Webex Connect Cloud Communications Platform

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<h4 class="text-lg md:text-lg_lg mb-2 text-skin-bwg">CPaaS</h4> <p class="text-sm md:text-sm_lg md:max-w-10/12 text-skin-grey mb-3 font-normal">Create smarter customer interactions with Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS).</p> <a href="/products/cpaas-overview" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Discover more"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Discover more <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="h-full flex-1"> <div class="md:mb-7"> <div> <h4 class="text-lg md:text-lg_lg mb-2 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' bg-skin-ggw' : ' bg-transparent'"></span> </h3> </div> </div> <div x-ref="swiper" class="flex gap-32 border border-skin-grey-light bg-skin-wbg rounded-2xl md:rounded-20 lg:rounded-30 w-full max-w-[1312px] overflow-hidden mx-auto relative"> <div class="swiper-wrapper flex items-center"> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center swiper-slide gap-5 md:gap-0 py-7 px-7"> <article class="flex-1 md:pl-[25px] md:pr-14 text-base font-light text-skin-grey prose-page standard min-w-300"> <h3>Promotional campaigns</h3><p>Deliver rich multi-channel campaigns which include buttons, carousels, rich imagery, and ability to track response rates.</p><h3>Google Search to messaging</h3><p>Allow customers to go from a Google Search to messaging your business with the touch of a button. </p><h3>Welcome and onboarding</h3><p>From welcoming customers to sharing ‘how-to’ guides, use proactive messaging to instantly build customer relationships.</p> </article> <div class="lg:basis-[748px] md:basis-[600px] justify-center"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img id="Vzw5QenA" data-src="" class="lazyload w-full object-cover" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center swiper-slide gap-5 md:gap-0 py-7 px-7"> <article class="flex-1 md:pl-[25px] md:pr-14 text-base font-light text-skin-grey prose-page standard min-w-300"> <h3>Authentication​</h3><p>Deliver one-time passwords (OTP) and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) across multiple channels.​</p><h3>SIM swap​</h3><p>Assess risk in real-time to identify SIM swap fraud and then automate protective follow-up interactions.​</p><h3>​Fraud alerts​</h3><p>Send notifications that validate transactions or confirm suspicious activity to trigger automated protective actions.​​</p> </article> <div class="lg:basis-[748px] md:basis-[600px] justify-center"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img id="lsvwy76x" data-src="" class="lazyload w-full object-cover" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center swiper-slide gap-5 md:gap-0 py-7 px-7"> <article class="flex-1 md:pl-[25px] md:pr-14 text-base font-light text-skin-grey prose-page standard min-w-300"> <h3>Upsell recommendations</h3><p>Boost your sales with personalized upsell and cross-sell cloud communications.</p><h3>Proactive comms</h3><p>Automate triggers that share relevant and enriching content that recommends, educates and enhances service delivery.</p><h3>Reschedule appointments</h3><p>Sending reminders that allow customers to reschedule any appointments via a channel of their choice.