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Viewing on mobile devices is not recommended.''</small> |} </div></div></div> == Normal is just a cycle on a washing machine == This quote is popularly attributed to [[Whoopi Goldberg]]. All I have found so far are image macros. There is also a 2016 autobiography with this quote as the title. Does anyone know what movie, TV show, or interview this might be from? -- [[User:Heyzeuss|Heyzeuss]] ([[User talk:Heyzeuss|talk]]) 12:54, 2 August 2020 (UTC) : I found an interview from 2009. I just can't believe that she is the first person to ever say that though. ~~ [[User:Heyzeuss|Heyzeuss]] ([[User talk:Heyzeuss|talk]]) 10:44, 3 August 2020 (UTC) == the bible lets have a healthy conversation == I stumbled on to a part of genesis which talks about Nephilim which pricked my ears it's in (gen 6.4-8) I would love to know what your opinion is and description seems the most interesting I'm not an expert but I'm a fellow Christian shalom. Hi... religion is about ethics and morality. It seems you are more interested in science fiction, or speculative history? == Create a page ==confi# Quote Is there any way I can create a page on Wikiquote myself? --[[User:Family is where everything will be learn. IPlayVR|IPlayVR]] ([[User talk:IPlayVR|talk]]) 23:07, 3 may 2021 (UTC) == RE: Desperately Seeking the authentic citations for quotes == I am presently on the last page of my book called My Own Ocean Tides: Triumph Over Tribulation Bk 1. It has been an ongoing nightmare trying to learn how to cite correctly my quotes featured, but also find the actual original authors with citations details. This one particularly: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1829. Wikipedia and Wikiquotes seem to not recognize Edward Bulwer Lytton connected to this quote. Although it brings up other works of his. How can I resolve this issue and find what I am looking for -with the quickness! Thank you very much. Candina Ann Author, Publisher, Poet, and Lyricist --[[Special:Contributions/2600:6C52:7300:155C:ACD5:5981:4FE2:A8FB|2600:6C52:7300:155C:ACD5:5981:4FE2:A8FB]] 01:44, 28 October 2020 (UTC) == About the quote == Hello. May I quote lines from animations and cartoons? --[[User:유미사카|유미사카]] ([[User talk:유미사카|talk]]) 07:40, 22 January 2021 (UTC) :Oh, I uploaded it wrong.I'm sorry. --[[User:유미사카|유미사카]] ([[User talk:유미사카|talk]]) 07:40, 22 January 2021 (UTC) == English == What does the word "compile"mean?[is a researched data analysis generally based thurally investigated, checked for crosspondance on the retrieved data analysis then edited as its printed under documentation of documents] == Ortega y Gasset quote? == ''When there is a shortage of bread the mob burns down the bakeries.'' Does anyone know where this is from == What is the earliest verifiable quote? == It seems like a simple question, but I haven't had much luck trying to find the answer. Maybe my google-fu is weak, or maybe the ubiquity of communications technology and mass data storage has caused my Gen Z brain to become fascinated by the very idea of words, frozen in time and directly attributable to a single person, in a way earlier generations may have recognized to be futile. At any rate, for the purpose of clarifying the scope of the question, let’s define a “quote” as “a word or series of words, which was cited as the synthesis of, or attributed to, another speaker or writer.” Considering a quote as only a single word may seem odd, but in the case of wholly new words, new loanwords, and translations all the same, the first time something is quoted represents the moment the word(s) enters the historical record as not just a word(s) but a unit of cultural information in a way less easily lost to time than, say, the moment the word(s) is first uttered or the moment the meaning is comprehended by a whole segment of contemporary society. Accordingly, the definition of “verifiable” must be able to be applied to both the quote and the original; although there are few scenarios I could imagine that would result in it being applicable to one, but not the other. For this purpose, I’ll define it narrowly, as “that which can be confirmed to have been written or spoken, by proof or