Privacy statement | Robert Half

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or &quot;Robert Half&quot;) may use, process, store and disclose Personal Data we collect about individuals, including if you register with us via our Candidate Registration process, through this website and from other sources, such as when you apply for a job through job sites. The types of data we collect are described in the section below &quot;Your Personal Data and how we collect it&quot;.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">We act as a Controller and are therefore responsible for the Personal Data we process from you. This Notice informs you about how we protect your Personal Data and the specific rights you have in relation to your Personal Data. It is important that you read this Notice together with any other Privacy Notice we may provide such as the Notice contained in our Candidate Registration form and any specific privacy notices provided to you on certain occasions when we are collecting or processing your Personal Data so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your Personal Data. This Privacy Notice supplements other Notices you may receive from us and is not intended to override them.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">This website is not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Table of contents" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#contact-details">Contact Details</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#collect-your-personal-information">Your Personal Information and how we collect it</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#using-this-website">Using this Website</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#registering-as-a-candidate-for-work-finding-services">Registering as a Candidate (including project consultants)</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#applicants-for-employed-roles">Applicants for Employed Roles (excluding project consultants</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#special-categories-of-personal-data">Special Categories of Personal Data</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#our-clients-and-suppliers">Our Clients and Suppliers</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#website-visitors">Website visitors</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#use-your-personal-information">How we use your Personal Data</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#change-of-purpose">Change of Purpose</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#transfer-your-personal-information-outside-of-europe">Transferring your Personal Information outside of Europe</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#disclosing-your-personal-information-3rd-parties">Disclosing your Personal Information to 3rd Parties</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#keeping-your-personal-information-secure">Keeping your Personal Data Secure</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#how-long-we-retain-your-personal-information">How long we Retain your Personal Data</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#your-legal-rights">Your Legal Rights</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#additional-information-response-times-and-fees">Additional information, Response Times and Fees</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#the-legal-basis-for-processing-your-personal-information">The Legal Basis for processing your Personal Data</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#marketing-messages">Marketing Messages</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#AI-matched-job-recommendations">AI matched job recommendations</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#cookies">Cookies</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#analytics">Analytics</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#links-to-other-websites">Links to other websites</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#feedback-and-complaints">Feedback and Complaints</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="#changes-privacy-notice">Changes to this Privacy Notice</a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="contact-details"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Contact Details" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you have any questions about how we use your Personal Data, contact us at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#18686a716e797b61357d757d79586a777a7d6a6c7079747e36767d6c"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6a1a18031c0b0913470f070f0b2a1805080f181e020b060c44040f1e">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="collect-your-personal-information"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Your Personal Data and how we collect it" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We collect different types of personal data depending on our relationship with you and you may be in one or more of these categories:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>candidates registered with us who are seeking temporary employment or a permanent position;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>candidates for a function as project consultant;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>candidates seeking assignments as independent interim managers;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>job applicants applying for employed roles working for Robert Half regardless of their role;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>internal employees carrying out work and operational activities connected to the performance of our business operations;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>business contacts at clients, hiring organisations and suppliers of goods and services.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Etc.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="using-this-website"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Using this Website" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">When you use or register with this website, we may ask for certain Personal Data including your name and contact information (email, home address and phone number). Depending on the nature of your enquiry or activities on our website, we may also ask for your job search criteria and preferences, employment experience, salary, and other background information together with any login ID and password created by you. You can request us to send you Job alerts through the website by completing your job search criteria and preferences. You can stop receiving these job alerts at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in the job alert email.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="registering-as-a-candidate-for-work-finding-services"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Registering as a Candidate (including project consultants)" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We will collect your Personal Data directly from you during in person interviews, video and online meetings and from other sources including when you apply for a job through job sites, directly through our website, from Social Media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter or when you provide us with your details during a job fair, promotional, networking or training event. When you ask us to provide you with work finding services or to be hired as a project consultant, we will ask you to register as a Candidate. During our Candidate Registration process we will collect your Personal Data directly from you, your CV, from employment and/or educational referees and via online tests and (online) assessments you may perform at our request. We may disclose your Personal Data to our Clients in UK, Europe and outside the EEA for relevant job vacancies or projects. Our Clients may request additional Personal Data about you in relation to their job vacancies, projects and requirements. Your Personal Data will be securely stored in our online candidate database. The categories of Personal Data we may collect include:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Personal Data we may collect include:</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>your Identity (your full name, previous names, evidence of change of name); gender, date of birth and marital status);&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>evidence of your right to work which may include a photograph, nationality, place of birth, driving license, etc. (in accordance with legal requirements);&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>contact details including your email, home address and phone numbers so that we can contact you by email and text message;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>bank account and social security details (so we can make payments to you and account for);</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Payroll information such as: your national registry number, your address, your seniority, your marital status, your bank account number, your family composition, your date of birth, your phone number, your email address;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>your job search criteria, preferences and expectations;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>your qualifications, skills, experience and training;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>current and desired remuneration and other benefits;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>educational history;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>employment history;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>details of employment and/or educational referees;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>The name of an emergency contact person;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>details of disabilities (where provided by you and if it is relevant);&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>details of your referees and the references provided;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>other information contained in your CV or that you choose to provide to us;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>technical data including internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. We may also receive technical data about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies. Please see our <a href="/lu/en/website-and-cookies">Cookies Policy</a> for further details;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>profile data including your username and password, your interests, preferences, feedback and customer survey responses;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>usage data including information about how you use our website and services;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>marketing and communications data including your marketing and communication preferences.