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electronic format from this website</font>.</strong></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="44" class="bodyTxt"><strong><font color="#0066FF" size="2">Please check back later to view additional reports</font><font size="2">.</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="31" bgcolor="#CC0000" class="categoryHd">University of Houston</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#AARA" target="_top" class="bodyTxt">American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA)</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#ARI" class="bodyTxt">Annual Reports and Inventories</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#AR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Audit Report</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#BTR" class="bodyTxt">Bond Transaction Report</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#CN" class="bodyTxt">Contract Notification</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#CW" class="bodyTxt">Contract Workforce</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#CC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Cost of Copies</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#DR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Debt Report</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#EEOR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>EEO Reporting</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#ER" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Encumbrance Reports</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#EOBPR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Equity Ownership/Business Participation Report</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#FSIR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Faculty Salary Increase Report</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#FIRSA" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Financial Information Required of State Agencies</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#FTESE" class="bodyTxt"><strong>FTE State Employees</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#HUMBC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Historically Underutilized Minority Business Contracts</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#ITHC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Information for the Texas Historical Commission</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="#IRSC" class="bodyTxt">Information Regarding Staff Compensation</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Investment Reports</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#LAR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Legislative Appropriation Request</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#MGB" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Minutes of the Governing Board</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#MOWOB" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Businesses</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#ND" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Nonfinancial Data</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#NRB" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Non-Resident Bidders</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#OB" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Operating Budget</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#ORPR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Optional Retirement Programs Report</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#PAR" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Property and Accounting Records</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#RME" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Recycled Materials Expenditures</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#RPI" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Request for Public Information</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#RML" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Risk Management - Losses</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#SS" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Salary Supplementation</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#SPIRM" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Strategic Plan for Information Resources Management</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="15" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="../images/spacer.gif" width="50" height="1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href="state_report_SYS.htm"><strong>UH - System Administration Reports</strong></a></td> </tr> --> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>UH - Clear Lake Reports</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" class="bodyTxt"><a href=""><strong>UH - Downtown Reports</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="20" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><a href=""><strong>UH - Victoria Reports</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="46" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#top" class="bodyTxt">Back to Top</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="29" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="file:///C|/FinanceWeb_New/finance/images/finHm_r17_c1.gif"><img name="finHm_r17_c1" src="../images/finHm_r15_c1.gif" width="750" height="4" border="0" alt=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="66" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>This website was created to comply with the provisions of <a href="">House Bill 1016</a> (76th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1999). The electronic format of the information herein conforms to the <a href="">recommendations of the Texas Legislative Council</a>. These reports are provided, as a service of the University of Houston, to satisfy the information needs of the members of the Texas Legislature. </strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="62" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>The following information has been extracted from a report prepared by the <a href="">Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts</a> titled <a href="">Required Reports Prepared by State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education 2004-2005 Biennium</a>. The entire report is available on the State Comptroller's website.