evidence of a surviving copy of the text or record, or by proof or evidence of reference to the text or record by a source regarded by the majority of modern historians to be accurate.” So, now that I’ve properly explained what it is that I’m looking for, I humbly ask any smart person reading this with even a slight interest in the subject matter to share their knowledge or any vague directions that may be helpful along my journey. If you made it this far, thank you, and I hope we can discover history together. [[—[[Special:Contributions/2001:56A:F47C:BD00:69AC:383E:666C:4484|2001:56A:F47C:BD00:69AC:383E:666C:4484]] 19:58, 27 August 2021 (UTC)]] :My name is Alfreda A Smith-Burrus 404 N High St apt L Mt Vernon Ny 10552 much rather prefer use of My Post Office Box 1456 Yonkers Ny 10702 US Post Office Getty Square Local US Post Office 914-297-2669 917-965-4841. Lexington Law Firm Chris Johnson 225 Broadway Ny Ny 10007 Case # 762061 212-732-7300 John C Heath PLLC Attorney At Law Lexington Law Firm 300 N Cutler Dr North Salt Lake City,Utah 84054 1-800-341-8441 1-800-820-3157 tele/fax 311 NYC Forms Crystal Health Care 2 Center Rock Rd Nyack Ny 845-703-6999 Cindy HRA Billing. Life Lock 1-800-948-0498 1-888-244-9823. Songs Lyrics Dear Richard Gold 202-326-3355 202-663-7022 Home Owners Complaint Real Estate deceased 311 NYC Heavy D Dwight Meyers Christopher Wallace Rapper Biggy Smalls. There was other Stars or Singers Songs Lyrics. Identy Theft Dear Richard Gold Sean Carter was at Dwight Myers Funeral or Memorial JZ Rapper ROR Forː Studio Recorder Comments Public Comments he did not win. Curtis Jacksom Jail Time ROR Fromː Brooklyn Ny. Earl Simmons DMX deceased Fromː Heart problems died White Plains Hospital. I Live 311 NYC Bronx Ny Jeuvilnile Songs Lyrics write Songs/Lyrics about me. NYS Dept Of Health Unclaimed Funds 110 State St Albany Ny 1-800-221-9311 Reference # 10980055 [[Special:Contributions/2603:7000:1A42:4300:CBE:14B4:F0B9:C7C|2603:7000:1A42:4300:CBE:14B4:F0B9:C7C]] 00:19, 25 October 2024 (UTC) ::salfreda84̊ [[Special:Contributions/2603:7000:1A42:4300:CBE:14B4:F0B9:C7C|2603:7000:1A42:4300:CBE:14B4:F0B9:C7C]] 00:20, 25 October 2024 (UTC) == how can I find out who wrote this quote? == "Anything You Can Think or Dream, You Can Do or Be." Uncle Mark == Quote Category == Not sure if this is allowed or what, but in which category would quotes from video/online games go? --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 10:05, 7 September 2021 (UTC) == Circa 1990s: Origin of Quotation that begins "Some people mirror our darkness..." == I am looking for the origin of the following quotation: '''''"Some people mirror our darkness. Others adequately reflect our light. Occasionally, we find one who does both. This is the one we either flee from or grapple to our hearts with hoops of steel."''''' I was given it on a piece of copy paper in 1993 by a hospital chaplain in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1994 I saw it on a Day-To-A-Page flip calendar (those specialty desktop calendars that were popular in the 1990s in the USA - unfortunately I don't know the calendar brand). So far Google searches and list searches have resulted in no hits whatsoever even though I conduct a search for it every few years. Note: The closest 'hits' relate to the text from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3: "Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,. Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel,. But do not dull thy palm with entertainment." The quotation I am looking for was not this one. Anyone recognise it? ÀċĐÀĐĐċ == Author of a quote == Who is the author of the following quote: "What do I win if I gain the thing I seek - A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy? Who buys a minutes mirth to wail a week or sells eternity for a toy?" == <s>{{ds|Did MLK really say, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"?