Review: Deli 17 | Redbrick Slider (Food&Drink)

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358.26,45.78 358.26,45.78 358.26,-0.00 358.26,-0.00 358.26,-0.00 333.26,0.00 333.26,0.00 Z M 440.88,34.69 C 440.88,34.69 440.88,125.71 440.88,125.71 440.88,125.71 465.87,125.71 465.87,125.71 465.87,125.71 465.87,84.69 465.87,84.69 465.87,80.58 466.28,76.76 467.11,73.24 467.93,69.72 469.28,66.67 471.15,64.09 473.15,61.39 475.73,59.28 478.90,57.75 482.07,56.22 485.94,55.46 490.52,55.46 492.04,55.46 493.63,55.58 495.27,55.81 496.91,55.93 498.32,56.11 499.50,56.34 499.50,56.34 499.50,33.10 499.50,33.10 497.50,32.51 495.68,32.22 494.04,32.22 490.87,32.22 487.82,32.69 484.88,33.63 481.95,34.57 479.19,35.92 476.61,37.68 474.03,39.32 471.74,41.38 469.75,43.84 467.75,46.19 466.17,48.77 464.99,51.59 464.99,51.59 464.64,51.59 464.64,51.59 464.64,51.59 464.64,34.69 464.64,34.69 464.64,34.69 440.88,34.69 440.88,34.69 Z M 616.64,66.73 C 616.64,66.73 641.11,66.73 641.11,66.73 640.76,60.86 639.35,55.81 636.89,51.59 634.42,47.24 631.19,43.66 627.20,40.85 623.33,37.91 618.87,35.74 613.83,34.33 608.90,32.92 603.73,32.22 598.33,32.22 590.94,32.22 584.37,33.45 578.62,35.92 572.87,38.38 568.00,41.85 564.01,46.31 560.02,50.65 556.97,55.87 554.85,61.98 552.86,67.96 551.86,74.48 551.86,81.52 551.86,88.33 552.98,94.61 555.21,100.36 557.44,105.99 560.55,110.86 564.54,114.97 568.53,119.08 573.34,122.31 578.97,124.65 584.72,126.88 591.00,128.00 597.81,128.00 609.89,128.00 619.81,124.83 627.56,118.49 635.30,112.15 640.00,102.94 641.64,90.85 641.64,90.85 617.52,90.85 617.52,90.85 616.70,96.48 614.65,101.00 611.36,104.41 608.19,107.69 603.62,109.34 597.63,109.34 593.76,109.34 590.47,108.46 587.77,106.70 585.07,104.94 582.90,102.71 581.26,100.01 579.73,97.19 578.62,94.08 577.91,90.67 577.21,87.27 576.86,83.92 576.86,80.64 576.86,77.23 577.21,73.83 577.91,70.43 578.62,66.91 579.79,63.74 581.44,60.92 583.20,57.98 585.43,55.64 588.12,53.88 590.82,52.00 594.17,51.06 598.16,51.06 608.84,51.06 615.00,56.28 616.64,66.73 616.64,66.73 616.64,66.73 616.64,66.73 Z M 658.05,-0.00 C 658.05,-0.00 658.05,125.71 658.05,125.71 658.05,125.71 683.04,125.71 683.04,125.71 683.04,125.71 683.04,94.37 683.04,94.37 683.04,94.37 692.73,85.04 692.73,85.04 692.73,85.04 717.72,125.71 717.72,125.71 717.72,125.71 748.00,125.71 748.00,125.71 748.00,125.71 709.80,68.14 709.80,68.14 709.80,68.14 744.13,34.69 744.13,34.69 744.13,34.69 714.55,34.69 714.55,34.69 714.55,34.69 683.04,67.43 683.04,67.43 683.04,67.43 683.04,0.00 683.04,0.00 683.04,0.00 658.05,-0.00 658.05,-0.00 Z M 510.00,34.69 C 510.00,34.69 510.00,125.71 510.00,125.71 510.00,125.71 535.00,125.71 535.00,125.71 535.00,125.71 535.00,34.69 535.00,34.69 535.00,34.69 510.00,34.69 510.00,34.69 Z M 535.00,20.60 C 535.00,20.60 535.00,-0.00 535.00,-0.00 535.00,-0.00 510.00,-0.00 510.00,-0.00 510.00,-0.00 510.00,20.60 510.00,20.60 510.00,20.60 535.00,20.60 535.00,20.60 Z" /> </svg> </div> </div> </a> <nav> <div class="menu-container"> <ul class="menu"> <li class="has-submenu tint section--news"> <a href="#"> <div class="name-and-arrow-container"> 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height: 100px; border: none; display: none" data-org=ae70e9f4f1b5ba5296b0189a1dceac11.70728f allowfullscreen="false" allowtransparency allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write" frameborder="0" id="ad-auris-iframe" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div class="grid-container"> <article class="section--food"> <div class="constrained"> <div class="excerpt"> <p>Food &#038; Drink writer Asha Rajoriya reviews Deli 17, a Mediterranean gem located in Selly Oak, with its vibrant atmosphere, fresh small plates and an impressive selection of organic wine</p> </div> <div