</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="29" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="file:///C|/FinanceWeb_New/finance/images/finHm_r17_c1.gif"><img name="finHm_r17_c1" src="../images/finHm_r15_c1.gif" width="750" height="4" border="0" alt=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="244" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><p><strong><a href="ARRA_Reports.htm">American Recovery &amp; Reinvestment Act (ARRA)</a><a name="AARA"></a> </strong></p> <p>DUE DATE: Quarterly</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> State Auditor (308)<br> Legislative Budget Board (104)<br> State Comptroller (304)</p> <p>Each of the state agencies and institutions of higher education receiving appropriations under the ARRA article of the state's General Appropriations Act shall submit quarterly reports on expenditure of funds appropriated from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Fund. The report shall be in the format prescribed by the Legislative Budget Board, including the following: the estimated number of jobs to be created or retained and the number of full-time equivalent positions. General Appropriations Act, Article XII, Section 5 (Fiscal Years 2010-2011); Senate Bill 1, 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="310" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Annual_Fin_Reports.htm">Annual Reports and Inventory</a> <a name="ARI"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: November 20th</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> State Auditor (308)<br> Legislative Budget Board (104)<br> Legislative Reference Library (105)<br> State Comptroller (304)</p> <p>No later than November 20th the executive head of each state agency shall file with the Governor, the State Auditor, the Legislative Budget Board, Legislative Reference Library, and the Comptroller of Public Accounts an annual report as of August 31 of the preceding fiscal year showing the use of appropriated funds. An annual report shall be prepared by the agency to present the financial position and the results of its operations and changes in financial position for the fiscal year in conformity with reporting guidance provided by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Government Code, Section 2101.011., and House Bill1, 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997(Fiscal Years 1998-1999), House Bill 1, 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999(Fiscal Years 2000-2001), and Senate Bill 1, 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001(Fiscal Years 2002-2003).</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="227" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Audit.htm">Audit Report</a> <a name="AR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Before November 1 of each year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board (104)<br> Sunset Advisory Commission(116)</p> <p>The Internal Auditor shall prepare an annual report and submit the report before November 1 of each year to the Governor, the Legislative Budget Board, the Sunset Advisory Commission, the State Auditor, the State agency's governing board, and the administrator. The State Auditor shall prescribe the form and content of the report, subject to the approval of the Legislative Audit Committee. Government Code, Section 2102.009. <br> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="147" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Bond.htm">Bond Transaction Report</a><a name="BTR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: 60 days after a bond sale</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Texas Bond Review Board(352)</p> <p>Each entity that issues State bonds shall report to the board its bond transactions. Civil Statutes, Art. 717k, Section 7c.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="156" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Contract_Notif.htm">Contract Notification</a> <a name="CN"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Not later than the 10th day after a contract is entered into</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>An institution shall provide written notification to the Legislative Budget Board, not later than the 10th day after an institution of higher education enters into a contract, for which the total value exceeds $14,000, for consulting services, a contract for professional services, a construction contract, or a contract for major information systems. HB 1, 76th Leg., Art. IX, Sec. 9-7.05, pg. IX-64.(FY2000 - FY2001)</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="221" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Contract Workforce </strong> <a name="CW"></a> <p>DUE DATE: December 1</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)</p> <p>No later than December 1 of each year of the biennium, an agency shall file with the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor's Office, and the State Auditor a report on the agency's use of a contract workforce in the preceding fiscal year. The report shall be prepared according to a format prescribed by the State Auditor and shall include a description of how the agency has complied with the provisions of this rider and an evaluation of the work performed by a contract workforce, including an assessment of whether work was completed on time, within budget, and according to contract specifications. HB 1, 76th Leg., Art. IX, Sec. 9-11.18, pg. IX-87. