Los Angeles Trade Fairs - Events Calendar for Textile Fashion, Apparel Trade Show Exibitions in Los Angeles

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window.Dom7 || window.Zepto || window.jQuery : t)) && (T.$ = e, T.currentBreakpoint = void 0, T.getActiveBreakpoint = function () { if (!T.params.breakpoints) return !1; var e, a = !1, t = []; for (e in T.params.breakpoints) T.params.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.push(e); t.sort(function (e, a) { return parseInt(e, 10) > parseInt(a, 10) }); for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++)(e = t[s]) >= window.innerWidth && !a && (a = e); return a || "max" }, T.setBreakpoint = function () { var e = T.getActiveBreakpoint(); if (e && T.currentBreakpoint !== e) { var a = e in T.params.breakpoints ? T.params.breakpoints[e] : T.originalParams, t = T.params.loop && a.slidesPerView !== T.params.slidesPerView; for (var s in a) T.params[s] = a[s]; T.currentBreakpoint = e, t && T.destroyLoop && T.reLoop(!0) } }, T.params.breakpoints && T.setBreakpoint(), T.container = e(s), 0 !== T.container.length)) { if (T.container.length > 1) { var b = []; return T.container.each(function () { b.push(new a(this, i)) }), b } T.container[0].swiper = T,"swiper", T), T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + T.params.direction), T.params.freeMode && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "free-mode"), || (T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "no-flexbox"), T.params.slidesPerColumn = 1), T.params.autoHeight && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "autoheight"), (T.params.parallax || T.params.watchSlidesVisibility) && (T.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0), T.params.touchReleaseOnEdges && (T.params.resistanceRatio = 0), ["cube", "coverflow", "flip"].indexOf(T.params.effect) >= 0 && ( ? (T.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0, T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "3d")) : T.params.effect = "slide"), "slide" !== T.params.effect && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + T.params.effect), "cube" === T.params.effect && (T.params.resistanceRatio = 0, T.params.slidesPerView = 1, T.params.slidesPerColumn = 1, T.params.slidesPerGroup = 1, T.params.centeredSlides = !1, T.params.spaceBetween = 0, T.params.virtualTranslate = !0), "fade" !== T.params.effect && "flip" !== T.params.effect || (T.params.slidesPerView = 1, T.params.slidesPerColumn = 1, T.params.slidesPerGroup = 1, T.params.watchSlidesProgress = !0, T.params.spaceBetween = 0, void 0 === g && (T.params.virtualTranslate = !0)), T.params.grabCursor && && (T.params.grabCursor = !1), T.wrapper = T.container.children("." + T.params.wrapperClass), T.params.pagination && (T.paginationContainer = e(T.params.pagination), T.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof T.params.pagination && T.paginationContainer.length > 1 && 1 === T.container.find(T.params.pagination).length && (T.paginationContainer = T.container.find(T.params.pagination)), "bullets" === T.params.paginationType && T.params.paginationClickable ? T.paginationContainer.addClass(T.params.paginationModifierClass + "clickable") : T.params.paginationClickable = !1, T.paginationContainer.addClass(T.params.paginationModifierClass + T.params.paginationType)), (T.params.nextButton || T.params.prevButton) && (T.params.nextButton && (T.nextButton = e(T.params.nextButton), T.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof T.params.nextButton && T.nextButton.length > 1 && 1 === T.container.find(T.params.nextButton).length && (T.nextButton = T.container.find(T.params.nextButton))), T.params.prevButton && (T.prevButton = e(T.params.prevButton), T.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof T.params.prevButton && T.prevButton.length > 1 && 1 === T.container.find(T.params.prevButton).length && (T.prevButton = T.container.find(T.params.prevButton)))), T.isHorizontal = function () { return "horizontal" === T.params.direction }, T.rtl = T.isHorizontal() && ("rtl" === T.container[0].dir.toLowerCase() || "rtl" === T.container.css("direction")), T.rtl && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "rtl"), T.rtl && (T.wrongRTL = "-webkit-box" === T.wrapper.css("display")), T.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "multirow"), && T.classNames.push(T.params.containerModifierClass + "android"), T.container.addClass(T.classNames.join(" ")), T.translate = 0, T.progress = 0, T.velocity = 0, T.lockSwipeToNext = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToNext = !1, T.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !1 && T.params.grabCursor && T.unsetGrabCursor() }, T.lockSwipeToPrev = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !1, T.params.allowSwipeToNext === !1 && T.params.grabCursor && T.unsetGrabCursor() }, T.lockSwipes = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToNext = T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !1, T.params.grabCursor && T.unsetGrabCursor() }, T.unlockSwipeToNext = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToNext = !0, T.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !0 && T.params.grabCursor && T.setGrabCursor() }, T.unlockSwipeToPrev = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !0, T.params.allowSwipeToNext === !0 && T.params.grabCursor && T.setGrabCursor() }, T.unlockSwipes = function () { T.params.allowSwipeToNext = T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = !0, T.params.grabCursor && T.setGrabCursor() }, T.setGrabCursor = function (e) { T.container[0].style.cursor = "move", T.container[0].style.cursor = e ? "-webkit-grabbing" : "-webkit-grab", T.container[0].style.cursor = e ? "-moz-grabbin" : "-moz-grab", T.container[0].style.cursor = e ? "grabbing" : "grab" }, T.unsetGrabCursor = function () { T.container[0].style.cursor = "" }, T.params.grabCursor && T.setGrabCursor(), T.imagesToLoad = [], T.imagesLoaded = 0, T.loadImage = function (e, a, t, s, i, r) { function n() { r && r() } var o; e.complete && i ? n() : a ? (o = new window.Image, o.onload = n, o.onerror = n, s && (o.sizes = s), t && (o.srcset = t), a && (o.src = a)) : n() }, T.preloadImages = function () { function e() { void 0 !== T && null !== T && T && (void 0 !== T.imagesLoaded && T.imagesLoaded++, T.imagesLoaded === T.imagesToLoad.length && (T.params.updateOnImagesReady && T.update(), T.emit("onImagesReady", T))) } T.imagesToLoad = T.container.find("img"); for (var a = 0; a < T.imagesToLoad.length; a++)T.loadImage(T.imagesToLoad[a], T.imagesToLoad[a].currentSrc || T.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("src"), T.imagesToLoad[a].srcset || T.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("srcset"), T.imagesToLoad[a].sizes || T.imagesToLoad[a].getAttribute("sizes"), !0, e) }, T.autoplayTimeoutId = void 0, T.autoplaying = !1, T.autoplayPaused = !1, T.startAutoplay = function () { return void 0 === T.autoplayTimeoutId && (!!T.params.autoplay && (!T.autoplaying && (T.autoplaying = !0, T.emit("onAutoplayStart", T), void n()))) }, T.stopAutoplay = function (e) { T.autoplayTimeoutId && (T.autoplayTimeoutId && clearTimeout(T.autoplayTimeoutId), T.autoplaying = !1, T.autoplayTimeoutId = void 0, T.emit("onAutoplayStop", T)) }, T.pauseAutoplay = function (e) { T.autoplayPaused || (T.autoplayTimeoutId && clearTimeout(T.autoplayTimeoutId), T.autoplayPaused = !0, 0 === e ? (T.autoplayPaused = !1, n()) : T.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { T && (T.autoplayPaused = !1, T.autoplaying ? n() : T.stopAutoplay()) })) }, T.minTranslate = function () { return -T.snapGrid[0] }, T.maxTranslate = function () { return -T.snapGrid[T.snapGrid.length - 1] }, T.updateAutoHeight = function () { var e, a = [], t = 0; if ("auto" !== T.params.slidesPerView && T.params.slidesPerView > 1) for (e = 0; e < Math.ceil(T.params.slidesPerView); e++) { var s = T.activeIndex + e; if (s > T.slides.length) break; a.push(T.slides.eq(s)[0]) } else a.push(T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex)[0]); for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)if (void 0 !== a[e]) { var i = a[e].offsetHeight; t = i > t ? i : t } t && T.wrapper.css("height", t + "px") }, T.updateContainerSize = function () { var e, a; e = void 0 !== T.params.width ? T.params.width : T.container[0].clientWidth, a = void 0 !== T.params.height ? T.params.height : T.container[0].clientHeight, 0 === e && T.isHorizontal() || 0 === a && !T.isHorizontal() || (e = e - parseInt(T.container.css("padding-left"), 10) - parseInt(T.container.css("padding-right"), 10), a = a - parseInt(T.container.css("padding-top"), 10) - parseInt(T.container.css("padding-bottom"), 10), T.width = e, T.height = a, T.size = T.isHorizontal() ? T.width : T.height) }, T.updateSlidesSize = function () { T.slides = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass), T.snapGrid = [], T.slidesGrid = [], T.slidesSizesGrid = []; var e, a = T.params.spaceBetween, t = -T.params.slidesOffsetBefore, s = 0, i = 0; if (void 0 !== T.size) { "string" == typeof a && a.indexOf("%") >= 0 && (a = parseFloat(a.replace("%", "")) / 100 * T.size), T.virtualSize = -a, T.rtl ? T.slides.css({ marginLeft: "", marginTop: "" }) : T.slides.css({ marginRight: "", marginBottom: "" }); var n; T.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 && (n = Math.floor(T.slides.length / T.params.slidesPerColumn) === T.slides.length / T.params.slidesPerColumn ? T.slides.length : Math.ceil(T.slides.length / T.params.slidesPerColumn) * T.params.slidesPerColumn, "auto" !== T.params.slidesPerView && "row" === T.params.slidesPerColumnFill && (n = Math.max(n, T.params.slidesPerView * T.params.slidesPerColumn))); var o, l = T.params.slidesPerColumn, p = n / l, d = p - (T.params.slidesPerColumn * p - T.slides.length); for (e = 0; e < T.slides.length; e++) { o = 0; var u = T.slides.eq(e); if (T.params.slidesPerColumn > 1) { var c, m, h; "column" === T.params.slidesPerColumnFill ? (m = Math.floor(e / l), h = e - m * l, (m > d || m === d && h === l - 1) && ++h >= l && (h = 0, m++), c = m + h * n / l, u.css({ "-webkit-box-ordinal-group": c, "-moz-box-ordinal-group": c, "-ms-flex-order": c, "-webkit-order": c, order: c })) : (h = Math.floor(e / p), m = e - h * p), u.css("margin-" + (T.isHorizontal() ? "top" : "left"), 0 !== h && T.params.spaceBetween && T.params.spaceBetween + "px").attr("data-swiper-column", m).attr("data-swiper-row", h) } "none" !== u.css("display") && ("auto" === T.params.slidesPerView ? (o = T.isHorizontal() ? u.outerWidth(!0) : u.outerHeight(!0), T.params.roundLengths && (o = r(o))) : (o = (T.size - (T.params.slidesPerView - 1) * a) / T.params.slidesPerView, T.params.roundLengths && (o = r(o)), T.isHorizontal() ? T.slides[e].style.width = o + "px" : T.slides[e].style.height = o + "px"), T.slides[e].swiperSlideSize = o, T.slidesSizesGrid.push(o), T.params.centeredSlides ? (t = t + o / 2 + s / 2 + a, 0 === s && 0 !== e && (t = t - T.size / 2 - a), 0 === e && (t = t - T.size / 2 - a), Math.abs(t) < .001 && (t = 0), i % T.params.slidesPerGroup == 0 && T.snapGrid.push(t), T.slidesGrid.push(t)) : (i % T.params.slidesPerGroup == 0 && T.snapGrid.push(t), T.slidesGrid.push(t), t = t + o + a), T.virtualSize += o + a, s = o, i++) } T.virtualSize = Math.max(T.virtualSize, T.size) + T.params.slidesOffsetAfter; var g; if (T.rtl && T.wrongRTL && ("slide" === T.params.effect || "coverflow" === T.params.effect) && T.wrapper.css({ width: T.virtualSize + T.params.spaceBetween + "px" }), && !T.params.setWrapperSize || (T.isHorizontal() ? T.wrapper.css({ width: T.virtualSize + T.params.spaceBetween + "px" }) : T.wrapper.css({ height: T.virtualSize + T.params.spaceBetween + "px" })), T.params.slidesPerColumn > 1 && (T.virtualSize = (o + T.params.spaceBetween) * n, T.virtualSize = Math.ceil(T.virtualSize / T.params.slidesPerColumn) - T.params.spaceBetween, T.isHorizontal() ? T.wrapper.css({ width: T.virtualSize + T.params.spaceBetween + "px" }) : T.wrapper.css({ height: T.virtualSize + T.params.spaceBetween + "px" }), T.params.centeredSlides)) { for (g = [], e = 0; e < T.snapGrid.length; e++)T.snapGrid[e] < T.virtualSize + T.snapGrid[0] && g.push(T.snapGrid[e]); T.snapGrid = g } if (!T.params.centeredSlides) { for (g = [], e = 0; e < T.snapGrid.length; e++)T.snapGrid[e] <= T.virtualSize - T.size && g.push(T.snapGrid[e]); T.snapGrid = g, Math.floor(T.virtualSize - T.size) - Math.floor(T.snapGrid[T.snapGrid.length - 1]) > 1 && T.snapGrid.push(T.virtualSize - T.size) } 0 === T.snapGrid.length && (T.snapGrid = [0]), 0 !== T.params.spaceBetween && (T.isHorizontal() ? T.rtl ? T.slides.css({ marginLeft: a + "px" }) : T.slides.css({ marginRight: a + "px" }) : T.slides.css({ marginBottom: a + "px" })), T.params.watchSlidesProgress && T.updateSlidesOffset() } }, T.updateSlidesOffset = function () { for (var e = 0; e < T.slides.length; e++)T.slides[e].swiperSlideOffset = T.isHorizontal() ? T.slides[e].offsetLeft : T.slides[e].offsetTop }, T.currentSlidesPerView = function () { var e, a, t = 1; if (T.params.centeredSlides) { var s, i = T.slides[T.activeIndex].swiperSlideSize; for (e = T.activeIndex + 1; e < T.slides.length; e++)T.slides[e] && !s && (i += T.slides[e].swiperSlideSize, t++, i > T.size && (s = !0)); for (a = T.activeIndex - 1; a >= 0; a--)T.slides[a] && !s && (i += T.slides[a].swiperSlideSize, t++, i > T.size && (s = !0)) } else for (e = T.activeIndex + 1; e < T.slides.length; e++)T.slidesGrid[e] - T.slidesGrid[T.activeIndex] < T.size && t++; return t }, T.updateSlidesProgress = function (e) { if (void 0 === e && (e = T.translate || 0), 0 !== T.slides.length) { void 0 === T.slides[0].swiperSlideOffset && T.updateSlidesOffset(); var a = -e; T.rtl && (a = e), T.slides.removeClass(T.params.slideVisibleClass); for (var t = 0; t < T.slides.length; t++) { var s = T.slides[t], i = (a + (T.params.centeredSlides ? T.minTranslate() : 0) - s.swiperSlideOffset) / (s.swiperSlideSize + T.params.spaceBetween); if (T.params.watchSlidesVisibility) { var r = -(a - s.swiperSlideOffset), n = r + T.slidesSizesGrid[t]; (r >= 0 && r < T.size || n > 0 && n <= T.size || r <= 0 && n >= T.size) && T.slides.eq(t).addClass(T.params.slideVisibleClass) } s.progress = T.rtl ? -i : i } } }, T.updateProgress = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = T.translate || 0); var a = T.maxTranslate() - T.minTranslate(), t = T.isBeginning, s = T.isEnd; 0 === a ? (T.progress = 0, T.isBeginning = T.isEnd = !0) : (T.progress = (e - T.minTranslate()) / a, T.isBeginning = T.progress <= 0, T.isEnd = T.progress >= 1), T.isBeginning && !t && T.emit("onReachBeginning", T), T.isEnd && !s && T.emit("onReachEnd", T), T.params.watchSlidesProgress && T.updateSlidesProgress(e), T.emit("onProgress", T, T.progress) }, T.updateActiveIndex = function () { var e, a, t, s = T.rtl ? T.translate : -T.translate; for (a = 0; a < T.slidesGrid.length; a++)void 0 !== T.slidesGrid[a + 1] ? s >= T.slidesGrid[a] && s < T.slidesGrid[a + 1] - (T.slidesGrid[a + 1] - T.slidesGrid[a]) / 2 ? e = a : s >= T.slidesGrid[a] && s < T.slidesGrid[a + 1] && (e = a + 1) : s >= T.slidesGrid[a] && (e = a); T.params.normalizeSlideIndex && (e < 0 || void 0 === e) && (e = 0), t = Math.floor(e / T.params.slidesPerGroup), t >= T.snapGrid.length && (t = T.snapGrid.length - 1), e !== T.activeIndex && (T.snapIndex = t, T.previousIndex = T.activeIndex, T.activeIndex = e, T.updateClasses(), T.updateRealIndex()) }, T.updateRealIndex = function () { T.realIndex = parseInt(T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex).attr("data-swiper-slide-index") || T.activeIndex, 10) }, T.updateClasses = function () { T.slides.removeClass(T.params.slideActiveClass + " " + T.params.slideNextClass + " " + T.params.slidePrevClass + " " + T.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass + " " + T.params.slideDuplicateNextClass + " " + T.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass); var a = T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex); a.addClass(T.params.slideActiveClass), i.loop && (a.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass) ? T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + ":not(." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + T.realIndex + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass) : T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + "." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + T.realIndex + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateActiveClass)); var t ="." + T.params.slideClass).addClass(T.params.slideNextClass); T.params.loop && 0 === t.length && (t = T.slides.eq(0), t.addClass(T.params.slideNextClass)); var s = a.prev("." + T.params.slideClass).addClass(T.params.slidePrevClass); if (T.params.loop && 0 === s.length && (s = T.slides.eq(-1), s.addClass(T.params.slidePrevClass)), i.loop && (t.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass) ? T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + ":not(." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateNextClass) : T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + "." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + t.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateNextClass), s.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass) ? T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + ":not(." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ')[data-swiper-slide-index="' + s.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass) : T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + "." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + s.attr("data-swiper-slide-index") + '"]').addClass(T.params.slideDuplicatePrevClass)), T.paginationContainer && T.paginationContainer.length > 0) { var r, n = T.params.loop ? Math.ceil((T.slides.length - 2 * T.loopedSlides) / T.params.slidesPerGroup) : T.snapGrid.length; if (T.params.loop ? (r = Math.ceil((T.activeIndex - T.loopedSlides) / T.params.slidesPerGroup), r > T.slides.length - 1 - 2 * T.loopedSlides && (r -= T.slides.length - 2 * T.loopedSlides), r > n - 1 && (r -= n), r < 0 && "bullets" !== T.params.paginationType && (r = n + r)) : r = void 0 !== T.snapIndex ? T.snapIndex : T.activeIndex || 0, "bullets" === T.params.paginationType && T.bullets && T.bullets.length > 0 && (T.bullets.removeClass(T.params.bulletActiveClass), T.paginationContainer.length > 1 ? T.bullets.each(function () { e(this).index() === r && e(this).addClass(T.params.bulletActiveClass) }) : T.bullets.eq(r).addClass(T.params.bulletActiveClass)), "fraction" === T.params.paginationType && (T.paginationContainer.find("." + T.params.paginationCurrentClass).text(r + 1), T.paginationContainer.find("." + T.params.paginationTotalClass).text(n)), "progress" === T.params.paginationType) { var o = (r + 1) / n, l = o, p = 1; T.isHorizontal() || (p = o, l = 1), T.paginationContainer.find("." + T.params.paginationProgressbarClass).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(" + l + ") scaleY(" + p + ")").transition(T.params.speed) } "custom" === T.params.paginationType && T.params.paginationCustomRender && (T.paginationContainer.html(T.params.paginationCustomRender(T, r + 1, n)), T.emit("onPaginationRendered", T, T.paginationContainer[0])) } T.params.loop || (T.params.prevButton && T.prevButton && T.prevButton.length > 0 && (T.isBeginning ? (T.prevButton.addClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.disable(T.prevButton)) : (T.prevButton.removeClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.enable(T.prevButton))), T.params.nextButton && T.nextButton && T.nextButton.length > 0 && (T.isEnd ? (T.nextButton.addClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.disable(T.nextButton)) : (T.nextButton.removeClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.enable(T.nextButton)))) }, T.updatePagination = function () { if (T.params.pagination && T.paginationContainer && T.paginationContainer.length > 0) { var e = ""; if ("bullets" === T.params.paginationType) { for (var a = T.params.loop ? Math.ceil((T.slides.length - 2 * T.loopedSlides) / T.params.slidesPerGroup) : T.snapGrid.length, t = 0; t < a; t++)e += T.params.paginationBulletRender ? T.params.paginationBulletRender(T, t, T.params.bulletClass) : "<" + T.params.paginationElement + ' class="' + T.params.bulletClass + '"></' + T.params.paginationElement + ">"; T.paginationContainer.html(e), T.bullets = T.paginationContainer.find("." + T.params.bulletClass), T.params.paginationClickable && T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.initPagination() } "fraction" === T.params.paginationType && (e = T.params.paginationFractionRender ? T.params.paginationFractionRender(T, T.params.paginationCurrentClass, T.params.paginationTotalClass) : '<span class="' + T.params.paginationCurrentClass + '"></span> / <span class="' + T.params.paginationTotalClass + '"></span>', T.paginationContainer.html(e)), "progress" === T.params.paginationType && (e = T.params.paginationProgressRender ? T.params.paginationProgressRender(T, T.params.paginationProgressbarClass) : '<span class="' + T.params.paginationProgressbarClass + '"></span>', T.paginationContainer.html(e)), "custom" !== T.params.paginationType && T.emit("onPaginationRendered", T, T.paginationContainer[0]) } }, T.update = function (e) { function a() { T.rtl, T.translate; t = Math.min(Math.max(T.translate, T.maxTranslate()), T.minTranslate()), T.setWrapperTranslate(t), T.updateActiveIndex(), T.updateClasses() } if (T) { T.updateContainerSize(), T.updateSlidesSize(), T.updateProgress(), T.updatePagination(), T.updateClasses(), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && T.scrollbar.set(); var t; if (e) { T.controller && T.controller.spline && (T.controller.spline = void 0), T.params.freeMode ? (a(), T.params.autoHeight && T.updateAutoHeight()) : (("auto" === T.params.slidesPerView || T.params.slidesPerView > 1) && T.isEnd && !T.params.centeredSlides ? T.slideTo(T.slides.length - 1, 0, !1, !0) : T.slideTo(T.activeIndex, 0, !1, !0)) || a() } else T.params.autoHeight && T.updateAutoHeight() } }, T.onResize = function (e) { T.params.onBeforeResize && T.params.onBeforeResize(T), T.params.breakpoints && T.setBreakpoint(); var a = T.params.allowSwipeToPrev, t = T.params.allowSwipeToNext; T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = T.params.allowSwipeToNext = !0, T.updateContainerSize(), T.updateSlidesSize(), ("auto" === T.params.slidesPerView || T.params.freeMode || e) && T.updatePagination(), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && T.scrollbar.set(), T.controller && T.controller.spline && (T.controller.spline = void 0); var s = !1; if (T.params.freeMode) { var i = Math.min(Math.max(T.translate, T.maxTranslate()), T.minTranslate()); T.setWrapperTranslate(i), T.updateActiveIndex(), T.updateClasses(), T.params.autoHeight && T.updateAutoHeight() } else T.updateClasses(), s = ("auto" === T.params.slidesPerView || T.params.slidesPerView > 1) && T.isEnd && !T.params.centeredSlides ? T.slideTo(T.slides.length - 1, 0, !1, !0) : T.slideTo(T.activeIndex, 0, !1, !0); T.params.lazyLoading && !s && T.lazy && T.lazy.load(), T.params.allowSwipeToPrev = a, T.params.allowSwipeToNext = t, T.params.onAfterResize && T.params.onAfterResize(T) }, T.touchEventsDesktop = { start: "mousedown", move: "mousemove", end: "mouseup" }, window.navigator.pointerEnabled ? T.touchEventsDesktop = { start: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove", end: "pointerup" } : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && (T.touchEventsDesktop = { start: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove", end: "MSPointerUp" }), T.touchEvents = { start: || !T.params.simulateTouch ? "touchstart" : T.touchEventsDesktop.start, move: || !T.params.simulateTouch ? "touchmove" : T.touchEventsDesktop.move, end: || !T.params.simulateTouch ? "touchend" : T.touchEventsDesktop.end }, (window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) && ("container" === T.params.touchEventsTarget ? T.container : T.wrapper).addClass("swiper-wp8-" + T.params.direction), T.initEvents = function (e) { var a = e ? "off" : "on", t = e ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener", s = "container" === T.params.touchEventsTarget ? 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T.currentSlidesPerView() : T.params.slidesPerView; if (T.params.loop) { if (T.animating) return; r = parseInt(e(T.clickedSlide).attr("data-swiper-slide-index"), 10), T.params.centeredSlides ? n < T.loopedSlides - l / 2 || n > T.slides.length - T.loopedSlides + l / 2 ? (T.fixLoop(), n = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + r + '"]:not(.' + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ")").eq(0).index(), setTimeout(function () { T.slideTo(n) }, 0)) : T.slideTo(n) : n > T.slides.length - l ? (T.fixLoop(), n = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + r + '"]:not(.' + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ")").eq(0).index(), setTimeout(function () { T.slideTo(n) }, 0)) : T.slideTo(n) } else T.slideTo(n) } }; var S, C, z, M, E, P, I, k, L, D, B = "input, select, textarea, button, video", H =, G = []; T.animating = !1, T.touches = { startX: 0, startY: 0, currentX: 0, currentY: 0, diff: 0 }; var X, A; T.onTouchStart = function (a) { if (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent), (X = "touchstart" === a.type) || !("which" in a) || 3 !== a.which) { if (T.params.noSwiping && o(a, "." + T.params.noSwipingClass)) return void (T.allowClick = !0); if (!T.params.swipeHandler || o(a, T.params.swipeHandler)) { var t = T.touches.currentX = "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, s = T.touches.currentY = "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY; if (!(T.device.ios && T.params.iOSEdgeSwipeDetection && t <= T.params.iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold)) { if (S = !0, C = !1, z = !0, E = void 0, A = void 0, T.touches.startX = t, T.touches.startY = s, M =, T.allowClick = !0, T.updateContainerSize(), T.swipeDirection = void 0, T.params.threshold > 0 && (k = !1), "touchstart" !== a.type) { var i = !0; e( && (i = !1), document.activeElement && e(document.activeElement).is(B) && document.activeElement.blur(), i && a.preventDefault() } T.emit("onTouchStart", T, a) } } } }, T.onTouchMove = function (a) { if (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent), !X || "mousemove" !== a.type) { if (a.preventedByNestedSwiper) return T.touches.startX = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, void (T.touches.startY = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY); if (T.params.onlyExternal) return T.allowClick = !1, void (S && (T.touches.startX = T.touches.currentX = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, T.touches.startY = T.touches.currentY = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY, M =; if (X && T.params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !T.params.loop) if (T.isHorizontal()) { if (T.touches.currentX < T.touches.startX && T.translate <= T.maxTranslate() || T.touches.currentX > T.touches.startX && T.translate >= T.minTranslate()) return } else if (T.touches.currentY < T.touches.startY && T.translate <= T.maxTranslate() || T.touches.currentY > T.touches.startY && T.translate >= T.minTranslate()) return; if (X && document.activeElement && === document.activeElement && e( return C = !0, void (T.allowClick = !1); if (z && T.emit("onTouchMove", T, a), !(a.targetTouches && a.targetTouches.length > 1)) { if (T.touches.currentX = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, T.touches.currentY = "touchmove" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY, void 0 === E) { var t; T.isHorizontal() && T.touches.currentY === T.touches.startY || !T.isHorizontal() && T.touches.currentX === T.touches.startX ? E = !1 : (t = 180 * Math.atan2(Math.abs(T.touches.currentY - T.touches.startY), Math.abs(T.touches.currentX - T.touches.startX)) / Math.PI, E = T.isHorizontal() ? t > T.params.touchAngle : 90 - t > T.params.touchAngle) } if (E && T.emit("onTouchMoveOpposite", T, a), void 0 === A && (T.touches.currentX === T.touches.startX && T.touches.currentY === T.touches.startY || (A = !0)), S) { if (E) return void (S = !1); if (A) { T.allowClick = !1, T.emit("onSliderMove", T, a), a.preventDefault(), T.params.touchMoveStopPropagation && !T.params.nested && a.stopPropagation(), C || (i.loop && T.fixLoop(), I = T.getWrapperTranslate(), T.setWrapperTransition(0), T.animating && T.wrapper.trigger("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd"), T.params.autoplay && T.autoplaying && (T.