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">TAs part of our services, our employees may, among other things, send you job alerts via email or other communication channels. You can stop receiving these job alerts at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in the job alert email. We want to ensure we keep your personal data accurate and up to date and we may ask you to complete and sign our candidate registration form and/or provide us with an updated CV on a regular basis to help us to do this.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">The basis we process your personal data for these purposes is described in this Notice in the section &quot;The Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Data.&quot; When we collect personal data from you directly, we will provide a link to this privacy notice at the time we collect the data. When we obtain personal data indirectly, we will provide a link to this privacy notice when we first contact you, first pass the data to a third party or within a month, whichever is the latter.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="applicants-for-employed-roles"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Applicants for Employed Roles (excluding project consultants)" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you are applying for a role as our employee, we will collect Personal Data from you during in person interviews, video and online meetings, via your CV, referees, professional and educational organisations, (online) assessments and other sources. We will process your Personal Data for the purposes of administering the application, managing the internal hiring process and assessing your suitability. We will store your Personal Data securely in our confidential online HR database. Your Personal Data cannot be viewed or accessed by anyone except for members of HR and Talent Acquisition in the UK, Europe and the US and other staff if they are connected to the hiring process, such as interviewing, assessing your suitability for the role you have applied for and communicating with you. We do not share our HR database with any group companies and we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Data is adequately protected, secure and kept confidential. If we engage a third party to provide pre-employment screening services or testing, we will inform you and ask for your consent and will ensure that access is limited to the Personal Data that is compatible with those services and the service provider is contractually obliged to comply with applicable data privacy laws, confidentiality and provide adequate safeguards to keep your Personal Data secure until it is deleted or anonymized (so that you can no longer be identified). By applying for employment with us, you consent to us processing your Personal Data for these purposes. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to continue with your application.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">If your employment application is unsuccessful, we will retain your Personal Data on our HR database for a period of 6 months for the purposes of evidencing that we have conducted the recruitment process in a fair and transparent way and have not discriminated against applicants on prohibited grounds. We may ask if we can retain your CV data for up to 12 months if we consider that you may be suitable for future roles. We will only do this with your consent and you can withdraw consent at any time.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="special-categories-of-personal-data"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Special Categories of Personal Data" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">Information about your health and/or judicial/criminal records will only be processed if this is relevant to your job application (for example to enable us to assess whether these present grounds for not taking your candidate registration or job application further) and in compliance with legally imposed restrictions. We will inform you and seek your consent before doing so. If you choose to provide us with special categories of Personal Data (for example, in your CV) and we do not need it, we will disregard that data. Special categories of Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the restrictions imposed by law and will not be retained for longer than necessary before being deleted.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="our-clients-and-suppliers"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Our Clients and Suppliers" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you are a Client or supplier or a potential client or supplier, of goods and services we will collect and process information about individuals in your organization. We may enter the individual’s name and business email address in to our database as a designated corporate/business point of contact for that organization, together with the individual’s other business contact data. We process personal data about business contacts, for the purposes of providing our services, for invoicing and approving timesheets (when we have supplied agency workers), or as a recipient of the supplier’s goods and services. If the individual business point of contact is also a registered candidate we may be processing additional Personal Data for work finding and other purposes as described in this Privacy Notice. The source of a corporate point of contact may be the individual themselves, or their name and business details may be provided to us by a member of their HR or Procurement department or another hiring manager or existing business contact or a candidate we have placed at the organization. We may also obtain these details from websites, social media and other sources. This processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests in providing our services, managing our business relationships and/or to fulfil a contract. We may send business to business marketing to business points of contact. Individuals can unsubscribe from marketing at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link included in our marketing emails or by contacting: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#c0b0b2a9b6a1a3b9eda5ada5a180b2afa2a5b2b4a8a1aca6eeaea5b4"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8cfcfee5faedeff5a1e9e1e9edccfee3eee9fef8e4ede0eaa2e2e9f8">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="website-visitors"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Website visitors" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We collect a limited amount of information about our website users, which we use to help us improve your experience with our website and manage our services.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">The following information will be collected:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>technical data including internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website. We may also receive technical data about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies. Please see our <a href="/lu/en/website-and-cookies">Cookies Policy</a> for further details;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>profile data including your username and password, your interests, preferences, feedback and customer survey responses;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>usage data including information about how you use our website and services;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>marketing and communications data including your marketing and communication preferences.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="use-your-personal-information"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="How we use your Personal Data" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We use, process, store and disclose your Personal Data and other data we collect including during our Candidate Registration process, to provide you with the services provided in this Notice. This includes sending you job alerts through this website and by email, temporary assignments, project related work and permanent and fixed or open term contract placements in finance, accounting, technology, administrative, legal, marketing and other related roles, employment opportunities and career-related information.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Robert Half will process your Personal Data in accordance with this declaration as well as with the information made available in other documents provided to you, applicable to the type of work you are seeking.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">In the context of our services we can disclose your data to our customers. We limit the information that we provide to those that are necessary to assess your suitability for the vacancy (e.g. name, education, experience, etc.) and only send your Personal Data after we have obtained your consent to do so. Personal Data that you have provided to us is visible to all employees in Luxembourg who are required to reasonably have access to the shared database for the execution of their role, even if you have sent your information to a particular office or Controller. We will also process your Personal Data for other legitimate business purposes such as producing statistics, analyzing how successful our marketing campaigns are, the number of visitors to our website and complying with other contractual, legal and regulatory obligations and duties.