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="167" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Cost of Copies<a name="CC"></a> </strong> <p>DUE DATE: September 1,2001</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> General Services Commission(303)</p> <p>Not later than September 1 of each odd-numbered year, each state agency shall provide the General Services Commission detailed information, for use by the commission in preparing the report required by Sections 2(c) and (d), Chapter 428, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, describing the agency's procedures for charging and collecting fees for providing copies of public information. Government Code, Section 2155.448.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="152" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="Debt_Reports.htm"><strong>Debt Report</strong></a> <a name="DR"></a> <p>DUE DATE: 90 days after the end of each fiscal year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Office of the Attorney General (302)</p> <p>Each state agency shall file an annual debt report with the Attorney General not later than the 90th day after the end of each fiscal year. The report shall contain information required by rules adopted under this section by the Attorney General. Government Code, Section 2107.005.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="167" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>EEO Reporting <a name="EEOR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: 7th Workday of each Calendar Year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Commission on Human Rights(344)</p> <p>Not later than the seventh workday of each calendar year, each State agency, including public institutions of higher education, shall report equal employment opportunity information for the preceding calendar year to the Texas Commission on Human Rights as required by this section. The report must be made on a form provided by the Commission. Labor Code, Section 21.552.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="162" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Encumbrance.htm">Encumbrance Reports</a> <a name="ER"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Not later than October 30 of each year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> State Comptroller(304)</p> <p>A state agency that expends appropriated funds shall report into the uniform statewide accounting system all payables and estimated encumbrances for the first three quarters of the current appropriation year within 30 days after the close of each quarter and submit a binding encumbrance report to the comptroller, the state auditor, and the Legislative Budget Office no later than October 30 of each year. Government Code, Section 403.021.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="244" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Equity.htm">Equity Ownership/Business Participation Report</a> <a name="EOBPR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: November 20th of each year, or the date established by the State Comptroller</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> Legislative Reference Library(105)<br> State Comptroller(304)<br> Higher Education Coordinating Board(781)<br> House Appropriations Committee(102)<br> Senate Finance Committee(101)</p> <p>The Governing Board of each system and institution shall include in the annual report a list of employees who hold equity interests in or are directors of business entities that have agreements with the system or institution relating to research, development, licensing or exploitation of intellectual property owned by the system or institution. Education Code, Section 51.912. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="178" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Facuty Salary Increase Report <a name="FSIR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: January 31</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>Each general academic institution shall report the average salary increase provided to faculty at the institution to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor's Office by January 31 of each fiscal year on a form prescribed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. HB 1, 76th Leg., Art. III, Sec. 45, pg. III-241.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="243" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Financial Information Required of State Agencies <a name="FIRSA"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: November 20 of each year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> Legislative Reference Library(105)<br> State Comptroller(304)</p> <p>Not later than November 20 of each year, the executive head of each state agency shall submit an annual financial report regarding the agency's use of appropriated money during the preceding fiscal year to: the Governor, the Comptroller, the Legislative Reference Library, the State Auditor, and the Legislative Budget Board. Government Code, Section 2101.011.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="339" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>FTE State Employees </strong> <a name="FTESE"></a> <p>DUE DATE: Last day of first month following each fiscal year quarter</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> State Auditor(308)</p> <ul> <li> Not later than the last day of the first month following each quarter of the fiscal year, a State agency shall file with the State Auditor a written report that provides for that fiscal quarter: <ol> <li> number of full-time equivalent State employees employed by the agency and paid from funds in the State Treasury;</li> <li>number of full-time equivalent State employees employed by the agency and paid from funds outside of the State Treasury;</li> <li>the increase or decrease, if any, of the number of full-time equivalent employees from the fiscal quarter preceding the quarter covered by the report;</li> <li>the number of positions of the agency paid from funds in the State Treasury;</li> <li>the number of positions of the agency paid from funds outside of the State Treasury; and</li> <li>the number of individuals who performed services for the agency under a contract, including consultants and individuals employed under contracts with temporary help services.