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction ? T.stopAutoplay() : T.pauseAutoplay()), D = !1, !T.params.grabCursor || T.params.allowSwipeToNext !== !0 && T.params.allowSwipeToPrev !== !0 || T.setGrabCursor(!0)), C = !0; var s = T.touches.diff = T.isHorizontal() ? T.touches.currentX - T.touches.startX : T.touches.currentY - T.touches.startY; s *= T.params.touchRatio, T.rtl && (s = -s), T.swipeDirection = s > 0 ? "prev" : "next", P = s + I; var r = !0; if (s > 0 && P > T.minTranslate() ? (r = !1, T.params.resistance && (P = T.minTranslate() - 1 + Math.pow(-T.minTranslate() + I + s, T.params.resistanceRatio))) : s < 0 && P < T.maxTranslate() && (r = !1, T.params.resistance && (P = T.maxTranslate() + 1 - Math.pow(T.maxTranslate() - I - s, T.params.resistanceRatio))), r && (a.preventedByNestedSwiper = !0), !T.params.allowSwipeToNext && "next" === T.swipeDirection && P < I && (P = I), !T.params.allowSwipeToPrev && "prev" === T.swipeDirection && P > I && (P = I), T.params.threshold > 0) { if (!(Math.abs(s) > T.params.threshold || k)) return void (P = I); if (!k) return k = !0, T.touches.startX = T.touches.currentX, T.touches.startY = T.touches.currentY, P = I, void (T.touches.diff = T.isHorizontal() ? T.touches.currentX - T.touches.startX : T.touches.currentY - T.touches.startY) } T.params.followFinger && ((T.params.freeMode || T.params.watchSlidesProgress) && T.updateActiveIndex(), T.params.freeMode && (0 === G.length && G.push({ position: T.touches[T.isHorizontal() ? "startX" : "startY"], time: M }), G.push({ position: T.touches[T.isHorizontal() ? "currentX" : "currentY"], time: (new window.Date).getTime() })), T.updateProgress(P), T.setWrapperTranslate(P)) } } } } }, T.onTouchEnd = function (a) { if (a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent), z && T.emit("onTouchEnd", T, a), z = !1, S) { T.params.grabCursor && C && S && (T.params.allowSwipeToNext === !0 || T.params.allowSwipeToPrev === !0) && T.setGrabCursor(!1); var t =, s = t - M; if (T.allowClick && (T.updateClickedSlide(a), T.emit("onTap", T, a), s < 300 && t - H > 300 && (L && clearTimeout(L), L = setTimeout(function () { T && (T.params.paginationHide && T.paginationContainer.length > 0 && !e( && T.paginationContainer.toggleClass(T.params.paginationHiddenClass), T.emit("onClick", T, a)) }, 300)), s < 300 && t - H < 300 && (L && clearTimeout(L), T.emit("onDoubleTap", T, a))), H =, setTimeout(function () { T && (T.allowClick = !0) }, 0), !S || !C || !T.swipeDirection || 0 === T.touches.diff || P === I) return void (S = C = !1); S = C = !1; var i; if (i = T.params.followFinger ? T.rtl ? T.translate : -T.translate : -P, T.params.freeMode) { if (i < -T.minTranslate()) return void T.slideTo(T.activeIndex); if (i > -T.maxTranslate()) return void (T.slides.length < T.snapGrid.length ? T.slideTo(T.snapGrid.length - 1) : T.slideTo(T.slides.length - 1)); if (T.params.freeModeMomentum) { if (G.length > 1) { var r = G.pop(), n = G.pop(), o = r.position - n.position, l = r.time - n.time; T.velocity = o / l, T.velocity = T.velocity / 2, Math.abs(T.velocity) < T.params.freeModeMinimumVelocity && (T.velocity = 0), (l > 150 || (new window.Date).getTime() - r.time > 300) && (T.velocity = 0) } else T.velocity = 0; T.velocity = T.velocity * T.params.freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio, G.length = 0; var p = 1e3 * T.params.freeModeMomentumRatio, d = T.velocity * p, u = T.translate + d; T.rtl && (u = -u); var c, m = !1, h = 20 * Math.abs(T.velocity) * T.params.freeModeMomentumBounceRatio; if (u < T.maxTranslate()) T.params.freeModeMomentumBounce ? (u + T.maxTranslate() < -h && (u = T.maxTranslate() - h), c = T.maxTranslate(), m = !0, D = !0) : u = T.maxTranslate(); else if (u > T.minTranslate()) T.params.freeModeMomentumBounce ? (u - T.minTranslate() > h && (u = T.minTranslate() + h), c = T.minTranslate(), m = !0, D = !0) : u = T.minTranslate(); else if (T.params.freeModeSticky) { var g, f = 0; for (f = 0; f < T.snapGrid.length; f += 1)if (T.snapGrid[f] > -u) { g = f; break } u = Math.abs(T.snapGrid[g] - u) < Math.abs(T.snapGrid[g - 1] - u) || "next" === T.swipeDirection ? T.snapGrid[g] : T.snapGrid[g - 1], T.rtl || (u = -u) } if (0 !== T.velocity) p = T.rtl ? Math.abs((-u - T.translate) / T.velocity) : Math.abs((u - T.translate) / T.velocity); else if (T.params.freeModeSticky) return void T.slideReset(); T.params.freeModeMomentumBounce && m ? (T.updateProgress(c), T.setWrapperTransition(p), T.setWrapperTranslate(u), T.onTransitionStart(), T.animating = !0, T.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { T && D && (T.emit("onMomentumBounce", T), T.setWrapperTransition(T.params.speed), T.setWrapperTranslate(c), T.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { T && T.onTransitionEnd() })) })) : T.velocity ? (T.updateProgress(u), T.setWrapperTransition(p), T.setWrapperTranslate(u), T.onTransitionStart(), T.animating || (T.animating = !0, T.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { T && T.onTransitionEnd() }))) : T.updateProgress(u), T.updateActiveIndex() } return void ((!T.params.freeModeMomentum || s >= T.params.longSwipesMs) && (T.updateProgress(), T.updateActiveIndex())) } var v, w = 0, y = T.slidesSizesGrid[0]; for (v = 0; v < T.slidesGrid.length; v += T.params.slidesPerGroup)void 0 !== T.slidesGrid[v + T.params.slidesPerGroup] ? i >= T.slidesGrid[v] && i < T.slidesGrid[v + T.params.slidesPerGroup] && (w = v, y = T.slidesGrid[v + T.params.slidesPerGroup] - T.slidesGrid[v]) : i >= T.slidesGrid[v] && (w = v, y = T.slidesGrid[T.slidesGrid.length - 1] - T.slidesGrid[T.slidesGrid.length - 2]); var x = (i - T.slidesGrid[w]) / y; if (s > T.params.longSwipesMs) { if (!T.params.longSwipes) return void T.slideTo(T.activeIndex); "next" === T.swipeDirection && (x >= T.params.longSwipesRatio ? T.slideTo(w + T.params.slidesPerGroup) : T.slideTo(w)), "prev" === T.swipeDirection && (x > 1 - T.params.longSwipesRatio ? T.slideTo(w + T.params.slidesPerGroup) : T.slideTo(w)) } else { if (!T.params.shortSwipes) return void T.slideTo(T.activeIndex); "next" === T.swipeDirection && T.slideTo(w + T.params.slidesPerGroup), "prev" === T.swipeDirection && T.slideTo(w) } } }, T._slideTo = function (e, a) { return T.slideTo(e, a, !0, !0) }, T.slideTo = function (e, a, t, s) { void 0 === t && (t = !0), void 0 === e && (e = 0), e < 0 && (e = 0), T.snapIndex = Math.floor(e / T.params.slidesPerGroup), T.snapIndex >= T.snapGrid.length && (T.snapIndex = T.snapGrid.length - 1); var i = -T.snapGrid[T.snapIndex]; if (T.params.autoplay && T.autoplaying && (s || !T.params.autoplayDisableOnInteraction ? T.pauseAutoplay(a) : T.stopAutoplay()), T.updateProgress(i), T.params.normalizeSlideIndex) for (var r = 0; r < T.slidesGrid.length; r++)-Math.floor(100 * i) >= Math.floor(100 * T.slidesGrid[r]) && (e = r); return !(!T.params.allowSwipeToNext && i < T.translate && i < T.minTranslate()) && (!(!T.params.allowSwipeToPrev && i > T.translate && i > T.maxTranslate() && (T.activeIndex || 0) !== e) && (void 0 === a && (a = T.params.speed), T.previousIndex = T.activeIndex || 0, T.activeIndex = e, T.updateRealIndex(), T.rtl && -i === T.translate || !T.rtl && i === T.translate ? (T.params.autoHeight && T.updateAutoHeight(), T.updateClasses(), "slide" !== T.params.effect && T.setWrapperTranslate(i), !1) : (T.updateClasses(), T.onTransitionStart(t), 0 === a || T.browser.lteIE9 ? (T.setWrapperTranslate(i), T.setWrapperTransition(0), T.onTransitionEnd(t)) : (T.setWrapperTranslate(i), T.setWrapperTransition(a), T.animating || (T.animating = !0, T.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { T && T.onTransitionEnd(t) }))), !0))) }, T.onTransitionStart = function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = !0), T.params.autoHeight && T.updateAutoHeight(), T.lazy && T.lazy.onTransitionStart(), e && (T.emit("onTransitionStart", T), T.activeIndex !== T.previousIndex && (T.emit("onSlideChangeStart", T), T.activeIndex > T.previousIndex ? T.emit("onSlideNextStart", T) : T.emit("onSlidePrevStart", T))) }, T.onTransitionEnd = function (e) { T.animating = !1, T.setWrapperTransition(0), void 0 === e && (e = !0), T.lazy && T.lazy.onTransitionEnd(), e && (T.emit("onTransitionEnd", T), T.activeIndex !== T.previousIndex && (T.emit("onSlideChangeEnd", T), T.activeIndex > T.previousIndex ? T.emit("onSlideNextEnd", T) : T.emit("onSlidePrevEnd", T))), T.params.history && T.history && T.history.setHistory(T.params.history, T.activeIndex), T.params.hashnav && T.hashnav && T.hashnav.setHash() }, T.slideNext = function (e, a, t) { if (T.params.loop) { if (T.animating) return !1; T.fixLoop(); T.container[0].clientLeft; return T.slideTo(T.activeIndex + T.params.slidesPerGroup, a, e, t) } return T.slideTo(T.activeIndex + T.params.slidesPerGroup, a, e, t) }, T._slideNext = function (e) { return T.slideNext(!0, e, !0) }, T.slidePrev = function (e, a, t) { if (T.params.loop) { if (T.animating) return !1; T.fixLoop(); T.container[0].clientLeft; return T.slideTo(T.activeIndex - 1, a, e, t) } return T.slideTo(T.activeIndex - 1, a, e, t) }, T._slidePrev = function (e) { return T.slidePrev(!0, e, !0) }, T.slideReset = function (e, a, t) { return T.slideTo(T.activeIndex, a, e) }, T.disableTouchControl = function () { return T.params.onlyExternal = !0, !0 }, T.enableTouchControl = function () { return T.params.onlyExternal = !1, !0 }, T.setWrapperTransition = function (e, a) { T.wrapper.transition(e), "slide" !== T.params.effect && T.effects[T.params.effect] && T.effects[T.params.effect].setTransition(e), T.params.parallax && T.parallax && T.parallax.setTransition(e), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && T.scrollbar.setTransition(e), T.params.control && T.controller && T.controller.setTransition(e, a), T.emit("onSetTransition", T, e) }, T.setWrapperTranslate = function (e, a, t) { var s = 0, i = 0; T.isHorizontal() ? s = T.rtl ? -e : e : i = e, T.params.roundLengths && (s = r(s), i = r(i)), T.params.virtualTranslate || ( ? T.wrapper.transform("translate3d(" + s + "px, " + i + "px, 0px)") : T.wrapper.transform("translate(" + s + "px, " + i + "px)")), T.translate = T.isHorizontal() ? s : i; var n, o = T.maxTranslate() - T.minTranslate(); n = 0 === o ? 0 : (e - T.minTranslate()) / o, n !== T.progress && T.updateProgress(e), a && T.updateActiveIndex(), "slide" !== T.params.effect && T.effects[T.params.effect] && T.effects[T.params.effect].setTranslate(T.translate), T.params.parallax && T.parallax && T.parallax.setTranslate(T.translate), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && T.scrollbar.setTranslate(T.translate), T.params.control && T.controller && T.controller.setTranslate(T.translate, t), T.emit("onSetTranslate", T, T.translate) }, T.getTranslate = function (e, a) { var t, s, i, r; return void 0 === a && (a = "x"), T.params.virtualTranslate ? T.rtl ? -T.translate : T.translate : (i = window.getComputedStyle(e, null), window.WebKitCSSMatrix ? (s = i.transform || i.webkitTransform, s.split(",").length > 6 && (s = s.split(", ").map(function (e) { return e.replace(",", ".") }).join(", ")), r = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix("none" === s ? "" : s)) : (r = i.MozTransform || i.OTransform || i.MsTransform || i.msTransform || i.transform || i.getPropertyValue("transform").replace("translate(", "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,"), t = r.toString().split(",")), "x" === a && (s = window.WebKitCSSMatrix ? r.m41 : 16 === t.length ? parseFloat(t[12]) : parseFloat(t[4])), "y" === a && (s = window.WebKitCSSMatrix ? r.m42 : 16 === t.length ? parseFloat(t[13]) : parseFloat(t[5])), T.rtl && s && (s = -s), s || 0) }, T.getWrapperTranslate = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = T.isHorizontal() ? "x" : "y"), T.getTranslate(T.wrapper[0], e) }, T.observers = [], T.initObservers = function () { if (T.params.observeParents) for (var e = T.container.parents(), a = 0; a < e.length; a++)l(e[a]); l(T.container[0], { childList: !1 }), l(T.wrapper[0], { attributes: !1 }) }, T.disconnectObservers = function () { for (var e = 0; e < T.observers.length; e++)T.observers[e].disconnect(); T.observers = [] }, T.createLoop = function () { T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + "." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass).remove(); var a = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass); "auto" !== T.params.slidesPerView || T.params.loopedSlides || (T.params.loopedSlides = a.length), T.loopedSlides = parseInt(T.params.loopedSlides || T.params.slidesPerView, 10), T.loopedSlides = T.loopedSlides + T.params.loopAdditionalSlides, T.loopedSlides > a.length && (T.loopedSlides = a.length); var t, s = [], i = []; for (a.each(function (t, r) { var n = e(this); t < T.loopedSlides && i.push(r), t < a.length && t >= a.length - T.loopedSlides && s.push(r), n.attr("data-swiper-slide-index", t) }), t = 0; t < i.length; t++)T.wrapper.append(e(i[t].cloneNode(!0)).addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass)); for (t = s.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)T.wrapper.prepend(e(s[t].cloneNode(!0)).addClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass)) }, T.destroyLoop = function () { T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + "." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass).remove(), T.slides.removeAttr("data-swiper-slide-index") }, T.reLoop = function (e) { var a = T.activeIndex - T.loopedSlides; T.destroyLoop(), T.createLoop(), T.updateSlidesSize(), e && T.slideTo(a + T.loopedSlides, 0, !1) }, T.fixLoop = function () { var e; T.activeIndex < T.loopedSlides ? (e = T.slides.length - 3 * T.loopedSlides + T.activeIndex, e += T.loopedSlides, T.slideTo(e, 0, !1, !0)) : ("auto" === T.params.slidesPerView && T.activeIndex >= 2 * T.loopedSlides || T.activeIndex > T.slides.length - 2 * T.params.slidesPerView) && (e = -T.slides.length + T.activeIndex + T.loopedSlides, e += T.loopedSlides, T.slideTo(e, 0, !1, !0)) }, T.appendSlide = function (e) { if (T.params.loop && T.destroyLoop(), "object" == typeof e && e.length) for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)e[a] && T.wrapper.append(e[a]); else T.wrapper.append(e); T.params.loop && T.createLoop(), && || T.update(!0) }, T.prependSlide = function (e) { T.params.loop && T.destroyLoop(); var a = T.activeIndex + 1; if ("object" == typeof e && e.length) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t] && T.wrapper.prepend(e[t]); a = T.activeIndex + e.length } else T.wrapper.prepend(e); T.params.loop && T.createLoop(), && || T.update(!0), T.slideTo(a, 0, !1) }, T.removeSlide = function (e) { T.params.loop && (T.destroyLoop(), T.slides = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass)); var a, t = T.activeIndex; if ("object" == typeof e && e.length) { for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++)a = e[s], T.slides[a] && T.slides.eq(a).remove(), a < t && t--; t = Math.max(t, 0) } else a = e, T.slides[a] && T.slides.eq(a).remove(), a < t && t--, t = Math.max(t, 0); T.params.loop && T.createLoop(), && || T.update(!0), T.params.loop ? T.slideTo(t + T.loopedSlides, 0, !1) : T.slideTo(t, 0, !1) }, T.removeAllSlides = function () { for (var e = [], a = 0; a < T.slides.length; a++)e.push(a); T.removeSlide(e) }, T.effects = { fade: { setTranslate: function () { for (var e = 0; e < T.slides.length; e++) { var a = T.slides.eq(e), t = a[0].swiperSlideOffset, s = -t; T.params.virtualTranslate || (s -= T.translate); var i = 0; T.isHorizontal() || (i = s, s = 0); var r = T.params.fade.crossFade ? Math.max(1 - Math.abs(a[0].progress), 0) : 1 + Math.min(Math.max(a[0].progress, -1), 0); a.css({ opacity: r }).transform("translate3d(" + s + "px, " + i + "px, 0px)") } }, setTransition: function (e) { if (T.slides.transition(e), T.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== e) { var a = !1; T.slides.transitionEnd(function () { if (!a && T) { a = !0, T.animating = !1; for (var e = ["webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend", "oTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd", "msTransitionEnd"], t = 0; t < e.length; t++)T.wrapper.trigger(e[t]) } }) } } }, flip: { setTranslate: function () { for (var a = 0; a < T.slides.length; a++) { var t = T.slides.eq(a), s = t[0].progress; T.params.flip.limitRotation && (s = Math.max(Math.min(t[0].progress, 1), -1)); var i = t[0].swiperSlideOffset, r = -180 * s, n = r, o = 0, l = -i, p = 0; if (T.isHorizontal() ? T.rtl && (n = -n) : (p = l, l = 0, o = -n, n = 0), t[0].style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(s)) + T.slides.length, T.params.flip.slideShadows) { var d = T.isHorizontal() ? t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), u = T.isHorizontal() ? t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : t.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"); 0 === d.length && (d = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top") + '"></div>'), t.append(d)), 0 === u.length && (u = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "right" : "bottom") + '"></div>'), t.append(u)), d.length && (d[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-s, 0)), u.length && (u[0].style.opacity = Math.max(s, 0)) } t.transform("translate3d(" + l + "px, " + p + "px, 0px) rotateX(" + o + "deg) rotateY(" + n + "deg)") } }, setTransition: function (a) { if (T.slides.transition(a).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(a), T.params.virtualTranslate && 0 !== a) { var t = !1; T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex).transitionEnd(function () { if (!t && T && e(this).hasClass(T.params.slideActiveClass)) { t = !0, T.animating = !1; for (var a = ["webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend", "oTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd", "msTransitionEnd"], s = 0; s < a.length; s++)T.wrapper.trigger(a[s]) } }) } } }, cube: { setTranslate: function () { var a, t = 0; T.params.cube.shadow && (T.isHorizontal() ? (a = T.wrapper.find(".swiper-cube-shadow"), 0 === a.length && (a = e('<div class="swiper-cube-shadow"></div>'), T.wrapper.append(a)), a.css({ height: T.width + "px" })) : (a = T.container.find(".swiper-cube-shadow"), 0 === a.length && (a = e('<div class="swiper-cube-shadow"></div>'), T.container.append(a)))); for (var s = 0; s < T.slides.length; s++) { var i = T.slides.eq(s), r = 90 * s, n = Math.floor(r / 360); T.rtl && (r = -r, n = Math.floor(-r / 360)); var o = Math.max(Math.min(i[0].progress, 1), -1), l = 0, p = 0, d = 0; s % 4 == 0 ? (l = 4 * -n * T.size, d = 0) : (s - 1) % 4 == 0 ? (l = 0, d = 4 * -n * T.size) : (s - 2) % 4 == 0 ? (l = T.size + 4 * n * T.size, d = T.size) : (s - 3) % 4 == 0 && (l = -T.size, d = 3 * T.size + 4 * T.size * n), T.rtl && (l = -l), T.isHorizontal() || (p = l, l = 0); var u = "rotateX(" + (T.isHorizontal() ? 0 : -r) + "deg) rotateY(" + (T.isHorizontal() ? r : 0) + "deg) translate3d(" + l + "px, " + p + "px, " + d + "px)"; if (o <= 1 && o > -1 && (t = 90 * s + 90 * o, T.rtl && (t = 90 * -s - 90 * o)), i.transform(u), T.params.cube.slideShadows) { var c = T.isHorizontal() ? i.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : i.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), m = T.isHorizontal() ? i.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : i.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"); 0 === c.length && (c = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top") + '"></div>'), i.append(c)), 0 === m.length && (m = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "right" : "bottom") + '"></div>'), i.append(m)), c.length && (c[0].style.opacity = Math.max(-o, 0)), m.length && (m[0].style.opacity = Math.max(o, 0)) } } if (T.wrapper.css({ "-webkit-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + T.size / 2 + "px", "-moz-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + T.size / 2 + "px", "-ms-transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + T.size / 2 + "px", "transform-origin": "50% 50% -" + T.size / 2 + "px" }), T.params.cube.shadow) if (T.isHorizontal()) a.transform("translate3d(0px, " + (T.width / 2 + T.params.cube.shadowOffset) + "px, " + -T.width / 2 + "px) rotateX(90deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(" + T.params.cube.shadowScale + ")"); else { var h = Math.abs(t) - 90 * Math.floor(Math.abs(t) / 90), g = 1.5 - (Math.sin(2 * h * Math.PI / 360) / 2 + Math.cos(2 * h * Math.PI / 360) / 2), f = T.params.cube.shadowScale, v = T.params.cube.shadowScale / g, w = T.params.cube.shadowOffset; a.transform("scale3d(" + f + ", 1, " + v + ") translate3d(0px, " + (T.height / 2 + w) + "px, " + -T.height / 2 / v + "px) rotateX(-90deg)") } var y = T.isSafari || T.isUiWebView ? -T.size / 2 : 0; T.wrapper.transform("translate3d(0px,0," + y + "px) rotateX(" + (T.isHorizontal() ? 0 : t) + "deg) rotateY(" + (T.isHorizontal() ? -t : 0) + "deg)") }, setTransition: function (e) { T.slides.transition(e).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(e), T.params.cube.shadow && !T.isHorizontal() && T.container.find(".swiper-cube-shadow").transition(e) } }, coverflow: { setTranslate: function () { for (var a = T.translate, t = T.isHorizontal() ? -a + T.width / 2 : -a + T.height / 2, s = T.isHorizontal() ? T.params.coverflow.rotate : -T.params.coverflow.rotate, i = T.params.coverflow.depth, r = 0, n = T.slides.length; r < n; r++) { var o = T.slides.eq(r), l = T.slidesSizesGrid[r], p = o[0].swiperSlideOffset, d = (t - p - l / 2) / l * T.params.coverflow.modifier, u = T.isHorizontal() ? s * d : 0, c = T.isHorizontal() ? 0 : s * d, m = -i * Math.abs(d), h = T.isHorizontal() ? 0 : T.params.coverflow.stretch * d, g = T.isHorizontal() ? T.params.coverflow.stretch * d : 0; Math.abs(g) < .001 && (g = 0), Math.abs(h) < .001 && (h = 0), Math.abs(m) < .001 && (m = 0), Math.abs(u) < .001 && (u = 0), Math.abs(c) < .001 && (c = 0); var f = "translate3d(" + g + "px," + h + "px," + m + "px) rotateX(" + c + "deg) rotateY(" + u + "deg)"; if (o.transform(f), o[0].style.zIndex = 1 - Math.abs(Math.round(d)), T.params.coverflow.slideShadows) { var v = T.isHorizontal() ? o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-left") : o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top"), w = T.isHorizontal() ? o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-right") : o.find(".swiper-slide-shadow-bottom"); 0 === v.length && (v = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top") + '"></div>'), o.append(v)), 0 === w.length && (w = e('<div class="swiper-slide-shadow-' + (T.isHorizontal() ? "right" : "bottom") + '"></div>'), o.append(w)), v.length && (v[0].style.opacity = d > 0 ? d : 0), w.length && (w[0].style.opacity = -d > 0 ? -d : 0) } } if ( { T.wrapper[0].style.perspectiveOrigin = t + "px 50%" } }, setTransition: function (e) { T.slides.transition(e).find(".swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left").transition(e) } } }, T.lazy = { initialImageLoaded: !1, loadImageInSlide: function (a, t) { if (void 0 !== a && (void 0 === t && (t = !0), 0 !== T.slides.length)) { var s = T.slides.eq(a), i = s.find("." + T.params.lazyLoadingClass + ":not(." + T.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass + "):not(." + T.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass + ")"); !s.hasClass(T.params.lazyLoadingClass) || s.hasClass(T.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass) || s.hasClass(T.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass) || (i = i.add(s[0])), 0 !== i.length && i.each(function () { var a = e(this); a.addClass(T.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass); var i = a.attr("data-background"), r = a.attr("data-src"), n = a.attr("data-srcset"), o = a.attr("data-sizes"); T.loadImage(a[0], r || i, n, o, !1, function () { if (void 0 !== T && null !== T && T) { if (i ? (a.css("background-image", 'url("' + i + '")'), a.removeAttr("data-background")) : (n && (a.attr("srcset", n), a.removeAttr("data-srcset")), o && (a.attr("sizes", o), a.removeAttr("data-sizes")), r && (a.attr("src", r), a.removeAttr("data-src"))), a.addClass(T.params.lazyStatusLoadedClass).removeClass(T.params.lazyStatusLoadingClass), s.find("." + T.params.lazyPreloaderClass + ", ." + T.params.preloaderClass).remove(), T.params.loop && t) { var e = s.attr("data-swiper-slide-index"); if (s.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass)) { var l = T.wrapper.children('[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]:not(.' + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + ")"); T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(l.index(), !1) } else { var p = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideDuplicateClass + '[data-swiper-slide-index="' + e + '"]'); T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(p.index(), !1) } } T.emit("onLazyImageReady", T, s[0], a[0]) } }), T.emit("onLazyImageLoad", T, s[0], a[0]) }) } }, load: function () { var a, t = T.params.slidesPerView; if ("auto" === t && (t = 0), T.lazy.initialImageLoaded || (T.lazy.initialImageLoaded = !0), T.params.watchSlidesVisibility) T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideVisibleClass).each(function () { T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(e(this).index()) }); else if (t > 1) for (a = T.activeIndex; a < T.activeIndex + t; a++)T.slides[a] && T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a); else T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(T.activeIndex); if (T.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNext) if (t > 1 || T.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount && T.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount > 1) { var s = T.params.lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount, i = t, r = Math.min(T.activeIndex + i + Math.max(s, i), T.slides.length), n = Math.max(T.activeIndex - Math.max(i, s), 0); for (a = T.activeIndex + t; a < r; a++)T.slides[a] && T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a); for (a = n; a < T.activeIndex; a++)T.slides[a] && T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(a) } else { var o = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideNextClass); o.length > 0 && T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(o.index()); var l = T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slidePrevClass); l.length > 0 && T.lazy.loadImageInSlide(l.index()) } }, onTransitionStart: function () { T.params.lazyLoading && (T.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart || !T.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart && !T.lazy.initialImageLoaded) && T.lazy.load() }, onTransitionEnd: function () { T.params.lazyLoading && !T.params.lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart && T.lazy.load() } }, T.scrollbar = { isTouched: !1, setDragPosition: function (e) { var a = T.scrollbar, t = T.isHorizontal() ? "touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX || e.clientX : "touchstart" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY || e.clientY, s = t - a.track.offset()[T.isHorizontal() ? "left" : "top"] - a.dragSize / 2, i = -T.minTranslate() * a.moveDivider, r = -T.maxTranslate() * a.moveDivider; s < i ? s = i : s > r && (s = r), s = -s / a.moveDivider, T.updateProgress(s), T.setWrapperTranslate(s, !0) }, dragStart: function (e) { var a = T.scrollbar; a.isTouched = !0, e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), a.setDragPosition(e), clearTimeout(a.dragTimeout), a.track.transition(0), T.params.scrollbarHide && a.track.css("opacity", 1), T.wrapper.transition(100), a.drag.transition(100), T.emit("onScrollbarDragStart", T) }, dragMove: function (e) { var a = T.scrollbar; a.isTouched && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, a.setDragPosition(e), T.wrapper.transition(0), a.track.transition(0), a.drag.transition(0), T.emit("onScrollbarDragMove", T)) }, dragEnd: function (e) { var a = T.scrollbar; a.isTouched && (a.isTouched = !1, T.params.scrollbarHide && (clearTimeout(a.dragTimeout), a.dragTimeout = setTimeout(function () { a.track.css("opacity", 0), a.track.transition(400) }, 1e3)), T.emit("onScrollbarDragEnd", T), T.params.scrollbarSnapOnRelease && T.slideReset()) }, draggableEvents: function () { return T.params.simulateTouch !