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'AC00130', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Badminton'},{'code': 'AC00140', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Cross Country'},{'code': 'AC00120', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Equestrian'},{'code': 'AC00143', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Golf'},{'code': 'AC00135', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Loggersports'},{'code': 'AC00105', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC- Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AC00142', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC – Men’s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AC00113', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women’s Rugby '},{'code': 'AC00100', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AC00125', 'name': 'Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AR00013', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Architecture & Planning'},{'code': 'ART0028', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning'},{'code': 'AR00043', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00012', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AR00058', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Jen Powley Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AR00633', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - John D Watson Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AR00016', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture'},{'code': ' AR00048', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00044', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AR00026', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - William Lydon Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AR00008', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - Jill Grant Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'ART0075', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning'},{'code': 'AR00051', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00049', 'name': 'Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AG00890', 'name': 'Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery'},{'code': 'AG00130', 'name': 'Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'AG08598', 'name': 'Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery Permanent Collection'},{'code': 'AS00161', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Dalhousie Arts Centre Revitalization Fund (Cohn)'},{'code': 'AS00211', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Jacqueline Warwick dedication of Strug seat'},{'code': 'AS00069', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Performing Arts Campaign'},{'code': 'AS00104', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Ancient History'},{'code': 'AS01119', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Classics General'},{'code': 'AS00105', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Dionysius and Pseudo-Dionysius'},{'code': 'AS00065', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Dr Robert Crouse Fund'},{'code': 'AS00106', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Languages and Literatures'},{'code': 'AS00084', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Pythian Games'},{'code': 'AS01118', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Religious Studies'},{'code': 'AS00107', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Student Assistance - Classics'},{'code': 'AS00239', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - Bruce and Nora Foster Stovel Prize in English'},{'code': 'AS08540', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - English'},{'code': 'AS00132', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - English Department Bursary for Black Canadian & Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00921', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - Graham Creighton Prize in English'},{'code': 'AS00047', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - Samantha Li Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS00800', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - The Malcolm Ross Graduate Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00189', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - English - Varma Prizes in Gothic Literature'},{'code': 'AS08534', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Arts & Social Sciences'},{'code': 'AS00245', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Arts & Social Sciences'},{'code': 'AS00229', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Daniel Paul Portrait Fund'},{'code': 'AS00209', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund'},{'code': 'As00175', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'AS00213', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Scholarships for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00174', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Student Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'AS00208', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AS00071', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS - Undergraduate Scholarships & Bursaries'},{'code': 'AS01176', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Humanities'},{'code': 'AS00051', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Riva and Simon Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies'},{'code': 'AS00048', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Society and Culture Research Fund'},{'code': 'AS00093', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Student Assistance'},{'code': 'AS00130', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Sue Campbell Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00210', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Cinema and Media Studies'},{'code': 'AS01124', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Costume Studies'},{'code': 'AS00182', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fill the House'},{'code': 'AS00180', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fountain International Student Bursary'},{'code': 'AS00131', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fountain School of Performing Arts'},{'code': 'AS00214', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Bursaries for Equity-Deserving Groups '},{'code': 'AS00195', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Dance Program Support'},{'code': 'AS00194', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Music Bursary for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00236', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Performance Fund'},{'code': 'AS00125', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AS00178', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Travel Fund'},{'code': 'AS00235', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Marcel Boulet Bursary'},{'code': 'AS08544', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Music'},{'code': 'AS08563', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Theatre Department'},{'code': 'AS01126', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - French - French'},{'code': 'AS09260', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - French - French Department Scholarship Fund'},{'code': 'AS00503', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - French - Marcelle Cendres Sandhu Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS00077', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - French - Sabah Metlej French Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS08559', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - German - German'},{'code': 'AS00019', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - German - Marjorie Mader Memorial Study Abroad Fund in German'},{'code': 'AS01132', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - History - History'},{'code': 'AS00193', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - History - History Bursary for Black or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00199', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - History - Michael S Cross Memorial Undergraduate Essay Prize'},{'code': 'AS00207', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - History - P.B. Waite Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS00068', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - International Develop Studies - IDS Student Initiatives Fund'},{'code': 'AS08194', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - International Develop Studies - International Development Studies'},{'code': 'AS00244', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Black and African Diaspora Studies FASS'},{'code': 'AS00059', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Canadian Studies'},{'code': 'AS00819', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Women\'s Studies'},{'code': 'AS00031', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Music'},{'code': 'AS09389', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Elvira Gonnella Scholarship in Music'},{'code': 'AS00054', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Evanov Radio Group Scholarships'},{'code': 'AS00217', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Hugh Alan Davidson Music Bursary'},{'code': 'AS00011', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Jim Faraday Fund in Music'},{'code': 'AS00018', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Kathleen Stewart Student Bursary'},{'code': 'AS08048', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - L D Currie Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00096', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Opera Workshop'},{'code': 'AS09362', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Ray D Byham Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00007', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Richardson Experiential Learning Fund - Music'},{'code': 'AS00023', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Music'},{'code': 'AS00025', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Woolhouse-Wells Scholarships in Music'},{'code': 'AS09022', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Philosophy - Austin & Hempel Visiting Speakers Fund'},{'code': 'AS08545', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Philosophy - Philosophy'},{'code': 'AS09220', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Commonwealth Political Philosophy Prize'},{'code': 'AS00049', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security'},{'code': 'AS00123', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security-Founder’s Fund'},{'code': 'AS00169', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute Holiday E Card'},{'code': 'AS00206', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dept of Political Science Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS08570', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Glyn Berry Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS08561', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Political Science'},{'code': 'AS00164', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Political Science Student Travel Fund'},{'code': 'AS00185', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Rt. Hon. Robert L Stanfield Memorial Lecture'},{'code': 'AS00221', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Timothy Shaw & Jane Parpart Schlp in Political Science'},{'code': 'AS00202', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Women in Politics Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00162', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Registrar\'s Office - Sociology & Social Anthropology Bursary for African NS & Mi\'kmaq Students'},{'code': 'AS00997', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Russian Studies - Dr. Yuri Glazov Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS01254', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Russian Studies - Russian Studies'},{'code': 'AS00234', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Jean-Sebastien Guy Memorial Lecture in Social Theory'},{'code': 'AS00156', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Social Anthropology Prize'},{'code': 'AS08562', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Sociology and Social Anthropology'},{'code': 'AS00216', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - de Carteret Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS07015', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - James E Holloway Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS08548', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - Spanish Department'},{'code': 'AS00573', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Andrew & David Stitt Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS00029', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Theatre'},{'code': 'AS00067', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Dalhousie Film Studies Book Prize'},{'code': 'VS00190', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - FSPA Theatre/Cinema Bursary for Black Cdn or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00060', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Lyn Gratwick TheatreArts Guild Scholarship in CostumeStudies'},{'code': 'AS00043', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Theatre'},{'code': 'AS00017', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Scenography and Technical Scenography'},{'code': 'TI01958', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Cross Country'},{'code': 'AT00013', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Cross Country & Track & Field'},{'code': 'TI01955', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'TI01960', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'TI01973', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'TI01966', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Mens Volleyball'},{'code': 'TI01964', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Swim Team'},{'code': 'TI01965', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Track and Field'},{'code': 'TI01956', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'TI01968', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'TI00081', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'TI01967', 'name': 'Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT08251', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Black and Gold Club'},{'code': 'AT00039', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Black and Gold Student Success Program'},{'code': 'BG01958', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Cross Country'},{'code': 'BG01950', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - General Athletics'},{'code': 'BG01955', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Basketball'},{'code': 'BG01960', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Hockey'},{'code': 'BG01973', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Soccer'},{'code': 'BG01966', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Volleyball'},{'code': 'BG01964', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Swimming'},{'code': 'BG01965', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Track and Field'},{'code': 'BG01956', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Basketball'},{'code': 'BG01968', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Hockey'},{'code': 'BG00081', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Soccer'},{'code': 'BG01967', 'name': 'Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00041', 'name': 'Athletics - Event Centre - Oulton-Stanish Event Centre'},{'code': 'AT00021', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Badminton Club'},{'code': 'AT00948', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Baseball Club'},{'code': 'AT00022', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Black and Gold Dance Team'},{'code': 'AT00023', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Break Dancing Club'},{'code': 'AT00094', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Cheerleading'},{'code': 'AT00002', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Curling Club'},{'code': 'AT00024', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Dal Dance Club'},{'code': 'AT00037', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Equestrian Club'},{'code': 'AT00025', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Fencing Club'},{'code': 'AT01953', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Field Hockey Club'},{'code': 'AT00026', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Figure Skating Club'},{'code': 'AT00096', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Football Club'},{'code': 'AT00036', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Golf Club'},{'code': 'AT01970', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Intramurals'},{'code': 'AT00027', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Judo Club'},{'code': 'AT00028', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Kayaking Club'},{'code': 'AT00029', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Masters Swim Club'},{'code': 'AT00004', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Men\'s Lacrosse Club'},{'code': 'AT00087', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Men\'s Rugby Club'},{'code': 'AT00005', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Ringette Club'},{'code': 'AT00534', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Rowing Club'},{'code': 'AT01971', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Sailing Club'},{'code': 'AT01975', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Synchronized Swimming'},{'code': 'AT00030', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Taekwondo Club'},{'code': 'AT00020', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Tennis Club'},{'code': 'AT00031', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Ultimate Frisbee Club'},{'code': 'AT00032', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Water Polo Club'},{'code': 'AT00033', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Women\'s Lacrosse Club'},{'code': 'AT01972', 'name': 'Athletics - Sport Clubs - Women\'s Rugby Club'},{'code': 'AT00018', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT00011', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00001', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Adrian Facca Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'AT00977', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Athletic Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'AT01950', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Athletics'},{'code': 'AT01958', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Cross Country'},{'code': 'AT00099', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence'},{'code': 'AT00086', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - George Hughes Scholarship in Athletics'},{'code': 'AT09004', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - James Hudson Soccer Award'},{'code': 'HP09064', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Jeff Bredin Memorial Scholarship in Men’s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00040', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Linda Bonin Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'AT09007', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - McCabe Family Award'},{'code': 'AT01955', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Men\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'AT01960', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT01973', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AT01966', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Men\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00038', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Ron Naud Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AT01964', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Swim Team'},{'code': 'AT00046', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - The Al Yarr Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AT01965', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Track and Field'},{'code': 'AT00034', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Wayne Marryatt Scholarship'},{'code': 'AT01956', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Women\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'AT01968', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Women\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT00016', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AT01967', 'name': 'Athletics - Varsity - Women\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'SU00009', 'name': 'College of Sustainability - College of Sustainability - ESS Alumni Scholarship'},{'code': 'CS00001', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Art Sedgwick Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'CS00024', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Computer Science'},{'code': 'CS08543', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Computer Science'},{'code': 'CS00003', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Computer Science Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'CS00015', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Faculty of Computer Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund'},{'code': 'CS00008', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Faculty of Computer Science Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'CS00165', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Morven Gentleman Fund'},{'code': 'CSUSB', 'name': 'Computer Science - Computer Science - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Computer Science)'},{'code': 'PR08650', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Area of Greatest Impact'},{'code': 'PRAEB', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Athletics Endowed Bursary'},{'code': 'PRBSFAO', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Black Student Financial Aid - Opportunities Scholarships'},{'code': 'VE00094', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Bringing Worlds Together Student Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'PRCS', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Career Services'},{'code': 'SU00002', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - College of Sustainability'},{'code': 'PRDWSC', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Dalhousie Writing Success Centre'},{'code': 'PRDLPLX', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Dalplex'},{'code': 'PRFMS', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Facilities Management Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRGSLEF', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Graduate Studies Learning Enhancement Fund'},{'code': 'PRIMHTP', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Imhotep Fund'},{'code': 'PRILSA', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - International Leadership Service Awards'},{'code': 'PRISEF', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - International Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'PRITSUS', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - ITS Undergraduate Student Award'},{'code': 'VS00033', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Johnson Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRMATP', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Mentoring and Tutoring Program'},{'code': 'PR00016', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - President’s Diversity and Inclusiveness Fund'},{'code': 'VS00051', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Reverend Trevor Phillips Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRSSSLI', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Student Services Student Leadership Initiative'},{'code': 'PR00017', 'name': 'Dalhousie University - President\'s Student Relief Fund - President\'s Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'DE01068', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Clinical Sciences - Dentistry - Dept. of Clinical Sciences'},{'code': 'DE00089', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dental Hygiene'},{'code': 'DE08566', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene'},{'code': 'DE00059', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants '},{'code': 'DE00083', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Outreach Clinic Support Fund'},{'code': 'DE00082', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'DE00098', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Glenda Butt Bursary'},{'code': 'DE09591', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Kate MacDonald Bursary'},{'code': 'DE00102', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Student Assistance - Dental Hygiene'},{'code': 'DE00011', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dentistry - Dean\'s Office - Table Clinics'},{'code': 'DE09306', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Alice Hartlen Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'DE00006', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Bill MacInnis Scholarship'},{'code': 'DE00088', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dentistry'},{'code': 'DECOHR', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Chair, Oral Health Research'},{'code': 'DEDCAER', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dental Clinic and Equipment Renewal'},{'code': 'DE00033', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dental Clinic Renewal Fund'},{'code': 'DE08158', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00125', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants'},{'code': 'DE00081', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Outreach Clinic Support Fund'},{'code': 'DE09788', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Student Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'DE00155', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Digital Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00073', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Cindy McCormick Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'DE00042', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Daniel Tam Fund'},{'code': 'DE00092', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Eric Hatfield Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00117', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Frank Lovely OMFS Education Fund'},{'code': 'DE00109', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Maureen Lawton and Class of \'82 Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00084', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Robert Hoar Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00067', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Tom and Deb Boran Oral Health Outreach Fund'},{'code': 'DE00025', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Elizabeth Precious Endowment (Cleft Initiative)'},{'code': 'DE01045', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'DE00079', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'DEGFF', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Dentistry)'},{'code': 'DEIPHEF', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Dentistry)'},{'code': 'DE00046', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Keating-Bekkers North End Community Health Clinic Fund'},{'code': 'DEOHE', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Oral Health Endowment'},{'code': 'DESBAF', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships'},{'code': 'DE00091', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Student Assistance - Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00104', 'name': 'Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Thomas Clift Scholarship Fund'},{'code': 'DE08564', 'name': 'Dentistry - Oral & Maxillofacial Sciences - Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery'},{'code': 'ENT0031', 'name': 'Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0035', 'name': 'Engineering - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00204', 'name': 'Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00061', 'name': 'Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering - Mineral Resource Engineering Campaign'},{'code': 'EN00219', 'name': 'Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Dalhousie\'s Microtransat Autonomous Sailboat Team'},{'code': 'ENT0043', 'name': 'Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00127', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00030', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Eldon Gunn Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'EN08558', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0048', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Lab Equipment'},{'code': 'ENELR', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Lab Renovations'},{'code': 'EN00053', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'EN00052', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Engineering Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'EN00103', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Future Engineering Fund'},{'code': 'ENGFF', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Engineering)'},{'code': 'EN00400', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - May Best Sexton Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'VS00156', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Mo El-Hawary International Student Bursary'},{'code': 'EN09934', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Peter Wilson Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'EN00243', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Student Assistance - Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT8961', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - SuperNOVA'},{'code': 'ENUSB', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Engineering)'},{'code': 'EN00122', 'name': 'Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - William Phillips Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'ENT0051', 'name': 'Engineering - Food Science & Technology - Food Science & Technology'},{'code': 'EN00115', 'name': 'Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Corinne MacDonald Scholarship for Women in Industrial Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0055', 'name': 'Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0059', 'name': 'Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00203', 'name': 'Engineering - Process Engineering & Applied Science - Process Engineering & Applied Science'},{'code': 'ENG-EN00032', 'name': 'Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering'},{'code': 'OL00002', 'name': 'Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development - Continuing Education - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - OLCD'},{'code': 'HC01125', 'name': 'Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development - Continuing Education - Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development'},{'code': 'GR00015', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'GR08286', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Century of the Enlightenment Fund'},{'code': 'GR09380', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Dr P Anthony Johnstone Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'GR09718', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Eliza Ritchie Doctoral Scholarship'},{'code': 'GR08567', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'MR01234', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Harold A Robertson Award in Parkinson\'s Disease Research'},{'code': 'GR00098', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Interdisciplinary PhD Program'},{'code': 'GR09280', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - John and Lina Graham Commonwealth Bursary'},{'code': 'VA09077', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies'},{'code': 'GR00009', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Killam Alumni Fund'},{'code': 'GR00094', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Linda Marie Gillingwater Rainsberry Scholarship and Bursary'},{'code': 'GR00093', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - NS Black and First Nations Graduate Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'LW08127', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Phi Kappa Pi - Joe Ghiz Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'GR00092', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Student Assistance - Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'GR00010', 'name': 'Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Woman Life Freedom Graduate Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00325', 'name': 'Health - Clincial Vision Sciences - Clinical Vision Science Program'},{'code': 'HP00315', 'name': 'Health - Clincial Vision Sciences - Parkinson-Hahn CVS Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00186', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Amanda Hayden Reynolds Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00109', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Chair in Pharmacy Business'},{'code': 'HP08571', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - College of Pharmacy (Annual Fund)'},{'code': 'HP00326', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Dr. Pat Farmer Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'HP00153', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Karen Zed Spirit of Community Pharmacy Award'},{'code': 'HP00365', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1974 Restoration Project'},{'code': 'HP00357', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1975 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP01002', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1976 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00381', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1977'},{'code': 'HP00305', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00146', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Scott Knowles Memorial Pharmacy Award'},{'code': 'HP00073', 'name': 'Health - College of Pharmacy - Whelan Family Pharmacy Award'},{'code': 'HP00301', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - CSD - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00344', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Hear@Dal Program'},{'code': 'HP00319', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Lynda Campbell Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08551', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders'},{'code': 'HP00274', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders BIPOC Consultation Fund '},{'code': 'HP00236', 'name': 'Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Student Assistance - School of Communication Sciences & Disorders'},{'code': 'HP00187', 'name': 'Health - Health - Brent Brannen Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00188', 'name': 'Health - Health - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Health'},{'code': 'HP00332', 'name': 'Health - Health - Crossroads Conference'},{'code': 'HPEPSRB', 'name': 'Health - Health - Entry-to-Practice Scholarships and Rural Bursaries'},{'code': 'HP00288', 'name': 'Health - Health - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00157', 'name': 'Health - Health - Faculty of Health Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP00192', 'name': 'Health - Health - Furneaux Women in Sports Scholarship'},{'code': 'HPGRFF', 'name': 'Health - Health - Graduate Research Fellowship Fund'},{'code': 'HP00179', 'name': 'Health - Health - Graduate Scholarship for PhD Studies in Health'},{'code': 'HP08570', 'name': 'Health - Health - Health'},{'code': 'HPAACSF', 'name': 'Health - Health - Indigenous/African Canadian students in the Faculty of Health Professions'},{'code': 'HPIPHEF', 'name': 'Health - Health - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Health Professions)'},{'code': 'HP00195', 'name': 'Health - Health - Scotland - New Scotland Health Research Fund'},{'code': 'HP00340', 'name': 'Health - Health - The Paul Merritt Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AT00099', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence'},{'code': 'HP00296', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Dr. Janice Moreside & Dr. John Kozey BSc(Kin) Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00341', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - HAHP Bursary for Black Canadian and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'HP08201', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Health Promotion'},{'code': 'HP01265', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Kinesiology'},{'code': 'HP01214', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Leisure Studies'},{'code': 'HP01138', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Recreation'},{'code': 'HP08573', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - School of Health & Human Performance'},{'code': 'HP00189', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Student Assistance - Health & Human Performance'},{'code': 'HP00952', 'name': 'Health - Health & Human Performance - Therapeutic Recreation'},{'code': 'HP00271', 'name': 'Health - Health Services Administration - Dr. Robert Strang Scholarship in Support of Equity in Health'},{'code': 'HP00328', 'name': 'Health - Health Services Administration - Nour Elassy Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00237', 'name': 'Health - Health Services Administration - School of Health Administration Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP08711', 'name': 'Health - Health Services Administration - School of Health Adminstration'},{'code': 'VAO9077', 'name': 'Health - Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies - J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies'},{'code': 'HP08021', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Anna Trenholm Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'HP00358', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Elizabeth Agnes Cameron Compassionate Care for Seniors Award'},{'code': 'HP00346', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00361', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Gail Giles Campbell Memorial Award'},{'code': 'HP00092', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Matthew Ayer Prize'},{'code': 'HP08171', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00149', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing 75th Anniversary Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00211', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'HP00345', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing Class of 1973 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00303', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP09605', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Nursing Research and Development'},{'code': 'HP00197', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - School of Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00252', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - School of Nursing Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP00286', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Shirlie Dent Bursary in Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00096', 'name': 'Health - Nursing - Student Assistance - Nursing'},{'code': 'HP09021', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - 10 Anniv. Award in Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00901', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Barbara O\'Shea Graduate Award'},{'code': 'HP09107', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Cardwell/Robinson Prize'},{'code': 'HP00281', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Class of 2019 Michelle Mahoney Prize'},{'code': 'HP00276', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Communties with Courage'},{'code': 'HP09343', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Dr Gustave Gingras Award'},{'code': 'HP00900', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Elizabeth Bell Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP09751', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Fred Sammons Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00480', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Kelly Bang Lectureship'},{'code': 'HP00137', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Mary & John Eldon Green Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00304', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP09847', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy Research'},{'code': 'HP00354', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - OT Class of 1989 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00123', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - OT PhD Admissions Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00241', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Pat McLeod Award'},{'code': 'HP09402', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Phyllis Kennedy Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08685', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - School of Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00265', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - School of Occupational Therapy Emergency Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00445', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Sheila Poole Run for the Rock'},{'code': 'HP00114', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Admission Scholarship - Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00194', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Assistance - Occup. Therapy'},{'code': 'HP09158', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Involvement Award'},{'code': 'HP00124', 'name': 'Health - Occupational Therapy - Townsend Fellowship in Occupation and Society'},{'code': 'HP00148', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - 50th Anniversary Physiotherapy Student Fund'},{'code': 'HP00338', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - Cheryl Kozey Prize'},{'code': 'HP00107', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - Elizabeth Drury Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'HP01001', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - Jan Leonard Physiotherapy Fund'},{'code': 'HP00136', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy Bursary for Indigenous or African Canadian Students'},{'code': 'HP00306', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00352', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - PT Class of 1994 Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP08574', 'name': 'Health - Physiotherapy - School of Physiotherapy'},{'code': 'HP00108', 'name': 'Health - School of Health Sciences - Dorothy Archibald Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00302', 'name': 'Health - School of Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00257', 'name': 'Health - School of Health Sciences - Krista MacQuarrie-Ward Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'HP00178', 'name': 'Health - School of Health Sciences - School of Health Sciences'},{'code': 'HP00251', 'name': 'Health - School of Health Sciences - Student Assistance - Health Sciences'},{'code': 'HP00181', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - Joan Cummings Memorial Award'},{'code': 'HP00162', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - MSSW Alumni Award Fund'},{'code': 'HP00226', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - MSW ’66 50th Reunion Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08783', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - School of Social Work'},{'code': 'HP00183', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - Social Work Community Clinic'},{'code': 'HP00307', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - Social Work - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00031', 'name': 'Health - School of Social Work - Student Assistance - Social Work'},{'code': 'LW00047', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - 1990 Memorial Award'},{'code': 'LW00198', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - AG Law & Management - Wikuom'},{'code': 'LW00252', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Law'},{'code': 'LW00170', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Charles (Chuck) J Meagher Law Hour Fund'},{'code': 'LW00162', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Cherry Ferguson Bursary in Health Law'},{'code': 'LW00094', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Class of 1974 Schulich School of Law Bursary'},{'code': 'LW08518', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Dalhousie Legal Aid Clinic'},{'code': 'LW00189', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Dianne Pothier Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'LW00112', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Donald Marshall Jr Memorial Award'},{'code': 'LW01301', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Health Law Program'},{'code': 'LW00059', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Hon John C. Crosbie Weldon Tradition Scholarship in Law'},{'code': 'LW08784', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Indigenous Blacks and Mi’kmaq Initiative'},{'code': 'LW00105', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - James Palmer Chair of Excellence in Public Policy and Law'},{'code': 'LW00238', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - John MacDonell Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'LW00052', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Judge Corrine Sparks Award in Law'},{'code': 'LW00267', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1967 Teaching Excellence Award'},{'code': 'LW00215', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1968 Bursary'},{'code': 'LW00216', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1971 Bursary'},{'code': 'LW00203', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1987 - Raylene Rankin Memorial'},{'code': 'LW00199', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1993 Bursary'},{'code': 'LW00196', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1998 Internship'},{'code': 'LW00243', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of \'73 50th Anniversary Gift'},{'code': 'LW00259', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Law EDI Committee Initiatives'},{'code': 'LW01259', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Marine & Environmental Program - Schulich School of Law'},{'code': 'LW09120', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Mary Cleyle Bursary'},{'code': 'LW00253', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Murray Fraser Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'LW00260', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Restorative Research, Innovation & Education Lab'},{'code': 'LW00191', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Sarah Welch Prize in Criminal Law'},{'code': 'LW00214', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'LW08134', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law (Faculty Area of Greatest Need)'},{'code': 'LW00179', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'LW01123', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Sir James Dunn Law Library Fund'},{'code': 'LW00090', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Assistance - Schulich School of Law'},{'code': 'LW00232', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Clinical and Experiential Learning'},{'code': 'LW00230', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Support – Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, and Emergency Fund'},{'code': 'LW00193', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - Technology and Innovation Law Clinic'},{'code': 'LW00240', 'name': 'Law - Schulich School of Law - The Professor Meinhard Doelle Memorial Award'},{'code': 'LI00025', 'name': 'Libraries - Agriculture - MacRae Library - MacRae Library'},{'code': 'LIT0049', 'name': 'Libraries - Architecture, Planning and Engineering - Sexton Library - Engineering Library Resources'},{'code': 'LIT1765', 'name': 'Libraries - Architecture, Planning and Engineering - Sexton Library - Sexton Library'},{'code': 'HP00279', 'name': 'Libraries - Archives - University Archives - Nova Scotia LGBT Archives Project'},{'code': 'LI01143', 'name': 'Libraries - Archives - University Archives - University Archives'},{'code': 'LI00024', 'name': 'Libraries - Area of Greatest Need - Area of Greatest Need'},{'code': 'LI00027', 'name': 'Libraries - Area of Greatest Need - The Video Difference Collection'},{'code': 'LI00508', 'name': 'Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Killam)'},{'code': 'LI08589', 'name': 'Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library'},{'code': 'LI00110', 'name': 'Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library - Save Our Serials Fund'},{'code': 'LI01025', 'name': 'Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library Special Collections'},{'code': 'LI00509', 'name': 'Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Kellogg)'},{'code': 'LI00018', 'name': 'Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - Mary Koncovy Book Fund'},{'code': 'LI01762', 'name': 'Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library'},{'code': 'none', 'name': 'Libraries - Law - Sir James Dunn Library - Sir James Dunn Library'},{'code': 'MN00058', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Alan MacDonald Memorial Award'},{'code': 'MN00ALM', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Alberta Letts Memorial'},{'code': 'MNALSCH', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Alumni Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00186', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Atlantic Credit Unions Fund for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'MN00182', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - B.Comm. Class of 1997 Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00008', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Management'},{'code': 'MN00097', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for Advanced Management Education'},{'code': 'MNCFERP', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for Family Business and Regional Prosperity'},{'code': 'MN08513', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for International Trade and Transportation'},{'code': 'MNFRATE', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Chair, Finance Risk and the Environment'},{'code': 'MNCSERL', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Chair, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Responsible Leadership'},{'code': 'MN00489', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Christopher McKee Award of Merit'},{'code': 'MN00188', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Commerce 100th Anniversary Fund'},{'code': 'MN01252', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Commerce Co-operative Program'},{'code': 'MN00017', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Dalhousie Horrocks National Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'MN00963', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Dr A Gordon Archibald Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00189', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Edgar Scott Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00196', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - Rowe School of Business'},{'code': 'MN00197', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - School of Information Management'},{'code': 'MN00198', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - School of Public Administration'},{'code': 'MN08568', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management'},{'code': 'MN00194', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'MN00118', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00204', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Management'},{'code': 'MN00111', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Founders Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00179', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Gary Gibson Excellence in Librarianship Prize'},{'code': 'MNGFF', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Management)'},{'code': 'MN00116', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Gus Papageorgiou Design Thinking Award'},{'code': 'MN01283', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - J. Clement Harrison International Award'},{'code': 'MN00057', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - John R E Parker Prize in Accounting'},{'code': 'VR00004', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance'},{'code': 'MN00104', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Management - Undergraduate Scholarships/Bursaries'},{'code': 'MN00200', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Marie DeYoung Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00128', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - MBA-FS (CFAME) '},{'code': 'MN00067', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Neville J. Gilfoy Endowment in Entrepreneurship & Innovation'},{'code': 'MN00033', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Norman Newman Centre for Entrepreneurship'},{'code': 'MN00065', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Own the Podium'},{'code': 'MN00147', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Pearl Hunter Boardroom'},{'code': 'MN00041', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Prof Raymond Carroll Prize'},{'code': 'MN00195', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Promise Scholars Graduate '},{'code': 'MN00185', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Promise Scholars Undergraduate '},{'code': 'MN09686', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Public Administration'},{'code': 'MN00169', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Rod Wark Fund'},{'code': 'MN01338', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Rowe School of Business'},{'code': 'MN00134', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Rowe School of Business Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN08019', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Rowland C Frazee Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00165', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Ryan Tran Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'MN00554', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business Admin - UBG Team'},{'code': 'MN08569', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business - Commerce'},{'code': 'MN08680', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business - MBA'},{'code': 'MN08550', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management'},{'code': 'MN00137', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'MN00135', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00138', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - School of Public Administration Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00153', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Sealy Thrive MBA Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00060', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Shirley B Elliott Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00117', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - SIM 50th Anniversary Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN09499', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - SIM Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00015', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - SIMSA Outstanding Service Award'},{'code': 'MN09386', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - SLIS New Brunswick Award'},{'code': 'MN00039', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Stephanie Downs Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00237', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Student Assistance - Commerce'},{'code': 'MN00113', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - The Brady Vickers Bursary'},{'code': 'MNUSB', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Management)'},{'code': 'MN00184', 'name': 'Management - Faculty of Management - W Hunter P Stentaford Prize in Securities'},{'code': 'COPYMN00209', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Bachelor of Commerce Program '},{'code': 'COPYMN00004', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Bachelor of Management Program'},{'code': 'COPYMN08568 ', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Faculty of Management'},{'code': 'COPYMN00211', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Master of Information Management Program'},{'code': 'COPYMN00210', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Master of Information Program'},{'code': 'COPYMN00212', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Master of Public Administration Program'},{'code': 'COPYMN00213', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - Master of Science in Business'},{'code': 'COPYMN00214', 'name': 'Management - Management - Other - MBA Program'},{'code': 'MD08142', 'name': 'Medicine - Anaesthesia - Anaesthesia Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD00318', 'name': 'Medicine - Anaesthesia - Rwanda Simulation'},{'code': 'MD08220', 'name': 'Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology'},{'code': 'MD09388', 'name': 'Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Dr Douglas Hogue Award'},{'code': 'MD09664', 'name': 'Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Patrick Prize in Biochemistry'},{'code': 'MD00936', 'name': 'Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Peter Dolphin Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'MD08152', 'name': 'Medicine - Comm Health & Epidemiology - Community Health & Epidemiology'},{'code': 'MD00542', 'name': 'Medicine - Comm Health & Epidemiology - Dr OmiSoore Dryden - Research'},{'code': 'MD01553', 'name': 'Medicine - Critical Care - Critical Care'},{'code': 'MD00033', 'name': 'Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine'},{'code': 'MD00400', 'name': 'Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine Research'},{'code': 'MD00015', 'name': 'Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Nigel Merchant Allied Health Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09843', 'name': 'Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Robert F Scharf Award'},{'code': 'MD00333', 'name': 'Medicine - Emergency Medicine - SIM Centre - Emergency Medicine'},{'code': 'MD00158', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - $50-for-Life Student Medical Bursary'},{'code': 'MD01065', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Alzheimers Research'},{'code': 'MD00474', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute'},{'code': 'MD00586', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Bone Marrow Transplant'},{'code': 'MD00549', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Medicine'},{'code': 'MD00462', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Canada-Rwanda Heart Surgery Program'},{'code': 'MDCME', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Chair, Medical Education'},{'code': 'MD00303', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Class of 1976 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09126', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Class of \'71 Memorial Award'},{'code': 'VE00071', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - COVID-19 Research Fund'},{'code': 'MD00290', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - CW (Bill) McCormick Neurosciences Award'},{'code': 'MD00460', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dalhousie Medical Student Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00276', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dean\'s Student Fund'},{'code': 'MD00545', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr. B.J.M. O\'Brien Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09411', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr C E Kinley Lectureship Fund'},{'code': 'MD00165', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr George and Rusina Loh Medical Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00425', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Grant Llewellyn Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00245', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr James Phills Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00601', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Janice Townson Memorial Prize (MD Class of 2013)'},{'code': 'SC00210', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Jeff Sutherland Research Grant in Neuroscience (MD1991)'},{'code': 'MD00389', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Lester (Rosenfeld) Rosere Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00533', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Lorne Marsh Family Practice Award'},{'code': 'MD00348', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Meng Hee Tan Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00800', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Paul Landrigan Bursary'},{'code': 'MR01120', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Ronald Stewart Chair in Emergency Medicine '},{'code': 'MD00567', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Sean C Grondin Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09600', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr T J Murray Visiting Scholar Program'},{'code': 'MD00121', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Wanita Lopeter Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00115', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Medicine'},{'code': 'MR00545', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Molly Appeal'},{'code': 'MR01105', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Gillian\'s Hope Visiting Scholar in MS Research'},{'code': 'MDGFF', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Medicine)'},{'code': 'MD00019', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Hannah & Thomas Casey Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00514', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Indigenous Health in Medicine Program'},{'code': 'MDIPHEF', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Medicine)'},{'code': 'MDIPHIF', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Inter-professional Health Internship Fund'},{'code': 'MD00411', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Johnson Pathway Scholarships'},{'code': 'MD00064', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - LSRI Campaign'},{'code': 'MD09759', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Marion E & Frank A Seaman Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00173', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Max & Etta Epstein Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00563', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD \'76 Rachel Armstrong Award'},{'code': 'MD00445', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1966 North of 60 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00450', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1968 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00459', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1969 Social Determinants of Health Prize'},{'code': 'MD00320', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1972 International Health Education Endowment'},{'code': 'MD00555', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1978 Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'MD00235', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1983 Wellness Fund'},{'code': 'MD00452', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1994'},{'code': 'MD00515', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1996 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00540', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 2001 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00518', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 2020 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00332', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of \'67 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00097', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of \'73 Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09597', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Alumni Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00331', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1965 Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'MD09390', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1970 Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'MD00583', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1987'},{'code': 'MD00359', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of \'74 Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00199', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Humanities Days 2007'},{'code': 'MD00174', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Informatics'},{'code': 'MD01121', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research'},{'code': 'MR00127', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research Fund'},{'code': 'MR00028', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research Trainee Fund'},{'code': 'MDMSSJC', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical School Saint John Campus'},{'code': 'MD00554', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)'},{'code': 'MD00127', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine and the Humanities'},{'code': 'MD00433', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine Diversity Fund'},{'code': 'MD00432', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine Fourth Year Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00622', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Mentice IVR Simulation Device Project'},{'code': 'MD00564', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Micro Research - Faculty of Medicine'},{'code': 'MD08231', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Parkinson Research'},{'code': 'MD00511', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Patrick Darrah Memorial Scholarship Fund'},{'code': 'MR00006', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - PC-PEP'},{'code': 'MDRCP', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Rural Communities Program'},{'code': 'MD00041', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Rural Preceptor Program'},{'code': 'MD00539', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Ryan Buyting Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MD00202', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Sandy Murray RIM Award'},{'code': 'MDSBF', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships'},{'code': 'MD00268', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Simulation Based Learning'},{'code': 'MD00626', 'name': 'Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Tupper Lobby and Common Spaces Cultural Art Project'},{'code': 'MD00566', 'name': 'Medicine - Family Medicine - Dr Brian Hennen Inclusive Community Lecture Series'},{'code': 'MD08180', 'name': 'Medicine - Family Medicine - Family Medicine'},{'code': 'MD09217', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Chair in Medical Education Research'},{'code': 'MD08577', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association - Area of Greatest Impact'},{'code': 'MD00089', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Student Assistance - DMAA'},{'code': 'MD00585', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Brain Repair Centre'},{'code': 'MD00509', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Brain Repair Centre Support'},{'code': 'MD00478', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Human Body Donation Program'},{'code': 'MD08931', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Maritime Brain Tissue Bank'},{'code': 'MD00621', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Research Development Office - Andrew MacEachern Award for Alzheimer’s Research'},{'code': 'MD00611', 'name': 'Medicine - Medical Research Development Office - Friends of Anita Fund'},{'code': 'MD01514', 'name': 'Medicine - Microbiology & Immunology - Microbiology & Immunology'},{'code': 'MD08691', 'name': 'Medicine - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Obstetrics & Gynaecology'},{'code': 'MD00207', 'name': 'Medicine - Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Mark Cohen Prize in Ophthalmology'},{'code': 'MD01542', 'name': 'Medicine - Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences'},{'code': 'MD08150', 'name': 'Medicine - Pathology - Pathology'},{'code': 'MD01548', 'name': 'Medicine - Pediatrics - Pediatrics'},{'code': 'MD08578', 'name': 'Medicine - Pharmacology - Pharmacology'},{'code': 'MD04997', 'name': 'Medicine - Physiology & Biophysics - Physiology & Biophysics'},{'code': 'MD06079', 'name': 'Medicine - Psychiatry - Psychiatry'},{'code': 'MDPUSA', 'name': 'Medicine - Psychiatry - Psychiatry Undergraduate Student Award'},{'code': 'MD09219', 'name': 'Medicine - Psychiatry - Sun Life Financial Chair in AMH'},{'code': 'MD00242', 'name': 'Medicine - Psychiatry - Vivek Kusumaker Memorial Award'},{'code': 'MD00118', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiation Oncology - Cancer Research'},{'code': 'MD00314', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiation Oncology - Dr John Carson Lecture Fund'},{'code': 'MD00218', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Charles Lo Prize'},{'code': 'MD00371', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Cupido Daniels Medical Education Award'},{'code': 'MD08043', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - David B Fraser Learning Resource Ctr'},{'code': 'MD00442', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Judy Caines\' Travel Award'},{'code': 'MD09318', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Leo Horowitz Prize'},{'code': 'MD08179', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Radiology'},{'code': 'MD00066', 'name': 'Medicine - Radiology - Radiology Development Fund'},{'code': 'EN00032', 'name': 'Medicine - School of Biomedical Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering'},{'code': 'MD00190', 'name': 'Medicine - Surgery - Cardiovascular Surgery'},{'code': 'MD08153', 'name': 'Medicine - Surgery - Orthopaedic Research/Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD08176', 'name': 'Medicine - Surgery - Otolaryngology Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD00246', 'name': 'Medicine - Surgery - Plastic Surgery'},{'code': 'MD01186', 'name': 'Medicine - Surgery - Surgery'},{'code': 'MD08164', 'name': 'Medicine - Urology - Urology Development Fund'},{'code': 'SC08536', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Biology'},{'code': 'SC00201', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Biology Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'SC09173', 'name': 'Science - Biology - David Andrew Dougall Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00324', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Dr Thomas MacRae Graduate Prize'},{'code': 'SC01112', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Marine Biology'},{'code': 'SC00244', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Rob Stewart Fund in Marine Conservation'},{'code': 'SC00396', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Ron O\'Dor Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00184', 'name': 'Science - Biology - Student Assistance - Biology'},{'code': 'SC00196', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry Graduate Travel Award'},{'code': 'SC08537', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00044', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Achievement Award'},{'code': 'SC00172', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Resource Centre Renewal Project'},{'code': 'SC01043', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Chemistry - undergraduate equipment'},{'code': 'SC09168', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Visiting Speakers Fund'},{'code': 'SC00135', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Description Lloyd & Margaret Cooley Memorial Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00013', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Donald R Arnold Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00136', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Dr Jean Cooley Graduate Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC09419', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Dr Osvald Knop Prize in Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00187', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Gerry Dauphinee Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC09023', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - John Carstairs Arnell Prize'},{'code': 'SC00055', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - John Hamilton Barrett Prize'},{'code': 'SC00042', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Norbert Wolter Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00167', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Undergraduate Summer Research Chemistry Award'},{'code': 'SC00010', 'name': 'Science - Chemistry - Walter J Chute Scholarship in Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00122', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Advanced Field School Annual Earth Sciences Mapping Event'},{'code': 'SC00219', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Brian MacLean Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC09032', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - David Barlow Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC08541', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences'},{'code': 'SC08543', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences Teaching Equipment'},{'code': 'SC00124', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Energy Systems Learning Fund, Field Seminar, Speakers'},{'code': 'SC00131', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - G V Douglas Memorial Award'},{'code': 'SC00133', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Lewis H King Quaternary Research Fund'},{'code': 'SC09549', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - MacEachern Ponsford Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC00193', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Marcos Zentilli Graduate Award'},{'code': 'SC01281', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Michael J Keen Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC00194', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Milligan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Geology'},{'code': 'SC00112', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Nedimovic Family Scholarship Graduate'},{'code': 'SC00127', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Other Field Schools and Field Trips'},{'code': 'SC00118', 'name': 'Science - Earth Sciences - Petroleum Geosciences Education Fund'},{'code': 'SC00218', 'name': 'Science - Economics - Christian Marfels Memorial Graduate Bursary-Economics'},{'code': 'SC08538', 'name': 'Science - Economics - Economics'},{'code': 'SC00162', 'name': 'Science - Economics - Economics Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'SC00070', 'name': 'Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Science Programs'},{'code': 