tool (a script) and manual malware removal. Subdomains factor in to each service a little differently.</p><p>For application of the firewall, we can support both the domain and the subdomain *if* both use the same DNS records and you can edit one set of DNS A records to update that field for both the domain and the subdomain. If that’s not the case, the firewall can only be used for one of them.</p><p> </p><p>For our manual malware removal service, we base the “number of sites” on the number of WordPress installations. Each install has its own database, and each database needs to be manually connected to and checked, so two databases would mean that you would require two subscriptions for cleanup purposes. If (for some bizarre reason) you have two installs but only one database, you can use a single subscription, but that wouldn’t typically be the case.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do I have to do to cancel?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do I have to do to cancel?"> <i></i> <h4>What do I have to do to cancel?</h4> <p><p>For your security, all cancellation requests must be initiated via the ticketing system. Please login to your dashboard and open a Product Support ticket for the billing team. Once they receive the request, the administrative team will ask for the reasoning and then confirm the account has been cancelled.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</h4> <p><p>We understand and appreciate the complexities of Multisite instances. For the Sucuri Platform, you must sign up for a plan that covers all of your domains. Yes, we understand they share the same core, but they don’t always share the same theme. Depending on your configuration, you could have multiple unique domains pointing to one install. Those distinct domains could be affected or blocklisted, and without directed knowledge of the domains we’d be none the wiser. To address this, a license is required for every domain to ensure we go through each one individually. Due to the nature of Multisite configurations, you cannot effectively sign up to cover just one domain without touching all of the others.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will you clean all the websites at the root of my user account?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will you clean all the websites at the root of my user account?"> <i></i> <h4>Will you clean all the websites at the root of my user account?</h4> <p><p>Each plan is per site, so you should upgrade your account to cover all websites in your server, or isolate your site under our protection to it’s own server.</p><p>We cannot effectively clean one site on your server if all the others are infected. Cross site contamination will lead to all sites infecting one another in an endless circle.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I change coverage between sites?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I change coverage between sites?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I change coverage between sites?</h4> <p><p>You can only change coverage between websites if your sites have not been cleaned by our remediation team within the annual term. Once a cleanup has been performed for a domain, that domain is attached to the account until the end of the term.</p><p>Please upgrade your account if you are looking to add sites to clean or protect.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I upgrade ?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I upgrade ?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I upgrade ?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we offer various upgrade options once you’re signed up. If you do not find the plan you would like to add in the Billing section of the dashboard, please submit a Product Support ticket and our administrative team will give you a hand.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer volume pricing?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer volume pricing?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer volume pricing?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we definitely do. Please see our Agency plans or contact</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</h4> <p><p>We offer multiple opportunities to partner with us depending on your client’s needs. You can find more information on our Partnerships page.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question11" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is this a subscription service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question11" id="question11" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is this a subscription service?"> <i></i> <h4>Is this a subscription service?</h4> <p><p>Yes, all plans are subscriptions. If you wish to stop the subscription you will need to submit a general request form via your dashboard. Requests to stop subscriptions will not be accepted over the phone, chat, or email.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question12" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question12" id="question12" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</h4> <p><p>A license is required for every subdomain ( and unique website structure. We do clean subdirectories ( found at the root of the site unless they redirect to a subdomain. We do not clean other databases outside of the main one for the domain and do not take care of blocklist issues associated with subdomains that are not directly associated with the main domain being cleaned.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question13" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are there any additional taxes or fees?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question13" id="question13" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are there any additional taxes or fees?"> <i></i> <h4>Are there any additional taxes or fees?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we collect sales tax on SaaS products in both US and International countries. In the US we collect in 18 states that have tax on SaaS goods: Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Internationally, we collect in 36 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxenbourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Norway, South Africa, Iceland, Albania, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Russia.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-53aab70 bloque-texto seccion1 elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="53aab70" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>The Cleanup Process</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can you explain your unlimited cleanup policy?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can you explain your unlimited cleanup policy?"> <i></i> <h4>Can you explain your unlimited cleanup policy?</h4> <p><p>Our unlimited cleanup policy is simple. We’ll provide you an incident response team over the 12-month subscription that allows you to engage our team in the event of security incidents.</p><p>We offer unlimited cleanup with the Sucuri Platform. If you need a cleanup, we require that you open a Malware Removal Request to provide access and permission to clean the site.</p><p>However, there are stipulations. One very common situation is reinfection, an event in which your website gets infected repeatedly. In the instance of reinfections, our team will notify you and make recommendations to improve your security posture.</p><p>If you do not take proactive measures to address these attack vectors, we will “throttle your cleanups”. Meaning, that while we will help you get clean, our response times will slow. Additionally, if it continues, in excess of 5 times, we reserve the right to refuse service until appropriate actions are taken on your end.</p><p> </p><p>This does not constitute a case for a refund or cancellation.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How long does the cleanup process take?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How long does the cleanup process take?"> <i></i> <h4>How long does the cleanup process take?</h4> <p><p>In many cases, our scripts clean the site immediately upon receiving valid FTP credentials. However, if an escalation to a senior analyst is required, we cannot promise a resolution timeframe, but 90% of Basic plan is resolved with 24 hours, Pro within 12 hours, and Business within 6. We offer one-time priority escalations – chat with us to learn more.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer one-time cleanups?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer one-time cleanups?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer one-time cleanups?</h4> <p><p>No, we do not offer one-time cleanups at this time.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will you clean my website if my website is already infected?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will you clean my website if my website is already infected?"> <i></i> <h4>Will you clean my website if my website is already infected?</h4> <p><p>Yes, the Sucuri Platform will clean your website if you are currently infected.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do you need to clean my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do you need to clean my website?"> <i></i> <h4>What do you need to clean my website?</h4> <p><p>In order to begin the cleanup process, we need access to your server and its associated files.</p><p>We get this access in the form of <strong>FTP, sFTP, or SSH</strong> access to your server. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, SFTP for Secure File Transfer Protocol, and SSH for Secure Shell. These are connection protocol mechanisms that allow us to log into servers to edit/add/remove files.