== !1 || ? T.touchEvents : T.touchEventsDesktop }(), enableDraggable: function () { var a = T.scrollbar, t = ? a.track : document; e(a.track).on(a.draggableEvents.start, a.dragStart), e(t).on(a.draggableEvents.move, a.dragMove), e(t).on(a.draggableEvents.end, a.dragEnd) }, disableDraggable: function () { var a = T.scrollbar, t = ? a.track : document; e(a.track).off(a.draggableEvents.start, a.dragStart), e(t).off(a.draggableEvents.move, a.dragMove), e(t).off(a.draggableEvents.end, a.dragEnd) }, set: function () { if (T.params.scrollbar) { var a = T.scrollbar; a.track = e(T.params.scrollbar), T.params.uniqueNavElements && "string" == typeof T.params.scrollbar && a.track.length > 1 && 1 === T.container.find(T.params.scrollbar).length && (a.track = T.container.find(T.params.scrollbar)), a.drag = a.track.find(".swiper-scrollbar-drag"), 0 === a.drag.length && (a.drag = e('<div class="swiper-scrollbar-drag"></div>'), a.track.append(a.drag)), a.drag[0].style.width = "", a.drag[0].style.height = "", a.trackSize = T.isHorizontal() ? a.track[0].offsetWidth : a.track[0].offsetHeight, a.divider = T.size / T.virtualSize, a.moveDivider = a.divider * (a.trackSize / T.size), a.dragSize = a.trackSize * a.divider, T.isHorizontal() ? a.drag[0].style.width = a.dragSize + "px" : a.drag[0].style.height = a.dragSize + "px", a.divider >= 1 ? a.track[0].style.display = "none" : a.track[0].style.display = "", T.params.scrollbarHide && (a.track[0].style.opacity = 0) } }, setTranslate: function () { if (T.params.scrollbar) { var e, a = T.scrollbar, t = (T.translate, a.dragSize); e = (a.trackSize - a.dragSize) * T.progress, T.rtl && T.isHorizontal() ? (e = -e, e > 0 ? (t = a.dragSize - e, e = 0) : -e + a.dragSize > a.trackSize && (t = a.trackSize + e)) : e < 0 ? (t = a.dragSize + e, e = 0) : e + a.dragSize > a.trackSize && (t = a.trackSize - e), T.isHorizontal() ? ( ? a.drag.transform("translate3d(" + e + "px, 0, 0)") : a.drag.transform("translateX(" + e + "px)"), a.drag[0].style.width = t + "px") : ( ? a.drag.transform("translate3d(0px, " + e + "px, 0)") : a.drag.transform("translateY(" + e + "px)"), a.drag[0].style.height = t + "px"), T.params.scrollbarHide && (clearTimeout(a.timeout), a.track[0].style.opacity = 1, a.timeout = setTimeout(function () { a.track[0].style.opacity = 0, a.track.transition(400) }, 1e3)) } }, setTransition: function (e) { T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar.drag.transition(e) } }, T.controller = { LinearSpline: function (e, a) { var t = function () { var e, a, t; return function (s, i) { for (a = -1, e = s.length; e - a > 1;)s[t = e + a >> 1] <= i ? a = t : e = t; return e } }(); this.x = e, this.y = a, this.lastIndex = e.length - 1; var s, i; this.x.length; this.interpolate = function (e) { return e ? (i = t(this.x, e), s = i - 1, (e - this.x[s]) * (this.y[i] - this.y[s]) / (this.x[i] - this.x[s]) + this.y[s]) : 0 } }, getInterpolateFunction: function (e) { T.controller.spline || (T.controller.spline = T.params.loop ? new T.controller.LinearSpline(T.slidesGrid, e.slidesGrid) : new T.controller.LinearSpline(T.snapGrid, e.snapGrid)) }, setTranslate: function (e, t) { function s(a) { e = a.rtl && "horizontal" === a.params.direction ? -T.translate : T.translate, "slide" === T.params.controlBy && (T.controller.getInterpolateFunction(a), r = -T.controller.spline.interpolate(-e)), r && "container" !== T.params.controlBy || (i = (a.maxTranslate() - a.minTranslate()) / (T.maxTranslate() - T.minTranslate()), r = (e - T.minTranslate()) * i + a.minTranslate()), T.params.controlInverse && (r = a.maxTranslate() - r), a.updateProgress(r), a.setWrapperTranslate(r, !1, T), a.updateActiveIndex() } var i, r, n = T.params.control; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)n[o] !== t && n[o] instanceof a && s(n[o]); else n instanceof a && t !== n && s(n) }, setTransition: function (e, t) { function s(a) { a.setWrapperTransition(e, T), 0 !== e && (a.onTransitionStart(), a.wrapper.transitionEnd(function () { r && (a.params.loop && "slide" === T.params.controlBy && a.fixLoop(), a.onTransitionEnd()) })) } var i, r = T.params.control; if (Array.isArray(r)) for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++)r[i] !== t && r[i] instanceof a && s(r[i]); else r instanceof a && t !== r && s(r) } }, T.hashnav = { onHashCange: function (e, a) { var t = document.location.hash.replace("#", ""); t !== T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") && T.slideTo(T.wrapper.children("." + T.params.slideClass + '[data-hash="' + t + '"]').index()) }, attachEvents: function (a) { var t = a ? "off" : "on"; e(window)[t]("hashchange", T.hashnav.onHashCange) }, setHash: function () { if (T.hashnav.initialized && T.params.hashnav) if (T.params.replaceState && window.history && window.history.replaceState) window.history.replaceState(null, null, "#" + T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex).attr("data-hash") || ""); else { var e = T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex), a = e.attr("data-hash") || e.attr("data-history"); document.location.hash = a || "" } }, init: function () { if (T.params.hashnav && !T.params.history) { T.hashnav.initialized = !0; var e = document.location.hash.replace("#", ""); if (e) for (var a = 0, t = T.slides.length; a < t; a++) { var s = T.slides.eq(a), i = s.attr("data-hash") || s.attr("data-history"); if (i === e && !s.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass)) { var r = s.index(); T.slideTo(r, 0, T.params.runCallbacksOnInit, !0) } } T.params.hashnavWatchState && T.hashnav.attachEvents() } }, destroy: function () { T.params.hashnavWatchState && T.hashnav.attachEvents(!0) } }, T.history = { init: function () { if (T.params.history) { if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) return T.params.history = !1, void (T.params.hashnav = !0); T.history.initialized = !0, this.paths = this.getPathValues(), (this.paths.key || this.paths.value) && (this.scrollToSlide(0, this.paths.value, T.params.runCallbacksOnInit), T.params.replaceState || window.addEventListener("popstate", this.setHistoryPopState)) } }, setHistoryPopState: function () { T.history.paths = T.history.getPathValues(), T.history.scrollToSlide(T.params.speed, T.history.paths.value, !1) }, getPathValues: function () { var e = window.location.pathname.slice(1).split("/"), a = e.length; return { key: e[a - 2], value: e[a - 1] } }, setHistory: function (e, a) { if (T.history.initialized && T.params.history) { var t = T.slides.eq(a), s = this.slugify(t.attr("data-history")); window.location.pathname.includes(e) || (s = e + "/" + s), T.params.replaceState ? window.history.replaceState(null, null, s) : window.history.pushState(null, null, s) } }, slugify: function (e) { return e.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, "-").replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, "").replace(/\-\-+/g, "-").replace(/^-+/, "").replace(/-+$/, "") }, scrollToSlide: function (e, a, t) { if (a) for (var s = 0, i = T.slides.length; s < i; s++) { var r = T.slides.eq(s), n = this.slugify(r.attr("data-history")); if (n === a && !r.hasClass(T.params.slideDuplicateClass)) { var o = r.index(); T.slideTo(o, e, t) } } else T.slideTo(0, e, t) } }, T.disableKeyboardControl = function () { T.params.keyboardControl = !1, e(document).off("keydown", p) }, T.enableKeyboardControl = function () { T.params.keyboardControl = !0, e(document).on("keydown", p) }, T.mousewheel = { event: !1, lastScrollTime: (new window.Date).getTime() }, T.params.mousewheelControl && (T.mousewheel.event = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("firefox") > -1 ? 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"wheel" : "mousewheel"), T.disableMousewheelControl = function () { if (!T.mousewheel.event) return !1; var a = T.container; return "container" !== T.params.mousewheelEventsTarged && (a = e(T.params.mousewheelEventsTarged)),, u), T.params.mousewheelControl = !1, !0 }, T.enableMousewheelControl = function () { if (!T.mousewheel.event) return !1; var a = T.container; return "container" !== T.params.mousewheelEventsTarged && (a = e(T.params.mousewheelEventsTarged)), a.on(T.mousewheel.event, u), T.params.mousewheelControl = !0, !0 }, T.parallax = { setTranslate: function () { T.container.children("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]").each(function () { c(this, T.progress) }), T.slides.each(function () { var a = e(this); a.find("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]").each(function () { c(this, Math.min(Math.max(a[0].progress, -1), 1)) }) }) }, setTransition: function (a) { void 0 === a && (a = T.params.speed), T.container.find("[data-swiper-parallax], [data-swiper-parallax-x], [data-swiper-parallax-y]").each(function () { var t = e(this), s = parseInt(t.attr("data-swiper-parallax-duration"), 10) || a; 0 === a && (s = 0), t.transition(s) }) } }, T.zoom = { scale: 1, currentScale: 1, isScaling: !1, gesture: { slide: void 0, slideWidth: void 0, slideHeight: void 0, image: void 0, imageWrap: void 0, zoomMax: T.params.zoomMax }, image: { isTouched: void 0, isMoved: void 0, currentX: void 0, currentY: void 0, minX: void 0, minY: void 0, maxX: void 0, maxY: void 0, width: void 0, height: void 0, startX: void 0, startY: void 0, touchesStart: {}, touchesCurrent: {} }, velocity: { x: void 0, y: void 0, prevPositionX: void 0, prevPositionY: void 0, prevTime: void 0 }, getDistanceBetweenTouches: function (e) { if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) return 1; var a = e.targetTouches[0].pageX, t = e.targetTouches[0].pageY, s = e.targetTouches[1].pageX, i = e.targetTouches[1].pageY; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s - a, 2) + Math.pow(i - t, 2)) }, onGestureStart: function (a) { var t = T.zoom; if (! { if ("touchstart" !== a.type || "touchstart" === a.type && a.targetTouches.length < 2) return; t.gesture.scaleStart = t.getDistanceBetweenTouches(a) } if (!(t.gesture.slide && t.gesture.slide.length || (t.gesture.slide = e(this), 0 === t.gesture.slide.length && (t.gesture.slide = T.slides.eq(T.activeIndex)), t.gesture.image = t.gesture.slide.find("img, svg, canvas"), t.gesture.imageWrap = t.gesture.image.parent("." + T.params.zoomContainerClass), t.gesture.zoomMax = t.gesture.imageWrap.attr("data-swiper-zoom") || T.params.zoomMax, 0 !== t.gesture.imageWrap.length))) return void (t.gesture.image = void 0); t.gesture.image.transition(0), t.isScaling = !0 }, onGestureChange: function (e) { var a = T.zoom; if (! { if ("touchmove" !== e.type || "touchmove" === e.type && e.targetTouches.length < 2) return; a.gesture.scaleMove = a.getDistanceBetweenTouches(e) } a.gesture.image && 0 !== a.gesture.image.length && ( ? a.scale = e.scale * a.currentScale : a.scale = a.gesture.scaleMove / a.gesture.scaleStart * a.currentScale, a.scale > a.gesture.zoomMax && (a.scale = a.gesture.zoomMax - 1 + Math.pow(a.scale - a.gesture.zoomMax + 1, .5)), a.scale < T.params.zoomMin && (a.scale = T.params.zoomMin + 1 - Math.pow(T.params.zoomMin - a.scale + 1, .5)), a.gesture.image.transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + a.scale + ")")) }, onGestureEnd: function (e) { var a = T.zoom; ! && ("touchend" !== e.type || "touchend" === e.type && e.changedTouches.length < 2) || a.gesture.image && 0 !== a.gesture.image.length && (a.scale = Math.max(Math.min(a.scale, a.gesture.zoomMax), T.params.zoomMin), a.gesture.image.transition(T.params.speed).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + a.scale + ")"), a.currentScale = a.scale, a.isScaling = !1, 1 === a.scale && (a.gesture.slide = void 0)) }, onTouchStart: function (e, a) { var t = e.zoom; t.gesture.image && 0 !== t.gesture.image.length && (t.image.isTouched || ("android" === e.device.os && a.preventDefault(), t.image.isTouched = !0, t.image.touchesStart.x = "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, t.image.touchesStart.y = "touchstart" === a.type ? a.targetTouches[0].pageY : a.pageY)) }, onTouchMove: function (e) { var a = T.zoom; if (a.gesture.image && 0 !== a.gesture.image.length && (T.allowClick = !1, a.image.isTouched && a.gesture.slide)) { a.image.isMoved || (a.image.width = a.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth, a.image.height = a.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight, a.image.startX = T.getTranslate(a.gesture.imageWrap[0], "x") || 0, a.image.startY = T.getTranslate(a.gesture.imageWrap[0], "y") || 0, a.gesture.slideWidth = a.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth, a.gesture.slideHeight = a.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight, a.gesture.imageWrap.transition(0), T.rtl && (a.image.startX = -a.image.startX), T.rtl && (a.image.startY = -a.image.startY)); var t = a.image.width * a.scale, s = a.image.height * a.scale; if (!(t < a.gesture.slideWidth && s < a.gesture.slideHeight)) { if (a.image.minX = Math.min(a.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - t / 2, 0), a.image.maxX = -a.image.minX, a.image.minY = Math.min(a.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - s / 2, 0), a.image.maxY = -a.image.minY, a.image.touchesCurrent.x = "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX, a.image.touchesCurrent.y = "touchmove" === e.type ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY, !a.image.isMoved && !a.isScaling) { if (T.isHorizontal() && Math.floor(a.image.minX) === Math.floor(a.image.startX) && a.image.touchesCurrent.x < a.image.touchesStart.x || Math.floor(a.image.maxX) === Math.floor(a.image.startX) && a.image.touchesCurrent.x > a.image.touchesStart.x) return void (a.image.isTouched = !1); if (!T.isHorizontal() && Math.floor(a.image.minY) === Math.floor(a.image.startY) && a.image.touchesCurrent.y < a.image.touchesStart.y || Math.floor(a.image.maxY) === Math.floor(a.image.startY) && a.image.touchesCurrent.y > a.image.touchesStart.y) return void (a.image.isTouched = !1) } e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), a.image.isMoved = !0, a.image.currentX = a.image.touchesCurrent.x - a.image.touchesStart.x + a.image.startX, a.image.currentY = a.image.touchesCurrent.y - a.image.touchesStart.y + a.image.startY, a.image.currentX < a.image.minX && (a.image.currentX = a.image.minX + 1 - Math.pow(a.image.minX - a.image.currentX + 1, .8)), a.image.currentX > a.image.maxX && (a.image.currentX = a.image.maxX - 1 + Math.pow(a.image.currentX - a.image.maxX + 1, .8)), a.image.currentY < a.image.minY && (a.image.currentY = a.image.minY + 1 - Math.pow(a.image.minY - a.image.currentY + 1, .8)), a.image.currentY > a.image.maxY && (a.image.currentY = a.image.maxY - 1 + Math.pow(a.image.currentY - a.image.maxY + 1, .8)), a.velocity.prevPositionX || (a.velocity.prevPositionX = a.image.touchesCurrent.x), a.velocity.prevPositionY || (a.velocity.prevPositionY = a.image.touchesCurrent.y), a.velocity.prevTime || (a.velocity.prevTime =, a.velocity.x = (a.image.touchesCurrent.x - a.velocity.prevPositionX) / ( - a.velocity.prevTime) / 2, a.velocity.y = (a.image.touchesCurrent.y - a.velocity.prevPositionY) / ( - a.velocity.prevTime) / 2, Math.abs(a.image.touchesCurrent.x - a.velocity.prevPositionX) < 2 && (a.velocity.x = 0), Math.abs(a.image.touchesCurrent.y - a.velocity.prevPositionY) < 2 && (a.velocity.y = 0), a.velocity.prevPositionX = a.image.touchesCurrent.x, a.velocity.prevPositionY = a.image.touchesCurrent.y, a.velocity.prevTime =, a.gesture.imageWrap.transform("translate3d(" + a.image.currentX + "px, " + a.image.currentY + "px,0)") } } }, onTouchEnd: function (e, a) { var t = e.zoom; if (t.gesture.image && 0 !== t.gesture.image.length) { if (!t.image.isTouched || !t.image.isMoved) return t.image.isTouched = !1, void (t.image.isMoved = !1); t.image.isTouched = !1, t.image.isMoved = !1; var s = 300, i = 300, r = t.velocity.x * s, n = t.image.currentX + r, o = t.velocity.y * i, l = t.image.currentY + o; 0 !== t.velocity.x && (s = Math.abs((n - t.image.currentX) / t.velocity.x)), 0 !== t.velocity.y && (i = Math.abs((l - t.image.currentY) / t.velocity.y)); var p = Math.max(s, i); t.image.currentX = n, t.image.currentY = l; var d = t.image.width * t.scale, u = t.image.height * t.scale; t.image.minX = Math.min(t.gesture.slideWidth / 2 - d / 2, 0), t.image.maxX = -t.image.minX, t.image.minY = Math.min(t.gesture.slideHeight / 2 - u / 2, 0), t.image.maxY = -t.image.minY, t.image.currentX = Math.max(Math.min(t.image.currentX, t.image.maxX), t.image.minX), t.image.currentY = Math.max(Math.min(t.image.currentY, t.image.maxY), t.image.minY), t.gesture.imageWrap.transition(p).transform("translate3d(" + t.image.currentX + "px, " + t.image.currentY + "px,0)") } }, onTransitionEnd: function (e) { var a = e.zoom; a.gesture.slide && e.previousIndex !== e.activeIndex && (a.gesture.image.transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"), a.gesture.imageWrap.transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"), a.gesture.slide = a.gesture.image = a.gesture.imageWrap = void 0, a.scale = a.currentScale = 1) }, toggleZoom: function (a, t) { var s = a.zoom; if (s.gesture.slide || (s.gesture.slide = a.clickedSlide ? e(a.clickedSlide) : a.slides.eq(a.activeIndex), s.gesture.image = s.gesture.slide.find("img, svg, canvas"), s.gesture.imageWrap = s.gesture.image.parent("." + a.params.zoomContainerClass)), s.gesture.image && 0 !== s.gesture.image.length) { var i, r, n, o, l, p, d, u, c, m, h, g, f, v, w, y, x, T; void 0 === s.image.touchesStart.x && t ? (i = "touchend" === t.type ? t.changedTouches[0].pageX : t.pageX, r = "touchend" === t.type ? t.changedTouches[0].pageY : t.pageY) : (i = s.image.touchesStart.x, r = s.image.touchesStart.y), s.scale && 1 !== s.scale ? (s.scale = s.currentScale = 1, s.gesture.imageWrap.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0)"), s.gesture.image.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)"), s.gesture.slide = void 0) : (s.scale = s.currentScale = s.gesture.imageWrap.attr("data-swiper-zoom") || a.params.zoomMax, t ? (x = s.gesture.slide[0].offsetWidth, T = s.gesture.slide[0].offsetHeight, n = s.gesture.slide.offset().left, o = s.gesture.slide.offset().top, l = n + x / 2 - i, p = o + T / 2 - r, c = s.gesture.image[0].offsetWidth, m = s.gesture.image[0].offsetHeight, h = c * s.scale, g = m * s.scale, f = Math.min(x / 2 - h / 2, 0), v = Math.min(T / 2 - g / 2, 0), w = -f, y = -v, d = l * s.scale, u = p * s.scale, d < f && (d = f), d > w && (d = w), u < v && (u = v), u > y && (u = y)) : (d = 0, u = 0), s.gesture.imageWrap.transition(300).transform("translate3d(" + d + "px, " + u + "px,0)"), s.gesture.image.transition(300).transform("translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + s.scale + ")")) } }, attachEvents: function (a) { var t = a ? "off" : "on"; if (T.params.zoom) { var s = (T.slides, !("touchstart" !== T.touchEvents.start || ! || !T.params.passiveListeners) && { passive: !0, capture: !1 }); ? (T.slides[t]("gesturestart", T.zoom.onGestureStart, s), T.slides[t]("gesturechange", T.zoom.onGestureChange, s), T.slides[t]("gestureend", T.zoom.onGestureEnd, s)) : "touchstart" === T.touchEvents.start && (T.slides[t](T.touchEvents.start, T.zoom.onGestureStart, s), T.slides[t](T.touchEvents.move, T.zoom.onGestureChange, s), T.slides[t](T.touchEvents.end, T.zoom.onGestureEnd, s)), T[t]("touchStart", T.zoom.onTouchStart), T.slides.each(function (a, s) { e(s).find("." + T.params.zoomContainerClass).length > 0 && e(s)[t](T.touchEvents.move, T.zoom.onTouchMove) }), T[t]("touchEnd", T.zoom.onTouchEnd), T[t]("transitionEnd", T.zoom.onTransitionEnd), T.params.zoomToggle && T.on("doubleTap", T.zoom.toggleZoom) } }, init: function () { T.zoom.attachEvents() }, destroy: function () { T.zoom.attachEvents(!0) } }, T._plugins = []; for (var Y in T.plugins) { var O = T.plugins[Y](T, T.params[Y]); O && T._plugins.push(O) } return T.callPlugins = function (e) { for (var a = 0; a < T._plugins.length; a++)e in T._plugins[a] && T._plugins[a][e](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]) }, T.emitterEventListeners = {}, T.emit = function (e) { T.params[e] && T.params[e](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]); var a; if (T.emitterEventListeners[e]) for (a = 0; a < T.emitterEventListeners[e].length; a++)T.emitterEventListeners[e][a](arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]); T.callPlugins && T.callPlugins(e, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]) }, T.on = function (e, a) { return e = m(e), T.emitterEventListeners[e] || (T.emitterEventListeners[e] = []), T.emitterEventListeners[e].push(a), T }, = function (e, a) { var t; if (e = m(e), void 0 === a) return T.emitterEventListeners[e] = [], T; if (T.emitterEventListeners[e] && 0 !== T.emitterEventListeners[e].length) { for (t = 0; t < T.emitterEventListeners[e].length; t++)T.emitterEventListeners[e][t] === a && T.emitterEventListeners[e].splice(t, 1); return T } }, T.once = function (e, a) { e = m(e); var t = function () { a(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]),, t) }; return T.on(e, t), T }, T.a11y = { makeFocusable: function (e) { return e.attr("tabIndex", "0"), e }, addRole: function (e, a) { return e.attr("role", a), e }, addLabel: function (e, a) { return e.attr("aria-label", a), e }, disable: function (e) { return e.attr("aria-disabled", !0), e }, enable: function (e) { return e.attr("aria-disabled", !1), e }, onEnterKey: function (a) { 13 === a.keyCode && (e( ? (T.onClickNext(a), T.isEnd ? T.a11y.notify(T.params.lastSlideMessage) : T.a11y.notify(T.params.nextSlideMessage)) : e( && (T.onClickPrev(a), T.isBeginning ? T.a11y.notify(T.params.firstSlideMessage) : T.a11y.notify(T.params.prevSlideMessage)), e("." + T.params.bulletClass) && e([0].click()) }, liveRegion: e('<span class="' + T.params.notificationClass + '" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true"></span>'), notify: function (e) { var a = T.a11y.liveRegion; 0 !== a.length && (a.html(""), a.html(e)) }, init: function () { T.params.nextButton && T.nextButton && T.nextButton.length > 0 && (T.a11y.makeFocusable(T.nextButton), T.a11y.addRole(T.nextButton, "button"), T.a11y.addLabel(T.nextButton, T.params.nextSlideMessage)), T.params.prevButton && T.prevButton && T.prevButton.length > 0 && (T.a11y.makeFocusable(T.prevButton), T.a11y.addRole(T.prevButton, "button"), T.a11y.addLabel(T.prevButton, T.params.prevSlideMessage)), e(T.container).append(T.a11y.liveRegion) }, initPagination: function () { T.params.pagination && T.params.paginationClickable && T.bullets && T.bullets.length && T.bullets.each(function () { var a = e(this); T.a11y.makeFocusable(a), T.a11y.addRole(a, "button"), T.a11y.addLabel(a, T.params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/{{index}}/, a.index() + 1)) }) }, destroy: function () { T.a11y.liveRegion && T.a11y.liveRegion.length > 0 && T.a11y.liveRegion.remove() } }, T.init = function () { T.params.loop && T.createLoop(), T.updateContainerSize(), T.updateSlidesSize(), T.updatePagination(), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && (T.scrollbar.set(), T.params.scrollbarDraggable && T.scrollbar.enableDraggable()), "slide" !== T.params.effect && T.effects[T.params.effect] && (T.params.loop || T.updateProgress(), T.effects[T.params.effect].setTranslate()), T.params.loop ? T.slideTo(T.params.initialSlide + T.loopedSlides, 0, T.params.runCallbacksOnInit) : (T.slideTo(T.params.initialSlide, 0, T.params.runCallbacksOnInit), 0 === T.params.initialSlide && (T.parallax && T.params.parallax && T.parallax.setTranslate(), T.lazy && T.params.lazyLoading && (T.lazy.load(), T.lazy.initialImageLoaded = !0))), T.attachEvents(), && && T.initObservers(), T.params.preloadImages && !T.params.lazyLoading && T.preloadImages(), T.params.zoom && T.zoom && T.zoom.init(), T.params.autoplay && T.startAutoplay(), T.params.keyboardControl && T.enableKeyboardControl && T.enableKeyboardControl(), T.params.mousewheelControl && T.enableMousewheelControl && T.enableMousewheelControl(), T.params.hashnavReplaceState && (T.params.replaceState = T.params.hashnavReplaceState), T.params.history && T.history && T.history.init(), T.params.hashnav && T.hashnav && T.hashnav.init(), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.init(), T.emit("onInit", T) }, T.cleanupStyles = function () { T.container.removeClass(T.classNames.join(" ")).removeAttr("style"), T.wrapper.removeAttr("style"), T.slides && T.slides.length && T.slides.removeClass([T.params.slideVisibleClass, T.params.slideActiveClass, T.params.slideNextClass, T.params.slidePrevClass].join(" ")).removeAttr("style").removeAttr("data-swiper-column").removeAttr("data-swiper-row"), T.paginationContainer && T.paginationContainer.length && T.paginationContainer.removeClass(T.params.paginationHiddenClass), T.bullets && T.bullets.length && T.bullets.removeClass(T.params.bulletActiveClass), T.params.prevButton && e(T.params.prevButton).removeClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.nextButton && e(T.params.nextButton).removeClass(T.params.buttonDisabledClass), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && (T.scrollbar.track && T.scrollbar.track.length && T.scrollbar.track.removeAttr("style"), T.scrollbar.drag && T.scrollbar.drag.length && T.scrollbar.drag.removeAttr("style")) }, T.destroy = function (e, a) { T.detachEvents(), T.stopAutoplay(), T.params.scrollbar && T.scrollbar && T.params.scrollbarDraggable && T.scrollbar.disableDraggable(), T.params.loop && T.destroyLoop(), a && T.cleanupStyles(), T.disconnectObservers(), T.params.zoom && T.zoom && T.zoom.destroy(), T.params.keyboardControl && T.disableKeyboardControl && T.disableKeyboardControl(), T.params.mousewheelControl && T.disableMousewheelControl && T.disableMousewheelControl(), T.params.a11y && T.a11y && T.a11y.destroy(), T.params.history && !T.params.replaceState && window.removeEventListener("popstate", T.history.setHistoryPopState), T.params.hashnav && T.hashnav && T.hashnav.destroy(), T.emit("onDestroy"), e !== !1 && (T = null) }, T.init(), T } }; a.prototype = { isSafari: function () { var e = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return e.indexOf("safari") >= 0 && e.indexOf("chrome") < 0 && e.indexOf("android") < 0 }(), isUiWebView: /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent), isArray: function (e) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e) }, browser: { ie: window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled, ieTouch: window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 1 || window.navigator.pointerEnabled && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1, lteIE9: function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.innerHTML = "<!--[if lte IE 9]><i></i><![endif]-->", 1 === e.getElementsByTagName("i").length }() }, device: function () { var e = window.navigator.userAgent, a = e.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/), t = e.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/), s = e.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/), i = !t && e.match(/(iPhone\sOS|iOS)\s([\d_]+)/); 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(t || document).querySelectorAll(a) : [document.getElementById(a.split("#")[1])], i = 0; i < r.length; i++)r[i] && s.push(r[i]) } else if (a.nodeType || a === window || a === document) s.push(a); else if (a.length > 0 && a[0].nodeType) for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)s.push(a[i]); return new e(s) }; return e.prototype = { addClass: function (e) { if (void 0 === e) return this; for (var a = e.split(" "), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)for (var s = 0; s < this.length; s++)this[s].classList.add(a[t]); return this }, removeClass: function (e) { for (var a = e.split(" "), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)for (var s = 0; s < this.length; s++)this[s].classList.remove(a[t]); return this }, hasClass: function (e) { return !!this[0] && this[0].classList.contains(e) }, toggleClass: function (e) { for (var a = e.split(" "), t = 0; t < a.length; t++)for (var s = 0; s < this.length; s++)this[s].classList.toggle(a[t]); return this }, attr: function (e, a) { if (1 === arguments.length && "string" == typeof e) return this[0] ? this[0].getAttribute(e) : void 0; for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++)if (2 === arguments.length) this[t].setAttribute(e, a); else for (var s in e) this[t][s] = e[s], this[t].setAttribute(s, e[s]); return this }, removeAttr: function (e) { for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++)this[a].removeAttribute(e); return this }, data: function (e, a) { if (void 0 !