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Our success is dependent on efficiently matching candidates to clients’ vacancies and projects. In this context we use artificial intelligence (AI) provided by Textkernel (“TK”), a third party based in the EU as this assists our recruitment consultants perform the search and match of proposed candidates with client job vacancies or projects more efficiently. As soon as a data subject applies or submits their CV, their personal data is processed by the TK AI and matched against clients’ job vacancies and projects. Data subjects whose personal data are not already held in our database will be invited to register – refer to the section “Registering as a Candidate”. The benefit of the AI search and match capability is that it supports our recruitment consultants to search more CVs and match personal data against clients’ job vacancies and projects faster, ignoring irrelevant data. Our recruitment consultants are presented with a list of proposed candidates that are potentially suitable for a client’s vacancy or project but it does not lead to automated decision-making. Our recruitment consultants decide which candidates to shortlist for a specific client’s job or project, based on their expertise, knowledge of the job market, insight into the client’s business and requirements for the role, candidate discussions and other relevant criteria. Clients (through their hiring personnel) decide which candidates to select for interview (if any). Our clients’ hiring personnel (not our AI tool) make the final decision on which candidate to select for their job or project (if any) and ultimately to proceed to hire/engage/employ the candidate.&nbsp;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you would like more information about our AI tool and/or if you wish to object to the processing of your personal data by our AI tool contact: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d8a8aab1aeb9bba1f5bdb5bdb998aab7babdaaacb0b9b4bef6b6bdac"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e696948f9087859fcb838b8387a69489848394928e878a80c8888392">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you object to the processing of your personal data by our AI tool our recruitment consultants will continue to provide work finding services using other methods to search for job opportunities for you. The personal data of candidates who are no longer available for work, not actively seeking a job, have recently commenced permanent employment or who object the processing of their personal data by AI, will be deleted by our AI service provider.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="change-of-purpose"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Change of Purpose" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it (e.g. the provision of work finding services if you are a candidate or to consider you for employment if you are a job applicant), unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your Personal Data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so. We may process your Personal Data without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law. Where this is the case, we will comply with the rules contained in this Statement as well as in the relevant legislation.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="transfer-your-personal-information-outside-of-europe"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Transferring your Personal Data outside of Europe" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">Robert Half is part of an international group of companies operating globally. We may share some of your Personal Data with our group companies, including Protiviti, a consultancy firm, our parent company Robert Half Inc., based in the United States, and other group or third party companies within or outside the European Economic Area (EEA), who may use and process your Personal Data for similar purposes as described in this Privacy Notice, such as client or suppliers. The data protection laws outside Europe may not provide an equivalent level of protection to those inside Europe and in these circumstances, we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Data is adequately protected, secure, kept confidential and that we have a lawful basis for the transfer.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Our group companies have entered into Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission and UK Information Commissioner as providing personal data with equivalent protection that personal data has when it is processed within UK/EEA. If we transfer your personal to third party recipients (who are not group companies) located outside the UK, EEA or in a location that does not have adequacy status, we will require the recipients to sign the standard contract clauses containing approved appropriate additional safeguards and when required, we will incorporate adequate technical and organisational measures to protect the data from surveillance and monitoring by public authorities in the third country. We impose appropriate contractual security, confidentiality and other obligations onto third parties (including those located in the UK/EEA) based on the business relationship, the nature of the services and the types of personal data processed.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="disclosing-your-personal-information-3rd-parties"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Disclosing your Personal Data to 3rd Parties" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">To the extent necessary or appropriate, Robert Half may disclose your Personal Data to external 3rd Parties (who are not members of the Robert Half group of companies) for legitimate and commercial purposes for the management and conduct of the business, in the following circumstances:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to our clients in the context of private employment mediation (temporary employment and/or recruitment).&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to our clients in the context of performing assignments or projects.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to our customers in the context of social elections, in accordance with the restrictions of the applicable legislation. In particular, the following information can be passed on to the customer: your name, your (e-mail) address, your date of birth, your status, your period of employment with the customer as well as your national register number (if this is necessary to identify in case of electronic voting).&nbsp;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to companies and individuals we employ to perform business functions and services on our behalf. Examples of service providers include: providing payroll services to enable us to pay our employees and temporary workers who work on client premises; background screening and verification services; providers of data analysis services including the assistance of artificial intelligence for the purpose of efficient search and match of proposed candidates with client job vacancies; providing AI matched job recommendations; data security such as virus scanning; data storage facilities including in the US and the Cloud; hosting our Web servers; managing job posting applications and CVs submitted through job sites; analyzing data and producing statistics and legal, accounting, audit and other professional services.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>To companies that perform screening for us. Examples of such services include: screening against terrorism and other sanction lists, screening of your background and investigations requested by certain customers. Such screenings take place only to the extent permitted by law.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to government agencies including: Police and other law enforcement agencies; regulatory and supervisory authorities; credit reference agencies and 3rd parties performing sanctions and terrorism checks.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to comply with applicable laws, the service of legal process, or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to: (a) comply with the law requiring such disclosure; (b) protect the rights or property of Robert Half or its group companies; (c) prevent a crime, protect national security or for fraud detection or prevention; or (d) protect the personal safety of individuals using our website or members of the public.&nbsp;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to 3rd parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, we will let you know.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to IT consultants carrying out testing and development work on our IT systems.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to service providers who we may appoint as data processors and to other service providers who may be based outside the EEA.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Where applicable, we will impose appropriate contractual, security, confidentiality and other obligations on to 3rd party service providers and processors we have appointed, based on the nature of the services they provide to us. We will only permit them to process your Personal Data in accordance with the law and our instructions. We do not allow them to use your Personal Data for their own purposes and when our relationship ends we will ensure your Personal Data is retained for the period we instruct, and securely returned or destroyed (or anonymized so that you no longer can be identified).Some of these 3rd parties are also controllers responsible for processing your Personal Data for their purposes, for example, the local tax authority is a controller for tax purposes. We may not be able to impose obligations or restrictions on these controllers in connection with how they process your Personal Data.&nbsp;&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">The above mentioned third parties may be located both within and outside the EEA. In the latter case, we will take the necessary measures as described above.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="keeping-your-personal-information-secure"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Keeping your Personal Data Secure" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your Personal Data from being lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to do so. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breaches and we will notify you and the applicable supervisory authority of a breach where we are legally required to do so.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="how-long-we-retain-your-personal-information"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="How long we Retain your Personal Data" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">Robert Half will retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes that we collected it for. This means we will keep your personal data throughout the period of your relationship with us and whilst we are providing you with work finding services, administering a job application and keeping in contact with clients and hiring organisations and after our relationship ends.