</p> </article> <div class="lg:basis-[748px] md:basis-[600px] justify-center"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img id="lsvwz755" data-src="" class="lazyload w-full object-cover" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center swiper-slide gap-5 md:gap-0 py-7 px-7"> <article class="flex-1 md:pl-[25px] md:pr-14 text-base font-light text-skin-grey prose-page standard min-w-300"> <h3>Inbound call deflection</h3><p>Enable customers to transfer from the IVR call queue to a messaging channel of their choice.</p><h3>Proactive call deflection</h3><p>Guide customers to chatbots where they can self-serve to solve queries before they reach the contact center.</p><h3>Surveys ​</h3><p>Give your customers a voice by triggering CSAT surveys that easily collect feedback.</p> </article> <div class="lg:basis-[748px] md:basis-[600px] justify-center"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img id="lsvx08ki" data-src="" class="lazyload w-full object-cover" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center swiper-slide gap-5 md:gap-0 py-7 px-7"> <article class="flex-1 md:pl-[25px] md:pr-14 text-base font-light text-skin-grey prose-page standard min-w-300"> <h3>Contract renewals</h3><p>Prevent customer churn with proactive renewal reminders at the perfect moments.</p><h3>Payment reminders</h3><p>Reduce late payments with reminders containing mobile payment options or links directing customers where to pay.</p><h3>Abandoned carts</h3><p>Help customers complete their purchases using reminders triggered by abandoned carts.</p> </article> <div class="lg:basis-[748px] md:basis-[600px] justify-center"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=""> <img id="lsvx1m37" data-src="" class="lazyload w-full object-cover" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div x-ref="swiperPag" class="swiper-pagination absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 w-auto bottom-0"></div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {'swiper_horizontal_tabs_3', () => ({ swiper: null, activeTab: 0, init() { this.swiper = new Swiper(this.$refs.swiper, { direction: 'horizontal', pagination: { el: this.$refs.swiperPag, clickable: true, renderBullet: function (index, className) { if ("") { return '<span class="' + className + '">' + '<i></i>' + 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<div> <a href="/resources/customer-stories" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Discover customer stories"> <span class="flex items-center rounded-full justify-center whitespace-nowrap border group duration-200 transition-colors font-medium text-[14px] md:text-[15px] leading-btn tracking-base bg-transparent border-skin-bww text-skin-bww hover:border-skin-bwb hover:bg-skin-bwb hover:text-skin-wbw fill-skin-bww hover:fill-skin-wbw lg:py-5 py-[18px] px-[21px]"> Discover customer stories <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline ml-1"> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="overflow-x-auto mx-std webex-scrollbar max-w-[1440px]"> <ul class="flex gap-5 pb-10 md:pb-16 pl-1 pr-std pt-1"> <li class="theme-accent group bg-skin-wbg border-skin-grey-light duration-200 rounded-30 hover:border-skin-grey hover:-translate-x-1 hover:-translate-y-1 cursor-pointer ml-auto"> <a href="/resources/customer-stories/smarty" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Smarty customer story"> <div class="lg:py-[60px] lg:px-10 md:p-10 py-8 px-5 flex flex-col w-[calc(33.333%-1.25rem)] flex-shrink-0 min-w-300 md:min-w-400 lg:min-w-[422px] max-w-500"> <div class="h-16 mb-5"> <div class="flex items-center h-full"> <img src="" alt="" class=" max-w-2/3"> </div> </div> <h4 class="text-skin-bww mb-5">500% increase in customer engagement.