== a) { for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var s = this[t]; s.dom7ElementDataStorage || (s.dom7ElementDataStorage = {}), s.dom7ElementDataStorage[e] = a } return this } if (this[0]) { var i = this[0].getAttribute("data-" + e); return i ? i : this[0].dom7ElementDataStorage && e in this[0].dom7ElementDataStorage ? this[0].dom7ElementDataStorage[e] : void 0 } }, transform: function (e) { for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { var t = this[a].style; t.webkitTransform = t.MsTransform = t.msTransform = t.MozTransform = t.OTransform = t.transform = e } return this }, transition: function (e) { "string" != typeof e && (e += "ms"); for (var a = 0; a < this.length; a++) { var t = this[a].style; t.webkitTransitionDuration = t.MsTransitionDuration = t.msTransitionDuration = t.MozTransitionDuration = t.OTransitionDuration = t.transitionDuration = e } return this }, on: function (e, t, s, i) { function r(e) { var i =; if (a(i).is(t)), e); else for (var r = a(i).parents(), n = 0; n < r.length; n++)a(r[n]).is(t) &&[n], e) } var n, o, l = e.split(" "); for (n = 0; n < this.length; n++)if ("function" == typeof t || t === !1) for ("function" == typeof t && (s = arguments[1], i = arguments[2] || !1), o = 0; o < l.length; o++)this[n].addEventListener(l[o], s, i); else for (o = 0; o < l.length; o++)this[n].dom7LiveListeners || (this[n].dom7LiveListeners = []), this[n].dom7LiveListeners.push({ listener: s, liveListener: r }), this[n].addEventListener(l[o], r, i); return this }, off: function (e, a, t, s) { for (var i = e.split(" "), r = 0; r < i.length; r++)for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++)if ("function" == typeof a || a === !1) "function" == typeof a && (t = arguments[1], s = arguments[2] || !1), this[n].removeEventListener(i[r], t, s); else if (this[n].dom7LiveListeners) for (var o = 0; o < this[n].dom7LiveListeners.length; o++)this[n].dom7LiveListeners[o].listener === t && this[n].removeEventListener(i[r], this[n].dom7LiveListeners[o].liveListener, s); return this }, once: function (e, a, t, s) { function i(n) { t(n),, a, i, s) } var r = this; "function" == typeof a && (a = !1, t = arguments[1], s = arguments[2]), r.on(e, a, i, s) }, trigger: function (e, a) { for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) { var s; try { s = new window.CustomEvent(e, { detail: a, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }) } catch (t) { s = document.createEvent("Event"), s.initEvent(e, !0, !0), s.detail = a } this[t].dispatchEvent(s) } return this }, transitionEnd: function (e) { function a(r) { if ( === this) for (, r), t = 0; t < s.length; t++)[t], a) } var t, s = ["webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend", "oTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd", "msTransitionEnd"], i = this; if (e) for (t = 0; t < s.length; t++)i.on(s[t], a); return this }, width: function () { return this[0] === window ? 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"api_key", "url_type", "technology_name", "technology_id", "is_connect", "auto_switch"].reduce((function (e, t) { var n; return Object.assign({}, e, ((n = {})[t] = window.Weglot.options[t], n)) }), {})); var i = Object.keys(o).map((function (e) { return e + "=" + o[e] })).join("&"); fetch("" + i, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(a), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }) }(t, e, n), c) { var u = s || e, f = ["notice", "info"].includes(n) ? "log" : n; console[f]("[Weglot]", u) } } var i = function (e) { return function (t, r) { return void 0 === r && (r = {}), n(t, e, r) } }; return { log: i("info"), info: i("info"), notice: i("notice"), warn: i("warn"), error: i("error") } } var c = i({ service: "html-parser-engine" }), s = function () { try { return JSON.parse('{"TRANSLATION":"","SWITCHER":"","EXCLUSION":"","DEFINITION":""}') } catch (e) { return {} } }(), l = Object.keys(s).map((function (e) { return s[e] })); function u(e) { for (var t = 0, n = l; t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; if (-1 !== e.indexOf(r)) return !0 } return !1 } function f(e, t, n) { var r = t && t[e]; if (r && r.textContent === t.textContent) return r.result; var o = n(t); return t ? (t[e] = { result: o, textContent: t.textContent }, o) : o } function d(e) { return f("__validMergeNodes", e, (function (e) { return e && p(e) && g(e) && !function (e) { return f("__containsNoTranslateNodes", e, (function (e) { return 1 === e.nodeType && (!!e.querySelector("[" + n.noTranslateAttribute + "]") || h(e)) })) }(e) })) } function g(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = !0), f("__validTextNodes", e, (function (e) { return !(!e.textContent || t && !e.textContent.trim() || -1 !== e.textContent.indexOf("BESbswy") || e.parentNode && e.parentNode.nodeName && -1 !== ["script", "style", "noscript"].indexOf(e.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) || function (e) { if (!(e = e.trim())) return !1; var t = e.charAt(0); if ("[" !== t && "{" !== t) return !1; var n = e[e.length - 1]; if ("]" !== n && "}" !== n) return !1; return e = e.replace(/\\(?:["\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""), /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(e) }(e.textContent)) })) } function _(e) { try { if (n.mergedSelectorRemove && e.closest && e.closest(n.mergedSelectorRemove)) return !1 } catch (e) { } return !(!n.mergeNodes || -1 === n.mergeNodes.indexOf(e.nodeName)) || (e.dataset && e.dataset.wgMerge || n.selectorMerging && e.matches && e.matches(n.selectorMerging)) } function p(e) { return f("__onlyInlineChildsNodes", e, (function (e) { if (!e.childNodes) return !0; for (var t = 0, n = e.childNodes; t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; if (r.weglot || !_(r) || !p(r)) return !1 } return !0 })) } function h(e) { if (!e.children) return !1; for (var t = 0, n = e.children; t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; if (r.wgNoTranslate || h(r)) return !0 } return !1 } function m(e) { return !!e && (!!e.wgNoTranslate || m(e.parentNode)) } function v(e) { if (!e) return !1; var t = e.closest ? e : e.parentNode; return !!(t && t.closest && t.closest("[" + n.noTranslateAttribute + "]")) || m(e) } var w = function (e, t) { return function (n, r) { try { var o = r; return -1 !== o.indexOf(":") && (o = o.replace(/([^\\]):/g, "$1\\:")), n[e] ? n[e](o) : t } catch (o) { try { return n[e] ? n[e](r) : t } catch (e) { c.warn(e, { consoleOverride: "Your CSS rules are incorrect: " + r, sendToDatadog: !1 }) } } return t } }, y = w("querySelectorAll", []), b = w("matches", !1); var k = new WeakMap; function E(e) { if (!e) return []; var t = e.querySelectorAll ? e : e.parentNode; if (!t) return []; if (function (e) { var t = n.excluded_blocks; if (t && t.length) { var r = (e) { return e.value })), o = r.join(","); if (b(e, o)) { if (n.private_mode) { var a = r.find((function (t) { return b(e, t) })); e.wgNoTranslate = "Excluded by selector: " + a } else e.wgNoTranslate = !0; return } var i = y(e, o); if (i) for (var c = function () { var e = l[s]; if (n.private_mode) { var t = r.find((function (t) { return b(e, t) })); e.wgNoTranslate = "Excluded by selector: " + t } else e.wgNoTranslate = !0 }, s = 0, l = i; s < l.length; s += 1)c() } }(t), !n.whitelist || !n.whitelist.length) return [].concat(function (e) { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; if (e !== document.documentElement || !document.title || !t || v(t)) return []; return [{ element: t.firstChild, type: 9, words: t.textContent, properties: {} }] }(t), C(t)); var r = (e) { return e.value })).join(","); if (t.closest && t.closest(r)) return C(t); for (var o = [], a = 0, i = y(t, r); a < i.length; a += 1) { var c = i[a];[].push.apply(o, C(c)) } return o } function C(e) { return [].concat(function (e) { var t = []; return U.forEach((function (n) { for (var r, o, a, i = n.attribute, c = n.type, s = n.selectors, l = 0, u = (r = e, o = [], a = s.join(","), r.matches && r.matches(a) && o.push(r), r.childElementCount > 0 && o.push.apply(o, r.querySelectorAll(a)), o); l < u.length; l += 1) { var f = u[l]; if (!v(f)) { var d = i.get(f); L(d) || t.push({ element: f, words: d, type: c, attrSetter: i.set, attrName: }) } } })), t }(e), function (e) { var t, r = [], o = n.translation_engine >= 2, a = document.createTreeWalker(e, 4, x, !1); for (; t = a.nextNode();) { var i = (o && (_(t.parentNode) || t.parentNode.childNodes.length > 1) ? S : O)(t, a); i && r.push(i) } return r }(e)) } function x(e) { return !g(e) || v(e) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT } function S(e, t) { var r = function (e) { if (e.wgResolved) return !1; var t = e; do { if (t.wgResolved) return t; t = t.parentElement || t.parentNode } while (null !== t && 1 === t.nodeType); return !1 }(e); if (r && k.has(r)) { var o = k.get(r); return { element: o[0], words: o[1], type: 1, properties: o[2] } } var a = function (e, t) { var r = [], o = e; for (; d(e.parentNode);)e = e.parentNode, o.textContent.trim() !== e.textContent.trim() && (o = e); o.textContent.trim() === e.textContent.trim() && (e = o); for (; t.nextNode();)if (!e.contains || !e.contains(t.currentNode)) { t.previousNode(); break } var a = e.cloneNode(!0); if (n.translation_engine > 2) { N(e, (function (e) { if (1 === e.nodeType) { var t = function (e) { for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e.attributes; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; t.push(o) } return t }(e); r.push({ attributes: t, child: e }) } })); var i = 1; N(a, (function (e) { 1 === e.nodeType && (!function (e) { if (!e.attributes) return e; for (; e.attributes.length > 0;)e.removeAttribute(e.attributes[0].name) }(e), e.setAttribute("wg-" + i++, "")) })) } if (e) { return e.wgResolved = !0, [e, (a.innerHTML || a.textContent || "").replace(/<!--[^>]*-->/g, ""), r] } }(e, t); if (a) { var i = a[0], c = a[1], s = a[2]; if (!L(c)) return k.set(i, a), { element: i, words: c, type: 1, properties: s } } } function O(e) { var t = e.textContent; if (!L(t)) return { element: e, words: t, type: 1, properties: {} } } function N(e, t) { if (e.childNodes) for (var n = 0, r = e.childNodes; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; if (!o) return; t(o), N(o, t) } } function L(e) { return !e || !e.trim() || !isNaN(e) || "​" === e } function T(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n], a = o.weglot.content; if (a && o.isConnected) { for (var i = 0, c = a; i < c.length; i += 1) { var s = c[i], l = s.original, u =, f = s.attrSetter, d = s.translations[t] || l; u && (o.weglot.setted = !0, A(o, d, u, e)), f && (o.weglot.setted = !0, f(o, d, l)) } o.wgResolved = !1 } } } function A(e, t, n, r) { if (1 === e.nodeType) { var o = function (e, t, n) { var r = document.createElement("div"); return r.innerHTML = e, j(t, r, n) }(t, e, n); return e.innerHTML = "", void e.appendChild(o) } if (-1 !== t.indexOf("<") && -1 !== t.indexOf(">")) { if (!e.parentNode) return c.warn("Unable to translate some words, please contact"), void c.warn(e, { sendToDatadog: !1 }); if (1 === e.parentNode.childNodes.length) return e.parentNode.weglot = e.weglot, void (r ? r.push(e.parentNode) : A(e.parentNode, t, n)); var a = e.closest && e.closest("[data-wg-translation-wrapper]") || e.parentNode.closest("[data-wg-translation-wrapper]"); if (!a || a.innerHTML !== t) { var i = document.createElement("span"); i.dataset.wgTranslationWrapper = "", i.weglot = e.weglot, e.parentNode.replaceChild(i, e), r ? r.push(i) : A(e.parentNode, t, n) } } else e.textContent = t } function j(e, t, n) { var r = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (1 !== e.nodeType) return r.appendChild(t), r; for (var o = t.childNodes.length, a = 0; a < o; a++) { var i, s = t.firstChild; if (i = P(s)) { var l = n[i - 1]; if (!l) continue; var u = l.used ? l.child.cloneNode(!0) : l.child, f = j(u, s, n); if (f.contains(u)) return c.error("There is an HTML error in the translation of: " + e.innerHTML), r; u.innerHTML = "", u.appendChild(f), r.appendChild(u), document.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(s), l.used = !0 } else r.appendChild(s) } return r } function P(e) { if (e && 1 === e.nodeType && e.attributes && e.attributes[0]) { var t = parseInt(e.attributes[0].name.split("wg-")[1]); return isNaN(t) ? void 0 : t } } function I(e) { return { name: e, get: function (t) { return t.getAttribute(e) }, set: function (t, n) { return t.setAttribute(e, n) } } } function R(e, t) { if (e.parentNode && "PICTURE" === e.parentNode.tagName) for (var n = 0, r = e.parentNode.children; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; "SOURCE" === o.tagName && (o.getAttribute("srcset") && o.setAttribute("srcset", t)) } } function D(e) { return e && e.split && e.split("www.")[1] || e } function W(e) { var t = [{ type: 1, selectors: ["[title]"], attribute: I("title") }, { type: 2, selectors: ["input[type='submit']", "input[type='button']", "button"], attribute: I("value") }, { type: 3, selectors: ["input[placeholder]", "textarea[placeholder]"], attribute: I("placeholder") }, { type: 4, selectors: ["meta[name='description']", "meta[property='og:description']", "meta[property='og:site_name']", "meta[property='og:image:alt']", "meta[name='twitter:description']", "meta[itemprop='description']", "meta[itemprop='name']"], attribute: I("content") }, { type: 7, selectors: ["img"], attribute: I("alt") }, { type: 8, selectors: ["[href$='.pdf']", "[href$='.docx']", "[href$='.doc']"], attribute: I("href") }, { type: 9, selectors: ["meta[property='og:title']", "meta[name='twitter:title']"], attribute: I("content") }]; if (!e) return t; if (e.media_enabled && t.push({ type: 5, selectors: ["", "", "", ""].map((function (e) { return "iframe[src*='" + e + "']" })), attribute: I("src") }, { type: 6, selectors: ["img", "source"], attribute: { name: "src", get: function (e) { var t = e.getAttribute("src"); if (!t || !t.split) return ""; if (0 === t.indexOf("data:image")) return ""; var n = t.split("?"); return n[1] && (e.queryString = n[1]), n[0] }, set: function (e, t, n) { var r = e.getAttribute("src"), o = e.getAttribute("srcset"); if (t === n) { if (e.removeAttribute("data-wgtranslated"), e.isChanged) { var a = "" + t + (e.queryString ? "?" + e.queryString : ""); e.setAttribute("src", a), R(e, a), e.hasAttribute("wgsrcset") && (e.setAttribute("srcset", e.getAttribute("wgsrcset") || e.dataset.srcset), e.removeAttribute("wgsrcset")) } } else r.split("?")[0] !== t && n !== t && (e.setAttribute("src", t), R(e, t), e.hasAttribute("srcset") && (e.setAttribute("wgsrcset", o), e.setAttribute("srcset", "")), e.dataset.wgtranslated = !0, e.isChanged = !0) } } }, { type: 6, selectors: ["meta[property='og:image']", "meta[property='og:logo']"], attribute: I("content") }, { type: 6, selectors: ["img"], attribute: I("srcset") }), e.translate_aria && t.push({ type: 1, selectors: ["[aria-label]"], attribute: I("aria-label") }), e.external_enabled) { var n = D(function () { var e = window.location, t = e.hostname, n =; if (!u(t) || !n) return t; var r = decodeURIComponent(n).match(/url=https?:\/\/([^/]+)/); return r ? r[1] : (c.warn("[Weglot] Unable to get current hostname"), t) }()); t.push({ type: 10, selectors: ["iframe"], attribute: I("src") }, { type: 10, selectors: ["a[rel=external]"], attribute: I("href") }, { type: 10, selectors: ['[href^="mailto"]'], attribute: I("href") }, { type: 10, selectors: ['[href^="tel"]'], attribute: I("href") }, { type: 10, selectors: ["http:", "https:", "//"].map((function (e) { return '[href^="' + e + '"]:not(link)' })), attribute: { name: "href", get: function (e) { if (!e.href || !e.href.split) return ""; var t = e.href.split("/")[2]; return t && D(t) !== n ? e.getAttribute("href") : "" }, set: function (e, t) { return e.setAttribute("href", t) } } }) } if (e.extra_definitions && e.extra_definitions.length) for (var r = function () { var e = a[o], n = e.type, r = e.selector, i = e.attribute; i && r ? t.push({ type: n, selectors: [r], attribute: { name: i, get: function (e) { return e.getAttribute(i) }, set: function (e, t) { return e.setAttribute(i, t) } } }) : c.warn("Each extra definition option needs at least {attribute,selector}", { sendToDatadog: !1 }) }, o = 0, a = e.extra_definitions; o < a.length; o += 1)r(); return t } x.acceptNode = x; var U = []; function H(e, r) { if (!r || !r.translation_engine) throw "translation_engine is required"; var o; return Object.assign(n, r), n.document = e, n.mergeNodes = (o = r.translation_engine, t.v2.unshift("#text", "#comment"), Object.keys(t).reduce((function (e, n, r) { return o >= r + 1 && [].push.apply(e, t[n]), e }), [])), Array.isArray(n.extra_merged_selectors) && (n.selectorMerging = r.extra_merged_selectors.filter((function (e) { return e && "string" == typeof e })).join(",")), r.merged_selectors_remove && (n.mergedSelectorRemove = (e) { return e.value })).join(",")), { getTextNodes: E, setTextNodes: T, definitions: U = W(n) } } var M = i({ service: "js-library" }), q = "", z = "", F = "wglang", B = "wg-style-trans", $ = "data-wg-notranslate", V = "wg-translations", G = "wg-slugs", J = "Shopify", Y = "BigCommerce", K = "Jimdo", X = "Squarespace", Z = "Wix", Q = "Webflow", ee = "Square Online", te = "Bubble", ne = "Salesforce", re = ["excluded_blocks", "excluded_blocks_remove", "dynamics", "excluded_paths", "dangerously_force_dynamic", "extra_definitions", "translate_event"], oe = ["polyfillReady", "languageChanged", "initialized", "start", "switchersReady"], ae = { button_style: { full_name: !0, with_name: !0, is_dropdown: !0, with_flags: !1, flag_type: "" }, switchers: [], auto_switch: !1, auto_switch_fallback: "", excluded_blocks: [], excluded_blocks_remove: [], whitelist: [], translate_event: [{ selector: "[data-wg-translate-event]", eventName: null }], customer_tag: !1, order_tag: !0, dynamics: [], excluded_paths: [], wait_transition: !0, hide_switcher: !1, translate_search: !1, media_enabled: !1, search_forms: "", cache: !1, live: !0, loading_bar: !0, search_parameter: "", translation_engine: 2, override_hreflang: !0 }, ie = ["none", "shiny", "square", "circle", "rectangle_mat"], ce = {}; !function (e) { var t = function () { try { return !!Symbol.iterator } catch (e) { return !1 } }(), n = function (e) { var n = { next: function () { var t = e.shift(); return { done: void 0 === t, value: t } } }; return t && (n[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return n }), n }, r = function (e) { try { return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/%20/g, "+") } catch (t) { return e } }, o = function (e) { try { return decodeURIComponent(String(e).replace(/\+/g, " ")) } catch (t) { return e } }; (function () { try { var t = e.URLSearchParams; return "a=1" === new t("?a=1").toString() && "function" == typeof t.prototype.set && "function" == typeof t.prototype.entries } catch (e) { return !1 } })() || function () { var o = function (e) { Object.defineProperty(this, "_entries", { writable: !0, value: {} }); var t = typeof e; if ("undefined" === t); else if ("string" === t) "" !== e && this._fromString(e); else if (e instanceof o) { var n = this; e.forEach((function (e, t) { n.append(t, e) })) } else { if (null === e || "object" !== t) throw new TypeError("Unsupported input's type for URLSearchParams"); if ("[object Array]" === for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var a = e[r]; if ("[object Array]" !== && 2 === a.length) throw new TypeError("Expected [string, any] as entry at index " + r + " of URLSearchParams's input"); this.append(a[0], a[1]) } else for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.append(i, e[i]) } }, a = o.prototype; a.append = function (e, t) { e in this._entries ? this._entries[e].push(String(t)) : this._entries[e] = [String(t)] }, a.delete = function (e) { delete this._entries[e] }, a.get = function (e) { return e in this._entries ? this._entries[e][0] : null }, a.getAll = function (e) { return e in this._entries ? this._entries[e].slice(0) : [] }, a.has = function (e) { return e in this._entries }, a.set = function (e, t) { this._entries[e] = [String(t)] }, a.forEach = function (e, t) { var n; for (var r in this._entries) if (this._entries.hasOwnProperty(r)) { n = this._entries[r]; for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++), n[o], r, this) } }, a.keys = function () { var e = []; return this.forEach((function (t, n) { e.push(n) })), n(e) }, a.values = function () { var e = []; return this.forEach((function (t) { e.push(t) })), n(e) }, a.entries = function () { var e = []; return this.forEach((function (t, n) { e.push([n, t]) })), n(e) }, t && (a[Symbol.iterator] = a.entries), a.toString = function () { var e = []; return this.forEach((function (t, n) { e.push(r(n) + "=" + r(t)) })), e.join("&") }, e.URLSearchParams = o }(); var a = e.URLSearchParams.prototype; "function" != typeof a.sort && (a.sort = function () { var e = this, t = []; this.forEach((function (n, r) { t.push([r, n]), e._entries || e.delete(r) })), t.sort((function (e, t) { return e[0] < t[0] ? -1 : e[0] > t[0] ? 1 : 0 })), e._entries && (e._entries = {}); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.append(t[n][0], t[n][1]) }), "function" != typeof a._fromString && Object.defineProperty(a, "_fromString", { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, writable: !1, value: function (e) { if (this._entries) this._entries = {}; else { var t = []; this.forEach((function (e, n) { t.push(n) })); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.delete(t[n]) } var r, a = (e = e.replace(/^\?/, "")).split("&"); for (n = 0; n < a.length; n++)r = a[n].split("="), this.append(o(r[0]), r.length > 1 ? o(r[1]) : "") } }) }(ce), function (e) { if (function () { try { var t = new e.URL("b", "http://a"); return t.pathname = "c d", "http://a/c%20d" === t.href && t.searchParams } catch (e) { return !1 } }() || function () { var t = e.URL, n = function (t, n) { "string" != typeof t && (t = String(t)), n && "string" != typeof n && (n = String(n)); var r, o = document; if (n && (void 0 === e.location || n !== e.location.href)) { n = n.toLowerCase(), (r = (o = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("")).createElement("base")).href = n, o.head.appendChild(r); try { if (0 !== r.href.indexOf(n)) throw new Error(r.href) } catch (e) { throw new Error("URL unable to set base " + n + " due to " + e) } } var a = o.createElement("a"); a.href = t, r && (o.body.appendChild(a), a.href = a.href); var i = o.createElement("input"); if (i.type = "url", i.value = t, ":" === a.protocol || !/:/.test(a.href) || !i.checkValidity() && !n) throw new TypeError("Invalid URL"); Object.defineProperty(this, "_anchorElement", { value: a }); var c = new e.URLSearchParams(, s = !0, l = !0, u = this;["append", "delete", "set"].forEach((function (e) { var t = c[e]; c[e] = function () { t.apply(c, arguments), s && (l = !1, = c.toString(), l = !0) } })), Object.defineProperty(this, "searchParams", { value: c, enumerable: !0 }); var f = void 0; Object.defineProperty(this, "_updateSearchParams", { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, writable: !1, value: function () { !== f && (f =, l && (s = !1, this.searchParams._fromString(, s = !0)) } }) }, r = n.prototype;["hash", "host", "hostname", "port", "protocol"].forEach((function (e) { !function (e) { Object.defineProperty(r, e, { get: function () { return this._anchorElement[e] }, set: function (t) { this._anchorElement[e] = t }, enumerable: !0 }) }(e) })), Object.defineProperty(r, "search", { get: function () { return }, set: function (e) { = e, this._updateSearchParams() }, enumerable: !0 }), Object.defineProperties(r, { toString: { get: function () { var e = this; return function () { return e.href } } }, href: { get: function () { return this._anchorElement.href.replace(/\?$/, "") }, set: function (e) { this._anchorElement.href = e, this._updateSearchParams() }, enumerable: !0 }, pathname: { get: function () { return this._anchorElement.pathname.replace(/(^\/?)/, "/") }, set: function (e) { this._anchorElement.pathname = e }, enumerable: !0 }, origin: { get: function () { var e = { "http:": 80, "https:": 443, "ftp:": 21 }[this._anchorElement.protocol], t = this._anchorElement.port != e && "" !== this._anchorElement.port; return this._anchorElement.protocol + "//" + this._anchorElement.hostname + (t ? ":" + this._anchorElement.port : "") }, enumerable: !0 }, password: { get: function () { return "" }, set: function (e) { }, enumerable: !0 }, username: { get: function () { return "" }, set: function (e) { }, enumerable: !0 } }), n.createObjectURL = function (e) { return t.createObjectURL.apply(t, arguments) }, n.revokeObjectURL = function (e) { return t.revokeObjectURL.apply(t, arguments) }, e.URL = n }(), void 0 !== e.location && !("origin" in e.location)) { var t = function () { return e.location.protocol + "//" + e.location.hostname + (e.location.port ? ":" + e.location.port : "") }; try { Object.defineProperty(e.location, "origin", { get: t, enumerable: !0 }) } catch (n) { setInterval((function () { e.location.origin = t() }), 100) } } }(ce); var se = ce.URL, le = function (e, t) { return function (n, r) { if (!n || !n[e] || !r) return t; try { return n[e](r) } catch (e) { M.error(e, { consoleOverride: "The CSS selectors that you provided are incorrect: " + r, sendToDatadog: !1 }) } return t } }, ue = le("querySelectorAll", []), fe = le("querySelector", null), de = le("closest", null), ge = function (e) { return document.getElementById(e) }; function _e(e) { e && e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e) } function pe(e) { e = "" + e; return ["&nbsp;", "&amp;", "&quot;", "&lt;", "&gt;"].some((function (t) { return -1 !== e.indexOf(t) })) ? e.replace(/&nbsp;/g, " ").replace(/&amp;/g, "&").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">") : e } function he(e) { var t ="&").map((function (e) { return e && e.split("=") })).find((function (t) { return t[0] === e })); return t && t[1] } function me() { try { if (window.frameElement || window.self !== return "with-window-top" } catch (e) { return "no-window-top" } } function ve(e, t) { var n = document.createElement("style"); _e(ge(t)), = t, n.type = "text/css", n.styleSheet ? n.styleSheet.cssText = e : n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), document.head.appendChild(n) } var we = function () { return /google|facebook|bing|yahoo|baidu|yandex|lighthouse/i.test(navigator.userAgent) }; function ye(e) { try { document.createDocumentFragment().querySelector(e) } catch (e) { return !1 } return !0 } var be = function (e, t, n) { var r = new se(e, location.href); return r.searchParams.set(t, n), "" + r.pathname + }; function ke(e) { "loading" !== document.readyState ? e() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (function () { return e() })) } var Ee = function (e, t) { var n; return void 0 === t && (t = 1e3), function () { for (var r = this, o = [], a = arguments.length; a--;)o[a] = arguments[a]; clearTimeout(n), n = setTimeout((function () { e.apply(r, o) }), t) } }, Ce = function (e) { var t = (new Date).getTime().toString(); try { var n = e.contentWindow; return n[t] = "asd", "asd" === n[t] } catch (e) { return !1 } }; var xe = {}, Se = function (e, t) { xe[e] = t }, Oe = function (e, t) { if (xe[e]) return xe[e](t) }; var Ne, Le = {}; try { document.cookie, Ne = !0 } catch (lr) { Ne = !1 } Le.set = function (e, t, n, r, o) { Ne && (e = e.replace(/[^+#$&^`|]/g, encodeURIComponent).replace("(", "%28").replace(")", "%29"), t = t.toString().replace(/[^+#$&/:<-[\]-}]/g, encodeURIComponent), !n && xt.is_connect && (xt.subdomain ? n ="www.").pop() : xt.subdirectory && (n =, n = n ? ";domain=" + n : "", o = o ? ";expires=" + o : "", r = r || "", document.cookie = e + "=" + t + n + ";path=/" + r + o + ";SameSite=None;Secure") }, Le.get = function (e) { if (!Ne) return null; for (var t = document.cookie.split(";"); t.length;) { var n = t.pop(), r = n.indexOf("="); if (r = r < 0 ? n.length : r, decodeURIComponent(n.slice(0, r).replace(/^\s+/, "")) === e) return decodeURIComponent(n.slice(r + 1)) } return null }, Le.erase = function (e, t, n) { Le.set(e, "", t, n, "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT") }; var Te = []; function Ae(e, t, n) { if (e) return n(); je(t, n, !0) } function je(e, t, n) { return "function" != typeof t ? (M.error("You should provide a callback function as second argument", { sendToDatadog: n }), !1) : !n && oe.indexOf(e) < 0 ? (M.error("No Weglot event is named " + e, { sendToDatadog: !1 }), !1) : (Te.push({ name: e, callback: t, internal: n }), !0) } function Pe(e) { for (var t = [], n = arguments.length - 1; n-- > 0;)t[n] = arguments[n + 1]; for (var r = Te.filter((function (t) { return === e })), o = 0, a = r; o < a.length; o += 1) { var i = a[o]; try { i.callback.apply(i, t) } catch (e) { if (i.internal) throw e; M.error("Error triggering callback function: " + e, { sendToDatadog: !1 }) } } } function Ie() { if (!u(window.location.hostname) || !document.baseURI) { var e = window.location; return { url: e.href, hostname: e.hostname, pathname: e.pathname, search: } } var t = new se(document.baseURI), n = t.hostname, r = t.pathname, o =; return { url: document.baseURI, hostname: n, pathname: r, search: o } } var Re = Ie(); Ae(xt && Object.keys(xt).length > 0, "onOptionsReady", (function () { if (xt.dynamicPushState) { var e = history.pushState; history.pushState = function () { for (var t = [], n = arguments.length; n--;)t[n] = arguments[n]; e.apply(history, t); var r = Ie(); Re.hostname = r.hostname, Re.pathname = r.pathname, Re.url = r.url, Pe("onCurrentLocationChanged") } } })); var De, We = {}; function Ue(e) { var t = 1; return e.replace(/\((.