Taking the Stage at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024: Vinod Khosla, Ashton Kutcher, Tony Fadell, Mary Barra, Erin and Sara Foster, Colin Kaepernick, The Chainsmokers and More | Yahoo Inc.

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value="magglass"></form></div></div></div></div><main id="main" class="main-content"><section class="section pb-0"><div class="container"><div class="content-container"><p class="tags-categories">October 1, 2024</p><h1 class="condensed">Taking the Stage at TechCrunch Disrupt 2024: Vinod Khosla, Ashton Kutcher, Tony Fadell, Mary Barra, Erin and Sara Foster, Colin Kaepernick, The Chainsmokers and More</h1><p class="italic">Over 10,000 Startup and VC Leaders to Convene for Three Days of Breaking Technology News, Innovation, Networking, and Expert Insights</p><p class="bold w-condition-invisible">Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.</p></div></div></section><section class="section"><div class="container"><img src="" alt="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 91vw, (max-width: 767px) 95vw, 96vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="full-width-image border-radius box-shadow-3 my-0"></div></section><section class="section pb-3"><div class="container"><div class="content-container"><div class="row justify-center"><div class="col-sm-12 px-1 position-relative"><div class="social-share-column position-sticky"><a id="facebook-share" aria-label="Share on Facebook" title="Share on Facebook" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="Facebook" class="social-share-image"></a><a id="linkedin-share" aria-label="Share on LinkedIn" title="Share on LinkedIn" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="LinkedIn" class="social-share-image"></a><a id="twitter-share" href="#" class="social-share w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" aria-label="Share on Twitter" title="Share on Twitter" alt="X Logo" class="social-media"></a></div></div><div class="col col-lg-10 col-sm-12"><div class="collection-content w-richtext"><p><strong>SAN FRANCISCO – October 1, 2024 –</strong> TechCrunch today unveiled its official lineup for <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>TechCrunch Disrupt 2024</strong></a>, taking place on October 28-30, 2024, at the Moscone West Center in San Francisco.&nbsp;</p><p>With over 10,000 startup, VC leaders, and tech operators in attendance, TechCrunch Disrupt is the world’s leading authority in debuting revolutionary startups and introducing game-changing technologies. This year’s conference will feature compelling sessions across six unique stages as well as hands-on roundtables and breakouts to go deep with industry leaders on how to solve specific challenges facing today’s entrepreneurs.&nbsp;</p><p>Across the three-day conference, respected thought leaders will take the stage to break news and provide industry insights. Speakers on the <strong>Disrupt Stage</strong> include:&nbsp;</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Ashton Kutcher</strong> will join his fellow Sound Ventures general partners <strong>Guy Oseary</strong> and <strong>Effie Epstein</strong> to discuss their investing strategy and trends they are tracking right now.&nbsp;</li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Colin Kaepernick</strong></a>,<strong> </strong>Founder &amp; CEO, Lumi and Super Bowl Quarterback, San Francisco 49ers will detail how Lumi aims to empower storytellers.&nbsp;</li><li><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Mary Barra</strong></a>, Chair &amp; CEO of <strong>General Motors</strong>, will cover the highs and lows of transforming the legacy automaker, where GM is headed, and how it plans to lead in autonomous vehicles, software, and EVs.&nbsp;</li><li>Two of the industry’s most famous sisters - <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Erin and Sara Foster</strong></a> - will talk with business partner <strong>Phil Schwarz</strong> about consumer investing, culture curation, and what it means to be a creator in the modern age.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Vinod Khosla</strong> will deep dive into the future of AI and the groundbreaking opportunities that exist.&nbsp;</li><li>Wiz Founder &amp; CEO <strong>Assaf Rappaport</strong> will provide insights on his journey as a founder and the opportunities and challenges his company will face.</li><li><strong>Tony Fadell</strong> will discuss building the next generation of deep tech startups.