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John was an <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA treasure. </P> <P> The final program is available as a <A HREF="program/FinalProgram.pdf"> PDF file (8.3 MB)</A> as well as <A HREF="indexaef3.html"> HTML</A>. </P> <BR/> <img src="image017c.gif" alt="Image" align="left" style="padding-right:10px;padding-left:10px;"> <p><span class="orange">ooPSLA: What's up?</span></p><br> <p> You might think that after 21 years there wouldn't be much left to explore about object oriented programming. Well, think again.<br> Like how to address today's software challenges. ooPSLA attracts attendees interested in this stuff:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; text-decoration: none;"> <li>Programmer productivity</li> <li>Secure and reliable software</li> <li>Changing hardware platforms</li> <li>Ultra-large scale systems</li> </ul> <p> ooPSLA is the premier conference for innovative and thought-provoking ideas, for seeking comment on works in progress, and (frequently, we're proud to say) for presenting Turing Award lecturers on significant works. It is where industry experts and their academic peers gather to: </p> <ul style="list-style: none; text-decoration: none;"> <li>Improve programming languages</li> <li>Refine the practice of software development</li> <li>Explore new paradigms</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" style="padding-right:10px;"> <br> <div id="content"> <span class="smallorange">What's left to discover? Lots!</span> <p><b>What's going on</b></p> <p> John McCarthy. Gregor Kiczales. Fred Brooks. David Parnas. Patti Maes. We all recognize these as the names of researchers who have made profound contributions to computing and software. They are also the headline speakers at this year's ooPSLA, where you'll hear what they are thinking about in 2007. ooPSLA invited talks have a well-deserved reputation for energizing software developers with ideas that stretch our collective mind. </p> <p> Jim Purbrick and Mark Lentczner. You may not recognize these names, but you might know their alter egos: Babbage Linden and Zero Linden, of Linden Labs. They are the creators of Second Life, a 3D virtual world that is changing how we think about the real world, how we live in multiple worlds, and how we do business in the 21st century. Purbrick and Lentczner are the Onward! keynote speakers. </p> <p> Peter Turchi. He is the director of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. You certainly don't recognize his name. Turchi is the award-winning author of <em>Maps of the Imagination</em>, an exploration of the relationships between creative writing, making maps, and creativity. He is our keynote speaker, and perhaps the most mind-bending of all our speakers. </p> <p> That is just a sampling of what makes ooPSLA the conference of choice for software technologists—from recognized academics to undergraduate students, from industrial researchers to developers and managers, from the creators of technology to its users. </p> <p><b> We are proud to offer you ooPSLA and look forward to sharing the experience with you in Montréal. </b></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" ><div id="botborder"><hr width="100%" color="#dfdad4" size="1"> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-right:10px;" colspan="4"> <div id="content"> <img src="image0416.gif" alt="Picture" style="padding-left:5px" align="left"> <span class="blacktitle" align="left"> The <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA Experience </SPAN><BR/> <p> Hear what the participants have to say ... </p> <P CLASS="smallblack"><B>“I think <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA is the best d*mned programming conference in the world: there is nothing else like it. <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA is where people learn what they need today—and learn what they will be doing tomorrow. This is as true for programmers in the trenches as it is for researchers and academics and educators.”</B> </P> <P ID="content"><EM>— Long-time <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA Attendee / Iconoclast</EM> <p id="content"><strong><B>“</B>OK, [<SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA 2007] is going to be a really fun conference. The keynote lineup is unreal amazing. I've got to say that <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA has become by far the most interesting conference for me over the last several years. It is one of the very few remaining places where you can still get that blue sky anything is possible and life is all about interesting technology feeling that was such a great part of computer science when I was young(er).