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you no longer wish to receive our services you can request us to delete your Personal Data from our Candidate database. When we have deleted your data, we may retain your name and email address on our suppression list until you apply for another job or ask us to provide work finding services (we will check with you before removing your data from our suppression list). Subject to the services we have provided, we may need to continue to retain some of your personal data for legal, compliance, accounting and tax purposes and other legitimate business purposes.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Where there is no retention period stated in law, we determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data by considering the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of the data, the purposes for which we process it and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">In some circumstances we may anonymize your Personal Data (so that it can no longer be associated with you and we cannot identify you). We do this for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this anonymized data indefinitely without further notice to you.&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">You can request more details of the retention periods applicable to your personal data by contacting us at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5626243f2037352f7b333b3337162439343324223e373a3078383322"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="dcacaeb5aabdbfa5f1b9b1b9bd9caeb3beb9aea8b4bdb0baf2b2b9a8">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="your-legal-rights"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Your Legal Rights" heading-tag="h2" sub-headline="You have the right to:" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Make a Data Subject Access Request</b> to access your Personal Data at any time. This enables you to receive a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Request correction</b> of the Personal Data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate Personal Data we hold about you corrected, although we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Request erasure / deletion / removal</b> of your Personal Data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a 3rd party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground as you feel it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms. You also have the right to object where we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your rights and freedoms.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Object to processing</b> of your Personal Data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a 3rd party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground as you feel it impacts on your fundamental rights and freedoms. You also have the right to object where we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which override your rights and freedoms.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Request restriction of processing</b> of your Personal Data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of your Personal Data in the following scenarios: (a) if you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; (b) where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want us to erase it; (c) where you need us to hold the data even if we no longer require it as you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or (d) you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to process it.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><b>Data Portability / Request the transfer</b> of your Personal Data to you or to a 3rd party. We will assist you with this transfer to a 3rd party either by transferring your Personal Data for you or by providing you with a copy in a machine-readable format. Please Note: this right only applies to automated information which you initially provided consent for us to use or where we used the Personal Data to perform a contract with you.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <main role="main"> <section> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{&#34;text-8ee18875d1&#34;:{&#34;@type&#34;:&#34;roberthalf/components/text&#34;,&#34;repo:modifyDate&#34;:&#34;2024-06-19T17:11:27Z&#34;,&#34;xdm:text&#34;:&#34;&lt;p>The data we can provide is:&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;table style=\&#34;width: 100.0%; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: sans-serif;\&#34;>\r\n&lt;thead>&lt;tr>&lt;th style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>Report Title&lt;/th>\r\n&lt;th style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>Candidate Information&lt;/th>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;/thead>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Personal Details&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;ul>\r\n&lt;li>Full name, address, phone number, e-mail (business/personal), nationality, place of birth, birthdate, gender, etc.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Online presence URLs.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Emergency contact name and phone.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ul>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Eligibility Details&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;ul>\r\n&lt;li>National ID, tax information.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Work visa/passport details.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Full name, work phone number and company name of job references.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ul>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Skills&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Skills and skill test results. Education certifications and qualifications with dates. Renumeration. Industries worked in.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Work History&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Work history (employer, job title/function, employment dates).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Job/role Placement&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Job placement/employment (company, job title/function, start date, end date, compensation/pay rates, worksite addresses).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody>&lt;/table>\r\n&#34;}}" id="text-8ee18875d1" class="container blog-container cmp-text"> <div class="row blog-container-row"> <div class="col-md-11 col-12 blog-container-col content"> <p>The data we can provide is:</p> <table style=" width: 100.0%; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: sans-serif; "><thead><tr><th style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; ">Report Title</th><th style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; ">Candidate Information</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Personal Details</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ul><li>Full name, address, phone number, e-mail (business/personal), nationality, place of birth, birthdate, gender, etc.</li><li>Online presence URLs.</li><li>Emergency contact name and phone.</li></ul> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Eligibility Details</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ul><li>National ID, tax information.</li><li>Work visa/passport details.</li><li>Full name, work phone number and company name of job references.</li></ul> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Skills</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Skills and skill test results. Education certifications and qualifications with dates. Renumeration. Industries worked in.</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Work History</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Work history (employer, job title/function, employment dates).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Job/role Placement</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Job placement/employment (company, job title/function, start date, end date, compensation/pay rates, worksite addresses).</p> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div></div></div> </section> </main></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline=" " heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">Withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on your consent to process your Personal Data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent. We want to ensure we keep your Personal Data accurate and up to date. In addition to your legal rights, you may ask us to make changes or request a copy of your Personal Data informally, by contacting your local Robert Half branch.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="additional-information-response-times-and-fees"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Additional information, Response Times and Fees" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your Personal Information (or to exercise any of your other rights or when you make an informal request). For example, we may request additional Data or request a copy of your identity document. This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to any person other than the individual who has the right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to help us locate your data and to speed up our response. We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. It may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. You will not have to pay a fee to exercise any of these rights. However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="the-legal-basis-for-processing-your-personal-information"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="The Legal Basis for processing your Personal Data " heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We have set out a short description of main ways we will collect, store, process, share and disclose your Personal Data and the legal bases we rely on to do so. We have also identified what our legitimate interests are, where appropriate. We will only use your Personal Data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your Personal Data in the following circumstances:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>to fulfil a contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you (GDPR Article 6(1)(b));&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>where it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (GDPR Article 6(1)(f));&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>when it is necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation (GDPR Article 6(1)(c)); and&nbsp;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>when you consent (GDPR Article 6(1)(a)).