}}</s> == {{ds|Hi Wiki Quote, I was considering using this MLK quote in a sermon, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” but I could not actually find it in one of his speeches. Wikiquotes says it’s in The Trumpet of Conscience, but when I downloaded that book on Kindle, it was not there. You can also see this big long thread of people trying to figure out where it came from: Do you know when/where MLK said this quote? Thank you. [[Category:Wikiquote maintenance|Requested entries]] [[Category:Wikiquote Requested entries| ]] HELP,,, WE NEED TO CONTACT BY PHONE A PERSON WITH INFO ON fRANK LOYD WRIGHT. I AM LOW VISION AND NEED PHONE CONTACK...AND HAVE GOOD INFO ON MANY PROJECTS. BOB BREEN 480 636 1060 [[Special:Contributions/2600:8800:61A5:9D00:D41:746A:BBB8:E97D|2600:8800:61A5:9D00:D41:746A:BBB8:E97D]] 17:17, 21 June 2022 (UTC)}} == Biology == About brain Brain is a part in which hidden things are stored Brain works fast when your eyes feels good,,,,,MOHSAN RAZA == Who wrote this? == Anything You can think or dream, You can do or be [[User:&#39;Mmzamora76&#39;|&#39;Mmzamora76&#39;]] ([[User talk:&#39;Mmzamora76&#39;|talk]]) 19:53, 26 February 2023 (UTC) == There is no substitute for a running program -- Herbert Simon == I know I read this quote (it might be a paraphrase), but I would appreciate a citation. I have read Herbert Simon's ''Models of my life'', but I can't seem to locate it. BrainyQuote has a blocked paraphrase "...the moment of truth is a running program; all else is prophecy". I actually don't recall that version. -- [[User:Ancheta Wis|Ancheta Wis]] ([[User talk:Ancheta Wis|talk]]) 14:25, 29 March 2023 (UTC) * {{Cite Q|Q118464130}} can be borrowed from Open Library. I've done searches through it but also could not locate ''There is no substitute for a running program ''. -- [[User:DeirgeDel|DeirgeDel]]<sup>[[User talk:DeirgeDel| t]]</sup><sub>[[:m:User:DeirgeDel/A|a]]</sub><sup>[[Special:Contributions/DeirgeDel|c]]</sup> 14:01, 18 May 2023 (UTC) == Haking == Hack Karna [[Special:Contributions/2409:4061:2DB1:8DD6:0:0:DBC9:4612|2409:4061:2DB1:8DD6:0:0:DBC9:4612]] 03:16, 2 April 2023 (UTC) Hack karna [[Special:Contributions/2409:4061:2DB1:8DD6:0:0:DBC9:4612|2409:4061:2DB1:8DD6:0:0:DBC9:4612]] 03:17, 2 April 2023 (UTC) == The shock severe == [[User:Edent]] has [ blogged about a poem], often used as an epitaph, including the lines: <poem> The call was short the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear </poem> with variants using "''A bitter grief a'' shock severe" and "the ''sting'' severe"; and the earlier "''The cup was bitter the loss severe''" Can we trace its origins? <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">[[User:Pigsonthewing|Andy Mabbett]]</span> (<span class="nickname">Pigsonthewing</span>); [[User talk:Pigsonthewing|Talk to Andy]]; [[Special:Contributions/Pigsonthewing|Andy's edits]]</span> 16:41, 22 June 2023 (UTC) :{{Ping|Pigsonthewing|Edent}}: I observe "The Shock severe" stated as used by James Thomson (b 1700) in ''Elergy on the death of his Mother'' (1725) [ (Courthope,A History of English Poetry,vol5,1919)]. (Then I spotted you've already found that!) -- [[User:DeirgeDel|DeirgeDel]]<sup>[[User talk:DeirgeDel| t]]</sup><sub>[[:m:User:DeirgeDel/A|a]]</sub><sup>[[Special:Contributions/DeirgeDel|c]]</sup> 22:44, 23 June 2023 (UTC) == trying to ask a Q; clicked Ask a Question on // == Puzzled as to whether this is how to ask... Just perused the Keith Laumer materials. Marvelous work Wikiquote has done there. Found the above while trying to hunt down source of "Is Not Is Not Not Is" I seem to recall coming across it when I was reading a lot of Sci Fi & after reading the excerpts on the Laumer page, I'm almost ready to believe it is from him. If one of your volunteers is a Laumer fan maybe they can confirm him as the originator. Had I kept all of my back issues I'd be re-reading them now to find it. Do you suppose would accept scanned copies of Sci Fi greats? You are all incredible people... Live long and prosper ----&---- have large families! OldeTar == Lack of Bibliography == There are dozens of popular quote sites on the Web such as wikiquotes. There are thousands of author specific fan sites which list popular quotes of their heroes. But for some reason NONE of these documents whether available on the web or in copyrighted published books give sources. I am a trained academic. If I cannot find a source for something that something DOES NOT EXIST and cannot therefore be used in any academic