</p><p>These connection protocols allow us to log into your websites, specifically the server, and perform the remediation process. If you for some reason are unfamiliar with these protocols, don’t worry, our team of analysts are prepared to assist you in the process. To do so, you’ll need to be willing to share access information to your hosting account.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do I start the cleanup process?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do I start the cleanup process?"> <i></i> <h4>How do I start the cleanup process?</h4> <p><p>If you are alerted to malware, you will want to login to your Sucuri dashboard in order to open a Malware Removal Request in the Support section of the dashboard. You can see further information on how to do this and the cleanup process in our Knowledge Base articles.</p><p> </p><p>Our remediation team will receive your ticket with access to your files and will communicate directly through the ticket system. You will receive update alerts via email, but you can only reply to the team within the ticket in your dashboard, not via email.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are clean ups automatic?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are clean ups automatic?"> <i></i> <h4>Are clean ups automatic?</h4> <p><p>The cleanup process is a combination of automatic and manual processes. We’ve developed unique technology that allows us to greatly expedite the process, but at the same time we believe that effective remediation is only accomplished with human interaction.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you backup the site before cleaning?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you backup the site before cleaning?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you backup the site before cleaning?</h4> <p><p>We backup every file we touch. We do not backup the entire site but do offer a backup service you can leverage if you’re interested in a backup solution.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will the cleanup break my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will the cleanup break my website?"> <i></i> <h4>Will the cleanup break my website?</h4> <p><p>We do our best to avoid loss of functionality of the site due to cleanup, sometimes it’s inevitable. Most of the time malware has overwritten or rewritten code that is essential to the function of the site, and sometimes the cleanup process itself is at fault.</p><p>In these instances it’s best to engage directly with our support staff via the ticketing system. We employ highly-skilled professionals ready to help when things go wrong.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-d7090cb bloque-texto seccion1 elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="d7090cb" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Website Protection</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does the Website Security bundle protect my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does the Website Security bundle protect my website?"> <i></i> <h4>Does the Website Security bundle protect my website?</h4> <p><p>The Website Security bundle includes our firewall which protects your site from vulnerabilities and attacks. The firewall is included in the plan but needs to be enabled by changing the DNS A records to point to our firewall IP. You can read more about the firewall and setup in our Knowledge Base articles.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What is the Website Firewall</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What is the Website Firewall"> <i></i> <h4>What is the Website Firewall</h4> <p><p>The Website Firewall is an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (ID/PS) designed specifically for websites. It sits as an intermediary filter between your website visitor and the web server housing the website. It scans all incoming requests and filters all malicious activity to ensure that attackers do not try to abuse your website or its resources.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How does the protection work?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How does the protection work?"> <i></i> <h4>How does the protection work?</h4> <p><p>The protection is provided via a custom Website Firewall solution that functions as a perimeter defense for your website. It directs all incoming traffic to your website through our network, allowing us to filter out all malicious traffic.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I have to install anything to activate the protection?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I have to install anything to activate the protection?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I have to install anything to activate the protection?</h4> <p><p>No, the process is seamless and our team is ready to assist. To enable you’ll be asked to make a slight DNS A record change; more advanced users can also opt to do a name server change and allow us to manage the website’s DNS as well.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I expect any down time?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I expect any down time?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I expect any down time?</h4> <p><p>Downtime is not expected if setup properly. We recommend that you have our firewall team make the changes for you by opening a ticket to avoid that risk.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?"> <i></i> <h4>Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?</h4> <p><p>Absolutely.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-515f79a bloque-texto seccion1 elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="515f79a" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Customer Support</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I talk directly to the Support team?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I talk directly to the Support team?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I talk directly to the Support team?</h4> <p><p>All of our technical support is handled via our ticketing system. For other customer support or sales-related inquiries, customers can use the ticketing system, chat, email, or phone support.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you work every day?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you work every day?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you work every day?</h4> <p><p>Our technical staff work on support tickets all year round, 24/7. Our phone, chat, and email are a little more limited. If you have any questions please be sure to open a ticket.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer a Service Level Agreement (SLA)?</h4> <p><p>Our Custom plans for agencies and enterprise offer service level agreements. For all other plans, analysts give priority to Business over Pro, with Basic being the slowest response time. We also offer one-time priority escalation services – chat with us to learn more.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How long does the cleanup process take?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How long does the cleanup process take?"> <i></i> <h4>How long does the cleanup process take?</h4> <p><p>In many cases, our scripts clean the site immediately upon receiving valid FTP credentials. However, if an escalation to a senior analyst is required, we cannot promise a resolution timeframe, but 90% of Basic plan is resolved with 24 hours, Pro within 12 hours, and Business within 6. We offer one-time priority escalations – chat with us to learn more.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-ff8e05b bloque-texto seccion2 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="ff8e05b" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Administrative – Website Firewall</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer refunds?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer refunds?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer refunds?</h4> <p><p>Yes we do, if it’s within 30 days of purchase.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you define a website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you define a website?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you define a website?</h4> <p><p>The definition of a website varies by organization, but here at Sucuri we define them (in most instances) as a unique Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).</p><p>There are however several situations in which more clarity is required; when using Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and so many others. In these instances, we <strong>extend</strong> the definition of a website to include <strong>unique CMS installations</strong>.</p><p>The following configuration, for example, requires a unique license:</p><p><strong></strong> directs traffic to <strong></strong></p><p>In situations like the one described above, the FQDN requires its own coverage. This is especially true when dealing with FQDNs that have been blocklisted.</p><p>The following configuration <strong>does not</strong> require a license:</p><p><strong></strong> or <strong></strong></p><p>In this configuration, we will treat the blog / forum or other extension of the main website as part of the main website, as long as a FQDN is not associated with the directory. If a FQDN is associated with the directory, again, it will require its own license. This means if your domain configuration is <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> then you would require a unique license for all three – the main domain and the subdomains.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do I have to do to cancel?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do I have to do to cancel?"> <i></i> <h4>What do I have to do to cancel?</h4> <p><p>For your security, all cancellation requests must be initiated via the ticketing system. You open a general support request. Once that request has been assigned, the administrative team will ask you to fill out a survey and we’ll initiate the refund.