NJ Global Warming

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This report, <i>Meeting New Jersey's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Limit: New Jersey's Global Warming Response Act Recommendations Report</i>, details a broad range of options for meeting New Jersey's statewide 2020 greenhouse gas limit, and provides a framework for how the State needs to move forward to meet its statewide 2050 greenhouse gas limit. The report provides a comprehensive technical and financial framework for decision-making related to various greenhouse gas reduction strategies. <ul type="disc"> <li><a href="/web/20141013091637/">Download the Report</a></li> </ul></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>New Jersey Signs on to Regional Low-Carbon Fuel Pact</h4> <div id="spotlightText">On December 30, 2009, governors of 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing their states to participate in a regional effort to develop a regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard. A LCFS program is a market-based program to address the carbon content of fuels. If adopted by states, it would apply to the transportation sector, and could potentially apply to fuels used for heating buildings. The Memorandum establishes a process to develop a regional framework by 2011 and examine the economic impacts of a LCFS program. The governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont signed the Memorandum.<br/><ul> <li><a href="">Low Carbon Fuel Standard - Memorandum of Understanding</a> [pdf, 642 KB]</li> <li><a href="">Low Carbon Fuel Standard - Fact Sheet</a> [pdf, 14 KB]</li> </ul></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>Global Warming Solutions Fund Rule Adopted</h4> <div id="spotlightText">The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has adopted a rule (N.J.A.C. 7:27D) establishing a priority ranking system for allocation of funds under the Global Warming Solutions Fund Act. These funds are proceeds from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative carbon dioxide emissions auctions. The adoption was published in the December 21, 2009 New Jersey Register. Courtesy copies of this adoption, the rule as it will be codified in the New Jersey Administrative Code, and the proposal can be accessed as follows: <ul> <li><a href="">Adoption document</a> [pdf]</li> <li><a href="">Courtesy copy of the codified rule at N.J.A.C. at 7:27D</a> [pdf]</li> <li><a href="">Proposal document</a> [pdf]</li> <li><a href="">How to obtain an official copy of NJDEP's rules</a></li> </ul></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <h4>New Funding Programs to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Promote Economic Growth</h4> <div id="spotlightText">New Jersey is a participant in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cooperative effort by ten Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The first of its kind in U.S. history, this unique program relies on a market-based cap-and-trade approach to curb emissions while at the same time promoting energy efficiency. States that participate in RGGI sell emission allowances through auctions and invest the proceeds in consumer benefit projects that include energy efficiency, renewable energy and programs that provide assistance to low-income taxpayers. Since joining RGGI, New Jersey has taken part in three allowance auctions, which have generated $ 47.3 million in proceeds for clean energy and utility assistance programs.<br/> The methods for allocating the proceeds from these auctions are set forth in the Global Warming Solution Fund Law signed by Governor Corzine in January 2008. Under the GWSF, the proceeds shall be distributed as follows:<br/><ul> <li>60 percent to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to promote end-use energy efficiency, renewable energy, and state-of-the-art electric generation facilities, such as combined heat and power, within the commercial and industrial sectors;</li> <li>20 percent to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to assist limited-income households with their electric bills;</li> <li>20 percent to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to advance programs that help local governments reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage investment in forestry and tidal marshes to maximize carbon sequestration.<br/></li> </ul> The DEP, EDA and BPU have each kicked-off their funding programs to support New Jersey's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy efficiency and economic growth.<br/><ul> <li><a href="">Click here</a> to learn more about the DEP's Local Government Greenhouse Gas Reduction grant program.</li> <li><a href="">Click here</a> to learn more about the BPU's energy assistance program.</li> <li><a href=";midid=1351&amp;menuid=1351&amp;topid=718">Click here</a> to learn more about the EDA'S Clean Energy Solutions Capital Investment loan/grant program for businesses, industry and institutions.</li> </ul> Call the State Forestry Service at (609) 292-2520 to learn more about the DEP's enhanced forest stewardship and tidal marsh restoration initiatives.</div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top"> <div id="bottomright"> <!-- news include section starts here --> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><img src="/web/20141013091637im_/" width="171" height="25" alt="Documents"/></td> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="/web/20141013091637/" class="LinkMore">More</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><ul><!-- News Include Starts--><!-- iw_ostream file="/globalwarming/home/documents/approved/docs_include.html" --> <ul><!-- read all DCRS and get the title and date --> <li><a href="">Dec-21-09 Meeting New Jersey's 2020 Greenhouse Gas Limit: New Jersey's Global Warming Response Act Recommendations Report</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20141013091637/">Feb-19-08 DRAFT Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reference Case Projections Report</a></li> </ul> <!-- rules include section ends here --> <tr> <td><br/><br/> <!-- news include section starts here --> </td></tr> <tr> <td> <img src="/web/20141013091637im_/" width="171" height="25" alt="Press Releases"/> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="/web/20141013091637/ " class="LinkMore">More</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><ul><!-- News Include Starts--><!-- iw_ostream file="/globalwarming/home/news/approved/news_include.html" --> <li><a href="/web/20141013091637/">Apr-04-08, Governor Corzine joined other Governors, national leaders and scientists at a conference at Yale University </a></li> <!-- news include section ends here --> </ul></td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td><div id="footer"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td height="23" colspan="3" align="bottom"><table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" class="footerText"><a href="" class="footerLink">Contact Us</a> | <a href="" class="footerLink">Privacy Notice</a> | <a href="" class="footerLink">Legal Statement &amp; 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