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Dillman Papers, 1845-1974.", "abstract": "Papers, 1845-1974, of Grover Cleveland Dillman, the fourth president of the Michigan College of Mining and Technology (now Michigan Technological University) in Houghton, Michigan. Includes papers, correspondence, scrapbooks, diaries and photographs from Dillman's career both prior to and including his presidency at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology. ", "extent": "24.0 cubic feet; 24 paige boxes.", "displayEntry": "Dillman, Grover C. (Grover Cleveland) 1889-1979. Grover C. Dillman Papers, 1845-1974.", "originationNames": [ { "dataType": "OriginationName", "name": "Dillman, Grover C. 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(Corbin T.)<\/namePart>\n <role>\n <roleTerm valueURI=\"http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/relators\/cre\">Creator<\/roleTerm>\n <\/role>\n <\/name>\n <titleInfo>\n <title>Corbin T. Eddy Collection, 1930-1935.<\/title>\n <\/titleInfo>\n <abstract>Collection, 1930-1935, of papers related to the award of the Alfred Noble prize for science to Corbin T. Eddy, a member of the faculty at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology (now Michigan Technological University) in Houghton, Michigan. Includes correspondence to and from the president of the College, William O. Hotchkiss as well as congratulatory letters to Eddy, Eddy's acceptance speech, bulletins, and publications. Also includes a copy of the prize-winning paper, \"Arsenic Elimination in the Reverberatory Refining of Native Copper.\" <\/abstract>\n <name>\n <namePart>Michigan Technological University<\/namePart>\n <role>\n <roleTerm valueURI=\"http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/relators\/rps\">Repository<\/roleTerm>\n <\/role>\n <\/name>\n <\/mods>\n <\/objectXMLWrap>", "title": "Corbin T. Eddy Collection, 1930-1935.", "abstract": "Collection, 1930-1935, of papers related to the award of the Alfred Noble prize for science to Corbin T. Eddy, a member of the faculty at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology (now Michigan Technological University) in Houghton, Michigan. Includes correspondence to and from the president of the College, William O. Hotchkiss as well as congratulatory letters to Eddy, Eddy's acceptance speech, bulletins, and publications. Also includes a copy of the prize-winning paper, \"Arsenic Elimination in the Reverberatory Refining of Native Copper.\" ", "extent": "0.18 cubic feet; 1\/2 manuscript box (letter size)", "displayEntry": "Eddy, C. T. (Corbin T.). Corbin T. Eddy Collection, 1930-1935.", "originationNames": [ { "dataType": "OriginationName", "name": "Eddy, C. T. (Corbin T.)", "id": "10834713", "version": "8087842" } ], "repository": { "dataType": "Constellation", "ark": "http:\/\/\/ark:\/99166\/w6553b5m", "entityType": { "id": "698", "term": "corporateBody", "uri": "http:\/\/\/control\/term#CorporateBody", "type": "entity_type" }, "nameEntries": [ { "dataType": "NameEntry", "original": "Michigan Technological University, J.R. Van Pelt & Opie Library; Michigan Tech", "preferenceScore": "99", "id": "76774540", "version": "11229461" } ], "places": [ { "dataType": "Place", "original": "Michigan Technological University, J.R. 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Blaine over administration of the Highway Department. Also included are statistics on mining in Iron County, Wisconsin. <\/abstract>\n <name>\n <namePart>Unknown<\/namePart>\n <role>\n <roleTerm valueURI=\"http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/relators\/rps\">Repository<\/roleTerm>\n <\/role>\n <\/name>\n <\/mods>\n <\/objectXMLWrap>", "title": "Papers, 1919-1925.", "abstract": "Letters and financial records kept by William Otis Hotchkiss, State of Wisconsin geologist and chairman of the Highway Commission, which relate to a dispute between the commission and Wisconsin Governor John J. Blaine over administration of the Highway Department. Also included are statistics on mining in Iron County, Wisconsin. ", "extent": "0.2 c.f. (1 archives box)", "displayEntry": "Hotchkiss, William Otis, 1878-1954. 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Larzelere to Charles H. Avery May 8, 1923, concerning overland trips he made in 1865 and 1867 between Fort Howard, Wisconsin and Fort Wilkins, Michigan and comments on the building of the military road between these two points. <\/abstract>\n <name>\n <namePart>Unknown<\/namePart>\n <role>\n <roleTerm valueURI=\"http:\/\/\/vocabulary\/relators\/rps\">Repository<\/roleTerm>\n <\/role>\n <\/name>\n <\/mods>\n <\/objectXMLWrap>", "title": "Statement, 1923.", "abstract": "A statement given by Charles H. Larzelere to Charles H. Avery May 8, 1923, concerning overland trips he made in 1865 and 1867 between Fort Howard, Wisconsin and Fort Wilkins, Michigan and comments on the building of the military road between these two points. ", "extent": "0.1 c.f. (1 folder)", "displayEntry": "Larzelere, Charles H., d. 1923. 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", "extent": "15 ft.", "displayEntry": "Hotchkiss, William Otis, 1878-1954. 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