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</h4> <p><p>We understand and appreciate the complexities of Multisite instances. For the Sucuri Platform, you must sign up for a plan that covers all Fully Qualify Domain Names (FQDN). Yes, we understand they share the same core, but they don’t always share the same theme. Depending on your configuration, you could have multiple unique domains pointing to one install. Those distinct domains could be affected or blocklisted, and without directed knowledge of the domains we’d be none the wiser. To address this, a license is required for every domain to ensure we go through each one individually. Due to the nature of Multisite configurations, you cannot effectively sign up to cover just one domain without touching all of the others.</p><p>Examples of this configuration that <strong>does require</strong> a license include:</p><p>1.</p><p>2.</p><p>Examples of this configuration that <strong>does not require</strong> a license includes:</p><p>1.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does this plan include malware cleanup?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does this plan include malware cleanup?"> <i></i> <h4>Does this plan include malware cleanup?</h4> <p><p>The Website Firewall is a standalone product. If you believe you are infected, you require the Sucuri Platform product. This product includes the Website Firewall.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I upgrade ?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I upgrade ?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I upgrade ?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we offer various upgrade options once you’ve subscribed. If you do not find the upgrade you’re looking for, please submit a <strong>General Request</strong> and our administrative team will give you a hand.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer volume pricing?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer volume pricing?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer volume pricing?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we definitely do. Please contact</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</h4> <p><p>It depends on the circumstances. It’s best to speak with us directly at</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is this a subscription service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is this a subscription service?"> <i></i> <h4>Is this a subscription service?</h4> <p><p>Yes, all plans are subscriptions. If you wish to stop the subscription you will need to submit a general request form via your dashboard. Requests to stop subscriptions will not be accepted over the phone, chat, or email.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</h4> <p><p>A license is required for every subdomain ( and unique website structure.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question11" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are there any additional taxes or fees?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question11" id="question11" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are there any additional taxes or fees?"> <i></i> <h4>Are there any additional taxes or fees?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we collect sales tax on SaaS products in both US and International countries. In the US we collect in 18 states that have tax on SaaS goods: Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Internationally, we collect in 35 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxenbourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, South Africa, Iceland, Albania, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Russia.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question12" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">If I have the Website Firewall, can I upgrade to Sucuri Platform?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question12" id="question12" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="If I have the Website Firewall, can I upgrade to Sucuri Platform?"> <i></i> <h4>If I have the Website Firewall, can I upgrade to Sucuri Platform?</h4> <p><p>Yes, you can upgrade by submitting a general ticket request, or going to your account settings.</p><p>The Sucuri Platform includes the three key pieces of security – protection, detection, and response. The Sucuri Firewall is included with the Sucuri Platform product, it’s supplemented with a monitoring engine that is continuously scanning for security issues and a globally-distributed incident response team in the event of a security incident.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question13" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are you going to host my website if I sign up to your Website Firewall?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question13" id="question13" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are you going to host my website if I sign up to your Website Firewall?"> <i></i> <h4>Are you going to host my website if I sign up to your Website Firewall?</h4> <p><p>No, we do not host your website. We will function as an intermediary for all your incoming traffic; this means that all your traffic will funnel through our secure network, but will be sent directly to your host / web server.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question14" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will the Website Firewall work with my CDN or my Hosting company?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question14" id="question14" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will the Website Firewall work with my CDN or my Hosting company?"> <i></i> <h4>Will the Website Firewall work with my CDN or my Hosting company?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we play very nicely with a number of the largest CDN providers – including CloudFlare, MaxCDN, Amazon CloudFront, and others.</p><p>Our team can help navigate the configuration of any CDN via the ticketing system in your account.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question15" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will the Website Firewall affect my SEO?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question15" id="question15" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will the Website Firewall affect my SEO?"> <i></i> <h4>Will the Website Firewall affect my SEO?</h4> <p><p>No, the Firewall does not affect your SEO, except in a positive way through improved performance when taking advantage of our caching options. Google and other search engine crawlers still associate your content with your domain regardless of the DNS change. Local businesses should be sure to select the closest server to their geographical area when setting up the Firewall.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question16" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will the Firewall work with my plugin / theme / service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question16" id="question16" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will the Firewall work with my plugin / theme / service?"> <i></i> <h4>Will the Firewall work with my plugin / theme / service?</h4> <p><p>The Website Firewall is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. This means it doesn’t require a local configuration at the application layer (this is where the plugins / themes live). With that in mind, if there is an issue it’d be in how the communication occurs between the user’s browser and the web server. In those cases, our team is available for troubleshooting to get you back up and running.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question17" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you guarantee my site won’t get compromised?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question17" id="question17" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you guarantee my site won’t get compromised?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you guarantee my site won’t get compromised?</h4> <p><p>We guarantee we’ll do everything within our power to keep the website safe. In security, there is no 100% solution. While we’re highly effective, there are various variables we cannot account for (i.e., the website owner, the web server environment).</p><p>Example: if an attacker discovers your admin passwords, or if your website is infected from the back end (server cross-contamination or compromise). You should also ensure that you have set a rule to prevent Firewall bypass in your .htaccess in case someone knows your website’s IP address.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question18" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Which plan do I need for my HTTPS (i.e., using SSL) website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question18" id="question18" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Which plan do I need for my HTTPS (i.e., using SSL) website?"> <i></i> <h4>Which plan do I need for my HTTPS (i.e., using SSL) website?</h4> <p><p>You require the Professional plan or higher.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c19fff1 bloque-texto seccion2 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="c19fff1" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>How Does the Website Firewall Work</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How does the protection work?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How does the protection work?"> <i></i> <h4>How does the protection work?</h4> <p><p>The protection feature is a custom Website Firewall solution that functions as a perimeter defense for your website. In technical terms, it’s recognized as an Intrusion Detection System and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) designed specifically for websites. It filters all incoming traffic to your website through our network, allowing us to detect and stop all malicious traffic.