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We are also committed to protecting the privacy of the personal data that we collect and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (&ldquo;the Privacy Act&rdquo;), the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other applicable international legislation regarding data protection and privacy.</p> <p>This privacy policy (&lsquo;Privacy Policy&rdquo;) applies to all persons who interact with us, including those who are advertisers, subscribers to our goods or services and registered and unregistered users of all websites that currently form part of &ldquo;AZoNetwork&rdquo; including,,,,,,,,,,, as detailed at&nbsp;<a href=""></a> (&ldquo;Website&rdquo;).</p> <p>Unless stated otherwise, if you are in the European Union Area (&ldquo;EU&rdquo;) or United Kingdom the Controller of your personal data collected by us on this Website or otherwise is AZoNetwork. AZoNetwork UK Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of AZoNetwork processes all UK and EU personal data. This means that we are responsible for ensuring that we do so in full compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018, GDPR, CCPA, all other related privacy laws and any codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy explains how we handle personal data and the choices available to you regarding collection, process, access, and how to update, correct and delete your personal data. By submitting personal data to us, you agree to our use of your personal information as described herein, so please read this Privacy Policy carefully.</p> <p>The Website is not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect personal data relating to children.</p> <h3>Links to other websites</h3> <p>Please note, this Website may contain links to other websites that are not controlled by us. These links are provided for your convenience. We are only responsible for our privacy practices and our security. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other website that you visit and each organisation that holds your personal data.</p> <h2 class="anchor-offset-for-fixed-header" id="personal-data-collected-and-sources">Personal Data We Collect and Its Sources</h2> <p>We typically collect the following information:</p> <ul> <li>your name and contact details</li> <li>social media information</li> <li>where appropriate, your qualifications and employment details</li> <li>details of the goods or services that you have ordered or in which you have expressed an interest</li> <li>details of any enquiries or requests for quotations you have made</li> <li>details of the newsletters you have subscribed to and any documents you have downloaded</li> <li>where relevant, payment card details or other applicable payment information</li> </ul> <h3>Sources</h3> <p>We obtain personal data:</p> <ul> <li><strong>directly from you</strong>&nbsp;such as when you register for any of our services, send us emails, contribute to our blogs and forums, attend any of our events</li> <li><strong>from another organisation</strong>&nbsp;for example, where you receive information or services from one of our suppliers (click here to see our <a href="/life-sciences/azonetwork-company-directory" target="_blank">Supplier Directory</a>). These organisations may share your personal data with us if you allow them to do so</li> <li><strong>from social media sites or apps.&nbsp;</strong>If your settings and preferences allow, we may obtain information (including personal data) from social media services such as Facebook and LinkedIn.</li> <li><strong>from publicly available sources</strong> We may supplement the information we collect for legitimate business and commercial purposes to update, expand or analyse our records, identify products and services that may be of interest to you with solicited personal information from other sources, such as commercially available sources, websites and data providers (i.e. UK companies House), as well as information from our business partners in Australia or internationally.</li> </ul> <h3>IP addresses and other device information</h3> <p>In order to understand how you use this Website and our services, we may collect information such as details of the browser you used, your operating system, the website you visited immediately before visiting our Website and your Internet Protocol addresses (also known as IP addresses). Your IP address is a unique address that computer devices (such as PCs, tablets and smartphones) use to identify themselves and communicate with other devices in the network.</p> <p>We use this information to analyse how our Website is accessed and used and which of our suppliers are of most interest to you so that we improve our service and make it relevant to you.</p> <h3>Azthena AI and OpenAI</h3> <p>Where content is accessed through the &ldquo;Azthena AI Assistant&rdquo; the following conditions apply.</p> <ol> <li>Users can chat with Azthena either while logged into their AZoProfile account or anonymously. In both cases, the prompt and outline response is retained for 30 days for training and identification of &ldquo;content gaps&rdquo;. If logged into their AZoProfile account the related &ldquo;consents&rdquo; apply to Users.</li> <li>Where content is passed to OpenAI as a part of processing, only the User&rsquo;s prompt is sent to OpenAI, without any details that identify them. Per OpenAI&rsquo;s policy on chats processed through its API (, they do not train their models on chat inputs or outputs.</li> </ol> <p>Where content is passed through OpenAI &ldquo;GPT&rsquo;s&rdquo;, both items 1 &amp; 2 above apply.</p> <h3 class="anchor-offset-for-fixed-header" id="cookies">Cookies</h3> <p>In common with many other website operators, we may use standard technology called &#39;cookies&#39; on this Website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer&#39;s hard drive and they are used to record how you navigate this Website on each visit.</p> <p>Our cookies are used to enable us to develop our Website and to enable you to properly navigate it. We use cookies to collect personal information to enable us to understand our visitors&rsquo; interests and by noting who has seen which pages and advertisements (including any &lsquo;click through&rsquo; from emails), how frequently particular pages are visited and to enable us to determine the most popular areas of our Website. We may use cookies to enrich your experience of using the Website by allowing us to tailor what you see and what information you receive where you have agreed do so you (see &lsquo;<strong>Invitations, newsletters and opportunities&rsquo;&nbsp;</strong>below) to what we have learned about your preferences during your visits to our Website. Sometimes we may use services of third parties and they may use cookies on our behalf to provide their services.