'SC00238', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Anne Marie Ryan Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00197', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Atlantic Whitefish Project'},{'code': 'SC00283', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Science'},{'code': 'SCCO', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Chair, Oceans'},{'code': 'SCSMR', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Chair, Sustainable Materials Research'},{'code': 'SC00522', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Dive In: The Blue Whale Project'},{'code': 'SC00310', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Dr Alasdair Sinclair Fund'},{'code': 'SC00154', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Dr Arnold & Mrs Bea Tingley Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00173', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Ecolab'},{'code': 'SC00051', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Emily Hood Wainwright Schurman Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00250 ', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'SC00029', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Faculty of Science Student Experience Endowment'},{'code': 'SCGFF', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Science)'},{'code': 'SCGSICF', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Graduate Students in Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00151', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Hannah Carmichael Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00170', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Jeff Dahn Bursary in Physics'},{'code': 'SC00163', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Jonathan Borwein Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'TEMPMD00554', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)'},{'code': 'SC00526', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Ocean School'},{'code': 'SC08535', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science'},{'code': 'SC00251', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science Communication Fund'},{'code': 'SC00174', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'SCSLC', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science Learning Commons'},{'code': 'SCSO', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science Outreach'},{'code': 'SC00029', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Science Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'SC00241', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Student Assistance - Science'},{'code': 'SCUSB', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Science)'},{'code': 'SCUSRF', 'name': 'Science - Faculty of Science - Undergraduate Summer Research Fund'},{'code': 'GR09331', 'name': 'Science - Marine Affairs Program - D M Johnston - MASC Scholarship in Marine Affairs'},{'code': 'GR00099', 'name': 'Science - Marine Affairs Program - Marine Affairs Program'},{'code': 'SC00271', 'name': 'Science - Marine Affairs Program - Marine Biodiversity Fund '},{'code': 'GR09839', 'name': 'Science - Marine Affairs Program - Master of Marine Management Gold Award'},{'code': 'GR00977', 'name': 'Science - Marine Affairs Program - Masters in Marine Management Program'},{'code': 'SC00211', 'name': 'Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Student Award in Math & Stats'},{'code': 'SC00620', 'name': 'Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Dept of Math & Stats Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00282', 'name': 'Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Karen Chandler Living Numbers Fund'},{'code': 'SC01135', 'name': 'Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Mathematics'},{'code': 'SC08542', 'name': 'Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Mathematics & Statistics'},{'code': 'SC00138', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - Acoustical Oceanography Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'SC00113', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - BIOS Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'SC00119', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - Fund for Ocean Exploration'},{'code': 'SC09717', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - Gordon A Riley Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00430', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - Keith Thompson Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC08560', 'name': 'Science - Oceanography - Oceanography'},{'code': 'SC00318', 'name': 'Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Chair for Inclusion in Science and Engineering - Atlantic Support Fund'},{'code': 'SC01178', 'name': 'Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Meteorology'},{'code': 'SC08546', 'name': 'Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Physics'},{'code': 'SC00035', 'name': 'Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Physics Fund'},{'code': 'SC00157', 'name': 'Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Promise Scholars Physics & Atmospheric Science'},{'code': 'SC09066', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Brimer Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00255', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Building Diversity in Clinical Psychology Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00144', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Child Development Lab'},{'code': 'SC09344', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - David and Ruth Hubel Undergraduate Neuroscience Prize'},{'code': 'SC08512', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - D O Hebb Memorial Lecture Fund'},{'code': 'SC09309', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - D O Hebb Post-Graduate Prize'},{'code': 'SC09909', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Dr Lilyan E White Prize'},{'code': 'SC09338', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Dr W K Honig Prize'},{'code': 'SC01287', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Frances L Stewart Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC00159', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology and Neuroscience Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'SC08547', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology & Neuroscience'},{'code': 'SC01266', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology - Undergraduate Lab Equipment'},{'code': 'SC00033', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Susan Paula Forward Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC00018', 'name': 'Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - The Clinical Citizenship Award'},{'code': 'SC00276', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Dr. Gordon Beanlands Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00199', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Experiential Learning Fund - School for Resource and Environmental Studies'},{'code': 'MN06056', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Resource & Environmental Studies'},{'code': 'MN00152', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'MN00151', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00491', 'name': 'Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - SRES Thesis Research Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00522', 'name': 'Science - Science-Annual Fund - Dive In: The Blue Whale Project'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00250', 'name': 'Science - Science-Annual Fund - Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00271', 'name': 'Science - Science-Annual Fund - Marine Biodiversity Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00251', 'name': 'Science - Science-Annual Fund - Science Communication Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPMN00199', 'name': 'Science - Science-Annual Fund - SRES Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'VE09354 ', 'name': 'Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Emily Bevan Harrington Fund (WDDA)'},{'code': 'VS00119', 'name': 'Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Nason Student Fund'},{'code': 'VE00029', 'name': 'Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Office of Advancement Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'VR00010', 'name': 'Vice-President Research - Research Services - Dal Innovates'},{'code': 'VS08557', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Housing & Conference Services - Howe Hall'},{'code': 'VS00200', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Ann and Ian Vessey Scholarship'},{'code': 'VF00663', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Benny and Shana Epstein Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS09143', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Calgary Alumni Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00191', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Chemistry Bursary for Black / African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'VS00094', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Cochrane Fry Leadership Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00091', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Dalhousie Retiree and Pensioner Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00068', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Friends of Alexander Taylor Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00042', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Helen Archibald Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00172', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - International Students Holiday Gala'},{'code': 'VS00118', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Iranian Memorial Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'VS00083', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Kerson/Knight Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00146', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Murdena & Albert Marshall Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00113', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - On Track Micro Bursaries'},{'code': 'VS00120', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Richardson Family Scholarships & Bursaries'},{'code': 'VS00121', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Student Emergency Relief Fund'},{'code': 'VS00132', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Student Food Security - GTC'},{'code': 'VS00150', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Summit Academy of Active Learning Ukraine Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00152', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - The Senator Don Oliver Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00147', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Emergency Microbursaries'},{'code': 'VS00142', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - ILA-TD Opportunity Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00160', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Isaac MacDonald Memorial Bursary for Students with Dyslexia'},{'code': 'VS00143', 'name': 'Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Shimrit Perkol-Finkel Memorial Scholarship'}]; var designationsByFaculty = {"Agriculture":[{"code":"AC00153","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Agriculture Study Abroad UK"},{"code":"AC00001","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Annual Appeal"},{"code":"AC00037","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Class of 1975 - Agriculture"},{"code":"AC00002","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Faculty of Agriculture - Area of Greatest Impact"},{"code":"AC00098","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Faculty of Agriculture Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"AC00085","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Green Shoots Program"},{"code":"AC02013","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Grounds Improvement Fund"},{"code":"AC02010","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - Library Trust Fund"},{"code":"AC00108","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture General Funds - SUSTAIN by Cultiv8"},{"code":"AC01001","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Alumni Family Bursaries"},{"code":"AC00144","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Benjamin McIsaac Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"AC00124","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Brickle and Cali Somers Veterinary Technology Bursary"},{"code":"AC00148","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Agriculture"},{"code":"AC01627","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Capt Steele Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AC01629","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Class of 56 Graduate Scholarship"},{"code":"AC03015","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Class of \\'58 Scholarship"},{"code":"AC00060","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Dr A David Crowe Graduate Scholarship"},{"code":"AC00090","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Dr Garth Coffin Scholarship"},{"code":"AC01619","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Dr John Bubar Scholarship"},{"code":"AC02014","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Dr Les Haley Fund"},{"code":"AC00129","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Hossain Farid Prize for Graduate Studies in Animal Genetics or Physiology"},{"code":"AC00112","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Merle Taylor Memorial Undergraduate Summer Research Assistantships"},{"code":"AC01046","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - P Max Kuhn Scholarship"},{"code":"AC00015","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Professor Nigel Firth Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"AC00094","name":"Agriculture - Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries - Walter Termeer Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AC00130","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Badminton"},{"code":"AC00140","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Cross Country"},{"code":"AC00120","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Equestrian"},{"code":"AC00143","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Golf"},{"code":"AC00135","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Loggersports"},{"code":"AC00105","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC- Men\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"AC00142","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC \u2013 Men\u2019s Volleyball"},{"code":"AC00113","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women\u2019s Rugby "},{"code":"AC00100","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"AC00125","name":"Agriculture - Athletics Centre - DAC - AC - Women\\'s Volleyball"}],"Architecture and Planning":[{"code":"AR00013","name":"Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Architecture & Planning"},{"code":"ART0028","name":"Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning"},{"code":"AR00043","name":"Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"AR00012","name":"Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"AR00058","name":"Architecture and Planning - Faculty of Architecture and Planning - Jen Powley Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AR00633","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - John D Watson Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AR00016","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture"},{"code":" AR00048","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"AR00044","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - School of Architecture Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"AR00026","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Architecture - William Lydon Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AR00008","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - Jill Grant Entrance Scholarship"},{"code":"ART0075","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning"},{"code":"AR00051","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"AR00049","name":"Architecture and Planning - School of Planning - School of Planning Student Relief Fund"}],"Art Gallery":[{"code":"AG00890","name":"Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery"},{"code":"AG00130","name":"Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery Endowment Fund"},{"code":"AG08598","name":"Art Gallery - Art Gallery - Art Gallery Permanent Collection"}],"Arts & Social Sciences":[{"code":"AS00161","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Dalhousie Arts Centre Revitalization Fund (Cohn)"},{"code":"AS00211","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Jacqueline Warwick dedication of Strug seat"},{"code":"AS00069","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Arts Centre - Performing Arts Campaign"},{"code":"AS00104","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Ancient History"},{"code":"AS01119","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Classics General"},{"code":"AS00105","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Dionysius and Pseudo-Dionysius"},{"code":"AS00065","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Dr Robert Crouse Fund"},{"code":"AS00106","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Languages and Literatures"},{"code":"AS00084","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Pythian Games"},{"code":"AS01118","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Religious Studies"},{"code":"AS00107","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Classics - Student Assistance - Classics"},{"code":"AS00239","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - Bruce and Nora Foster Stovel Prize in English"},{"code":"AS08540","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - English"},{"code":"AS00132","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - English Department Bursary for Black Canadian & Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS00921","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - Graham Creighton Prize in English"},{"code":"AS00047","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - Samantha Li Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AS00800","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - The Malcolm Ross Graduate Scholarship"},{"code":"AS00189","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - English - Varma Prizes in Gothic Literature"},{"code":"AS08534","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Arts & Social Sciences"},{"code":"AS00245","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Arts & Social Sciences"},{"code":"AS00229","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Daniel Paul Portrait Fund"},{"code":"AS00209","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund"},{"code":"As00175","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Experiential Learning Fund"},{"code":"AS00213","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Scholarships for Black and Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS00174","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Student Leadership Fund"},{"code":"AS00208","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"AS00071","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - FASS - Undergraduate Scholarships & Bursaries"},{"code":"AS01176","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Humanities"},{"code":"AS00051","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Riva and Simon Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies"},{"code":"AS00048","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Society and Culture Research Fund"},{"code":"AS00093","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Student Assistance"},{"code":"AS00130","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences - Sue Campbell Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AS00210","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Cinema and Media Studies"},{"code":"AS01124","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Costume Studies"},{"code":"AS00182","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fill the House"},{"code":"AS00180","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fountain International Student Bursary"},{"code":"AS00131","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Fountain School of Performing Arts"},{"code":"AS00214","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Bursaries for Equity-Deserving Groups "},{"code":"AS00195","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Dance Program Support"},{"code":"AS00194","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Music Bursary for Black and Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS00236","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Performance Fund"},{"code":"AS00125","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"AS00178","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - FSPA Travel Fund"},{"code":"AS00235","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Marcel Boulet Bursary"},{"code":"AS08544","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Music"},{"code":"AS08563","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Fountain School of Performing Arts - Theatre Department"},{"code":"AS01126","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - French - French"},{"code":"AS09260","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - French - French Department Scholarship Fund"},{"code":"AS00503","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - French - Marcelle Cendres Sandhu Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AS00077","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - French - Sabah Metlej French Scholarship"},{"code":"AS08559","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - German - German"},{"code":"AS00019","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - German - Marjorie Mader Memorial Study Abroad Fund in German"},{"code":"AS01132","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - History - History"},{"code":"AS00193","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - History - History Bursary for Black or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS00199","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - History - Michael S Cross Memorial Undergraduate Essay Prize"},{"code":"AS00207","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - History - P.B. Waite Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AS00068","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - International Develop Studies - IDS Student Initiatives Fund"},{"code":"AS08194","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - International Develop Studies - International Development Studies"},{"code":"AS00244","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Black and African Diaspora Studies FASS"},{"code":"AS00059","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Canadian Studies"},{"code":"AS00819","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Centre - Women\\'s Studies"},{"code":"AS00031","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Music"},{"code":"AS09389","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Elvira Gonnella Scholarship in Music"},{"code":"AS00054","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Evanov Radio Group Scholarships"},{"code":"AS00217","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Hugh Alan Davidson Music Bursary"},{"code":"AS00011","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Jim Faraday Fund in Music"},{"code":"AS00018","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Kathleen Stewart Student Bursary"},{"code":"AS08048","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - L D Currie Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AS00096","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Opera Workshop"},{"code":"AS09362","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Ray D Byham Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AS00007","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Richardson Experiential Learning Fund - Music"},{"code":"AS00023","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Music"},{"code":"AS00025","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Music - Woolhouse-Wells Scholarships in Music"},{"code":"AS09022","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Philosophy - Austin & Hempel Visiting Speakers Fund"},{"code":"AS08545","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Philosophy - Philosophy"},{"code":"AS09220","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Commonwealth Political Philosophy Prize"},{"code":"AS00049","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security"},{"code":"AS00123","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security-Founder\u2019s Fund"},{"code":"AS00169","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dallaire Institute Holiday E Card"},{"code":"AS00206","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Dept of Political Science Bursary for Black\/African Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS08570","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Glyn Berry Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"AS08561","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Political Science"},{"code":"AS00164","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Political Science Student Travel Fund"},{"code":"AS00185","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Rt. Hon. Robert L Stanfield Memorial Lecture"},{"code":"AS00221","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Timothy Shaw & Jane Parpart Schlp in Political Science"},{"code":"AS00202","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Political Science - Women in Politics Scholarship"},{"code":"AS00162","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Registrar\\'s Office - Sociology & Social Anthropology Bursary for African NS & Mi\\'kmaq Students"},{"code":"AS00997","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Russian Studies - Dr. Yuri Glazov Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AS01254","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Russian Studies - Russian Studies"},{"code":"AS00234","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Jean-Sebastien Guy Memorial Lecture in Social Theory"},{"code":"AS00156","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Social Anthropology Prize"},{"code":"AS08562","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Sociology & Social Anthropology - Sociology and Social Anthropology"},{"code":"AS00216","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - de Carteret Memorial Prize"},{"code":"AS07015","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - James E Holloway Memorial Prize"},{"code":"AS08548","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Spanish & Latin American Studies - Spanish Department"},{"code":"AS00573","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Andrew & David Stitt Memorial Prize"},{"code":"AS00029","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Theatre"},{"code":"AS00067","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Dalhousie Film Studies Book Prize"},{"code":"VS00190","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - FSPA Theatre\/Cinema Bursary for Black Cdn or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"AS00060","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Lyn Gratwick TheatreArts Guild Scholarship in CostumeStudies"},{"code":"AS00043","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Theatre"},{"code":"AS00017","name":"Arts & Social Sciences - Theatre - Scenography and Technical Scenography"}],"Athletics":[{"code":"TI01958","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Cross Country"},{"code":"AT00013","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Cross Country & Track & Field"},{"code":"TI01955","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\\'s Basketball"},{"code":"TI01960","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\\'s Hockey"},{"code":"TI01973","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Men\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"TI01966","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Mens Volleyball"},{"code":"TI01964","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Swim Team"},{"code":"TI01965","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Track and Field"},{"code":"TI01956","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\\'s Basketball"},{"code":"TI01968","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\\'s Hockey"},{"code":"TI00081","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"TI01967","name":"Athletics - Adopt a Tiger - Women\\'s Volleyball"},{"code":"AT08251","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Black and Gold Club"},{"code":"AT00039","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Black and Gold Student Success Program"},{"code":"BG01958","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Cross Country"},{"code":"BG01950","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - General Athletics"},{"code":"BG01955","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Basketball"},{"code":"BG01960","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Hockey"},{"code":"BG01973","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Soccer"},{"code":"BG01966","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Mens Volleyball"},{"code":"BG01964","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Swimming"},{"code":"BG01965","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Track and Field"},{"code":"BG01956","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Basketball"},{"code":"BG01968","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Hockey"},{"code":"BG00081","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Soccer"},{"code":"BG01967","name":"Athletics - Black and Gold - Donation - Womens Volleyball"},{"code":"AT00041","name":"Athletics - Event Centre - Oulton-Stanish Event Centre"},{"code":"AT00021","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Badminton Club"},{"code":"AT00948","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Baseball Club"},{"code":"AT00022","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Black and Gold Dance Team"},{"code":"AT00023","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Break Dancing Club"},{"code":"AT00094","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Cheerleading"},{"code":"AT00002","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Curling Club"},{"code":"AT00024","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Dal Dance Club"},{"code":"AT00037","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Equestrian Club"},{"code":"AT00025","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Fencing Club"},{"code":"AT01953","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Field Hockey Club"},{"code":"AT00026","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Figure Skating Club"},{"code":"AT00096","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Football Club"},{"code":"AT00036","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Golf Club"},{"code":"AT01970","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Intramurals"},{"code":"AT00027","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Judo Club"},{"code":"AT00028","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Kayaking Club"},{"code":"AT00029","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Masters Swim Club"},{"code":"AT00004","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Men\\'s Lacrosse Club"},{"code":"AT00087","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Men\\'s Rugby Club"},{"code":"AT00005","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Ringette Club"},{"code":"AT00534","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Rowing Club"},{"code":"AT01971","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Sailing Club"},{"code":"AT01975","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Synchronized Swimming"},{"code":"AT00030","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Taekwondo Club"},{"code":"AT00020","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Tennis Club"},{"code":"AT00031","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Ultimate Frisbee Club"},{"code":"AT00032","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Water Polo Club"},{"code":"AT00033","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Women\\'s Lacrosse Club"},{"code":"AT01972","name":"Athletics - Sport Clubs - Women\\'s Rugby Club"},{"code":"AT00018","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Adopt a Tiger - Men\\'s Hockey"},{"code":"AT00011","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Adopt a Tiger - Men\\'s Volleyball"},{"code":"AT00001","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Adrian Facca Leadership Fund"},{"code":"AT00977","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Athletic Endowment Fund"},{"code":"AT01950","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Athletics"},{"code":"AT01958","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Cross Country"},{"code":"AT00099","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence"},{"code":"AT00086","name":"Athletics - Varsity - George Hughes Scholarship in Athletics"},{"code":"AT09004","name":"Athletics - Varsity - James Hudson Soccer Award"},{"code":"HP09064","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Jeff Bredin Memorial Scholarship in Men\u2019s Volleyball"},{"code":"AT00040","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Linda Bonin Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"AT09007","name":"Athletics - Varsity - McCabe Family Award"},{"code":"AT01955","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Men\\'s Basketball"},{"code":"AT01960","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Men\\'s Hockey"},{"code":"AT01973","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Men\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"AT01966","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Men\\'s Volleyball"},{"code":"AT00038","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Ron Naud Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AT01964","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Swim Team"},{"code":"AT00046","name":"Athletics - Varsity - The Al Yarr Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AT01965","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Track and Field"},{"code":"AT00034","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Wayne Marryatt Scholarship"},{"code":"AT01956","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Women\\'s Basketball"},{"code":"AT01968","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Women\\'s Hockey"},{"code":"AT00016","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Women\\'s Soccer"},{"code":"AT01967","name":"Athletics - Varsity - Women\\'s Volleyball"}],"College of Sustainability":[{"code":"SU00009","name":"College of Sustainability - College of Sustainability - ESS Alumni Scholarship"}],"Computer Science":[{"code":"CS00001","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Art Sedgwick Memorial Fund"},{"code":"CS00024","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Computer Science"},{"code":"CS08543","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Computer Science"},{"code":"CS00003","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Computer Science Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"CS00015","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Faculty of Computer Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund"},{"code":"CS00008","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Faculty of Computer Science Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"CS00165","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Morven Gentleman Fund"},{"code":"CSUSB","name":"Computer Science - Computer Science - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Computer Science)"}],"Dalhousie University":[{"code":"PR08650","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Area of Greatest Impact"},{"code":"PRAEB","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Athletics Endowed Bursary"},{"code":"PRBSFAO","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Black Student Financial Aid - Opportunities Scholarships"},{"code":"VE00094","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Bringing Worlds Together Student Bursary Fund"},{"code":"PRCS","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Career Services"},{"code":"SU00002","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - College of Sustainability"},{"code":"PRDWSC","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Dalhousie Writing Success Centre"},{"code":"PRDLPLX","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Dalplex"},{"code":"PRFMS","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Facilities Management Scholarship"},{"code":"PRGSLEF","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Graduate Studies Learning Enhancement Fund"},{"code":"PRIMHTP","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Imhotep Fund"},{"code":"PRILSA","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - International Leadership Service Awards"},{"code":"PRISEF","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - International Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"PRITSUS","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - ITS Undergraduate Student Award"},{"code":"VS00033","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Johnson