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lyrics by Marilyn Manson"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Sacrilegious Lyrics by Marilyn Manson"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Sacrilegious by Marilyn Manson</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17336196/" id="userprofile-17336196" rel="me nofollow" title="coolwalking" class="bold">coolwalking</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 19:10:03" title="2024-11-27 19:10:03">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext "> <p class='truncated'>&quot;coming back, coming back baby&quot; is reminiscent of &quot;superstar, superfuck baby&quot; from Mister Superstar. I wonder if it's a purposeful allusion to draw a lyrical / meaningful parallel somehow, or just a case of a musician pulling similar musical tricks from his bag.</p><p class='hidden'>&quot;coming back, coming back baby&quot; is reminiscent of &quot;superstar, superfuck baby&quot; from Mister Superstar. I wonder if it's a purposeful allusion to draw a lyrical / meaningful parallel somehow, or just a case of a musician pulling similar musical tricks from his bag.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28125}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28126}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28127}" data-type="tag"> Curious </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28128}" data-type="tag"> Musical Allusion </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28129}" data-type="tag"> Lyrical Parallel </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:28130}" data-type="tag"> Artistic Expression </div> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">"coming back, coming back baby" is reminiscent of "superstar, superfuck baby" from Mister Superstar. I wonder if it's a purposeful allusion to draw a lyrical / meaningful parallel somehow, or just a case of a musician pulling similar musical tricks from his bag.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-1" data-cid="73016457539" data-author="superben" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:41478,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:4,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Alanis Morissette&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Unsent&quot;}" data-commenttype="general"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Unsent lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Unsent Lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Unsent by Alanis Morissette</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908462/" id="userprofile-17908462" rel="me nofollow" title="superben" class="bold">superben</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 17:04:27" title="2024-11-27 17:04:27">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext "> <p class='truncated'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learned so much...&quot;</p><p class='hidden'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learned so much...&quot;</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27297}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27298}" data-type="tag"> Objective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27299}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27300}" data-type="tag"> Celebrity Connections </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27301}" data-type="tag"> Personal Friendships </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27302}" data-type="tag"> Musical Influences </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27303}" data-type="tag"> Tour Memories </div> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded "Unsent." 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of "Unsent," she says "Dear Christian, we learned so much..."</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-2" data-cid="73016457538" data-author="superben" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:41478,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:4,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Alanis Morissette&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Unsent&quot;}" data-commenttype="general"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Unsent lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Unsent Lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Unsent by Alanis Morissette</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908462/" id="userprofile-17908462" rel="me nofollow" title="superben" class="bold">superben</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 17:02:36" title="2024-11-27 17:02:36">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext "> <p class='truncated'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learned so much...&quot;</p><p class='hidden'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learned so much...&quot;</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27290}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27291}" data-type="tag"> Objective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27292}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27293}" data-type="tag"> Celebrities </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27294}" data-type="tag"> Friendship </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27295}" data-type="tag"> Music Industry </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27296}" data-type="tag"> Nostalgia </div> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded "Unsent." 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of "Unsent," she says "Dear Christian, we learned so much..."</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="ads container_TONEFUSE_BELOW "> <div class="TONEFUSE_BELOW"> <script> /* TFP - - BELOW */ (function() { var opts = { artist: "", song: "", adunit_id: 100000252, div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) }; document.write('<div id="' + opts.div_id + '"></div>'); var c = function() { cf.showAsyncAd(opts) }; if (typeof !== 'undefined') c(); else { cf_async = !0; var r = document.createElement("script"), s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; r.async = !0; r.src = "//"; r.readyState ? r.onreadystatechange = function() { if ("loaded" == r.readyState || "complete" == r.readyState) r.onreadystatechange = null, c() } : r.onload = c; s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s) }; })(); </script> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-3" data-cid="73016457537" data-author="superben" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:41478,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:4,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Alanis Morissette&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Unsent&quot;}" data-commenttype="general"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Unsent lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Unsent Lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Unsent by Alanis Morissette</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908462/" id="userprofile-17908462" rel="me nofollow" title="superben" class="bold">superben</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 17:02:17" title="2024-11-27 17:02:17">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext "> <p class='truncated'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learn so much...&quot;</p><p class='hidden'>Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded &quot;Unsent.&quot; 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of &quot;Unsent,&quot; she says &quot;Dear Christian, we learn so much...