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From news and politics to sport, showbiz and fashion, some of the most thought-provoking journalists on the web bring you their views on the world at large...</strong></p> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Peter Hitchens" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Peter Hitchens </h2> <p>Peter Hitchens is proud of his enemies. Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams once called for him to be 'decommissioned' and Tony Blair told him to 'sit down and stop being bad'. Read more from the man everyone has an opinion about </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Mary Ellen Synon" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Mary Ellen Synon in Brussels </h2> <p>Mary Ellen Synon is a controversial, independent-minded journalist based in Brussels. Her blog brings you the REAL stories about the EU - the ones the Eurocrats don't want you to read... </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="michael hanlon" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Michael Hanlon </h2> <p>Our science editor looks behind the headlines and tells you what is really going on in the lab. </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Whos_wedding_masthead_597x91.png" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? </h2> <p>Anne Atkins and her daughter Serena battle it out over the ultimate Big Day</p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="David Derbyshire" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> David Derbyshire's Allotment blog </h2> <p>The Daily Mail's Environment Editor on the joys and pitfalls of growing real food - while trying not to lose the plot. </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Dan Atkinson" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Dan Atkinson </h2> <p>Dan Atkinson has for many years subjected the economy to the most intense scrutiny and is renowned for never having believed any of the propaganda about the 'British miracle' and the 'end to boom and bust'. In articles and books, he sounded the alarm about the current crisis well ahead of the event and is now warning of the potentially greater dangers that lie ahead, making him unpopular with just about everybody - other than his readers. </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Anne Shooter food blog" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Anne Shooter's Food blog </h2> <p>Tasty titbits from Anne Shooter, MailOnline's resident foodie</p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Tracey Blake" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Tracey Blake's Small Talk </h2> <p>Tracey share's the chaos of life with a toddler and new baby </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Katie Nicholl" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Katie Nicholl </h2> <p>Katie Nicholl edits the Mail on Sunday Diary. She's so close to the stars that Lizzie Jagger famously dumped Sean Lennon in her column. According to her critics Katie can 'weedle a story out of a cardinal in the rush hour' </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Paul Connolly" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> Paul Connolly on Music and Movies </h2> <p>Paul Connolly has been a music and film critic for more than a decade. He's enjoyed rows with Noel Gallagher, sung Abba songs with Depeche Mode, played football with Damon Albarn, discussed relationships with Chris Martin, enraged R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe, been mistaken for a member of U2 and had to warn off a libidinous film star who was trying to seduce his girlfriend. </p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="TravelMail blog banner" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> The TravelMail blog </h2> <p>Led by The Mail on Sunday's Travel Editor Frank Barrett, TravelMail's team of expert writers offer sage opinions on the latest happenings in the world of travel from hot new destinations to the holiday rip-offs you should know about...</p> </div> <div class="blog-header-holder"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Money blog" width="636" height="100"/> </a> <h2 class="ccow link-ccow linkro-box"> <a href=""><span class="arrow-small-r">&nbsp;</span> View blog</a> This is Money blog </h2> <p>The Money blog from our sister site ThisisMoney is home to some of the best finance tips on the web. 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