Scholarship"},{"code":"PRMATP","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Mentoring and Tutoring Program"},{"code":"PR00016","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - President\u2019s Diversity and Inclusiveness Fund"},{"code":"VS00051","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Reverend Trevor Phillips Scholarship"},{"code":"PRSSSLI","name":"Dalhousie University - Area of Greatest Impact - Student Services Student Leadership Initiative"},{"code":"PR00017","name":"Dalhousie University - President\\'s Student Relief Fund - President\\'s Student Relief Fund"}],"Dentistry":[{"code":"DE01068","name":"Dentistry - Dental Clinical Sciences - Dentistry - Dept. of Clinical Sciences"},{"code":"DE00089","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dental Hygiene"},{"code":"DE08566","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene"},{"code":"DE00059","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants "},{"code":"DE00083","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Outreach Clinic Support Fund"},{"code":"DE00082","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygiene Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"DE00098","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Glenda Butt Bursary"},{"code":"DE09591","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Kate MacDonald Bursary"},{"code":"DE00102","name":"Dentistry - Dental Hygiene - Student Assistance - Dental Hygiene"},{"code":"DE00011","name":"Dentistry - Dentistry - Dean\\'s Office - Table Clinics"},{"code":"DE09306","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Alice Hartlen Memorial Prize"},{"code":"DE00006","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Bill MacInnis Scholarship"},{"code":"DE00088","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dentistry"},{"code":"DECOHR","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Chair, Oral Health Research"},{"code":"DEDCAER","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dental Clinic and Equipment Renewal"},{"code":"DE00033","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dental Clinic Renewal Fund"},{"code":"DE08158","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry"},{"code":"DE00125","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants"},{"code":"DE00081","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Outreach Clinic Support Fund"},{"code":"DE09788","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dentistry Student Bursary Fund"},{"code":"DE00155","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Digital Dentistry"},{"code":"DE00073","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Cindy McCormick Bursary Fund"},{"code":"DE00042","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Daniel Tam Fund"},{"code":"DE00092","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Eric Hatfield Memorial Fund"},{"code":"DE00117","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Frank Lovely OMFS Education Fund"},{"code":"DE00109","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr Maureen Lawton and Class of \\'82 Memorial Fund"},{"code":"DE00084","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Robert Hoar Memorial Fund"},{"code":"DE00067","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Dr. Tom and Deb Boran Oral Health Outreach Fund"},{"code":"DE00025","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Elizabeth Precious Endowment (Cleft Initiative)"},{"code":"DE01045","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"DE00079","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"DEGFF","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Dentistry)"},{"code":"DEIPHEF","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Dentistry)"},{"code":"DE00046","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Keating-Bekkers North End Community Health Clinic Fund"},{"code":"DEOHE","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Oral Health Endowment"},{"code":"DESBAF","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships"},{"code":"DE00091","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Student Assistance - Dentistry"},{"code":"DE00104","name":"Dentistry - Faculty of Dentistry - Thomas Clift Scholarship Fund"},{"code":"DE08564","name":"Dentistry - Oral & Maxillofacial Sciences - Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery"}],"Engineering":[{"code":"ENT0031","name":"Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering"},{"code":"ENT0035","name":"Engineering - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering"},{"code":"EN00204","name":"Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering"},{"code":"EN00061","name":"Engineering - Civil & Resource Engineering - Mineral Resource Engineering Campaign"},{"code":"EN00219","name":"Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Dalhousie\\'s Microtransat Autonomous Sailboat Team"},{"code":"ENT0043","name":"Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering"},{"code":"EN00127","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Engineering"},{"code":"EN00030","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Eldon Gunn Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"EN08558","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering"},{"code":"ENT0048","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Lab Equipment"},{"code":"ENELR","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Lab Renovations"},{"code":"EN00053","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Engineering Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"EN00052","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Engineering Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"EN00103","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Future Engineering Fund"},{"code":"ENGFF","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Engineering)"},{"code":"EN00400","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - May Best Sexton Memorial Prize"},{"code":"VS00156","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Mo El-Hawary International Student Bursary"},{"code":"EN09934","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Peter Wilson Memorial Fund"},{"code":"EN00243","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Student Assistance - Engineering"},{"code":"ENT8961","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - SuperNOVA"},{"code":"ENUSB","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Engineering)"},{"code":"EN00122","name":"Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - William Phillips Memorial Fund"},{"code":"ENT0051","name":"Engineering - Food Science & Technology - Food Science & Technology"},{"code":"EN00115","name":"Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Corinne MacDonald Scholarship for Women in Industrial Engineering"},{"code":"ENT0055","name":"Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Industrial Engineering"},{"code":"ENT0059","name":"Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering"},{"code":"EN00203","name":"Engineering - Process Engineering & Applied Science - Process Engineering & Applied Science"},{"code":"ENG-EN00032","name":"Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering"}],"Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development":[{"code":"OL00002","name":"Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development - Continuing Education - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - OLCD"},{"code":"HC01125","name":"Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development - Continuing Education - Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development"}],"Graduate Studies":[{"code":"GR00015","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Graduate Studies"},{"code":"GR08286","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Century of the Enlightenment Fund"},{"code":"GR09380","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Dr P Anthony Johnstone Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"GR09718","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Eliza Ritchie Doctoral Scholarship"},{"code":"GR08567","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies"},{"code":"MR01234","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Harold A Robertson Award in Parkinson\\'s Disease Research"},{"code":"GR00098","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Interdisciplinary PhD Program"},{"code":"GR09280","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - John and Lina Graham Commonwealth Bursary"},{"code":"VA09077","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies"},{"code":"GR00009","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Killam Alumni Fund"},{"code":"GR00094","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Linda Marie Gillingwater Rainsberry Scholarship and Bursary"},{"code":"GR00093","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - NS Black and First Nations Graduate Entrance Scholarship"},{"code":"LW08127","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Phi Kappa Pi - Joe Ghiz Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"GR00092","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Student Assistance - Graduate Studies"},{"code":"GR00010","name":"Graduate Studies - Graduate Studies - Woman Life Freedom Graduate Scholarship"}],"Health":[{"code":"HP00325","name":"Health - Clincial Vision Sciences - Clinical Vision Science Program"},{"code":"HP00315","name":"Health - Clincial Vision Sciences - Parkinson-Hahn CVS Bursary"},{"code":"HP00186","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Amanda Hayden Reynolds Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"HP00109","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Chair in Pharmacy Business"},{"code":"HP08571","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - College of Pharmacy (Annual Fund)"},{"code":"HP00326","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Dr. Pat Farmer Memorial Fund"},{"code":"HP00153","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Karen Zed Spirit of Community Pharmacy Award"},{"code":"HP00365","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1974 Restoration Project"},{"code":"HP00357","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1975 Bursary"},{"code":"HP01002","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1976 Bursary"},{"code":"HP00381","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Class of 1977"},{"code":"HP00305","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00146","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Scott Knowles Memorial Pharmacy Award"},{"code":"HP00073","name":"Health - College of Pharmacy - Whelan Family Pharmacy Award"},{"code":"HP00301","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - CSD - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00344","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Hear@Dal Program"},{"code":"HP00319","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Lynda Campbell Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"HP08551","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders"},{"code":"HP00274","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders BIPOC Consultation Fund "},{"code":"HP00236","name":"Health - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Student Assistance - School of Communication Sciences & Disorders"},{"code":"HP00187","name":"Health - Health - Brent Brannen Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"HP00188","name":"Health - Health - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Health"},{"code":"HP00332","name":"Health - Health - Crossroads Conference"},{"code":"HPEPSRB","name":"Health - Health - Entry-to-Practice Scholarships and Rural Bursaries"},{"code":"HP00288","name":"Health - Health - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00157","name":"Health - Health - Faculty of Health Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"HP00192","name":"Health - Health - Furneaux Women in Sports Scholarship"},{"code":"HPGRFF","name":"Health - Health - Graduate Research Fellowship Fund"},{"code":"HP00179","name":"Health - Health - Graduate Scholarship for PhD Studies in Health"},{"code":"HP08570","name":"Health - Health - Health"},{"code":"HPAACSF","name":"Health - Health - Indigenous\/African Canadian students in the Faculty of Health Professions"},{"code":"HPIPHEF","name":"Health - Health - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Health Professions)"},{"code":"HP00195","name":"Health - Health - Scotland - New Scotland Health Research Fund"},{"code":"HP00340","name":"Health - Health - The Paul Merritt Memorial Fund"},{"code":"AT00099","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence"},{"code":"HP00296","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Dr. Janice Moreside & Dr. John Kozey BSc(Kin) Bursary"},{"code":"HP00341","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - HAHP Bursary for Black Canadian and Indigenous Students"},{"code":"HP08201","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Health Promotion"},{"code":"HP01265","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Kinesiology"},{"code":"HP01214","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Leisure Studies"},{"code":"HP01138","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Recreation"},{"code":"HP08573","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - School of Health & Human Performance"},{"code":"HP00189","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Student Assistance - Health & Human Performance"},{"code":"HP00952","name":"Health - Health & Human Performance - Therapeutic Recreation"},{"code":"HP00271","name":"Health - Health Services Administration - Dr. Robert Strang Scholarship in Support of Equity in Health"},{"code":"HP00328","name":"Health - Health Services Administration - Nour Elassy Bursary"},{"code":"HP00237","name":"Health - Health Services Administration - School of Health Administration Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"HP08711","name":"Health - Health Services Administration - School of Health Adminstration"},{"code":"VAO9077","name":"Health - Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies - J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies"},{"code":"HP08021","name":"Health - Nursing - Anna Trenholm Memorial Prize"},{"code":"HP00358","name":"Health - Nursing - Elizabeth Agnes Cameron Compassionate Care for Seniors Award"},{"code":"HP00346","name":"Health - Nursing - Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Nursing"},{"code":"HP00361","name":"Health - Nursing - Gail Giles Campbell Memorial Award"},{"code":"HP00092","name":"Health - Nursing - Matthew Ayer Prize"},{"code":"HP08171","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing"},{"code":"HP00149","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing 75th Anniversary Scholarship"},{"code":"HP00211","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"HP00345","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing Class of 1973 Bursary"},{"code":"HP00303","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP09605","name":"Health - Nursing - Nursing Research and Development"},{"code":"HP00197","name":"Health - Nursing - School of Nursing"},{"code":"HP00252","name":"Health - Nursing - School of Nursing Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"HP00286","name":"Health - Nursing - Shirlie Dent Bursary in Nursing"},{"code":"HP00096","name":"Health - Nursing - Student Assistance - Nursing"},{"code":"HP09021","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - 10 Anniv. Award in Occupational Therapy"},{"code":"HP00901","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Barbara O\\'Shea Graduate Award"},{"code":"HP09107","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Cardwell\/Robinson Prize"},{"code":"HP00281","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Class of 2019 Michelle Mahoney Prize"},{"code":"HP00276","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Communties with Courage"},{"code":"HP09343","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Dr Gustave Gingras Award"},{"code":"HP00900","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Elizabeth Bell Scholarship"},{"code":"HP09751","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Fred Sammons Scholarship"},{"code":"HP00480","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Kelly Bang Lectureship"},{"code":"HP00137","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Mary & John Eldon Green Scholarship"},{"code":"HP00304","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP09847","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapy Research"},{"code":"HP00354","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - OT Class of 1989 Bursary"},{"code":"HP00123","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - OT PhD Admissions Scholarship"},{"code":"HP00241","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Pat McLeod Award"},{"code":"HP09402","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Phyllis Kennedy Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"HP08685","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - School of Occupational Therapy"},{"code":"HP00265","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - School of Occupational Therapy Emergency Bursary"},{"code":"HP00445","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Sheila Poole Run for the Rock"},{"code":"HP00114","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Admission Scholarship - Occupational Therapy"},{"code":"HP00194","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Assistance - Occup. Therapy"},{"code":"HP09158","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Student Involvement Award"},{"code":"HP00124","name":"Health - Occupational Therapy - Townsend Fellowship in Occupation and Society"},{"code":"HP00148","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - 50th Anniversary Physiotherapy Student Fund"},{"code":"HP00338","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - Cheryl Kozey Prize"},{"code":"HP00107","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - Elizabeth Drury Memorial Fund"},{"code":"HP01001","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - Jan Leonard Physiotherapy Fund"},{"code":"HP00136","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy Bursary for Indigenous or African Canadian Students"},{"code":"HP00306","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00352","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - PT Class of 1994 Scholarship"},{"code":"HP08574","name":"Health - Physiotherapy - School of Physiotherapy"},{"code":"HP00108","name":"Health - School of Health Sciences - Dorothy Archibald Bursary"},{"code":"HP00302","name":"Health - School of Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00257","name":"Health - School of Health Sciences - Krista MacQuarrie-Ward Memorial Prize"},{"code":"HP00178","name":"Health - School of Health Sciences - School of Health Sciences"},{"code":"HP00251","name":"Health - School of Health Sciences - Student Assistance - Health Sciences"},{"code":"HP00181","name":"Health - School of Social Work - Joan Cummings Memorial Award"},{"code":"HP00162","name":"Health - School of Social Work - MSSW Alumni Award Fund"},{"code":"HP00226","name":"Health - School of Social Work - MSW \u201966 50th Reunion Bursary"},{"code":"HP08783","name":"Health - School of Social Work - School of Social Work"},{"code":"HP00183","name":"Health - School of Social Work - Social Work Community Clinic"},{"code":"HP00307","name":"Health - School of Social Work - Social Work - Equity in Health Fund"},{"code":"HP00031","name":"Health - School of Social Work - Student Assistance - Social Work"}],"Law":[{"code":"LW00047","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - 1990 Memorial Award"},{"code":"LW00198","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - AG Law & Management - Wikuom"},{"code":"LW00252","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Law"},{"code":"LW00170","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Charles (Chuck) J Meagher Law Hour Fund"},{"code":"LW00162","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Cherry Ferguson Bursary in Health Law"},{"code":"LW00094","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Class of 1974 Schulich School of Law Bursary"},{"code":"LW08518","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Dalhousie Legal Aid Clinic"},{"code":"LW00189","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Dianne Pothier Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"LW00112","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Donald Marshall Jr Memorial Award"},{"code":"LW01301","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Health Law Program"},{"code":"LW00059","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Hon John C. Crosbie Weldon Tradition Scholarship in Law"},{"code":"LW08784","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Indigenous Blacks and Mi\u2019kmaq Initiative"},{"code":"LW00105","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - James Palmer Chair of Excellence in Public Policy and Law"},{"code":"LW00238","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - John MacDonell Memorial Fund"},{"code":"LW00052","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Judge Corrine Sparks Award in Law"},{"code":"LW00267","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1967 Teaching Excellence Award"},{"code":"LW00215","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1968 Bursary"},{"code":"LW00216","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1971 Bursary"},{"code":"LW00203","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1987 - Raylene Rankin Memorial"},{"code":"LW00199","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1993 Bursary"},{"code":"LW00196","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of 1998 Internship"},{"code":"LW00243","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law Class of \\'73 50th Anniversary Gift"},{"code":"LW00259","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Law EDI Committee Initiatives"},{"code":"LW01259","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Marine & Environmental Program - Schulich School of Law"},{"code":"LW09120","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Mary Cleyle Bursary"},{"code":"LW00253","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Murray Fraser Memorial Prize"},{"code":"LW00260","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Restorative Research, Innovation & Education Lab"},{"code":"LW00191","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Sarah Welch Prize in Criminal Law"},{"code":"LW00214","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law Experiential Learning Fund"},{"code":"LW08134","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law (Faculty Area of Greatest Need)"},{"code":"LW00179","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Schulich School of Law Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"LW01123","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Sir James Dunn Law Library Fund"},{"code":"LW00090","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Assistance - Schulich School of Law"},{"code":"LW00232","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Clinical and Experiential Learning"},{"code":"LW00230","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Student Support \u2013 Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, and Emergency Fund"},{"code":"LW00193","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - Technology and Innovation Law Clinic"},{"code":"LW00240","name":"Law - Schulich School of Law - The Professor Meinhard Doelle Memorial Award"}],"Libraries":[{"code":"LI00025","name":"Libraries - Agriculture - MacRae Library - MacRae Library"},{"code":"LIT0049","name":"Libraries - Architecture, Planning and Engineering - Sexton Library - Engineering Library Resources"},{"code":"LIT1765","name":"Libraries - Architecture, Planning and Engineering - Sexton Library - Sexton Library"},{"code":"HP00279","name":"Libraries - Archives - University Archives - Nova Scotia LGBT Archives Project"},{"code":"LI01143","name":"Libraries - Archives - University Archives - University Archives"},{"code":"LI00024","name":"Libraries - Area of Greatest Need - Area of Greatest Need"},{"code":"LI00027","name":"Libraries - Area of Greatest Need - The Video Difference Collection"},{"code":"LI00508","name":"Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Killam)"},{"code":"LI08589","name":"Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library"},{"code":"LI00110","name":"Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library - Save Our Serials Fund"},{"code":"LI01025","name":"Libraries - Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library - Killam Library Special Collections"},{"code":"LI00509","name":"Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Kellogg)"},{"code":"LI00018","name":"Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - Mary Koncovy Book Fund"},{"code":"LI01762","name":"Libraries - Health Sciences - Kellogg Library - W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library"},{"code":"none","name":"Libraries - Law - Sir James Dunn Library - Sir James Dunn Library"}],"Management":[{"code":"MN00058","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Alan MacDonald Memorial Award"},{"code":"MN00ALM","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Alberta Letts Memorial"},{"code":"MNALSCH","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Alumni Scholarship"},{"code":"MN00186","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Atlantic Credit Unions Fund for Black and Indigenous Students"},{"code":"MN00182","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - B.Comm. Class of 1997 Scholarship"},{"code":"MN00008","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Management"},{"code":"MN00097","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for Advanced Management Education"},{"code":"MNCFERP","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for Family Business and Regional Prosperity"},{"code":"MN08513","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Centre for International Trade and Transportation"},{"code":"MNFRATE","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Chair, Finance Risk and the Environment"},{"code":"MNCSERL","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Chair, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Responsible Leadership"},{"code":"MN00489","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Christopher McKee Award of Merit"},{"code":"MN00188","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Commerce 100th Anniversary Fund"},{"code":"MN01252","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Commerce Co-operative Program"},{"code":"MN00017","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Dalhousie Horrocks National Leadership Fund"},{"code":"MN00963","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Dr A Gordon Archibald Memorial Fund"},{"code":"MN00189","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Edgar Scott Bursary"},{"code":"MN00196","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - Rowe School of Business"},{"code":"MN00197","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - School of Information Management"},{"code":"MN00198","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Experiential Learning Fund - School of Public Administration"},{"code":"MN08568","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management"},{"code":"MN00194","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management Experiential Learning Fund"},{"code":"MN00118","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Faculty of Management Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"MN00204","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Management"},{"code":"MN00111","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Founders Scholarship"},{"code":"MN00179","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Gary Gibson Excellence in Librarianship Prize"},{"code":"MNGFF","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Management)"},{"code":"MN00116","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Gus Papageorgiou Design Thinking Award"},{"code":"MN01283","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - J. Clement Harrison International Award"},{"code":"MN00057","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - John R E Parker Prize in Accounting"},{"code":"VR00004","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance"},{"code":"MN00104","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Management - Undergraduate Scholarships\/Bursaries"},{"code":"MN00200","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Marie DeYoung Bursary"},{"code":"MN00128","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - MBA-FS (CFAME) "},{"code":"MN00067","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Neville J. Gilfoy Endowment in Entrepreneurship & Innovation"},{"code":"MN00033","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Norman Newman Centre for Entrepreneurship"},{"code":"MN00065","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Own the Podium"},{"code":"MN00147","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Pearl Hunter Boardroom"},{"code":"MN00041","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Prof Raymond Carroll Prize"},{"code":"MN00195","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Promise Scholars Graduate "},{"code":"MN00185","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Promise Scholars Undergraduate "},{"code":"MN09686","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Public Administration"},{"code":"MN00169","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Rod Wark Fund"},{"code":"MN01338","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Rowe School of Business"},{"code":"MN00134","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Rowe School of Business Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"MN08019","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Rowland C Frazee Scholarship"},{"code":"MN00165","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Ryan Tran Memorial Prize"},{"code":"MN00554","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business Admin - UBG Team"},{"code":"MN08569","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business - Commerce"},{"code":"MN08680","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Business - MBA"},{"code":"MN08550","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management"},{"code":"MN00137","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"MN00135","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Information Management Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"MN00138","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - School of Public Administration Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"MN00153","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Sealy Thrive MBA Bursary"},{"code":"MN00060","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Shirley B Elliott Bursary"},{"code":"MN00117","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - SIM 50th Anniversary Scholarship"},{"code":"MN09499","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - SIM Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"MN00015","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - SIMSA Outstanding Service Award"},{"code":"MN09386","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - SLIS New Brunswick Award"},{"code":"MN00039","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Stephanie Downs Memorial Fund"},{"code":"MN00237","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Student Assistance - Commerce"},{"code":"MN00113","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - The Brady Vickers Bursary"},{"code":"MNUSB","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Management)"},{"code":"MN00184","name":"Management - Faculty of Management - W Hunter P Stentaford Prize in Securities"},{"code":"COPYMN00209","name":"Management - Management - Other - Bachelor of Commerce Program "},{"code":"COPYMN00004","name":"Management - Management - Other - Bachelor of Management Program"},{"code":"COPYMN08568 ","name":"Management - Management - Other - Faculty of Management"},{"code":"COPYMN00211","name":"Management - Management - Other - Master of Information Management Program"},{"code":"COPYMN00210","name":"Management - Management - Other - Master of Information Program"},{"code":"COPYMN00212","name":"Management - Management - Other - Master of Public Administration Program"},{"code":"COPYMN00213","name":"Management - Management - Other - Master of Science in Business"},{"code":"COPYMN00214","name":"Management - Management - Other - MBA Program"}],"Medicine":[{"code":"MD08142","name":"Medicine - Anaesthesia - Anaesthesia Development Fund"},{"code":"MD00318","name":"Medicine - Anaesthesia - Rwanda Simulation"},{"code":"MD08220","name":"Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology"},{"code":"MD09388","name":"Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Dr Douglas Hogue Award"},{"code":"MD09664","name":"Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Patrick Prize in Biochemistry"},{"code":"MD00936","name":"Medicine - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Peter Dolphin Memorial Prize"},{"code":"MD08152","name":"Medicine - Comm Health & Epidemiology - Community Health & Epidemiology"},{"code":"MD00542","name":"Medicine - Comm Health & Epidemiology - Dr OmiSoore Dryden - Research"},{"code":"MD01553","name":"Medicine - Critical Care - Critical Care"},{"code":"MD00033","name":"Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine"},{"code":"MD00400","name":"Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine Research"},{"code":"MD00015","name":"Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Nigel Merchant Allied Health Bursary"},{"code":"MD09843","name":"Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Robert F Scharf Award"},{"code":"MD00333","name":"Medicine - Emergency Medicine - SIM Centre - Emergency Medicine"},{"code":"MD00158","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - $50-for-Life Student Medical Bursary"},{"code":"MD01065","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Alzheimers Research"},{"code":"MD00474","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute"},{"code":"MD00586","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Bone Marrow Transplant"},{"code":"MD00549","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Medicine"},{"code":"MD00462","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Canada-Rwanda Heart Surgery Program"},{"code":"MDCME","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Chair, Medical Education"},{"code":"MD00303","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Class of 1976 Bursary"},{"code":"MD09126","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Class of \\'71 Memorial Award"},{"code":"VE00071","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - COVID-19 Research Fund"},{"code":"MD00290","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - CW (Bill) McCormick Neurosciences Award"},{"code":"MD00460","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dalhousie Medical Student Bursary"},{"code":"MD00276","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dean\\'s Student Fund"},{"code":"MD00545","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr. B.J.M. O\\'Brien Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD09411","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr C E Kinley Lectureship Fund"},{"code":"MD00165","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr George and Rusina Loh Medical Bursary"},{"code":"MD00425","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Grant Llewellyn Bursary"},{"code":"MD00245","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr James Phills Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"MD00601","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Janice Townson Memorial Prize (MD Class of 2013)"},{"code":"SC00210","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Jeff Sutherland Research Grant in Neuroscience (MD1991)"},{"code":"MD00389","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Lester (Rosenfeld) Rosere Bursary"},{"code":"MD00533","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Lorne Marsh Family Practice Award"},{"code":"MD00348","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Meng Hee Tan Scholarship"},{"code":"MD00800","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Paul Landrigan Bursary"},{"code":"MR01120","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Ronald Stewart Chair in Emergency Medicine "},{"code":"MD00567","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Sean C Grondin Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD09600","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr T J Murray Visiting Scholar Program"},{"code":"MD00121","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Dr Wanita Lopeter Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD00115","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Medicine"},{"code":"MR00545","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Molly Appeal"},{"code":"MR01105","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Gillian\\'s Hope Visiting Scholar in MS Research"},{"code":"MDGFF","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Medicine)"},{"code":"MD00019","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Hannah & Thomas Casey Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD00514","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Indigenous Health in Medicine Program"},{"code":"MDIPHEF","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Medicine)"},{"code":"MDIPHIF","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Inter-professional