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The station building dates from 1999 and replaces what was left of the original structure from 1854 when the line opened.</h4> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/news">News</a></h3> <table> <tr><td>12/12/2024</td><td><a href="/news/#28671">ScotRail issue warning over fake online railcard scam </a><br>Ardrossan Herald</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28670">Major disruption to Tayside and Stirling trains after overhead wire damage </a><br>The Courier</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28669">Glasgow station upgrade a 'missed opportunity' to make rail line more wheelchair and pram accessible </a><br>Glasgow Live</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28668">Edinburgh train passengers face travel chaos with several routes cancelled </a><br>Edinburgh Live</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28673">Transport Secretary: 'No plans' to reform CalMac ferry network structure </a><br>The Herald</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28672">Severn Valley Railway unveils plans for bold restructure </a><br>Rail News</td></tr> <tr><td>11/12/2024</td><td><a href="/news/#28658">New calls for railway station in Bonnybridge </a><br>Falkirk Herald</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28660">Stonehaven fatal derailment probe process to begin </a><br>BBC Scotland</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28659">Respect our rail workers as expansion of ScotRail Travel Safe Team announced </a><br>ScotRail</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28657">From turbines to train delay prediction, tech start-ups showcase innovative solutions to the rail industry </a><br>Rail News</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28655">Disused railway yard is being transformed into flourishing community through 37 million investment </a><br>Berwick Advertiser</td></tr> <tr><td>10/12/2024</td><td><a href="/news/#28665">Rail operator warns it will set up temporary barriers at unmanned Caithness stations to clamp down on ticket fraud </a><br>JohnOGroat Journal</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28663">Harry Potter fans secret viewing spot for Hogwarts Express closed due to safety concerns </a><br>Press and Journal</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28662">Freightliner gives Class 70 retro look to mark firm's 60th anniversary </a><br>RAIL</td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><a href="/news/#28661">Avanti train managers to strike after overwhelming rejection of rest day proposals </a><br>RMT</td></tr> </table> <br> <a href="/news" class="btn btn-primary">More</a><br> <br> <div> <a href="/newsfeed.php"><img width="15" src="/railscoticons/rsscircle.gif" title="RSS News Feed" alt="RSS News Feed" > RSS News Feed</a> <a href="/newsmapkml.php"><img width="15" src="/railscoticons/googleearthlogo.gif" title="KML News Feed"> KML News Feed</a> </div> <br> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/newsinpictures.php">News in pictures</a></h3> <style> .carousel-control.left, .carousel-control.right { background-image:none !important; filter:none !important; } </style> <div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <div class="item active"> <a href="/img/91/387" target="expand"><img style="width:100%" src="/images/91000/91387.jpg" alt="Morningside Road" class='lazy'></a> <div class="carousel-caption"> <h3>Morningside Road</h3> <p>45407 heads east from Morningside Road with the 'Polar Express' returning from Gorgie Junction to ...</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <a href="/img/91/377" target="expand"><img style="width:100%" src="/images/91000/91377.jpg" alt="Pleasure Beach [Tram]" class='lazy'></a> <div class="carousel-caption"> <h3>Pleasure Beach [Tram]</h3> <p>Blackpool Transport has suspended all Heritage Tram operations with immediate effect. 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The station building dates from 1999 and replaces what was left of the original structure from 1854 when the line opened.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/420'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91420.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91420.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91420.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91420.jpg 200w' width='21.638719057846%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Network Rail /12/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='bottom' data-content='Network Rail revisited Port Glasgow station to mark the first anniversary of the 拢5m accessibility upgrade.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/419'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91419.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91419.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91419.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91419.jpg 200w' width='24.367926866944%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Roger Geach 08/09/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='bottom' data-content='View from just inside the main entrance to Berlin Hauptbahnhof, on a very busy Sunday afternoon in September 2024.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/418'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91418.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91418.