</h4> <p class="text-skin-grey text-base">Using our cloud communications platform, SMARTY transformed customer interactions with a multi-channel customer onboarding program.</p> <div class="mt-auto flex justify-between pt-10 items-center gap-2"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Smarty customer story <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class="theme-accent group bg-skin-wbg border-skin-grey-light duration-200 rounded-30 hover:border-skin-grey hover:-translate-x-1 hover:-translate-y-1 cursor-pointer "> <a href="/resources/customer-stories/centrica" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Centrica customer story"> <div class="lg:py-[60px] lg:px-10 md:p-10 py-8 px-5 flex flex-col w-[calc(33.333%-1.25rem)] flex-shrink-0 min-w-300 md:min-w-400 lg:min-w-[422px] max-w-500"> <div class="h-16 mb-5"> <div class="flex items-center h-full"> <img src="" alt="" class=" max-w-2/3"> </div> </div> <h4 class="text-skin-bww mb-5">5% of callers deflected to WhatsApp.</h4> <p class="text-skin-grey text-base">Centrica significantly reduced the number of inbound calls by deflecting calls from IVR to SMS and WhatsApp.</p> <div class="mt-auto flex justify-between pt-10 items-center gap-2"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Centrica customer story <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class="theme-accent group bg-skin-wbg border-skin-grey-light duration-200 rounded-30 hover:border-skin-grey hover:-translate-x-1 hover:-translate-y-1 cursor-pointer "> <a href="/resources/customer-stories/southwark-council" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Southwark Council customer story"> <div class="lg:py-[60px] lg:px-10 md:p-10 py-8 px-5 flex flex-col w-[calc(33.333%-1.25rem)] flex-shrink-0 min-w-300 md:min-w-400 lg:min-w-[422px] max-w-500"> <div class="h-16 mb-5"> <div class="flex items-center h-full"> <img src="" alt="" class=" max-w-2/3"> </div> </div> <h4 class="text-skin-bww mb-5">90% of customers felt more reassured.</h4> <p class="text-skin-grey text-base">Southwark Council improved the trust and legitimacy of their communications with RCS Business Messaging.</p> <div class="mt-auto flex justify-between pt-10 items-center gap-2"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Southwark Council customer story <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li class="theme-accent group bg-skin-wbg border-skin-grey-light duration-200 rounded-30 hover:border-skin-grey hover:-translate-x-1 hover:-translate-y-1 cursor-pointer "> <a href="/resources/customer-stories/cambridge-university-hospitals-nhs-foundation-trust" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Cambridge University Hospitals story"> <div class="lg:py-[60px] lg:px-10 md:p-10 py-8 px-5 flex flex-col w-[calc(33.333%-1.25rem)] flex-shrink-0 min-w-300 md:min-w-400 lg:min-w-[422px] max-w-500"> <div class="h-16 mb-5"> <div class="flex items-center h-full"> <img src="" alt="" class=" h-full"> </div> </div> <h4 class="text-skin-bww mb-5">27% decrease in missed appointments.</h4> <p class="text-skin-grey text-base">Cambridge University Hospitals NHS achieved one of the lowest Did Not Attend rates in the country.