<B>”</B></strong></p> <p id="content"><EM>— Academic Researcher</EM></p> <P CLASS="smallblack"><B>“Wow, I would not expect a conference on object oriented programming to be so interesting. I will probably attend.”</B> </P> <P ID="content"><EM>— A functional programmer who got a glimpse of the <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA 2007 program</EM> <!--<div align="right" id="content" style="padding-right:5px"> <small>Read more >></small></div>--> </P> <p id="content"><a href="" target="_blank">Read more...</a></p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td width="50"></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td align="justify" valign="top" style="padding-right:7px" id="lborder"> <DIV ID="rightbar"> <DIV> <IMG SRC="image5c6b.gif" ALT="Short cuts"> </DIV> <DIV ID="shorttext"> <BR/> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="image80ff.gif" ALT ="⇐" BORDER="0"> On-Line Registration</A> <BR/><BR/> <A HREF= "index43d7.html#staying-there"> <IMG SRC="image80ff.gif" ALT ="⇐" BORDER="0"> Lodging</A> <BR/><BR/> <A HREF= ""> <IMG SRC="image80ff.gif" ALT ="⇐" BORDER="0"> Roomsharing</A> <BR/><BR/> <A HREF="index56d8.html"> <IMG SRC="image80ff.gif" ALT ="⇐" BORDER="0"> Podcast</A> <BR/><BR/> <A HREF="indexdaea.html"> <IMG SRC="image80ff.gif" ALT ="⇐" BORDER="0"> For Student Volunteers</A> <BR/><BR/> </DIV> </DIV> <div id="rightbar"> <div> <img src="image784a.gif" alt="News"></div> <div id="newstext"> <br/> <small>John Vlissades Award</small><br/> Contribute to the ACM SIGPLAN John Vlissides Award <A HREF="index2504.html" target="_blank">Read more...</A> <br/><br/> <small>News Release</small><br/> ACM issues news release about exceptional ooPSLA program. <A HREF="shortsNews/news/" target="_blank">Read more...</A> <br/><br/> <small>Impressions</small><br/> Get a feel for the conference and the venue with <A HREF=""> <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA Impressions</A> and <A HREF=""> Montréal Impressions</A>. <br/><br/> <small>Name the Beaver</small><br/> Notice the beaver? The beaver's name is <i>Buckminster.</i> Todd Lee won an All Access Pass for that submission. Lauren Truesdell and Gordon Cameron won free registrations for their near misses.<br/> <br/> <small>Artist Wanted</small><br/> If you can draw, sketch, or paint (quickly), there could be a free All Access Pass for you. We need someone to draw, sketch, or paint impressions of ooPSLA at the conference. Send a note and sample work to <A HREF=""></A>.<br/> <br/> <small>The <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA wiki</small><br/> Use the <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA wiki for live discussions, to post your questions on, to announce a specific request...<br/> <SPAN><A HREF=""> Go directly to the wiki >> </A></SPAN><br/> <br/> <small>US Citizens and Passports</small><br/> US citizens who have not yet applied for or not yet received a passport need to read this.<br/> <SPAN><A HREF="indexd47f.html"> Passport Info Page for US Citizens >></A> </SPAN><br/> <SPAN><A HREF="index43d7.html#border-entry"> Border Entry Requirements for all >></A> </SPAN><BR/> <BR/> <small>The Chair's Unofficial Guide</small><br/> Richard Gabriel gives you his recommendations for<A HREF="" target="new"> how to get around <SPAN CLASS="red">oo</span>PSLA 2007</A> - updated frequently. We are looking for submissions to the Montr茅al/Qu茅bec<A HREF="" target="new"> Yum Yum Guide</A>.<BR/> Email us at:<A HREF=""></A></div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="border" > <td colspan="3"><hr> <div id="footer" > <p> <img src="image/acm_4c_grad_vtag_pos.png" align="middle"> ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications <img src="../2004/images/logo.sigplan.gif" align="middle"> </p></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#dfdad4"> <img src="image/backfooter.jpg" alt=" " width="100%" height="100%"> </td></tr> </table> <script src="../../" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-1249540-1"; urchinTracker(); </script> </body> <!-- Mirrored from by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Fri, 17 Mar 2023 19:59:22 GMT --> </html>