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91418.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91418.jpg 200w' width='24.478188979464%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Mark Bartlett 01/11/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='bottom' data-content='MV 'Silver River' is often to be seen loading or unloading at Glasson Dock, but a visit on 1st November 2024 coincided with a high tide. Right up to departure the two cranes seen here had been busy and the vessel, fully laden with mixed general cargo, now swings round in the estuary to head for Ramsey I.O.M., a journey of about nine hours.'></a><br><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/417'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91417.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91417.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91417.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91417.jpg 200w' width='19.430125605515%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Duncan Ross 02/12/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='DRS 6M60, with 68002 'Intrepid' and 88005 'Minerva' pass through St Peters on flask duties from Seaton-on-Tees Nuclear to Sellafield on 2nd December 2024.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/416'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91416.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91416.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91416.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91416.jpg 200w' width='28.078216192941%' style='margin: 1px;' title='David Bosher 23/11/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='The up platform at Forest Hill, SE London, seen from 378209 arriving with a London Overground service from Highbury & Islington to Crystal Palace, at 12.01 on Saturday, 23rd November 2024. This is one of the original London & Croydon Railway stations opened with the line as Dartmouth Arms on 5th June 1839 and renamed in 1845. The narrow island platform between the centre tracks was removed in 1967 and the station rebuilt in the early 1970s. Today served by National Rail Southeastern and London Overground, the latter trains began here on 23rd May 2010 with TfL taking over control.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/415'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91415.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91415.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91415.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91415.jpg 200w' width='25.610886123262%' style='margin: 1px;' title='John Clark 15/04/1968' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='Rishton signal box 15th April 1968. Closed in either September or October 1973 when Preston Power box was commissioned.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/414'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91414.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91414.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91414.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91414.jpg 200w' width='21.880772078282%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Ewan Crawford 24/11/2023' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='The combined Dalchonzie Platform signal box and staff house are seen from the minor road to Dalchonzie and Aberuchill in this view looking north to the A85. The railway crossed the minor road on the level and was on the far side of the building. The track off to the right follows the course of the original route of the main road (which was realigned further north to accommodate the railway).'></a><br><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/413'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91413.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91413.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91413.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91413.jpg 200w' width='23.247162172356%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Roger Geach 28/11/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='66753 and 66725 on 4E14, the 0401hrs Felixstowe to Doncaster i Port, passing Saxilby on 28th November 2024 running a little late. Not the best picture - sun almost in the lens.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/412'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91412.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91412.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91412.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91412.jpg 200w' width='23.515140987023%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Mark Bartlett 31/10/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='From the bridge by the station looking eastwards on 30th October 2024, these are the tunnels at New Mills. That on the right leads down to New Mills South Junction, these days mainly seeing Hope Valley local services. On the left is the Hayfield branch tunnel. After its closure in 1970, a turnback siding remained in the tunnel for services terminating at New Mills but when fast trains were diverted via Stockport in 1986 the line became less busy and these local trains could wait in the station platform. The turnback siding was then lifted and the associated pointwork removed.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/411'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91411.