FuturistU Custom Masterclasses

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href=''>KEYNOTES</a> <a title='EVENTS' class='thh__catLink thh__catLink--mobile' href=''>EVENTS</a> </div> </div> </div><div class='thh__fixedSpacer'></div><div class='thh__shadowCover'></div> </header> <div class='fcu'> <section class='lp__top lp__topImage--fcu '> <div class='ffu__top lp__topImage th__container'> <div class='lp__topText '> <div class='lp__topTextInner lp__topTextInner--bg'> <h1 class='lp__h1'>Custom Masterclasses</h1> <div class='lp__topSubText'> Over the course of 1-5 days, your custom masterclass program will take your elite squad through a tailored curriculum of innovation workshops designed to solve your most important problems. You end up with new skills PLUS new ideas, business plans, tactics and next steps. </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class='th__container'> <section class='ffc__menuCont lp__sec lp__sec--black'> <div class='ffc__menuText'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--white'>Four levels of <span class='ffc__textspace'>FUTURISTU</span></h2> </div> <nav class='ful__menu'><a href='/custom-innovation-masterclass' class='ful__menuItem ful__menuItem--curr'> <img src='' class='ful__menuImg' width=100 height=100 alt='Custom Innovation Masterclasses'/> <div class='ful__menuInner'> <div class='ful__menuTitle'>Custom Innovation<br/> Masterclasses</div> </div> </a><a href='/ai-innovation-accelerator' class='ful__menuItem '> <img src='' class='ful__menuImg' width=100 height=100 alt='Custom AI Innovation Programs'/> <div class='ful__menuInner'> <div class='ful__menuTitle'>Custom AI<br/> Innovation Programs</div> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__btn--transparent'>LEARN MORE</button> </div> </a><a href='/elearning' class='ful__menuItem '> <img src='' class='ful__menuImg' width=100 height=100 alt='FuturistU E-Learning'/> <div class='ful__menuInner'> <div class='ful__menuTitle'>FuturistU<br/> E-Learning</div> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__btn--transparent'>LEARN MORE</button> </div> </a><a href='/future-festival-masterclass' class='ful__menuItem '> <img src='' class='ful__menuImg' width=100 height=100 alt='5-Day Program @ Future Festival'/> <div class='ful__menuInner'> <div class='ful__menuTitle'>5-Day Program @ <br/>Future Festival</div> <button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__btn--transparent'>LEARN MORE</button> </div> </a></nav> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__secPadding lp__sec--nomargin lp__sec--black'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--white lp__secTitle lp__secTitle--left'>When Training Meets Consulting... Solve Your Most-Important Business Problems While Training Your Team</h2> <div class='lp__secImage lp__secImage--right'> <img width='900' height='900' class='lp__image lp__image--contain thai' alt='Best Trend Research Company' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='lp__image lp__image--contain' width=400 height=400 alt='Best Trend Research Company' /> </noscript> </div> <div class='lp__secText lp__secText--left'> <p class='lp__text lp__text--white lp__text--last'> Our Custom Innovation Masterclass program offers a unique and customizable solution for organizations looking to foster a culture of innovation while solving your most-important problems. The program spans over 5 days and can be spread out or taken consecutively. Each Custom Masterclass takes your elite group of 30-40 people through the a series of innovation workshops, helping them address and work on their organization’s specific problems. We look at innovation through the lens of five categories – the ability to change, culture of innovation, opportunity hunting, adaptive innovation, and infectious messaging. This program has been our strongest to date because it solves exact client problems. </p> </div> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__secPadding lp__sec--nomargin'> <h2 class='lp__h2'>Sample Curriculum - Actual Programs are Completely Tailored</h2> <div class='fcu__niCont'><div class='fcu__ni'> <div class='fcu__niTop'>Day</div> <div class='fcu__niNum'>1</div> <div class='fcu__niTitle'>Ability to Change</div> </div><div class='fcu__ni'> <div class='fcu__niTop'>Day</div> <div class='fcu__niNum'>2</div> <div class='fcu__niTitle'>Culture of Innovation</div> </div><div class='fcu__ni'> <div class='fcu__niTop'>Day</div> <div class='fcu__niNum'>3</div> <div class='fcu__niTitle'>Opportunity Hunting</div> </div><div class='fcu__ni'> <div class='fcu__niTop'>Day</div> <div class='fcu__niNum'>4</div> <div class='fcu__niTitle'>Adaptive Innovation</div> </div><div class='fcu__ni'> <div class='fcu__niTop'>Day</div> <div class='fcu__niNum'>5</div> <div class='fcu__niTitle'>Infectious Messaging</div> </div></div> <div class='fcu__ndCont'> <div class='fcu__ndItems'><div class='fcu__ndItem'> <div class='fcu__ndTitle lp__colored'>Ability to Change</div> <div class='fcu__ndQuestion'><b class='lp__bold'>1.</b> What are the key factors that would block this & how do we address them?</div> </div><div class='fcu__ndItem'> <div class='fcu__ndTitle lp__colored'>Culture of Innovation</div> <div class='fcu__ndQuestion'><b class='lp__bold'>2.</b> How do we roll out cultural change & make this actually happen?