Health Internship Fund"},{"code":"MD00411","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Johnson Pathway Scholarships"},{"code":"MD00064","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - LSRI Campaign"},{"code":"MD09759","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Marion E & Frank A Seaman Bursary"},{"code":"MD00173","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Max & Etta Epstein Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD00563","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD \\'76 Rachel Armstrong Award"},{"code":"MD00445","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1966 North of 60 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00450","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1968 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00459","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1969 Social Determinants of Health Prize"},{"code":"MD00320","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1972 International Health Education Endowment"},{"code":"MD00555","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1978 Endowment Fund"},{"code":"MD00235","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1983 Wellness Fund"},{"code":"MD00452","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1994"},{"code":"MD00515","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 1996 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00540","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 2001 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00518","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of 2020 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00332","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of \\'67 Bursary"},{"code":"MD00097","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - MD Class of \\'73 Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"MD09597","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Alumni Entrance Scholarship"},{"code":"MD00331","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1965 Bursary Fund"},{"code":"MD09390","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1970 Endowment Fund"},{"code":"MD00583","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of 1987"},{"code":"MD00359","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Class of \\'74 Entrance Scholarship"},{"code":"MD00199","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Humanities Days 2007"},{"code":"MD00174","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Informatics"},{"code":"MD01121","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research"},{"code":"MR00127","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research Fund"},{"code":"MR00028","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Research Trainee Fund"},{"code":"MDMSSJC","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical School Saint John Campus"},{"code":"MD00554","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)"},{"code":"MD00127","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine and the Humanities"},{"code":"MD00433","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine Diversity Fund"},{"code":"MD00432","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Medicine Fourth Year Bursary"},{"code":"MD00622","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Mentice IVR Simulation Device Project"},{"code":"MD00564","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Micro Research - Faculty of Medicine"},{"code":"MD08231","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Parkinson Research"},{"code":"MD00511","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Patrick Darrah Memorial Scholarship Fund"},{"code":"MR00006","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - PC-PEP"},{"code":"MDRCP","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Rural Communities Program"},{"code":"MD00041","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Rural Preceptor Program"},{"code":"MD00539","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Ryan Buyting Memorial Fund"},{"code":"MD00202","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Sandy Murray RIM Award"},{"code":"MDSBF","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships"},{"code":"MD00268","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Simulation Based Learning"},{"code":"MD00626","name":"Medicine - Faculty of Medicine - Tupper Lobby and Common Spaces Cultural Art Project"},{"code":"MD00566","name":"Medicine - Family Medicine - Dr Brian Hennen\u00a0Inclusive Community Lecture Series"},{"code":"MD08180","name":"Medicine - Family Medicine - Family Medicine"},{"code":"MD09217","name":"Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Chair in Medical Education Research"},{"code":"MD08577","name":"Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association - Area of Greatest Impact"},{"code":"MD00089","name":"Medicine - Medical Alumni Association - Student Assistance - DMAA"},{"code":"MD00585","name":"Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Brain Repair Centre"},{"code":"MD00509","name":"Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Brain Repair Centre Support"},{"code":"MD00478","name":"Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Human Body Donation Program"},{"code":"MD08931","name":"Medicine - Medical Neuroscience - Maritime Brain Tissue Bank"},{"code":"MD00621","name":"Medicine - Medical Research Development Office - Andrew MacEachern Award for Alzheimer\u2019s Research"},{"code":"MD00611","name":"Medicine - Medical Research Development Office - Friends of Anita Fund"},{"code":"MD01514","name":"Medicine - Microbiology & Immunology - Microbiology & Immunology"},{"code":"MD08691","name":"Medicine - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Obstetrics & Gynaecology"},{"code":"MD00207","name":"Medicine - Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Mark Cohen Prize in Ophthalmology"},{"code":"MD01542","name":"Medicine - Ophthalmology & Visual Science - Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences"},{"code":"MD08150","name":"Medicine - Pathology - Pathology"},{"code":"MD01548","name":"Medicine - Pediatrics - Pediatrics"},{"code":"MD08578","name":"Medicine - Pharmacology - Pharmacology"},{"code":"MD04997","name":"Medicine - Physiology & Biophysics - Physiology & Biophysics"},{"code":"MD06079","name":"Medicine - Psychiatry - Psychiatry"},{"code":"MDPUSA","name":"Medicine - Psychiatry - Psychiatry Undergraduate Student Award"},{"code":"MD09219","name":"Medicine - Psychiatry - Sun Life Financial Chair in AMH"},{"code":"MD00242","name":"Medicine - Psychiatry - Vivek Kusumaker Memorial Award"},{"code":"MD00118","name":"Medicine - Radiation Oncology - Cancer Research"},{"code":"MD00314","name":"Medicine - Radiation Oncology - Dr John Carson Lecture Fund"},{"code":"MD00218","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Charles Lo Prize"},{"code":"MD00371","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Cupido Daniels Medical Education Award"},{"code":"MD08043","name":"Medicine - Radiology - David B Fraser Learning Resource Ctr"},{"code":"MD00442","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Judy Caines\\' Travel Award"},{"code":"MD09318","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Leo Horowitz Prize"},{"code":"MD08179","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Radiology"},{"code":"MD00066","name":"Medicine - Radiology - Radiology Development Fund"},{"code":"EN00032","name":"Medicine - School of Biomedical Engineering - School of Biomedical Engineering"},{"code":"MD00190","name":"Medicine - Surgery - Cardiovascular Surgery"},{"code":"MD08153","name":"Medicine - Surgery - Orthopaedic Research\/Development Fund"},{"code":"MD08176","name":"Medicine - Surgery - Otolaryngology Development Fund"},{"code":"MD00246","name":"Medicine - Surgery - Plastic Surgery"},{"code":"MD01186","name":"Medicine - Surgery - Surgery"},{"code":"MD08164","name":"Medicine - Urology - Urology Development Fund"}],"Science":[{"code":"SC08536","name":"Science - Biology - Biology"},{"code":"SC00201","name":"Science - Biology - Biology Bursary for Black\/African Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"SC09173","name":"Science - Biology - David Andrew Dougall Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"SC00324","name":"Science - Biology - Dr Thomas MacRae Graduate Prize"},{"code":"SC01112","name":"Science - Biology - Marine Biology"},{"code":"SC00244","name":"Science - Biology - Rob Stewart Fund in Marine Conservation"},{"code":"SC00396","name":"Science - Biology - Ron O\\'Dor Memorial Fund"},{"code":"SC00184","name":"Science - Biology - Student Assistance - Biology"},{"code":"SC00196","name":"Science - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry Graduate Travel Award"},{"code":"SC08537","name":"Science - Chemistry - Chemistry"},{"code":"SC00044","name":"Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Achievement Award"},{"code":"SC00172","name":"Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Resource Centre Renewal Project"},{"code":"SC01043","name":"Science - Chemistry - Chemistry - undergraduate equipment"},{"code":"SC09168","name":"Science - Chemistry - Chemistry Visiting Speakers Fund"},{"code":"SC00135","name":"Science - Chemistry - Description Lloyd & Margaret Cooley Memorial Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry"},{"code":"SC00013","name":"Science - Chemistry - Donald R Arnold Scholarship"},{"code":"SC00136","name":"Science - Chemistry - Dr Jean Cooley Graduate Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry"},{"code":"SC09419","name":"Science - Chemistry - Dr Osvald Knop Prize in Chemistry"},{"code":"SC00187","name":"Science - Chemistry - Gerry Dauphinee Scholarship"},{"code":"SC09023","name":"Science - Chemistry - John Carstairs Arnell Prize"},{"code":"SC00055","name":"Science - Chemistry - John Hamilton Barrett Prize"},{"code":"SC00042","name":"Science - Chemistry - Norbert Wolter Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"SC00167","name":"Science - Chemistry - Undergraduate Summer Research Chemistry Award"},{"code":"SC00010","name":"Science - Chemistry - Walter J Chute Scholarship in Chemistry"},{"code":"SC00122","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Advanced Field School Annual Earth Sciences Mapping Event"},{"code":"SC00219","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Brian MacLean Memorial Prize"},{"code":"SC09032","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - David Barlow Memorial Award Undergraduate"},{"code":"SC08541","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences"},{"code":"SC08543","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Earth Sciences Teaching Equipment"},{"code":"SC00124","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Energy Systems Learning Fund, Field Seminar, Speakers"},{"code":"SC00131","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - G V Douglas Memorial Award"},{"code":"SC00133","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Lewis H King Quaternary Research Fund"},{"code":"SC09549","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - MacEachern Ponsford Memorial Award Undergraduate"},{"code":"SC00193","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Marcos Zentilli Graduate Award"},{"code":"SC01281","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Michael J Keen Memorial Award Undergraduate"},{"code":"SC00194","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Milligan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Geology"},{"code":"SC00112","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Nedimovic Family Scholarship Graduate"},{"code":"SC00127","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Other Field Schools and Field Trips"},{"code":"SC00118","name":"Science - Earth Sciences - Petroleum Geosciences Education Fund"},{"code":"SC00218","name":"Science - Economics - Christian Marfels Memorial Graduate Bursary-Economics"},{"code":"SC08538","name":"Science - Economics - Economics"},{"code":"SC00162","name":"Science - Economics - Economics Bursary for Black\/African Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"SC00070","name":"Science - Environmental Science - Environmental Science Programs"},{"code":"SC00238","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Anne Marie Ryan Memorial Fund"},{"code":"SC00197","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Atlantic Whitefish Project"},{"code":"SC00283","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Science"},{"code":"SCCO","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Chair, Oceans"},{"code":"SCSMR","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Chair, Sustainable Materials Research"},{"code":"SC00522","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Dive In: The Blue Whale Project"},{"code":"SC00310","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Dr Alasdair Sinclair Fund"},{"code":"SC00154","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Dr Arnold & Mrs Bea Tingley Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"SC00173","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Ecolab"},{"code":"SC00051","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Emily Hood Wainwright Schurman Bursary"},{"code":"SC00250 ","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund"},{"code":"SC00029","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Faculty of Science Student Experience Endowment"},{"code":"SCGFF","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Graduate Fellowship Fund (Science)"},{"code":"SCGSICF","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Graduate Students in Chemistry"},{"code":"SC00151","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Hannah Carmichael Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"SC00170","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Jeff Dahn Bursary in Physics"},{"code":"SC00163","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Jonathan Borwein Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"TEMPMD00554","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)"},{"code":"SC00526","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Ocean School"},{"code":"SC08535","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science"},{"code":"SC00251","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science Communication Fund"},{"code":"SC00174","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science Experiential Learning Fund"},{"code":"SCSLC","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science Learning Commons"},{"code":"SCSO","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science Outreach"},{"code":"SC00029","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Science Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"SC00241","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Student Assistance - Science"},{"code":"SCUSB","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Science)"},{"code":"SCUSRF","name":"Science - Faculty of Science - Undergraduate Summer Research Fund"},{"code":"GR09331","name":"Science - Marine Affairs Program - D M Johnston - MASC Scholarship in Marine Affairs"},{"code":"GR00099","name":"Science - Marine Affairs Program - Marine Affairs Program"},{"code":"SC00271","name":"Science - Marine Affairs Program - Marine Biodiversity Fund "},{"code":"GR09839","name":"Science - Marine Affairs Program - Master of Marine Management Gold Award"},{"code":"GR00977","name":"Science - Marine Affairs Program - Masters in Marine Management Program"},{"code":"SC00211","name":"Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Black\/African Canadian or Indigenous Student Award in Math & Stats"},{"code":"SC00620","name":"Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Dept of Math & Stats Memorial Fund"},{"code":"SC00282","name":"Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Karen Chandler Living Numbers Fund"},{"code":"SC01135","name":"Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Mathematics"},{"code":"SC08542","name":"Science - Mathematics & Statistics - Mathematics & Statistics"},{"code":"SC00138","name":"Science - Oceanography - Acoustical Oceanography Equipment Fund"},{"code":"SC00113","name":"Science - Oceanography - BIOS Experiential Learning Fund"},{"code":"SC00119","name":"Science - Oceanography - Fund for Ocean Exploration"},{"code":"SC09717","name":"Science - Oceanography - Gordon A Riley Memorial Fund"},{"code":"SC00430","name":"Science - Oceanography - Keith Thompson Memorial Fund"},{"code":"SC08560","name":"Science - Oceanography - Oceanography"},{"code":"SC00318","name":"Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Chair for Inclusion in Science and Engineering - Atlantic Support Fund"},{"code":"SC01178","name":"Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Meteorology"},{"code":"SC08546","name":"Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Physics"},{"code":"SC00035","name":"Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Physics Fund"},{"code":"SC00157","name":"Science - Physics & Atmospheric Science - Promise Scholars Physics & Atmospheric Science"},{"code":"SC09066","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Brimer Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"SC00255","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Building Diversity in Clinical Psychology Bursary"},{"code":"SC00144","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Child Development Lab"},{"code":"SC09344","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - David and Ruth Hubel Undergraduate Neuroscience Prize"},{"code":"SC08512","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - D O Hebb Memorial Lecture Fund"},{"code":"SC09309","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - D O Hebb Post-Graduate Prize"},{"code":"SC09909","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Dr Lilyan E White Prize"},{"code":"SC09338","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Dr W K Honig Prize"},{"code":"SC01287","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Frances L Stewart Memorial Prize"},{"code":"SC00159","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology and Neuroscience Bursary for Black\/African Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"SC08547","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology & Neuroscience"},{"code":"SC01266","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Psychology - Undergraduate Lab Equipment"},{"code":"SC00033","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - Susan Paula Forward Memorial Prize"},{"code":"SC00018","name":"Science - Psychology & Neuroscience - The Clinical Citizenship Award"},{"code":"SC00276","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Dr. Gordon Beanlands Memorial Fund"},{"code":"MN00199","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Experiential Learning Fund - School for Resource and Environmental Studies"},{"code":"MN06056","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - Resource & Environmental Studies"},{"code":"MN00152","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Experience Fund"},{"code":"MN00151","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Relief Fund"},{"code":"MN00491","name":"Science - School for Resource & Environmental Studies - SRES Thesis Research Fund"},{"code":"TEMPSC00522","name":"Science - Science-Annual Fund - Dive In: The Blue Whale Project"},{"code":"TEMPSC00250","name":"Science - Science-Annual Fund - Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund"},{"code":"TEMPSC00271","name":"Science - Science-Annual Fund - Marine Biodiversity Fund"},{"code":"TEMPSC00251","name":"Science - Science-Annual Fund - Science Communication Fund"},{"code":"TEMPMN00199","name":"Science - Science-Annual Fund - SRES Experiential Learning Fund"}],"Vice President Advancement":[{"code":"VE09354 ","name":"Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Emily Bevan Harrington Fund (WDDA)"},{"code":"VS00119","name":"Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Nason Student Fund"},{"code":"VE00029","name":"Vice President Advancement - Office of Advancement - Office of Advancement Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students"}],"Vice-President Research":[{"code":"VR00010","name":"Vice-President Research - Research Services - Dal Innovates"}],"Vice President Student Services":[{"code":"VS08557","name":"Vice President Student Services - Housing & Conference Services - Howe Hall"},{"code":"VS00200","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Ann and Ian Vessey Scholarship"},{"code":"VF00663","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Benny and Shana Epstein Scholarship"},{"code":"VS09143","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Calgary Alumni Scholarship"},{"code":"SC00191","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Chemistry Bursary for Black \/ African Canadian or Indigenous Students"},{"code":"VS00094","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Cochrane Fry Leadership Bursary"},{"code":"VS00091","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Dalhousie Retiree and Pensioner Bursary"},{"code":"VS00068","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Friends of Alexander Taylor Memorial Scholarship"},{"code":"VS00042","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Helen Archibald Memorial Bursary"},{"code":"VS00172","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - International Students Holiday Gala"},{"code":"VS00118","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Iranian Memorial Bursary Fund"},{"code":"VS00083","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Kerson\/Knight Scholarship"},{"code":"VS00146","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Murdena & Albert Marshall Bursary"},{"code":"VS00113","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - On Track Micro Bursaries"},{"code":"VS00120","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Richardson Family Scholarships & Bursaries"},{"code":"VS00121","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Student Emergency Relief Fund"},{"code":"VS00132","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Student Food Security - GTC"},{"code":"VS00150","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - Summit Academy of Active Learning Ukraine Bursary"},{"code":"VS00152","name":"Vice President Student Services - Registrars Office - The Senator Don Oliver Scholarship"},{"code":"VS00147","name":"Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Emergency Microbursaries"},{"code":"VS00142","name":"Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - ILA-TD Opportunity Scholarship"},{"code":"VS00160","name":"Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Isaac MacDonald Memorial Bursary for Students with Dyslexia"},{"code":"VS00143","name":"Vice President Student Services - VP Student Services - Shimrit Perkol-Finkel Memorial Scholarship"}]}; var desig_hierarchy = { 'Agriculture': {'Agriculture General Funds': [{'code': 'AC00153', 'name': 'Agriculture Study Abroad UK'},{'code': 'AC00001', 'name': 'Annual Appeal'},{'code': 'AC00002', 'name': 'Faculty of Agriculture - Area of Greatest Impact'},{'code': 'AC00098', 'name': 'Faculty of Agriculture Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AC00085', 'name': 'Green Shoots Program'},{'code': 'AC02013', 'name': 'Grounds Improvement Fund'},{'code': 'AC02010', 'name': 'Library Trust Fund'},{'code': 'AC00108', 'name': 'SUSTAIN by Cultiv8'}],'Agriculture Scholarships and Bursaries': [{'code': 'AC01001', 'name': 'Alumni Family Bursaries'},{'code': 'AC00144', 'name': 'Benjamin McIsaac Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'AC00124', 'name': 'Brickle and Cali Somers Veterinary Technology Bursary'},{'code': 'AC00148', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Agriculture'},{'code': 'AC01627', 'name': 'Capt Steele Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC01629', 'name': 'Class of 56 Graduate Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC03015', 'name': 'Class of \'58 Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC00060', 'name': 'Dr A David Crowe Graduate Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC00090', 'name': 'Dr Garth Coffin Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC01619', 'name': 'Dr John Bubar Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC02014', 'name': 'Dr Les Haley Fund'},{'code': 'AC00129', 'name': 'Hossain Farid Prize for Graduate Studies in Animal Genetics or Physiology'},{'code': 'AC00112', 'name': 'Merle Taylor Memorial Undergraduate Summer Research Assistantships'},{'code': 'AC01046', 'name': 'P Max Kuhn Scholarship'},{'code': 'AC00015', 'name': 'Professor Nigel Firth Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'AC00094', 'name': 'Walter Termeer Memorial Fund'}],'Athletics Centre - DAC': [{'code': 'AC00130', 'name': 'AC - Badminton'},{'code': 'AC00140', 'name': 'AC - Cross Country'},{'code': 'AC00120', 'name': 'AC - Equestrian'},{'code': 'AC00143', 'name': 'AC - Golf'},{'code': 'AC00135', 'name': 'AC - Loggersports'},{'code': 'AC00105', 'name': 'AC- Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AC00142', 'name': 'AC – Men’s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AC00113', 'name': 'AC - Women’s Rugby '},{'code': 'AC00100', 'name': 'AC - Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AC00125', 'name': 'AC - Women\'s Volleyball'}]},'Architecture and Planning': {'Faculty of Architecture and Planning': [{'code': 'AR00013', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Architecture & Planning'},{'code': 'ART0028', 'name': 'Faculty of Architecture and Planning'},{'code': 'AR00043', 'name': 'Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00012', 'name': 'Faculty of Architecture and Planning Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AR00058', 'name': 'Jen Powley Memorial Scholarship'}],'School of Architecture': [{'code': 'AR00633', 'name': 'John D Watson Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AR00016', 'name': 'School of Architecture'},{'code': ' AR00048', 'name': 'School of Architecture Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00044', 'name': 'School of Architecture Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AR00026', 'name': 'William Lydon Memorial Scholarship'}],'School of Planning': [{'code': 'AR00008', 'name': 'Jill Grant Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'ART0075', 'name': 'School of Planning'},{'code': 'AR00051', 'name': 'School of Planning Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'AR00049', 'name': 'School of Planning Student Relief Fund'}]},'Art Gallery': {'Art Gallery': [{'code': 'AG00890', 'name': 'Art Gallery'},{'code': 'AG00130', 'name': 'Art Gallery Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'AG08598', 'name': 'Art Gallery Permanent Collection'}]},'Arts & Social Sciences': {'Arts Centre': [{'code': 'AS00161', 'name': 'Dalhousie Arts Centre Revitalization Fund (Cohn)'},{'code': 'AS00211', 'name': 'Jacqueline Warwick dedication of Strug seat'},{'code': 'AS00069', 'name': 'Performing Arts Campaign'}],'Classics': [{'code': 'AS00104', 'name': 'Ancient History'},{'code': 'AS01119', 'name': 'Classics General'},{'code': 'AS00105', 'name': 'Dionysius and Pseudo-Dionysius'},{'code': 'AS00065', 'name': 'Dr Robert Crouse Fund'},{'code': 'AS00106', 'name': 'Languages and Literatures'},{'code': 'AS00084', 'name': 'Pythian Games'},{'code': 'AS01118', 'name': 'Religious Studies'},{'code': 'AS00107', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Classics'}],'English': [{'code': 'AS00239', 'name': 'Bruce and Nora Foster Stovel Prize in English'},{'code': 'AS08540', 'name': 'English'},{'code': 'AS00132', 'name': 'English Department Bursary for Black Canadian & Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00921', 'name': 'Graham Creighton Prize in English'},{'code': 'AS00047', 'name': 'Samantha Li Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS00800', 'name': 'The Malcolm Ross Graduate Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00189', 'name': 'Varma Prizes in Gothic Literature'}],'Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences': [{'code': 'AS08534', 'name': 'Arts & Social Sciences'},{'code': 'AS00245', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Arts & Social Sciences'},{'code': 'AS00229', 'name': 'Daniel Paul Portrait Fund'},{'code': 'AS00209', 'name': 'FASS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund'},{'code': 'As00175', 'name': 'FASS Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'AS00213', 'name': 'FASS Scholarships for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00174', 'name': 'FASS Student Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'AS00208', 'name': 'FASS Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AS00071', 'name': 'FASS - Undergraduate Scholarships & Bursaries'},{'code': 'AS01176', 'name': 'Humanities'},{'code': 'AS00051', 'name': 'Riva and Simon Spatz Chair in Jewish Studies'},{'code': 'AS00048', 'name': 'Society and Culture Research Fund'},{'code': 'AS00093', 'name': 'Student Assistance'},{'code': 'AS00130', 'name': 'Sue Campbell Memorial Scholarship'}],'Fountain School of Performing Arts': [{'code': 'AS00210', 'name': 'Cinema and Media Studies'},{'code': 'AS01124', 'name': 'Costume Studies'},{'code': 'AS00182', 'name': 'Fill the House'},{'code': 'AS00180', 'name': 'Fountain International Student Bursary'},{'code': 'AS00131', 'name': 'Fountain School of Performing Arts'},{'code': 'AS00214', 'name': 'FSPA Bursaries for Equity-Deserving Groups '},{'code': 'AS00195', 'name': 'FSPA Dance Program Support'},{'code': 'AS00194', 'name': 'FSPA Music Bursary for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00236', 'name': 'FSPA Performance Fund'},{'code': 'AS00125', 'name': 'FSPA Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'AS00178', 'name': 'FSPA Travel Fund'},{'code': 'AS00235', 'name': 'Marcel Boulet Bursary'},{'code': 'AS08544', 'name': 'Music'},{'code': 'AS08563', 'name': 'Theatre Department'}],'French': [{'code': 'AS01126', 'name': 'French'},{'code': 'AS09260', 'name': 'French Department Scholarship Fund'},{'code': 'AS00503', 'name': 'Marcelle Cendres Sandhu Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS00077', 'name': 'Sabah Metlej French Scholarship'}],'German': [{'code': 'AS08559', 'name': 'German'},{'code': 'AS00019', 'name': 'Marjorie Mader Memorial Study Abroad Fund in German'}],'History': [{'code': 'AS01132', 'name': 'History'},{'code': 'AS00193', 'name': 'History Bursary for Black or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00199', 'name': 'Michael S Cross Memorial Undergraduate Essay Prize'},{'code': 'AS00207', 'name': 'P.B. Waite Memorial Fund'}],'International Develop Studies': [{'code': 'AS00068', 'name': 'IDS Student Initiatives Fund'},{'code': 'AS08194', 'name': 'International Development Studies'}],'Multidisciplinary Centre': [{'code': 'AS00244', 'name': 'Black and African Diaspora Studies FASS'},{'code': 'AS00059', 'name': 'Canadian Studies'},{'code': 'AS00819', 'name': 'Women\'s Studies'}],'Music': [{'code': 'AS00031', 'name': 'Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Music'},{'code': 'AS09389', 'name': 'Elvira Gonnella Scholarship in Music'},{'code': 'AS00054', 'name': 'Evanov Radio Group Scholarships'},{'code': 'AS00217', 'name': 'Hugh Alan Davidson Music Bursary'},{'code': 'AS00011', 'name': 'Jim Faraday Fund in Music'},{'code': 'AS00018', 'name': 'Kathleen Stewart Student Bursary'},{'code': 'AS08048', 'name': 'L D Currie Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00096', 'name': 'Opera Workshop'},{'code': 'AS09362', 'name': 'Ray D Byham Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS00007', 'name': 'Richardson Experiential Learning Fund - Music'},{'code': 'AS00023', 'name': 'Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Music'},{'code': 'AS00025', 'name': 'Woolhouse-Wells Scholarships in Music'}],'Philosophy': [{'code': 'AS09022', 'name': 'Austin & Hempel Visiting Speakers Fund'},{'code': 'AS08545', 'name': 'Philosophy'}],'Political Science': [{'code': 'AS09220', 'name': 'Commonwealth Political Philosophy Prize'},{'code': 'AS00049', 'name': 'Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security'},{'code': 'AS00123', 'name': 'Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security-Founder’s Fund'},{'code': 'AS00169', 'name': 'Dallaire Institute Holiday E Card'},{'code': 'AS00206', 'name': 'Dept of Political Science Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS08570', 'name': 'Glyn Berry Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'AS08561', 'name': 'Political Science'},{'code': 'AS00164', 'name': 'Political Science Student Travel Fund'},{'code': 'AS00185', 'name': 'Rt. Hon. Robert L Stanfield Memorial Lecture'},{'code': 'AS00221', 'name': 'Timothy Shaw & Jane Parpart Schlp in Political Science'},{'code': 'AS00202', 'name': 'Women in Politics Scholarship'}],'Registrar\'s Office': [{'code': 'AS00162', 'name': 'Sociology & Social Anthropology Bursary for African NS & Mi\'kmaq Students'}],'Russian Studies': [{'code': 'AS00997', 'name': 'Dr. Yuri Glazov Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AS01254', 'name': 'Russian Studies'}],'Sociology & Social Anthropology': [{'code': 'AS00234', 'name': 'Jean-Sebastien Guy Memorial Lecture in Social Theory'},{'code': 'AS00156', 'name': 'Social Anthropology Prize'},{'code': 'AS08562', 'name': 'Sociology and Social Anthropology'}],'Spanish & Latin American Studies': [{'code': 'AS00216', 'name': 'de Carteret Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS07015', 'name': 'James E Holloway Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS08548', 'name': 'Spanish Department'}],'Theatre': [{'code': 'AS00573', 'name': 'Andrew & David Stitt Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'AS00029', 'name': 'Charles & Mary MacLennan Bursary in Theatre'},{'code': 'AS00067', 'name': 'Dalhousie Film Studies Book Prize'},{'code': 'VS00190', 'name': 'FSPA Theatre/Cinema Bursary for Black Cdn or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'AS00060', 'name': 'Lyn Gratwick TheatreArts Guild Scholarship in CostumeStudies'},{'code': 'AS00043', 'name': 'Richardson Performing Arts Scholarship - Theatre'},{'code': 'AS00017', 'name': 'Scenography and Technical Scenography'}]},'Athletics': {'Adopt a Tiger': [{'code': 'TI01958', 'name': 'Cross Country'},{'code': 'AT00013', 'name': 'Cross Country & Track & Field'},{'code': 'TI01955', 'name': 'Men\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'TI01960', 'name': 'Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'TI01973', 'name': 'Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'TI01966', 'name': 'Mens Volleyball'},{'code': 'TI01964', 'name': 'Swim Team'},{'code': 'TI01965', 'name': 'Track and Field'},{'code': 'TI01956', 'name': 'Women\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'TI01968', 'name': 'Women\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'TI00081', 'name': 'Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'TI01967', 'name': 'Women\'s Volleyball'}],'Black and Gold - Donation': [{'code': 'AT08251', 'name': 'Black and Gold Club'},{'code': 'AT00039', 'name': 'Black and Gold Student Success Program'},{'code': 'BG01958', 'name': 'Cross Country'},{'code': 'BG01950', 'name': 'General Athletics'},{'code': 'BG01955', 'name': 'Mens Basketball'},{'code': 'BG01960', 'name': 'Mens Hockey'},{'code': 'BG01973', 'name': 'Mens Soccer'},{'code': 'BG01966', 'name': 'Mens Volleyball'},{'code': 'BG01964', 'name': 'Swimming'},{'code': 'BG01965', 'name': 'Track and Field'},{'code': 'BG01956', 'name': 'Womens Basketball'},{'code': 'BG01968', 'name': 'Womens Hockey'},{'code': 'BG00081', 'name': 'Womens Soccer'},{'code': 'BG01967', 'name': 'Womens Volleyball'}],'Event Centre': [{'code': 'AT00041', 'name': 'Oulton-Stanish Event Centre'}],'Sport Clubs': [{'code': 'AT00021', 'name': 'Badminton Club'},{'code': 'AT00948', 'name': 'Baseball Club'},{'code': 'AT00022', 'name': 'Black and Gold Dance Team'},{'code': 'AT00023', 'name': 'Break Dancing Club'},{'code': 'AT00094', 'name': 'Cheerleading'},{'code': 'AT00002', 'name': 'Curling Club'},{'code': 'AT00024', 'name': 'Dal Dance Club'},{'code': 'AT00037', 'name': 'Equestrian Club'},{'code': 'AT00025', 'name': 'Fencing Club'},{'code': 'AT01953', 'name': 'Field Hockey Club'},{'code': 'AT00026', 'name': 'Figure Skating Club'},{'code': 'AT00096', 'name': 'Football Club'},{'code': 'AT00036', 'name': 'Golf Club'},{'code': 'AT01970', 'name': 'Intramurals'},{'code': 'AT00027', 'name': 'Judo Club'},{'code': 'AT00028', 'name': 'Kayaking Club'},{'code': 'AT00029', 'name': 'Masters Swim Club'},{'code': 'AT00004', 'name': 'Men\'s Lacrosse Club'},{'code': 'AT00087', 'name': 'Men\'s Rugby Club'},{'code': 'AT00005', 'name': 'Ringette Club'},{'code': 'AT00534', 'name': 'Rowing Club'},{'code': 'AT01971', 'name': 'Sailing Club'},{'code': 'AT01975', 'name': 'Synchronized Swimming'},{'code': 'AT00030', 'name': 'Taekwondo Club'},{'code': 'AT00020', 'name': 'Tennis Club'},{'code': 'AT00031', 'name': 'Ultimate Frisbee Club'},{'code': 'AT00032', 'name': 'Water Polo Club'},{'code': 'AT00033', 'name': 'Women\'s Lacrosse Club'},{'code': 'AT01972', 'name': 'Women\'s Rugby Club'}],'Varsity': [{'code': 'AT00018', 'name': 'Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT00011', 'name': 'Adopt a Tiger - Men\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00001', 'name': 'Adrian Facca Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'AT00977', 'name': 'Athletic Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'AT01950', 'name': 'Athletics'},{'code': 'AT01958', 'name': 'Cross Country'},{'code': 'AT00099', 'name': 'Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence'},{'code': 'AT00086', 'name': 'George Hughes Scholarship in Athletics'},{'code': 'AT09004', 'name': 'James Hudson Soccer Award'},{'code': 'HP09064', 'name': 'Jeff Bredin Memorial Scholarship in Men’s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00040', 'name': 'Linda Bonin Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'AT09007', 