*?)\)/g, (function () { return "$" + t++ })) } function He() { var e = Re.pathname, t = xt.localeRules; void 0 === t && (t = []); var n = xt.languages, r = { position: 0, translatedFormat: "CODE", originalFormat: "", addedByDefault: !0 }, o = xt.language_from; if (t.length) { var a = []; (e) { var t = e.position, n = e.translatedFormat; n && "CODE" !== n && a.push(t || 0) })); var i = a.filter((function (e, t, n) { return n.indexOf(e) === t })).map((function (e) { return Object.assign({}, r, { position: e }) })); t.unshift.apply(t, i) } else t.push(r); var c = null, s = null, l = t.find((function (t) { var r = t.position; void 0 === r && (r = 0); var a = t.translatedFormat; void 0 === a && (a = "CODE"); var i = t.originalFormat; void 0 === i && (i = ""); var l = t.addedByDefault; if (!a.includes("CODE")) return !1; var u = e.split("/"); if (u.length <= r) return !1; var f = u[r + 1], d = n.find((function (e) { var t = e.custom_code || e.language_to, n = a.replace("CODE", t), r = new RegExp("^" + n + "$", "g"); return !!r.test(f) && (s = r, !0) })); if (d) return c = d.custom_code || d.language_to, !0; if (i) { var g = i.replace("CODE", o); return new RegExp("^" + g + "$", "g").test(f) } return !l })) || r; return We.convertLocale = function (t, n, r, a) { if (void 0 === n && (n = e), void 0 === r && (r = c || o), void 0 === a && (a = null), r === t) return n; var i = l.position; void 0 === i && (i = 0); var u = l.originalFormat; void 0 === u && (u = ""); var f = l.translatedFormat; void 0 === f && (f = "CODE"); var d = n.split("/"); if (d.length <= i) return n; var g = d[i + 1]; if (r === o) { var _ = f.replace(/CODE/g, t), p = !1; if (u) { var h = u.replace(/CODE/g, o), m = new RegExp("^" + h + "$", "g"), v = Ue(_); _ = g.replace(m, v), a && !m.test(g) && (p = !0, _ = a.split("/")[i + 1]) } var w = u && !p ? 2 : 1; return d.slice(0, i + 1).concat([_], d.slice(i + w)).join("/") } if (t === o && !u) return d.slice(0, i + 1).concat(d.slice(i + 2)).join("/"); var y = Ue((t === o ? u : f).replace(/CODE/g, t)), b = g.replace(s, y); return d.slice(0, i + 1).concat([b], d.slice(i + 2)).join("/") }, We.language = c || o, We } function Me() { var e = Re.hostname, t = xt.languages.find((function (t) { return t.connect_host_destination && === e })); return t ? t.custom_code || t.language_to : xt.language_from } function qe() { return He().language } function ze() { if (De) return De; if (xt.is_connect) { var e = document.documentElement.dataset.wgTranslated; return e ? (De = e, e) : De = xt.subdirectory ? qe() : Me() } return De = xt.language_from } function Fe(e, t) { var n = t; n || (n = ze()); for (var r = 0, o = e; r < o.length; r += 1) { var a = o[r]; if (!a || !a.dataset || !a.dataset.wgOnlyDisplay) return; a.hidden = a.dataset.wgOnlyDisplay !== n } } je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { We = {} }), !0); var Be = { getItem: function (e) { return Le.get(e) }, setItem: function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = {}); var r = n.domain, o = n.path, a = n.expires; Le.set(e, t, r, o, a) }, removeItem: function (e) { return Le.erase(e) } }, $e = { getItem: function () { }, setItem: function () { }, removeItem: function () { } }; function Ve(e) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var t = e.type || "local"; try { return "cookie" === t ? Be : window[t + "Storage"] } catch (e) { } return e.type ? $e : Ve({ type: "local" === t ? "cookie" : "local" }) } var Ge = { slugs: {}, version: 0, network: void 0 }; function Je() { return new Promise((function (e) { for (var t = xt.languages, n = {}, r = function () { var r = a[o], i = r.custom_code, c = r.language_to; (function (e) { var t = xt.api_key, n = xt.versions; if (!n || !n.slugTranslation) return Promise.resolve({}); var r = "" + t + "&language_to=" + e + "&v=" + n.slugTranslation; return fetch(r).then((function (e) { return e.json() })).then((function (e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? {} : e })).catch((function (e) { return M.error(e), {} })) })(c).then((function (r) { n[i || c] = r, Object.keys(n).length === t.length && e(n) })) }, o = 0, a = t; o < a.length; o += 1)r() })) } function Ye(e) { return e ? Object.keys(e).reduce((function (t, n) { return t[n] = function (e) { return Object.keys(e).reduce((function (t, n) { return e[n] && (t.original[n] = e[n], t.translated[e[n]] = n), t }), { original: {}, translated: {} }) }(e[n]), t }), {}) : {} } function Ke(e) { var t = xt.versions; if (t && t.slugTranslation) { var n = t.slugTranslation; Ge.version < n && ( ? || (t) { return e(Ye(t)) })) : = Je().then((function (t) { return = !0, function (e) { var t = xt.versions, n = { version: t ? t.slugTranslation : 1, slugs: e }; try { var r = Ve({ type: "local" }); r && r.setItem(G, JSON.stringify(n)) } catch (e) { M.warn(e) } Ge = Object.assign({}, Ge, n) }(t), e(Ye(t)), t })).catch((function () { return e({}), {} }))), e(Ye(Ge.slugs)) } else e({}) } !function () { if (Object.keys(Ge.slugs).length) return Ge.slugs; try { var e = Ve({ type: "local" }); if (!e) return {}; var t = e.getItem(G); t && (Object.assign(Ge, JSON.parse(t)), Ge.slugs) } catch (e) { return {} } }(); var Xe = {}; function Ze(e, t) { return e.split("/").map((function (e) { return t[decodeURIComponent(e)] || e })).join("/") } function Qe(e, t) { xt.is_tld && xt.auto_switch && (e === xt.language_from ? t.searchParams.set("no_redirect", "true") : t.searchParams.delete("no_redirect")) } function et(e, t) { var n = ze(), r = new se(Re.url); r.searchParams.has("lang") && r.searchParams.delete("lang"), Qe(e, r); var o = function (e) { if (xt.subdirectory) return !1; var t = xt.language_from, n =, r = xt.languages; if (e === t) return n; var o = r.find((function (t) { return t.custom_code === e || t.language_to === e })) || {}, a = o.connect_host_destination; return a && }(e); return o && (r.hostname = o), r.pathname = function (e, t, n, r) { if (!Object.keys(e).length) return t; if (!Xe.originalPath) if (n !== xt.language_from && e[n]) { var o = e[n].translated; Xe.originalPath = Ze(t, o) } else Xe.originalPath = t; return r === xt.language_from ? Xe.originalPath : e[r] && e[r].original ? Ze(Xe.originalPath, e[r].original) : t }(t, r.pathname, n, e), xt.subdirectory && e && (r.pathname = He().convertLocale(e, r.pathname)), r.toString() } function tt(e, t) { if (!xt.is_connect || !e) return t("#"); var n = xt.dynamicPushState, r = xt.injectedData; void 0 === r && (r = {}); var o = r.allLanguageUrls; if (void 0 === o && (o = {}), !n && o && o[e]) { var a = new se(o[e]); return Qe(e, a), t(a.toString()) } Ke((function (n) { return t(et(e, n)) })) } je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { Xe = {} }), !0); var nt = {}; function rt() { var e =; return void 0 === e && (e = window.location.hostname), 0 === e.indexOf("www.") ? e.slice(3) : "." + e } function ot() { var e = document.cookie.match(/(^cart=[^;]+|[\W]cart=[^;]+)/g); if (e) { var t = (e) { return e.split("=").pop() })); 1 !== t.length && t[0] === t[1] || Le.set("cart", t[0], rt()) } else setTimeout(ot, 100) } function at(e) { var t = "/checkout?locale=" + e + (xt.shopify_skip_shop_pay ? "&skip_shop_pay=true" : ""); fetch(t).then((function (e) { document.location.href = e.url })).catch((function () { document.location.href = t })) } function it(e) { var t = e || ze(), n = ct(t), r = [{ name: "locale", value: n }].concat(xt.shopify_skip_shop_pay ? [{ name: "skip_shop_pay", value: "true" }] : []);[{ name: "action", selector: ['form[method="post"][action*="/cart"]', 'form[method="post"][action*="/checkout"]'], testRegex: /\/(cart|checkout|)\/?(\?|$)/, event: "submit" }, { name: "href", selector: ['a[href*="/checkout"]', 'a[href*="/cart/checkout"]'], testRegex: /\/(cart\/)?checkout\/?(\?|$)/, event: "click" }].forEach((function (e) { for (var o =, a = e.selector, i = e.testRegex, c = e.event, s = document.querySelectorAll(a.join(",")), l = function () { var e = f[u], a = e.getAttribute(o); if (i.test(a) && !r.every((function (e) { return a.includes( + "=" + e.value) }))) { for (var s = 0, l = r; s < l.length; s += 1) { var d = l[s]; a = be(a,, d.value) } e.setAttribute(o, a), e.wgCheckoutListener && e.removeEventListener(c, e.wgCheckoutListener), t !== xt.language_from && xt.fix_shopify_checkout_locale && (e.wgCheckoutListener = function (e) { return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), xt.is_connect && !xt.subdirectory ? (Ve({ type: "cookie" }).setItem("wg_checkout_redirect", t), document.location.href = (xt.is_https ? "https:" : "http:") + "//" + : at(n), !1 }, e.addEventListener(c, e.wgCheckoutListener)) } }, u = 0, f = s; u < f.length; u += 1)l() })) } function ct(e) { var t = { pt: "pt-PT", ro: "ro-RO", fl: "fil", zh: "zh-CN", tw: "zh-TW" }; return t[e] ? t[e] : e.substr(0, 2) } function st(e) { var t, n, r, o = e || ze(), a = document.getElementById("create_customer") || document.querySelector('form[action="' + (t = o, n = "/account", (xt.is_connect && t !== xt.language_from ? nt[n] ? nt[n] : (Ke((function (e) { var o = e && e[t] ? Ze(n, e[t].original) : n; r = xt.subdirectory ? He().convertLocale(t, o, xt.language_from) : o })), nt[n] = r, r) : n) + '"]')) || "string" == typeof xt.customer_tag && fe(document, xt.customer_tag); if (a) { var i = document.getElementById("weglot-lang-form"); i && i.parentNode.removeChild(i); var c = document.createElement("input"); Object.assign(c, { type: "hidden", id: "weglot-lang-form", name: "customer[tags]", value: "#wg" + o + "#wg" }), a.appendChild(c) } } function lt(e) { var t = function () { var e = document.getElementById("shopify-features"); if (!e) return null; var t = e.textContent.match(/"shopId":(\d*)/); return t ? t[1] : null }(); t && Le.set("checkout_locale", ct(e), null, t) } function ut(e) { var t = e || ze(); if (!xt.visual_editor && !me()) { var n = xt.cart_attributes, r = xt.is_connect, o = xt.original_shopify_checkout, a = xt.subdirectory, i = xt.language_from, c = Ve({ type: "cookie" }).getItem("cart"), s = Ve({ type: "session" }).getItem("wg-cart-update-token"); if (Ve({ type: "session" }).getItem("wg-cart-update-lang") !== ct(t) || c !== s) { var l = (e) { return "attributes[" + e + "]=" + ct(t) })).join("&"), u = fetch("/cart/update.js", { method: "POST", body: l, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, credentials: "same-origin" }); !1 !== o && r && !a && i === ze() && u.then((function (e) { return e.json() })).then((function (e) { var t = e.token; return Le.set("cart", t, rt()) })), Ve({ type: "session" }).setItem("wg-cart-update-token", c), Ve({ type: "session" }).setItem("wg-cart-update-lang", ct(t)) } for (var f = document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/cart/"]'), d = "attributes[lang]=" + t, g = 0, _ = f; g < _.length; g += 1) { var p = _[g], h = p.getAttribute("href"); if (h) { var m = h.match(/\/cart\/\d+:\d+(\?)?/); m && (h = h.replace(/&?attributes\[lang\]=([a-zA-Z-]+)/g, ""), p.setAttribute("href", h + (m[1] ? "&" : "?") + d)) } } } } function ft(e) { if (xt.language_from !== e) { window.Shopify && (window.Shopify.locale = e), !we() && xt.order_tag && ut(e), it(e), lt(e); var t = document.querySelectorAll("[data-wg-only-display]"); t.length && Fe(t, e), xt.customer_tag && st(e) } } je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { nt = {} }), !0), Se("onWeglotSetup", (function () { !1 !== xt.original_shopify_checkout && xt.is_connect && !xt.subdirectory && xt.language_from === ze() && ot() })); var dt = ["#isp_search_result_page_container", ".snize-ac-results", "#snize_results", ".snize-recommendation", ".snize-modal", ".snize-search-results-header", "div>", ".hc-widget", ".jdgm-rev-widg__header", ".jdgm-rev__body", ".jdgm-rev-title", ".yotpo-main-widget", "#swell-popup", ".swell-tab", ".yotpo-widget-override-css", ".cw-row", ".mini-popup-container", "email-field cw-form-control", "phone-field cw-form-control", ".sms-policy-text", ".wlo-content-holder", ".wlo-wheel-holder", ".yotpo-smsbump-modal__content", ".cw-compliance-text", "#saso-notifications", ".saso-cross-sell-popup", ".saso-cart-item-discount-notes", ".saso-cart-item-upsell-notes", ".saso-volume-discount-tiers", ".opw-leading-normal", ".opw-my-2.opw-leading-normal.opw-text-lg.opw-text-left", ".opinew-navbar.opw-flex.opw-items-center.opw-justify-between.opw-flex-wrap.opw-py-4.opw-px-6", ".main-content-container.opw--mx-1", ".opw-text-center.opw-text-sm.opw-border-solid.opw-border-0.opw-mt-3", ".summary-card-container.opw-mx-1", ".opw-reviews-container.opw-mt-3.opw--mx-1", ".opinew-reviews-title.opw-flex.opw-items-center.opw-flex-no-shrink.opw-mr-6", ".opw-flex.opw-flex-row-reverse", "#opinew-app-container", ".gem_dynamic-content", ".pp_tracking_content", ".pp_all_form_div", ".pp_tracking_result_title", ".progress-bar-style", ".pp_tracking_left", ".pp_num_status_show", ".pp_tracking_status_tips", ".pp_page_map_div", ".pp_tracking_result_parent", ".pp_tracking_right", ".pp_recommend_product_parent", ".currency-converter-cart-note", ".cbb-shipping-rates-calculator", ".cbb-frequently-bought-container", ".cbb-frequently-bought-discount-applied-message", ".cbb-also-bought-container", "#zonos", ".buddha-menu-item", ".R-GlobalModal", ".ruk-rating-snippet-count", ".R-ContentList-container", ".R-ReviewsList-container", ".R-SliderIndicator-group", ".R-TextBody", ".widgetId-reviewsio-carousel-widget", ".REVIEWSIO-FloatingMinimised", ".REVIEWSIO-FloatingMinimised__Container", ".reviewsio-carousel-widget", ".reviews-io-floating-widget", ".reviews_container", " .site-nav-container .subtitle", ".search-more", ".variant-quantity", ".lion-claimed-rewards-list", ".lion-header", ".lion-header__join-buttons", ".lion-header__join-today", ".lion-history-table", ".lion-integrated-page-section__heading-text", ".lion-loyalty-panel", ".lion-loyalty-splash", ".lion-loyalty-widget", ".lion-modal__content", ".lion-modal__header", ".lion-referral-widget", ".lion-rewards-list", ".lion-rules-list", ".lion-tier-overview", ".ccpops-popup__content__bottom-text", ".ccpops-popup__content__top-text", ".ccpops-trigger__text", ".ks-table-row", ".klaviyo-form"]; var gt = {}; function _t(e) { return e ? "string" != typeof e ? e : e.split(",").map((function (e) { return { value: e } })) : [] } function pt(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = ""), !e) return ae.button_style; var n = e.classF || "", r = n.match(/flag-(\d)/), o = { with_name: e.withname, full_name: !!e.fullname, is_dropdown: !!e.is_dropdown, with_flags: -1 !== n.indexOf("wg-flags"), flag_type: r && r[1] ? ie[r[1]] : "", invert_flags: !0 }; return t && (o.custom_css = t), o } function ht(e) { var t = e.styleOpt, n = e.containerCss, r =, o = e.sibling; return { style: pt(t, n), location: { target: r, sibling: o } } } gt[J] = function () { je("initialized", (function () { var e = Ve({ type: "cookie" }).getItem("wg_checkout_redirect"); e && (Ve({ type: "cookie" }).removeItem("wg_checkout_redirect"), Ve({ type: "cookie" }).setItem("wg_checkout_language", e), at(e)), window.langify && M.log("%c Please, uninstall langify to properly use Weglot", { sendToDatadog: !1 }), we() || !xt.order_tag || xt.is_connect && xt.language_from !== ze() || ut(), it(); var t, n = document.querySelectorAll("[data-wg-only-display]"); n.length && Fe(n), xt.customer_tag && st(), document.getElementsByClassName("shopify-payment-button").length && (t = window.fetch, window.fetch = function () { if ("/wallets/checkouts.json" === arguments[0]) try { var e = JSON.parse(arguments[1].body), n = ct(ze()); e.checkout.attributes = {}, xt.cart_attributes.forEach((function (t) { return e.checkout.attributes[t] = n })), arguments[1].body = JSON.stringify(e) } catch (e) { } return t.apply(window, arguments) }) }), !0), Se("onConnectPageLoad", (function (e) { return ft(e) })), Se("onPageLanguageSet", (function (e) { return ft(e) })), Se("onDynamicDetected", (function () { it(ze()) })), Se("startWhen", (function () { return ge("admin-bar-iframe") || ge("preview-bar-iframe") || xt.private_mode || function () { for (var e = 0, t = document.scripts; e < t.length; e += 1)if (-1 !== t[e].src.indexOf("preview_bar_injector")) return !0; return !1 }() })); var e = [".shopify-payment-button button"].concat(dt).concat(xt.is_connect ? [] : ["form.cart.ajaxcart", "form.cart-drawer", "#cross-sell", ".wheelio_holder", ".mini-cart", "#shopify-product-reviews", "#esc-oos-form", ".product__add-to-cart-button", "select.product-variants>option:not([value])", ".ui-autocomplete", ".shopify-payment-button__button", "#shopify-section-static-recently-viewed-products", "#recently-viewed-products", "#shopify-section-product-recommendations", ".action_button.add_to_cart"]), t = /^\/(\d+\/checkouts|checkouts\/[a-z]{1,2})\/(?:\w{2}-)?\w{32}/.test(document.location.pathname), n = "" === document.location.hostname && me(); return Object.assign({}, { cart_attributes: ["lang", "Invoice Language"], excluded_blocks: ["input[type='radio']", "", ".price", ".product__prices", "#admin-bar-iframe", ".notranslate", ".skiptranslate", "#isp_refine_nevigation", "#isp_header_subtitle", ".isp_sorting_and_result_view_wrapper", "#isp_results_did_you_mean > span", ".isp_facet_show_hide_values", "#isp_main_search_box", ".snize-filter-variant-count", ".snize-search-results-header a", ".snize-search-results-header b", ".hc-author__text", ".hc-avatar__initials", ".hc-rating-chart__count", ".hc-rating-chart__percentage-value", ".yotpo-review-date", ".yotpo-user-name", ".yotpo-user-letter", ".yotpo .avg-score", ".yotpo .sr-only", ".yotpo-mandatory-mark"].map((function (e) { return { value: e } })), search_forms: "form[action='/pages/search-results'],form[action='/search']", search_parameter: "q" }, n && xt.is_connect && { dynamicPushState: !0 }, { dynamics: (e) { return { value: e } })), extra_definitions: [{ type: 1, selector: ".snize-color-swatch", attribute: "data-sntooltip" }, { type: 1, selector: "button[data-pf-type=ProductATC]", attribute: "data-soldout" }, { type: 1, selector: "button[data-pf-type=ProductATC]", attribute: "data-adding" }, { type: 1, selector: "button[data-pf-type=ProductATC]", attribute: "data-added" }], shopifyCheckout: t }) }, gt[Y] = function () { return Se("onPageLanguageSet", (function (e) { !function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = document.querySelectorAll('[href*="/checkout.php"],[href*="/cart.php"]'); t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; r.setAttribute("href", be(r.getAttribute("href"), "lang", e)) } }(e) })), { dynamics: [".quick-shop-details", "#QuickViewProductDetails", ".QuickViewModal", ".modalContainer", ".ng-checkout-container", ".previewCartAction", "#checkout-app"].map((function (e) { return { value: e } })), search_forms: "form[action='/search.php']", search_parameter: "search_query" } }, gt[te] = function () { return xt.is_connect ? {} : { dynamics: [{ value: ".content" }] } }, gt[K] = function () { return { excluded_blocks: ['[data-display="cms-only"]', ".j-admin-links", ".cc-m-status-empty"].map((function (e) { return { value: e } })) } }, gt[X] = function () { var e = [], t = ["body.sqs-is-page-editing"]; document.getElementById("sqs-cart-root") && (e.push("#sqs-cart-container"), t.push("#sqs-cart-container [class*=subtotalPrice]", "#sqs-cart-container .cart-container .item-price")), document.getElementById("sqs-standard-checkout") && (e.push("#checkout"), t.push("#checkout", "#checkout [data-test*=incomplete] [class^=PaymentCard-container]", "#checkout [data-test*=incomplete] [class^=CustomerAddress-container]", "#checkout [class^=CustomerInfoSection-email]", "#checkout [class^=GoogleResultsList]")); var n =""); if (je("initialized", (function () { try { var e = window.ExtensionScriptsSDK; if (!e) return; e["1.0"]"Weglot") } catch (e) { } })), !xt.is_connect) try { document.querySelectorAll(".animation-segment-wrapper").forEach((function (e) { e.parentNode.dataset.dynamicStrings = e.textContent })), document.querySelectorAll(".animation-segment-parent-hidden").forEach((function (e) { e.dataset.dynamicStrings = "" })), t.push(".animation-segment-wrapper"), t.push(".animation-segment-parent-hidden > *") } catch (e) { } return { force_translation: e.join(","), dynamics: ["#sqs-cart-container", "#checkout", ".sqs-widgets-confirmation", ".video-player", ".jdgm-widget", ".calendar-block", ".opentable-v2-block", ".blog-item-comments"].map((function (e) { return { value: e } })).concat(xt.is_connect ? [{ value: ".sqs-add-to-cart-button.cart-adding" }, { value: ".sqs-add-to-cart-button.cart-added" }] : [{ value: "[data-dynamic-strings]" }, { value: ".sqs-add-to-cart-button" }, { value: ".variant-select-wrapper" }]), excluded_blocks: (e) { return { value: e } })).concat(xt.is_connect ? [{ value: ".comment-body" }] : []), forceDisableConnect: n, merged_selectors_remove: [{ value: ".plyr__menu__container" }, { value: ".product-price .original-price" }, { value: ".comment-btn-wrapper" }], extra_definitions: [{ type: 1, selector: ".variant-select-wrapper", attribute: "data-text" }] } }, gt[Z] = function () { var e = { dynamics: document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-wg-translated") ? 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"string" != typeof e ? e : e.split(",").filter((function (e) { return !!e })).map((function (e) { return { value: e, type: "CONTAIN" } })) : [] } }, { from: "exceptions", to: "excluded_blocks", func: _t }, { from: "whiteList", to: "whitelist", func: _t }, { from: "styleOpt", to: "button_style", func: pt }, { from: "destinationLanguages", to: "languages", func: function (e) { return "string" != typeof e ? e : e.split(",").map((function (e) { return { language_to: e, provider: null, automatic_translation_enabled: !0 } })) } }]; function vt(e) { var t = Object.assign({}, e); return t.switchers && ("string" == typeof t.switchers && (t.switchers = JSON.parse(t.switchers)), t.switchers.length && t.switchers[0].styleOpt && (t.switchers =, t.scriptParamSwitcher = !0), Array.isArray(t.dynamic) && (t.dynamic = t.dynamic.join(",")), Array.isArray(t.translate_iframes) && (t.translate_iframes = t.translate_iframes.join(",")), t.translate_images && (t.media_enabled = !0), mt.forEach((function (e) { var n = e.from, r =, o = e.func; void 0 !== t[n] && (t[r] = o ? o(t[n]) : t[n], delete t[n]) })), t } function wt(e, t) { var n = {}; for (var r in e), r) && -1 === t.indexOf(r) && (n[r] = e[r]); return n } var yt = {}; function bt(e) { if (!e || !e.api_key) throw Error("You have to provide at least a key"); var t = e.api_key.split("wg_").pop(), n = vt(e); return function (e) { if (u(window.location.hostname)) return fetch("" + e).then((function (e) { return e.json() })); var t = kt(); if (t) { var n = t.settings, r = wt(t, ["settings"]); return n.injectedData = r, Promise.resolve(n) } var o = function (e) { if (!e.includes(z)) return null; var t = e.split(".")[0]; if (t.includes("-")) { return t.split("-").reverse()[0] } return t }(window.location.hostname); if (o) return fetch("" + q + o + ".json").then((function (e) { return e.json() })).then((function (e) { return "SUBDOMAIN" === e.url_type && (e.languages = (e) { return Object.assign({}, e, { connect_host_destination: Object.assign({}, e.connect_host_destination, { is_dns_set: !0, created_on_aws: 1, host: (e.custom_code || e.language_to) + "-" + o + "." + z }) }) }))), e.is_dns_set = !0, e.previewHash = o, e })); return fetch("" + q + e + ".json").then((function (e) { return e.json() })) }(t).then((function (e) { var t = e.custom_settings, r = wt(e, ["custom_settings"]); n.button_style = Object.assign(t ? t.button_style : {}, n.button_style); var o = r.language_from, a = r.languages; o && (n.language_from = o), a && (n.languages = a), t && t.localeRules && (n.localeRules = t.localeRules); var i = Ct(Object.assign({}, r, t, n)); return Pe("onOptionsReady"), i })).catch((function (e) { M.error(e, { consoleOverride: e && e.wgErrMsg || "Cannot fetch Weglot options. Is your key correct?", sendToDatadog: !1 }) })) } function kt() { var e = ge("weglot-data"); if (!e) return null; try { var t = JSON.parse(e.innerHTML); return t.settings ? t : null } catch (e) { return null } } function Et() { var e = kt(); e && (delete e.settings, yt.injectedData = e) } function Ct(e) { if (e.deleted_at) throw { wgErrMsg: "Cannot load Weglot because the project has been deleted" }; e.injectedData || ke(Et), "SUBDIRECTORY" === e.url_type && e.is_dns_set && (e.subdirectory = !0), e.languages.length || (e.languages = []), yt.is_connect = e.subdirectory || e.languages.some((function (e) { return e.connect_host_destination && e.connect_host_destination.is_dns_set && e.connect_host_destination.created_on_aws })), e.subdomain = !e.subdirectory && (e.subdomain || yt.is_connect), e.dynamic && (e.dynamics || (e.dynamics = e.dynamic.split(",").map((function (e) { return { value: e.trim() } }))), delete e.dynamic), u(window.location.hostname) && (yt.visual_editor = !0), (function () { -1 !=="weglot-private=0") && Ve().removeItem("wg-private-mode"); var e = document.getElementById("admin-bar-iframe") || document.getElementById("preview-bar-iframe") || -1 !=="weglot-private=1") || "1" === Ve({ type: "cookie" }).getItem("wg-private-mode"); return e && Ve({ type: "cookie" }).setItem("wg-private-mode", "1"), e }() || yt.switcher_editor || yt.visual_editor) && (yt.private_mode = !0); var t, n, r, o = e.technology_name || yt.technology_name, a = (t = o) && gt[t] ? gt[t]() : {}, i = Object.assign({}, ae, a); if (Object.assign(yt, i, e), re.forEach((function (e) { var t, n; yt[e] !== i[e] && (yt[e] = (t = yt[e], (n = i[e]) ? Array.isArray(t) ? [].concat(t, n) : "object" == typeof t ? Object.assign({}, t, n) : (t = t.split(",").filter((function (e) { return e })).join(",")) && t.length > 0 && t !== n ? t += "," + n : t = n : t)) })), n = "", (r = document.createElement("link")).rel = "stylesheet", r.type = "text/css", r.href = n, document.head.appendChild(r), yt.button_style && yt.button_style.custom_css && ve(yt.button_style.custom_css, "weglot-custom-style"), yt.switchers && 0 !== yt.switchers.length ? yt.switchers = (e) { var t = e.button_style, n = wt(e, ["button_style"]); return Object.assign({}, { style: || t }, n) })) : yt.switchers = [{ style: yt.button_style, location: {}, default: !0 }], yt.cache && yt.visual_editor && (yt.cache = !1), yt.api_key.length < 36 && (yt.translation_engine = 1), yt.excluded_blocks_remove && (yt.excluded_blocks = yt.excluded_blocks.filter((function (e) { return !yt.excluded_blocks_remove.includes(e.value) }))), yt.dangerously_force_dynamic && (yt.dynamics = yt.dynamics.concat(yt.dangerously_force_dynamic.split(",").map((function (e) { return { value: e.trim() } })))), yt.excluded_blocks = yt.excluded_blocks.filter((function (e) { return ye(e.value) })), yt.dynamics = yt.dynamics.filter((function (e) { return ye(e.value) })), yt.dynamics_remove && (yt.dynamics = yt.dynamics.filter((function (e) { return !yt.dynamics_remove.includes(e.value) }))), yt.is_tld = !1, a.forceDisableConnect && (yt.is_connect = !1), yt.is_connect && !yt.previewHash) { var c ="www.").pop(); yt.is_tld = yt.languages.some((function (e) { if (e.connect_host_destination && return -1 === })) } return yt.whitelist && !Array.isArray(yt.whitelist) && (yt.whitelist = [{ value: String(yt.whitelist) }]), yt } var xt = yt; var St = { "Node.prototype.contains": document.contains, "Element.prototype.cloneNode": "document" in self && "cloneNode" in document.documentElement, "location.origin": "location" in self && "origin" in self.location, MutationObserver: "MutationObserver" in self, Promise: "Promise" in self && "resolve" in Promise, "Element.prototype.matches": "document" in self && "matches" in document.documentElement, "Element.prototype.closest": "document" in self && "closest" in document.documentElement, "Element.prototype.classList": "document" in self && "classList" in document.documentElement && function () { var e = document.createElement("div"); if (!