</li> <li>the number of managers, supervisors, and staff.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The report must be made in the manner prescribed by the State Auditor.<br> Government Code, Section 2052.103.</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="361" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Historically Underutilized Minority Businesses - Contracts <a name="HUMBC"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: March 15 &amp; September 15</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> General Services Commission(303)<br> State Comptroller(304)</p> <p>Each state agency shall send to the General Services Commission information required by the commission for the preparation of the commission's report not later than March 15 and September 15 of each year.</p> <p>Each state agency shall report the following information with regard to the expenditure of both treasury and non-treasury funds: (1) the total dollar amount of purchases and payments made under contracts awarded to historically underutilized businesses; (2) the number of businesses participating in any issuance of state bonds by the agency; (3) the number of contracts awarded to businesses with regard to the agency's acquisition, construction, or equipping of a facility or implementation of a program; and (4) the number of bids, proposals, or other applicable expressions of interest made by historically underutilized businesses with regard to the agency's acquisition, construction, or equipping of a facility or implementation of a program. Government Code, Section 2161.122.</p> <p>All state agencies and institutions of higher education shall report to the commission and Comptroller of Public Accounts all non-Treasury funds spent with historically underutilized businesses in accordance with the reporting required in Chapter 2161, Government Code. HB 1, 76th Leg., Art. IX, Sec. 9-9.03, pg. IX-70.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="85" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Information for Texas Historical Commission</strong><a name="ITHC"></a> <p>DUE DATE: Annually</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> General Land Office(305)</p> <p>Each State Agency shall furnish to the General Land Office information identifying the age of the buildings. Natural Resources Code, Section 31.160.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="145" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><p><span lang="EN-US"><strong><a href=" Comp Report Final.pdf">Information Regarding Staff Compensation</a></strong></span> <a name="IRSC"></a></p> <p><span lang="EN-US">DUE DATE: Annual</span> </p> <p><span lang="EN-US">Recipient(s): <br> University Internet Website </span></p> <p><span lang="EN-US">University shall report information regarding staff compensation of full-time employees of the agency. Government Code, Section 659.026</span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="159" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Annual_Fin_Reports.htm">Investment Reports</a><a name="IR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Quarterly</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> State Comptroller(304)</p> <p>The governing board shall file a quarterly report of all investment transactions involving endowment funds, short-term and long-term investment funds, and all other securities transactions, in a manner prescribed by the Legislative Budget Board. HB 1, 77th Leg., Art. III, Section 6(5), pg. III-231.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="350" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Leg_Appropriation_Req.htm">Legislative Appropriation Request</a> <a name="LAR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Even numbered years</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> State Comptroller(304)<br> Legislative Reference Library(105)<br> Texas State Publications Clearinghouse,State Library(306)<br> Department of Information Resources(313) </p> <p>Each institution, department, agency, officer, employee, or agent of the State shall submit any estimate or reporting relating to appropriations requested by the Legislative Budget Board or under the Boards direction. Each estimate or report shall be submitted at a time set by the Board and in the manner prescribed by the Board rules. An estimate or report required under this section is in addition to an estimate or report required by other law, including those estimates or reports relating to appropriations required by Chapter 401. Government Code, Section 322.007.</p> <p>The Governor may collaborate with the Legislative Budget Board in designing and preparing uniform budget estimate forms on which all requests for legislative appropriations must be prepared. The Governor shall require that all appropriation requests be submitted to the Governor on the forms. Government Code, Section 401.042.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="160" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="">Minutes of the Governing Board</a> <a name="MGB"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: After each meeting</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Texas State Library and Archives Commission(306)</p> <p>The Governing Board shall make minutes of the meetings available to members of the Legislature and to Agencies in the legislative branch of State government in an electronic format determined by the Texas Legislative Council. Government Code, Section 306.007.