</li></ul><p>Meanwhile on the Builders Stage, <strong>Alex Pall </strong>and<strong> Drew Taggart</strong>, co-producers of <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>The Chainsmokers</strong></a> and partners and co-founders of <strong>MANTIS Venture Capital</strong> will discuss how they can bring value to start-ups beyond their status. On the Industry Stage, <strong>Bret Taylor</strong>, Chairman of the Board at<strong> OpenAI </strong>and<strong> </strong>Co-Founder of<strong> Sierra</strong>, will discuss how AI stands to revolutionize enterprise software, and <strong>Denise Dresser,</strong> Chief Executive Officer of <strong>Slack</strong> from Salesforce, will discuss leading her organization through the AI boom and Slack's next chapter.</p><p>“For almost 15 years, Disrupt has been the preeminent meeting place for budding founders, seasoned operators, and investors wanting a front row to the future of technology,” said Connie Loizos, Editor in Chief and General Manager of TechCrunch. “We’ve renewed our focus on every stage of tech disruption, and this year’s agenda reflects that priority. We’ll cover important topics across AI, SaaS, space, fintech, and so much more.”&nbsp;</p><p>Disrupt will also host <a href="" target="_blank">Startup Battlefield</a>, where 200 hand-selected, early-stage startups will showcase their latest developments and innovations for a chance to compete for a $100,000 grand prize on the Disrupt Stage. Convening from across the globe, the <a href=";pg=1&amp;event=2725895" target="_blank">200 companies</a> represent innovation in SaaS, enterprise, productivity, healthtech, biotech, hardware, robotics, IoT, fintech, edtech, security, sustainability, mobility, and logistics. Attendees can also discover new startups at the Pitch Showcase Stage, relax and play games in the Recharge Zone, or meet entrepreneurs from around the world in the Expo Hall.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>All of these speakers and more include:&nbsp;</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Alex Pall </strong>and<strong> Drew Taggart, </strong>Co-producers of <strong>The Chainsmokers </strong>&amp; Partners and Co-Founders of<strong> MANTIS Venture Capital&nbsp;</strong></li><li><strong>Ashton Kutcher, </strong>Actor &amp; Co-founder,<strong> Sound Ventures</strong> with <strong>Guy Oseary</strong> and <strong>Effie Epstein</strong>, Managing Partners of <strong>Sound Ventures</strong></li><li><strong>Assaf Rappaport</strong>, Co-founder &amp; CEO of <strong>Wiz</strong></li><li><strong>Bret Taylor, </strong>Chairman of the Board at<strong> OpenAI </strong>and<strong> </strong>Co-Founder of<strong> Sierra</strong></li><li><strong>Bridgit Mendler</strong>, CEO of <strong>Northwood Space</strong></li><li><strong>Colin Kaepernick, </strong>Founder &amp; CEO,<strong> Lumi </strong>and<strong> Super Bowl Quarterback</strong></li><li><strong>Denise Dresser, </strong>Chief Executive Officer of <strong>Slack</strong> from Salesforce</li><li><strong>Erin Foster</strong> and <strong>Sara Foster</strong>, Co-Founders of <strong>Favorite Daughter</strong> and General Partners of <strong>Oversubscribed Ventures</strong></li><li><strong>Mary Barra,</strong> Chair &amp; CEO of<strong> General Motors</strong></li><li><strong>Peter Beck, </strong>Founder &amp; CEO of<strong> Rocket Lab</strong></li><li><strong>Tony Fadell, </strong>Principal of<strong> Build Collective. </strong>Former Founder of<strong> Nest </strong>and SVP of <strong>Apple iPod Division</strong></li><li><strong>Vinod Khosla, </strong>Founder &amp; Partner of<strong> Khosla Ventures</strong></li></ul><p>A full list of speakers and detailed agendas for each of the stages can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>‍<strong>About TechCrunch<br>‍</strong>Founded in June 2005, TechCrunch reaches millions of readers all around the globe. Its news coverage and expert analysis span key startup categories and are consumed in a variety of formats: news articles, award-winning podcasts, newsletters, events, videos, and webinars. TechCrunch hosts several in-person and virtual events throughout the year, including its flagship Disrupt conference, boutique StrictlyVC events, and various partner events. For more information, please visit: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p></div><h2 class="h3 text-primary w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></h2><p class="w-condition-invisible">This article was written by a 3rd party news source. To read the full article, please visit their website.</p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary w-condition-invisible w-button">Read the Story</a></div></div></div></div></section></main><footer class="section footer position-relative"><div class="container"><h2 class="sr-only">Yahoo Inc. 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