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will there be any downtime associated with the activation process?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will there be any downtime associated with the activation process?"> <i></i> <h4>Will there be any downtime associated with the activation process?</h4> <p><p>The migration is seamless and you should not experience any down time.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?"> <i></i> <h4>Will this protection stop hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities?</h4> <p><p>Yes</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What is a DDoS attack?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What is a DDoS attack?"> <i></i> <h4>What is a DDoS attack?</h4> <p><p>A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack happens when multiple IP addresses (sources) are trying to DoS (denial-of-service) a chosen target. This means that the targeted site or server gets so many requests that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly that it is rendered as unavailable. If these attacks are successful, there will be a server overload and the site will go down.</p><p>There are many types of DDoS attacks that can affect and bring down a website, and they vary in complexity and size. The most well-known attacks are the syn-flood, Layer 3/4 UDP and DNS amplification attacks, and Layer 7 HTTP Flood Attacks.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Where are your servers located?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Where are your servers located?"> <i></i> <h4>Where are your servers located?</h4> <p><p>High availability infrastructure is one of our Firewall’s features. To best assist our customers, our servers are distributed around the world. For more information please see our knowledge base article.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does the Firewall offer load balancing?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does the Firewall offer load balancing?"> <i></i> <h4>Does the Firewall offer load balancing?</h4> <p><p>The Business plan offers load balancing. This distributes traffic across a number of servers to increase capacity and reliability.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What security options are available?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What security options are available?"> <i></i> <h4>What security options are available?</h4> <p><p>The Firewall offers a number of configuration options including Protected Page, blocking XMLRPC, IP WhiteListing, Virtual Patching and Hardening, and many more settings you can review in our knowledge base.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Why do I need the Sucuri Platform if I have the Sucuri Firewall?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Why do I need the Sucuri Platform if I have the Sucuri Firewall?"> <i></i> <h4>Why do I need the Sucuri Platform if I have the Sucuri Firewall?</h4> <p><p>It’s a concept known as Layered Defenses. We cannot promise 100% Detection or 100% Protection, but with both we can assure you of a much lowered threat risk to your website. Essentially, one fails to stop, the other will catch.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does the Website Firewall protect my email?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does the Website Firewall protect my email?"> <i></i> <h4>Does the Website Firewall protect my email?</h4> <p><p>No, the Firewall is for your website only.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What if someone tries to bypass your Firewall?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What if someone tries to bypass your Firewall?"> <i></i> <h4>What if someone tries to bypass your Firewall?</h4> <p><p>We recommend only allowing HTTP access from our firewall. To do this, you have to add restrictions to your .htaccess file so that only your Firewall IP will be able to access your web server. More about <a href="">how to do this in our knowledge base.</a></p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-1a9f52e bloque-texto seccion2 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="1a9f52e" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Customer Support</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I talk directly to the Support team?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I talk directly to the Support team?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I talk directly to the Support team?</h4> <p><p>All of our technical support is handled via our ticketing system. For other customer support or sales-related inquiries, customers can use the ticketing system, chat, email, or phone support.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you work every day?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you work every day?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you work every day?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we provide support year round, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?</h4> <p><p>Our custom plans offer SLAs. For all other plans, analysts give priority to Business over Pro, with Basic being the slowest response time. We also offer one-time priority escalation services; chat with us to learn more.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will you configure the Website Firewall for me?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will you configure the Website Firewall for me?"> <i></i> <h4>Will you configure the Website Firewall for me?</h4> <p><p>Yes, if you require assistance we’ll be happy to help you get configured. We only need access to your DNS manager, but be sure to submit the request via the ticketing system.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-7c9eb8a bloque-texto seccion3 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="7c9eb8a" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Administrative – Website Backups</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I use your Website Backup service if I am not a Sucuri customer?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I use your Website Backup service if I am not a Sucuri customer?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I use your Website Backup service if I am not a Sucuri customer?</h4> <p><p>No, our Website Backup service is only available to existing Sucuri customers.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer refunds?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer refunds?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer refunds?</h4> <p><p>Yes we do, if it’s within 30 days of purchase.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Why should I use your backup service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Why should I use your backup service?"> <i></i> <h4>Why should I use your backup service?</h4> <p><p>Your backups will be safe with us. We store your backups in the cloud and use best practices for keeping them secure. Some backup services offered through hosts and CMS extensions could be compromised in an attack, while our backup service is managed externally and fortified with the same security principles we apply to all of our infrastructure.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you define a website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you define a website?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you define a website?</h4> <p><p>The definition of a website varies by organization, but here at Sucuri we define them (in most instances) as a unique Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).</p><p>There are however several situations in which more clarity is required; when using Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and so many others. In these instances, we <strong>extend</strong> the definition of a website to include <strong>unique CMS installations</strong>.</p><p>The following configuration, for example, requires a unique license:</p><p><strong></strong> directs traffic to <strong></strong></p><p>In situations like the one described above, the FQDN requires its own coverage. This is especially true when dealing with FQDNs that have been blocklisted.</p><p>The following configuration <strong>does not</strong> require a license:</p><p><strong></strong> or <strong></strong></p><p>In this configuration, we will treat the blog / forum or other extension of the main website as part of the main website, as long as a FQDN is not associated with the directory. If a FQDN is associated with the directory, again, it will require its own license. This means if your domain configuration is <strong></strong> or <strong></strong> then you would require a unique license for all three – the main domain and the subdomains.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do I have to do to cancel?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do I have to do to cancel?"> <i></i> <h4>What do I have to do to cancel?</h4> <p><p>For your security, all cancellation requests must be initiated via the ticketing system. You open a general support request. Once that request has been assigned, the administrative team will ask you to fill out a survey and we’ll initiate the refund.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you handle WordPress Multisite installs?</h4> <p><p>We understand and appreciate the complexities of Multisite instances. For the Website Backup, your multisite installation will be covered under one license. There is one backup for the files and one for the database.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does this plan include malware cleanup?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does this plan include malware cleanup?"> <i></i> <h4>Does this plan include malware cleanup?