Calendar - The Elm
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/* If the end date is the same as the start date, hide the end date */ if ($('.start_date').text() == $('.end_date').text()) { $('.end_date').hide(); $('.date_dash').hide(); } /* If the start time is 12:00 am and the end time is 11:59 pm, display "all day"*/ if (($('.start_time').text() == '12:00 AM') && ($('.end_time').text() == '11:59 PM')) { $('.end_time').hide(); $('.time_dash').hide(); $('.start_time').text('All day') } /* If the end time is the same as the start time, hide the end time */ if ($('.start_time').text() == $('.end_time').text()) { $('.end_time').hide(); $('.time_dash').hide(); } /*If the recurrence is 'never' or 'Ad-Hoc', hide recurrence information*/ if (($('.recurrence').text() == 'Never') || ($('.recurrence').text() == 'Ad-Hoc')) { $('.recur_info').hide(); } /*If the recurrence is not 'Ad-Hoc', hide the ad-hoc dates*/ if ($('.recurrence').text() != 'Ad-Hoc') { $('.ad-hoc_dates').hide(); } }); </script> <p class="category_header">School of Nursing</p> <h3 class="event-title">Graduation Packet Pick-up (Baltimore)</h3> <!-- Folder path to this event: Calendar / Events / SON / Student Meetings and Events--> <div class="eventdatetimeplace fulltext"> <p><span class="start_date">Monday, December 09, 2024</span><span class="date_dash"> - </span><span class="end_date">Monday, December 09, 2024</span> <!-- navigation object : Events - Generate Standalone iCal --> <a class="ical-download-link" href="">Add to my calendar</a> <span class="ad-hoc_dates"> </span> <span class="recur_info"><br />Recurs every <span class="recurrence" style="text-transform:lowercase;">Never</span> until </span> <br /><span class="start_time">8:30 AM</span><span class="time_dash"> - </span><span class="end_time">4:00 PM</span> <br />UMSON Suite 101 </p> </div> <span class="full_desc"><span class="event_image"></span><p>All Baltimore graduates must pick up their graduation packet to attend graduation. Packets are mailed only to out-of-state students. Packets include:</p> <ul> <li>your name card for the ceremony</li> <li>event tickets</li> <li>alumni gift</li> <li>honor cords (if applicable)</li> </ul> <p>Packets may be picked up Dec. 9, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., in UMSON Suite 101.</p> <p><span class="umb_pillbutton"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Learn more</a></span></p></span> <p class="umb_light">Organized by <a href="">Office of the Registrar and Student Placements</a></p> <div class="calendar_clearfix"></div></div><div id="calendar_column"><div class="calendar_box"><table summary="Calendar of Events"><thead><tr role="presentation"><th role="presentation"><a href=""><</a></th><th colspan="5" role="presentation"><a href="" >December 2024</a></th><th role="presentation"><a href="">></a></th></tr><tr><th scope="col">M </th><th scope="col">T </th><th scope="col">W </th><th scope="col">T </th><th scope="col">F </th><th scope="col">S </th><th scope="col">S </th></tr></thead><tr><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 25, 2024" >25</a></td><td class="fillday hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="November 26, 2024" >26</a></td><td class="fillday">27</td><td class="fillday">28</td><td class="fillday">29</td><td class="fillday">30</td><td class="thismonth">01</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 2, 2024" >02</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 3, 2024" >03</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 4, 2024" >04</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 5, 2024" >05</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 6, 2024" >06</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 7, 2024" >07</a></td><td class="thismonth">08</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth viewrange hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 9, 2024" >09</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 10, 2024" >10</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 11, 2024" >11</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 12, 2024" >12</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 13, 2024" >13</a></td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 14, 2024" >14</a></td><td class="thismonth">15</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 16, 2024" >16</a></td><td class="thismonth">17</td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 18, 2024" >18</a></td><td class="thismonth">19</td><td class="thismonth hasevent"><a href="" aria-label="December 20, 2024" >20</a></td><td class="thismonth">21</td><td class="thismonth">22</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth">23</td><td class="thismonth">24</td><td class="thismonth">25</td><td class="thismonth">26</td><td class="thismonth">27</td><td class="thismonth">28</td><td class="thismonth">29</td></tr><tr><td class="thismonth">30</td><td class="thismonth">31</td><td class="fillday">01</td><td class="fillday">02</td><td class="fillday">03</td><td class="fillday">04</td><td class="fillday">05</td></tr></table></div><div id = "view_switchers"><a href="">Day</a> | <a href="">Week</a> | <a href="">Month</a> | <a href="">Year</a> | <a href="">All</a></div> <div id="jumptoform"> <form method="get" action=""> <fieldset><legend> </legend> <label for="month">Go To:</label> <br /> <select name="month"> <option value="1">January</option><option value="2"> February</option><option value="3"> March</option><option value="4"> April</option><option value="5"> May</option><option value="6"> June</option><option value="7"> July</option><option value="8"> August</option><option value="9"> September</option><option value="10"> October</option><option value="11"> November</option><option value="12" selected="selected"> December</option> </select> <select name="year"> <option value="2024" selected="selected">2024</option><option 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