</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">A legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information in conducting and managing our business. We will consider and balance any potential impact on you and your legal rights when we process your Personal Data for our legitimate interests. We do not use your Personal Data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation or permitted to by law).</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="text aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <main role="main"> <section> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{&#34;text-52bc6d070b&#34;:{&#34;@type&#34;:&#34;roberthalf/components/text&#34;,&#34;repo:modifyDate&#34;:&#34;2024-02-13T15:37:01Z&#34;,&#34;xdm:text&#34;:&#34;&lt;table style=\&#34;width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: sans-serif;\&#34;>\r\n&lt;thead>&lt;tr>&lt;th style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>Purpose/Activity&lt;/th>\r\n&lt;th style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>Type of Personal Data&lt;/th>\r\n&lt;th style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>Lawful basis for processing Personal Data&lt;/th>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;/thead>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Processing your Personal Data to offer you work finding services or to carry out an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you. We may use your Personal Data to communicate with you, answer your queries, analyse your CV and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, conduct job interviews, carry out aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice, pay your wages (if you are a temporary worker) and invoice clients for the placements we make. etc. In certain cases, we may need to verify the information you provide on your work experience, verify your qualifications and required reliability, compare your main data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registries, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (only if required by law).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information in your CV&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information about your training/education&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>References&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Professional experience&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Job references&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Salary expectations,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Career ambitions&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Results of security audits&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Nationality&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Residence and work permit&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Photos&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Language skills,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Test results.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Special categories of Personal Data only on the basis of your consent, insofar as we are obliged to do so for reasons of labour and social law, or for reasons of equal opportunities.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation that we must comply with(in compliance with applicable regulations)( Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your special data categories only on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Processing your Personal Data when you register with us and make your application details available to us and or submit your CV through our website, a job site; to register you as a candidate to find employment; when you apply directly or through a job site to us and manage your application for employment.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information in your CV&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information about your training/education&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>References&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Professional experience&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Job references&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Salary expectations,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Career ambitions&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Results of security audits&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Nationality&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Residence and work permit&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Photos&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Language skills,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Test results.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Special categories of Personal Data only on the basis of your consent, insofar as we are obliged to do so for reasons of labour and social law, or for reasons of equal opportunities.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation that we must comply with(in compliance with applicable regulations)( Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your special data categories only on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>For clients, customer contacts and service providers (and their contacts), we process Personal Data to offer you our recruitment services, to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Company name:&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact details of business contacts&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Your feedback on candidates&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contract data and accounting data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information on vacancies and required profiles&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Processing your Personal Data to send you promotional information, newsletters and other electronic promotional information , to keep you informed about job opportunities, our salary guide, events, events and other content.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Name&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Your marketing information and job preferences&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>To manage our relationship with you, regardless of your capacity, among other things:&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Notifying you of changes to our Agreements or Privacy Notice&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>To ask you to give your opinion or feedback or complete a survey&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>administrative and IT services to propose you for positions, place you in temporary assignments with our clients, process performance statements, payroll and other payments, tax deductions, issue pay slips, etc.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Identity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Profile/Research&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Marketing and Communications&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Transferring your Personal Data to companies in our group (including Protiviti) and other companies, whether outside the EU or not&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information in your CV&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information about your training/education&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>References&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Professional experience&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Job references&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Salary expectations,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Career ambitions&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Results of security audits&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Nationality&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Photos&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Language skills,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Test results.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Processing your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with official control, monitoring and audit obligations, official information and notification obligations and obligations under relevant legislation.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>(Company) name&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact details&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Overview of services provided&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Data relating to the posted candidate or to the counterparty in case it is a candidate&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contract data and accounting data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Requested data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Disclosing your Personal Data to regulators, government and law enforcement agencies (e.g. Police) and the third parties we have engaged to provide goods and services, including suppliers outside the EEA and providers of Cloud-based services&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Email address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information in your CV&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Information about your training/education&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>References&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Professional experience&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Job references&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Salary expectations,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Career ambitions&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Results of security audits&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Nationality&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Residence and work permit&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Photos&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Language skills,&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Test results.