</h4> <p><p>The Website Backup is a standalone product that you can add to the Sucuri Firewall or Sucuri Platform. If you believe you are infected you require the full Sucuri Platform. This product includes the Website Firewall, and our team would be happy to help you upgrade. Just submit a support ticket from your Sucuri dashboard.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer volume pricing?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer volume pricing?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer volume pricing?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we definitely do. Please contact</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</h4> <p><p>It depends on the circumstances. It’s best to speak with us directly at</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is this a subscription service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is this a subscription service?"> <i></i> <h4>Is this a subscription service?</h4> <p><p>Yes, all plans are subscriptions. If you wish to stop the subscription you will need to submit a general request form via your dashboard. Requests to stop subscriptions will not be accepted over the phone, chat, or email.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question11" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question11" id="question11" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</h4> <p><p>A license is required for every subdomain ( and unique website structure.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question12" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are there any additional taxes or fees?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question12" id="question12" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are there any additional taxes or fees?"> <i></i> <h4>Are there any additional taxes or fees?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we collect sales tax on SaaS products in both US and International countries. In the US we collect in 18 states that have tax on SaaS goods: Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Internationally, we collect in 35 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxenbourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, South Africa, Iceland, Albania, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Russia.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-4def433 bloque-texto seccion3 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="4def433" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>How Does the Website Backup Work?</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do you backup my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do you backup my website?"> <i></i> <h4>How do you backup my website?</h4> <p><p>We use your current FTP/SFTP credentials (server, username, and password) to connect to your website. Our backups are done using a daily snapshot that fully matches your live site. The database and website files are backed up separately. We do not trim backups; all of your website backups are available starting from day one.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do you back up?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do you back up?"> <i></i> <h4>What do you back up?</h4> <p><p>We back up your website files and database in separate files, as long as there is an accessible config file for your database. There are some file types that we exclude from the website files that we back up.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Which file types do you exclude?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Which file types do you exclude?"> <i></i> <h4>Which file types do you exclude?</h4> <p><p>We don’t back up files with the following extensions: .sql, .zip, .attach, .thumb, .avi and .mp3. We also exclude any Sucuri tools and specific server files and directories such as: .ftpquota, error_log, error_logs, mw-search.php, gt-cache, cache, .cache, w3tc, imagecache, awstats, logs, .git and cgi-bin.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is there a size limit on backup files?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is there a size limit on backup files?"> <i></i> <h4>Is there a size limit on backup files?</h4> <p><p>We have a size limit of ~38MB per file. Usually in a website there are no files bigger than that.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you encrypt my backups on your servers?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you encrypt my backups on your servers?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you encrypt my backups on your servers?</h4> <p><p>No, we do not at this moment, but it’s on the roadmap.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you have a one-click restore option?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you have a one-click restore option?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you have a one-click restore option?</h4> <p><p>No, we do not at this moment, but it’s on the roadmap.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do I restore a backup?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do I restore a backup?"> <i></i> <h4>How do I restore a backup?</h4> <p><p>You can see all your site’s backups in your dashboard and download your database and .ZIP of the website files to your local computer. If you need help restoring your website, our team is happy to help.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How frequent are the backups?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How frequent are the backups?"> <i></i> <h4>How frequent are the backups?</h4> <p><p>You can set the frequency in your dashboard, either monthly, weekly, daily, or every two days.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will you notify me when backups are created or fail?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will you notify me when backups are created or fail?"> <i></i> <h4>Will you notify me when backups are created or fail?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we offer email notification settings that will alert on various status changes, such as successful or failed backups.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What if I don’t want to back up all the directories on my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What if I don’t want to back up all the directories on my website?"> <i></i> <h4>What if I don’t want to back up all the directories on my website?</h4> <p><p>You can add a directory to skip in the backup settings from your Sucuri dashboard.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question11" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How long do you store my backups?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question11" id="question11" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How long do you store my backups?"> <i></i> <h4>How long do you store my backups?</h4> <p><p>We store all backups forever in your account.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question12" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you backup multiple databases under the one website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question12" id="question12" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you backup multiple databases under the one website?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you backup multiple databases under the one website?</h4> <p><p>Yes, you can submit a ticket support request to the product team and they will assist you with the configuration. Sites with several databases may require additional configuration.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-c6f5b07 bloque-texto seccion3 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="c6f5b07" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Customer Support</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I talk directly to the Support team?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I talk directly to the Support team?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I talk directly to the Support team?</h4> <p><p>All of our technical support is handled via our ticketing system. For other customer support or sales-related inquiries, customers can use the ticketing system, chat, email, or phone support.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you work every day ?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you work every day ?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you work every day ?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we provide support year round, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will you configure the Website Backup for me?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will you configure the Website Backup for me?"> <i></i> <h4>Will you configure the Website Backup for me?</h4> <p><p>If you require assistance we’ll be happy to help you get configured.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-1f7a53d bloque-texto seccion4 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="1f7a53d" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Administrative – Billing</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer refunds?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer refunds?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer refunds?</h4> <p>Answer</p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What do I have to do to cancel?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What do I have to do to cancel?"> <i></i> <h4>What do I have to do to cancel?</h4> <p><p>For your security, all cancellation requests must be initiated via the ticketing system. You open a general support request. Once that request has been assigned, the administrative team will ask you to fill out a survey and we’ll initiate the refund.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I upgrade or change plans?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I upgrade or change plans?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I upgrade or change plans?