</p> <p>The cookies we use on this Website are shown below:</p> <table class="cookies-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name of cookie</th> <th>Type of cookie</th> <th>Purpose of cookie</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>azotgv</td> <td>Performance Cookies</td> <td>To analyse Website traffic using an analytics package. Aggregated usage data helps us improve the Website structure, design, content and functions.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azops</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To identify whether you are signed in to our Website.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azoprurl</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To remember what page visitors signing in wanted to access so they can be redirected there after signing in.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azoidents</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To remember what content was last viewed for users of our analytics package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>hvvintel</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To remember the visitor is an analytics package user for displaying relevant links.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azo_tun_su_tagids<br /> azo_tun_td_tagids<br /> azo_tun_slp_pgcntr</td> <td>Functional Cookies</td> <td>To store information about your preferences so that the Website can present visitors with information that is relevant.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>hcpqresp<br /> hcpscts</td> <td>Targeting Cookies</td> <td>To store information about your preferences so that the Website can present visitors with information that is relevant.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>rfrlsite<br /> azorfrlsites</td> <td>Performance Cookies</td> <td>To remember what referring website visitors arrived from, used to analyse Website traffic using an analytics package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>js-enabled</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To test whether your browser has JavaScript enabled.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>nirids<br /> niridp</td> <td>Performance Cookies</td> <td>To store which newsletter visitors originated from, used to analyse Website traffic using an analytics package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azoformdata<br /> azofrmvaluessid</td> <td>Functional Cookies</td> <td>To store information a visitor entered into a form for auto populating the fields on subsequent forms.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>aznblogsignup</td> <td>Functional Cookies</td> <td>To remember whether a visitor signed up for updates to our marketing science blog.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ist</td> <td>Performance Cookies</td> <td>To remember what search keyword a visitor arrived to our website from, used to analyse Website traffic using an analytics package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>azthenaTermsAccepted</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>To remember whether you accepted the Azthena AI terms of use.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OptanonConsent</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>A cookie set by OneTrust, our consent management platform (CMP), to remember which categories of cookies a visitor has given or withdrawn consent for.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>OptanonAlertBoxClosed</td> <td>Strictly Necessary Cookies</td> <td>A cookie set by OneTrust, our consent management platform (CMP), to remember whether a cookie information notice has been shown and in some cases accepted by a visitor.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>You may also get cookies (including Flash cookies) from our suppliers and advertisers if you click on their links or adverts. In addition, some of our pages may contain embedded content such as YouTube videos or a Google Plus share and you may receive cookies from these sites. These cookies are not within our control and you should check their privacy and security policies to understand how they use these.</p> <h3>Preventing use of cookies</h3> <p>Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser to prevent cookies being stored. With experience, you can usually choose to switch off all cookies or to allow only certain &lsquo;trusted&rsquo; sites to place cookies.</p> <p>For further information on cookies and Flash cookies and how to switch them off see the Information Commissioner&rsquo;s website at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or visit&nbsp;<a href=""></a> .</p> <p style="text-left;background:#D9D9D9;padding:3px 8px;">PLEASE NOTE, IF YOU DO TURN COOKIES OFF, THIS WILL LIMIT THE SERVICE THAT WE ARE ABLE TO PROVIDE TO YOU AND MAY AFFECT YOUR USER EXPERIENCE</p> <h2>How We Will Use Your Personal Data</h2> <p>All personal data that we obtain about you will be recorded, used, and protected by us in accordance with current data protection law and this Privacy Policy. We will primarily use the personal data for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li><strong>administration.&nbsp;</strong>To provide the goods and services you request and to communicate with you in the event that any of them are unavailable or if there is a query or problem with your request</li> <li><strong>market research.&nbsp;</strong>To carry out market research so that we can improve the goods and services we offer</li> <li><strong>profiling.&nbsp;</strong>To create an individual profile for you (such as your<strong>&nbsp;AZoProfile</strong>) which includes analysing demographic and geographic information so that we can enhance your experience and relationship with us, understand and respect your preferences and to provide information and details of other initiatives where you have agreed to receive them</li> </ul> <h3>Consent and lawful processing of personal data</h3> <p>The legal basis for the collection and use of your personal data is that you have given your consent and/or that it is in our legitimate interests to do so (or those of our suppliers, or those legal entities that are Subsidiaries or Direct Affiliates of the suppliers) in order to educate and encourage innovation in science and your rights and freedoms are not prejudiced by this.