</p> <div class="mt-auto flex justify-between pt-10 items-center gap-2"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Cambridge University Hospitals story <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative bg-skin-wbg theme-light" data-id="icons-list" id="" style="scroll-margin-top: 6rem"> <div class="py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-20 px-std flex justify-between flex-col relative max-w-[1440px] mx-auto"> <div class="relative"> <div class="flex justify-between relative flex-col md:gap-28 md:flex-row mb-10 md:mb-16 lg:mb-20"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:max-w-2/3"> <h2 class="text-skin-bww text-h2">Interact with customers on their favorite channels.</h2> </div> <div class="flex gap-x-3 flex-col lg:flex-row gap-y-3 mt-8 md:mt-0 md:ml-auto"> <div> <a href="/business-messaging" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="See messaging channels"> <span class="flex items-center rounded-full justify-center whitespace-nowrap border group duration-200 transition-colors font-medium text-[14px] md:text-[15px] leading-btn tracking-base border border-skin-ggg hover:border-skin-bwg bg-skin-ggw text-skin-wwb 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Benefit from pre-built or custom integrations to trigger, personalize and fulfil communications across journeys and processes.</p> <div class=" mt-8"> <a href="/products/webex-connect/integrations" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Explore integrations"> <span class="flex items-center rounded-full justify-center whitespace-nowrap border group duration-200 transition-colors font-medium text-[14px] md:text-[15px] leading-btn tracking-base bg-transparent border-skin-bww text-skin-bww hover:border-skin-bwb hover:bg-skin-bwb hover:text-skin-wbw fill-skin-bww hover:fill-skin-wbw lg:py-5 py-[18px] px-[21px]"> Explore integrations <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline ml-1"> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> 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97.68L40.6607 105.477C39.6846 106.451 38.3622 106.997 36.9835 106.997C35.6047 106.997 34.2823 106.451 33.3062 105.477L22.523 94.6939C21.5493 93.7178 21.0024 92.3954 21.0024 91.0166C21.0024 89.6379 21.5493 88.3155 22.523 87.3394L33.3062 76.5562C34.2823 75.5825 35.6047 75.0356 36.9835 75.0356C38.3622 75.0356 39.6846 75.5825 40.6607 76.5562L51.4439 87.3394C51.9257 87.819 52.3082 88.389 52.5694 89.0166C52.8307 89.6443 52.9657 90.3172 52.9666 90.9971V90.9995C52.9666 91.4603 53.1257 91.907 53.4169 92.2641C53.7082 92.6212 54.1138 92.8668 54.5652 92.9595C54.5719 92.9608 54.5789 92.9612 54.586 92.9616L54.5881 92.9617C54.5938 92.962 54.5996 92.9624 54.6052 92.9634C54.7242 92.9865 54.8451 92.9988 54.9663 93H63C63.5304 93 64.0391 92.7893 64.4142 92.4142C64.7893 92.0391 65 91.5304 65 91C65 90.4696 64.7893 89.9608 64.4142 89.5858C64.0391 89.2107 63.5304 89 63 89ZM71.1013 39H62C61.4696 39 60.9609 38.7893 60.5858 38.4142C60.2107 38.0392 60 37.5304 60 37C60 36.4696 60.2107 35.9609 60.5858 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110.24C97.11 111.36 95.58 112 93.99 112H91.99C85.38 112 76.84 108.43 69.7 102.69C68.66 101.86 67.69 101.01 66.78 100.14C71.43 94.85 73.99 89.2 73.99 84C73.99 81.35 72.94 78.8 71.06 76.93C69.18 75.05 66.64 74 63.99 74C61.34 74 58.79 75.05 56.92 76.93C55.04 78.81 53.99 81.35 53.99 84C53.99 89.19 56.55 94.83 61.2 100.12C54.01 106.92 43.79 112 35.99 112H33.99C32.4 112 30.87 111.37 29.75 110.24C28.63 109.12 27.99 107.59 27.99 106V54C27.99 52.41 28.62 50.88 29.75 49.76C30.87 