'name': 'McCabe Family Award'},{'code': 'AT01955', 'name': 'Men\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'AT01960', 'name': 'Men\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT01973', 'name': 'Men\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AT01966', 'name': 'Men\'s Volleyball'},{'code': 'AT00038', 'name': 'Ron Naud Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AT01964', 'name': 'Swim Team'},{'code': 'AT00046', 'name': 'The Al Yarr Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'AT01965', 'name': 'Track and Field'},{'code': 'AT00034', 'name': 'Wayne Marryatt Scholarship'},{'code': 'AT01956', 'name': 'Women\'s Basketball'},{'code': 'AT01968', 'name': 'Women\'s Hockey'},{'code': 'AT00016', 'name': 'Women\'s Soccer'},{'code': 'AT01967', 'name': 'Women\'s Volleyball'}]},'College of Sustainability': {'College of Sustainability': [{'code': 'SU00009', 'name': 'ESS Alumni Scholarship'}]},'Computer Science': {'Computer Science': [{'code': 'CS00001', 'name': 'Art Sedgwick Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'CS00024', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Computer Science'},{'code': 'CS08543', 'name': 'Computer Science'},{'code': 'CS00003', 'name': 'Computer Science Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'CS00015', 'name': 'Faculty of Computer Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund'},{'code': 'CS00008', 'name': 'Faculty of Computer Science Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'CS00165', 'name': 'Morven Gentleman Fund'},{'code': 'CSUSB', 'name': 'Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Computer Science)'}]},'Dalhousie University': {'Area of Greatest Impact': [{'code': 'PR08650', 'name': 'Area of Greatest Impact'},{'code': 'PRAEB', 'name': 'Athletics Endowed Bursary'},{'code': 'PRBSFAO', 'name': 'Black Student Financial Aid - Opportunities Scholarships'},{'code': 'VE00094', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Student Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'PRCS', 'name': 'Career Services'},{'code': 'SU00002', 'name': 'College of Sustainability'},{'code': 'PRDWSC', 'name': 'Dalhousie Writing Success Centre'},{'code': 'PRDLPLX', 'name': 'Dalplex'},{'code': 'PRFMS', 'name': 'Facilities Management Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRGSLEF', 'name': 'Graduate Studies Learning Enhancement Fund'},{'code': 'PRIMHTP', 'name': 'Imhotep Fund'},{'code': 'PRILSA', 'name': 'International Leadership Service Awards'},{'code': 'PRISEF', 'name': 'International Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'PRITSUS', 'name': 'ITS Undergraduate Student Award'},{'code': 'VS00033', 'name': 'Johnson Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRMATP', 'name': 'Mentoring and Tutoring Program'},{'code': 'PR00016', 'name': 'President’s Diversity and Inclusiveness Fund'},{'code': 'VS00051', 'name': 'Reverend Trevor Phillips Scholarship'},{'code': 'PRSSSLI', 'name': 'Student Services Student Leadership Initiative'}],'President\'s Student Relief Fund': [{'code': 'PR00017', 'name': 'President\'s Student Relief Fund'}]},'Dentistry': {'Dental Clinical Sciences': [{'code': 'DE01068', 'name': 'Dentistry - Dept. of Clinical Sciences'}],'Dental Hygiene': [{'code': 'DE00089', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dental Hygiene'},{'code': 'DE08566', 'name': 'Dental Hygiene'},{'code': 'DE00059', 'name': 'Dental Hygiene Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants '},{'code': 'DE00083', 'name': 'Dental Hygiene Outreach Clinic Support Fund'},{'code': 'DE00082', 'name': 'Dental Hygiene Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'DE00098', 'name': 'Glenda Butt Bursary'},{'code': 'DE09591', 'name': 'Kate MacDonald Bursary'},{'code': 'DE00102', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Dental Hygiene'}],'Dentistry - Dean\'s Office': [{'code': 'DE00011', 'name': 'Table Clinics'}],'Faculty of Dentistry': [{'code': 'DE09306', 'name': 'Alice Hartlen Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'DE00006', 'name': 'Bill MacInnis Scholarship'},{'code': 'DE00088', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Dentistry'},{'code': 'DECOHR', 'name': 'Chair, Oral Health Research'},{'code': 'DEDCAER', 'name': 'Dental Clinic and Equipment Renewal'},{'code': 'DE00033', 'name': 'Dental Clinic Renewal Fund'},{'code': 'DE08158', 'name': 'Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00125', 'name': 'Dentistry Initiatives for Nova Scotia Immigrants'},{'code': 'DE00081', 'name': 'Dentistry Outreach Clinic Support Fund'},{'code': 'DE09788', 'name': 'Dentistry Student Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'DE00155', 'name': 'Digital Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00073', 'name': 'Dr Cindy McCormick Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'DE00042', 'name': 'Dr Daniel Tam Fund'},{'code': 'DE00092', 'name': 'Dr Eric Hatfield Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00117', 'name': 'Dr. Frank Lovely OMFS Education Fund'},{'code': 'DE00109', 'name': 'Dr Maureen Lawton and Class of \'82 Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00084', 'name': 'Dr. Robert Hoar Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'DE00067', 'name': 'Dr. Tom and Deb Boran Oral Health Outreach Fund'},{'code': 'DE00025', 'name': 'Elizabeth Precious Endowment (Cleft Initiative)'},{'code': 'DE01045', 'name': 'Faculty of Dentistry Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'DE00079', 'name': 'Faculty of Dentistry Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'DEGFF', 'name': 'Graduate Fellowship Fund (Dentistry)'},{'code': 'DEIPHEF', 'name': 'Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Dentistry)'},{'code': 'DE00046', 'name': 'Keating-Bekkers North End Community Health Clinic Fund'},{'code': 'DEOHE', 'name': 'Oral Health Endowment'},{'code': 'DESBAF', 'name': 'Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships'},{'code': 'DE00091', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Dentistry'},{'code': 'DE00104', 'name': 'Thomas Clift Scholarship Fund'}],'Oral & Maxillofacial Sciences': [{'code': 'DE08564', 'name': 'Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery'}]},'Engineering': {'Chemical Engineering': [{'code': 'ENT0031', 'name': 'Chemical Engineering'}],'Civil Engineering': [{'code': 'ENT0035', 'name': 'Civil Engineering'}],'Civil & Resource Engineering': [{'code': 'EN00204', 'name': 'Civil & Resource Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00061', 'name': 'Mineral Resource Engineering Campaign'}],'Electrical & Computer Engineering': [{'code': 'EN00219', 'name': 'Dalhousie\'s Microtransat Autonomous Sailboat Team'},{'code': 'ENT0043', 'name': 'Electrical & Computer Engineering'}],'Faculty of Engineering': [{'code': 'EN00127', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Engineering'},{'code': 'EN00030', 'name': 'Eldon Gunn Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'EN08558', 'name': 'Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0048', 'name': 'Engineering Lab Equipment'},{'code': 'ENELR', 'name': 'Engineering Lab Renovations'},{'code': 'EN00053', 'name': 'Engineering Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'EN00052', 'name': 'Faculty of Engineering Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'EN00103', 'name': 'Future Engineering Fund'},{'code': 'ENGFF', 'name': 'Graduate Fellowship Fund (Engineering)'},{'code': 'EN00400', 'name': 'May Best Sexton Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'VS00156', 'name': 'Mo El-Hawary International Student Bursary'},{'code': 'EN09934', 'name': 'Peter Wilson Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'EN00243', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT8961', 'name': 'SuperNOVA'},{'code': 'ENUSB', 'name': 'Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Engineering)'},{'code': 'EN00122', 'name': 'William Phillips Memorial Fund'}],'Food Science & Technology': [{'code': 'ENT0051', 'name': 'Food Science & Technology'}],'Industrial Engineering': [{'code': 'EN00115', 'name': 'Corinne MacDonald Scholarship for Women in Industrial Engineering'},{'code': 'ENT0055', 'name': 'Industrial Engineering'}],'Mechanical Engineering': [{'code': 'ENT0059', 'name': 'Mechanical Engineering'}],'Process Engineering & Applied Science': [{'code': 'EN00203', 'name': 'Process Engineering & Applied Science'}],'School of Biomedical Engineering': [{'code': 'ENG-EN00032', 'name': 'School of Biomedical Engineering'}]},'Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development': {'Continuing Education': [{'code': 'OL00002', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - OLCD'},{'code': 'HC01125', 'name': 'Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development'}]},'Graduate Studies': {'Graduate Studies': [{'code': 'GR00015', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'GR08286', 'name': 'Century of the Enlightenment Fund'},{'code': 'GR09380', 'name': 'Dr P Anthony Johnstone Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'GR09718', 'name': 'Eliza Ritchie Doctoral Scholarship'},{'code': 'GR08567', 'name': 'Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'MR01234', 'name': 'Harold A Robertson Award in Parkinson\'s Disease Research'},{'code': 'GR00098', 'name': 'Interdisciplinary PhD Program'},{'code': 'GR09280', 'name': 'John and Lina Graham Commonwealth Bursary'},{'code': 'VA09077', 'name': 'J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies'},{'code': 'GR00009', 'name': 'Killam Alumni Fund'},{'code': 'GR00094', 'name': 'Linda Marie Gillingwater Rainsberry Scholarship and Bursary'},{'code': 'GR00093', 'name': 'NS Black and First Nations Graduate Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'LW08127', 'name': 'Phi Kappa Pi - Joe Ghiz Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'GR00092', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Graduate Studies'},{'code': 'GR00010', 'name': 'Woman Life Freedom Graduate Scholarship'}]},'Health': {'Clincial Vision Sciences': [{'code': 'HP00325', 'name': 'Clinical Vision Science Program'},{'code': 'HP00315', 'name': 'Parkinson-Hahn CVS Bursary'}],'College of Pharmacy': [{'code': 'HP00186', 'name': 'Amanda Hayden Reynolds Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00109', 'name': 'Chair in Pharmacy Business'},{'code': 'HP08571', 'name': 'College of Pharmacy (Annual Fund)'},{'code': 'HP00326', 'name': 'Dr. Pat Farmer Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'HP00153', 'name': 'Karen Zed Spirit of Community Pharmacy Award'},{'code': 'HP00365', 'name': 'Pharmacy Class of 1974 Restoration Project'},{'code': 'HP00357', 'name': 'Pharmacy Class of 1975 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP01002', 'name': 'Pharmacy Class of 1976 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00381', 'name': 'Pharmacy Class of 1977'},{'code': 'HP00305', 'name': 'Pharmacy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00146', 'name': 'Scott Knowles Memorial Pharmacy Award'},{'code': 'HP00073', 'name': 'Whelan Family Pharmacy Award'}],'Communication Sciences and Disorders': [{'code': 'HP00301', 'name': 'CSD - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00344', 'name': 'Hear@Dal Program'},{'code': 'HP00319', 'name': 'Lynda Campbell Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08551', 'name': 'School of Communication Sciences and Disorders'},{'code': 'HP00274', 'name': 'School of Communication Sciences and Disorders BIPOC Consultation Fund '},{'code': 'HP00236', 'name': 'Student Assistance - School of Communication Sciences & Disorders'}],'Health': [{'code': 'HP00187', 'name': 'Brent Brannen Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00188', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Health'},{'code': 'HP00332', 'name': 'Crossroads Conference'},{'code': 'HPEPSRB', 'name': 'Entry-to-Practice Scholarships and Rural Bursaries'},{'code': 'HP00288', 'name': 'Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00157', 'name': 'Faculty of Health Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP00192', 'name': 'Furneaux Women in Sports Scholarship'},{'code': 'HPGRFF', 'name': 'Graduate Research Fellowship Fund'},{'code': 'HP00179', 'name': 'Graduate Scholarship for PhD Studies in Health'},{'code': 'HP08570', 'name': 'Health'},{'code': 'HPAACSF', 'name': 'Indigenous/African Canadian students in the Faculty of Health Professions'},{'code': 'HPIPHEF', 'name': 'Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Health Professions)'},{'code': 'HP00195', 'name': 'Scotland - New Scotland Health Research Fund'},{'code': 'HP00340', 'name': 'The Paul Merritt Memorial Fund'}],'Health & Human Performance': [{'code': 'AT00099', 'name': 'Dr Carolyn Savoy Award of Excellence'},{'code': 'HP00296', 'name': 'Dr. Janice Moreside & Dr. John Kozey BSc(Kin) Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00341', 'name': 'HAHP Bursary for Black Canadian and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'HP08201', 'name': 'Health Promotion'},{'code': 'HP01265', 'name': 'Kinesiology'},{'code': 'HP01214', 'name': 'Leisure Studies'},{'code': 'HP01138', 'name': 'Recreation'},{'code': 'HP08573', 'name': 'School of Health & Human Performance'},{'code': 'HP00189', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Health & Human Performance'},{'code': 'HP00952', 'name': 'Therapeutic Recreation'}],'Health Services Administration': [{'code': 'HP00271', 'name': 'Dr. Robert Strang Scholarship in Support of Equity in Health'},{'code': 'HP00328', 'name': 'Nour Elassy Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00237', 'name': 'School of Health Administration Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP08711', 'name': 'School of Health Adminstration'}],'Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies': [{'code': 'VAO9077', 'name': 'J Robinson Johnston Chair in Black Canadian Studies'}],'Nursing': [{'code': 'HP08021', 'name': 'Anna Trenholm Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'HP00358', 'name': 'Elizabeth Agnes Cameron Compassionate Care for Seniors Award'},{'code': 'HP00346', 'name': 'Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00361', 'name': 'Gail Giles Campbell Memorial Award'},{'code': 'HP00092', 'name': 'Matthew Ayer Prize'},{'code': 'HP08171', 'name': 'Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00149', 'name': 'Nursing 75th Anniversary Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00211', 'name': 'Nursing Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'HP00345', 'name': 'Nursing Class of 1973 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00303', 'name': 'Nursing - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP09605', 'name': 'Nursing Research and Development'},{'code': 'HP00197', 'name': 'School of Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00252', 'name': 'School of Nursing Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'HP00286', 'name': 'Shirlie Dent Bursary in Nursing'},{'code': 'HP00096', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Nursing'}],'Occupational Therapy': [{'code': 'HP09021', 'name': '10 Anniv. Award in Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00901', 'name': 'Barbara O\'Shea Graduate Award'},{'code': 'HP09107', 'name': 'Cardwell/Robinson Prize'},{'code': 'HP00281', 'name': 'Class of 2019 Michelle Mahoney Prize'},{'code': 'HP00276', 'name': 'Communties with Courage'},{'code': 'HP09343', 'name': 'Dr Gustave Gingras Award'},{'code': 'HP00900', 'name': 'Elizabeth Bell Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP09751', 'name': 'Fred Sammons Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00480', 'name': 'Kelly Bang Lectureship'},{'code': 'HP00137', 'name': 'Mary & John Eldon Green Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00304', 'name': 'Occupational Therapy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP09847', 'name': 'Occupational Therapy Research'},{'code': 'HP00354', 'name': 'OT Class of 1989 Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00123', 'name': 'OT PhD Admissions Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP00241', 'name': 'Pat McLeod Award'},{'code': 'HP09402', 'name': 'Phyllis Kennedy Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08685', 'name': 'School of Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00265', 'name': 'School of Occupational Therapy Emergency Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00445', 'name': 'Sheila Poole Run for the Rock'},{'code': 'HP00114', 'name': 'Student Admission Scholarship - Occupational Therapy'},{'code': 'HP00194', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Occup. Therapy'},{'code': 'HP09158', 'name': 'Student Involvement Award'},{'code': 'HP00124', 'name': 'Townsend Fellowship in Occupation and Society'}],'Physiotherapy': [{'code': 'HP00148', 'name': '50th Anniversary Physiotherapy Student Fund'},{'code': 'HP00338', 'name': 'Cheryl Kozey Prize'},{'code': 'HP00107', 'name': 'Elizabeth Drury Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'HP01001', 'name': 'Jan Leonard Physiotherapy Fund'},{'code': 'HP00136', 'name': 'Physiotherapy Bursary for Indigenous or African Canadian Students'},{'code': 'HP00306', 'name': 'Physiotherapy - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00352', 'name': 'PT Class of 1994 Scholarship'},{'code': 'HP08574', 'name': 'School of Physiotherapy'}],'School of Health Sciences': [{'code': 'HP00108', 'name': 'Dorothy Archibald Bursary'},{'code': 'HP00302', 'name': 'Health Sciences - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00257', 'name': 'Krista MacQuarrie-Ward Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'HP00178', 'name': 'School of Health Sciences'},{'code': 'HP00251', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Health Sciences'}],'School of Social Work': [{'code': 'HP00181', 'name': 'Joan Cummings Memorial Award'},{'code': 'HP00162', 'name': 'MSSW Alumni Award Fund'},{'code': 'HP00226', 'name': 'MSW ’66 50th Reunion Bursary'},{'code': 'HP08783', 'name': 'School of Social Work'},{'code': 'HP00183', 'name': 'Social Work Community Clinic'},{'code': 'HP00307', 'name': 'Social Work - Equity in Health Fund'},{'code': 'HP00031', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Social Work'}]},'Law': {'Schulich School of Law': [{'code': 'LW00252', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Law'},{'code': 'LW08784', 'name': 'Indigenous Blacks and Mi’kmaq Initiative'},{'code': 'LW00259', 'name': 'Law EDI Committee Initiatives'},{'code': 'LW00253', 'name': 'Murray Fraser Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'LW08134', 'name': 'Schulich School of Law (Faculty Area of Greatest Need)'},{'code': 'LW00232', 'name': 'Student Clinical and Experiential Learning'},{'code': 'LW00230', 'name': 'Student Support – Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, and Emergency Fund'},{'code': 'LW00193', 'name': 'Technology and Innovation Law Clinic'},{'code': 'LW00240', 'name': 'The Professor Meinhard Doelle Memorial Award'}]},'Libraries': {'Agriculture - MacRae Library': [{'code': 'LI00025', 'name': 'MacRae Library'}],'Architecture, Planning and Engineering - Sexton Library': [{'code': 'LIT0049', 'name': 'Engineering Library Resources'},{'code': 'LIT1765', 'name': 'Sexton Library'}],'Archives - University Archives': [{'code': 'HP00279', 'name': 'Nova Scotia LGBT Archives Project'},{'code': 'LI01143', 'name': 'University Archives'}],'Area of Greatest Need': [{'code': 'LI00024', 'name': 'Area of Greatest Need'},{'code': 'LI00027', 'name': 'The Video Difference Collection'}],'Arts, Computer Science, Management, Science and Social Sciences - Killam Library': [{'code': 'LI00508', 'name': 'Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Killam)'},{'code': 'LI08589', 'name': 'Killam Library'},{'code': 'LI00110', 'name': 'Killam Library - Save Our Serials Fund'},{'code': 'LI01025', 'name': 'Killam Library Special Collections'}],'Health Sciences - Kellogg Library': [{'code': 'LI00509', 'name': 'Irwin & Susan Fingard Library Fund (Kellogg)'},{'code': 'LI00018', 'name': 'Mary Koncovy Book Fund'},{'code': 'LI01762', 'name': 'W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library'}],'Law - Sir James Dunn Library': [{'code': 'none', 'name': 'Sir James Dunn Library'}]},'Management': {'Faculty of Management': [{'code': 'MN00058', 'name': 'Alan MacDonald Memorial Award'},{'code': 'MN00ALM', 'name': 'Alberta Letts Memorial'},{'code': 'MNALSCH', 'name': 'Alumni Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00186', 'name': 'Atlantic Credit Unions Fund for Black and Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'MN00182', 'name': 'B.Comm. Class of 1997 Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00008', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Management'},{'code': 'MN00097', 'name': 'Centre for Advanced Management Education'},{'code': 'MNCFERP', 'name': 'Centre for Family Business and Regional Prosperity'},{'code': 'MN08513', 'name': 'Centre for International Trade and Transportation'},{'code': 'MNFRATE', 'name': 'Chair, Finance Risk and the Environment'},{'code': 'MNCSERL', 'name': 'Chair, Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Responsible Leadership'},{'code': 'MN00489', 'name': 'Christopher McKee Award of Merit'},{'code': 'MN00188', 'name': 'Commerce 100th Anniversary Fund'},{'code': 'MN01252', 'name': 'Commerce Co-operative Program'},{'code': 'MN00017', 'name': 'Dalhousie Horrocks National Leadership Fund'},{'code': 'MN00963', 'name': 'Dr A Gordon Archibald Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00189', 'name': 'Edgar Scott Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00196', 'name': 'Experiential Learning Fund - Rowe School of Business'},{'code': 'MN00197', 'name': 'Experiential Learning Fund - School of Information Management'},{'code': 'MN00198', 'name': 'Experiential Learning Fund - School of Public Administration'},{'code': 'MN08568', 'name': 'Faculty of Management'},{'code': 'MN00194', 'name': 'Faculty of Management Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'MN00118', 'name': 'Faculty of Management Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00204', 'name': 'Florence Tarrant Memorial Scholarship in Management'},{'code': 'MN00111', 'name': 'Founders Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00179', 'name': 'Gary Gibson Excellence in Librarianship Prize'},{'code': 'MNGFF', 'name': 'Graduate Fellowship Fund (Management)'},{'code': 'MN00116', 'name': 'Gus Papageorgiou Design Thinking Award'},{'code': 'MN01283', 'name': 'J. Clement Harrison International Award'},{'code': 'MN00057', 'name': 'John R E Parker Prize in Accounting'},{'code': 'VR00004', 'name': 'MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance'},{'code': 'MN00104', 'name': 'Management - Undergraduate Scholarships/Bursaries'},{'code': 'MN00200', 'name': 'Marie DeYoung Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00128', 'name': 'MBA-FS (CFAME) '},{'code': 'MN00067', 'name': 'Neville J. Gilfoy Endowment in Entrepreneurship & Innovation'},{'code': 'MN00033', 'name': 'Norman Newman Centre for Entrepreneurship'},{'code': 'MN00065', 'name': 'Own the Podium'},{'code': 'MN00147', 'name': 'Pearl Hunter Boardroom'},{'code': 'MN00041', 'name': 'Prof Raymond Carroll Prize'},{'code': 'MN00195', 'name': 'Promise Scholars Graduate '},{'code': 'MN00185', 'name': 'Promise Scholars Undergraduate '},{'code': 'MN09686', 'name': 'Public Administration'},{'code': 'MN00169', 'name': 'Rod Wark Fund'},{'code': 'MN01338', 'name': 'Rowe School of Business'},{'code': 'MN00134', 'name': 'Rowe School of Business Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN08019', 'name': 'Rowland C Frazee Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00165', 'name': 'Ryan Tran Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'MN00554', 'name': 'School of Business Admin - UBG Team'},{'code': 'MN08569', 'name': 'School of Business - Commerce'},{'code': 'MN08680', 'name': 'School of Business - MBA'},{'code': 'MN08550', 'name': 'School of Information Management'},{'code': 'MN00137', 'name': 'School of Information Management Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'MN00135', 'name': 'School of Information Management Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00138', 'name': 'School of Public Administration Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00153', 'name': 'Sealy Thrive MBA Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00060', 'name': 'Shirley B Elliott Bursary'},{'code': 'MN00117', 'name': 'SIM 50th Anniversary Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN09499', 'name': 'SIM Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'MN00015', 'name': 'SIMSA Outstanding Service Award'},{'code': 'MN09386', 'name': 'SLIS New Brunswick Award'},{'code': 'MN00039', 'name': 'Stephanie Downs Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00237', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Commerce'},{'code': 'MN00113', 'name': 'The Brady Vickers Bursary'},{'code': 'MNUSB', 'name': 'Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Management)'},{'code': 'MN00184', 'name': 'W Hunter P Stentaford Prize in Securities'}]},'Medicine': {'Anaesthesia': [{'code': 'MD08142', 'name': 'Anaesthesia Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD00318', 'name': 'Rwanda Simulation'}],'Biochemistry & Molecular Biology': [{'code': 'MD08220', 'name': 'Biochemistry & Molecular Biology'},{'code': 'MD09388', 'name': 'Dr Douglas Hogue Award'},{'code': 'MD09664', 'name': 'Patrick Prize in Biochemistry'},{'code': 'MD00936', 'name': 'Peter Dolphin Memorial Prize'}],'Comm Health & Epidemiology': [{'code': 'MD08152', 'name': 'Community Health & Epidemiology'},{'code': 'MD00542', 'name': 'Dr OmiSoore Dryden - Research'}],'Critical Care': [{'code': 'MD01553', 'name': 'Critical Care'}],'Emergency Medicine': [{'code': 'MD00033', 'name': 'Emergency Medicine'},{'code': 'MD00400', 'name': 'Emergency Medicine Research'},{'code': 'MD00015', 'name': 'Nigel Merchant Allied Health Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09843', 'name': 'Robert F Scharf Award'},{'code': 'MD00333', 'name': 'SIM Centre - Emergency Medicine'}],'Faculty of Medicine': [{'code': 'MD00158', 'name': '$50-for-Life Student Medical Bursary'},{'code': 'MD01065', 'name': 'Alzheimers Research'},{'code': 'MD00474', 'name': 'Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute'},{'code': 'MD00586', 'name': 'Bone Marrow Transplant'},{'code': 'MD00549', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Medicine'},{'code': 'MD00462', 'name': 'Canada-Rwanda Heart Surgery Program'},{'code': 'MDCME', 'name': 'Chair, Medical Education'},{'code': 'MD00303', 'name': 'Class of 1976 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09126', 'name': 'Class of \'71 Memorial Award'},{'code': 'VE00071', 'name': 'COVID-19 Research Fund'},{'code': 'MD00290', 'name': 'CW (Bill) McCormick Neurosciences Award'},{'code': 'MD00460', 'name': 'Dalhousie Medical Student Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00276', 'name': 'Dean\'s Student Fund'},{'code': 'MD00545', 'name': 'Dr. B.J.M. O\'Brien Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09411', 'name': 'Dr C E Kinley Lectureship Fund'},{'code': 'MD00165', 'name': 'Dr George and Rusina Loh Medical Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00425', 'name': 'Dr Grant Llewellyn Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00245', 'name': 'Dr James Phills Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00601', 'name': 'Dr Janice Townson Memorial Prize (MD Class of 2013)'},{'code': 'SC00210', 'name': 'Dr Jeff Sutherland Research Grant in Neuroscience (MD1991)'},{'code': 'MD00389', 'name': 'Dr Lester (Rosenfeld) Rosere Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00533', 'name': 'Dr Lorne Marsh Family Practice Award'},{'code': 'MD00348', 'name': 'Dr Meng Hee Tan Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00800', 'name': 'Dr Paul Landrigan Bursary'},{'code': 'MR01120', 'name': 'Dr Ronald Stewart Chair in Emergency Medicine '},{'code': 'MD00567', 'name': 'Dr Sean C Grondin Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09600', 'name': 'Dr T J Murray Visiting Scholar Program'},{'code': 'MD00121', 'name': 'Dr Wanita Lopeter Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00115', 'name': 'Faculty of Medicine'},{'code': 'MR00545', 'name': 'Faculty of Medicine - Molly Appeal'},{'code': 'MR01105', 'name': 'Gillian\'s Hope Visiting Scholar in MS Research'},{'code': 'MDGFF', 'name': 'Graduate Fellowship Fund (Medicine)'},{'code': 'MD00019', 'name': 'Hannah & Thomas Casey Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00514', 'name': 'Indigenous Health in Medicine Program'},{'code': 'MDIPHEF', 'name': 'Inter-professional Health Education Facility (Medicine)'},{'code': 'MDIPHIF', 'name': 'Inter-professional Health Internship Fund'},{'code': 'MD00411', 'name': 'Johnson Pathway Scholarships'},{'code': 'MD00064', 'name': 'LSRI Campaign'},{'code': 'MD09759', 'name': 'Marion E & Frank A Seaman Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00173', 'name': 'Max & Etta Epstein Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00563', 'name': 'MD \'76 Rachel Armstrong Award'},{'code': 'MD00445', 'name': 'MD Class of 1966 North of 60 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00450', 'name': 'MD Class of 1968 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00459', 'name': 'MD Class of 1969 Social Determinants of Health Prize'},{'code': 'MD00320', 'name': 'MD Class of 1972 International Health Education Endowment'},{'code': 'MD00555', 'name': 'MD Class of 1978 Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'MD00235', 'name': 'MD Class of 1983 Wellness Fund'},{'code': 'MD00452', 'name': 'MD Class of 1994'},{'code': 'MD00515', 'name': 'MD Class of 1996 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00540', 'name': 'MD Class of 2001 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00518', 'name': 'MD Class of 2020 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00332', 'name': 'MD Class of \'67 Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00097', 'name': 'MD Class of \'73 Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'MD09597', 'name': 'Medical Alumni Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00331', 'name': 'Medical Class of 1965 Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'MD09390', 'name': 'Medical Class of 1970 Endowment Fund'},{'code': 'MD00583', 'name': 'Medical Class of 1987'},{'code': 'MD00359', 'name': 'Medical Class of \'74 Entrance Scholarship'},{'code': 'MD00199', 'name': 'Medical Humanities Days 2007'},{'code': 'MD00174', 'name': 'Medical Informatics'},{'code': 'MD01121', 'name': 'Medical Research'},{'code': 'MR00127', 'name': 'Medical Research Fund'},{'code': 'MR00028', 'name': 'Medical Research Trainee Fund'},{'code': 'MDMSSJC', 'name': 'Medical School Saint John Campus'},{'code': 'MD00554', 'name': 'Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)'},{'code': 'MD00127', 'name': 'Medicine and the Humanities'},{'code': 'MD00433', 'name': 'Medicine Diversity Fund'},{'code': 'MD00432', 'name': 'Medicine Fourth Year Bursary'},{'code': 'MD00622', 'name': 'Mentice IVR Simulation Device Project'},{'code': 'MD00564', 'name': 'Micro Research - Faculty of Medicine'},{'code': 'MD08231', 'name': 'Parkinson Research'},{'code': 'MD00511', 'name': 'Patrick Darrah Memorial Scholarship Fund'},{'code': 'MR00006', 'name': 'PC-PEP'},{'code': 'MDRCP', 'name': 'Rural Communities Program'},{'code': 'MD00041', 'name': 'Rural Preceptor Program'},{'code': 'MD00539', 'name': 'Ryan Buyting Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MD00202', 'name': 'Sandy Murray RIM Award'},{'code': 'MDSBF', 'name': 'Scholarships, Bursaries and Fellowships'},{'code': 'MD00268', 'name': 'Simulation Based Learning'},{'code': 'MD00626', 'name': 'Tupper Lobby and Common Spaces Cultural Art Project'}],'Family Medicine': [{'code': 'MD00566', 'name': 'Dr Brian Hennen Inclusive Community Lecture Series'},{'code': 'MD08180', 'name': 'Family Medicine'}],'Medical Alumni Association': [{'code': 'MD09217', 'name': 'Chair in Medical Education Research'},{'code': 'MD08577', 'name': 'Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association - Area of Greatest Impact'},{'code': 'MD00089', 'name': 'Student Assistance - DMAA'}],'Medical Neuroscience': [{'code': 'MD00585', 'name': 'Brain Repair Centre'},{'code': 'MD00509', 'name': 'Brain Repair Centre Support'},{'code': 'MD00478', 'name': ' Human Body Donation Program'},{'code': 'MD08931', 'name': 'Maritime Brain Tissue Bank'}],'Medical Research Development Office': [{'code': 'MD00621', 'name': 'Andrew MacEachern Award for Alzheimer’s Research'},{'code': 'MD00611', 'name': 'Friends of Anita Fund'}],'Microbiology & Immunology': [{'code': 'MD01514', 'name': 'Microbiology & Immunology'}],'Obstetrics & Gynaecology': [{'code': 'MD08691', 'name': 'Obstetrics & Gynaecology'}],'Ophthalmology & Visual Science': [{'code': 'MD00207', 'name': 'Mark Cohen Prize in Ophthalmology'},{'code': 'MD01542', 'name': 'Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences'}],'Pathology': [{'code': 'MD08150', 'name': 'Pathology'}],'Pediatrics': [{'code': 'MD01548', 'name': 'Pediatrics'}],'Pharmacology': [{'code': 'MD08578', 'name': 'Pharmacology'}],'Physiology & Biophysics': [{'code': 'MD04997', 'name': 'Physiology & Biophysics'}],'Psychiatry': [{'code': 'MD06079', 'name': 'Psychiatry'},{'code': 'MDPUSA', 'name': 'Psychiatry Undergraduate Student Award'},{'code': 'MD09219', 'name': 'Sun Life Financial Chair in AMH'},{'code': 'MD00242', 'name': 'Vivek Kusumaker Memorial Award'}],'Radiation Oncology': [{'code': 'MD00118', 'name': 'Cancer Research'},{'code': 'MD00314', 'name': 'Dr John Carson Lecture Fund'}],'Radiology': [{'code': 'MD00218', 'name': 'Charles Lo Prize'},{'code': 'MD00371', 'name': 'Cupido Daniels Medical Education Award'},{'code': 'MD08043', 'name': 'David B Fraser Learning Resource Ctr'},{'code': 'MD00442', 'name': 'Judy Caines\' Travel Award'},{'code': 'MD09318', 'name': 'Leo Horowitz Prize'},{'code': 'MD08179', 'name': 'Radiology'},{'code': 'MD00066', 'name': 'Radiology Development Fund'}],'School of Biomedical Engineering': [{'code': 'EN00032', 'name': 'School of Biomedical Engineering'}],'Surgery': [{'code': 'MD00190', 'name': 'Cardiovascular Surgery'},{'code': 'MD08153', 'name': 'Orthopaedic Research/Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD08176', 'name': 'Otolaryngology Development Fund'},{'code': 'MD00246', 'name': 'Plastic Surgery'},{'code': 'MD01186', 'name': 'Surgery'}],'Urology': [{'code': 'MD08164', 'name': 'Urology Development Fund'}]},'Science': {'Biology': [{'code': 'SC08536', 'name': 'Biology'},{'code': 'SC00201', 'name': 'Biology Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'SC09173', 'name': 'David Andrew Dougall Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00324', 'name': 'Dr Thomas MacRae Graduate Prize'},{'code': 'SC01112', 'name': 'Marine Biology'},{'code': 'SC00244', 'name': 'Rob Stewart Fund in Marine Conservation'},{'code': 'SC00396', 'name': 'Ron O\'Dor Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00184', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Biology'}],'Chemistry': [{'code': 'SC00196', 'name': 'Analytical Chemistry Graduate Travel Award'},{'code': 'SC08537', 'name': 'Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00044', 'name': 'Chemistry Achievement Award'},{'code': 'SC00172', 'name': 'Chemistry Resource Centre Renewal Project'},{'code': 'SC01043', 'name': 'Chemistry - undergraduate equipment'},{'code': 'SC09168', 'name': 'Chemistry Visiting Speakers Fund'},{'code': 'SC00135', 'name': 'Description Lloyd & Margaret Cooley Memorial Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00013', 'name': 'Donald R Arnold Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00136', 'name': 'Dr Jean Cooley Graduate Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC09419', 'name': 'Dr Osvald Knop Prize in Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00187', 'name': 'Gerry Dauphinee Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC09023', 'name': 'John Carstairs Arnell Prize'},{'code': 'SC00055', 'name': 'John Hamilton Barrett Prize'},{'code': 'SC00042', 'name': 'Norbert Wolter Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00167', 'name': 'Undergraduate Summer Research Chemistry Award'},{'code': 'SC00010', 'name': 'Walter J Chute Scholarship in Chemistry'}],'Earth Sciences': [{'code': 'SC00122', 'name': 'Advanced Field School Annual Earth Sciences Mapping Event'},{'code': 'SC00219', 'name': 'Brian MacLean Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC09032', 'name': 'David Barlow Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC08541', 'name': 'Earth Sciences'},{'code': 'SC08543', 'name': 'Earth Sciences Teaching Equipment'},{'code': 'SC00124', 'name': 'Energy Systems Learning Fund, Field Seminar, Speakers'},{'code': 'SC00131', 'name': 'G V Douglas Memorial Award'},{'code': 'SC00133', 'name': 'Lewis H King Quaternary Research Fund'},{'code': 'SC09549', 'name': 'MacEachern Ponsford Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC00193', 'name': 'Marcos Zentilli Graduate Award'},{'code': 'SC01281', 'name': 'Michael J Keen Memorial Award Undergraduate'},{'code': 'SC00194', 'name': 'Milligan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Geology'},{'code': 'SC00112', 'name': 'Nedimovic Family Scholarship Graduate'},{'code': 'SC00127', 'name': 'Other Field Schools and Field Trips'},{'code': 'SC00118', 'name': 'Petroleum Geosciences Education Fund'}],'Economics': [{'code': 'SC00218', 'name': 'Christian Marfels Memorial Graduate Bursary-Economics'},{'code': 'SC08538', 'name': 'Economics'},{'code': 'SC00162', 'name': 'Economics Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'}],'Environmental Science': [{'code': 'SC00070', 'name': 'Environmental Science Programs'}],'Faculty of Science': [{'code': 'SC00238', 'name': 'Anne Marie Ryan Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00197', 'name': 'Atlantic Whitefish Project'},{'code': 'SC00283', 'name': 'Bringing Worlds Together Bursary - Science'},{'code': 'SCCO', 'name': 