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="297" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Minority-Owned and Woman-Owned Business </strong><a name="MOWOB"></a> <p>DUE DATE: Not later than October 31</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office(301)<br> Legislature</p> <p>Not later than October 31 of each academic year, the Board of Regents shall file with the Governor and each house of the Legislature a written report containing the following information for the previous academic year for all businesses, minority-owned businesses and women-owned businesses, classified by gender and minority group status: </p> <ol> <li>the total number of contracts relating to the issuance of bonds by the Board under this chapter and to the items to be financed by those bonds; </li> <li> the total dollar amount the Board of Regents must pay under each contract described in Subdivision (1) of this subsection; and </li> <li> the total number of businesses submitting bids or proposals relating to the issuance of bonds by the Board under this chapter and to the items to be financed by those bonds. Education Code, Section 55.03.</li> </ol></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="341" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Nonfinancial.htm">Nonfinancial Data</a></strong><a name="ND"></a> <p>DUE DATE: December 31st</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office(301)<br> State Comptroller(304)<br> Legislative Reference Library(105)<br> State Auditor(308)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>No later than the date prescribed by the State Comptroller, each state agency and institution of higher education shall submit a report of various information covering the preceding fiscal year in conformity with reporting guidance provided by the State Comptroller. Unless otherwise provided for by statute or regulation, the report shall include (1) an itemization of bonded agency employees, (2) an analysis of space occupied, (3) an itemization of fees paid for professional or consulting services, (4) an itemization of fees paid for legal services, (5) a report of agency owned or leased aircraft, (6) an itemization of certain proprietary purchases, (7) a report of real property, (8) a summary of the use of historically underutilized businesses, (9) an itemization of transfers of appropriated money, (10) an itemization of vehicle purchases, (11) a report of expenditures paid by or on behalf of the agency for benefits or general services, (12) a summary of lump-sum payments made for vacation or compensatory leave, (13) an itemization of employees authorized to use state owned vehicles for personal purposes, and (14) a summary of recycled, remanufactured, and environmentally sensitive purchases. Government Code, Section 2101.0115.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="236" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt">Non-Resident Bidders <a name="NRB"></a> <p>DUE DATE: January and July of each year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>During January and July of each year, a State agency shall file with the Legislative Budget Board a report that identifies each nonresident bidder to whom the agency or institution awarded a contract that has a value of $25,000 or more for the purchase of supplies, materials, services or equipment during the six calendar months preceding the month in which the report is filed. For contracts with a value of $250,000 or more, the agency shall include an explanation for the need to use a nonresident bidder. A State agency shall include in the report a listing of the total value of all purchases from nonresident bidders of supplies, materials, services, and equipment for the time period. If the total amount reported is greater than $1 million or greater than 25 percent of the total value of all purchases, the State agency shall include an explanation for the need to use nonresident bidders. SB 176, 76th Legislature, Sec. 8.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="200" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Operating_Budget.htm">Operating Budget</a> </strong><a name="OB"></a> <p>DUE DATE: November 1</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Governor's Office (301)<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> State Comptroller(304)<br> Legislative Reference Library(105)<br> Higher Education Coordinating Board(781)</p> <p><br> On or before November 1 of each fiscal year, an itemized budget covering operations of that fiscal year shall be filed with the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning, Legislative Budget Board, the Comptroller of Public Accounts and Legislative Reference Library in the format prescribed jointly by both budget offices. Education Code, Section 51.0051; HB 1,76th Leg., Art. IX, Sec. 9-7.01, pg. IX-62.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="168" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>ORP Reports<a name="ORPR"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Annually</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Higher Ed. Coord. Board(781)</p> <p>The governing board of each institution of higher education, other than the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, shall annually submit a report to the coordinating board that includes information concerning the number of participants and eligible positions and the amount of contributions. Government Code, Section 830.006.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="158" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Property_Accounting.htm">Property and Accounting Records </a></strong> <a name="PAR"></a> <p>DUE DATE: Annually</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> General Land Office(305) - Asset Management Division</p> <p>Each State Agency shall maintain a record of each item of real property it possesses. The record must include the following information and, on the request of the division, shall be furnished. Natural Resources Code, Section 31.153.