(e.classList && e.classList.add && e.classList.remove && e.classList.contains && e.classList.toggle)) return !1; var t = !0; e.classList.add("add1", "add2"), t = t && e.className.indexOf("add1") >= 0 && e.className.indexOf("add2") >= 0, e.className = "remove1 remove2 remove3", e.classList.remove("remove1", "remove3"), t = t && -1 === e.className.indexOf("remove1") && e.className.indexOf("remove2") >= 0 && -1 === e.className.indexOf("remove3"); try { e.remove() } catch (t) { e = null } return t }(), "String.prototype.includes": "includes" in String.prototype, fetch: "fetch" in self, "Array.prototype.find": "find" in Array.prototype, "Array.prototype.findIndex": "findIndex" in Array.prototype, "Object.assign": "assign" in Object, "Array.prototype.includes": "includes" in Array.prototype, URL: function (e) { try { var t = new e.URL(""); if ("href" in t && "searchParams" in t) { var n = new URL(""); if ( = "a=1&b=2", "" === n.href && ( = "", "" === n.href)) { var r = new e.URLSearchParams("a=1"), o = new e.URLSearchParams(r); if ("a=1" === String(o)) return !0 } } return !1 } catch (e) { return !1 } }(self) }, Ot = !1; function Nt() { Ot = !0, Pe("polyfillReady") } function Lt() { return Ot } !function (e) { window.Prototype && (delete Object.prototype.toJSON, delete Array.prototype.toJSON); var t = Object.keys(St).filter((function (e) { return !St[e] })); if (t.length) { !function (e, t, n) { var r = !1; function o() { r || (r = !0, setTimeout((function () { return t(n) }), 20)) } var a = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, i = document.createElement("script"); i.type = "text/javascript", i.src = e, i.addEventListener ? (i.addEventListener("load", o, !1), i.addEventListener("error", o, !1)) : i.readyState && (i.onreadystatechange = o), a.insertBefore(i, a.firstChild) }("" + t.join(","), (function () { })) } else e() }(Nt); var Tt = [{ condition: [{ type: "TECHNOLOGY_ID", payload: 2 }], value: [{ original: "^/checkouts/(?:[\\w]{32})(/.*)?$", formatted: "/checkouts$1" }, { original: "^/account/(orders|activate)/(?:[\\w]{32})$", formatted: "/account/$1/" }, { original: "^/orders/(?:[\\w]{32})$", formatted: "/orders/" }, { original: "^/wallets/checkouts/(?:.*)$", formatted: "/wallets/checkouts/" }, { original: "^/(.+)\\.(json|xml)$", formatted: "/$1" }] }], At = !1, jt = {}, Pt = {}, It = Ve({ type: "local" }); if (It.getItem(V)) try { jt = JSON.parse(It.getItem(V)), Object.keys(jt).forEach((function (e) { Object.keys(jt[e]).forEach((function (t) { if (2 === t.length) { Pt[t] || (Pt[t] = {}); var n = jt[e][t]; Pt[t][n] = e } })) })), At = !0 } catch (lr) { At = !0 } function Rt(e) { return jt[e] } function Dt(e, t, n, r) { var o, a = Rt(e); a ? (a[r] = n, a.createdTime = (new Date).getTime(), a.t = t) : jt[e] = ((o = {})[r] = n, o.createdTime = (new Date).getTime(), o.t = t, o), Pt[r] || (Pt[r] = {}), Pt[r][n] = e, xt.cache && Ee(Wt)() } var Wt = function () { return jt && It.setItem(V, JSON.stringify(jt)) }; var Ut = [], Ht = new Set, Mt = !1, qt = function (e) { return Ht.has(pe(e).trim()) }, zt = function (e) { return Ht.add(pe(e).trim()) }; function Ft(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = document.documentElement); var n = ze(); return E(e).filter((function (e) { return (t || Bt)(e) })).map(function (e) { return function (t) { var n = t.element, r = t.words, o = t.type, a =, i = t.attrSetter; n.weglot || (n.weglot = { content: [] }); var c, s, l = n.weglot, u = {}, f = (c = r, !!Pt[s = e] && Pt[s][c]); if (f && (u[e] = r, r = f), a) { var d = l.content.find((function (e) { return e.html })); d ? Object.assign(d, { original: r, properties: a, translations: u }) : l.content.push({ html: !0, original: r, type: o, properties: a, translations: u }) } if (i) { var g = l.content.find((function (e) { return e.attrSetter === i })), _ = { attrSetter: i, original: r, type: o, translations: u }; g ? Object.assign(g, _) : l.content.push(_) } return n } }(n)) } function Bt(e) { var t = e.element, n = e.words; return !t.weglot || !t.weglot.content || !t.weglot.content.some((function (e) { var t, r = e.original, o = e.translations; return r === n || (t = o, Object.keys(t).map((function (e) { return t[e] }))).includes(pe(n)) })) } function $t(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; -1 === Ut.indexOf(o) && t.push(o) } return [].push.apply(Ut, t), t } function Vt(e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = Ut), void 0 === t && (t = {}); var n = xt.prevent_retranslation, r = xt.injectedData; void 0 === r && (r = {}); var o = xt.is_connect; if (n && o && !Mt) { var a = r.translatedWordsList; void 0 === a && (a = []), a.forEach((function (e) { return zt(e) })), Mt = !0 } for (var i = [], c = {}, s = 0, l = e; s < l.length; s += 1)for (var u = 0, f = l[s].weglot.content; u < f.length; u += 1) { var d = f[u], g = d.original, _ = d.type; c[g] || (n && qt(g) || (c[g] = !0, i.push(Object.assign({}, { t: _, w: g }, t.label && { l: t.label })))) } return i } function Gt(e, t, n) { if (void 0 === t && (t = ze()), void 0 === n && (n = Ut), e && e.to_words && e.to_words.length) for (var r = e.from_words, o = e.to_words, a = 0, i = n; a < i.length; a += 1)for (var c = 0, s = i[a].weglot.content || {}; c < s.length; c += 1) { var l = s[c], u = l.original, f = l.translations, d = r.indexOf(pe(u)); if (-1 !== d && !f[t]) { var g = (_ = o[d]) && _.replace && _.replace(/wg-(\d+)=""(\s*)\/(\s*)>/g, 'wg-$1="">'); xt.prevent_retranslation && zt(g), f[t] = g } } var _; try { T(n, t) } catch (e) { M.error(e) } } function Jt(e) { if (e && e.toLowerCase) { var t = e.toLowerCase(), n = xt.languages.find((function (e) { var n = e.language_to, r = e.custom_code; return n === t || (r ? r.toLowerCase() === t : void 0) })); return n ? n.language_to : e } } function Yt(e, t) { var n; void 0 === t && (t = { cdn: !1, search: !1 }); var r = e.l_to, o = e.words; e.l_to = Jt(r); var a, i = o; if (!xt.visual_editor) { if (n = function (e, t) { var n = [], r = [], o = []; return e.forEach((function (e) { var a = Rt(e.w); a && a[t] ? (n.push(a[t]), r.push(pe(e.w))) : o.push(e) })), { cachedWords: { to_words: n, from_words: r }, newWords: o } }(o, r), i = n.newWords, (a = n.cachedWords).to_words.length && ! { if (!i.length) return Promise.resolve(a); Gt(a, r, t.nodes) } At && [].push.apply(i, function () { At = !1; var e = (new Date).getTime(); return Object.keys(jt).filter((function (t) { return jt[t].createdTime + 216e5 < e })).map((function (e) { return { t: jt[e].t, w: e } })) }()) } return i.length ? (e.words = i, e.request_url = function () { var e = function () { if (xt.visual_editor) return new se(Re.url); var e = xt.technology_name, t = xt.injectedData; if (e === Z) return new se(window.location.href); if (t && t.originalCanonicalUrl) try { return new se(t.originalCanonicalUrl) } catch (e) { } var n = document.querySelector("link[rel='canonical'][href]"); if (n) try { return new se(n.href) } catch (e) { } return new se(window.location.href) }(); e.pathname = (t = e.pathname, t.split("/").filter((function (e) { return !e || isNaN(Number(e)) })).join("/")); var t; for (var n = 0, r = Tt.filter((function (e) { return e.condition.some((function (e) { var t = e.type, n = e.payload; return "TECHNOLOGY_ID" === t && n === xt.technology_id })) })); n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n].value; try { for (var a = 0, i = o; a < i.length; a += 1) { var c = i[a], s = c.original, l = c.formatted, u = e.pathname.replace(new RegExp(s), l); if (u !== e.pathname) return e.pathname = u, e.toString() } } catch (e) { M.warn(e, { consoleOverride: "Invalid URL regex, " + e.stack }) } } return e.toString() }(), function (e) { var t = xt.versions && xt.versions.translation || 1, n = ["api_key=" + xt.api_key, "v=" + t], r = "https://" + (xt.bypass_cdn_api ? "" : "") + "/translate?" + n.join("&"); return fetch(r, { method: "POST", body: Kt(JSON.stringify(e)) }).then(Xt).then((function (e) { return e.json() })).then((function (e) { if (!e || !e.to_words) throw M.warn(e), Error("An error occurred, please try again later"); return e })) }(e).then((function (e) { return i.forEach((function (t, n) { var o = e.to_words[n]; Dt(t.w, t.t, o, r) })), e }))) : && a ? Promise.resolve(a) : Promise.resolve({ to_words: [], from_words: [] }) } function Kt(e) { return e.replace(/[\u007F-\uFFFF]/g, (function (e) { return "\\u" + ("0000" + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-4) })) } function Xt(e) { if (400 === e.status) throw Error("You reached Weglot limitation. Please upgrade your plan."); if (401 === e.status) throw Error("Your Weglot API key seems wrong."); if (e.status >= 402) throw Error(e.statusText); return e } function Zt(e) { var t = xt.api_key; return fetch("" + t, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ url: e || Re.url, language: ze(), browser_language: navigator.language }) }) } var Qt, en = {}; function tn(e) { return { START_WITH: function (t) { return 0 === e.indexOf(t) }, NOT_START_WITH: function (t) { return 0 !== e.indexOf(t) }, END_WITH: function (t) { return -1 !== e.indexOf(t, e.length - t.length) }, NOT_END_WITH: function (t) { return -1 === e.indexOf(t, e.length - t.length) }, CONTAIN: function (t) { return -1 !== e.indexOf(t) }, NOT_CONTAIN: function (t) { return -1 === e.indexOf(t) }, IS_EXACTLY: function (t) { return e === t }, NOT_IS_EXACTLY: function (t) { return e !== t }, MATCH_REGEX: function (t) { try { return new RegExp(t, "i").test(e) } catch (e) { return M.warn(e, { consoleOverride: t + " is an invalid regex", sendToDatadog: !1 }), !1 } } } } function nn(e) { var t = xt.excluded_paths, n = Re.pathname; if (n = n.toLowerCase(), "" === || !t || !t.length) return !1; if ("string" == typeof t && t.split(",").some((function (e) { return new RegExp(e, "i").test(n) }))) return { allExcluded: !0, language_button_displayed: !0 }; var r = e || Jt(ze()); return void 0 !== en[r] && en.currentLang === r || (en.currentLang = r, xt.injectedData && xt.injectedData.originalPath && (n = xt.injectedData.originalPath.toLowerCase()), t.some((function (e) { var t = e.type, o = e.value, a = e.excluded_languages, i = e.language_button_displayed, c = e.regex; o = o.toLowerCase(); var s = { language_button_displayed: i, allExcluded: !(!a || !(0 === a.length || a.length >= xt.languages.length)) }; if (a && a.length && !a.includes(r)) return !1; var l = tn(n); if (c && !t.startsWith("NOT") ? l.MATCH_REGEX(c) : l[t](o)) return en[r] = s, !0; var u = n; try { u = decodeURIComponent(n) } catch (e) { return } if (u !== n) { var f = tn(u); return (c && !t.startsWith("NOT") ? f.MATCH_REGEX(c) : f[t](o)) ? (en[r] = s, !0) : void 0 } }))), en[r] } function rn() { if (Qt) return Qt; if (!xt.api_key) return M.warn("Weglot must be initialized to use it.", { sendToDatadog: !1 }), []; var e = (xt.languages || []).filter((function (e) { var t = nn(e.language_to), n = !t || t.language_button_displayed; return (!1 !== e.enabled || xt.private_mode) && n && (xt.subdirectory || !xt.is_connect || e.connect_host_destination && e.connect_host_destination.created_on_aws) })).map((function (e) { return e.custom_code || e.language_to })), t = [xt.language_from].concat(e); return Qt = t.filter((function (e, n) { return e && t.indexOf(e) == n })), e.length || M.log("No public language available.", { sendToDatadog: !1 }), Qt } je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { en = {} }), !0), je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { Qt = null }), !0); var on = [{ codes: ["no"], pattern: /^(nn|nb)(-[a-z]+)?$/i }, { codes: ["zh"], pattern: /^zh(-hans(-\w{2})?)?(-(cn|sg))?$/i }, { codes: ["tw", "zh-TW"], pattern: /^zh-(hant)?-?(tw|hk|mo)?$/i }, { codes: ["br"], pattern: /^pt-br$/i }, { codes: ["fl"], pattern: /^fil$/i }]; function an(e) { void 0 === e && (e = rn()); for (var t = {}, n = {}, r = 0, o = e; r < o.length; r += 1) { var a = o[r], i = a.toLowerCase(), c = i.substring(0, 2); t[c] || (t[c] = []), t[c].push(i), n[i] = a } for (var s = 0, l = navigator.languages || [navigator.language]; s < l.length; s += 1) { var u = l[s], f = u.toLowerCase(), d = f.substring(0, 2); if (n[f]) return n[f]; for (var g = 0, _ = on; g < _.length; g += 1) { var p = _[g], h =, m = p.pattern, v = h.find((function (t) { return e.includes(t) })); if (v && m.test(u)) return v } if (t[d]) { if ("zh" === d) continue; var w = t[d].indexOf(d); return w >= 0 ? n[t[d][w]] : n[t[d].shift()] } } } function cn() { var e ="no_redirect=true") > -1; if (!(!xt.auto_switch || xt.subdirectory || e || Ve({ type: "cookie" }).getItem("WG_CHOOSE_ORIGINAL") || we() || xt.visual_editor)) { var t = an(); return t && !nn(t) ? t : xt.auto_switch_fallback && !nn(xt.auto_switch_fallback) ? xt.auto_switch_fallback : void 0 } e && sn(ze()) } function sn(e) { if (e === xt.language_from) { var t = new Date; t.setTime(t.getTime() + 2592e6), Ve({ type: "cookie" }).setItem("WG_CHOOSE_ORIGINAL", "1", { expires: t.toUTCString() }) } else Ve({ type: "cookie" }).removeItem("WG_CHOOSE_ORIGINAL") } function ln() { var e = Ve().getItem(F); if (e && rn().includes(e)) return e } var un = function (e) { return e && Ve().setItem(F, e) }; function fn() { _e(ge(B)) } function dn(e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = {}); n = Object.assign({}, { title: !0, cdn: !1, search: !1 }, n); var r = { l_from: xt.language_from, l_to: t, words: e }; return n.title && (r.title = document.title), Yt(r, n) } function gn(e, t) { if ("string" != typeof e || "function" != typeof t) return !1; var n = ze(); return n === xt.language_from ? (t(e), !1) : (Yt({ l_from: n, l_to: xt.language_from, words: [{ t: 2, w: e }] }, { cdn: !0, search: !0 }).then((function (e) { return e.to_words[0].toLowerCase().trim() })).then(t), !0) } var _n = []; function pn(e) { var t = e.langTo; void 0 === t && (t = ze()); var n = e.node; void 0 === n && (n = document.documentElement); var r = xt.proxify_iframes, o = xt.api_key, a = xt.language_from; if (r && r.length && Array.isArray(r)) for (var i = 0, c = ue(n, r.join(",")); i < c.length; i += 1) { var s = c[i], l = s.src; if (!l) return; if (s.weglot || (s.weglot = {}), !l.includes("")) { if (s.weglot.originalFrameSrc || (s.weglot.originalFrameSrc = l), t === a) return; try { s.src = l.replace("://", "://" + o + "/" + a + "/" + t + "/") } catch (e) { } return } if (!t || t === a) { var u = (s.weglot || {}).originalFrameSrc; return void (u && (s.src = u)) } var f = new RegExp(o + "/" + a + "/[^/]+/"); return void (s.src = l.replace(f, o + "/" + a + "/" + t + "/")) } } function hn(e) { void 0 === e && (e = ze()), function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = ze()); for (var t = { message: "Weglot.setLanguage", payload: e }, n = 0, r = _n; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; try { o.postMessage(t, "*") } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } }(e), pn({ langTo: e }) } function mn(e) { if ( && "null" !== e.origin) { var t =, n = t.message, r = t.payload; if (n) { if ("Weglot.iframe" === n) { var o = { message: "Weglot.setLanguage", payload: ze() }; return e.source.postMessage(o, e.origin), void _n.push(e.source) } "Weglot.setLanguage" !== n || ia(r) } } } function vn(e) { var t = xt.linkHooksConfig && xt.linkHooksConfig.buildAdditionalSelectors; return ["a[href='#Weglot-" + e + "']", "a[href*='" + e + "']"].concat(t ? t(e) : []).join(",") } var wn, yn, bn, kn, En, Cn, xn, Sn, On = {}, Nn = [], Ln = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i; function Tn(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e } function An(e) { var t = e.parentNode; t && t.removeChild(e) } function jn(e, t, n) { var r, o, a, i = {}; for (a in t) "key" == a ? r = t[a] : "ref" == a ? o = t[a] : i[a] = t[a]; if (arguments.length > 2 && (i.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : n), "function" == typeof e && null != e.defaultProps) for (a in e.defaultProps) void 0 === i[a] && (i[a] = e.defaultProps[a]); return Pn(e, i, r, o, null) } function Pn(e, t, n, r, o) { var a = { type: e, props: t, key: n, ref: r, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: null == o ? ++bn : o }; return null == o && null != yn.vnode && yn.vnode(a), a } function In(e) { return e.children } function Rn(e, t) { this.props = e, this.context = t } function Dn(e, t) { if (null == t) return e.__ ? Dn(e.__, e.__.__k.indexOf(e) + 1) : null; for (var n; t < e.__k.length; t++)if (null != (n = e.__k[t]) && null != n.__e) return n.__e; return "function" == typeof e.type ? Dn(e) : null } function Wn(e) { var t, n; if (null != (e = e.__) && null != e.__c) { for (e.__e = e.__c.base = null, t = 0; t < e.__k.length; t++)if (null != (n = e.__k[t]) && null != n.__e) { e.__e = e.__c.base = n.__e; break } return Wn(e) } } function Un(e) { (!e.__d && (e.__d = !0) && kn.push(e) && !Hn.__r++ || En !== yn.debounceRendering) && ((En = yn.debounceRendering) || Cn)(Hn) } function Hn() { var e, t, n, r, o, a, i, c; for (kn.sort(xn); e = kn.shift();)e.__d && (t = kn.length, r = void 0, o = void 0, i = (a = (n = e).__v).__e, (c = n.__P) && (r = [], (o = Tn({}, a)).__v = a.__v + 1, Yn(c, a, o, n.__n, void 0 !== c.ownerSVGElement, null != a.__h ? [i] : null, r, null == i ? Dn(a) : i, a.__h), Kn(r, a), a.__e != i && Wn(a)), kn.length > t && kn.sort(xn)); Hn.__r = 0 } function Mn(e, t, n, r, o, a, i, c, s, l) { var u, f, d, g, _, p, h, m = r && r.__k || Nn, v = m.length; for (n.__k = [], u = 0; u < t.length; u++)if (null != (g = n.__k[u] = null == (g = t[u]) || "boolean" == typeof g || "function" == typeof g ? null : "string" == typeof g || "number" == typeof g || "bigint" == typeof g ? Pn(null, g, null, null, g) : Array.isArray(g) ? Pn(In, { children: g }, null, null, null) : g.__b > 0 ? Pn(g.type, g.props, g.key, g.ref ? g.ref : null, g.__v) : g)) { if (g.__ = n, g.__b = n.__b + 1, null === (d = m[u]) || d && g.key == d.key && g.type === d.type) m[u] = void 0; else for (f = 0; f < v; f++) { if ((d = m[f]) && g.key == d.key && g.type === d.type) { m[f] = void 0; break } d = null } Yn(e, g, d = d || On, o, a, i, c, s, l), _ = g.__e, (f = g.ref) && d.ref != f && (h || (h = []), d.ref && h.push(d.ref, null, g), h.push(f, g.__c || _, g)), null != _ ? (null == p && (p = _), "function" == typeof g.type && g.__k === d.__k ? g.__d = s = qn(g, s, e) : s = Fn(e, g, d, m, _, s), "function" == typeof n.type && (n.__d = s)) : s && d.__e == s && s.parentNode != e && (s = Dn(d)) } for (n.__e = p, u = v; u--;)null != m[u] && ("function" == typeof n.type && null != m[u].__e && m[u].__e == n.__d && (n.__d = Bn(r).nextSibling), Qn(m[u], m[u])); if (h) for (u = 0; u < h.length; u++)Zn(h[u], h[++u], h[++u]) } function qn(e, t, n) { for (var r, o = e.__k, a = 0; o && a < o.length; a++)(r = o[a]) && (r.__ = e, t = "function" == typeof r.type ? qn(r, t, n) : Fn(n, r, r, o, r.__e, t)); return t } function zn(e, t) { return t = t || [], null == e || "boolean" == typeof e || (Array.isArray(e) ? e.some((function (e) { zn(e, t) })) : t.push(e)), t } function Fn(e, t, n, r, o, a) { var i, c, s; if (void 0 !== t.__d) i = t.__d, t.__d = void 0; else if (null == n || o != a || null == o.parentNode) e: if (null == a || a.parentNode !== e) e.appendChild(o), i = null; else { for (c = a, s = 0; (c = c.nextSibling) && s < r.length; s += 1)if (c == o) break e; e.insertBefore(o, a), i = a } return void 0 !== i ? i : o.nextSibling } function Bn(e) { var t, n, r; if (null == e.type || "string" == typeof e.type) return e.__e; if (e.__k) for (t = e.__k.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)if ((n = e.__k[t]) && (r = Bn(n))) return r; return null } function $n(e, t, n) { "-" === t[0] ? e.setProperty(t, null == n ? "" : n) : e[t] = null == n ? "" : "number" != typeof n || Ln.test(t) ? n : n + "px" } function Vn(e, t, n, r, o) { var a; e: if ("style" === t) if ("string" == typeof n) = n; else { if ("string" == typeof r && ( = r = ""), r) for (t in r) n && t in n || $n(, t, ""); if (n) for (t in n) r && n[t] === r[t] || $n(, t, n[t]) } else if ("o" === t[0] && "n" === t[1]) a = t !== (t = t.replace(/Capture$/, "")), t = t.toLowerCase() in e ? t.toLowerCase().slice(2) : t.slice(2), e.l || (e.l = {}), e.l[t + a] = n, n ? r || e.addEventListener(t, a ? Jn : Gn, a) : e.removeEventListener(t, a ? Jn : Gn, a); else if ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== t) { if (o) t = t.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s"); else if ("width" !== t && "height" !== t && "href" !== t && "list" !== t && "form" !== t && "tabIndex" !== t && "download" !== t && t in e) try { e[t] = null == n ? "" : n; break e } catch (e) { } "function" == typeof n || (null == n || !1 === n && "-" !== t[4] ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, n)) } } function Gn(e) { return this.l[e.type + !1](yn.event ? yn.event(e) : e) } function Jn(e) { return this.l[e.type + !0](yn.event ? yn.event(e) : e) } function Yn(e, t, n, r, o, a, i, c, s) { var l, u, f, d, g, _, p, h, m, v, w, y, b, k, E, C = t.type; if (void 0 !== t.constructor) return null; null != n.__h && (s = n.__h, c = t.__e = n.__e, t.__h = null, a = [c]), (l = yn.__b) && l(t); try { e: if ("function" == typeof C) { if (h = t.props, m = (l = C.contextType) && r[l.__c], v = l ? m ? m.props.value : l.__ : r, n.__c ? p = (u = t.__c = n.__c).__ = u.__E : ("prototype" in C && C.prototype.render ? t.__c = u = new C(h, v) : (t.__c = u = new Rn(h, v), u.constructor = C, u.render = er), m && m.sub(u), u.props = h, u.state || (u.state = {}), u.context = v, u.__n = r, f = u.__d = !0, u.__h = [], u._sb = []), null == u.__s && (u.__s = u.state), null != C.getDerivedStateFromProps && (u.__s == u.state && (u.__s = Tn({}, u.__s)), Tn(u.__s, C.getDerivedStateFromProps(h, u.__s))), d = u.props, g = u.state, u.__v = t, f) null == C.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != u.componentWillMount && u.componentWillMount(), null != u.componentDidMount && u.__h.push(u.componentDidMount); else { if (null == C.getDerivedStateFromProps && h !== d && null != u.componentWillReceiveProps && u.componentWillReceiveProps(h, v), !u.__e && null != u.shouldComponentUpdate && !1 === u.shouldComponentUpdate(h, u.__s, v) || t.__v === n.__v) { for (t.__v !== n.__v && (u.props = h, u.state = u.__s, u.__d = !1), u.__e = !1, t.__e = n.__e, t.__k = n.__k, t.__k.forEach((function (e) { e && (e.__ = t) })), w = 0; w < u._sb.length; w++)u.__h.push(u._sb[w]); u._sb = [], u.__h.length && i.push(u); break e } null != u.componentWillUpdate && u.componentWillUpdate(h, u.__s, v), null != u.componentDidUpdate && u.__h.push((function () { u.componentDidUpdate(d, g, _) })) } if (u.context = v, u.props = h, u.__P = e, y = yn.__r, b = 0, "prototype" in C && C.prototype.render) { for (u.state = u.__s, u.__d = !1, y && y(t), l = u.render(u.props, u.state, u.context), k = 0; k < u._sb.length; k++)u.__h.push(u._sb[k]); u._sb = [] } else do { u.__d = !1, y && y(t), l = u.render(u.props, u.state, u.context), u.state = u.__s } while (u.__d && ++b < 25); u.state = u.__s, null != u.getChildContext && (r = Tn(Tn({}, r), u.getChildContext())), f || null == u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (_ = u.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(d, g)), E = null != l && l.type === In && null == l.key ? l.props.children : l, Mn(e, Array.isArray(E) ? E : [E], t, n, r, o, a, i, c, s), u.base = t.__e, t.__h = null, u.__h.length && i.push(u), p && (u.__E = u.__ = null), u.__e = !1 } else null == a && t.__v === n.__v ? (t.__k = n.__k, t.__e = n.__e) : t.__e = Xn(n.__e, t, n, r, o, a, i, s); (l = yn.diffed) && l(t) } catch (e) { t.__v = null, (s || null != a) && (t.__e = c, t.__h = !!s, a[a.indexOf(c)] = null), yn.__e(e, t, n) } } function Kn(e, t) { yn.__c && yn.__c(t, e), e.some((function (t) { try { e = t.__h, t.__h = [], e.some((function (e) { })) } catch (e) { yn.__e(e, t.__v) } })) } function Xn(e, t, n, r, o, a, i, c) { var s, l, u, f = n.props, d = t.props, g = t.type, _ = 0; if ("svg" === g && (o = !0), null != a) for (; _ < a.length; _++)if ((s = a[_]) && "setAttribute" in s == !!g && (g ? s.localName === g : 3 === s.nodeType)) { e = s, a[_] = null; break } if (null == e) { if (null === g) return document.createTextNode(d); e = o ? document.createElementNS("", g) : document.createElement(g, && d), a = null, c = !1 } if (null === g) f === d || c && === d || ( = d); else { if (a = a &&, l = (f = n.props || On).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, u = d.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !c) { if (null != a) for (f = {}, _ = 0; _ < e.attributes.length; _++)f[e.attributes[_].name] = e.attributes[_].value; (u || l) && (u && (l && u.__html == l.__html || u.__html === e.innerHTML) || (e.innerHTML = u && u.__html || "")) } if (function (e, t, n, r, o) { var a; for (a in n) "children" === a || "key" === a || a in t || Vn(e, a, null, n[a], r); for (a in t) o && "function" != typeof t[a] || "children" === a || "key" === a || "value" === a || "checked" === a || n[a] === t[a] || Vn(e, a, t[a], n[a], r) }(e, d, f, o, c), u) t.__k = []; else if (_ = t.props.children, Mn(e, Array.isArray(_) ? _ : [_], t, n, r, o && "foreignObject" !== g, a, i, a ? a[0] : n.__k && Dn(n, 0), c), null != a) for (_ = a.length; _--;)null != a[_] && An(a[_]); c || ("value" in d && void 0 !== (_ = d.value) && (_ !== e.value || "progress" === g && !_ || "option" === g && _ !== f.value) && Vn(e, "value", _, f.value, !1), "checked" in d && void 0 !== (_ = d.checked) && _ !== e.checked && Vn(e, "checked", _, f.checked, !1)) } return e } function Zn(e, t, n) { try { "function" == typeof e ? e(t) : e.current = t } catch (e) { yn.__e(e, n) } } function Qn(e, t, n) { var r, o; if (yn.unmount && yn.unmount(e), (r = e.ref) && (r.current && r.current !== e.__e || Zn(r, null, t)), null != (r = e.__c)) { if (r.componentWillUnmount) try { r.componentWillUnmount() } catch (e) { yn.__e(e, t) } r.base = r.__P = null, e.__c = void 0 } if (r = e.__k) for (o = 0; o < r.length; o++)r[o] && Qn(r[o], t, n || "function" != typeof e.type); n || null == e.__e || An(e.__e), e.__ = e.__e = e.__d = void 0 } function er(e, t, n) { return this.constructor(e, n) } function tr(e) { var t, n, r = ""; if ("string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e) r += e; else if ("object" == typeof e) if (Array.isArray(e)) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t] && (n = tr(e[t])) && (r && (r += " "), r += n); else for (t in e) e[t] && (r && (r += " "), r += t); return r } wn = Nn.slice, yn = { __e: function (e, t, n, r) { for (var o, a, i; t = t.__;)if ((o = t.__c) && !o.__) try { if ((a = o.constructor) && null != a.getDerivedStateFromError && (o.setState(a.getDerivedStateFromError(e)), i = o.__d), null != o.componentDidCatch && (o.componentDidCatch(e, r || {}), i = o.__d), i) return o.__E = o } catch (t) { e = t } throw e } }, bn = 0, Rn.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { var n; n = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = Tn({}, this.state), "function" == typeof e && (e = e(Tn({}, n), this.props)), e && Tn(n, e), null != e && this.__v && (t && this._sb.push(t), Un(this)) }, Rn.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.__v && (this.__e = !0, e && this.__h.push(e), Un(this)) }, Rn.prototype.render = In, kn = [], Cn = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, xn = function (e, t) { return e.__v.__b - t.__v.__b }, Hn.__r = 0, Sn = 0; var nr, rr, or, ar, ir = 0, cr = [], sr = [], lr = yn.__b, ur = yn.__r, fr = yn.diffed, dr = yn.__c, gr = yn.unmount; function _r(e, t) { yn.