</div> </div><div class='fcu__ndItem'> <div class='fcu__ndTitle lp__colored'>Opportunity Hunting</div> <div class='fcu__ndQuestion'><b class='lp__bold'>3.</b> What are the key clients, opportunities, approaches to make this win?</div> </div><div class='fcu__ndItem'> <div class='fcu__ndTitle lp__colored'>Adaptive Innovation</div> <div class='fcu__ndQuestion'><b class='lp__bold'>4.</b> These strategies are new. How do we refine them, again and again and again?</div> </div><div class='fcu__ndItem'> <div class='fcu__ndTitle lp__colored'>Infectious Messaging</div> <div class='fcu__ndQuestion'><b class='lp__bold'>5.</b> How do we best message our best ideas to the team and teach the team to communicate in pitches?</div> </div></div> <p class='fcu__ndRight'> This program has been our strongest to date because it solves exact client problems. </p> </div> <div class='lp__center'> <a href=''> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--wonw'>LEARN MORE</button> </a> </div> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__sec--black lp__secPadding'> <div class='fcu__fHeader'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--white'> <span class='lp__colored--pink lp__italic'>TREND HUNTER</span> <br/>FUTURISTS </h2> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last lp__text--white'> Trend Hunter’s Custom Masterclass programming is developed by Trend Hunter CEO and NYT bestselling author Jeremy Gutsche whose keynote career has spanned 15 years, with over 10 years spent studying AI to evolve the brand. He is joined by our team of Futurists – keynote speakers and workshop facilitators – who have studied innovation and trends across multiple industries to help hundreds of the world’s most disruptive brands unlock hidden opportunities. </p> </div> <div class='fcu__fImages'><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JEREMY GUTSCHE' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JEREMY GUTSCHE' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>JEREMY</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist ARMIDA ASCANO' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist ARMIDA ASCANO' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>ARMIDA</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist GIL COHEN' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist GIL COHEN' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>GIL</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist ADY FLOYD' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist ADY FLOYD' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>ADY</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist COURTNEY SCHARF' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist COURTNEY SCHARF' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>COURTNEY</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist SEAN WATSON' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist SEAN WATSON' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>SEAN</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JONATHON BROWN' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JONATHON BROWN' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>JONATHON</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist MARK ONUFER' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist MARK ONUFER' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>MARK</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist KAIT MCKENNA' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist KAIT MCKENNA' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>KAIT</div> </div><div class='fcu__fImgCont'> <img width='500' height='500' class='fcu__fImg thai' alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JAIME NEELY' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='fcu__fImg' width=400 height=400 alt='Trend Hunter Futurist JAIME NEELY' /> </noscript> <div class='fcu__fImgName'>JAIME</div> </div></div> <div class='fcu__fTexts'><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>JEREMY</span> GUTSCHE</b> <br/>Trend Hunter’s CEO, a New York Times bestselling author, and an award-winning innovation expert. As one of the world’s most sought-after keynote speakers, he has helped hundreds of brands to make change happen. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>ARMIDA</span> ASCANO</b> <br/>Trend Hunter’s Chief Content Officer and the brain behind our trend sessions and workshops. She is our most requested Futurist for custom trend keynotes and gained more than 18 million views to her portfolio of trend content. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>GIL</span> COHEN</b> <br/>Trend Hunter’s SVP of Client Success. She works with leading brands across a variety of industries, leveraging her extensive trend expertise to facilitate innovation and spot opportunities with actionable implications for clients. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>ADY</span> FLOYD</b> <br/>VP of Client Success at Trend Hunter, customizing research for more than 40 of our brand partners. She has curated more than 500 custom research reports to date and has run trend sessions for Fortune 500 companies. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>COURTNEY</span> SCHARF</b> <br/>Chief Client Officer at Trend Hunter. She develops, maintains and optimizes Trend Hunter’s Advisory services, leading the Client Relations team through the creation of more than 5,000 custom trend reports. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>SEAN</span> WATSON</b> <br/>Trend Hunter’s VP of Sales Operations & Special Projects. He applies his tech expertise and unmatched enthusiasm for TH’s content in both strategic internal initiatives and as a keynote speaker. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>JONATHON</span> BROWN</b> <br/>Chief Sales Officer at Trend Hunter, driving strategy around business innovation research, business development and marketing. He has interviewed over 500 business leaders to uncover innovation best practices. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>MARK</span> ONUFER</b> <br/>Director of Accounts at Trend Hunter. Having interviewed 100+ global leaders in innovation, he now solves complex problems for hundreds of the world’s most influential brands. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>KAIT</span> MCKENNA</b> <br/>Research Manager at Trend Hunter. She curates and presents hundreds of reports for 30+ fortune-500 brands, specializing in telling a story that brings insights to life. </p><p class='lp__text lp__text--white'> <b class='lp__bold'><span class='lp__colored--pink'>JAIME</span> NEELY</b> <br/>Trend Hunter’s President and the creator of Trend Hunter’s Innovation Assessment, helping 30,000+ professionals understand and improve their innovation processes both individually and as teams. </p></div> <div class='lp__center'> <a href=''><button class='th__btn th__btn--wonb' type='button'>GET TO KNOW OUR FUTURISTS</button></a> </div> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__secPadding' id='program'> <div class='lp__secImage lp__secImage--right lp__secImage--onethird lp__secImage--early lp__secImage--earlynotitle'> <img width='900' height='900' class='lp__image lp__image--right thai' alt='FuturistU Custom workshop Sessions' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='lp__image lp__image--right' width=400 height=400 alt='FuturistU Custom workshop Sessions' /> </noscript> </div> <div class='lp__secText lp__secText--left lp__secText--twothirds lp__secText--early' > <div class='fcu__wsHead'> <h2 class='lp__h2'>Core Work Sessions</h2> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> Work Sessions are preset but interactive programs that teach problem solving methodology through simulations lasting 1.5+ hours. </p> </div> <div class='fcu__wsCont'><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>AI Innovation - How to Win in an AI-Driven World</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1.5+ hrs)</span> <br/>Learn Why Now, What's Next and How to Win in an AI-driven World. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Trend Hunting</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1.5+ hrs)</span> <br/>Change the way your team thinks about, applies and predicts trends. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Adjacent Industry Simulation</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1.5+ hrs)</span> <br/>Break out of the old habits by reimagining your world and adapting accordingly. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Change Deep Dive</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1.5+ hrs)</span> <br/>Identify urgent points of development and spark action within your team. </p></div> <div class='fcu__wsHead'> <h2 class='lp__h2'>Custom Workshops</h2> <p class='lp__text lp__text--last'> Custom Workshops tackle company-specific issues and objectives with programming tailored to your needs. </p> </div> <div class='fcu__wsCont'><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>AI in Your Industry</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1+ hr)</span> <br/>Learn the latest AI tools, tactics and trends accelerating competitors and startups in your own industry. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>AI Innovation Workshop</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(1-5 Days)</span> <br/>Develop actionable next steps and plans to AUTOMATE and ENHANCE your business. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Prototyping</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(2+ hrs)</span> <br/>Prototype ideas and productionize creativity using the 6 Patterns of Opportunity. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Idea Discovery</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(2+ hrs)</span> <br/>Identify your company's biggest areas for development and uncover new ideas. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Making Change Happen</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(3+ hrs)</span> <br/>Enact major change within your company in the most efficient way possible. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Infectious Messaging</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(2+ hrs)</span> <br/>Rethink your value prop and marketing to more effectively speak to consumers. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Disruption & Adaptation</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(2+ hrs)</span> <br/>Anticipate upcoming threats to your business and prepare for future success. </p><p class='fcu__ws lp__text'> <span class='fcu__wsTitle'>Culture & Change</span> <span class='fcu__wsTime'>(2+ hrs)</span> <br/>Understand and enhance your company's culture to fuel innovation. </p></div> </div> <a href=''> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--wonw'>LEARN MORE ABOUT CUSTOM WORKSHOPS</button> </a> </section> <section class='lp__sec lp__secPadding'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__secTitle lp__secTitle--right'>Why Should You Invest in a Custom Masterclass?</h2> <div class='lp__secImage lp__secImage--left'> <img width='900' height='900' class='lp__image thai' alt='FuturistU Custom Sessions for Your Team' src='' data-src='//'/> <noscript> <img src='//' class='lp__image' width=400 height=400 alt='FuturistU Custom Sessions for Your Team' /> </noscript> </div> <div class='lp__secText lp__secText--right'> <p class='lp__text'> The program addresses key challenges and is tailored to each individual organization’s specific problems, making it a highly effective solution for businesses looking to maximize their potential for growth and success. One of the program’s biggest benefits is its focus on problem solving and practical application. Participants are encouraged to apply the skills and strategies learned during the course to their day-to-day work, facilitating real-world results and immediate impact. </p> <p class='lp__text'> This program has a proven track record of success, helping many organizations to overcome specific innovation challenges, making it an excellent investment for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and their competition. </p> <a href=''> <button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--wonw'>INVEST IN YOUR TEAM TODAY</button> </a> </div> </section> </div> <div class='lp__blackBlock '> <section class='th__container lp__sec lp__sec--blackbg lp__sec--nomargin lp__center lp__secPadding'> <h2 class='lp__h2 lp__h2--white lp__h2--nomargin'>Start Now + Get a FREE Report.</h2> <p class='lp__text lp__text--white lp__text--larger'> Get our 2025 Trend Report FREE (worth $1,500) <br>&amp; learn how we accelerate 1,287 brands, billionaires &amp; NASA </p> <div class='spg'> <div class='spg__part spg__part--advisor'> <img class='spg__mImage' alt='Your Dedicated Advisor' src=''/> <div class='spg__mText'>Your Dedicated Advisor</div> </div> <div class='spg__part spg__part--circles'> <img class='spg__mImage' alt='The #1 Trend Platform' src=''/> <div class='spg__mText'>The #1 Trend Platform <br/>and 283,835,657 People</div> </div> <div class='spg__part spg__part--brace'> <img class='spg__mImage' src=''/> </div> <div class='spg__part spg__part--icons'> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Trend Hunter Workshops' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Presentations <br/>& Workshops</div> </a> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Trend Hunter Custom Reports' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Custom <br/>Reports</div> </a> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Trend Hunter Dashboard Library' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Dashboard <br/>& Library</div> </a> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Future Festival Innovation Conference' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Future <br/>Festival</div> </a> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Trend Hunter Innovation Assessment' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Innovation <br/>Strategy</div> </a> <a href='' class='spg__btn'> <img class='spg__img' alt='Trend Hunter Books and Expertise' src=''/> <div class='spg__text'>Books & <br/>Expertise</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class='spg__btnRow'> <a href='javascript:void();'><button class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__freeReportBtn' type='button'>GET A FREE 2025 REPORT</button></a> <a href=''><button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb'>SERVICES</button></a> <a href='javascript:void();'><button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--bonb th__servicesBtn'>SERVICES CATALOG</button></a> <a href=''><button type='button' class='th__btn th__btn--wonb'>SCHEDULE A CALL</button></a> </div> <div class='lp__logoSplashCont lp__item--marginunder'> <img src='' class='lp__logoSplash' width='1500' height='270' alt='Trend Hunter Advisory Clients'> </div> </section> <footer class='thf' data-sv='Web 3 through Edgecast'> <div class='th__container'> <div class='thf__cont'> <div class='thf__links'> <a href=''>About Us &amp; Contact</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Innovation Keynote Speaker</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Best Innovation Conference</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Custom Trend Reports</a> </div> <div class='thf__copyright'> <a href=''>Trends</a> Ⓒ 2024 <span itemprop='publisher' itemscope itemtype=''> <span itemprop='name'>TREND HUNTER Inc.</span> </span> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=''>Terms of Use, Copyright Info &amp; Privacy Policy</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </div> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9) | (!IE)]><!--> <script src=""></script> <!--<![endif]--> <script src=''></script> <script> $(function(){ CPage.init(); }); var FU = { init:function(){ FU.bind(); }, bind:function(){ $('body') } }; </script> </body> </html>

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