&quot;</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27282}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27283}" data-type="tag"> Objective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27284}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27285}" data-type="tag"> Obvious References </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27286}" data-type="tag"> Musical Collaborations </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27287}" data-type="tag"> Friendship </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27288}" data-type="tag"> Concert Memories </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27289}" data-type="tag"> Nostalgia </div> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">Some of the guys mentioned in this song are very obvious: 1) Matthew is Dave Matthews, with whom Alanis recorded a couple of songs in 1997, a year before she wrote and recorded "Unsent." 2) Terrance is Terry Sawchuk, Canadian songwriter/producer Alanis met while living in Toronto in 1993. They remained friends for a long time. 3) Lou is Christian Lane from the band Loud Lucy, the opening band during Alanis' 1996 tour. In the original demo version of "Unsent," she says "Dear Christian, we learn so much..."</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-4" data-cid="73016457531" data-author="lisasil" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:3530822107858627260,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:8589948954,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Michel Polnareff&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Qui A Tu\u00e9 Grand-Maman ?&quot;}" data-commenttype="my interpretation"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="../../../images/art-default.webp" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? Lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? by Michel Polnareff</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908451/" id="userprofile-17908451" rel="me nofollow" title="lisasil" class="bold">lisasil</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 16:58:01" title="2024-11-27 16:58:01">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext hasTruncation"> <p class='truncated'>It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;....</p><p class='hidden'>It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the &#039;u&#039; in &#039;ou&#039;, leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read &#039;was it time or men&#039; or &#039;was it time where men&#039;. This doesn&#039;t have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves.</p><p class='hidden'>The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the &#039;death&#039; of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of &#039;bulldozing&#039; implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff&#039;s implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the &#039;men who no longer have time&#039;, who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion.</p><p class='hidden'>In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff&#039;s line &#039;est-ce pour cela que l&#039;on te pleure ?&#039; introduces for the first time in the song reference to a &#039;we&#039;, distinct from the singular &#039;you&#039; that the narrator addresses. The &#039;othering&#039; of this structure leads me to believe that the &#039;we&#039; is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can&#039;t say I confidently understand this line; it&#039;s a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn&#039;t imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose &#039;hands are left empty&#039; and is being grieved, but I&#039;m inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary no-hover" data-link="[]" data-type="commentType"> My Interpretation </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27237}" data-type="tag"> Negative </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27238}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27239}" data-type="tag"> Sadness </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27240}" data-type="tag"> Environmentalism </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27241}" data-type="tag"> Modernization </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27242}" data-type="tag"> Loss </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27243}" data-type="tag"> Reflection </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27244}" data-type="tag"> Critique </div> </div> <div class="comment-hasTruncation-options"> <button class='button button-primary comment-truncated'>Read more...</button> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the &#039;u&#039; in &#039;ou&#039;, leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read &#039;was it time or men&#039; or &#039;was it time where men&#039;. This doesn&#039;t have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves. The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the &#039;death&#039; of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of &#039;bulldozing&#039; implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff&#039;s implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the &#039;men who no longer have time&#039;, who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion. In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff&#039;s line &#039;est-ce pour cela que l&#039;on te pleure ?&#039; introduces for the first time in the song reference to a &#039;we&#039;, distinct from the singular &#039;you&#039; that the narrator addresses. The &#039;othering&#039; of this structure leads me to believe that the &#039;we&#039; is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can&#039;t say I confidently understand this line; it&#039;s a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn&#039;t imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose &#039;hands are left empty&#039; and is being grieved, but I&#039;m inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-5" data-cid="73016457536" data-author="superben" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:41114,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:4,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Alanis Morissette&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;So Pure&quot;}" data-commenttype="general"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for So Pure lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="So Pure Lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">So Pure by Alanis Morissette</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908462/" id="userprofile-17908462" rel="me nofollow" title="superben" class="bold">superben</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 16:46:01" title="2024-11-27 16:46:01">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext "> <p class='truncated'>This song is about actor Dash Mihok, Alanis' boyfriend at the time when she wrote and recorded &quot;Supposed former infatuation junkie.&quot; Dash is an actor from New York City. He also studied dance and appears in the music video for &quot;So pure.&quot;</p><p class='hidden'>This song is about actor Dash Mihok, Alanis' boyfriend at the time when she wrote and recorded &quot;Supposed former infatuation junkie.&quot; Dash is an actor from New York City. He also studied dance and appears in the music video for &quot;So pure.