Accessibility - Bureau of Household Goods and Services

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Code 11135 requires that all electronic and information technology developed or purchased by the State of California Government is accessible to people with disabilities. There are various types of physical disabilities that impact user interaction on the web. Vision loss, hearing loss, limited manual dexterity, and cognitive disabilities are examples, with each having different means by which to access electronic information effectively. Our goal is to provide a good web experience for all visitors.</p> <h2>Accessible Features</h2> <p>Below you will find a list of some of the technology solutions we have integrated to make our website easy to navigate, fast-loading, and accessible.</p> <h2>Photographs/Images:</h2> <p>Uses Alternative Text “ALT” and/or “TITLE” attributes. ALT/TITLE attributes provide a written description of the image, which is accessible to screen readers, and it is visible when the mouse is placed over the image. 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