&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>We may process your Personal Data to settle and defend legal claims.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>(Company) name&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact details&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Overview of services provided&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contract data and accounting data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Data necessary for the defence and enforcement of claims&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Data relating to the posted candidate or to the counterparty in case it is a candidate&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in defending against the assertion of legal claims (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>We process your Personal Data to demonstrate that we are acting in accordance with data protection legislation (GDPR), for example if you have exercised your rights as a data subject&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>(Company) name&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Name and address&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact details&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Phone number&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contract and invoice data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Data protection declarations (e.g. declaration of consent to processing)&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Statements about withdrawing consent given by you&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Objection to the processing of personal data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Statements on exercising your rights to information, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, portability of data, including the information you provide us with when exercising your rights&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Securing your Personal Data to prevent its loss, use, access, disclosure or modification by unauthorised means&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>To investigate problems, disputes and complaints between us, or between us, you and our customers as well as to try to resolve them&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>To manage and protect our business and our website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, technical support)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Identity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Technical data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>For Marketing and communication purposes, to send you job recommendations and to provide you with suggestions and recommendations on other relevant services that may be of interest to you (e.g. the Robert Half Newsletter, Salary Guides, Online training)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Identity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Technical data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Usage data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Profile details&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>To deliver relevant website content and measure or understand the effectiveness of our advertisements&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Identity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Contact&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Profile details&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Usage data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Marketing and Communications&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;li>Technical data&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>To use data analytics service providers, including the assistance of artificial intelligence for efficient candidate placement, AI match job recommendations, data analytics to improve our website, non-essential cookies, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;tr>&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Retaining your Personal Data for as long as necessary to provide you with job search services or to complete the internal recruitment process.&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;ol type=\&#34;a\&#34;>\r\n&lt;li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity&lt;/li>\r\n&lt;/ol>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;td style=\&#34;border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;\&#34;>&lt;p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)&lt;/p>\r\n&lt;/td>\r\n&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody>&lt;/table>\r\n&#34;}}" id="text-52bc6d070b" class="container blog-container cmp-text"> <div class="row blog-container-row"> <div class="col-md-11 col-12 blog-container-col content"> <table style=" width: 100.0%; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: sans-serif; "><thead><tr><th style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; ">Purpose/Activity</th><th style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; ">Type of Personal Data</th><th style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; ">Lawful basis for processing Personal Data</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Processing your Personal Data to offer you work finding services or to carry out an application process with you to establish an employment relationship with you. We may use your Personal Data to communicate with you, answer your queries, analyse your CV and find a suitable position for you, create a candidate profile for you, conduct job interviews, carry out aptitude tests with you, forward your application documents to the employer of your choice, pay your wages (if you are a temporary worker) and invoice clients for the placements we make. etc. In certain cases, we may need to verify the information you provide on your work experience, verify your qualifications and required reliability, compare your main data with sanctions lists and other public lists and registries, including terror and embargo lists and PEP lists (only if required by law).</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Name and address</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Email address</li><li>Information in your CV</li><li>Information about your training/education</li><li>References</li><li>Professional experience</li><li>Job references</li><li>Salary expectations,</li><li>Career ambitions</li><li>Results of security audits</li><li>Nationality</li><li>Residence and work permit</li><li>Photos</li><li>Language skills,</li><li>Test results.</li><li>Special categories of Personal Data only on the basis of your consent, insofar as we are obliged to do so for reasons of labour and social law, or for reasons of equal opportunities.</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation that we must comply with(in compliance with applicable regulations)( Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your special data categories only on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Processing your Personal Data when you register with us and make your application details available to us and or submit your CV through our website, a job site; to register you as a candidate to find employment; when you apply directly or through a job site to us and manage your application for employment.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Name and address</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Email address</li><li>Information in your CV</li><li>Information about your training/education</li><li>References</li><li>Professional experience</li><li>Job references</li><li>Salary expectations,</li><li>Career ambitions</li><li>Results of security audits</li><li>Nationality</li><li>Residence and work permit</li><li>Photos</li><li>Language skills,</li><li>Test results.</li><li>Special categories of Personal Data only on the basis of your consent, insofar as we are obliged to do so for reasons of labour and social law, or for reasons of equal opportunities.</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation that we must comply with(in compliance with applicable regulations)( Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your special data categories only on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a), Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>For clients, customer contacts and service providers (and their contacts), we process Personal Data to offer you our recruitment services, to communicate with you and find suitable candidates for your vacancies.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Company name:</li><li>Name and address</li><li>Contact details of business contacts</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Your feedback on candidates</li><li>Contract data and accounting data</li><li>Information on vacancies and required profiles</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Processing your Personal Data to send you promotional information, newsletters and other electronic promotional information , to keep you informed about job opportunities, our salary guide, events, events and other content.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Name</li><li>Email address</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Your marketing information and job preferences</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>To manage our relationship with you, regardless of your capacity, among other things:</p> <ol type="a"><li>Notifying you of changes to our Agreements or Privacy Notice</li><li>To ask you to give your opinion or feedback or complete a survey</li><li>administrative and IT services to propose you for positions, place you in temporary assignments with our clients, process performance statements, payroll and other payments, tax deductions, issue pay slips, etc.