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we offer various upgrade options once you’ve subscribed. If you do not find the upgrade you’re looking for, please submit a <strong>General Request</strong> and our administrative team will give you a hand.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer volume pricing?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer volume pricing?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer volume pricing?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we definitely do. Please contact</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is this a subscription service?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is this a subscription service?"> <i></i> <h4>Is this a subscription service?</h4> <p><p>Yes, all plans are subscriptions. If you wish to stop the subscription you will need to submit a general request form via your dashboard. Requests to stop subscriptions will not be accepted over the phone, chat, or email.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I cover my subdomains and test sites?</h4> <p><p>A license is required for every subdomain ( and unique website structure.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are there any additional taxes or fees?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are there any additional taxes or fees?"> <i></i> <h4>Are there any additional taxes or fees?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we collect sales tax on SaaS products in both US and International countries. In the US we collect in 18 states that have tax on SaaS goods: Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, District of Columbia. Internationally, we collect in 35 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxenbourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, South Africa, Iceland, Albania, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Russia.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-5c19cb5 bloque-texto seccion4 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="5c19cb5" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Sucuri Infrastructure and Partnership</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer any partnerships with hosts or development shops?</h4> <p><p>It depends on the circumstances. It’s best to speak with us directly at</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Where are your servers located?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Where are your servers located?"> <i></i> <h4>Where are your servers located?</h4> <p><p>High availability infrastructure is one of our Firewall’s features. To best assist our customers, our servers are distributed around the world. For more information please see our knowledge base article.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-4fb0ef9 bloque-texto seccion4 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="4fb0ef9" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Customer Support</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I talk directly to the Support team?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I talk directly to the Support team?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I talk directly to the Support team?</h4> <p><p>All of our technical support is handled via our ticketing system. For other customer support or sales-related inquiries, customers can use the ticketing system, chat, email, or phone support.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you work every day?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you work every day?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you work every day?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we provide support year round, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?"> <i></i> <h4>Do you offer a Service Level Agreement?</h4> <p><p>Our custom plans offer SLAs. For all other plans, analysts give priority to Business over Pro, with Basic being the slowest response time. We also offer one-time priority escalation services; chat with us to learn more.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-bcc3042 bloque-texto seccion4 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="bcc3042" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>About Sucuri</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How does Sucuri work?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How does Sucuri work?"> <i></i> <h4>How does Sucuri work?</h4> <p><p>Getting started is easy. Protect your site and clean up malware in four simple steps:</p><p>– <b>Step 1:</b> To get started and secure your site, create an account and <a href="">sign up</a> for a subscription.</p><p>– <b>Step 2:</b> Add your website to the monitoring dashboard, then activate server-side scanning.</p><p>– <b>Step 3:</b> Activate the cloud-based firewall to protect your server and website.</p><p>– <b>Step 4:</b> If your site is hacked, submit a malware cleanup request with the click of a button.</p><p>You can refer to our handy guide on <a href="">how to get started with Sucuri</a> or <a href="">reach out to us on chat</a> if you need help. We’re always happy to lend a hand!</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is Sucuri safe?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is Sucuri safe?"> <i></i> <h4>Is Sucuri safe?</h4> <p><p>Since 2008, our globally-distributed team has ceaselessly innovated with one goal in mind – to make websites safer and faster in a world of emerging threats.</p><p>Sucuri is a globally recognized company that provides security to thousands of happy webmasters across the net.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does Sucuri’s products slow down your site?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does Sucuri’s products slow down your site?"> <i></i> <h4>Does Sucuri’s products slow down your site?</h4> <p><p>Here at Sucuri, we firmly believe that security should never degrade user experience.</p><p>In fact, clients who leverage the Sucuri Firewall and CDN can see <a href="">improved site speed</a> by an average of 70% through our website content caching and globally distributed Anycast network.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-38c06b8 bloque-texto seccion5 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="38c06b8" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>How the Referral Program Works</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What is the referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What is the referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>What is the referral program?</h4> <p><p>As a loyal Sucuri customer, you receive a unique referral link that allows you to promote our services to your friends, family, and audience. If your recommendation results in a purchase of the Sucuri Platform or Sucuri Firewall service plans, you receive a commission for that sale.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What are the benefits of the referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What are the benefits of the referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>What are the benefits of the referral program?</h4> <p><p>– Receive 25% commission on the net sale of a Sucuri Platform or Sucuri Firewall subscription made through your unique link.<br />– Receive commission 60 days after the last day of the month in which the referral activity occurred, via PayPal.<br />– 30-day referral period (cookie expiration).<br />– Sucuri handles account billing and support.<br />– Access to images and promotional material.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What are the rules of the referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What are the rules of the referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>What are the rules of the referral program?</h4> <p><p>– We trust our users, but if you do anything wrong, illegal, or anything that can harm our company or anyone, in any way, your account will be disabled.<br />– Your referral link must be used by your client. Not using your referral link makes it impossible to correlate a signup with your account, which in turn makes it impossible to provide you the credit you deserve.<br />– The referral program is available exclusively to existing Sucuri clients.<br />– Commissions do not apply to renewals, upgrades, or service add-ons.<br />– Commission payouts will be distributed 60 days out to allow for account verification and remove fraudulent activity (example: January signup commissions will be paid out in April).<br />– Commission payouts will be sent to the email address on your Sucuri account via PayPal so please make sure you have a PayPal account set up for that email address in order to accept payments.<br />– Absolutely no spam or illegal activity is allowed to promote our services.<br />– No cheating the system.<br />– You must own your website or blog (no parked domains).<br />– Referral content should be related to website cleanup, protection, detection, and performance.<br />– Your website must be free of malware and spam.<br />– No email marketing or paid advertising is allowed to promote our services.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How do I join your referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How do I join your referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>How do I join your referral program?</h4> <p><p>It’s as simple as visiting the Referral page on our website – – and following the instructions there.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does it cost me anything to join the referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does it cost me anything to join the referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>Does it cost me anything to join the referral program?</h4> <p><p>It’s absolutely free to join our referral program once you are already a paid Sucuri customer. There’s no charge to apply and there’s no minimum sales requirement.