</p> <h3>Disclosing your personal data</h3> <p>We do not sell personal data but we will, however, share your data with those of our suppliers, or those legal entities that are Subsidiaries or Direct Affiliates of the suppliers, from which you require a quotation, content updates and/or details of related products and services if you have agreed to us doing so. We may provide aggregated statistical data to our suppliers to help them understand the types of business that are interested in their products and services. In limited circumstances, we may make a little more detail available to them (such as your IP address) to enable them to verify our statistical information but this will be subject to strict license terms that only permit the data to be used for verification purposes unless we have your specific consent for anything more. Our <a href="/life-sciences/azonetwork-company-directory" target="_blank">Supplier Directory</a> sets out details of our suppliers including where they are in the world. We update the Supplier Directory regularly and you can see the most up-to-date version on each of our websites.</p> <p>To operate our websites and to provide our products and services, we may, occasionally, appoint other organisations to carry out some of the processing activities or content services on our behalf. These may include, for example, technology hosts, content providers and email distribution services. In these circumstances, we will ensure that your personal data is properly protected and that it is only used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. These third parties have been carefully chosen and we require these service and content providers to comply with relevant privacy and data protection laws and not to use personal data which we provide for any purpose other than the specific service they are providing to you and/or us.</p> <p>In certain situations, we may be required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. We may also disclose your personal information as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena or other legal process, when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.</p> <h3>Publication on our websites</h3> <p>Where a supplier, contributor or expert provides contact details, qualifications or employment information to us, we may publish this on our websites and/or in our <a href="/life-sciences/azonetwork-company-directory" target="_blank">Supplier Directory</a>.</p> <h3>Sale or other disposal of our business</h3> <p>If, for any reason, we dispose of any part of our business, we may transfer any records (which may include your personal data) to the new owner.</p> <h2>Invitations, Newsletters and Opportunities</h2> <p>AZoNetwork, our suppliers, or those legal entities that are Subsidiaries or Direct Affiliates of the suppliers, would each like to contact you by email about products, services and a range of other initiatives. These communications may be sent in various forms, including email and mail in accordance with applicable marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).&nbsp; We will only send you direct marketing communications and information where we have your consent. You can opt out at any time and details of how to opt-in to or opt-out of receiving information are on relevant pages of this Website and/or in the electronic message you receive.</p> <p>We will usually try to tailor the communications we send to you so that they are relevant and in line with the preference options you have chosen which form part of the personal profile we will create for you.</p> <h3>Preferences / Subscribe / Unsubscribe</h3> <p>You can change your mind about whether you wish to receive information at any time and can tell us of your preferences by emailing us at&nbsp;<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#86f3e8f5f3e4f5e5f4efe4e3c6e7fce9e8e3f2f1e9f4eda8e5e9eb"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="aadfc4d9dfc8d9c9d8c3c8cfeacbd0c5c4cfdeddc5d8c184c9c5c7">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>&nbsp;or by following the instructions with each communication you receive.</p> <p>Please note it may take up to one month for your changes to be implemented and for communications to cease.</p> <h2>Data Security</h2> <p>We take the security of personal data seriously. We employ security technology, including firewalls, and encryption to safeguard personal data and have procedures in place to ensure that our systems and databases are protected against unauthorised disclosure, use, loss and damage.</p> <p>We only use third party service providers where we are satisfied that the security, they provide for your personal data is at least as stringent as we use ourselves.</p> <p>We also have procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so, if you are based in the UK or EU notification will be made within 72 hours of the breach.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to our Sites; any transmission is at your own risk.</p> <h2>Data Retention</h2> <p>We will normally keep your personal data for five years after your last interaction with us, or any of our websites. If we consider that you are no longer an active user of our websites or our services we may delete your personal data sooner than this.</p> <p>We expect to contact you at least every two years to ensure you are still happy to hear from us according to the preferences you have provided to us.</p> <h2>Transfer of Your Personal Data Outside of Europe</h2> <p>To provide our services to you, we transfer personal data to our trusted service providers in the United States, Ireland and Australia. All Data Transfers are subject to GDPR compliant Data Processing Addenda (DPA&#39;s).</p> <p>We have taken proper steps to ensure that it is protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws.</p> <p>Some of our suppliers, or those legal entities that are Subsidiaries or Direct Affiliates of the suppliers, are located in regions outside of Europe (our <a href="/life-sciences/azonetwork-company-directory" target="_blank">Supplier Directory</a> shows the world region for each supplier). If you agree to us providing your details to our suppliers, your data may be transferred to the relevant supplier to satisfy your requirements.