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91411.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91411.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91411.jpg 200w' width='26.929880932334%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Colin Kirkwood 28/02/1965' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='28 February 1965 and Gateshead's A1 No 60132 'Marmion' is resting at St Margaret's Shed, awaiting its next tour of duty.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/410'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91410.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91410.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91410.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91410.jpg 200w' width='21.307815908286%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Malcolm Chattwood 21/11/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='It鈥檚 a pity that one of the most dramatic sections of coastal railway in England at Hunt Cliff is situated on a freight-only line. At around 100m the line from Saltburn to Skinningrove steelworks and Boulby mine runs sufficiently close to the cliff edge, beyond the whistle board, that a network of remotely monitored ground movement sensors is installed. '></a><br><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/409'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91409.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91409.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91409.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91409.jpg 200w' width='20.240664055498%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Oliver Wilkinson 13/08/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='Construction of a grand accessible footbridge had begun at Abergavenny on 13th August 2024 and work adjacent to the southbound platform can be seen as Transport for Wales 197114 calls working a Milford Haven to Manchester Piccadilly service.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/408'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91408.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91408.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91408.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91408.jpg 200w' width='20.213676503424%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Duncan Ross 03/12/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='A temporary bridge being erected just south of Craigo 'Box for access into Craigo village. I assume the old stone bridge will then be demolished. Network Rail's press release says 'Network Rail has begun a 拢3m project to demolish and reconstruct the railway bridge on Craigo Road, Marykirk. Engineers are installing a temporary bridge next to the current structure, which is due to be demolished in early 2025. The temporary bridge will allow nearby communities to cross until the new permanent bridge is installed next year. When complete, the new permanent bridge will better support the weight of traffic which crosses daily, carrying vehicles over the railway line between Dundee and Aberdeen.' '></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/407'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91407.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91407.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91407.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91407.jpg 200w' width='31.78251022551%' style='margin: 1px;' title='David Bosher 23/11/2024' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='The northbound platform at Brockley, SE London, seen from 378209 arriving with a London Overground service from Highbury & Islington to Crystal Palace, at 11.56 on Saturday, 23rd November 2024. This is on the original London & Croydon Railway that opened on 5th June 1839 but Brockley was not opened until 6th March 1871. The original buildings were demolished in the 1970s. Today, it is served by National Rail Southeastern and London Overground trains; the latter began here on 23rd May 2010 when the station was transferred to TfL ownership.'></a><a target='enlarge' href='/img/91/406'><img class='lazy' src='/images/91000/91406.jpg' srcset='/images/91000/91406.jpg 800w,/images400/91000/91406.jpg 500w,/__cache/thumbnails/91000/91406.jpg 200w' width='22.763149215568%' style='margin: 1px;' title='Ewan Crawford 24/11/2023' data-toggle='popover' data-placement='top' data-content='The Comrie to Balquhidder line was on the right in this view taken looking west at Dalchonzie (the halt was just beyond the trees in the middle of the view). The wall on the right of the road was to support the trackbed. This dirt track was the original course of the A85 road which had to be realigned to the north to accommodate the building of the railway. On the left is the River Earn.'></a><br></div><script>$(function() { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ trigger: 'hover', html : true }); });</script> <div class="row" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;"> <div class="col-md-4"> <a href="/latestmapkml.php"><img width=15 src="/railscoticons/googleearthlogo.gif" alt=""></a> <a href="/latestmapkml.php">KML version</a><br> <a href="/statstrends.php">Image Statistics and Trends</a> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <center><a class="btn btn-primary" href="/latest.php">More</a></center> </div> </div> <br> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/onday">On this day</a></h3> <table> <tr> <td>1849 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/D/Dunfermline_Branch_Edinburgh_and_Northern_Railway/">Dunfermline Branch (Edinburgh and Northern Railway)</a><br>Dunfermline Branch opened from <a role="location" href="/locations/T/Thornton_Junction/">Thornton Junction</a> to Dunfermline. Stations opened at <a role="location" href="/locations/H/Halbeath/">Halbeath</a>.