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are websites outside of the U.S. eligible for your referral program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are websites outside of the U.S. eligible for your referral program?"> <i></i> <h4>Are websites outside of the U.S. eligible for your referral program?</h4> <p><p>Yes, we welcome applications to our referral program from every country.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I promote Sucuri on more than one website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I promote Sucuri on more than one website?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I promote Sucuri on more than one website?</h4> <p><p>Yes, absolutely. You can promote our pages across one or all of your websites. The more links and content you place on your websites, the more qualified visitors you’re likely to send us and this should translate into a higher conversion.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Where should I place referral links on my blog or website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Where should I place referral links on my blog or website?"> <i></i> <h4>Where should I place referral links on my blog or website?</h4> <p><p>You should place your referral links where it is easy for your visitors to find. For example, your website’s home page, navigation bar, and any other high-traffic areas make a great place for a banner or text link.</p><p>By placing the links on easily accessed locations visitors will be more likely to click on your links and make a purchase. We also provide you with articles, reviews, blog posts, and many other marketing tools to help you showcase the value of becoming a Sucuri client.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-79060ad bloque-texto seccion5 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="79060ad" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Administrative – Referral Program</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I have to be a client to join the program?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I have to be a client to join the program?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I have to be a client to join the program?</h4> <p><p>No, our referral program is open to anyone that wants to promote our services.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I manage accounts for those I refer?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I manage accounts for those I refer?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I manage accounts for those I refer?</h4> <p><p>If you wish to manage Sucuri accounts for your clients it’s best to engage with us directly at regarding a partnership quote. However, you are allowed to manage the accounts of the people you refer if they provide you with their login information.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I use my own referral link to sign people up?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I use my own referral link to sign people up?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I use my own referral link to sign people up?</h4> <p><p>People you refer should sign up with the link directly so they have access to their own Sucuri account. If you wish to manage Sucuri accounts for other people, it’s best to engage with us directly at regarding a partnership quote.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I make commission on renewals/upgrades?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I make commission on renewals/upgrades?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I make commission on renewals/upgrades?</h4> <p><p>No, the referral commission is only available on the initial purchase for each account that signs up using your unique referral link.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What is the commission structure?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What is the commission structure?"> <i></i> <h4>What is the commission structure?</h4> <p><p>We offer 25% commission on the net we collect on the initial purchase from anyone who used your unique referral link to sign up for a Sucuri service. If multiple services are ordered during the initial purchase, you will receiving a commission for the most expensive service.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question6" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How long does it take to receive my commission?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question6" id="question6" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How long does it take to receive my commission?"> <i></i> <h4>How long does it take to receive my commission?</h4> <p><p>We require 65 days from the end of the month in order to allow time for account verification, to remove fraudulent activity, etc. For example: if you have a signup on 02/15/2015, you will see the commission payout for that activity by 05/05/2015.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question7" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">I referred someone recently but did not use the link. Can I get credit for that?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question7" id="question7" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="I referred someone recently but did not use the link. Can I get credit for that?"> <i></i> <h4>I referred someone recently but did not use the link. Can I get credit for that?</h4> <p><p>We do not offer commission on referrals unless they were made using the unique referral link you get when signing up for the program.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question8" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What happens if the person I refer to you asks for a refund?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question8" id="question8" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What happens if the person I refer to you asks for a refund?"> <i></i> <h4>What happens if the person I refer to you asks for a refund?</h4> <p><p>We do not offer a commission if the sale was returned. This helps prevent fraudulent abuse of the referral system.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question9" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I use the referral and reseller programs together?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question9" id="question9" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I use the referral and reseller programs together?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I use the referral and reseller programs together?</h4> <p><p>Yes, as long as you are eligible for both programs. You can use the referral program for personal recommendations and also offer our services to your clients as a reseller.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question10" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can I receive commission every time the person I refer signs up for a subscription, or just the initial?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question10" id="question10" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can I receive commission every time the person I refer signs up for a subscription, or just the initial?"> <i></i> <h4>Can I receive commission every time the person I refer signs up for a subscription, or just the initial?</h4> <p><p>If the same person uses your links to sign up for multiple accounts, you will receive a commission for the first payment they make on the new account. We do not offer commission for upgrades or renewals.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-5c170e5 bloque-texto seccion5 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="5c170e5" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Partnerships</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Can we have a white label partnership?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Can we have a white label partnership?"> <i></i> <h4>Can we have a white label partnership?</h4> <p><p>No, we do not offer the ability for you to modify the branding in our dashboard. If you wish to offer our services as a line item in your existing maintenance or service plans, please engage with our sales team directly at</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">What other businesses use your services?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="What other businesses use your services?"> <i></i> <h4>What other businesses use your services?</h4> <p><p>We partner with a number of website developers, hosts, and service providers who provide our services to their clients. Sucuri protects business websites across all industries, on any web application, with support for a variety of configuration requirements.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Are there partnership discounts?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Are there partnership discounts?"> <i></i> <h4>Are there partnership discounts?</h4> <p><p>We are able to offer volume pricing and flexible arrangements for eligible partners. Get in touch with our sales team at</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Is it possible to create multiple users under the same account?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Is it possible to create multiple users under the same account?"> <i></i> <h4>Is it possible to create multiple users under the same account?</h4> <p><p>There is only one email address per account, and a single account can hold subscriptions for an unlimited number of websites. Get in touch with our sales team to find out the best configuration for your business and your clients.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-289529a bloque-texto seccion6 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="289529a" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Administrative – Plugins and Extensions</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I need to install Sucuri plugins and extensions if I am a Sucuri customer?