</p> <h2>Changes to This Privacy Policy</h2> <p>Privacy laws and practice are constantly developing, and we aim to meet high standards. Our policies and procedures are, therefore, under continual review. We may, from time to time, update our security and privacy policies and all personal data held by us will be governed by the most recent version of our Privacy Policy. If we want to make any significant changes in how we will use your personal data we will contact you directly and, if required, seek your consent.</p> <p>We will ensure our Website has our most up to date policy and suggest that you check this page periodically to review our latest version.</p> <h2>Your Rights</h2> <p>You have a number of legal rights in respect of your personal data. These include:</p> <ul> <li><strong>access.&nbsp;</strong>The right to receive a copy of the personal data that we hold about you. We will require proof of identity and proof of authority if the request comes from someone other than the person whose data we are asked to provide. This will ensure we only provide information to the correct person. We normally expect to respond to requests within 28 days of receiving them.</li> <li><strong>withdraw consent to direct marketing.</strong>&nbsp;You can exercise this right at any time and can update your preferences yourself or ask us to do it for you. See section&nbsp;&lsquo;<strong>Updating and correcting your personal data</strong>&rsquo;&nbsp;below for details.</li> <li><strong>withdraw consent to other processing.</strong>&nbsp;Where the only legal basis for our processing your personal data is that we have your consent to do so, you may withdraw your consent to that processing at any time and we will have to stop processing your personal data. Please note, this will only affect a new activity and does not mean that processing carried out before you withdrew your consent is unlawful.</li> <li><strong>rectification.&nbsp;</strong>If you consider any of your personal data is inaccurate, you can correct it yourself or ask us to do it for you (see section&nbsp;&lsquo;<strong>Updating and correcting your personal data</strong>&rsquo;&nbsp;below for details).</li> <li><strong>restriction.&nbsp;</strong>In limited circumstances you may be able to require us to restrict our processing of your personal data. For example, if you consider what we hold is inaccurate and we disagree, the processing may be restricted until the accuracy has been verified.</li> <li><strong>erasure.&nbsp;</strong>Where we have no lawful basis for holding onto your personal data you may ask us to delete it.</li> <li><strong>portability.&nbsp;</strong>In limited circumstances you may be entitled to have the personal data you have provided to us sent electronically to you for you to provide to another organisation.</li> <li><strong>to complain to the Information Commissioner&rsquo;s Office.&nbsp;</strong>If you have a concern or complaint, we would prefer you to contact us (see the section &lsquo;<strong>How to contact&nbsp;us</strong>&rsquo; below) and we will try to resolve it for you. If you want to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner&rsquo;s Office, you can find information on how to do this at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Updating and Correcting Personal Data</h2> <p>You may update, request deletion/delete or correct your personal data in accordance with your legal rights by logging into your <a href="/azoprofile/account/">AZoProfile Page</a> or contacting us and asking us to do it for you (see the section &lsquo;<strong>How to contact&nbsp;us</strong>&rsquo; below). Please include your name and/or email address when you contact us as this helps us to ensure that we accept amendments only from the correct person.</p> <p>On your AZoProfile page you can manage your data and conduct any of the following actions;</p> <p><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></p> <p>We encourage you to promptly update your personal data if it changes. If you are providing updates or corrections about another person, we may require you to provide us with proof that you are authorised to provide that information to us.</p> <h2>How to Contact Us</h2> <p><strong>If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:</strong></p> <p><strong>Website:</strong><br /></p> <p><strong>Email:</strong><br /> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e0898e868fa0819a8f8e8594978f928bce838f8d"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="dbb2b5bdb49bbaa1b4b5beafacb4a9b0f5b8b4b6">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></p> <p><strong><u>EU Citizens</u></strong><br /> AZoNetwork UK Ltd.<br /> 4th Floor, NEO Building<br /> 9 Charlotte Street<br /> Manchester M1 4ET<br /> United Kingdom</p> <p><strong><u>Non-EU Citizens</u></strong><br /> AZoNetwork<br /> Suite 24, 90 Mona Vale Rd<br /> Mona Vale<br /> NSW 2103<br /> Australia</p> <p><strong>Complaints.</strong> If you think we have breached the Privacy Act, GDPR, CCPA or other applicable privacy laws, you may complain to us by contacting us as outlined in this section above. When you contact us, please include your email address, name, address, and telephone number and clearly describe your complaint. We will respond to your complaint as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 5 business days, by contacting you to inform you whether we have accepted your complaint, need further information or do not think we are in breach. We will also inform you of the next steps in resolving your complaint.</p> <p>If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, or if you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, or at any other time, you may refer your complaint to the applicable supervisory authority for data protection issues.</p> <p>UK Information Commissioner&rsquo;s Office, at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Australian Information Commissioner&rsquo;s Office at <a href=""></a></p> <p>General information about privacy may be found via:</p> <p><a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a></p> <p class="page-last-updated-on"> Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024 </p> </div> </div> </main> <div class="sidebar-container main-sidebar-container col-xs-12 col-md-4"> <div 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