'Chair, Oceans'},{'code': 'SCSMR', 'name': 'Chair, Sustainable Materials Research'},{'code': 'SC00522', 'name': 'Dive In: The Blue Whale Project'},{'code': 'SC00310', 'name': 'Dr Alasdair Sinclair Fund'},{'code': 'SC00154', 'name': 'Dr Arnold & Mrs Bea Tingley Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00173', 'name': 'Ecolab'},{'code': 'SC00051', 'name': 'Emily Hood Wainwright Schurman Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00250 ', 'name': 'Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'SC00029', 'name': 'Science Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'SCGFF', 'name': 'Graduate Fellowship Fund (Science)'},{'code': 'SCGSICF', 'name': 'Graduate Students in Chemistry'},{'code': 'SC00151', 'name': 'Hannah Carmichael Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00170', 'name': 'Jeff Dahn Bursary in Physics'},{'code': 'SC00163', 'name': 'Jonathan Borwein Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'TEMPMD00554', 'name': 'Medical Sciences (Inclusive Pathways to Medical Professions)'},{'code': 'SC00526', 'name': 'Ocean School'},{'code': 'SC08535', 'name': 'Science'},{'code': 'SC00251', 'name': 'Science Communication Fund'},{'code': 'SC00174', 'name': 'Science Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'SCSLC', 'name': 'Science Learning Commons'},{'code': 'SCSO', 'name': 'Science Outreach'},{'code': 'SC00241', 'name': 'Student Assistance - Science'},{'code': 'SCUSB', 'name': 'Undergraduate Scholarships and Bursaries (Science)'},{'code': 'SCUSRF', 'name': 'Undergraduate Summer Research Fund'}],'Marine Affairs Program': [{'code': 'GR09331', 'name': 'D M Johnston - MASC Scholarship in Marine Affairs'},{'code': 'GR00099', 'name': 'Marine Affairs Program'},{'code': 'SC00271', 'name': 'Marine Biodiversity Fund '},{'code': 'GR09839', 'name': 'Master of Marine Management Gold Award'},{'code': 'GR00977', 'name': 'Masters in Marine Management Program'}],'Mathematics & Statistics': [{'code': 'SC00211', 'name': 'Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Student Award in Math & Stats'},{'code': 'SC00620', 'name': 'Dept of Math & Stats Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00282', 'name': 'Karen Chandler Living Numbers Fund'},{'code': 'SC01135', 'name': 'Mathematics'},{'code': 'SC08542', 'name': 'Mathematics & Statistics'}],'Oceanography': [{'code': 'SC00138', 'name': 'Acoustical Oceanography Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'SC00113', 'name': 'BIOS Experiential Learning Fund'},{'code': 'SC00119', 'name': 'Fund for Ocean Exploration'},{'code': 'SC09717', 'name': 'Gordon A Riley Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC00430', 'name': 'Keith Thompson Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'SC08560', 'name': 'Oceanography'}],'Physics & Atmospheric Science': [{'code': 'SC00318', 'name': 'Chair for Inclusion in Science and Engineering - Atlantic Support Fund'},{'code': 'SC01178', 'name': 'Meteorology'},{'code': 'SC08546', 'name': 'Physics'},{'code': 'SC00035', 'name': 'Physics Fund'},{'code': 'SC00157', 'name': 'Promise Scholars Physics & Atmospheric Science'}],'Psychology & Neuroscience': [{'code': 'SC09066', 'name': 'Brimer Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00255', 'name': 'Building Diversity in Clinical Psychology Bursary'},{'code': 'SC00144', 'name': 'Child Development Lab'},{'code': 'SC09344', 'name': 'David and Ruth Hubel Undergraduate Neuroscience Prize'},{'code': 'SC08512', 'name': 'D O Hebb Memorial Lecture Fund'},{'code': 'SC09309', 'name': 'D O Hebb Post-Graduate Prize'},{'code': 'SC09909', 'name': 'Dr Lilyan E White Prize'},{'code': 'SC09338', 'name': 'Dr W K Honig Prize'},{'code': 'SC01287', 'name': 'Frances L Stewart Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC00159', 'name': 'Psychology and Neuroscience Bursary for Black/African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'SC08547', 'name': 'Psychology & Neuroscience'},{'code': 'SC01266', 'name': 'Psychology - Undergraduate Lab Equipment'},{'code': 'SC00033', 'name': 'Susan Paula Forward Memorial Prize'},{'code': 'SC00018', 'name': 'The Clinical Citizenship Award'}],'School for Resource & Environmental Studies': [{'code': 'SC00276', 'name': 'Dr. Gordon Beanlands Memorial Fund'},{'code': 'MN00199', 'name': 'Experiential Learning Fund - School for Resource and Environmental Studies'},{'code': 'MN06056', 'name': 'Resource & Environmental Studies'},{'code': 'MN00152', 'name': 'School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Experience Fund'},{'code': 'MN00151', 'name': 'School for Resource and Environmental Studies Student Relief Fund'},{'code': 'MN00491', 'name': 'SRES Thesis Research Fund'}],'Science-Annual Fund': [{'code': 'TEMPSC00522', 'name': 'Dive In: The Blue Whale Project'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00250', 'name': 'Faculty of Science Experiential Learning and Equipment Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00271', 'name': 'Marine Biodiversity Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPSC00251', 'name': 'Science Communication Fund'},{'code': 'TEMPMN00199', 'name': 'SRES Experiential Learning Fund'}]},'Vice President Advancement': {'Office of Advancement': [{'code': 'VE09354 ', 'name': 'Emily Bevan Harrington Fund (WDDA)'},{'code': 'VS00119', 'name': 'Nason Student Fund'},{'code': 'VE00029', 'name': 'Office of Advancement Bursary for Black Canadian or Indigenous Students'}]},'Vice-President Research': {'Research Services': [{'code': 'VR00010', 'name': 'Dal Innovates'}]},'Vice President Student Services': {'Housing & Conference Services': [{'code': 'VS08557', 'name': 'Howe Hall'}],'Registrars Office': [{'code': 'VS00200', 'name': 'Ann and Ian Vessey Scholarship'},{'code': 'VF00663', 'name': 'Benny and Shana Epstein Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS09143', 'name': 'Calgary Alumni Scholarship'},{'code': 'SC00191', 'name': 'Chemistry Bursary for Black / African Canadian or Indigenous Students'},{'code': 'VS00094', 'name': 'Cochrane Fry Leadership Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00091', 'name': 'Dalhousie Retiree and Pensioner Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00068', 'name': 'Friends of Alexander Taylor Memorial Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00042', 'name': 'Helen Archibald Memorial Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00172', 'name': 'International Students Holiday Gala'},{'code': 'VS00118', 'name': 'Iranian Memorial Bursary Fund'},{'code': 'VS00083', 'name': 'Kerson/Knight Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00146', 'name': 'Murdena & Albert Marshall Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00113', 'name': 'On Track Micro Bursaries'},{'code': 'VS00120', 'name': 'Richardson Family Scholarships & Bursaries'},{'code': 'VS00121', 'name': 'Student Emergency Relief Fund'},{'code': 'VS00132', 'name': 'Student Food Security - GTC'},{'code': 'VS00150', 'name': 'Summit Academy of Active Learning Ukraine Bursary'},{'code': 'VS00152', 'name': 'The Senator Don Oliver Scholarship'}],'VP Student Services': [{'code': 'VS00147', 'name': 'Emergency Microbursaries'},{'code': 'VS00142', 'name': 'ILA-TD Opportunity Scholarship'},{'code': 'VS00160', 'name': 'Isaac MacDonald Memorial Bursary for Students with Dyslexia'},{'code': 'VS00143', 'name': 'Shimrit Perkol-Finkel Memorial Scholarship'}]}}; designation_texts = []; for (var i = designations.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { designation_texts.push(designations[i].name); } $(document).ready(function(){ // Show page var showPage = '1'; if (showPage == 3) { showPage = 2; } changePage(showPage, 0); if ( $('#amount-text').val() ) { $('#amount-text').val(amountString($('#amount-text').val())); } // Dependent sections update giftTypeUpdate(); frequencySelectUpdate(); durationSelectUpdate(); amountSelectUpdate(1); amountSelectUpdate(2); amountSelectUpdate(3); amountSelectUpdate(4); amountSelectUpdate(5); designationMethodUpdate(1); designationMethodUpdate(2); designationMethodUpdate(3); designationMethodUpdate(4); designationMethodUpdate(5); additional(2); additional(3); additional(4); additional(5); pluralize(); facultyToDepartment(1); 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updateDonationPeriodText(); setInputLabelClass($(this)); }); } /*$('#frequency').bind('change', function(){ removeFieldMsgs($(this)); if ($(this).val().length == 0) { displayFieldMsgs($(this), ['Frequency cannot be empty.']); } updateDurationOptions(); updateDonationPeriodText(); }); */ $('#duration').bind('change', function(){ removeFieldMsgs($(this)); if ($(this).val().length == 0) { displayFieldMsgs($(this), ['Duration cannot be empty.']); } }); // $('#start-date').bind('change', function(){ // removeFieldMsgs($(this)); // if ($(this).val().length == 0) { // displayFieldMsgs($(this), ['Start date cannot be empty.']); // } else if (!$(this).val().match(/^(0[1-9]|1[012])[/](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[/](19|20)\d\d$/)) { // displayFieldMsgs($(this), ['Start date must be in format MM/DD/YYYY.']); // } // }); $('#end-date').bind('change', function(){ removeFieldMsgs($(this)); if ($(this).val().length == 0) { displayFieldMsgs($(this), ['End date cannot be empty.']); } else if 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function changePage(pageNumber, delay) { if (delay === undefined) { delay = 300; } $("[id^=form-page-]").fadeOut(delay); $("#form-page-" + pageNumber).delay(delay).fadeIn(delay); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 100}, 500); } function giftTypeUpdate() { var payrollArea = $('#payroll-area'); $('#frequency').next('.field-error-msg').hide(); var giftTypeSelected = $("input[name='frequency']:checked").val(); if (giftTypeSelected == "payroll") { payrollArea.slideDown(300); } else { payrollArea.slideUp(300); } frequencySelectUpdate(); updateDurationOptions(); updateDonationPeriodText(); } function amountSelectUpdate(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } var amountSelect = $("input[name='amount-select" + postfix + "']:checked").val(); var customAmountContainer = $('#amount-text-container' + postfix); var customAmout = $("#amount-text" + postfix); $('#amount-select').next('.field-error-msg').hide(); if (amountSelect == '999') { customAmountContainer.slideDown(300); // Disabled because the plugin's behavior is not intuitive // customAmout.maskMoney({ // 'prefix': '$ ', // 'thousand': ',' // }); } else { customAmountContainer.slideUp(300); } updateDonationPeriodText(); } // 100 -> $ 100.00 // 100.00 -> $ 100.00 // 1000 -> $ 1,000.00 function amountString(amount) { var number = Number(amount.replace('$', '').replace(',', '').trim()).toFixed(2); if (isNaN(number)) { number = 0.00; } // Max value if (number > 99999.99) { number = 99999.99; } var string = '$ ' + number.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); return string; } // $ 100.00 -> 100 // $ 1,000.00 -> 1000 // $ 99.99 -> 99.99 function amountNumber(amount) { var number = ''; if (amount.length > 0) { number = Number(amount.replace('$', '').trim().split(',').join('')); if (isNaN(number)) { number = 0; } if (number % 1 != 0) { number = number.toFixed(2); } else { number = parseInt(number); } } return number; } function frequencySelectUpdate() { var frequencySelect = $("input[name='frequency']:checked").val(); var durationContainer = $("#duration-container"); if ( frequencySelect == '2' || frequencySelect == '5' || frequencySelect == '6' || frequencySelect == '7' || frequencySelect == 'payroll' ) { durationContainer.slideDown(300); // durationSelectUpdate(); } else { durationContainer.slideUp(300); } } function updateDurationOptions() { if ($('input[name="frequency"]:checked').val() == 6) { $("#duration option[value=2]").prop("disabled", true); $("#duration option[value=98]").prop("disabled", true); $("#duration option[value=2]").prop("hidden", true); $("#duration option[value=98]").prop("hidden", true); $("#duration").val(0);//.attr('selected', true).siblings('option').removeAttr('selected'); //$("#duration").selectmenu("refresh", true); } else { $("#duration option[value=2]").prop("disabled", false); $("#duration option[value=98]").prop("disabled", false); $("#duration option[value=2]").prop("hidden", false); $("#duration option[value=98]").prop("hidden", false); } //$("#duration").selectmenu("refresh", true); durationSelectUpdate(); } function durationSelectUpdate() { var durationSelect = $("#duration option:selected").val(); var dateContainer = $('#date-container'); if (durationSelect == '98') { dateContainer.slideDown(200); } else { dateContainer.slideUp(200); } } function toggleAnon() { $("#hidden_anon").slideDown(300);/* if($('#name-option:checked').val() == 'on') { $("#hidden_anon").slideDown(300); } else { $("#hidden_anon").slideUp(300); }*/ } function designationMethodUpdate(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } removeFieldMsgs($('#designation-method').parent()); $('#designation-method').removeClass('field-error-notice'); $('#designation-method').next('.field-error-msg').remove(); if ($('#designation-method-browse'+postfix).is(':checked')) { $('#designation-browse-container'+postfix).slideDown(300); $('#designation-search-container'+postfix).hide(); } else if ($('#designation-method-search'+postfix).is(':checked')) { $('#designation-browse-container'+postfix).hide(); $('#designation-search-container'+postfix).slideDown(300); } else { $('#designation-browse-container'+postfix).hide(); $('#designation-search-container'+postfix).hide(); } } function facultyToDepartment(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } $('#department-select-button'+postfix).show(); var facultySelected = $('#faculty-select' + postfix + ' option:selected').val(); var departmentSelect = $('#department-select' + postfix); var selectedDepartment = undefined; var compare = ["Area of Greatest Impact","","","",""]; var departmentFound = false; if (facultySelected in desig_hierarchy) { departmentSelect.children().not(':first').remove(); //departmentSelect.selectmenu('refresh'); selectFirst = false; if (Object.keys(desig_hierarchy[facultySelected]).length < 2) { selectFirst = true; } if ( compare[num-1] in desig_hierarchy[facultySelected]) { selectFirst = false; } for (var department in desig_hierarchy[facultySelected]) { if (department == compare[num-1]){ var selected = 'selected'; departmentFound = true; selectedDepartment = department; } else if (selectFirst) { var selected = 'selected'; selectFirst = false; selectedDepartment = department; } else { var selected = ''; } departmentSelect.append('<option value="' + department + '" ' + selected + '>' + department +'</option>'); } if (departmentFound) { department = compare[num-1]; departmentSelect.val(selectedDepartment); //above wasn't enough for MS Edge. } else { departmentSelect.val(selectedDepartment); } if (Object.keys(desig_hierarchy[facultySelected]).length < 2) { $('#department-select-button'+postfix).hide(); } //departmentSelect.selectmenu('refresh', true); departmentToDesig(selectedDepartment, num); } else { $("#department-select").val($("#department-select" + postfix + " option:eq(0)").val()); //departmentSelect.selectmenu('refresh'); departmentToDesig(selectedDepartment, num); } } function designationFillInVisibility(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } if($('#designation-select' + postfix).val() == 'text'){ var facultySelected = $('#faculty-select' + postfix + ' option:selected').val(); // fill in text works the same as search $('#fill-in-text' + postfix).typeahead('destroy'); $('#fill-in-text' + postfix).typeahead({ hint: false, highlight: true, minLength: 1 }, { name: 'designations', source: substringMatcher(designationsByFaculty[facultySelected]), display: 'name', limit: 100, }).bind('typeahead:selected', function (obj, selected) { // Set the designation code to hidden field $("#fill-in-value" + postfix).val(selected.code); }); $('#fillIn' + postfix).slideDown(300); } else { $('#fillIn' + postfix).slideUp(200); } } function departmentToDesig(departmentSelected, num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } var facultySelected = $('#faculty-select' + postfix + ' option:selected').val(); departmentSelected = (departmentSelected == undefined || departmentSelected == '') ? $('#department-select' + postfix + ' option:selected').val() : departmentSelected; var designationSelect = $('#designation-select' + postfix); var compare = ["PR08650","","","",""]; var designationFound = false; if (facultySelected in desig_hierarchy && departmentSelected in desig_hierarchy[facultySelected]) { designationSelect.children().not(':first').remove(); //designationSelect.selectmenu('refresh'); for (var designationIdx in desig_hierarchy[facultySelected][departmentSelected]) { var designation = desig_hierarchy[facultySelected][departmentSelected][designationIdx]; if (designation['code'] == compare[num-1]){ var selected = 'selected'; designationFound = true; } else if (desig_hierarchy[facultySelected][departmentSelected].length < 2) { var selected = 'selected'; var oneChoice = true; var chioce = designation['code']; } else { var selected = ''; } designationSelect.append('<option value="' + designation['code'] + '" ' + selected + '>' + designation['name'] +'</option>'); } if (facultySelected == "Law") { designationSelect.append('<option value="text" >Class Gift (fill in option below)</option>'); designationSelect.append('<option value="text" >Other Designation (fill in option below)</option>'); } if (designationFound) { designationSelect.val(compare[num-1]); //above wasn't enough for MS Edge. } else if (oneChoice) { designationSelect.val(chioce); //above wasn't enough for MS Edge. } else { designationSelect.val($('#designation-select' + postfix + ' option:first').val()); } //designationSelect.selectmenu('refresh', true); } else { designationSelect.children().not(':first').remove(); //designationSelect.selectmenu('refresh'); } } // function designationSelectUpdate() { // var designationSelect = $("#designation-select option:selected").val(); // var designationSearchContainer = $("#designation-text-containter"); // if (designationSelect == '') { // designationSearchContainer.slideDown(300); // $('#designation-text').typeahead({ // hint: false, // highlight: true, // minLength: 1 // }, { // name: 'designations', // source: substringMatcher(designations), // display: 'name', // limit: 100, // }).bind('typeahead:selected', function (obj, selected) { // // Set code to selected designation code on select // $("#designation-code").val(selected.code); // }); // } else if (designationSelect == 'redirect') { // window.location.replace("/giving/"); // } else { // designationSearchContainer.slideUp(300); // } // } var substringMatcher = function(strs) { return function findMatches(q, cb) { var matches, substringRegex; // an array that will be populated with substring matches matches = []; // regex used to determine if a string contains the substring `q` substrRegex = new RegExp(q, 'i'); // iterate through the pool of strings and for any string that // contains the substring `q`, add it to the `matches` array $.each(strs, function(i, desig) { if (substrRegex.test( { matches.push(desig); } }); cb(matches); }; }; function sendNotificationUpdate() { var notificationCheck = $('#notification-check'); var notificationContainer = $('#notification-area'); if (':checked')) { notificationContainer.slideDown(500); } else { notificationContainer.slideUp(500); } } function dedicationCheckUpdate() { var dedicationCheck = $('#dedication-check'); var dedicationContainer = $('#dedication-container'); if (':checked')) { dedicationContainer.slideDown(500); } else { dedicationContainer.slideUp(500); } } function additional(num) { var checkbox = $('#additional-'+num); var nextbox = $('#additional-'+(num+1)); if(':checked')) { $('#multigift-sub-'+num).show(0); $('#multigift-'+num).slideDown(500); } else { if (':checked')) { $('#multigift-sub-'+num).slideUp(500); } else { $('#multigift-sub-'+num).slideUp(500); $('#multigift-'+num).slideUp(500); } } pluralize(); } function pluralize() { var checkbox1 = $('#additional-2'); if(':checked')) { $(".pluralize").show(); } else { $(".pluralize").hide(); } } // Country => states list var states = {"US":{"AL":"Alabama","AK":"Alaska","AZ":"Arizona","AR":"Arkansas","CA":"California","CO":"Colorado","CT":"Connecticut","DE":"Delaware","DC":"District of Columbia","FL":"Florida","GA":"Georgia","HI":"Hawaii","ID":"Idaho","IL":"Illinois","IN":"Indiana","IA":"Iowa","KS":"Kansas","KY":"Kentucky","LA":"Louisiana","ME":"Maine","MD":"Maryland","MA":"Massachusetts","MI":"Michigan","MN":"Minnesota","MS":"Mississippi","MO":"Missouri","MT":"Montana","NE":"Nebraska","NV":"Nevada","NH":"New Hampshire","NJ":"New Jersey","NM":"New Mexico","NY":"New York","NC":"North Carolina","ND":"North Dakota","OH":"Ohio","OK":"Oklahoma","OR":"Oregon","PA":"Pennsylvania","RI":"Rhode Island","SC":"South Carolina","SD":"South Dakota","TN":"Tennessee","TX":"Texas","UT":"Utah","VT":"Vermont","VA":"Virginia","WA":"Washington","WV":"West Virginia","WI":"Wisconsin","WY":"Wyoming"},"CA":{"AB":"Alberta","BC":"British Columbia","MB":"Manitoba","NB":"New Brunswick","NL":"Newfoundland and Labrador","NS":"Nova Scotia","NT":"Northwest Territories","NU":"Nunavut","ON":"Ontario","PE":"Prince Edward Island","QC":"Quebec","SK":"Saskatchewan","YT":"Yukon Territory"}}; function dedicationNotifyCountryUpdate() { var country = $('#dedication-notify-country-select option:selected').val(); var stateTextContainer = $('#dedication-notify-state-text-container'); var stateSelectContainer = $('#dedication-notify-state-select-container'); // Country not empty and have states list if (country in states) { var select = stateSelectContainer.find('select'); // Remove previous options select.children().not(':first').remove(); // Read session data var sValue = ""; // Render options for (var code in states[country]) { if (code == sValue) { var selected = ' selected'; } else { var selected = ''; } select.append('<option value="' + code + '"' + selected + '>' + states[country][code] + '</option>'); } stateTextContainer.hide();; // Refresh to reflect selected value //select.selectmenu('refresh'); // Country not selected or not have states list } else {; stateSelectContainer.hide(); } } function affiliationUpdate() { var affiliation = $('#affiliation-select option:selected').val(); var alumniContainer = $('#alumni-container'); var staffContainer = $('#staff-container'); var affiliationTextContainer = $('#affiliation-text-container'); if (affiliation == '1') { alumniContainer.slideDown(450); } else { alumniContainer.slideUp(450); } if (affiliation == '6') { affiliationTextContainer.slideDown(300); } else { affiliationTextContainer.slideUp(300); } if (affiliation == '3') { staffContainer.slideDown(300); } else { staffContainer.slideUp(300); } } function countryUpdate() { var country = $('#country-select option:selected').val(); var stateTextContainer = $('#state-text-container'); var stateSelectContainer = $('#state-select-container'); // Country have states list (Canada or US) if (country in states) { var select = stateSelectContainer.find('select'); // Remove previous options select.children().not(':first').remove(); // Read session data var sValue = ""; for (var code in states[country]) { if (code == sValue) { var selected = ' selected'; } else { var selected = ''; } select.append('<option value="' + code + '"' + selected + '>' + states[country][code] + '</option>'); } stateTextContainer.hide();; // Refresh to reflect selected value //select.selectmenu('refresh'); // Display postal code as required $('#postal-code-required').removeClass('hidden'); // Country not selected, or country not have states list } else {; stateSelectContainer.hide(); // Display postal code as NOT required $('#postal-code-required').addClass('hidden'); } } // function includeNameCheckUpdate() { // var includeNameCheck = $('#include-name-check'); // var includeNameContainer = $('#include-name-container'); // if (':checked')) { // includeNameContainer.slideDown(200); // } else { // includeNameContainer.slideUp(200); // } // } function updateDonationPeriodText(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } var amount = $("input[name='amount-select" + postfix + "']:checked").val(); if (amount == 999) { if ($('#amount-text' + postfix).val() == "") { amount = "The gift amount selected below" } else { amount = $('#amount-text'+postfix).val(); } } else if (amount == "" || amount == undefined) { amount = "The gift amount selected below"; } else { amount = "$ " + amount + ".00"; } var message = ""; var frequency = $("input[name='frequency']:checked").val(); var payrollFrequency = $("input[name='frequency-payroll']:checked").val(); if (frequency == 2 || (frequency == 'payroll' && payrollFrequency == 4)) { message = amount + " is given <i>each</i> month."; } else if (frequency == 6) { message = amount + " is given <i>each</i> year."; } else if (frequency == 3) { message = amount + " is given bi-weekly."; } else if (frequency == 5) { message = amount + " is given <i>each</i> quarter."; } else if (frequency == 7) { message = amount + " is given semi-annually."; } else if (frequency == 'payroll' && payrollFrequency == 3) { message = amount + " is given bi-weekly."; } else { message = amount + " is given each payment period."; } $('#donation-period-text').html(message); $('#payroll-donation-period-text').html(message); } function nameOptionUpdate() { var anonymousContainer = $('#name-anonymous-container'); if ($('#name-option-2').is(':checked')) { anonymousContainer.slideDown(200); } else { anonymousContainer.slideUp(200); } } function nameAnonymousUpdate() { var nameAnonymous = $('#name-anonymous'); var nameAnonymousMsg = $('#name-anonymous-msg'); if (':checked')) { nameAnonymousMsg.slideDown(200); } else { nameAnonymousMsg.slideUp(200); } } function plannedGivingInWillUpdate() { var plannedGivingInWill = $('#planned-giving-check-will'); var plannedGivingBequest = $('#planned-giving-bequest-container'); if (':checked')) { plannedGivingBequest.slideDown(200); } else { plannedGivingBequest.slideUp(200); } } function setFillInValues(num) { var postfix = ""; if (num > 1) { postfix = "-" + num; } if ($('#designation-select' + postfix).val() == 'text') { $('#designation-text' + postfix).val($('#fill-in-text' + postfix).val()); $('#designation-code' + postfix).val($('#fill-in-value' + postfix).val()); $('#designation-method-search' + postfix).prop('checked', true); } } function submitPage(pageNumber) { if (pageNumber == 1) { setFillInValues(1); setFillInValues(2); setFillInValues(3); setFillInValues(4); setFillInValues(5); } var formValues = $("#form-" + pageNumber).serializeArray(); for (var i = 0; i < formValues.length; i++) { if (formValues[i].name == "frequency" && formValues[i].value == "payroll") { for (var j = 0; j < formValues.length; j++) { if (formValues[j].name == "frequency-payroll") { formValues[i].value = formValues[j].value; break; } } break; } } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/giving_ajax/submit", data: $.param(formValues), dataType: "json", success: function(response) { if (response.result == "error") { popError(response.errorMsg); } else { $('.field-error-msg').remove(); $('.field-error-notice').removeClass('field-error-notice'); $('#top-error-message').hide(); } if (response.result == "next") { changePage(pageNumber + 1); } else if (response.result == "invalid") { $.each(response.errorMsg, function(field, messages) { displayFieldMsgs("#" + field, messages); }); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#' + Object.keys(response.errorMsg)[0]).offset().top - $(window).height()/2 }, 500); } else if (response.result == "summary") { $('#summary-content').html(response.content); changePage('summary'); } }, complete: function(response) { console.log(response); } }); } function submitFinal() { popInfo('Processing, please wait a moment.', false); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/giving_ajax/submit_final", data: "", dataType: "json", success: function(response) { var exactForm = $('#form-e-xact'); var payrollForm = $('#form-payroll'); if (response.result == "error") { popClose('info'); setTimeout(function(){ popError(response.errorMsg, true); }, 300); // If request is detected as fraud } else if (response.result == "fraud") { if (exactForm.length) { // Set amount as 0, so submission will lead to E-xact error page $('#x-amount').val('0'); exactForm.submit(); } else { // If not submitting to E-xact, redirect to form first page // Session is destroyed, so user has to start over window.location = "/giving/index"; } } else if (response.result == "success") { // Onetime or monthly gift (has payment form to submit to payment gateway) if (exactForm.length) { // Set transaction number $('#x-po-num').val(response.trans_number); $('#x-invoice-num').val(response.trans_number); exactForm.submit(); // Payroll deduction (no payment form) } else if (payrollForm.length) { $('#trans-number').val(response.trans_number); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: payrollForm.attr('action'), data: payrollForm.serialize(), success: function(data) { // Replace page content with response data; document.write(data); document.close(); }, }); } } }, complete: function(response) { console.log(response); } }); return false; } </script> <div id="flex-container"> <section id="section-inner"> <div id="top-error-message" class="ui-bar ui-bar-a top-message top-error" style="display:none;"> </div> <div id="form-page-1" class="form-page"> <h1 class="form-section-update"> <div class="top-nav"> <span class="step active" data-number="0"></span> <span class="step" data-number="1"></span> <span class="step" data-number="2"></span> <span class="step" data-number="3"></span> </div> Make a Gift </h1> <div class="top-text"> Your gift will enhance the learning experience for Dalhousie students, advance ground-breaking research and deepen your impact on the community. </div> <form name="form-1" id="form-1" class="give-form" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="1" /> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Type</legend> <div id="frequency" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="frequency" id="frequency-1" value="1" onchange="giftTypeUpdate()" required="" >One-time gift</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="frequency" id="frequency-2" value="2" onchange="giftTypeUpdate()" required="" >Monthly pledge</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="frequency" id="frequency-6" value="6" onchange="giftTypeUpdate()" required="" >Pledge annually</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="frequency" id="frequency-8" value="8" onchange="giftTypeUpdate()" required="" >e-Transfer</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="frequency" id="frequency-payroll-deduction" onchange="giftTypeUpdate()" required="" value="payroll" >Dal Payroll deduction</label> <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> <div id="payroll-area"> <div class="mini-label"> I get paid </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <div class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio payrollBiWeeklyCheckActive"> <input type="radio" name="frequency-payroll" onchange="updatePayrollPeriodSelection()" id="frequency-payroll-bi-weekly" value="3" required="" >Bi-weekly</label> <label class="btn btn-radio payrollMonthlyCheckedCheckActive"> <input type="radio" name="frequency-payroll" onchange="updatePayrollPeriodSelection()" id="frequency-payroll-monthly" value="4" required="" >Monthly</label> </div> </div> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" maxlength="50" id="payroll-banner-id" name="payroll-banner-id" value=""> <label for="payroll-banner-id">Banner ID</label> </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="payroll-pledge-option"> <div class="mini-label"> Pledge info </div> <fieldset data-role="controlgroup"> <div class="form-check"> <input data-role="none" type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="payroll-pledge-option" id="payroll-pledge-option-1" value="1" checked="checked"/> <label data-role="none" for="payroll-pledge-option-1">I do not have an existing pledge.</label> </div> <div class="form-check"> <input data-role="none" type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="payroll-pledge-option" id="payroll-pledge-option-2" value="2" /> <label data-role="none" for="payroll-pledge-option-2">Replace my existing pledge with this new commitment.</label> </div> <div class="form-check"> <input data-role="none" type="radio" class="form-check-input" name="payroll-pledge-option" id="payroll-pledge-option-3" value="3" /> <label data-role="none" for="payroll-pledge-option-3">Add this pledge in addition to my existing pledge.</label> </div> </fieldset> </div> </div> <div id="duration-container"> <div class="mini-label"> Gift Duration </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="duration" id="duration" onChange="durationSelectUpdate();"> <option value=0 >(Select a duration)</option> <option value="1">Ongoing</option><option value="2">1 Year</option><option value="3">2 Years</option><option value="4">3 Years</option><option value="5">4 Years</option><option value="6">5 Years</option><option value="98">Number of payments (specify below)</option> </select> </div> <div id="date-container" data-role="fieldcontain" style="z-index:3;"> <!--<label for="end-date">End Date:<span class="required">*</span></label> <input type="text" id="end-date" name="end-date" value="" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY" /> <span class="field-notice">Pledge end date is always the 15th of the selected month.</span> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" min=0 type="number" id="payment-count" name="payment-count" value=""> <label for="payment-count">Number of payments</label> </div></div> <span id="donation-period-text" class="field-notice">The giving amount selected below is given every donation period.</span> </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Amount</legend> <div id="amount-select" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select" id="amount-select-25" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(1)" value="25" required="" >$ 25</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select" id="amount-select-50" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(1)" value="50" required="" >$ 50</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select" id="amount-select-100" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(1)" value="100" required="" >$ 100</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select" id="amount-select-500" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(1)" value="500" required="" >$ 500</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select" id="amount-select-999" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(1)" value="999" required="" >Other</label> </div> </div> <div id="amount-text-container" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="amount-text" name="amount-text" value="" maxlength="11"> <label for="amount-text">Other amount</label> </div> <legend class="col-form-label">DIRECT YOUR GIFT</legend> <div id="designation-method" data-role="fieldcontain"> <div id="designation-method-container2"> <!-- (isset($campaign['department-select']) || isset($form['department-select'])) --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(1);" type="radio" name="designation-method" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" >Browse all funding areas </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-browse"><div style="float:left">1)</div> Browse all funding areas</label> --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(1);" type="radio" name="designation-method" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" >Specify a funding area </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-search"><div style="float:left">2)</div> Specify a funding area</label> --> </div> </div> <div id="designation-browse-container"> <div class="inline-text"> Browse a list of all areas (Faculty - Department - Designation) that can receive funding.<br /><br />Didn't see what you were looking for? Designate your gift by selecting "Specify a funding area" above or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="none"> <label for="faculty-select" class="select-label">Select a faculty</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="faculty-select" id="faculty-select" onChange="facultyToDepartment(1);designationFillInVisibility(1);"> <option value="">(select faculty)</option> <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option><option value="Architecture and Planning">Architecture and Planning</option><option value="Art Gallery">Art Gallery</option><option value="Arts & Social Sciences">Arts & Social Sciences</option><option value="Athletics">Athletics</option><option value="College of Sustainability">College of Sustainability</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Dalhousie University" selected>Dalhousie University</option><option value="Dentistry">Dentistry</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development">Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development</option><option value="Graduate Studies">Graduate Studies</option><option value="Health">Health</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Libraries">Libraries</option><option value="Management">Management</option><option value="Medicine">Medicine</option><option value="Science">Science</option><option value="Vice President Advancement">Vice President Advancement</option><option value="Vice-President Research">Vice-President Research</option><option value="Vice President Student Services">Vice President Student Services</option> </select> </div> <div id="department-select-button"> <label for="department-select" class="select-label">Select a department</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="department-select" id="department-select" data-native-menu="true" onChange="departmentToDesig(undefined, 1);designationFillInVisibility(1);"> <option value="">(select department)</option> </select> </div> <div> <label for="designation-select" class="select-label">Select a designation</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="designation-select" id="designation-select" onChange="designationFillInVisibility(1)"> <option value="">(select designation)</option> </select> </div> <div class="give-input" id="fillIn"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="fill-in-text" name="fill-in-text"> <input type="hidden" id="fill-in-value" name="fill-in-value" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="fill-in-text"> Fill in option </label> </div> </div> <div id="designation-search-container"> <div class="inline-text">In the field below, type the area you want to support in the provided box to see a list of designated options (eg. law, basketball, research) <br /><br />Still can’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, just leave where you’d like to designate your gift in the box below and click proceed, or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="designation-text-containter"> <!