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1910 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/A/Aberdeen_Railway/">Aberdeen Railway</a><br>Alterations to <a role="location" href="/locations/A/Aberdeen_Guild_Street/">Aberdeen Guild Street</a> goods authorised.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1910 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/A/Aberdeen_Railway/">Aberdeen Railway</a><br>Authorisation for further sidings at <a role="location" href="/locations/C/Craiginches_Yard/">Craiginches Yard</a> and remodelling of <a role="location" href="/locations/A/Aberdeen_Guild_Street/">Aberdeen Guild Street</a> Goods.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1960 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/C/Caledonian_and_Dumbartonshire_Junction_Railway/">Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction Railway</a><br>Transformer explosion at <a role="location" href="/locations/R/Renton/">Renton</a>.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1970 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/G/Great_North_of_Scotland_Railway/">Great North of Scotland Railway</a><br><a role="location" href="/locations/K/Keith/">Keith</a> to <a role="location" href="/locations/R/Rothiemay/">Rothiemay</a> to <a role="location" href="/locations/H/Huntly/">Huntly</a> singled.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2003 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/D/Deeside_Railway/">Deeside Railway</a><br>Class 14 D9551 hauls the first train to operate on the line since dismantling in 1972.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2004 </td> <td><a role="company" href="/companies/E/Edinburgh_and_Glasgow_Railway/">Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway</a><br><a role="location" href="/locations/E/Eastfield_TMD/">Eastfield TMD</a> opened on the site of the closed and demolished <a role="location" href="/locations/E/Eastfield_MPD/">Eastfield MPD</a>. (Haymarket TMD was at capacity.)</td> </tr> </table> <br> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/onday">More</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/onday">This day in history</a></h3> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td> <a target='enlarge' href='/img/88/909'><img alt="Slateford on 13th December 1975, with a DMU working from Glasgow Central to Edinburgh taking the line to Niddrie West as a result of signalling alterations at Haymarket." src='/__cache/thumbnails/88000/88909.jpg' style='padding-right:5px;'></a> </td> <td valign=top> <p class="text-justify">Slateford on 13th December 1975, with a DMU working from Glasgow Central to Edinburgh taking the line to Niddrie West as a result of signalling alterations at Haymarket.</p> <a href="/contributors/John_Clark">John Clark</a> (1975) </td> </tr> </table> <br> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/onday">More</a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/notesandqueries.php">Notes and Queries</a></h3> <table> <tr> <td> <a href="/notesandqueries.php"><img src="/uploadarea//64990.jpg" width="200" style='padding-right:5px;'></a> </td> <td valign=top> <p class="text-justify">A Class 47 loco stabled near a junction in summer 1989 but where and what are those gantries for?<br>[Added 01 March 2023.]</p> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/notesandqueries.php"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></span> Responses so far</a> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Advert panel --> <br> <div style="text-align: center;"> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- Wide short (home page) --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block;height:120px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2605210640043393" data-ad-slot="2826500028" ></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <!-- data-ad-format="auto" results in massive adverts --> </div> <!-- End of adverts panel --> <h3><a href="/miscellany/">Miscellany</a></h3> Related to <a href="/locations/G/Glasgow_St_Enoch">Glasgow St Enoch</a>.<br> <br> <b>Glasgow's Patron Saint</b><br> <br> <a role="location" href="/locations/G/Glasgow_St_Enoch/">Glasgow St Enoch</a>, the former large terminus of the <a role="company" href="/companies/G/Glasgow_and_South_Western_Railway/">Glasgow and South Western Railway</a>, and <a role="location" href="/locations/S/St_Enoch_Subway/">St Enoch [Subway]</a>, which remains open, were named for St Enoch's Square. The square was the location of a church named for St Enoch (or Teneu), the sixth century joint patron saint of Glasgow with her son St Kentigern (or Mungo).