6: Stop gating content, it doesn't work with Karla Rivershaw, Head of Marketing @Turtl - Revenue Champions

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Alice dives into the reason why Karla thinks it鈥檚 the time to kill the pdf. In this episode, Alice and Karla discusses how to publish content people actually want to read, how B2B marketers can achieve 7X more engagement with their content, how marketers should be responding to the evolving user experience and more.</p> <p>--- </p> <p>Send in a voice message: <a href=""></a></p> </div> </section> </article> </div> </div> <div class="episode-sharing d-lg-none"> <a class="facebook-share pr-3" href="javascript:void(0);"> <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i> </a> <a target="_blank" class="twitter-share pr-3" href=";text=6: Stop gating content, it doesn&#039;t work with Karla Rivershaw, Head of Marketing @Turtl"> <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> </a> <a target="_blank" class="linkedin-share" href=";url=;title=6: Stop gating content, it doesn&#039;t work with Karla Rivershaw, Head of Marketing @Turtl&amp;summary="> <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i> </a> </div> <div class="episode-browser"> <a href="" class="btn next-episode">Next Episode</a> <a href="" class="btn">All Episodes</a> <a href="" class="btn previous-episode">Previous Episode</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="follow-this-podcast pt-4 pb-4 pt-sm-5 pb-sm-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-12 text-center"> <h4 class="mb-2">Listen for free</h4> <div class="site-links follow-this-podcast-channels"> <a class="btn" href="" target="_blank"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="link-logo rss-svg" focusable="false" width="35" height="36" viewBox="0 0 35 36" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10 30.5C10 27.7656 7.73438 25.5 5 25.5C2.1875 25.5 0 27.7656 0 30.5C0 33.3125 2.1875 35.5 5 35.5C7.73438 35.5 10 33.3125 10 30.5ZM23.6719 34.25C23.0469 22.1406 13.3594 12.4531 1.25 11.8281C0.546875 11.75 0 12.375 0 13.0781V16.8281C0 17.4531 0.46875 18 1.09375 18.0781C9.84375 18.625 16.875 25.6562 17.4219 34.4062C17.5 35.0312 18.0469 35.5 18.6719 35.5H22.4219C23.125 35.5 23.75 34.9531 23.6719 34.25ZM34.9219 34.25C34.2969 15.9688 19.6094 1.20312 1.25 0.578125C0.546875 0.5 0 1.04688 0 1.82812V5.57812C0 6.20312 0.46875 6.75 1.17188 6.82812C16.0938 7.375 28.125 19.4062 28.6719 34.3281C28.75 35.0312 29.2969 35.5781 29.9219 35.5781H33.6719C34.4531 35.5 35 34.9531 34.9219 34.25Z" fill="#FF9900" /> </svg> <span class="link-label">RSS Feed</span> </a> <a class="btn" aria-label="Listen on Spotify" href="" target="_blank"> <svg class="link-logo spotify-svg" xmlns="" height="168px" width="168px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 168 168"> <path fill="#1ED760" d="m83.996 0.277c-46.249 0-83.743 37.493-83.743 83.742 0 46.251 37.494 83.741 83.743 83.741 46.254 0 83.744-37.49 83.744-83.741 0-46.246-37.49-83.738-83.745-83.738l0.001-0.004zm38.404 120.78c-1.5 2.46-4.72 3.24-7.18 1.73-19.662-12.01-44.414-14.73-73.564-8.07-2.809 0.64-5.609-1.12-6.249-3.93-0.643-2.81 1.11-5.61 3.926-6.25 31.9-7.291 59.263-4.15 81.337 9.34 2.46 1.51 3.24 4.72 1.73 7.18zm10.25-22.805c-1.89 3.075-5.91 4.045-8.98 2.155-22.51-13.839-56.823-17.846-83.448-9.764-3.453 1.043-7.1-0.903-8.148-4.35-1.04-3.453 0.907-7.093 4.354-8.143 30.413-9.228 68.222-4.758 94.072 11.127 3.07 1.89 4.04 5.91 2.15 8.976v-0.001zm0.88-23.744c-26.99-16.031-71.52-17.505-97.289-9.684-4.138 1.255-8.514-1.081-9.768-5.219-1.254-4.14 1.08-8.513 5.221-9.771 29.581-8.98 78.756-7.245 109.83 11.202 3.73 2.209 4.95 7.016 2.74 10.733-2.2 3.722-7.02 4.949-10.73 2.739z"> </path> </svg> <span class="link-label">Spotify</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="about pt-5 pb-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row no-gutters"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <img alt="Show artwork for Revenue Champions" src="" class="about-artwork"> </div> <div class="col-sm-9"> <div class="pl-sm-5 pt-3 pt-sm-0"> <h4 class="mb-4">About the Podcast</h4> <div class="about-info"> <div class="about-title">Revenue Champions</div> <div class="about-subtitle"></div> <div class="about-info mt-3 mb-3">The ultimate B2B podcast, brought to you by Cognism. 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