context. Why has this chaos been permitted to exist? Right now I am trying desperately to use two famous quotes by Winston Churchill: “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interests.” “The Russians will try all the rooms in a house, enter those that are not locked, and when they come to one that cannot be broken into, they will withdraw and invite you to dine genially that same evening.” but aside from a comment that the first quote was made, possibly over the BBC, in October 1939 on the occasion of the partition of Poland by Germany and Russia, I can find NOTHING. Therefore I cannot use these hypothetical quotes. [[User:Jamescobban|Jamescobban]] ([[User talk:Jamescobban|talk]]) 01:42, 8 October 2023 (UTC) == Kind == Kind == Arshad Ali == Arshad [[Special:Contributions/2409:4081:AB01:3A7E:0:0:50C9:112|2409:4081:AB01:3A7E:0:0:50C9:112]] 06:33, 25 October 2023 (UTC) == What's the best way to get discussion going on talk pages? == I have tried to start discussion on talk pages before. In most cases no one replies. Am I doing something wrong? [[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] ([[User talk:Ottawahitech|talk]]) 16:57, 28 October 2023 (UTC) == Kierkegaard Quote Source - Proposed by Kalki February 14 2007 == The following wikiquote was proposed by user Kalki on February 14th 2007: "When one has once fully entered the realm of love, the world — no matter how imperfect — becomes rich and beautiful, it consists solely of opportunities for love." The attribution is to Soren Kierkegaard, and I am requesting a specific source or more info from the user who proposed the quote (ie. is this a paraphrase or possible misattribution?) These words are not found in the book Works of Love suggested by other sources. This Wikiquote proposed in 2007 is the earliest published record I can find of this quote, either online or in books of any kind. I believe this is a misattribution, but wanted to verify with the original creator, Kalki. Regards, --[[User:Cusabe|Cusabe]] ([[User talk:Cusabe|talk]]) 17:33, 28 November 2023 (UTC) == A sesame Street Quote == Hi, I came across the following dialogue from a Sesame Street sketch by Big Bird and Maria. Can you please tell evwhat season and episode it's from? Here I s the dialogue [A very pregnant Maria berates with a silent Big Bird in front of Gordon's and Susan's apartment in Sesame Street during the middle of the night, as she goes into labor whilst criticizing Big Bird's size and height] Maria: [to Big Bird] You think you are pretty big, don't you? Hmph! Well, I bet I can be bigger than you. In fact, [Maria turns herself around towards the viewer, and then faces the viewer] Maria: you are nothing compared to how big I could be. [Big Bird walks off in a huff] Maria: [to the viewer] Just look at this. [Maria turns her head around towards the right side of the screen, and back to the viewer, and then takes the very first very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body begins to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] I'm great. [Maria takes the second very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Look. Can you see me? [Maria takes the third very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Can you believe it? [Maria gets very angry, as she takes the fourth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Now, I'm bigger than you! [Maria grows angrier and angrier, as she takes the fifth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A TREE! [Maria takes the sixth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A MOUNTAIN! [Maria takes the seventh very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] *BIGGER THAN THE WOOOOOORRRRRRLLLLLLDDDDDD*!!!!!! [Maria takes the eighth and last very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and then explodes, as the screen turns white, and back to Sesame Street, minus Maria]. I know this sounds morbid but it's likely a fantasy sequence with likely computer tricks. And if it piques my curiosity then I've got to check it out. Thanks for any help. If you can send a link, that would be great too! [[Special:Contributions/2601:195:C380:926:B1D7:CE22:B145:3BF2|2601:195:C380:926:B1D7:CE22:B145:3BF2]] 13:16, 20 