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="160" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Recycled Material Expenditures <a name="RME"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: January 1,2000</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>Not later than January 1 of each year, a state agency shall deliver a report of the total expenditures in te areas subject to Subsection (a) and the amount spent in each category for the previous fiscal year to the Legislative Budget Board. Government Code, Section 2155.448.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="150" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Requests for Public Information <a name="RPI"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: Annually</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)</p> <p>Each State governmental body shall report to the Legislative Budget Board the number and nature of requests for information, and the cost to the State governmental Body in terms of capital expenditures and personnel time. SB 1851, 76th Leg., Section 3, Sec. 552.010. </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="44" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong>Risk Management - Losses </strong><a name="RML"></a> <p>DUE DATE: 60 days after close of each fiscal year</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Office of Risk Management(479)</p> <ul> <li> Each state agency shall report to the director for each fiscal year: <ol> <li> the location, timing, frequency, severity, and aggregate amounts of losses by category of risk, including open and closed claims and final judgments; </li> <li> loss information obtained by the state agency in the course of its administration of the workers' compensation program; </li> <li> detailed information on existing and potential exposure to loss, including property location and values, descriptions of agency operations, and estimates of maximum probable and maximum possible losses by category of risk; </li> <li> estimates by category of risk of losses incurred but not reported; </li> <li> information the director determines necessary to prepare a Texas Workers' Compensation Unit Statistical Report; and </li> <li>additional information that the director determines to be necessary. </li> </ol> </li> <li> The information shall be reported on or before 60 days after the close of each fiscal year. Labor Code, Section 412.053. </li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="44" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Salary_Supp.htm">Salary Supplementation</a><a name="SS"></a></strong> <p>DUE DATE: September 15</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Secretary of State(307)<br> State Comptroller(304)</p> <p>Funds appropriated to a State agency or to an institution of higher education may not be expended for payment of salary to a person whose classified or exempt salary is being supplemented from other than appropriated funds until a report showing the amount and sources of salary being paid from other sources has been reported to the Secretary of State and Comptroller. HB 1, 77th Leg., 2001, Art. IX, Sec. 3.02, pg. IX-28.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="172" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><strong><a href="Strategic_Plan.htm">Strategic Plan for Information Resources Management</a></strong><a name="SPIRM"></a> <p>DUE DATE: June 15 of even numbered years</p> <p>RECIPIENT(S):<br> Legislative Budget Board(104)<br> Department of Information Resources(313)</p> <p>Each State Agency shall prepare an agency strategic Plan for information resources management. The agency strategic plan shall be prepared in a format prescribed by the Department of Information Resources. Government Code, Section 2054.095.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="56" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodyTxt"><a href="#top" class="bodyTxt">Back to Top</a></td> </tr> </table> <p align="left" class="footerSmTxt">Last Updated on 4/25/14<br> By David Ellis, Executive Director, Finance<br> Email: <a href=""></a> </p> </div></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <!-- <tr align="center"> <td><img name="finHm_r17_c1" src="../images/finHm_r17_c1.gif" height="15" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><img name="finHm_r18_c1" src="../images/finHm_r18_c1.gif" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> --> <tr> <td><table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><img src="../images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="5"></td> </tr> <hr> <div id="footer"> <ul> <li class="icon"><a href=""><img alt="Twitter" src="/images/twitter_icon_36x36.gif"></a></li> <li class="icon"><a href=""><img alt="Facebook" src="/images/facebook_icon_36x36.gif"></a></li> <li class="icon"><a href=""><img alt="UH Multimedia" src="/images/youtube_icon_36x36.gif"></a></li> <li class="icon"><a href="" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0;width:32px;height:32px;margin:0 3px 4px;"/></a></li> </ul> <div id="address"> &copy;2012 The University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, Texas 77004 <a href="">Get Driving Directions</a> 713.743.2255 </div> <ul> <li class="first"><a href="">Public Information Act</a></li> <li><a href="">State of Texas</a></li> <li><a href="">Institutional R&eacute;sum&eacute;</a></li> <li><a href="">Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline</a></li> <li><a href="">Fraud Reporting</a></li> </ul> <ul id="policy-navigation"> <li class="first"><a href="">Jobs at UH</a></li> <li><a href="">UH System</a></li> <li><a href="">Policies</a></li> <li><a href="">Copyright</a></li> <li><a href="">Emergency Site</a></li> <li><a href="">Feedback</a></li> <li><a href="">Mobile Site</a></li> </ul> </div> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <map name="finHm_r2_c1Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="6,3,306,27" href="" alt="Division of Admin &amp; Finance"> </map> <?php include '/publish/http/ssi/analytic-scripts.html'; ?> </body> </html>

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