</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Identity</li><li>Email address</li><li>Profile/Research</li><li>Marketing and Communications</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Transferring your Personal Data to companies in our group (including Protiviti) and other companies, whether outside the EU or not</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Name and address</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Email address</li><li>Information in your CV</li><li>Information about your training/education</li><li>References</li><li>Professional experience</li><li>Job references</li><li>Salary expectations,</li><li>Career ambitions</li><li>Results of security audits</li><li>Nationality</li><li>Photos</li><li>Language skills,</li><li>Test results.</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Processing your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with official control, monitoring and audit obligations, official information and notification obligations and obligations under relevant legislation.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>(Company) name</li><li>Name and address</li><li>Contact details</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Overview of services provided</li><li>Data relating to the posted candidate or to the counterparty in case it is a candidate</li><li>Contract data and accounting data</li><li>Requested data</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Disclosing your Personal Data to regulators, government and law enforcement agencies (e.g. Police) and the third parties we have engaged to provide goods and services, including suppliers outside the EEA and providers of Cloud-based services</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Name and address</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Email address</li><li>Information in your CV</li><li>Information about your training/education</li><li>References</li><li>Professional experience</li><li>Job references</li><li>Salary expectations,</li><li>Career ambitions</li><li>Results of security audits</li><li>Nationality</li><li>Residence and work permit</li><li>Photos</li><li>Language skills,</li><li>Test results.</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>We may process your Personal Data to settle and defend legal claims.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>(Company) name</li><li>Name and address</li><li>Contact details</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Overview of services provided</li><li>Contract data and accounting data</li><li>Data necessary for the defence and enforcement of claims</li><li>Data relating to the posted candidate or to the counterparty in case it is a candidate</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in defending against the assertion of legal claims (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>We process your Personal Data to demonstrate that we are acting in accordance with data protection legislation (GDPR), for example if you have exercised your rights as a data subject</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>(Company) name</li><li>Name and address</li><li>Contact details</li><li>Phone number</li><li>Contract and invoice data</li><li>Data protection declarations (e.g. declaration of consent to processing)</li><li>Statements about withdrawing consent given by you</li><li>Objection to the processing of personal data</li><li>Statements on exercising your rights to information, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, portability of data, including the information you provide us with when exercising your rights</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Securing your Personal Data to prevent its loss, use, access, disclosure or modification by unauthorised means</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>To investigate problems, disputes and complaints between us, or between us, you and our customers as well as to try to resolve them</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>The performance of a contract between us or the taking of necessary pre-contractual steps (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>To manage and protect our business and our website (including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, technical support)</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Identity</li><li>Contact</li><li>Technical data</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR) Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>For Marketing and communication purposes, to send you job recommendations and to provide you with suggestions and recommendations on other relevant services that may be of interest to you (e.g. the Robert Half Newsletter, Salary Guides, Online training)</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Identity</li><li>Contact</li><li>Technical data</li><li>Usage data</li><li>Profile details</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>To deliver relevant website content and measure or understand the effectiveness of our advertisements</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Identity</li><li>Contact</li><li>Profile details</li><li>Usage data</li><li>Marketing and Communications</li><li>Technical data</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>To use data analytics service providers, including the assistance of artificial intelligence for efficient candidate placement, AI match job recommendations, data analytics to improve our website, non-essential cookies, products/services, marketing, customer relationships and experiences.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).</p> </td></tr><tr><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Retaining your Personal Data for as long as necessary to provide you with job search services or to complete the internal recruitment process.</p> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><ol type="a"><li>Any Personal Data we process from you, depending on your capacity</li></ol> </td><td style=" border: 1.0px solid rgb(0,0,0); padding: 5.0px; "><p>Our legitimate interest in efficient organisational work processes, running our business, sharing work and services within our group and our legitimate interest in maintaining our relationship with you (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Legal or regulatory obligation with which we must comply(in compliance with applicable regulations)(Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR)</p> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div></div></div> </section> </main></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="marketing-messages"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Marketing Messages" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We will ask you for consent to send your direct marketing communications via email. However, where we are providing your business with work finding services, you will receive email marketing communications from us even if you have not given us consent as we rely on the ‘soft opt in’ form of consent. For client contacts with whom we don’t have an active relationship, we send email marketing on the basis of our legitimate interest to increase our sales and revenue. You may unsubscribe from marketing at any time at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">You may receive marketing communications from us if you provided us with your details when you entered a competition or registered with us at a job fair, promotional or networking event or attended a training course and you have given us consent to send you marketing. If you give us consent, we may also use your identity, contact details, technical data, usage data and profile data to form a view and decide which services may of interest or relevant for you.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="AI-matched-job-recommendations"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="AI matched job recommendations" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">You can sign up for AI matched job recommendations emails to provide you with highly customised job recommendations. The benefits are that the TK AI understands families of related jobs by ‘normalising’ job titles which means the TK AI recognises that groups of jobs are related. This is a significant enhancement on our existing Job Alerts sent through this website as these only alert you to jobs based on a specific job title entered by you plus your location, whereas AI matched job recommendations alert you to ‘related jobs’. When you sign up to receive AI matched job recommendations emails you will promptly be notified of new roles closely matching your profile, ensuring that you are provided with the very latest opportunities saving you time by sending highly customised relevant job recommendations ‘real time’ straight to your inbox. These highly customised job recommendations are based on nine key factors included in your CV, including:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Recent Job titles;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Recent Profession;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Location (country code + city/postal code);</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Education Level;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Language Skills;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>IT Skills;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Total Years of Experience;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Majors/Degrees, and;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Full text keywords included in your CV.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">AI matched job recommendations is designed to augment the work of our recruitment consultants who take a detailed brief of your role, culture, team and organisational requirements through structured interviews helping to filter the initial AI matched job recommendations and provide you with additional information related to the role not included in the job listing. You can unsubscribe from AI matched job recommendations and other marketing emails at any time via the link contained in the email. The personal data processed when we send you marketing, is based on your consent.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">If you would like more information about AI matched job recommendations or if you wish to object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of AI matched job recommendations emails contact: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="9dedeff4ebfcfee4b0f8f0f8fcddeff2fff8efe9f5fcf1fbb3f3f8e9">[email&#160;protected]</a> If you object or unsubscribe you will no longer receive highly customized AI matched job recommendations and other marketing emails.