__h && yn.__h(rr, e, ir || t), ir = 0; var n = rr.__H || (rr.__H = { __: [], __h: [] }); return e >= n.__.length && n.__.push({ __V: sr }), n.__[e] } function pr(e) { return ir = 1, function (e, t, n) { var r = _r(nr++, 2); if (r.t = e, !r.__c && (r.__ = [n ? n(t) : Cr(void 0, t), function (e) { var t = r.__N ? r.__N[0] : r.__[0], n = r.t(t, e); t !== n && (r.__N = [n, r.__[1]], r.__c.setState({})) }], r.__c = rr, !rr.u)) { var o = function (e, t, n) { if (!r.__c.__H) return !0; var o = r.__c.__H.__.filter((function (e) { return e.__c })); if (o.every((function (e) { return !e.__N }))) return !a ||, e, t, n); var i = !1; return o.forEach((function (e) { if (e.__N) { var t = e.__[0]; e.__ = e.__N, e.__N = void 0, t !== e.__[0] && (i = !0) } })), !(!i && r.__c.props === e) && (!a ||, e, t, n)) }; rr.u = !0; var a = rr.shouldComponentUpdate, i = rr.componentWillUpdate; rr.componentWillUpdate = function (e, t, n) { if (this.__e) { var r = a; a = void 0, o(e, t, n), a = r } i &&, e, t, n) }, rr.shouldComponentUpdate = o } return r.__N || r.__ }(Cr, e) } function hr(e, t) { var n = _r(nr++, 3); !yn.__s && Er(n.__H, t) && (n.__ = e, n.i = t, rr.__H.__h.push(n)) } function mr(e) { return ir = 5, function (e, t) { var n = _r(nr++, 7); return Er(n.__H, t) ? (n.__V = e(), n.i = t, n.__h = e, n.__V) : n.__ }((function () { return { current: e } }), []) } function vr() { for (var e; e = cr.shift();)if (e.__P && e.__H) try { e.__H.__h.forEach(br), e.__H.__h.forEach(kr), e.__H.__h = [] } catch (t) { e.__H.__h = [], yn.__e(t, e.__v) } } yn.__b = function (e) { rr = null, lr && lr(e) }, yn.__r = function (e) { ur && ur(e), nr = 0; var t = (rr = e.__c).__H; t && (or === rr ? (t.__h = [], rr.__h = [], t.__.forEach((function (e) { e.__N && (e.__ = e.__N), e.__V = sr, e.__N = e.i = void 0 }))) : (t.__h.forEach(br), t.__h.forEach(kr), t.__h = [])), or = rr }, yn.diffed = function (e) { fr && fr(e); var t = e.__c; t && t.__H && (t.__H.__h.length && (1 !== cr.push(t) && ar === yn.requestAnimationFrame || ((ar = yn.requestAnimationFrame) || yr)(vr)), t.__H.__.forEach((function (e) { e.i && (e.__H = e.i), e.__V !== sr && (e.__ = e.__V), e.i = void 0, e.__V = sr }))), or = rr = null }, yn.__c = function (e, t) { t.some((function (e) { try { e.__h.forEach(br), e.__h = e.__h.filter((function (e) { return !e.__ || kr(e) })) } catch (n) { t.some((function (e) { e.__h && (e.__h = []) })), t = [], yn.__e(n, e.__v) } })), dr && dr(e, t) }, yn.unmount = function (e) { gr && gr(e); var t, n = e.__c; n && n.__H && (n.__H.__.forEach((function (e) { try { br(e) } catch (e) { t = e } })), n.__H = void 0, t && yn.__e(t, n.__v)) }; var wr = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame; function yr(e) { var t, n = function () { clearTimeout(r), wr && cancelAnimationFrame(t), setTimeout(e) }, r = setTimeout(n, 100); wr && (t = requestAnimationFrame(n)) } function br(e) { var t = rr, n = e.__c; "function" == typeof n && (e.__c = void 0, n()), rr = t } function kr(e) { var t = rr; e.__c = e.__(), rr = t } function Er(e, t) { return !e || e.length !== t.length || t.some((function (t, n) { return t !== e[n] })) } function Cr(e, t) { return "function" == typeof t ? t(e) : t } function xr(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e } function Sr(e, t) { for (var n in e) if ("__source" !== n && !(n in t)) return !0; for (var r in t) if ("__source" !== r && e[r] !== t[r]) return !0; return !1 } function Or(e) { this.props = e } (Or.prototype = new Rn).isPureReactComponent = !0, Or.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (e, t) { return Sr(this.props, e) || Sr(this.state, t) }; var Nr = yn.__b; yn.__b = function (e) { e.type && e.type.__f && e.ref && (e.props.ref = e.ref, e.ref = null), Nr && Nr(e) }; var Lr = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") || 3911; var Tr = yn.__e; yn.__e = function (e, t, n, r) { if (e.then) for (var o, a = t; a = a.__;)if ((o = a.__c) && o.__c) return null == t.__e && (t.__e = n.__e, t.__k = n.__k), o.__c(e, t); Tr(e, t, n, r) }; var Ar = yn.unmount; function jr(e, t, n) { return e && (e.__c && e.__c.__H && (e.__c.__H.__.forEach((function (e) { "function" == typeof e.__c && e.__c() })), e.__c.__H = null), null != (e = xr({}, e)).__c && (e.__c.__P === n && (e.__c.__P = t), e.__c = null), e.__k = e.__k && (e) { return jr(e, t, n) }))), e } function Pr(e, t, n) { return e && (e.__v = null, e.__k = e.__k && (e) { return Pr(e, t, n) })), e.__c && e.__c.__P === t && (e.__e && n.insertBefore(e.__e, e.__d), e.__c.__e = !0, e.__c.__P = n)), e } function Ir() { this.__u = 0, this.t = null, this.__b = null } function Rr(e) { var t = e.__.__c; return t && t.__a && t.__a(e) } function Dr() { this.u = null, this.o = null } yn.unmount = function (e) { var t = e.__c; t && t.__R && t.__R(), t && !0 === e.__h && (e.type = null), Ar && Ar(e) }, (Ir.prototype = new Rn).__c = function (e, t) { var n = t.__c, r = this; null == r.t && (r.t = []), r.t.push(n); var o = Rr(r.__v), a = !1, i = function () { a || (a = !0, n.__R = null, o ? o(c) : c()) }; n.__R = i; var c = function () { if (!--r.__u) { if (r.state.__a) { var e = r.state.__a; r.__v.__k[0] = Pr(e, e.__c.__P, e.__c.__O) } var t; for (r.setState({ __a: r.__b = null }); t = r.t.pop();)t.forceUpdate() } }, s = !0 === t.__h; r.__u++ || s || r.setState({ __a: r.__b = r.__v.__k[0] }), e.then(i, i) }, Ir.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.t = [] }, Ir.prototype.render = function (e, t) { if (this.__b) { if (this.__v.__k) { var n = document.createElement("div"), r = this.__v.__k[0].__c; this.__v.__k[0] = jr(this.__b, n, r.__O = r.__P) } this.__b = null } var o = t.__a && jn(In, null, e.fallback); return o && (o.__h = null), [jn(In, null, t.__a ? null : e.children), o] }; var Wr = function (e, t, n) { if (++n[1] === n[0] && e.o.delete(t), e.props.revealOrder && ("t" !== e.props.revealOrder[0] || !e.o.size)) for (n = e.u; n;) { for (; n.length > 3;)n.pop()(); if (n[1] < n[0]) break; e.u = n = n[2] } }; (Dr.prototype = new Rn).__a = function (e) { var t = this, n = Rr(t.__v), r = t.o.get(e); return r[0]++, function (o) { var a = function () { t.props.revealOrder ? (r.push(o), Wr(t, e, r)) : o() }; n ? n(a) : a() } }, Dr.prototype.render = function (e) { this.u = null, this.o = new Map; var t = zn(e.children); e.revealOrder && "b" === e.revealOrder[0] && t.reverse(); for (var n = t.length; n--;)this.o.set(t[n], this.u = [1, 0, this.u]); return e.children }, Dr.prototype.componentDidUpdate = Dr.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this; this.o.forEach((function (t, n) { Wr(e, n, t) })) }; var Ur = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.element") || 60103, Hr = /^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|dominant|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|image|letter|lighting|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|pointer|shape|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|transform|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/, Mr = /^on(Ani|Tra|Tou|BeforeInp|Compo)/, qr = /[A-Z0-9]/g, zr = "undefined" != typeof document, Fr = function (e) { return ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol() ? /fil|che|rad/ : /fil|che|ra/).test(e) }; Rn.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, ["componentWillMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "componentWillUpdate"].forEach((function (e) { Object.defineProperty(Rn.prototype, e, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return this["UNSAFE_" + e] }, set: function (t) { Object.defineProperty(this, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) } }) })); var Br = yn.event; function $r() { } function Vr() { return this.cancelBubble } function Gr() { return this.defaultPrevented } yn.event = function (e) { return Br && (e = Br(e)), e.persist = $r, e.isPropagationStopped = Vr, e.isDefaultPrevented = Gr, e.nativeEvent = e }; var Jr = { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, get: function () { return this.class } }, Yr = yn.vnode; yn.vnode = function (e) { "string" == typeof e.type && function (e) { var t = e.props, n = e.type, r = {}; for (var o in t) { var a = t[o]; if (!("value" === o && "defaultValue" in t && null == a || zr && "children" === o && "noscript" === n || "class" === o || "className" === o)) { var i = o.toLowerCase(); "defaultValue" === o && "value" in t && null == t.value ? o = "value" : "download" === o && !0 === a ? a = "" : "ondoubleclick" === i ? o = "ondblclick" : "onchange" !== i || "input" !== n && "textarea" !== n || Fr(t.type) ? "onfocus" === i ? o = "onfocusin" : "onblur" === i ? o = "onfocusout" : Mr.test(o) ? o = i : -1 === n.indexOf("-") && Hr.test(o) ? o = o.replace(qr, "-$&").toLowerCase() : null === a && (a = void 0) : i = o = "oninput", "oninput" === i && r[o = i] && (o = "oninputCapture"), r[o] = a } } "select" == n && r.multiple && Array.isArray(r.value) && (r.value = zn(t.children).forEach((function (e) { e.props.selected = -1 != r.value.indexOf(e.props.value) }))), "select" == n && null != r.defaultValue && (r.value = zn(t.children).forEach((function (e) { e.props.selected = r.multiple ? -1 != r.defaultValue.indexOf(e.props.value) : r.defaultValue == e.props.value }))), t.class && !t.className ? (r.class = t.class, Object.defineProperty(r, "className", Jr)) : (t.className && !t.class || t.class && t.className) && (r.class = r.className = t.className), e.props = r }(e), e.$$typeof = Ur, Yr && Yr(e) }; var Kr = yn.__r; yn.__r = function (e) { Kr && Kr(e), e.__c }; var Xr = yn.diffed; yn.diffed = function (e) { Xr && Xr(e); var t = e.props, n = e.__e; null != n && "textarea" === e.type && "value" in t && t.value !== n.value && (n.value = null == t.value ? "" : t.value) }; var Zr = function (e, t) { var n = { __c: t = "__cC" + Sn++, __: e, Consumer: function (e, t) { return e.children(t) }, Provider: function (e) { var n, r; return this.getChildContext || (n = [], (r = {})[t] = this, this.getChildContext = function () { return r }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (e) { this.props.value !== e.value && n.some((function (e) { e.__e = !0, Un(e) })) }, this.sub = function (e) { n.push(e); var t = e.componentWillUnmount; e.componentWillUnmount = function () { n.splice(n.indexOf(e), 1), t && } }), e.children } }; return n.Provider.__ = n.Consumer.contextType = n }({}), Qr = function (e, t) { return function (n) { var r = t || {}, o = r.shouldForwardProp, a = r.label; var i = function (e, t) { function n(e) { var n = this.props.ref, r = n == e.ref; return !r && n && ( ? n(null) : n.current = null), t ? !t(this.props, e) || !r : Sr(this.props, e) } function r(t) { return this.shouldComponentUpdate = n, jn(e, t) } return r.displayName = "Memo(" + (e.displayName || + ")", r.prototype.isReactComponent = !0, r.__f = !0, r }(function (e) { function t(t) { var n = xr({}, t); return delete n.ref, e(n, t.ref || null) } return t.$$typeof = Lr, t.render = t, t.prototype.isReactComponent = t.__f = !0, t.displayName = "ForwardRef(" + (e.displayName || + ")", t }((function (t, r) { var a = t || {}, i = a.children, c =; void 0 === c && (c = e); var s =; void 0 === s && (s = {}); var l = function (e, t) { var n = {}; for (var r in e), r) && -1 === t.indexOf(r) && (n[r] = e[r]); return n }(a, ["children", "as", "style"]), u = l, f = function (e) { var t = rr.context[e.__c], n = _r(nr++, 9); return n.c = e, t ? (null == n.__ && (n.__ = !0, t.sub(rr)), t.props.value) : e.__ }(Zr); return jn(c, Object.assign({}, { ref: r, style: Object.assign({}, n(Object.assign({}, u, { theme: f })), "function" == typeof s ? s(Object.assign({}, u, { theme: f })) : s) }, o ? function (e, t) { return Object.keys(e).filter(t).reduce((function (t, n) { return t[n] = e[n], t }), {}) }(u, o) : u), i) }))); return i.displayName = (a || e) + "💅", i } }("div")((function () { return { display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", height: "100vh" } })); function eo(e) { var t = e.displayError; void 0 === t && (t = !0); var n = e.logger; void 0 === n && (n = function () { }); var r = e.children, o = function (e) { var t = _r(nr++, 10), n = pr(); return t.__ = e, rr.componentDidCatch || (rr.componentDidCatch = function (e, r) { t.__ && t.__(e, r), n[1](e) }), [n[0], function () { n[1](void 0) }] }((function (e) { return n(e.message) })); return o[0] && t ? jn(Qr, null, jn("p", null, "An error has occurred, we apologise for the inconvenience. ", jn("br", null), jn("br", null), "We have been notified and will rectify the situation as soon as possible. ", jn("br", null), jn("br", null), "Please try again later or contact directly.")) : r } var to = [{ name: "default", editorDropdown: !0, editableProps: ["flag_type", "with_flags", "is_dropdown", "with_name", "full_name", "invert_flags", "open_hover", "close_outside_click"], defaultValues: { style: { with_name: !0, with_flags: !0, full_name: !0, is_dropdown: !0, invert_flags: !0, flag_type: "rectangle_mat" }, opts: { open_hover: !1, close_outside_click: !1 } } }, { name: "toggle", editableProps: ["color"], defaultValues: { style: { full_name: !1, color: "#3D46FB" } } }, { name: "bubble", editorDropdown: !0, editableProps: ["flag_type", "with_flags", "full_name", "color", "open_hover", "close_outside_click"], defaultValues: { style: { with_name: !0, with_flags: !0, full_name: !0, flag_type: "rectangle_mat", color: "#555555" }, opts: { open_hover: !1, close_outside_click: !0 } } }, { name: "vertical_expand", editorDropdown: !0, editableProps: ["with_flags", "full_name", "color", "open_hover", "close_outside_click", "bg_transparent"], defaultValues: { style: { with_name: !0, with_flags: !0, full_name: !1, flag_type: "square", color: "#3D46FB", bg_transparent: !1 }, opts: { open_hover: !0, close_outside_click: !1 } } }, { name: "horizontal_expand", editorDropdown: !1, editableProps: ["color", "open_hover", "close_outside_click"], defaultValues: { style: { with_name: !0, with_flags: !1, full_name: !1, flag_type: "square", color: "#3D46FB" }, opts: { open_hover: !0, close_outside_click: !1 } } }, { name: "underline_edge", editableProps: ["full_name", "color"], maxLanguages: 10, minLanguages: null, defaultValues: { style: { full_name: !1, color: "#FA8072" } } }, { name: "skewed", editorDropdown: !0, editableProps: ["with_flags", "full_name", "color", "open_hover", "close_outside_click", "bg_transparent"], defaultValues: { style: { with_name: !0, with_flags: !0, full_name: !1, flag_type: "square", color: "#3D46FB" }, opts: { open_hover: !0, close_outside_click: !1 } } }, { name: "underline_full", maxLanguages: 10, minLanguages: null, editableProps: ["with_flags", "flag_type", "color"], defaultValues: { style: { full_name: !0, color: "#3D46FB", with_flags: !0, flag_type: "rectangle_mat" } } }].map((function (e) { return Object.assign({}, e, { defaultValues: Object.assign({}, e.defaultValues, { opts: Object.assign({}, e.defaultValues.opts, { is_responsive: !1, display_device: "mobile", pixel_cutoff: 768 }), style: Object.assign({},, { size_scale: 1 }) }), editableProps: e.editableProps.concat(["is_responsive", "display_device", "pixel_cutoff", "size_scale"]) }) })); function no(e) { var t = function (e) { return void 0 === e && (e = "default"), to.find((function (t) { return === (e || "default") })) }(e), n = t.defaultValues; void 0 === n && (n = {}); var r = n, o =; void 0 === o && (o = {}); var a = r.opts; return void 0 === a && (a = {}), { style: o, opts: a } } var ro = i({ service: "switcher-templates" }), oo = { af: { name: "Afrikaans", flag: "za" }, am: { name: "አማርኛ", flag: "et" }, ar: { name: "العربية‏", flag: "sa" }, az: { name: "Azərbaycan dili", flag: "az" }, ba: { name: "башҡорт теле", flag: "ru" }, be: { name: "Беларуская", flag: "by" }, bg: { name: "Български", flag: "bg" }, bn: { name: "বাংলা", flag: "bd" }, br: { name: "Português Brasileiro", flag: "br" }, bs: { name: "Bosanski", flag: "ba" }, ca: { name: "Català", flag: "es-ca" }, co: { name: "Corsu", flag: "fr-co" }, cs: { name: "Čeština", flag: "cz" }, cy: { name: "Cymraeg", flag: "gb-wls" }, da: { name: "Dansk", flag: "dk" }, de: { name: "Deutsch", flag: "de" }, el: { name: "Ελληνικά", flag: "gr" }, en: { name: "English", flag: "gb" }, eo: { name: "Esperanto", flag: "eo" }, es: { name: "Español", flag: "es" }, et: { name: "Eesti", flag: "ee" }, eu: { name: "Euskara", flag: "eus" }, fa: { name: "فارسی", flag: "ir" }, fi: { name: "Suomi", flag: "fi" }, fj: { name: "Vosa Vakaviti", flag: "fj" }, fl: { name: "Filipino", flag: "ph" }, fr: { name: "Français", flag: "fr" }, fy: { name: "frysk", flag: "nl" }, ga: { name: "Gaeilge", flag: "ie" }, gd: { name: "Gàidhlig", flag: "gb-sct" }, gl: { name: "Galego", flag: "es-ga" }, gu: { name: "ગુજરાતી", flag: "in" }, ha: { name: "هَوُسَ", flag: "ne" }, he: { name: "עברית", flag: "il" }, hi: { name: "हिंदी", flag: "in" }, hr: { name: "Hrvatski", flag: "hr" }, ht: { name: "Kreyòl ayisyen", flag: "ht" }, hu: { name: "Magyar", flag: "hu" }, hw: { name: "‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i", flag: "hw" }, hy: { name: "հայերեն", flag: "am" }, id: { name: "Bahasa Indonesia", flag: "id" }, ig: { name: "Igbo", flag: "ne" }, is: { name: "Íslenska", flag: "is" }, it: { name: "Italiano", flag: "it" }, ja: { name: "日本語", flag: "jp" }, jv: { name: "Wong Jawa", flag: "id" }, ka: { name: "ქართული", flag: "ge" }, kk: { name: "Қазақша", flag: "kz" }, km: { name: "ភាសាខ្មែរ", flag: "kh" }, kn: { name: "ಕನ್ನಡ", flag: "in" }, ko: { name: "한국어", flag: "kr" }, ku: { name: "كوردی", flag: "iq" }, ky: { name: "кыргызча", flag: "kg" }, la: { name: "Latine", flag: "it" }, lb: { name: "Lëtzebuergesch", flag: "lu" }, lo: { name: "ພາສາລາວ", flag: "la" }, lt: { name: "Lietuvių", flag: "lt" }, lv: { name: "Latviešu", flag: "lv" }, lg: { name: "Oluganda", flag: "ug" }, mg: { name: "Malagasy", flag: "mg" }, mi: { name: "te reo Māori", flag: "nz" }, mk: { name: "Македонски", flag: "mk" }, ml: { name: "മലയാളം", flag: "in" }, mn: { name: "Монгол", flag: "mn" }, mr: { name: "मराठी", flag: "in" }, ms: { name: "Bahasa Melayu", flag: "my" }, mt: { name: "Malti", flag: "mt" }, my: { name: "မျန္မာစာ", flag: "mm" }, ne: { name: "नेपाली", flag: "np" }, nl: { name: "Nederlands", flag: "nl" }, no: { name: "Norsk", flag: "no" }, ny: { name: "chiCheŵa", flag: "mw" }, pa: { name: "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ", flag: "in" }, pl: { name: "Polski", flag: "pl" }, ps: { name: "پښت", flag: "af" }, pt: { name: "Português", flag: "pt" }, ro: { name: "Română", flag: "ro" }, ru: { name: "Русский", flag: "ru" }, sd: { name: '"سنڌي، سندھی, सिन्धी"', flag: "pk" }, si: { name: "සිංහල", flag: "lk" }, sk: { name: "Slovenčina", flag: "sk" }, sl: { name: "Slovenščina", flag: "si" }, sm: { name: '"gagana fa\'a Samoa"', flag: "ws" }, sn: { name: "chiShona", flag: "zw" }, so: { name: "Soomaaliga", flag: "so" }, sq: { name: "Shqip", flag: "al" }, sr: { name: "Српски", flag: "rs" }, st: { name: "seSotho", flag: "ng" }, su: { name: "Sundanese", flag: "sd" }, sv: { name: "Svenska", flag: "se" }, sw: { name: "Kiswahili", flag: "ke" }, ta: { name: "தமிழ்", flag: "in" }, te: { name: "తెలుగు", flag: "in" }, tg: { name: "Тоҷикӣ", flag: "tj" }, th: { name: "ภาษาไทย", flag: "th" }, tl: { name: "Tagalog", flag: "ph" }, to: { name: "faka-Tonga", flag: "to" }, tr: { name: "Türkçe", flag: "tr" }, tt: { name: "Tatar", flag: "tr" }, tw: { name: "中文 (繁體)", flag: "tw" }, ty: { name: '"te reo Tahiti, te reo Māʼohi"', flag: "pf" }, uk: { name: "Українська", flag: "ua" }, ur: { name: "اردو", flag: "pk" }, uz: { name: '"O\'zbek"', flag: "uz" }, vi: { name: "Tiếng Việt", flag: "vn" }, xh: { name: "isiXhosa", flag: "za" }, yi: { name: "ייִדיש", flag: "il" }, yo: { name: "Yorùbá", flag: "ng" }, zh: { name: "中文 (简体)", flag: "cn" }, zu: { name: "isiZulu", flag: "za" }, hm: { name: "Hmoob", flag: "hmn" }, cb: { name: "Sugbuanon", flag: "ph" }, or: { name: "ଓଡ଼ିଆ", flag: "in" }, tk: { name: "Türkmen", flag: "tr" }, ug: { name: "ئۇيغۇر", flag: "uig" }, fc: { name: "Français (Canada)", flag: "ca" }, as: { name: "অসমীয়া", flag: "in" }, sa: { name: "Srpski", flag: "rs" }, om: { name: "Afaan Oromoo", flag: "et" }, iu: { name: "ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ", flag: "ca" }, ti: { name: "ቲግሪንያ", flag: "er" }, bm: { name: "Bamanankan", flag: "ml" }, bo: { name: "བོད་ཡིག", flag: "cn" }, ak: { name: "Baoulé", flag: "gh" }, rw: { name: "Kinyarwanda", flag: "rw" } }; function ao(e) { if (!e || !e.toLowerCase) return "Unknown"; var t = e.toLowerCase(), n = xt.languages.find((function (e) { var n = e.language_to, r = e.custom_code; return n === t || (r ? r.toLowerCase() === t : void 0) })); return n && n.custom_local_name ? n.custom_local_name : n && n.custom_name ? n.custom_name : t === xt.language_from && xt.language_from_custom_name ? xt.language_from_custom_name : oo[t].name } function io(e, t) { return t[e] ? t[e].flag : "" } function co(e) { return function (e, t, n) { if (!e || !e.toLowerCase) return ""; if (t.language_from === e) return t.language_from_custom_flag || io(e, n); var r = e.toLowerCase(), o = t.languages.find((function (e) { var t = e.language_to, n = e.custom_code; return t === r || n && n.toLowerCase() === r })); return o ? o.custom_flag || io(o.language_to, n) : "" }(e, xt, oo) } function so(e, t, n) { return t < e ? e : t > n ? n : t } function lo(e, t) { return t && 1 !== t ? Math.round(e * t * 100) / 100 : e } function uo(e, t) { return "WordPress" === xt.technology_name && xt.injectedData && !xt.is_connect ? t(xt.injectedData.switcher_links[e]) : tt(e, t) } var fo = 13, go = 27, _o = 38, po = 40; var ho = ["none", "shiny", "square", "circle", "rectangle_mat"]; function mo(e) { return e ? e.getBoundingClientRect() : { bottom: 0, height: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, width: 0 } } function vo() { var e = pr("WordPress" === xt.technology_name && xt.injectedData && !xt.is_connect ? xt.injectedData.current_language : xt.switcher_editor ? xt.language_from : window.Weglot.getCurrentLang()), t = e[0], n = e[1]; return hr((function () { xt.is_connect || "WordPress" === xt.technology_name || xt.switcher_editor || window.Weglot.on("languageChanged", (function (e) { n(e) })) }), []), [t, n] } function wo(e, t) { var n = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width, r = t || 768; return "mobile" === e ? n <= r : n > r } function yo(e, t, n) { var r = pr(!1), o = r[0], a = r[1]; return hr((function () { var r = e.size_scale; if ("default" !== n || r && 1 !== r) { var o, i, c, s, l, u = (o = t(e), i = n, c = xt.button_style && xt.button_style.custom_css, s = "default" === i, l = (e) { var t = e.selector, n = e.declarations; return [(s ? "" : "") + ".weglot_switcher." + i + t + " {", Object.keys(n).map((function (e) { return "\t" + e.replace(/([a-z0-9]|(?=[A-Z]))([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() + ": " + n[e] + ";" })).join("\n"), "}"].join("\n") })).join("\n\n"), !c || xt.switcher_gallery ? l : l + "\n\n" + c); !function (e, t) { if (e) { var n = document.querySelector("style#weglot-switcher-" + t); if (n) n.textContent = e; else { var r = document.createElement("style"); = "weglot-switcher-" + t, r.textContent = e, document.head.appendChild(r) } } }(u, n), a(!0) } }), []), o } function bo(e) { var t = e.close_outside_click; void 0 === t && (t = !1); var n = e.open_hover; void 0 === n && (n = !1); var r = vo(), o = r[0], a = r[1], i = pr(!1), c = i[0], s = i[1], l = function (e) { var t = mr(null); return hr((function () { if (e) return document.addEventListener("mousedown", n), function () { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", n) }; function n(n) { t.current && !t.current.contains( && e() } }), [t]), t }(t && !n && E), f = mr(null), d = rn().filter((function (e) { return e !== o })), g = pr(null), _ = g[0], p = g[1], h = pr(!1), m = h[0], v = h[1], w = pr(!1), y = w[0], b = w[1]; function k() { var e = mo(l.current), t = e.bottom; void 0 === t && (t = 0); var n = e.left; void 0 === n && (n = 0), b(t > window.innerHeight / 2), v(n > window.innerWidth / 2), s(!0) } function E() { s(!1), p(null) } function C() { return c ? E() : k() } function x(e) { if (xt.switcher_editor) return s(!1); var t; a(e), t = e, "WordPress" === xt.technology_name && xt.injectedData && !xt.is_connect ? uo(t, (function (e) { u(window.location.hostname) ? window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("veLanguageChangeUrl", { detail: { targetUrl: e } })) : window.location.replace(e) })) : window.Weglot.switchTo(t), s(!1) } return hr((function () { _ && f.current.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }) }), [_]), { open: c, opensUpward: y, opensLeftward: m, language: o, otherLanguages: d, focusedLanguage: _, switcherContainerRef: l, focusedLanguageRef: f, handleMouseEnter: function () { n && k() }, handleMouseLeave: function () { n && E() }, handleKeyDown: function (e) { return e.keyCode === fo ? (e.preventDefault(), _ && x(_), C()) : e.keyCode === po || e.keyCode === _o ? (e.preventDefault(), void function (e) { var t = e === po ? "down" : "up", n = d.slice(-1).pop(), r = d[0], o = mo(l.current).bottom; void 0 === o && (o = 0); var a = o > window.innerHeight / 2; if (!_ || !c) { return p("down" === t ? r : n), void (!c && ("up" === t && a || "down" === t && !a) && k()) } if (!a && "up" === t && _ === r || a && "down" === t && _ === n) return void C(); var i = "up" === t ? -1 : 1, s = d.indexOf(_) + i; if (s === d.length || -1 === s) return; p(d[s]) }(e.keyCode)) : void (e.keyCode === go && c && (e.preventDefault(), C())) }, switchLanguage: x, toggleOpen: C } } var ko = { rectangle_mat: { width: 30, height: 20 }, shiny: { width: 30, height: 20 }, circle: { width: 24, height: 24 }, square: { width: 24, height: 24 } }, Eo = function (e) { var t = e.language, n = e.flagType; void 0 === n && (n = "circle"); var r = e.size_scale, o = co(t), a = ko[n] || {}, i = a.width, c = a.height; if (o) return jn("img", { src: o.indexOf("http") > -1 ? o : "" + n + "/" + o + ".svg", width: lo(i, r), height: lo(c, r), className: "wg-flag", role: "none", alt: ao(t) + " flag" }) }, Co = function (e) { var t = e.styleOpts, n = e.language, r = e.onClick, o = e.legacyFlags, a =; void 0 === a && (a = !1); var i = e.url, c = e.focusedLanguage, s = e.isSelected; void 0 === s && (s = !1); var l = e.focusRef; void 0 === l && (l = null); var u = t.with_name; void 0 === u && (u = !0); var f = t.full_name; void 0 === f && (f = !0); var d = t.with_flags, g = t.size_scale, _ = t.flag_type, p = !!c && n === c, h = f ? ao(n) : n.toUpperCase(), m = s ? "div" : "li", v = ho.indexOf(_ || "rectangle_mat"), w = d ? " wg-flags" + (o ? " flag-" + v + " legacy" : "") : "", y = p && !s ? " focus" : "", b = s ? " wgcurrent" : ""; return jn(m, Object.assign({}, { "data-l": n, onClick: function (e) { return function (e, t) { e.preventDefault(), r(t) }(e, n) }, className: "wg-li " + n + b + w + y }, s ? { role: "combobox", "aria-activedescendant": c ? "weglot-language-" + c : "", "aria-label": "Language", tabindex: "0", "aria-expanded": a, "aria-controls": "weglot-listbox" } : { role: "none", id: "wg-" + n }), jn("a", Object.assign({}, s ? { target: "_self" } : { role: "option" }, { href: i }, !u && { "aria-label": h }, p && !s && { ref: l }, { id: "weglot-language-" + n, tabIndex: -1 }), d && !o && jn(Eo, { language: n, flagType: _, size_scale: g }), u && h)) }; function xo(e) { var t = e.size_scale, n = function (e) { return lo(e, t) }; return [{ selector: ".wg-drop ul", declarations: { top: n(38) + "px", bottom: "auto" } }, { selector: ".wg-drop.weg-openup ul", declarations: { bottom: n(38) + "px", top: "auto" } }, { selector: " a", declarations: { fontSize: n(13) + "px" } }, { selector: ".wg-drop a img.wg-flag", declarations: { height: n(30) + "px" } }, { selector: ".wg-drop .wg-li.wgcurrent", declarations: { height: n(38) + "px", display: "flex", alignItems: "center" } }, { selector: ".wg-drop a", declarations: { height: n(38) + "px" } }, { selector: " .wgcurrent:after", declarations: { height: n(38) + "px", backgroundSize: n(9) + "px" } }, { selector: ".wg-drop .wgcurrent a", declarations: { paddingRight: so(22, n(40), 40) + "px", paddingLeft: so(5, n(10), 10) + "px" } }] } var So, Oo, No, Lo = "default", To = function (e, t) { return function (n) { var r = n || {}, o =; void 0 === o && (o = {}); var a = r.opts; void 0 === a && (a = {}); var i = no(t), c =, s = i.opts, l = document.createElement("div"); return function (e, t, n) { var r, o, a; yn.