Parents and Families : University of Rochester
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srcset="assets/img/slider/first-gen-grads-642x428.jpg"/><img alt="Students in caps and gowns smiling and posing at commencement" src="assets/img/slider/first-gen-grads-1280x640.jpg"/></picture><div class="hero-slide__content"><h2>Ensuring our parent community feels informed, valued, and respected</h2><a class="button yellow" href="informed/index.html">View Ways to Stay Informed</a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="panels-row three-panels"><div><div class="panel calendar-panel" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:ur="" xmlns:xalan=""><h2 class="section-title">Important Dates </h2><ul class="no-bullet calendar-list"><li><span class="summary">Spring Break</span><span class="date">March 8–March 16</span></li><li><span class="summary">Last day to declare S/F grading option</span><span class="date">April 28</span></li><li><span class="summary">Last day of class</span><span class="date">May 2</span></li><li><span class="summary">Commencement Weekend</span><span 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Visit the <a href="">Commencement website</a> to learn more.</p><ul><li>May 15 - 17, 2026</li></ul></div></div></div><div class="component media-text-component white-bg with-image on-right"><div class="content-wrapper"><div class="media-text__media"></div><div class="media-text__content"><p class="media-text-label">Celebrate and Connect!</p></div></div></div><div class="panels-row three-panels"><div><div class="panel number-panel"><p class="number-panel__highlight"><a href=""><span>130</span><span>countries</span></a></p><p>Students come from all 50 states and more than 130 countries. Most undergrads live on campus for all four years of their college experience.</p></div></div><div><div class="panel content-panel"><div><div class="fb-page--wrapper"><script id="facebook-jssdk" src=""></script><div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-page" data-height="350" data-hide-cover="true" data-href="" data-show-facepile="false" data-show-posts="true" data-width="300"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite=""><a href="">UR Parents and Families</a></blockquote></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="panel"><h2 class="section-title">Suggested Readings</h2><div class="slider mb-1em"><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">51 Tips for Parents of College Students by Alan Farber and Linda O'Brien</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">Getting Ready for College; Everything You Need to Know Before You Go - From Bike Locks to Laundry Baskets, Financial Aid to Health Care by Polly Berent. </p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">Letting Go: A Parents' Guide to Understanding the College Years by Karen Levin Coburn and Madge Lawrence Treeger.</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">Don't Tell Me what to Do, Just Send Money by Helen Johnson and Christine Schelhaus-Miller.</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">You're On Your Own (But I'm Here if You Need Me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years by Marjorie Savage.</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">Empty Nest...Full Heart: The Journey from Home to College by Andrea Van Steenhouse.