-- <input type="text" id="designation-text" name="designation-text" class="typeahead" value="" maxlength="200"/> <span class="field-notice">Faculty - Department - Designation</span> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="designation-text" name="designation-text"> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="designation-text"> Search by keyword </label> </div> </div> </div> <br> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="additional-2" name="additional-2" onChange="additional(2);"> <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="additional-2">I would also like to fund another area.</label> </div> <div id="multigift-2"> <div id="multigift-sub-2"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Amount</legend> <div id="amount-select-2" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-2" id="amount-select-25-2" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(2)" value="25" required="" >$ 25</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-2" id="amount-select-50-2" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(2)" value="50" required="" >$ 50</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-2" id="amount-select-100-2" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(2)" value="100" required="" >$ 100</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-2" id="amount-select-500-2" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(2)" value="500" required="" >$ 500</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-2" id="amount-select-999-2" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(2)" value="999" required="" >Other</label> </div> </div> <div id="amount-text-container-2" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="amount-text-2" name="amount-text-2" value="" maxlength="11"> <label for="amount-text-2">Other amount</label> </div> <legend class="col-form-label">Direct your gift</legend> <div id="designation-method-2" data-role="fieldcontain"> <div id="designation-method-container2"> <!-- (isset($campaign['department-select']) || isset($form['department-select'])) --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(2);" type="radio" name="designation-method-2" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse-2" value="browse" >Browse all funding areas </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-browse"><div style="float:left">1)</div> Browse all funding areas</label> --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(2);" type="radio" name="designation-method-2" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-search-2" value="search" >Specify a funding area </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-search"><div style="float:left">2)</div> Specify a funding area</label> --> </div> </div> <div id="designation-browse-container-2"> <div class="inline-text"> Browse a list of all areas (Faculty - Department - Designation) that can receive funding.<br /><br />Didn't see what you were looking for? Designate your gift by selecting "Specify a funding area" above or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="none"> <label for="faculty-select-2" class="select-label">Select a faculty</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="faculty-select-2" id="faculty-select-2" onChange="facultyToDepartment(2);designationFillInVisibility(2);"> <option value="">(select faculty)</option> <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option><option value="Architecture and Planning">Architecture and Planning</option><option value="Art Gallery">Art Gallery</option><option value="Arts & Social Sciences">Arts & Social Sciences</option><option value="Athletics">Athletics</option><option value="College of Sustainability">College of Sustainability</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Dalhousie University">Dalhousie University</option><option value="Dentistry">Dentistry</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development">Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development</option><option value="Graduate Studies">Graduate Studies</option><option value="Health">Health</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Libraries">Libraries</option><option value="Management">Management</option><option value="Medicine">Medicine</option><option value="Science">Science</option><option value="Vice President Advancement">Vice President Advancement</option><option value="Vice-President Research">Vice-President Research</option><option value="Vice President Student Services">Vice President Student Services</option> </select> </div> <div id="department-select-button-2"> <label for="department-select-2" class="select-label">Select a department</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="department-select-2" id="department-select-2" data-native-menu="true" onChange="departmentToDesig(undefined, 2);designationFillInVisibility(2);"> <option value="">(select department)</option> </select> </div> <div> <label for="designation-select-2" class="select-label">Select a designation</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="designation-select-2" id="designation-select-2" onChange="designationFillInVisibility(2)"> <option value="">(select designation)</option> </select> </div> <div class="give-input" id="fillIn-2"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="fill-in-text-2" name="fill-in-text-2"> <input type="hidden" id="fill-in-value-2" name="fill-in-value-2" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="fill-in-text-2"> Fill in option </label> </div> </div> <div id="designation-search-container-2"> <div class="inline-text">In the field below, type the area you want to support in the provided box to see a list of designated options (eg. law, basketball, research) <br /><br />Still can’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, just leave where you’d like to designate your gift in the box below and click proceed, or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="designation-text-containter"> <!-- <input type="text" id="designation-text" name="designation-text" class="typeahead" value="" maxlength="200"/> <span class="field-notice">Faculty - Department - Designation</span> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="designation-text-2" name="designation-text-2"> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code-2" name="designation-code-2" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="designation-text-2"> Search by keyword </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="additional-3" name="additional-3" onChange="additional(3);"> <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="additional-3">I would also like to fund another area.</label> </div> </div> <div id="multigift-3"> <div id="multigift-sub-3"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Amount</legend> <div id="amount-select-3" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-3" id="amount-select-25-3" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(3)" value="25" required="" >$ 25</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-3" id="amount-select-50-3" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(3)" value="50" required="" >$ 50</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-3" id="amount-select-100-3" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(3)" value="100" required="" >$ 100</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-3" id="amount-select-500-3" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(3)" value="500" required="" >$ 500</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-3" id="amount-select-999-3" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(3)" value="999" required="" >Other</label> </div> </div> <div id="amount-text-container-3" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="amount-text-3" name="amount-text-3" value="" maxlength="11"> <label for="amount-text-3">Other amount</label> </div> <legend class="col-form-label">Direct your gift</legend> <div id="designation-method-3" data-role="fieldcontain"> <div id="designation-method-container2"> <!-- (isset($campaign['department-select']) || isset($form['department-select'])) --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(3);" type="radio" name="designation-method-3" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse-3" value="browse" >Browse all funding areas </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-browse"><div style="float:left">1)</div> Browse all funding areas</label> --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(3);" type="radio" name="designation-method-3" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-search-3" value="search" >Specify a funding area </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-search"><div style="float:left">2)</div> Specify a funding area</label> --> </div> </div> <div id="designation-browse-container-3"> <div class="inline-text"> Browse a list of all areas (Faculty - Department - Designation) that can receive funding.<br /><br />Didn't see what you were looking for? Designate your gift by selecting "Specify a funding area" above or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="none"> <label for="faculty-select-3" class="select-label">Select a faculty</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="faculty-select-3" id="faculty-select-3" onChange="facultyToDepartment(3);designationFillInVisibility(3);"> <option value="">(select faculty)</option> <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option><option value="Architecture and Planning">Architecture and Planning</option><option value="Art Gallery">Art Gallery</option><option value="Arts & Social Sciences">Arts & Social Sciences</option><option value="Athletics">Athletics</option><option value="College of Sustainability">College of Sustainability</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Dalhousie University">Dalhousie University</option><option value="Dentistry">Dentistry</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development">Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development</option><option value="Graduate Studies">Graduate Studies</option><option value="Health">Health</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Libraries">Libraries</option><option value="Management">Management</option><option value="Medicine">Medicine</option><option value="Science">Science</option><option value="Vice President Advancement">Vice President Advancement</option><option value="Vice-President Research">Vice-President Research</option><option value="Vice President Student Services">Vice President Student Services</option> </select> </div> <div id="department-select-button-3"> <label for="department-select-3" class="select-label">Select a department</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="department-select-3" id="department-select-3" data-native-menu="true" onChange="departmentToDesig(undefined, 3);designationFillInVisibility(3);"> <option value="">(select department)</option> </select> </div> <div> <label for="designation-select-3" class="select-label">Select a designation</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="designation-select-3" id="designation-select-3" onChange="designationFillInVisibility(3)"> <option value="">(select designation)</option> </select> </div> <div class="give-input" id="fillIn-3"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="fill-in-text-3" name="fill-in-text-3"> <input type="hidden" id="fill-in-value-3" name="fill-in-value-3" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="fill-in-text-3"> Fill in option </label> </div> </div> <div id="designation-search-container-3"> <div class="inline-text">In the field below, type the area you want to support in the provided box to see a list of designated options (eg. law, basketball, research) <br /><br />Still can’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, just leave where you’d like to designate your gift in the box below and click proceed, or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="designation-text-containter"> <!-- <input type="text" id="designation-text" name="designation-text" class="typeahead" value="" maxlength="200"/> <span class="field-notice">Faculty - Department - Designation</span> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="designation-text-3" name="designation-text-3"> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code-3" name="designation-code-3" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="designation-text-3"> Search by keyword </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="additional-4" name="additional-4" onChange="additional(4);"> <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="additional-4">I would also like to fund another area.</label> </div> </div> <div id="multigift-4"> <div id="multigift-sub-4"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Amount</legend> <div id="amount-select-4" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-4" id="amount-select-25-4" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(4)" value="25" required="" >$ 25</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-4" id="amount-select-50-4" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(4)" value="50" required="" >$ 50</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-4" id="amount-select-100-4" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(4)" value="100" required="" >$ 100</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-4" id="amount-select-500-4" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(4)" value="500" required="" >$ 500</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-4" id="amount-select-999-4" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(4)" value="999" required="" >Other</label> </div> </div> <div id="amount-text-container-4" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="amount-text-4" name="amount-text-4" value="" maxlength="11"> <label for="amount-text-4">Other amount</label> </div> <legend class="col-form-label">Direct your gift</legend> <div id="designation-method-4" data-role="fieldcontain"> <div id="designation-method-container2"> <!-- (isset($campaign['department-select']) || isset($form['department-select'])) --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(4);" type="radio" name="designation-method-4" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse-4" value="browse" >Browse all funding areas </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-browse"><div style="float:left">1)</div> Browse all funding areas</label> --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(4);" type="radio" name="designation-method-4" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-search-4" value="search" >Specify a funding area </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-search"><div style="float:left">2)</div> Specify a funding area</label> --> </div> </div> <div id="designation-browse-container-4"> <div class="inline-text"> Browse a list of all areas (Faculty - Department - Designation) that can receive funding.<br /><br />Didn't see what you were looking for? Designate your gift by selecting "Specify a funding area" above or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="none"> <label for="faculty-select-4" class="select-label">Select a faculty</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="faculty-select-4" id="faculty-select-4" onChange="facultyToDepartment(4);designationFillInVisibility(4);"> <option value="">(select faculty)</option> <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option><option value="Architecture and Planning">Architecture and Planning</option><option value="Art Gallery">Art Gallery</option><option value="Arts & Social Sciences">Arts & Social Sciences</option><option value="Athletics">Athletics</option><option value="College of Sustainability">College of Sustainability</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Dalhousie University">Dalhousie University</option><option value="Dentistry">Dentistry</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development">Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development</option><option value="Graduate Studies">Graduate Studies</option><option value="Health">Health</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Libraries">Libraries</option><option value="Management">Management</option><option value="Medicine">Medicine</option><option value="Science">Science</option><option value="Vice President Advancement">Vice President Advancement</option><option value="Vice-President Research">Vice-President Research</option><option value="Vice President Student Services">Vice President Student Services</option> </select> </div> <div id="department-select-button-4"> <label for="department-select-4" class="select-label">Select a department</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="department-select-4" id="department-select-4" data-native-menu="true" onChange="departmentToDesig(undefined, 4);designationFillInVisibility(4);"> <option value="">(select department)</option> </select> </div> <div> <label for="designation-select-4" class="select-label">Select a designation</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="designation-select-4" id="designation-select-4" onChange="designationFillInVisibility(4)"> <option value="">(select designation)</option> </select> </div> <div class="give-input" id="fillIn-4"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="fill-in-text-4" name="fill-in-text-4"> <input type="hidden" id="fill-in-value-4" name="fill-in-value-4" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="fill-in-text-4"> Fill in option </label> </div> </div> <div id="designation-search-container-4"> <div class="inline-text">In the field below, type the area you want to support in the provided box to see a list of designated options (eg. law, basketball, research) <br /><br />Still can’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, just leave where you’d like to designate your gift in the box below and click proceed, or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="designation-text-containter"> <!-- <input type="text" id="designation-text" name="designation-text" class="typeahead" value="" maxlength="200"/> <span class="field-notice">Faculty - Department - Designation</span> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="designation-text-4" name="designation-text-4"> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code-4" name="designation-code-4" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="designation-text-4"> Search by keyword </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="additional-5" name="additional-5" onChange="additional(5);"> <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="additional-5">I would also like to fund another area.</label> </div> </div> <div id="multigift-5"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Gift Amount</legend> <div id="amount-select-5" class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-5" id="amount-select-25-5" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(5)" value="25" required="" >$ 25</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-5" id="amount-select-50-5" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(5)" value="50" required="" >$ 50</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-5" id="amount-select-100-5" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(5)" value="100" required="" >$ 100</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-5" id="amount-select-500-5" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(5)" value="500" required="" >$ 500</label> <label class="btn btn-radio "> <input type="radio" name="amount-select-5" id="amount-select-999-5" onchange="amountSelectUpdate(5)" value="999" required="" >Other</label> </div> </div> <div id="amount-text-container-5" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="amount-text-5" name="amount-text-5" value="" maxlength="11"> <label for="amount-text-5">Other amount</label> </div> <legend class="col-form-label">Direct your gift</legend> <div id="designation-method-5" data-role="fieldcontain"> <div id="designation-method-container2"> <!-- (isset($campaign['department-select']) || isset($form['department-select'])) --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(5);" type="radio" name="designation-method-5" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse-5" value="browse" >Browse all funding areas </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-browse" value="browse" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-browse"><div style="float:left">1)</div> Browse all funding areas</label> --> <div class="choice-container"> <label class="btn btn-radio"> <input onChange="designationMethodUpdate(5);" type="radio" name="designation-method-5" class="designation-method" id="designation-method-search-5" value="search" >Specify a funding area </label> </div> <!-- <input type="radio" name="designation-method" id="designation-method-search" value="search" onChange="designationMethodUpdate();" /> <label for="designation-method-search"><div style="float:left">2)</div> Specify a funding area</label> --> </div> </div> <div id="designation-browse-container-5"> <div class="inline-text"> Browse a list of all areas (Faculty - Department - Designation) that can receive funding.<br /><br />Didn't see what you were looking for? Designate your gift by selecting "Specify a funding area" above or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="none"> <label for="faculty-select-5" class="select-label">Select a faculty</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="faculty-select-5" id="faculty-select-5" onChange="facultyToDepartment(5);designationFillInVisibility(5);"> <option value="">(select faculty)</option> <option value="Agriculture">Agriculture</option><option value="Architecture and Planning">Architecture and Planning</option><option value="Art Gallery">Art Gallery</option><option value="Arts & Social Sciences">Arts & Social Sciences</option><option value="Athletics">Athletics</option><option value="College of Sustainability">College of Sustainability</option><option value="Computer Science">Computer Science</option><option value="Dalhousie University">Dalhousie University</option><option value="Dentistry">Dentistry</option><option value="Engineering">Engineering</option><option value="Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development">Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development</option><option value="Graduate Studies">Graduate Studies</option><option value="Health">Health</option><option value="Law">Law</option><option value="Libraries">Libraries</option><option value="Management">Management</option><option value="Medicine">Medicine</option><option value="Science">Science</option><option value="Vice President Advancement">Vice President Advancement</option><option value="Vice-President Research">Vice-President Research</option><option value="Vice President Student Services">Vice President Student Services</option> </select> </div> <div id="department-select-button-5"> <label for="department-select-5" class="select-label">Select a department</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="department-select-5" id="department-select-5" data-native-menu="true" onChange="departmentToDesig(undefined, 5);designationFillInVisibility(5);"> <option value="">(select department)</option> </select> </div> <div> <label for="designation-select-5" class="select-label">Select a designation</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="designation-select-5" id="designation-select-5" onChange="designationFillInVisibility(5)"> <option value="">(select designation)</option> </select> </div> <div class="give-input" id="fillIn-5"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="fill-in-text-5" name="fill-in-text-5"> <input type="hidden" id="fill-in-value-5" name="fill-in-value-5" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="fill-in-text-5"> Fill in option </label> </div> </div> <div id="designation-search-container-5"> <div class="inline-text">In the field below, type the area you want to support in the provided box to see a list of designated options (eg. law, basketball, research) <br /><br />Still can’t find what you’re looking for? That’s okay, just leave where you’d like to designate your gift in the box below and click proceed, or <a href="">call us</a> and leave a message with your contact information. </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="designation-text-containter"> <!-- <input type="text" id="designation-text" name="designation-text" class="typeahead" value="" maxlength="200"/> <span class="field-notice">Faculty - Department - Designation</span> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code" name="designation-code" value="" /> --> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" type="text" class="form-control giving-input-autocomplete" value="" id="designation-text-5" name="designation-text-5"> <input type="hidden" id="designation-code-5" name="designation-code-5" value="" /> <label data-role="none" class="autocomplete-label" for="designation-text-5"> Search by keyword </label> </div> </div> </div> <br> </div> <br> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="dedication-check" name="dedication-check" onChange="dedicationCheckUpdate();" > <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="dedication-check">I would like to dedicate my gift<div style="display:inline-block" class="pluralize">s.</div> <div style="display:inline-block" class="pluralize">Your dedication will apply to all.</div></label> </div> <div id="dedication-container"> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <legend class="col-form-label">Dedication Type</legend> <div class="btn-group form-group" data-toggle="buttons"> <label class="btn btn-radio"><input type="radio" name="dedication-type" id="dedication-type-1" value="1" required="" >In memory</label><label class="btn btn-radio"><input type="radio" name="dedication-type" id="dedication-type-2" value="2" required="" >In honour</label> <div class="help-block with-errors"></div> </div> </div> <div class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="dedication-name" name="dedication-name" value=""> <label for="dedication-name">In name of</label> </div> <div class="form-check form-group"> <input data-role="none" type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" id="notification-check" name="notification-check" onChange="sendNotificationUpdate();" > <label data-role="none" class="form-check-label" for="notification-check">Send a notification of your gift to a family member or friend</label> </div> <div id="notification-area"> <div id="amount-text-container" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="dedication-notify-name" name="dedication-notify-name" value=""> <label for="dedication-notify-name">Name</label> </div> <div id="amount-text-container" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="dedication-notify-email" name="dedication-notify-email" value=""> <label for="dedication-notify-email">Email</label> </div> <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <center><b>- Or -</b></center> </div> <div id="amount-text-container" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="dedication-notify-street" name="dedication-notify-street" value=""> <label for="dedication-notify-street">Address</label> </div> <div id="amount-text-container" class="give-input"> <input data-role="none" class="form-control giving-input" type="text" id="dedication-notify-city" name="dedication-notify-city" value=""> <label for="dedication-notify-city">City</label> </div> <div> <label for="dedication-notify-country-select" class="select-label">Country</label> <select data-role="none" class="gift-select" name="dedication-notify-country-select" id="dedication-notify-country-select" onChange="dedicationNotifyCountryUpdate();"> <option value="">(select country)</option> <option value="CA">Canada</option><option value="US">United States</option><option value="AF">Afghanistan</option><option value="AX">Aland Islands</option><option value="AL">Albania</option><option value="DZ">Algeria</option><option value="AS">American Samoa</option><option value="AD">Andorra</option><option value="AO">Angola</option><option value="AI">Anguilla</option><option value="AQ">Antarctica</option><option value="AG">Antigua And Barbuda</option><option value="AR">Argentina</option><option value="AM">Armenia</option><option value="AW">Aruba</option><option value="AU">Australia</option><option value="AT">Austria</option><option value="AZ">Azerbaijan</option><option value="BS">Bahamas</option><option value="BH">Bahrain</option><option value="BD">Bangladesh</option><option value="BB">Barbados</option><option value="BY">Belarus</option><option value="BE">Belgium</option><option value="BZ">Belize</option><option value="BJ">Benin</option><option value="BM">Bermuda</option><option value="BT">Bhutan</option><option value="BO">Bolivia</option><option value="BA">Bosnia And Herzegovina</option><option value="BW">Botswana</option><option value="BV">Bouvet Island</option><option value="BR">Brazil</option><option value="IO">British Indian Ocean Territory</option><option value="BN">Brunei Darussalam</option><option value="BG">Bulgaria</option><option value="BF">Burkina Faso</option><option value="BI">Burundi</option><option value="KH">Cambodia</option><option value="CM">Cameroon</option><option value="CV">Cape Verde</option><option value="KY">Cayman Islands</option><option value="CF">Central African Republic</option><option value="TD">Chad</option><option value="CL">Chile</option><option value="CN">China</option><option value="CX">Christmas Island</option><option value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option><option value="CO">Colombia</option><option value="KM">Comoros</option><option value="CG">Congo</option><option value="CD">Congo, Democratic Republic</option><option value="CK">Cook Islands</option><option value="CR">Costa Rica</option><option value="CI">Cote D'Ivoire</option><option value="HR">Croatia</option><option value="CU">Cuba</option><option value="CY">Cyprus</option><option value="CZ">Czech Republic</option><option value="DK">Denmark</option><option value="DJ">Djibouti</option><option value="DM">Dominica</option><option value="DO">Dominican Republic</option><option value="EC">Ecuador</option><option value="EG">Egypt</option><option value="SV">El Salvador</option><option value="GQ">Equatorial Guinea</option><option value="ER">Eritrea</option><option value="EE">Estonia</option><option value="ET">Ethiopia</option><option value="FK">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option><option value="FO">Faroe Islands</option><option value="FJ">Fiji</option><option value="FI">Finland</option><option value="FR">France</option><option value="GF">French Guiana</option><option value="PF">French Polynesia</option><option value="TF">French Southern Territories</option><option value="GA">Gabon</option><option value="GM">Gambia</option><option value="GE">Georgia</option><option value="DE">Germany</option><option value="GH">Ghana</option><option value="GI">Gibraltar</option><option value="GR">Greece</option><option value="GL">Greenland</option><option value="GD">Grenada</option><option value="GP">Guadeloupe</option><option value="GU">Guam</option><option value="GT">Guatemala</option><option value="GG">Guernsey</option><option value="GN">Guinea</option><option value="GW">Guinea-Bissau</option><option value="GY">Guyana</option><option value="HT">Haiti</option><option value="HM">Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands</option><option value="VA">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option><option value="HN">Honduras</option><option value="HK">Hong Kong</option><option value="HU">Hungary</option><option value="IS">Iceland</option><option value="IN">India</option><option value="ID">Indonesia</option><option value="IR">Iran, Islamic Republic Of</option><option value="IQ">Iraq</option><option value="IE">Ireland</option><option value="IM">Isle Of Man</option><option value="IL">Israel</option><option value="IT">Italy</option><option value="JM">Jamaica</option><option value="JP">Japan</option><option value="JE">Jersey</option><option value="JO">Jordan</option><option value="KZ">Kazakhstan</option><option value="KE">Kenya</option><option value="KI">Kiribati</option><option value="KR">Korea</option><option value="KW">Kuwait</option><option value="KG">Kyrgyzstan</option><option value="LA">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option><option value="LV">Latvia</option><option value="LB">Lebanon</option><option value="LS">Lesotho</option><option value="LR">Liberia</option><option value="LY">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option><option value="LI">Liechtenstein</option><option value="LT">Lithuania</option><option value="LU">Luxembourg</option><option value="MO">Macao</option><option value="MK">Macedonia</option><option value="MG">Madagascar</option><option value="MW">Malawi</option><option value="MY">Malaysia</option><option value="MV">Maldives</option><option value="ML">Mali</option><option value="MT">Malta</option><option value="MH">Marshall Islands</option><option value="MQ">Martinique</option><option value="MR">Mauritania</option><option value="MU">Mauritius</option><option value="YT">Mayotte</option><option value="MX">Mexico</option><option value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States Of</option><option value="MD">Moldova</option><option value="MC">Monaco</option><option value="MN">Mongolia</option><option value="ME">Montenegro</option><option value="MS">Montserrat</option><option value="MA">Morocco</option><option value="MZ">Mozambique</option><option value="MM">Myanmar</option><option value="NA">Namibia</option><option value="NR">Nauru</option><option value="NP">Nepal</option><option value="NL">Netherlands</option><option value="AN">Netherlands Antilles</option><option value="NC">New Caledonia</option><option value="NZ">New Zealand</option><option value="NI">Nicaragua</option><option value="NE">Niger</option><option value="NG">Nigeria</option><option value="NU">Niue</option><option value="NF">Norfolk Island</option><option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option><option value="NO">Norway</option><option value="OM">Oman</option><option value="PK">Pakistan</option><option value="PW">Palau</option><option value="PS">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option><option value="PA">Panama</option><option value="PG">Papua New Guinea</option><option value="PY">Paraguay</option><option value="PE">Peru</option><option value="PH">Philippines</option><option value="PN">Pitcairn</option><option value="PL">Poland</option><option value="PT">Portugal</option><option value="PR">Puerto Rico</option><option value="QA">Qatar</option><option value="RE">Reunion</option><option value="RO">Romania</option><option value="RU">Russian Federation</option><option value="RW">Rwanda</option><option value="BL">Saint Barthelemy</option><option value="SH">Saint Helena</option><option value="KN">Saint Kitts And Nevis</option><option value="LC">Saint Lucia</option><option value="MF">Saint Martin</option><option value="PM">Saint Pierre And Miquelon</option><option value="VC">Saint Vincent And Grenadines</option><option value="WS">Samoa</option><option value="SM">San Marino</option><option value="ST">Sao Tome And Principe</option><option value="SA">Saudi Arabia</option><option value="SN">Senegal</option><option value="RS">Serbia</option><option value="SC">Seychelles</option><option value="SL">Sierra Leone</option><option value="SG">Singapore</option><option value="SK">Slovakia</option><option value="SI">Slovenia</option><option value="SB">Solomon Islands</option><option value="SO">Somalia</option><option value="ZA">South Africa</option><option value="GS">South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.</option><option value="ES">Spain</option><option value="LK">Sri Lanka</option><option value="SD">Sudan</option><option value="SR">Suriname</option><option value="SJ">Svalbard And Jan Mayen</option><option value="SZ">Swaziland</option><option value="SE">Sweden</option><option value="CH">Switzerland</option><option value="SY">Syrian Arab Republic</option><option value="TW">Taiwan</option><option value="TJ">Tajikistan</option><option value="TZ">Tanzania</option><option value="TH">Thailand</option><option value="TL">Timor-Leste</option><option value="TG">Togo</option><option value="TK">Tokelau</option><option value="TO">Tonga</option><option value="TT">Trinidad And Tobago</option><option value="TN">Tunisia</option><option value="TR">Turkey</option><option value="TM">Turkmenistan</option><option value="TC">Turks And Caicos Islands</option><option value="TV">Tuvalu</option><option value="UG">Uganda</option><option value="UA">Ukraine</option><option value="AE">United Arab Emirates</option><option value="GB">United Kingdom</option><option value="UM">United States Outlying Islands</option><option value="UY">Uruguay</option><option value="UZ">Uzbekistan</option><option 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