__ && yn.__(e, t), o = (r = "function" == typeof n) ? null : n && n.__k || t.__k, a = [], Yn(t, e = (!r && n || t).__k = jn(In, null, [e]), o || On, On, void 0 !== t.ownerSVGElement, !r && n ? [n] : o ? null : t.firstChild ? : null, a, !r && n ? n : o ? o.__e : t.firstChild, r), Kn(a, e) }(jn(eo, { logger: ro.error, displayError: !1 }, jn(e, { style: Object.assign({}, c, o), opts: Object.assign({}, s, a) })), l), l.classList.add("weglot-container"), l } }((function (e) { var t =, n = e.opts, r = bo(n), o =, a = r.opensUpward, i = r.opensLeftward, c = r.language, s = r.focusedLanguage, l = r.switcherContainerRef, u = r.focusedLanguageRef, f = r.handleMouseEnter, d = r.handleMouseLeave, g = r.handleKeyDown, _ = r.switchLanguage, p = r.toggleOpen, h = function () { var e = rn(), t = pr(e.reduce((function (e, t) { var n; return Object.assign({}, e, ((n = {})[t] = "", n)) }), {})), n = t[0], r = t[1]; return hr((function () { Promise.all( (e) { return new Promise((function (t) { return uo(e, (function (n) { return t({ l: e, url: n }) })) })) }))).then((function (e) { return r(e.reduce((function (e, t) { var n, r = t.l, o = t.url; return Object.assign({}, e, ((n = {})[r] = o, n)) }), {})) })) }), []), n }(), m = function (e) { var t = e.is_responsive, n = e.display_device, r = e.pixel_cutoff, o = pr(!t || wo(n, r)), a = o[0], i = o[1], c = function () { return i(wo(n, r)) }; return hr((function () { if (t) return window.addEventListener("resize", c), function () { window.removeEventListener("resize", c) } }), [t, n, r]), a }(n); yo(t, xo, Lo); var v = xt.switcher_editor, w = t.is_dropdown, y = t.invert_flags, b = w || y, k = rn().filter((function (e) { return !b || e !== c })), E = /background-position/i.test(xt.button_style.custom_css) && !xt.languages.some((function (e) { return e.custom_flag })), C = function () { for (var e, t, n = arguments, r = 0, o = ""; r < arguments.length;)(e = n[r++]) && (t = tr(e)) && (o && (o += " "), o += t); return o }({ open: o, closed: !o, "wg-drop": w, "wg-list": !w, "weg-openup": a && o, "weg-openleft": i && o, "wg-editor": v }); return m ? jn("aside", { ref: l, "data-wg-notranslate": !0, onKeyDown: g, onMouseEnter: f, onMouseLeave: d, className: "weglot_switcher wg-mouse-click country-selector default " + C, "aria-label": "Language selected: " + ao(c) }, b && jn(Co, { styleOpts: t, open: o, focusedLanguage: s, language: c, isSelected: !0, onClick: p, legacyFlags: E, url: "#" }), jn("ul", { role: "listbox", id: "weglot-listbox", style: !o && t.is_dropdown && { display: "none" } }, (e) { return jn(Co, { language: e, url: e === c ? "#" : h[e], onClick: _, isSelected: e === c, focusedLanguage: s, key: "wg-" + e, focusRef: u, styleOpts: t, legacyFlags: E }) })))) : jn(In, null) }), Lo), Ao = 0, jo = []; function Po(e, t) { if (void 0 === t && (t = document.documentElement), e && !e.ready) { var n = || xt.button_style, r = e.location; void 0 === r && (r = {}); var o = function (e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var n =, r = e.sibling; if (!n) return { defaultPosition: !0 }; var o = ue(t, n); if (!o.length) return { error: ye(n) ? "The provided target is not on this page." : "The provided target is not a valid CSS selector." }; var a = ue(t, r); if (!r || !a.length) return { targetNode: o[0], siblingNode: null }; var i = Array.from(o), c = Array.from(a), s = null, l = c.find((function (e) { return s = i.find((function (t) { return e.parentNode === t })), !!s })); return l && s ? { targetNode: s, siblingNode: l } : { error: "The provided sibling selector does not belong to target element." } }(r, t), a = o.error, i = o.targetNode, c = o.siblingNode, s = o.defaultPosition; if (!a) { var l = To(Object.assign({}, e, !xt.switcher_editor && { style: n })); if (l.weglotSwitcher = e, jo.push(l), s) return l.classList.add("wg-default"), document.body.appendChild(l), e.ready = !0, l; l.setAttribute("data-switcher-id", String(++Ao)), = "weglot-switcher-" + Ao, l.setAttribute("data-switcher-style-opt", JSON.stringify(n)), i.insertBefore(l, c), e.ready = !0; for (var u = 0, f = t.querySelectorAll(".weglot-container:empty"); u < f.length; u += 1) { _e(f[u]) } return l } M.warn(a, { sendToDatadog: !1 }) } } function Io(e) { var t =, n = e.hash, r = e.interactive; if (void 0 === r && (r = !1), fe(document.documentElement, "script#weglot-switcher-" + t)) return !1; var o = !xt.switcher_editor && n ? t + "." + n : t, a = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement, i = document.createElement("script"); return i.type = "text/javascript", i.src = "" + o + ".min.js", = "weglot-switcher-" + t, r && i.setAttribute("interactive", "true"), a.insertBefore(i, a.firstChild), !0 } function Ro() { So || Pe("switchersReady", ze()), So = !0, clearTimeout(No), Oo && Oo.parentNode.removeChild(Oo) } function Do(e) { if (void 0 === e && (e = document), !(rn().length < 2 || xt.hide_switcher)) { var t = e.isConnected ? e : document; (function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = document.body); var t = xt.linkHooksConfig && xt.linkHooksConfig.additionalCheckSelectors || []; if (0 !== ue(e, ['a[href^="#Weglot-"]', 'a[href*=""]'].concat(t).join(",")).length) { for (var n = rn(), r = ze(), o = !1, a = [], i = function () { var t = s[c], n = ue(e, vn(t)); if (0 !== n.length) { o = !0; for (var i = function () { var e = u[l]; e.setAttribute($, ""), e.classList.add("weglot-link", "weglot-link-" + t), t === r && (e.classList.add("weglot-link--active"), xt.linkHooksConfig && xt.linkHooksConfig.onLinkActive && xt.linkHooksConfig.onLinkActive(e)), tt(t, (function (t) { return e.setAttribute("href", t) })), e.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), ia(t) })) }, l = 0, u = n; l < u.length; l += 1)i(); a.push({ language: t, links: n }) } }, c = 0, s = n; c < s.length; c += 1)i(); return je("languageChanged", (function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = a; t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t], o = r.language, i = r.links; if (o === e) for (var c = 0, s = i; c < s.length; c += 1) { var l = s[c]; l.classList.add("weglot-link--active"), xt.linkHooksConfig && xt.linkHooksConfig.onLinkActive && xt.linkHooksConfig.onLinkActive(l) } else for (var u = 0, f = i; u < f.length; u += 1) { var d = f[u]; d.classList.remove("weglot-link--active"), xt.linkHooksConfig && xt.linkHooksConfig.offLinkActive && xt.linkHooksConfig.offLinkActive(d) } } }), !0), o } })(t) && Ro(); var n = t.querySelectorAll("#weglot_here:not(.weglot-container),.weglot_here:not(.weglot-container)"); if (n.length) { for (var r = 0, o = n; r < o.length; r += 1) { var a = o[r], i = To({ style: xt.button_style }); i.classList.add("weglot_here"), a.parentNode.insertBefore(i, a), _e(a) } Ro() } for (var c = 0, s = xt.switchers; c < s.length; c += 1) { var l = s[c]; if (!l.default) { var u = l.template; if (u) { if ( { if (!Io(u)) { var f = window.Weglot.switchers && window.Weglot.switchers[]; f && f.addSwitchers(t) } Ro() } } else Po(l, t) && Ro() } } if (!So && !Oo) { var d = xt.switchers.find((function (e) { return e.default })) || { style: xt.button_style }; No = setTimeout((function () { Oo = Po(d), Pe("switchersReady", ze()) })) } } } je("onCurrentLocationChanged", (function () { jo.forEach((function (e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e) })), jo.splice(0), function () { for (var e = window.Weglot.switchers || {}, t = 0, n = Object.keys(e); t < n.length; t += 1)e[n[t]].removeSwitchers() }(), So = null, Oo = null, Ao = 0, xt.button_style.ready = !1, (e) { return e.ready = !1 })), Do() }), !0); var Wo = 0; function Uo() { var e = ["name", "value"]; xt.translate_event.forEach((function (t) { for (var n = ue(document.body, t.selector), r = function () { var n = a[o]; if (n.alreadyListeningEventInput) return !n.alreadyListeningEventInput.isConnected && Wo < 10 && (Wo++, n.parentNode.insertBefore(n.alreadyListeningEventInput, n.nextSibling)), {}; var r = n.cloneNode(!0); if (!r) return {}; = "", n.alreadyListeningEventInput = r, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n.nextSibling), = "none", new MutationObserver((function (t) { for (var o = 0, a = t; o < a.length; o += 1) { var i = a[o], c = n.getAttribute(i.attributeName); e.includes(i.attributeName) && r.setAttribute(i.attributeName, c) } })).observe(n, { attributes: !0 }); var i = Ee((function (e) { 13 === e.keyCode && ? Event("submit")) : gn(, (function (e) { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value"), e); var r = t.eventName || n.getAttribute("data-wg-translate-event"), o = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); o.initEvent("focus", !0, !1), n.dispatchEvent(o), o.initEvent(r, !0, !1), n.dispatchEvent(o) })) }), 400); r.addEventListener("keydown", i) }, o = 0, a = n; o < a.length; o += 1) { var i = r(); if (i) return i.v } })) } try { var Ho = Element.prototype.attachShadow; Element.prototype.attachShadow = function (e) { var t =, e); return Mo([this]), t } } catch (mr) { } function Mo(e) { if (xt.translate_shadow_roots) { e || (e = ue(document, (e) { return e.value })).join(","))); for (var t = 0, n = e; t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; if (r.shadowRoot && !r.shadowRoot.wgTranslated) { r.shadowRoot.wgTranslated = !0, Ko(r.shadowRoot); var o = Ft(r.shadowRoot); o.length && ($t(o), na(o)) } } } } var qo, zo = null, Fo = [], Bo = [$, "class", "id"], $o = [], Vo = []; function Go(e, t) { qo && clearTimeout(qo); for (var n = 0, r = t; n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; 1 === o.nodeType && Fo.push(o) } Fo.length && (qo = setTimeout((function () { Do(e), Uo(), xt.subdomain && function (e) { var t = window.location.hostname; if (-1 !== [].concat(l).indexOf(t)) return; for (var n = 0, r = e; n < r.length; n += 1)for (var o = r[n], a = 0, i = ue(o, "[href]"); a < i.length; a += 1) { var c = i[a]; if (!v(c)) { var s = c.getAttribute("href"); s && s.includes("//" + && c.setAttribute("href", s.replace(, t)) } } }(Fo), xt.proxify_iframes && xt.proxify_iframes.length && Fo.forEach((function (e) { return pn({ node: e }) })), Mo(Fo), Oe("onDynamicDetected"), Fo = [] }), 100)) } function Jo(e, t) { var n = xt.dynamics, r = Xo; t !== document ? r = function () { return !0 } : n && 0 !== n.length || (r = function () { return !1 }); try { if (nn()) return; if (e = function (e, t) { var n = [], r = e.filter((function (e) { var r = e.addedNodes, o = e.type, a =; "attributes" === o && function (e) { "IMG" === e.nodeName && e.srcset && e.dataset.wgtranslated && (e.setAttribute("wgsrcset", e.srcset), e.srcset = "") }(a); var i = function (e) { do { if (e.weglot && e.weglot.setted) return e; e = e.parentElement || e.parentNode } while (e) }(a); return i ? (n.push(i), !1) : r.length ? (setTimeout((function () { return Go(a, r) })), !zo || !a || !de(a, zo)) : !Bo.includes(e.attributeName) && t(a) && ("characterData" === o || "attributes" === o) })); if (n.length) for (var o = 0, a = n; o < a.length; o += 1) { a[o].weglot.setted = !1 } return r }(e, r), !n || 0 === n.length) return; if (e.length) try { !function (e, t, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !0); for (var r = [], o = function (e) { var n = e.outerHTML || e.textContent; if (e.wgParsed !== n) { e.wgParsed = n; for (var o = Ft(e, (function (e) { var n = e.element; return !function (e) { return e.weglot && e.weglot.dynamic > 20 }(n) && t(n) })), a = 0, i = o; a < i.length; a += 1) { var c = i[a]; xt.ignoreDynamicFragments && !document.body.contains(c) || (c.weglot.dynamic || (c.weglot.dynamic = 0), c.weglot.dynamic++, r.push(c)) } } }, a = [], i = 0, c = e; i < c.length; i += 1) { var s = c[i], l = s.type, u =, f = s.addedNodes; switch (l) { case "attributes": case "characterData": if (a.includes(u)) break; a.push(u), o(u); break; case "childList": var d = f.length > 1 ? u : f[0]; if (a.includes(d)) break; if (o(d), a.push(d), !n) break; for (var g = 0, _ = f; g < _.length; g += 1) { var p = _[g], h = []; "IFRAME" === p.tagName ? h = [p] : p.querySelectorAll && (h = p.querySelectorAll("iframe")); for (var m = 0; m < h.length; m++) { var w = h[m]; t(w) && Ce(w) && !v(w) && (o(w.contentWindow.document), Ko(w.contentWindow.document)) } } } } r.length && ($t(r), na(r)) }(e, r) } catch (e) { M.warn(e) } } catch (e) { M.warn(e, { consoleOverride: "Error in MutationObserver" }) } } var Yo = !1; function Ko(e) { var t = e !== document ? e : e.body || e, n = new MutationObserver((function (t) { var n; if (Yo) Jo(t, e); else { var r = $o.find((function (t) { return t.documentElement === e })); r ? (n = r.mutations).push.apply(n, t) : $o.push({ documentElement: e, mutations: [].concat(t) }) } })); n.observe(t, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, characterData: !0, attributes: !0 }), Vo.push(n) } function Xo(e) { return !(!xt.dynamics || 0 === xt.dynamics.length) && (e && e.closest || (e = e.parentNode), e && e.closest && de(e, (e) { return e.value })).join(", "))) } var Zo, Qo, ea, ta = { times: [], timeout: null, nodes: [] }; function na(e) { void 0 === e && (e = []), clearTimeout(ta.timeout); var t = ze(); if (t !== xt.language_from) { if (ta.times = ta.times.filter((function (e) { return e > - 1e3 })), ta.times.length && (ta.timeout || ta.times.length >= 10)) return ta.nodes = ta.nodes.concat(e), void (ta.timeout = setTimeout((function () { return na() }), 1e3)); ta.timeout = null, ta.times.push(; var n = ta.nodes.concat(e); return ta.nodes = [], dn(Vt(n), t, { title: !1, cdn: !0, nodes: n }).then((function (e) { return Gt(e, t, n) })) } } function ra() { var e = ge("wg_progress").firstElementChild, t = e.getAttribute("aria-valuenow"), n = parseInt(t) + (4 * Math.random() + 2); n <= 100 && (e.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", n.toString()), = n + "%") } function oa(e) { clearInterval(e), _e(ge("wg_progress")) } function aa(e, t, n) { if (n || !e || !== window || !sa(e)) { var r = []; try { $t(r = Ft()) } catch (e) { M.warn(e) } var o = nn(); if (e && t && !o && un(e), !xt.is_connect || xt.dynamicPushState || !o && e !== xt.language_from ? function (e) { void 0 === e && (e = !0); var t = xt.excluded_blocks, n = xt.is_connect; if (Yo = e) if (zo = t && t.length && (e) { return e.value })).join(","), n && $o.length > 0) for (var r = function () { var e = a[o], t = e.mutations, n = e.documentElement, r = function () { var e = t.splice(0, 100); e.length > 0 && (Jo(e, n), setTimeout(r, 0)) }; r() }, o = 0, a = $o; o < a.length; o += 1)r(); else $o = [] }() : function () { if (0 !== Vo.length) { for (var e = 0, t = Vo; e < t.length; e += 1)t[e].disconnect(); $o = [] } }(), n || o) ca(e); else if (xt.is_connect && !o && Oe("onConnectPageLoad", e), xt.force_translation) { for (var a = [], i = 0, c = r; i < c.length; i += 1) { var s = c[i]; (s.closest && s.closest(xt.force_translation) || !s.closest && s.parentNode && s.parentNode.closest && s.parentNode.closest(xt.force_translation)) && a.push(s) } na(a) } o && !o.language_button_displayed && o.allExcluded || Do(), o || (xt.remove_unused_link_hooks && function () { var e = rn(), t = (e) { return e.custom_code || e.language_to })).filter((function (t) { return !e.includes(t) })); 1 === e.length && t.push(xt.language_from); for (var n = (e) { return vn(e) })).join(","), r = 0, o = ue(document, n); r < o.length; r += 1)_e(o[r]) }(), Mo(), Uo(), function () { window.addEventListener("message", mn, !1); var e = xt.translate_iframes; if (e) for (var t = 0, n = ue(document.body, e); t < n.length; t += 1) { var r = n[t]; r.contentWindow && _n.push(r.contentWindow) } pn({}), Se("onPageLanguageSet", hn), "with-window-top" === me() &&{ message: "Weglot.iframe" }, "*") }(), ["alert"].forEach((function (e) { var t = window[e]; window[e] = function () { var e = arguments; if ("string" == typeof arguments[0]) { var n = ze(); return xt.language_from === n ? t.apply(window, arguments) : dn([{ t: 2, w: arguments[0] }], n, { title: !1, cdn: !0 }).then((function (n) { return e[0] = n.to_words[0], t.apply(window, e) })) } } }))), Pe("initialized", e) } } function ia(e) { var t = ze(); e !== t && (xt.visual_editor ? tt(e, (function (n) { if ("#" === n) return ca(e, t); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("veLanguageChangeUrl", { detail: { targetUrl: n } })) })) : ca(e, t)) } function ca(e, t) { if (!rn().includes(e)) return fn(), void M.warn(e + " isn't a language you have added", { sendToDatadog: !1 }); xt.auto_switch && sn(e); var n = nn(); if (xt.is_connect || n || un(e), !sa(e)) { if (xt.loading_bar) var r = function () { try { var e = document.createElement("div"); return e.className = "wg-progress", = "wg_progress", e.innerHTML = '<div class="wg-progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:0"></div>', document.body.appendChild(e), setInterval(ra, 100) } catch (e) { } }(); if (function (e) { var t = he("lang"); if (t && t !== e) { var n ="lang=" + t, "lang=" + e); try { window.history.replaceState(null, "", window.location.pathname + n) } catch (e) { } } De = e }(e), nn()) return fn(), void oa(r); if (e === xt.language_from) return Oe("onPageLanguageSet", e), fn(), Gt(null, e), xt.loading_bar && oa(r), document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", e), void Pe("languageChanged", e, t || ""); dn(Vt(), e).then((function (n) { fn(), Gt(n, e), document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", e), Pe("languageChanged", e, t || ""), xt.loading_bar && oa(r) })).catch((function (e) { throw xt.loading_bar && oa(r), fn(), Ve().removeItem(F), e })), Oe("onPageLanguageSet", e) } } function sa(e) { return !(!xt.is_connect || ze() === e) && (! || xt.previewHash && window.location.hostname.includes(z) || function () { if (xt.subdirectory) return [].concat(l); return (e) { return e.connect_host_destination && })).concat([].concat(l)) }().includes(window.location.hostname) ? (tt(e, (function (e) { return window.location.replace(e) })), !0) : (me() || M.warn('"' + window.location.hostname + '" is not configured with Weglot. Please contact', { sendToDatadog: !1 }), !1)) } je("initialized", (function () { xt.translate_search && !xt.switcher_editor && function () { var e = xt.search_forms, t = xt.search_parameter; if (t) { for (var n = 0, r = ue(document, e); n < r.length; n += 1) { var o = r[n]; o.addEventListener("submit", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var n =[t].value; gn(n, (function (e) { Le.set("wg-search-form", n), o.elements[t].value = e, o.submit() })) })); var a = void 0; -1 !== + "=") && o.elements && o.elements[t] && (a = Le.get("wg-search-form")) && (o.elements[t].value = a) } Le.erase("wg-search-form") } else M.warn("Search parameter name required for search translation.", { sendToDatadog: !1 }) }() }), !0); var la = !1; function ua() { window.addEventListener("message", ga, !1); var e = document.createElement("meta"); = "google", e.content = "notranslate", document.head && document.head.appendChild(e); document.documentElement && -1 === ["", ""].indexOf( && document.documentElement.setAttribute("translate", "no"); var t = document.head.querySelector("link[href*=weglot_shopify]"); t && document.head.removeChild(t) } function fa() { if (xt.api_key) { je("initialized", (function () { xt.page_views_enabled && (xt.is_connect ? tt(xt.language_from, (function (e) { return Zt(e) })) : Zt()) }), !0); try { H(document, xt) } catch (e) { M.error(e) } if (Oe("onWeglotSetup"), !pa.initialized || window.Turbolinks) { Qo = function () { var e = rn(); if (xt.is_connect) { var t = document.documentElement.dataset.wgTranslated || (xt.subdirectory ? qe() : Me()); if (t !== xt.language_from) return t; if (xt.technology_name === J) { if (Le.get("wg_checkout_redirect")) return xt.language_from; var n = Le.get("wg_checkout_language"); if (n && !xt.shopifyCheckout && !me() && e.includes(n)) return Le.erase("wg_checkout_language"), n } var r = cn(); return t === xt.language_from && r && e.includes(r) ? r : xt.language_from } var o = he("lang"); if (o && e.includes(o)) return la = !0, o; var a = ln(); if (a && e.includes(a)) return a; var i = cn(); if (i && e.includes(i)) return la = !0, i; return xt.language_from }(), ze(); var e = nn(); if ((ea = Qo && Qo !== xt.language_from && document.documentElement.dataset.wgTranslated !== Qo && !e && !document.documentElement.dataset.wgExcludedUrl && !xt.switcher_editor) && xt.wait_transition ? ve("@keyframes wg{from{color:transparent;}to{color:transparent;}}body *{color:transparent!important;animation:1s linear infinite wg!important;}", B) : fn(), xt.delayStart) return je("start", (function () { return da() }), !0); ke(da) } } } function da() { if (!document.querySelector("#has-script-tags") || document.querySelector("#has-script-tags") && (document.head.innerHTML.indexOf("weglot_script_tag") > 0 || document.documentElement.innerHTML.indexOf("weglot_script_tag") > 0)) try { aa(Qo, la, ea) } catch (e) { fn(), M.error(e, { consoleOverride: "There has been an error initializing, " + e.stack }) } else fn(); Zo = !1, pa.initialized = !0 } function ga(e) { if ( try { var t = JSON.parse(; switch (t.message) { case "Weglot.detect": e.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ message: "Weglot.ready", data: { initialized: pa.initialized, options: xt } }), e.origin); break; case "Weglot.switchTo": ia(t.language) } } catch (e) { } } function _a(e) { try { for (var t = null, n = 0, r = [/cdn(?:-staging)?\.weglot\.(?:com|us)\/weglot\.min\.js\?([^#]+)/, /cdn(?:-staging)?\.weglot\.(?:com|us)\/weglot-switcher-editor\.js\?([^#]+)/, /cdn(?:-staging)?\.weglot\.(?:com|us)\/weglot_squarespace-[0-9]+\.min\.js\?([^#]+)/]; n < r.length; n += 1) { if (t = r[n].exec(e)) break } if (!t) return null; var o = t[1].split("&").map((function (e) { var t = e.split("="), n = t[0], r = t[1]; try { return [n, decodeURIComponent(r)] } catch (e) { return [n, r] } })).reduce((function (e, t) { var n, r = t[0], o = t[1]; return Object.assign({}, e, ((n = {})[r] = "true" === o || "false" !== o && o, n)) }), { api_key: "" }); return o.api_key ? o : null } catch (e) { console.log(e), M.warn(e) } } var pa = window.Weglot || { initialized: !1, options: xt, dynamic: "", switchTo: ia, setup: function (e) { ua(), Zo || (Zo = !0, Ae(Lt(), "polyfillReady", (function () { bt(e).then((function () { return fa() })).catch((function () { M.warn("Your setup is deprecated, please save settings in your dashboard to hide this message.", { sendToDatadog: !1 }); var t = e.api_key; e.translation_engine = t && t.length >= 36 ? 2 : 1, function (e) { try { var t = ["api_key", "originalLanguage", "destinationLanguages"]; if (!e || t.some((function (t) { return !e[t] }))) throw { wgErrMsg: "You have to provide at least: " + t.join(", ") }; Ct(vt(e)) } catch (e) { throw new Error(e && e.wgErrMsg || "Error while reading Weglot options") } }(e), fa() })) }))) }, initialize: function (e) { ua(), Zo || (Zo = !0, Ae(Lt(), "polyfillReady", (function () { bt(e).then((function () { return fa() })) }))) }, on: function (e, t) { return je(e, t, !1) }, off: function (e, t) { var n, r = !1, o = function (t) { return Te[t].name === e && !Te[t].internal }; n = "function" == typeof t ? function (e) { return o(e) && Te[e].callback === t } : function (e) { return o(e) }; for (var a = Te.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)n(a) && (Te.splice(a, 1), r = !0); return r }, getStoredLang: ln, getLanguageName: ao, getCurrentLang: ze, polyReady: Nt, getCache: function () { return jt }, addNodes: function (e) { var t = Ft(e); return $t(t), na(t) }, search: gn, translate: function (e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var n = e.words, r = e.languageTo; if (void 0 === r && (r = ze()), !Array.isArray(n) || "object" != typeof n[0]) { var o = "Weglot.translate: 1st arg must be an array of objects"; return M.error(o, { sendToDatadog: !1 }), t && t(null, o), Promise.reject() } return r === xt.language_from ? (t && t( (e) { return e.w }))), Promise.resolve( (e) { return e.w })))) : new Promise((function (e, o) { dn(n, r, { title: !1, cdn: !0 }).then((function (n) { if (!n || !n.to_words) throw n; t && t(n.to_words), e(n.to_words) })).catch((function (e) { o(e), t && t(null, e) })) })) }, getBestAvailableLanguage: an, getAvailableLanguages: rn }; return Ae(Lt(), "polyfillReady", (function () { Ko(document); for (var e = 0, t = [document.currentScript].concat(Array.from(document.scripts)); e < t.length; e += 1) { var n = t[e], r = n && (n.src || n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute("data-src")); if (r) { var o = _a(r); if (o) return void pa.initialize(o) } } })), pa }(); </script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { Weglot.initialize({ api_key: 'wg_fa101db2d708598edbe4bfdc026b0c555', /*api_key: 'wg_ae00a96caabda8b822622dba8af3b7402',*/ switchers: [ { // Your first language switcher design button_style: { full_name: false, with_name: true, is_dropdown: true, with_flags: true, flag_type: 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class="fa fa-calendar-check-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>10th Mar, 2025 to 12th Mar, 2025 </div> <div class="orange fairdatedays"> <i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> 7 days to go </div> </div> </div> <div class="keywords"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apparel</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Accessories</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Fashion</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fair-listing-box"> <div class="status-bx"> </div> <div class="listbox"> <div class="fair-img"> <a href="" title="Los Angeles Fashion Week- 2025" target="_blank"><img class="onscrollloading" src="" data-src=" Project - 2024-11-07T100141.271.jpg" alt="Los Angeles Fashion Week- 2025" title="Los Angeles Fashion Week- 2025"></a> </div> <div class="fair-articles-content"> <div class="fav-icon-right"> <div> <div class="pull-left"> <div class="hdsocial"> </div> <div class="socialicon socialiconlist"> <i class="fa fa-share-alt scclick" aria-hidden="true" id="64149"></i> 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<div class="fairlistdate"> <i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>29th Mar, 2025 to 29th Mar, 2025 </div> <div class="orange fairdatedays"> <i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> 26 days to go </div> </div> </div> <div class="keywords"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apparel</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Accessories</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Fashion</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fair-listing-box"> <div class="status-bx"> </div> <div class="listbox"> <div class="fair-img"> <a href="" title="Brand Assembly Show - Los Angeles June 2025" target="_blank"><img class="onscrollloading" src="" data-src=" Project (1).jpg" alt="Brand Assembly Show - Los Angeles June 2025" title="Brand Assembly Show - Los Angeles June 2025"></a> </div> <div class="fair-articles-content"> <div class="fav-icon-right"> <div> <div class="pull-left"> <div class="hdsocial"> </div> <div class="socialicon socialiconlist"> <i class="fa 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target="_blank">Texworld and Apparel Sourcing Los Angeles- 2025 </a></div> <div class="address"> <i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></i>Los Angeles, United States Of America </div> <div class="date-section datesectionlist"> <div class="fairlistdate"> <i class="fa fa-calendar-check-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>29th Jul, 2025 to 31st Jul, 2025 </div> <div class="orange fairdatedays"> <i class="fa fa-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> 4 months to go </div> </div> </div> <div class="keywords"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apparel</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Fabrics</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Sustainability</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fair-listing-box"> <div class="status-bx"> </div> <div class="listbox"> <div class="fair-img"> <a href="" title="LA Kids Market - September 2025" target="_blank"><img class="onscrollloading" src="" data-src=" kids market 2025.jpg" alt="LA Kids Market - September 2025" title="LA Kids Market - 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