</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div><div><div class="slide"><p class="quote">Getting Through College Without Going Broke: A Crash Course on Finding Money for College and Making it Last by Students Helping Students.</p><p class="name">Click circles below for more</p></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="panels-row two-panels"><div><div class="panel content-panel"><h2 class="section-title">UR Acronyms & Abbreviations</h2><div><p>At the University of Rochester names of departments, offices, programs, and more are commonly referenced by an acronym or abbreviation, rather than their full name. We recognize that this might pose confusion for parents, families, new students, or other individuals not familiar with the University. View a list of our most commonly used acronyms and abbreviations with links to respective web pages for more information.</p></div><p><a class="button ghost" href="informed/acronyms.html">Learn More</a></p></div></div><div><div class="panel content-panel"><h2 class="section-title">Dear Family</h2><div><p> </p><p>Every year, graduating seniors submit messages to their families to show appreciation for their support over their journey at the University. View the collections of previous notes from seniors to their families.</p></div><p><a class="button ghost" href="celebrate/dear-family.html">Learn More</a></p></div></div></div><div class="content-wrapper grid large-up-3"><div><a class="photo-block-row__item__anchor" href="celebrate/dear-family.html"><picture><img alt="Family photo on campus" height="3620" loading="lazy" src="assets/img/brothers.jpg" width="5430"/></picture><span class="photo-block-row__item__anchor__title"><strong>Dear</strong><span>Family</span></span></a></div><div><a class="photo-block-row__item__anchor text-center" href="celebrate/pillar.html"><picture><img alt="A mother hugs her daughter" height="1154" loading="lazy" src="assets/img/2018-05-19_omsa_dinner_20_smaller.jpg" width="1731"/></picture><span class="photo-block-row__item__anchor__title"><strong>Family</strong><span>Pillar Award</span></span></a></div><div><a class="photo-block-row__item__anchor text-right" href="celebrate/meliora-weekend.html"><picture><img alt="Meliora sign" height="1154" loading="lazy" src="assets/img/meliora_letters_299.jpg" width="1732"/></picture><span class="photo-block-row__item__anchor__title"><strong>Meliora</strong><span>Weekend</span></span></a></div></div><hr/><div class="simple-banner component"><div class="content-wrapper"><p>Do you have thoughts on ways we can improve our communication with you? 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0 0 1 5.729-1.683 13.3 13.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 .568.561 18.692 18.692 0 0 0 .341 3.141c.112.618.055 1.009-.172 1.009s-.4-.281-.566-.841a5.567 5.567 0 0 0 -1.871-2.749 5.848 5.848 0 0 0 -3.687-1.233 4.616 4.616 0 0 0 -4.881 4.934z" transform="translate(-209.28 -348.654)"/><path d="m462.42 367.122a9.594 9.594 0 0 0 3.574-.393c.282-.167.567-.336.679-.224s. 15.577 0 0 0 -.284 4.095c0 .618-.113 1.066-.339 1.066-.171 0-.341-.393-.4-.673a11.04 11.04 0 0 0 -.851-2.524c-.339-.45-.455-.674-1.87-.674h-6.638c-.226 0-.34.505-.34.73l-.113 14.752c0 2.468 0 5.441.17 6.732.171 1.234.795 1.682 2.269 1.964.624.11.965.335.965.56s-.681.337-1.078.337c-1.36 0-2.325-.225-4.027-.225-2.325 0-3.345.225-4.027.225-.8 0-1.076-.169-1.076-.337 0-.226.4-.393.963-.505 2.1-.279 2.382-.785 2.439-2.918.171-4.206.284-20.137.284-20.585 0-.224-.057-.673-.284-.73h-3.573c-1.872 