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">You have the right to withdraw your consent to marketing at any time by:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography><a href="/be/en/insights/unsubscribe">Visiting our website</a>;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Following the opt out links contained in our marketing email messages;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Following the opt out process described in our text marketing messages;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Sending an email with &quot;UNSUBSCRIBE ME&quot; in the subject field to: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#600d01120b0514090e0720120f0205121408010c064e0205"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="056864776e60716c6b6245776a676077716d6469632b6760">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Opting out of receiving marketing messages does not apply to:</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Personal Data that you have provided to us as a result of your request for work finding services;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Personal Data that you have provided to us in connection with the performance of a contract between us;</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy"><rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-list-item-base slot="item"><rhcl-typography>Job alert emails which you will receive from our recruitment consultants which match your job search criteria confirmed with you during our Candidate Registration process. If you no longer wish to receive working finding services please contact us at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#1a6a68736c7b7963377f777f7b5a6875787f686e727b767c34747f6e"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="5727253e2136342e7a323a3236172538353225233f363b3179393223">[email&#160;protected]</span></a></rhcl-typography> </rhcl-list-item-base> </rhcl-list-base></rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">We will never sell or disclose your Personal Data to any 3rd parties to use for marketing.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="cookies"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Cookies" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this website may become inaccessible or not function properly. For more information about the cookies we use, and to manage your cookie settings, please see our <a href="/lu/en/website-and-cookies">Cookies Policy</a>.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="analytics"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Analytics" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">We use web analytics services to gain insight into how our website is used so that we can measure and improve the performance content or functionality of our website, together this is analytics data (see also Performance Cookies in our Cookies policy. This data processing is based on your consent. We also use privacy enhancing technologies to improve the protection of personal data and privacy by not allowing third party providers to draw conclusions about visitors to our website, improving the security of personal data and the control of data transfers. In the context of web analytics services, we rely on server-side tracking which means tracking is outsourced to our servers. This protects your privacy better, and at the same time, data related to our analytics data does not identify you, whilst still allowing us to perform the analysis we need. Through server-side tracking in connection with analytics, we improve the control over and security of related data (e.g. personal data such as IP addresses or identifiers).</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">We use server side tracking provided by Tealium Inc., a US based service provider but all data processing takes place exclusively within Germany. Tealium does not store the analytics data processed by it. After transmitting the anonymized data to the analysis service provider, Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, Tealium Inc. will delete the processed data. Through this service, server-side tracking with first-party cookies takes place and the anonymized analytics data are transmitted to Google without any possibility to identify visitors. You can withdraw your consent to the use of “non-essential” Cookies at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. Automated decision making, including profiling does not take place.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="links-to-other-websites"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Links to other websites" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">Our website may include links to 3rd party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these 3rd party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="feedback-and-complaints"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline="Feedback and Complaints" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Belgian supervisory authority for data protection issues, the National Commission for Data Protection, (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) We would ask you to provide us with the opportunity to discuss your concerns with you before you contact the supervisory authority so please contact the Data Protection department, Robert Half, Spoorwegstraat 34 b1, 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium or <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#9ceceef5eafdffe5b1f9f1f9fddceef3fef9eee8f4fdf0fab2f2f9e8"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3e4e4c57485f5d47135b535b5f7e4c515c5b4c4a565f525810505b4a">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> <div class="root container-fluid cmp-container aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="COP Copy Block"></div> <a id="changes-privacy-notice"></a> <div class="rhcl-content-container"> <rhcl-block-copy variant="standard" headline=" Changes to this Privacy Notice" heading-tag="h2" primary-cta-external="false" secondary-cta-external="false"><rhcl-typography slot="copy">If we change this Privacy Notice we will post any updates here for your review. If we change material terms we will provide notice of the revised Privacy Notice for 30 days on our <a href="/lu/en">home page</a> with a link back to this page.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">This Privacy Notice was last updated: May 22nd, 2024.</rhcl-typography> <rhcl-typography slot="copy">Print this privacy statement using the print function in your browser or by pressing Ctrl+P on your keyboard.</rhcl-typography> </rhcl-block-copy> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--4 col-md-4"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="experiencefragment aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="experiencefragment-dc2b5d1675" class="cmp-experiencefragment cmp-experiencefragment--footer"> <div id="container-525e24e76f" class="cmp-container"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="footer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <rhcl-footer logo-destination="/lu/en" variant="minimized"> <rhcl-list-base slot="legal-menu"> <rhcl-menu-link slot="item"> <a slot="item" href="/lu/en/company-information">Company information</a> </rhcl-menu-link> <rhcl-menu-link slot="item"> <a slot="item" href="/lu/en/privacy">Privacy notice</a> </rhcl-menu-link> <rhcl-menu-link slot="item"> <a slot="item" href="/lu/en/website-and-cookies">Website and cookies</a> </rhcl-menu-link> <rhcl-menu-link slot="item"> <a slot="item" href="/lu/en/fraud-alert">Fraud alert</a> </rhcl-menu-link> </rhcl-list-base> <rhcl-typography slot="copyright">Robert Half Inc. </rhcl-typography> <rhcl-country-selector slot="locale-selector" name="locale"> <a data-locale="en-AU" href="" slot="link"> Australia - English </a> <a data-locale="en-BE" href="" slot="link"> Belgium - English </a> <a data-locale="nl-BE" href="" slot="link"> Belgium - Nederlands </a> <a data-locale="fr-BE" href="" slot="link"> Belgium - Français </a> <a data-locale="pt-BR" href="" slot="link"> Brazil - Português </a> <a data-locale="en-CA" href="" slot="link"> Canada - English </a> <a data-locale="fr-CA" href="" slot="link"> Canada - Français </a> <a data-locale="es-CL" href="" slot="link"> Chile - Español </a> <a data-locale="en-CN" href="" slot="link"> China - English </a> <a data-locale="zh-CN" href="" slot="link"> China - 中文 </a> <a data-locale="fr-FR" href="" slot="link"> France - Français </a> <a data-locale="de-DE" href="" slot="link"> Germany - Deutsch </a> <a data-locale="en-HK" href="" slot="link"> Hong Kong, China - English </a> <a data-locale="en-IE" href="" slot="link"> Ireland - English </a> <a data-locale="en-JP" href="" slot="link"> Japan - English </a> <a data-locale="ja-JP" href="" slot="link"> Japan - 日本語 </a> <a data-locale="en-LU" href="" slot="link"> Luxembourg - English </a> <a data-locale="fr-LU" href="" slot="link"> Luxembourg - Français </a> <a data-locale="en-NL" href="" slot="link"> Netherlands - English </a> <a data-locale="nl-NL" href="" slot="link"> Netherlands - Nederlands </a> <a data-locale="en-NZ" href="" slot="link"> New Zealand - English </a> <a data-locale="en-SG" href="" slot="link"> Singapore - English </a> <a data-locale="de-CH" href="" slot="link"> Switzerland - Deutsch </a> <a data-locale="en-CH" href="" slot="link"> Switzerland - English </a> <a data-locale="fr-CH" href="" slot="link"> Switzerland - Français </a> <a data-locale="en-AE" href="" slot="link"> United Arab Emirates - English </a> <a data-locale="en-GB" href="" slot="link"> United Kingdom - English </a> <a data-locale="en-US" href="" slot="link"> United States - English </a> </rhcl-country-selector> </rhcl-footer> <rhcl-back-to-top-button></rhcl-back-to-top-button> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("rhcl-menu-link-clicked", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let link = e.composedPath()[0]; if(link.hasAttribute('data-modal-popup')) { let modalId = link.getAttribute('data-modal-identifier'); let modal = document.querySelector(`div#${modalId} rhcl-modal`); modal.setAttribute('show-modal', true); } }); document.addEventListener('rhcl-locale-selector-item-clicked', function (e) { if(e && e.detail){ window.location.href = e.detail; } }); </script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <link rel="preload" href="" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'"/> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href=""/></noscript> </body> </html>

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