48.64 32.4 48 33.99 48H48.02H79.98C80.51 48 81.02 47.79 81.39 47.41C81.77 47.03 81.98 46.53 81.98 46V29.99C81.98 25.22 80.08 20.64 76.7 17.26C73.32 13.89 68.75 11.99 63.97 11.99C59.2 11.99 54.62 13.89 51.24 17.26C47.87 20.64 45.97 25.21 45.97 29.99L46 44H33.97C31.32 44 28.78 45.06 26.9 46.93C25.02 48.8 23.97 51.35 23.97 54V106C23.97 108.65 25.03 111.19 26.9 113.07C28.77 114.94 31.32 116 33.97 116H35.97C43.58 116 52.86 112.19 60.79 105.81C61.92 104.9 62.98 103.97 63.98 103.02C64.98 103.97 66.04 104.9 67.18 105.81C75 112.1 84.5 116 91.98 116H93.98C96.63 116 99.17 114.94 101.05 113.07C102.92 111.19 103.98 108.65 103.98 106V54C103.98 51.35 102.92 48.81 101.05 46.93C99.17 45.06 96.63 44 93.98 44H93.99ZM64 16C67.71 16 71.27 17.48 73.89 20.1C76.51 22.72 77.99 26.28 78 29.99V44H50.04L50.01 29.99C50.01 26.28 51.49 22.72 54.12 20.1C56.74 17.48 60.3 16 64.01 16H64ZM64 97.22C60.16 92.76 58 88.09 58 84C58 83.21 58.16 82.43 58.46 81.7C58.76 80.97 59.2 80.31 59.76 79.75C60.89 78.62 62.41 77.99 64 77.99C65.59 77.99 67.12 78.62 68.24 79.75C69.37 80.88 70 82.4 70 83.99C70 88.38 67.64 93.01 64 97.21V97.22Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Cisco Security</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">Our products are shaped by Cisco’s secure by default vision, adhering to the latest security best practices.</p> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-5 gap-y-3 mt-5 md:mt-7"> <a href="" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] 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80.5168C18.6862 78.7158 17.2136 76.3558 16.4946 73.7277C15.7756 71.0997 15.8416 68.3187 16.6846 65.7278C17.5276 63.1368 19.1106 60.8494 21.2383 59.1475C21.6517 58.815 21.916 58.3318 21.9731 57.8044C22.0303 57.2769 21.8755 56.7484 21.543 56.335C21.2104 55.9217 20.7273 55.6573 20.1998 55.6002C19.6724 55.5431 19.1438 55.6978 18.7305 56.0303C16.6289 57.7025 14.9321 59.8276 13.7667 62.2472C12.6013 64.6668 11.9973 67.3184 12 70.004C12.0064 74.7707 13.9011 79.3407 17.2694 82.7135C20.6377 86.0863 25.205 87.9873 29.9717 88.0001H30.0039C30.5337 87.9991 31.0414 87.788 31.4156 87.413C31.7898 87.038 32 86.5299 32 86.0001V52.0001C32 43.5132 35.3714 35.3739 41.3726 29.3727C47.3737 23.3716 55.5131 20.0001 64 20.0001C72.4869 20.0001 80.6262 23.3716 86.6274 29.3727C92.6286 35.3739 96 43.5132 96 52.0001V86.0001C96.003 86.0824 96.0111 86.1643 96.0243 86.2455C95.9419 93.4196 92.2959 98.7399 87.3691 102.323C82.0165 100.051 75.6305 98.0001 70 98.0001H69.9961C65.5801 98.0079 61.9932 101.15 62 105.004C62.0166 105.979 62.2471 106.938 62.6752 107.815C63.1033 108.691 63.7186 109.462 64.4776 110.074C66.0326 111.341 67.9819 112.023 69.9873 112.002H70.0039C70.0124 112.002 70.0203 112 70.0288 112C76.2771 111.885 82.3826 110.111 87.7197 106.86C90.8835 108.296 93.963 109.912 96.9434 111.698C97.3937 111.977 97.9364 112.066 98.4524 111.946C98.9683 111.825 99.4153 111.505 99.6952 111.055C99.9751 110.605 100.065 110.062 99.9454 109.546C99.8256 109.03 99.506 108.583 99.0566 108.302C98.7718 108.125 95.7568 106.266 91.4443 104.176C93.8982 102.184 95.919 99.7115 97.3827 96.9101C98.8465 94.1087 99.7222 91.0377 99.9563 87.8856ZM112 70.004C111.996 73.3688 110.781 76.6199 108.578 79.163C106.375 81.7061 103.33 83.3714 100 83.8546V56.1398C103.331 56.627 106.375 58.2953 108.578 60.8405C110.781 63.3856 111.995 66.6379 112 70.004V70.004ZM70 108L69.9837 108.002C68.9165 108.022 67.8759 107.669 67.041 107.004C66.73 106.767 66.4753 106.464 66.2953 106.117C66.1153 105.77 66.0145 105.387 66 104.996C65.9971 103.376 67.8294 102.004 70.003 102C74.0886 102.001 78.7515 103.277 83.0381 104.903C78.9698 106.873 74.5199 107.931 70 108Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Professional services</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">Our bespoke services team can support you throughout your journey, from technical consultation to strategic planning and implementation.