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I need to install Sucuri plugins and extensions if I am a Sucuri customer?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I need to install Sucuri plugins and extensions if I am a Sucuri customer?</h4> <p><p>The Sucuri WordPress plugin integrates with the Sucuri Firewall by adding the API key found in your Sucuri dashboard. This allows you to see your Sucuri Firewall within the WordPress dashboard. It is not required, but is a convenient option for many Sucuri customers.</p><p>We recommend that all website owners using WordPress install our free security plugin to audit and monitor their websites.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I have to do anything to activate Sucuri extensions?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I have to do anything to activate Sucuri extensions?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I have to do anything to activate Sucuri extensions?</h4> <p><p>Most of our plugins, extensions, and widgets just require you to install them.</p><p>Our plugin and extension that integrate with our paid CloudProxy service only require you to activate by using an API key from your Sucuri dashboard.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Do I need to be a Sucuri customer to use any of the Sucuri extensions?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Do I need to be a Sucuri customer to use any of the Sucuri extensions?"> <i></i> <h4>Do I need to be a Sucuri customer to use any of the Sucuri extensions?</h4> <p><p>Only the WordPress CloudProxy Firewall plugin and Joomla! extension require you to be a Sucuri customer. Both our Sucuri Platform and Firewall plans include access to the API key in order to activate the integration with the Website Firewall service, which powers the functionality of these plugins.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How often are new features added?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How often are new features added?"> <i></i> <h4>How often are new features added?</h4> <p><p>We regularly maintain and update our extensions for compatibility and feature enhancements. You can subscribe to receive notifications of updates on many of the plugin or extension pages.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-725beba bloque-texto seccion6 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="725beba" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Sucuri Extension Details</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How does the Sucuri WordPress plugin work?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How does the Sucuri WordPress plugin work?"> <i></i> <h4>How does the Sucuri WordPress plugin work?</h4> <p><p>Sucuri offers a WordPress plugin in the official repository. Our free malware and security scanner plugin audits, alerts, and detects suspicious website activity.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Will the WordPress plugin remove malware from my website?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Will the WordPress plugin remove malware from my website?"> <i></i> <h4>Will the WordPress plugin remove malware from my website?</h4> <p><p>The Sucuri Scanner plugin for WordPress will audit and detect malware using our remote scanner, SiteCheck. It does not remove malware, but does offer a path to the payload when available, along with additional recommendations to help you get your website cleaned.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does the WordPress plugin work with Multisite installations?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does the WordPress plugin work with Multisite installations?"> <i></i> <h4>Does the WordPress plugin work with Multisite installations?</h4> <p><p>Multisite installations will need to use one installation of the plugin, which means all the sites will share the audit logs, hardening, and login information. The settings will affect only the site where they were applied.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Does the WordPress plugin conflict with other security plugins?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Does the WordPress plugin conflict with other security plugins?"> <i></i> <h4>Does the WordPress plugin conflict with other security plugins?</h4> <p><p>As a general rule, it is best to avoid redundant functionality among your WordPress plugins. While we do not know of any conflicts with other popular security plugins, overlapping functionality, such as alerts and detections, can cause you to receive the same information twice.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question5" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How does the Sucuri SiteCheck widget work?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question5" id="question5" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How does the Sucuri SiteCheck widget work?"> <i></i> <h4>How does the Sucuri SiteCheck widget work?</h4> <p><p>Visit the badge generation tool and simply specify the settings for your widget. You can then copy the code to embed the widget on your website.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-409acde bloque-texto seccion6 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-faq_content_advanced" data-id="409acde" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="faq_content_advanced.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="sucuri-widget-faq-content-advanced"> <h4>Support</h4> <div class="faq-content-single"> <ul> <li> <label for="question1" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Why am I getting so many failed login attempts?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question1" id="question1" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Why am I getting so many failed login attempts?"> <i></i> <h4>Why am I getting so many failed login attempts?</h4> <p><p>Our WordPress security plugin offers to alert you when there are malicious attempts made to log into your website admin panel. You can disable the brute force alerts if they are bothersome, and the plugin will still keep a log for you to manually review.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question2" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">Where can I get support for plugin issues and questions?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question2" id="question2" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="Where can I get support for plugin issues and questions?"> <i></i> <h4>Where can I get support for plugin issues and questions?</h4> <p><p>If you are a Sucuri client, you can fill a support ticket through our internal interface. Our response time will be the fastest when using this method.</p><p>Please visit the support forum on the plugin page for any WordPress plugin issues. For any other extension or plugin, please use our website contact form and provide detailed information about your query or steps to reproduce the issue.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question3" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How can I submit a feature request?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question3" id="question3" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How can I submit a feature request?"> <i></i> <h4>How can I submit a feature request?</h4> <p><p>We are happy to accept all feature requests for our products and services. Simply fill in a detailed description on our contact form, and we’ll make sure the correct department reviews the request. We cannot guarantee that all requests will be satisfied, but we love hearing feedback from our users.</p></p> </li> <li> <label for="question4" style="color: transparent; position: absolute;">How can I report a bug?</label> <input type="checkbox" checked name="question4" id="question4" aria-labelledby="question" aria-label="How can I report a bug?"> <i></i> <h4>How can I report a bug?</h4> <p><p>If you are a Sucuri client, you can fill a support ticket through our internal interface. Our response time will be the fastest when using this method.</p><p>Please visit the support forum on the plugin page for any WordPress plugin issues. For any other extension or plugin, please use our website contact form. Be sure to include steps for reproduction and information about the website or software that you are using. We truly appreciate your help.</p></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-ea4b847 bloque-texto seccion6 elementor-hidden-desktop elementor-hidden-tablet elementor-hidden-mobile elementor-widget elementor-widget-spacer" data-id="ea4b847" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="spacer.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-spacer"> <div class="elementor-spacer-inner"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-2620a58 elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="2620a58" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-4a1bddf" data-id="4a1bddf" data-element_type="column"> <div 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elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading" data-id="4963d348" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="heading.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">Sucuri Resource Library</h2> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-65bc7163 elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="65bc7163" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <p>Say on top emerging website security threats with our helpful guides, email, courses, and blog content.</p> </div> </div> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-52dd197f elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="52dd197f" data-element_type="section"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-extended"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-33 elementor-inner-column 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