class="info-box"> <div class="author-box"> <div class="author-details"> <div class="author-name"> Written by <a href="" title="Asha Rajoriya">Asha Rajoriya</a> </div> <div class="author-bio"></div> </div> </div> <div class="timestamps"> <div class="publish-time"> <span class="label">Published</span> <time datetime="2024-11-20T12:00:08+00:00">at 12:00 on 20 November 2024</time> </div> </div> <div class="photographer-credits"> <span class="label">Images by</span> <a href="">Anton Porsche</a> , Asha Rajoriya </div> </div> <div class="post-body"> <p><span data-contrast="auto">Located on the vibrant Raddlebarn Road, Deli 17 creates a welcoming atmosphere you just cannot resist. Situated at the top of Selly Oak and </span><span data-contrast="auto">in the heart of the local community, this Deli caters for all taste buds, with both delicious Mediterranean food and impressive, refreshing drinks.</span><span data-ccp-props="{&quot;335559731&quot;:0}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">I went to Deli 17 on a sunny Saturday with my family. I was immensely impressed and left with a great first impression of this restaurant which is only a 15 minute walk from the popular Bristol Road. The Deli specialises in small plates and organic wines, with a large variety of both meat and vegetarian options. The space is very welcoming with green gingham tablecloths, honouring the Deli feel, and pastel yellow walls. The decorative elements around the space were fun to spot, such as the specials list and charcuterie board written in chalk in the centre of a photo frame. </span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote float-right size-normal"> <blockquote> <p>The Deli specialises in small plates and organic wines, with a large variety of both meat and vegetarian options</p> </blockquote> </figure> <p><span data-contrast="auto">Deli 17 is made up of three sections, the main seating as you enter, the bar and kitchen area and outdoor seating perfect for a hot summer&#8217;s day, or the autumnal sunshine. The interior sections are separated by a large glass screen, a feature I have not seen frequently in restaurants before. This creates a fluent flow through the restaurant whilst muting some of the kitchen sounds. The visibility of the kitchen adds to the Deli feel of the restaurant, in addition to the order at the bar process. When at the bar, I was greeted by a lovely staff member who was friendly and attentive to take my order. </span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">During my visit, we ordered multiple plates of pan con tomate and also the beetroot hummus, both of which were on the Specials Menu. The service was on the slower side due to there only being one staff member at the time. However, as staff reinforcements arrived the food was served promptly. Additionally, we were treated to complimentary Odi and Moo Vanilla, as well as Dark Chocolate ice cream as compensation for the slight wait, which was a lovely touch. The pan con tomate was fresh, with a good ratio of tomatoes to garlic, and was overall well seasoned. The beetroot hummus small plate was a personal favourite, vibrant in colour served with generous slices of warm rosemary and sea salt focaccia. </span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote float-right size-normal"> <blockquote> <p>The pan con tomate was fresh, with a good ratio of tomatoes to garlic, [&#8230;] The beetroot hummus small plate was [&#8230;] vibrant in colour</p> </blockquote> </figure> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img class="" src="" width="246" height="325" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">From the Standard Menu we ordered four ham croquetas; we were