<html> <head> <title> Cicero </title> <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href=""> <link rel="StyleSheet" href=""> </head> <body> <p class=subpagehead>M. TVLIVS CICERO</p> <p class=border></p> <p> <b>Course Expectations and Objectives</b> </p> <p> We will read Cicero's <a href="">IN M. ANTONIVM ORATIO PHILIPPICA PRIMA</a>, focusing closely on the grammar, vocabulary, and style of the assigned texts, with significant comment on the historical background. The student is expected to have mastered a basic second year vocabulary and to be prepared to absorb a considerable quantity of new vocabulary. Complete familiarity with basic forms (declension patterns, pronouns, verb tenses, infinitives, and participles) is required. </p> <p> Cicero's style is complex and periodic, as befits the "Demosthenes" of Rome. As with all authors, the style and vocabulary become more easily absorbed as the work progresses. We will move slowly at first, more quickly as the semester progresses. </p> <p> Students are expected to have prepared the assigned text well enough to read it with minimal difficulty and discuss grammatical constructions. Our goals are to read with reasonable ease the passages assigned and to articulate a basic understanding of Cicero's aims and general worldview. The work required is considerable, the rewards commensurate. </p> <p class=shortborder></p> <p> <b>Our Text</b> </p> <p> You may use any text of Cicero available to you. The version at <a href="">Phlippic I</a> has been formatted for printing and can be used to annotate vocabulary and grammar. An iPhone friendly version may be found here: <a href="">Phlippic I for the iPhone</a>. </p> <p> The text is, as usual, be accompanied by a <a href="">Grammatical Commentary</a>. </p> <p> In order to understand Cicero's <i>First Phlippic</I>, a detailed knowledge of the political events of 44 B.C. is required. We will discuss this in class, but I have prepared a chronology for your use: <a href="">Chronology of 44 B.C.</a> </p> <p> Do not hestitate to make use of a modern edition in order to understand the grammar of the Latin. Remember that English translations are not grammatically faithful to the original. The Loeb edition (found often at Borders) has a facing English translation, which may be useful for those tackling Cicero for the first time. An online translation maybe found here: <a href="">Philippics I</a> - English (translated by C. D. Young at the Perseus site) </p> <p class=shortborder></p> <p> <b>Grammar Resources</b> </p> <p> A systematic grammar of Latin is recommended. Bennett's <i><a href="">New Latin Grammar</a></i> or, better, Allen and Greenough's <a href="">New Latin Grammar</a>. Both are available for on-line purchase. Handouts on basic grammar and vocabulary are available at the <a href="">Latin Handout Page</a>. </p> <p class=shortborder></p> <p> <b>The Instructor</b> </p> <p> William L. Carey, Esq.<br> Blankingship & Keith, P.C.<br> 4020 University Drive, Suite 300<br> Fairfax, Virginia 22030<br> 703-691-1235<br> 703-620-6377 (home)<br> </p> <p> Email: <a href=""></a> </p> <p class=shortborder></p> <p> <b>Additional Resources:</b> </p> <p> <a href="">Cicero</a><br> <a href="">Philippic</a><br> <a href="">Mark Antony</a><br> </p> <p class=border></p> </body> </html>