<br> <br> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/miscellany">More</a> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <h3><a href="/keyevents">Key events</a></h3> <table> <tr><td>May 2024</td><td>50th anniversary of the Electric Scots<br> Continuing ASLEF dispute at DfT operators overtaken by general election<br> Barrhead/East Kilbride conductor dispute resolved<br> Peak fares trial extended to August<br> First Minister officially opens 拢116M Levenmouth Railway<br> <span target='enlarge' href='/img//'></span></td></tr><tr><td>April 2024</td><td>New active travel route at Gourock<br> Edinburgh Waverley and Glasgow Central the first stations in Britain to have British Sign Language on their main departure screens<br> Joanne Maguire new interim ScotRail MD, Liam Sumpter to head Network Rail in Scotland<br> <span target='enlarge' href='/img//'></span></td></tr><tr><td>March 2024</td><td>Alex Hynes departure announced from Scotland for DfT<br> Jacobite suspended<br> <span target='enlarge' href='/img//'></span></td></tr><tr><td>February 2024</td><td>Dunblane resignalling to allow southbound trains to depart from Platform 3<br> Highland networks closed by storm on 5 February<br> East Kilbride carpark reduced for new station construction<br> Addiewell temporarily closed for reconstruction<br> Brodick ferries diverted to Troon by Ardrossan pier damage<br> Seawall damage near Helmsdale <span target='enlarge' href='/img//'></span></td></tr><tr><td>January 2024</td><td>'The Hatch' caf茅 opens at Singer<br> 'Reboot your Commute' advertising campaign<br> Four loops taken out of use during snow on HML<br> Storms Isha and Jocelyn led to network closures from 1900 on 21 and 23 January<br> Storm Ingunn on 31 January closed West and North Highland routes <span target='enlarge' href='/img//'></span></td></tr> </table> <br> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/keyevents">More</a> <h3><a href="/slideshow/">Slideshows</a></h3> <table> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/Scandinavia'>Scandinavia</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/Scandinavia'><img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/35000/35208.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/35000/35214.jpg' alt='' height='40'> </a></td><td>2 photos</td></tr> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/West_Highland_Railway'>West Highland Railway</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/West_Highland_Railway'><img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/13000/13264.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14118.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14119.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14617.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14622.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14625.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14626.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14627.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14628.jpg' alt='' height='40'> <img style='padding-bottom:1px !important;' src='/__cache/thumbnails/14000/14629.jpg' alt='' height='40'> </a></td><td>63 photos</td></tr> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/Now_withdrawn_LU_C_stock_trains,_2011-2014'>Now withdrawn LU C stock trains, 2011-2014</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/Now_withdrawn_LU_C_stock_trains,_2011-2014'>[[images]]</a></td><td>0 photos</td></tr> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/Class_175_units_2017-2019'>Class 175 units 2017-2019</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/Class_175_units_2017-2019'>[[images]]</a></td><td>0 photos</td></tr> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/Docklands_Light_Railway,_2008-2023'>Docklands Light Railway, 2008-2023</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/Docklands_Light_Railway,_2008-2023'>[[images]]</a></td><td>0 photos</td></tr> <tr><td><a href='/photosets/West_Highland_Railway_(Oban_branch),_September_2022'>West Highland Railway (Oban branch), September 2022</a></td><td><a href='/photosets/West_Highland_Railway_(Oban_branch),_September_2022'>[[images]]</a></td><td>0 photos</td></tr> </table> <br> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/slideshow">More</a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h3><br><a href='/books'>Books</a></h3> <p>Selected from Amazon's New Releases.</p> <div class='row'><div class='clearfix col-md-3'> <img src='' height='250' style='padding: 10px;' class='lazy' alt=''><br> <h4>The Railways of Stirling</h4> <p> <b>ASIN</b> 1915069297<br> <b>Publisher</b> Lightmoor Press<br> 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the book being a personal journey across ...<br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-left:0px; padding-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div style='text-align: center; height:200px; overflow:hidden;'><img src='/__cache/thumbnails/78000/78465.jpg' class='lazy' alt=''></div> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-justify" style="height:200px;"> <h4><a href='/articles/Book:_Lament_for_a_Branch_Line_(The_Preston_to_Southport_Railway)'>Book: Lament for a Branch Line (The Preston to Southport Railway)</a></h4> <a href='/contributors/Mark_Bartlett'>Mark Bartlett</a><br> <br> Review by Mark Bartlett I felt an immediate connection with this book when asked to review ...<br> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/articles">More</a> </div> </div> </div> <img style="width: 100%;" src="/footer-bw.jpg" alt="Footer image"> <div class="footer" style="background-color: #000; color: #FFF !important; font-size: 90%; padding: 30px; 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