January 2024 (UTC) == Sesame street wikiquote episode please == A very pregnant Maria berates with a silent Big Bird in front of Gordon's and Susan's apartment in Sesame Street during the middle of the night, as she goes into labor whilst criticizing Big Bird's size and height] Maria: [to Big Bird] You think you are pretty big, don't you? Hmph! Well, I bet I can be bigger than you. In fact, [Maria turns herself around towards the viewer, and then faces the viewer] Maria: you are nothing compared to how big I could be. [Big Bird walks off in a huff] Maria: [to the viewer] Just look at this. [Maria turns her head around towards the right side of the screen, and back to the viewer, and then takes the very first very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body begins to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] I'm great. [Maria takes the second very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Look. Can you see me? [Maria takes the third very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Can you believe it? [Maria gets very angry, as she takes the fourth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Now, I'm bigger than you! [Maria grows angrier and angrier, as she takes the fifth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A TREE! [Maria takes the sixth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A MOUNTAIN! [Maria takes the seventh very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] *BIGGER THAN THE WOOOOOORRRRRRLLLLLLDDDDDD*!!!!!! [Maria takes the eighth and last very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and then explodes, as the screen turns white, and back to Sesame Street, minus Maria] [[User:AGrugan2024|AGrugan2024]] ([[User talk:AGrugan2024|talk]]) 16:15, 20 January 2024 (UTC) == What Sesame Street episode did this dialogue come from == Hi, I found this on your page a few days ago and I woukd like to know what Sesame Street episode it came from. I imagine that since you found the convsersation that it was recorded. Can you please direct me to the episode in question, or better yet send a link please? Thanks! [A very pregnant Maria berates with a silent Big Bird in front of Gordon's and Susan's apartment in Sesame Street during the middle of the night, as she goes into labor whilst criticizing Big Bird's size and height] Maria: [to Big Bird] You think you are pretty big, don't you? Hmph! Well, I bet I can be bigger than you. In fact, [Maria turns herself around towards the viewer, and then faces the viewer] Maria: you are nothing compared to how big I could be. [Big Bird walks off in a huff] Maria: [to the viewer] Just look at this. [Maria turns her head around towards the right side of the screen, and back to the viewer, and then takes the very first very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body begins to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] I'm great. [Maria takes the second very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Look. Can you see me? [Maria takes the third very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Can you believe it? [Maria gets very angry, as she takes the fourth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] Now, I'm bigger than you! [Maria grows angrier and angrier, as she takes the fifth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A TREE! [Maria takes the sixth very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] BIGGER THAN A MOUNTAIN! [Maria takes the seventh very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger] Maria: [to the viewer] *BIGGER THAN THE WOOOOOORRRRRRLLLLLLDDDDDD*!!!!!! [Maria takes the eighth and last very long deep cleansing breath of air slowly and deeply, and her stomach and body grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and then explodes, as the screen turns white, and back to Sesame Street, minus Maria] [[User:AGrugan2024|AGrugan2024]] ([[User talk:AGrugan2024|talk]]) 04:09, 24 January 2024 (UTC) == Quote == Who wrote this? It is not that so much has become predictable, tawdry, and reduced in scale that saddens me now, it is that everyone urges, desires, prefers, seeks, the boldly second rate. [[User:Euanls|Euanls]] ([[User talk:Euanls|talk]]) 