told the flavours change weekly. The croquetas were perfectly golden brown and warm. We also tried the chorizo, tomato and manchego cheese sandwich served with salted crisps on the side. This was delicious! Deli 17 is not only a restaurant, but also caters to takeaway options and hampers, meaning that if you are on the go or are only pit stopping you can still experience the gorgeous menu and range of food they have on offer. </span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">A key selling point of Deli 17 is the wide variety of wines they have available, including 20% off a bottle of wine if you take it away. From whites, to reds, to orange organic wine, there is something for everyone that has been handpicked and placed in their stock. If the wine does not entice you, never fear, they also offer sangria, house cocktails, soft drinks and a selection of draft beers. They also serve good quality coffee; beans provided by ‘Dialect Coffee’ creating high standard brews. </span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="auto">For both students and locals alike this is a no-brainer visit in my opinion. T</span><span data-contrast="auto">o lower the prices even more, I would definitely recommend becoming a member of ‘The Independent Birmingham’ to receive 20% off the bill at deli 17 until 4pm, and 10% off after 4pm, in addition to access to support plenty of other independent food and drink. After the brilliant first experience, I will definitely be taking another trip to soak in the stunning drinks and small plates served at Deli 17.</span><span data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <p>Hungry for more? Check out these articles:</p> <p><a href="">Is it worth it?: Blank Street Coffee | Redbrick Slider (Food&amp;Drink)</a></p> <p><a href="">Restaurant Review: BA-HA / The Rainbow Pub Digbeth | Redbrick Food&amp;Drink</a></p> <p><a href="">Recipe: Hot Chocolate Recipes for Chilly Days | Redbrick Food&amp;Drink</a></p> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </article> <section class="comments"> <div class="constrained"> <h1>Comments</h1> <div id="disqus_thread"></div> </div> </section> <aside class="recommended"> <div class="constrained"> <h1>Recommended</h1> <section class="more-posts"> <h2>More in <span class="category section--food"> Food&amp;Drink </span> </h2> <ul class="post-list"> <li class="post-item"><a href=""> <div class="featured-image-box"> <img width="818" height="1091" src="" class="featured-image wp-post-image" alt="" style="object-position: center 20%;" srcset=" 818w, 600w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 818px) 100vw, 818px" /> <div class="text-overlay"> <h3 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Warner reviews Colin Greenwood’s How To Disappear: A Portrait of Radiohead, a two decade-long collection of photographs with Radiohead and the memories that are attached to each one </p> </div> </a></li> </ul> </section> </div> </aside> </div> </main> <footer> <div class="upper"> <div class="constrained"> <div class="social-media"> <h1>Connect</h1> <ul> <li><a href=""> <div class="icon-container"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 355.86 355.86" width="355.86" height="355.86"> <path d="M 336.22,0.00 C 336.22,0.00 19.64,0.00 19.64,0.00 8.80,0.00 0.00,8.79 0.00,19.64 0.00,19.64 0.00,336.22 0.00,336.22 0.00,347.07 8.80,355.86 19.64,355.86 19.64,355.86 190.08,355.86 190.08,355.86 190.08,355.86 190.08,218.05 190.08,218.05 190.08,218.05 143.70,218.05 143.70,218.05 143.70,218.05 143.70,164.35 143.70,164.35 143.70,164.35 190.08,164.35 190.08,164.35 190.08,164.35 190.08,124.74 190.08,124.74 190.08,78.78 218.15,53.75 259.15,53.75 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