</p> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-5 gap-y-3 mt-5 md:mt-7"> <a href="" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label=""> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col flex items-start lg:justify-start md:col-span-1"> <div class="flex flex-col justify-start relative max-w-full"> <svg class="w-16 h-16 lg:mb-10 md:mb-7 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34.0029 40.0007 34.0002C38.5956 33.9975 37.2147 34.3656 35.9973 35.0673C34.78 35.7691 33.7694 36.7796 33.0675 37.9969C32.3657 39.2141 31.9974 40.595 32 42.0002V84.0002C32 92.4871 35.3714 100.626 41.3726 106.628C47.3738 112.629 55.5131 116 64 116C72.4869 116 80.6263 112.629 86.6274 106.628C92.6286 100.626 96 92.4871 96 84.0002C96 83.4697 95.7893 82.961 95.4142 82.5859C95.0392 82.2109 94.5304 82.0002 94 82.0002C93.4696 82.0002 92.9609 82.2109 92.5858 82.5859C92.2107 82.961 92 83.4697 92 84.0002C92 91.4262 89.05 98.5481 83.799 103.799C78.548 109.05 71.4261 112 64 112C56.574 112 49.452 109.05 44.201 103.799C38.95 98.5481 36 91.4262 36 84.0002V42.0002C36 40.9393 36.4214 39.9219 37.1716 39.1717C37.9217 38.4216 38.9391 38.0002 40 38.0002C41.0609 38.0002 42.0783 38.4216 42.8284 39.1717C43.5786 39.9219 44 40.9393 44 42.0002V66.0001C44 66.5306 44.2107 67.0393 44.5858 67.4144C44.9609 67.7894 45.4696 68.0001 46 68.0001C46.5304 68.0001 47.0392 67.7894 47.4142 67.4144C47.7893 67.0393 48 66.5306 48 66.0001V26.0002C48 24.9393 48.4214 23.9219 49.1716 23.1717C49.9217 22.4216 50.9391 22.0002 52 22.0002C53.0609 22.0002 54.0783 22.4216 54.8284 23.1717C55.5786 23.9219 56 24.9393 56 26.0002V62.0002C56 62.5306 56.2107 63.0393 56.5858 63.4144C56.9609 63.7894 57.4696 64.0001 58 64.0001C58.5304 64.0001 59.0392 63.7894 59.4142 63.4144C59.7893 63.0393 60 62.5306 60 62.0002V20.0002C60 18.9393 60.4214 17.9219 61.1716 17.1717C61.9217 16.4216 62.9391 16.0002 64 16.0002C65.0609 16.0002 66.0783 16.4216 66.8284 17.1717C67.5786 17.9219 68 18.9393 68 20.0002V62.0002C68 62.5306 68.2107 63.0393 68.5858 63.4144C68.9609 63.7894 69.4696 64.0001 70 64.0001C70.5304 64.0001 71.0392 63.7894 71.4142 63.4144C71.7893 63.0393 72 62.5306 72 62.0002V28.0002C72 26.9393 72.4214 25.9219 73.1716 25.1717C73.9217 24.4216 74.9391 24.0002 76 24.0002C77.0609 24.0002 78.0783 24.4216 78.8284 25.1717C79.5786 25.9219 80 26.9393 80 28.0002V72.09C74.5366 72.5957 69.4585 75.1219 65.7595 79.1742C62.0604 83.2266 60.0066 88.5134 60 94.0002C60 94.5306 60.2107 95.0393 60.5858 95.4144C60.9609 95.7894 61.4696 96.0002 62 96.0002C62.5304 96.0002 63.0392 95.7894 63.4142 95.4144C63.7893 95.0393 64 94.5306 64 94.0002C64.0056 89.228 65.9038 84.6528 69.2782 81.2784C72.6527 77.9039 77.2278 76.0057 82 76.0002C82.5304 76.0001 83.0391 75.7894 83.4142 75.4143C83.7893 75.0393 84 74.5306 84 74.0001V62.0002C84.003 59.6959 84.8004 57.4631 86.2576 55.6782C87.7149 53.8933 89.743 52.6653 92 52.2013V74.0001C92 74.5306 92.2108 75.0393 92.5858 75.4143C92.9609 75.7894 93.4696 76.0001 94 76.0002Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Compliance</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">With GDPR, HIPPA and ISO 27001 controls built in and tools for meeting global and regional regulations, your compliance needs are met out-of-the-box.