0-3.233.057-3.8.112-.853.112-1.533.673-1.986 2.918-.114.5-.284.785-.453.785-.227 0-.341-.336-.341-.841 0-.9.453-2.8.453-4.262a.9.9 0 0 1 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0-.227.329-.278.658-.278.632 0 .557.051 1.189.051 1.012 0 1.9-.127 2.455-.127.379 0 .582.178.582.253 0 .253-.253.354-.582.43-.936.228-1.215.531-1.24 1.569-.025.708-.126 2.076-.177 3.593-.051 2.1-.481 4.049-1.822 5.112a4.621 4.621 0 0 1 -3.062.987 5 5 0 0 1 -3.239-1.038c-1.063-.885-1.619-2.151-1.619-5.238 0-.683-.026-3.568-.077-4.023-.025-.253-.1-.708-1.113-.936-.3-.076-.582-.278-.582-.4.005-.232.28-.309.685-.309z" transform="translate(-179.289 -343.563)"/><path d="m312.156 344.568c.581 0 2.277.152 2.859.152.2 0 .329.1.506.328.481.608 1.037 1.165 1.7 1.923.684.785 3.973 4.353 5.264 5.719a.112.112 0 0 0 .177-.1c.025-1.393.152-4.707.025-5.922-.076-.733-.354-1.138-1.569-1.416-.2-.076-.531-.177-.531-.4 0-.28.531-.28.607-.28.86 0 1.518.1 0 1.139-.1 1.772-.1.253 0 .531.1.531.28s-.126.253-.531.4c-.987.278-1.189.607-1.29 1.594-.1.962-.228 4.2-.228 5.668 0 1.418.076 3.088.076 3.265 0 .405-.1.683-.329.683a1.645 1.645 0 0 1 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0-2.657 0-4.428-.026-4.833-.076-1.088-.505-1.416-1.492-1.7-.456-.152-.531-.328-.531-.481 0-.1.075-.248.354-.222z" transform="translate(-189.148 -343.555)"/><path d="m345.7 344.535c.481 0 1.493.127 0 1.493-.076 2.075-.076.506 0 .658.152.658.3s-.177.279-.582.4c-.987.2-.936.633-.709 1.214.329.81.709 1.847 1.24 3.138a29.857 29.857 0 0 0 1.493 3.314c. 1.974-4.809 2.38-5.972.379-1.138.328-1.418-.684-1.671-.228-.076-.531-.253-.531-.4 0-.076.2-.278.607-.278.683 0 1.012.076 1.645.076.886 0 1.671-.127 2.075-.127.279 0 .557.077.557.253 0 .253-.3.354-.658.456-.809.2-1.29.607-1.923 1.8-.582 1.037-1.24 2.783-2.05 4.58-1.215 2.682-1.619 3.973-1.746 4.276-.1.3-.456.684-.659.684-.176 0-.329-.279-.379-.507a22.132 22.132 0 0 0 -.936-2.656c-.582-1.341-2.354-5.568-3.112-7.061a2.047 2.047 0 0 0 -1.544-1.138c-.227-.076-.556-.2-.556-.379.004-.252.383-.303.739-.303z" transform="translate(-191.797 -343.563)"/><path d="m370.6 349.831c1.088 0 1.214-.126 1.569-.987.126-.228.3-.506.481-.506.2 0 . 0 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1 .38-.456c.178 0 .355.2.456. 3.416.405z" transform="translate(-211.368 -343.385)"/><path d="m447.978 344.535c.506 0 1.746.127 0 1.241-.076 1.772-.076.3 0 .583.126.583.278 0 .2-.253.38-.557.456-.733.178-.683.531-.506.936.2.531 1.316 2.481 2.125 3.922a.191.191 0 0 0 .253 0c.128-.228 1.848-3.214 2.228-4.049.253-.506.177-.632-.557-.861-.456-.126-.531-.253-.531-.4s.228-.278.608-.278c.632 0 .683.076 1.416.076.4 0 1.847-.1 2-.1.227 0 .607.077.607.253 0 .279-.406.43-.607.456-1.19.2-1.393.532-2.177 1.518a30.758 30.758 0 0 0 -2.48 4.049 1.847 1.847 0 0 0 -.2.936c-.025.557-.025 2.024.025 2.607.077.606.38.835 1.215 0 .178-.2.329-.658.329-.961 0-.936-.077-1.9-.077-.708 0-2 .126-2.91.126-.43 0-.658-.075-.658-.328 0-.1.177-.278.506-.354 1.316-.279 1.594-.583 1.619-1.012.025-.481.077-2.025.077-2.429a2.013 2.013 0 0 0 -.178-1.038 31.343 31.343 0 0 0 -2.4-4.175c-.709-1.062-.936-1.366-1.974-1.645-.38-.1-.557-.253-.557-.43-.001-.102.229-.254.607-.254z" transform="translate(-215.798 -343.563)"/><path 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1.472-.366.812-.881 1.959-.881 1.959zm-1.23-.263v17.867l. 10.626.815 13.923 1.243-.097.212-.311.689-.311.689zm-10.371 11.945a3.951 3.951 0 0 0 .8-.118v-7.058h-.8zm1.21.767v1.151c.448-.14.737-.345.737-.576s-.292-.439-.74-.581zm-2.419 1.247a5.147 5.147 0 0 0 .8.088v-1.519a5.345 5.345 0 0 0 -.8.088zm-32.883 15.289-.719.093-.186-.7a30.174 30.174 0 0 1 -1.1-7.5c-1.335.178-2.458.344-3.4.478.4 1.034 1.962 4.242 1.962 4.242a30.09 30.09 0 0 0 -.577 4.872c1.3-.171 3.182-.387 5.45-.612-.118-.347-.215-.68-.317-1.015-.387.049-.764.095-1.113.142zm32.88-17.427a3.952 3.952 0 0 0 .8.118v-7.176h-.8zm5.838 9.446c.054-.9-.554-1.3-1.833-1.374a5.187 5.187 0 0 0 -.521 0q-.111 1.346-.18 2.485l.659.041c1.208.072 1.822-.294 1.875-1.152zm-14.623 22.6a8.036 8.036 0 0 0 1.687-15.892c-.556 0-1.111-.008-1.687-.008s-1.132 0-1.688.008a8.035 8.035 0 0 0 1.688 15.892zm1.57-2.313a2.132 2.132 0 0 1 -1.168.364c-.005.067-.013.132-.015.175-.015.265-.078.788-.386.951-.146-.057-.2-.047-.3-.146-.134-.132-.089-.329-.129-.491a2.245 2.245 0 0 1 -.046-.563 2.757 2.757 0 0 1 -.724-.266c-.481-.284-.707-.547-.752-.943-.057-.511.311-.878.458-.824.22.082-.191.385-.007.783a1.229 1.229 0 0 0 .965.552c-.008-.07-.017-.139-.021-.21-.017-.3-.057-.335-.078-.652a1.245 1.245 0 0 1 .15-.7v-.011c.083-.168 0-.414-.024-.592-.027-.255-.093-.5-.1-.759 0-.036 0-.071-.006-.1a2.88 2.88 0 0 0 -.052-.343 6.269 6.269 0 0 1 .887 0h.041l.42.012a.356.356 0 0 1 .093.154 1.682 1.682 0 0 1 -.017.6c-.033.2-.078.386-.088.471-.034.334-.058.569-.08.787-.026.278-.047.527-.077.917-.008.115-.019.235-.031.353a2.163 2.163 0 0 0 .619-.32.539.539 0 0 0 .112-.778l-.017-.016a.688.688 0 0 0 -.194-.126l.079-.775.067-.358c. 1.324 0 0 1 1.047 1.145 1.7 1.7 0 0 1 -.827 1.655zm2-5.615a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 -1.113 1.168 2.972 2.972 0 0 1 -.753.226 4.886 4.886 0 0 1 -.894.053c-.171 0-.346-.009-.524-.017a5.43 5.43 0 0 0 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0 0 0 .163-.978 3.41 3.41 0 0 1 .583.038 3.614 3.614 0 0 1 .5.173l.269.1v.264c-.005.144-.016.285-.032.42-.036.245-.107.619.043.804zm-1.823-4.792s.73-.191 1.1-.338l.887-.112a.4.4 0 0 1 .264.165c.158.3-.212.92-.274 1.227 0 .022-.007.036-.011.057a4.343 4.343 0 0 1 -.518-.011h-.046-.1c-.126-.008-.126-.008-.457-.05l-.642-.08c-.037-.126-.073-.246-.1-.335-.076-.197-.187-.325-.107-.522zm-2.226 1.857a3.122 3.122 0 0 1 2.234-.612l.1.012c1.188.148.915.121 1.262.142a4.481 4.481 0 0 0 .69.01.964.964 0 0 0 .225-.047 1.96 1.96 0 0 1 1.126-.148c.494.106.421.148.537.211a3.438 3.438 0 0 0 .473.211c.1.031.694.274.779.326a.25.25 0 0 1 .1.2.882.882 0 0 1 -.1.537 6.521 6.521 0 0 1 -1.756.389 4.939 4.939 0 0 1 -1.315-.1c-.038-.011-.077-.024-.12-.039a7.976 7.976 0 0 0 -.906-.322 4.09 4.09 0 0 0 -.922-.033 2.454 2.454 0 0 0 -.742.166c-.494.211-.711.41-.813.845-.13.547.409.848.715.88h.043a1.974 1.974 0 0 0 .335-.021v.054c. 3.656 0 0 1 .165.923c-.062.006-.118.017-.185.021q-.261.018-.523.023a2.828 2.828 0 0 1 -1.893-.546 2.079 2.079 0 0 1 -.629-1 2.46 2.46 0 0 1 .953-2.714zm5.426.184a.293.293 0 0 0 .344-.115c. 0 0 0 -.34-.345.436.436 0 0 0 -.076-.025c-.171-.037-.328.026-.354.139s. 3.462a30.677 30.677 0 0 1 -2.767-6.026l-.413.037-.373.034a31.391 31.391 0 0 0 2.892 6.348 35.641 35.641 0 0 0 16.415 14.217l.116.052.348.166.484-.207h.006a35.732 35.732 0 0 0 16.419-14.224 31.463 31.463 0 0 0 2.891-6.348c-.258-.024-.515-.048-.786-.072a30.715 30.715 0 0 1 -2.766 6.026 34.96 34.96 0 0 1 -16.076 13.918s-.095.038-.157.067c-.043-.023-.17-.077-.17-.077h.008a34.869 34.869 0 0 1 -16.075-13.911zm41.5-13.764v-1.689a181.973 181.973 0 0 0 -25.266-1.429 182.029 182.029 0 0 0 -25.268 1.429v1.689a29.178 29.178 0 0 0 1.07 7.467 186.775 186.775 0 0 1 24.2-1.293 186.848 186.848 0 0 1 24.2 1.293 29.216 29.216 0 0 0 1.06-7.467zm-40.359 5.055c-.429.034-.946.106-1.539.215l-.012-.149c.821-.276.961-.289.928-.688a45.6 45.6 0 0 0 -.937-4.624q-.968 2.548-1.873 5.626l-.12.009c-1.005-2-1.941-3.749-2.788-5.277-.048 2.615-.024 4.15.012 4.609. 