05:00, 5 February 2024 (UTC) == Brain vs. brawn == I just wanted to add a quote with the theme "brain and not brawn". What would be the best approach to do that? Should we just add them to the entry [[Brain]] (it currently focuses on the biological aspects)? Other quote websites actually have an entry for "brain vs brawn" or similar. --'''[[User:ZxxZxxZ|Z]]''' 13:57, 13 April 2024 (UTC) :@[[User:ZxxZxxZ|ZxxZxxZ]], Do you know whose quote it is? Before adding "brain and not brawn" to [[Brain]] or any other article you would have know who said it. [[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] ([[User talk:Ottawahitech|talk]]) 13:39, 29 November 2024 (UTC) ::Yes, it is [[Agathias]]'s quote "... brains and not brawn are the prerequisite of a good general" also mentioned in the article [[w:Mihr-Mihroe]]. --'''[[User:ZxxZxxZ|Z]]''' 11:45, 30 November 2024 (UTC) == Linda Goodman's quote == I've read in Michael White's ''Weird Science'' the following quote: "A planet does not have any astrological influence until it is discovered." It is attribuited to [[Linda Goodman]], in her ''Star-Signs'' (also cited as ''Linda Goodman's Star Signs''), Bantam Books, NY, 1968. I have an Internet Archive account and can borrow books for some time, but I couldn't find the exact quote.-- [[User:Carnby|Carnby]] ([[User talk:Carnby|talk]]) 16:46, 12 August 2024 (UTC) :@[[User:Carnby|Carnby]], I am trying to figure out what which enwq page you are asking about. Is it [[Weird Science (film)]]? cheers, [[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] ([[User talk:Ottawahitech|talk]]) 13:35, 29 November 2024 (UTC) ::@[[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] Nope, it is a book by {{w|Michael White (author)|Michael White}}.-- [[User:Carnby|Carnby]] ([[User talk:Carnby|talk]]) 17:43, 29 November 2024 (UTC) == English == Ok [[Special:Contributions/2401:4900:5700:2454:C8DA:5BFF:FE44:BD3D|2401:4900:5700:2454:C8DA:5BFF:FE44:BD3D]] 16:34, 10 September 2024 (UTC) == I have a question about trees == I have a question about trees. I don't know if there are any botanists round here, but I was wondering when trees are more likely to drop their fruit in large numbers. There's A very large tree in our neighborhood that has not been interfering with traffic before, but now it is suddenly shedding so many podsnthat I am afraid someone would pressure the officials to cut it down. I love that tree and would like to do anything I can to save it. Anyone? [[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] ([[User talk:Ottawahitech|talk]]) 13:31, 29 November 2024 (UTC) == links to the outside world? == One thing I dislike about the English Wikiquote is my inability to distinguish between internal Wlikiquote links and links to the English Wikipedia. Many times After I click a link I find myself compelled to correct a small error and when I do I get a terrrr attack because I am told that I am blocked from editing. Only after I settle down I realize that I wasattepting to edit enwp, not enwq where I am still not blocked. anyone else here think it is a goo idea to allow readers to figure out what kind link they are clicking on? [[User:Ottawahitech|Ottawahitech]] ([[User talk:Ottawahitech|talk]]) 14:51, 1 December 2024 (UTC) </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Templates used on this page: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:Citation/core" title="Template:Citation/core">Template:Citation/core</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Citation/core&action=edit" title="Template:Citation/core">view source</a>) (protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Citation/link" title="Template:Citation/link">Template:Citation/link</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Citation/link&action=edit" title="Template:Citation/link">view source</a>) (semi-protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Cite_Q" title="Template:Cite Q">Template:Cite Q</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Cite_Q&action=edit" title="Template:Cite Q">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Cite_book" title="Template:Cite book">Template:Cite book</a> (<a 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