</p> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-5 gap-y-3 mt-5 md:mt-7"> <a href="" role="button" target=_self 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41.9901 72.23V38.23C41.9901 37.7 42.2001 37.19 42.5801 36.82C43.3401 36.07 44.6701 36.07 45.4001 36.82C45.7801 37.2 45.9901 37.71 45.9901 38.23V63.03C45.9901 63.57 46.2101 64.09 46.5901 64.45C47.3901 65.21 48.7101 65.16 49.4001 64.44C49.7801 64.06 49.9901 63.55 49.9901 63.03V35.23C49.9901 34.7 50.2001 34.19 50.5801 33.82C51.3401 33.06 52.6701 33.07 53.4001 33.82C53.7801 34.2 53.9901 34.71 53.9901 35.23V63.03C53.9901 63.57 54.2101 64.09 54.5901 64.45C55.3901 65.21 56.7101 65.16 57.4001 64.44C57.7801 64.06 57.9901 63.55 57.9901 63.03V38.23C57.9901 37.7 58.2001 37.19 58.5801 36.82C59.3401 36.07 60.6601 36.07 61.4001 36.82C61.7801 37.2 61.9901 37.71 61.9901 38.23V63.03C61.9901 63.57 62.2101 64.09 62.5901 64.45C63.3901 65.21 64.7101 65.16 65.4001 64.44C65.7801 64.06 65.9901 63.55 65.9901 63.03V38.23C65.9901 37.14 65.6901 36.07 65.1301 35.14C64.5701 34.2 63.7601 33.44 62.8001 32.93C61.8501 32.42 60.7701 32.19 59.6701 32.24C58.9001 32.28 58.1501 32.47 57.4601 32.79C57.0601 31.89 56.4401 31.09 55.6501 30.47C53.5901 28.86 50.4101 28.86 48.3501 30.47C47.5601 31.08 46.9401 31.89 46.5401 32.79C45.8501 32.47 45.1001 32.28 44.3301 32.24C43.2501 32.18 42.1701 32.42 41.2001 32.93C40.2301 33.45 39.4201 34.21 38.8701 35.14C38.3101 36.08 38.0101 37.15 38.0101 38.23V53.51C36.8001 52.81 35.4301 52.43 34.0101 52.43C32.9501 52.43 31.9201 52.86 31.1801 53.6C30.4401 54.34 30.0101 55.37 30.0101 56.43V77.23C30.0101 84.02 32.1801 88.33 33.8001 90.6L12.1101 101.44C11.6401 101.67 11.2901 102.08 11.1001 102.6C10.9401 103.11 10.9801 103.66 11.2101 104.11C11.4401 104.58 11.8501 104.94 12.3501 105.11C12.5601 105.18 12.7801 105.22 12.9901 105.22C13.3001 105.22 13.6101 105.15 13.8801 105L36.6401 93.62C40.4901 97.1 43.4801 97.85 45.3301 97.85V97.86ZM46.8701 91.96C47.0201 92.2 47.0701 92.49 47.0301 92.77C46.9801 93.05 46.8301 93.31 46.6001 93.49C45.6601 94.25 43.5201 93.97 40.6901 91.82C44.5801 90.44 46.4001 91.22 46.8801 91.97L46.8701 91.96ZM117.77 104.13C117.55 104.6 117.12 104.98 116.6 105.14C116.1 105.3 115.56 105.26 115.09 105.02L83.5101 89.23C81.8401 88.39 80.4401 87.12 79.4701 85.54C78.5001 83.97 77.9901 82.15 77.9901 80.28V42.22C77.9901 41.7 77.7801 41.19 77.4001 40.81C76.6601 40.06 75.3301 40.05 74.5801 40.81C74.2001 41.18 73.9901 41.69 73.9901 42.22V81.13C73.9901 88.98 71.5201 95.97 66.8201 101.41L92.8801 114.44C93.3601 114.66 93.7301 115.09 93.8901 115.61C94.0501 116.11 94.0101 116.65 93.7701 117.12C93.5301 117.6 93.1101 117.97 92.6101 118.13C92.1001 118.29 91.5701 118.25 91.0901 118.02L63.8401 104.39C61.7301 106.21 59.3801 107.77 56.8701 109.02L38.8701 118.02C38.5901 118.16 38.2801 118.24 37.9801 118.24C37.7601 118.24 37.5501 118.2 37.3401 118.13C36.8401 117.95 36.4301 117.59 36.2001 117.13C35.9701 116.68 35.9201 116.12 36.0901 115.62C36.2801 115.1 36.6301 114.69 37.1001 114.46L55.1001 105.46C64.7101 100.65 70.0001 92.02 70.0001 81.14V42.24C70.0001 40.66 70.6401 39.12 71.7601 38C72.8701 36.88 74.4101 36.24 76.0001 36.24C77.5901 36.24 79.1201 36.88 80.2401 38C81.3601 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