0-1.244.01a9.472 9.472 0 0 0 -1.22.19l-.012-.149c.575-.217.875-.351.916-.6a8.8 8.8 0 0 0 .117-1.155c.1-2.337.06-3.589.048-3.729-.036-.449-.119-.483-.874-.632l-.012-.15c.24 0 .452 0 .652-.011.339-.027.707-.078 1.134-.133.707 1.419 1.5 2.942 2.418 4.555.639-1.658 1.21-3.291 1.733-4.892.351-.007.652-.011.9-.033s.587-.067.946-.116l.011.149c-.732.26-.9.314-.868.684.034.419.208 1.2.45 2.333a22.131 22.131 0 0 0 .619 2.561c.09.234.375.291.929.426l.012.15q-.939-.012-1.299.016zm3.96-.193c-.64.033-1.289.085-1.936.157l-.008-.149a1.906 1.906 0 0 0 .929-.488 37.357 37.357 0 0 0 -.26-5.2 1.878 1.878 0 0 0 -.971-.383l-.011-.211a6.329 6.329 0 0 0 1.1.015c.36-.016.74-.046 1.139-.066.439-.022.88-.034 1.31-.055a11.9 11.9 0 0 0 1.446-.142l.086 1.517-.129.008a2.129 2.129 0 0 0 -.438-.951 4.514 4.514 0 0 0 -1.305-.034c-.4.019-.82.021-1.28.043-.016.482 0 1.283.063 2.463l.81-.041a6.127 6.127 0 0 0 1.436-.142 2.025 2.025 0 0 0 .387-.891l.139-.008a10.811 10.811 0 0 0 -.015 1.093c. 1.207l-.139.008a1.878 1.878 0 0 0 -.457-.92 6.2 6.2 0 0 0 -1.442 0l-.809.041c. 1.649.156 2.117q.707.025 1.2 0a5.222 5.222 0 0 0 1.432-.191 2.527 2.527 0 0 0 .386-1.1l.161-.008.03 1.612c-1.554.015-2.603.064-3.153.09zm9.257-.248c-1.512-.015-2.553-.011-3.123 0-.5.01-1.04.043-1.64.1v-.15a1.907 1.907 0 0 0 .94-.462 14.766 14.766 0 0 0 .031-2.595 15.264 15.264 0 0 0 -.15-2.609 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 -.961-.408v-.152a14.231 14.231 0 0 0 1.452.057c.39-.009.861-.05 1.439-.123v.149a1.936 1.936 0 0 0 -.94.453 15.118 15.118 0 0 0 -.03 2.614c.018.78.059 1.7.113 2.76h.881a4.671 4.671 0 0 0 1.428-.154 2.884 2.884 0 0 0 .485-1.093h.16zm3.936-6.227a1.951 1.951 0 0 0 -.952.428 15.143 15.143 0 0 0 -.1 2.612 14.747 14.747 0 0 0 .082 2.592 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 .949.443v.152a14.16 14.16 0 0 0 -1.44-.1 14.385 14.385 0 0 0 -1.452.085v-.149a1.917 1.917 0 0 0 .952-.436 14.889 14.889 0 0 0 .1-2.593 15.084 15.084 0 0 0 -.08-2.612 1.892 1.892 0 0 0 -.949-.434v-.149c.581.061 1.061.093 1.451.094a14.216 14.216 0 0 0 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1.137 2.066 1.591 3.232 2.231 3.29.425-.1.676-.188.8-.392.211-.342 1.279-2.261 3.12-5.8l.18.015c1.057 3.6 1.7 5.661 1.919 2.645-.067 2.09.727 3.288 2.078 3.33 1.331.042 2.121-.884 2.176-2.635.066-2.088-.737-3.295-2.087-3.338zm12.16 4.326 2.184.188c-.229-.845-.491-1.781-.806-2.782-.426.76-.883 1.624-1.377 2.596zm1.853 5a31.77 31.77 0 0 1 -2.965 6.542 36.156 36.156 0 0 1 -16.617 14.4l-.676.306c-.289-.13-.67-.3-.67-.3a36.143 36.143 0 0 1 -16.622-14.4 31.826 31.826 0 0 1 -2.968-6.542l-.4.041-.378.038a32.578 32.578 0 0 0 3.089 6.858 36.905 36.905 0 0 0 16.965 14.708s.582.264.988.45c.409-.188.988-.45.988-.45a36.924 36.924 0 0 0 16.963-14.713 32.59 32.59 0 0 0 3.087-6.859l-.6-.06zm11.4-8.471-2.607-.377-2.213-.31v-1.746l-1.348-.2-.46-.063v-16.65c.124-.275 2.418-5.386 2.418-5.386l-2.181-.366a175.443 175.443 0 0 0 -25.271-2.017 175.2 175.2 0 0 0 -25.279 2.019l-2.182.366 2.422 5.388v16.651l-.452.063-1.356.2v1.748l-4.821.676.7 1.848c.347.916 1.447 3.191 1.806 3.928a31.261 31.261 0 0 0 -.521 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