&quot;</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27275}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27276}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27277}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27278}" data-type="tag"> Love </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27279}" data-type="tag"> Relationships </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27280}" data-type="tag"> Music Video </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27281}" data-type="tag"> Personal Life </div> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">This song is about actor Dash Mihok, Alanis' boyfriend at the time when she wrote and recorded "Supposed former infatuation junkie." Dash is an actor from New York City. He also studied dance and appears in the music video for "So pure."</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-6" data-cid="73016457535" data-author="superben" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:41072,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:4,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Alanis Morissette&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Front Row&quot;}" data-commenttype="general"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Front Row lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Front Row Lyrics by Alanis Morissette"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Front Row by Alanis Morissette</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908462/" id="userprofile-17908462" rel="me nofollow" title="superben" class="bold">superben</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 16:41:04" title="2024-11-27 16:41:04">now</time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext hasTruncation"> <p class='truncated'>This song is about Kevin Smith, director of the movie Dogma, in which Alanis plays God in her first major role as an actress. They were mostly friends, but their friendship briefly became romantic right before Alanis started writing and recording &quot;Supposed former infatuation junkie.&quot; These are some of the lyrics that clearly refer to Alanis' relationship with Kevin. &quot;I can't love you because we are supposed to have professional boundaries&quot;: there is definitely attraction between the two, but they are working on a movie together, so they have to keep things professional. &quot;You were kissed by God full...</p><p class='hidden'>This song is about Kevin Smith, director of the movie Dogma, in which Alanis plays God in her first major role as an actress. They were mostly friends, but their friendship briefly became romantic right before Alanis started writing and recording &quot;Supposed former infatuation junkie.&quot; These are some of the lyrics that clearly refer to Alanis' relationship with Kevin. &quot;I can't love you because we are supposed to have professional boundaries&quot;: there is definitely attraction between the two, but they are working on a movie together, so they have to keep things professional. &quot;You were kissed by God full on the lips&quot;: Alanis plays God in the movie, so this line is almost a joke about her character. &quot;You smoke, you live in New Jersey&quot;: this lyric clearly gives away that this song is about Kevin Smith, who is from Red Bank, New Jersey. Also, Kevin famously became an avid smoker while filming the movie Clerks in 1994 and quit smoking only in 2008. &quot;You started saying things like you belong to the world&quot;: this is Kevin talking to Alanis and acknowledging the fact that she was a worldwide superstar after the success of Jagged Little Pill. &quot;Come here let me clip your wings!&quot;: Alanis/God wears wings in the movie and this is obviously Kevin talking to her while they're filming. &quot;Raise the roof, he yelled, yeah raise the roof, I yelled back&quot;: this line refers to Kevin directing Alanis in the scene during which she lets out a huge scream.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27267}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27268}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27269}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27270}" data-type="tag"> Romantic </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27271}" data-type="tag"> Professionalism </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27272}" data-type="tag"> Friendship </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27273}" data-type="tag"> Movie Industry </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27274}" data-type="tag"> Fame </div> </div> <div class="comment-hasTruncation-options"> <button class='button button-primary comment-truncated'>Read more...</button> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">This song is about Kevin Smith, director of the movie Dogma, in which Alanis plays God in her first major role as an actress. They were mostly friends, but their friendship briefly became romantic right before Alanis started writing and recording "Supposed former infatuation junkie." These are some of the lyrics that clearly refer to Alanis' relationship with Kevin. "I can't love you because we are supposed to have professional boundaries": there is definitely attraction between the two, but they are working on a movie together, so they have to keep things professional. "You were kissed by God full on the lips": Alanis plays God in the movie, so this line is almost a joke about her character. "You smoke, you live in New Jersey": this lyric clearly gives away that this song is about Kevin Smith, who is from Red Bank, New Jersey. Also, Kevin famously became an avid smoker while filming the movie Clerks in 1994 and quit smoking only in 2008. "You started saying things like you belong to the world": this is Kevin talking to Alanis and acknowledging the fact that she was a worldwide superstar after the success of Jagged Little Pill. "Come here let me clip your wings!": Alanis/God wears wings in the movie and this is obviously Kevin talking to her while they're filming. "Raise the roof, he yelled, yeah raise the roof, I yelled back": this line refers to Kevin directing Alanis in the scene during which she lets out a huge scream.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-7" data-cid="73016457532" data-author="lisasil" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:3530822107858567754,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:137438966561,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Barclay James Harvest&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Berlin&quot;}" data-commenttype="my opinion"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="../../../images/art-default.webp" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Berlin lyrics by Barclay James Harvest"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Berlin Lyrics by Barclay James Harvest"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Berlin by Barclay James Harvest</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908451/" id="userprofile-17908451" rel="me nofollow" title="lisasil" class="bold">lisasil</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 10:21:16" title="2024-11-27 10:21:16">4h <span>ago</span></time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext hasTruncation"> <p class='truncated'>One of my favourite songs from one of favourite artists. Despite having found this song enjoyable while becoming acquainted, it actually didn't initially strike me as one which I would come to consider among my most treasured, largely because of its gentle (yet nonethless powerful) nature. It was this defining characterstic, however, that has proved to be one of its greatest virtues, its brilliance burning with a sustainable intensity that allows it to endure through the ages without exhausting itself. With its outstanding instrumentation, delightful syncopation, hypnotic repeated chorus, emotive meaning, poetic lyrics and reflective, mellow, melancholy sound, this song...</p><p class='hidden'>One of my favourite songs from one of favourite artists. Despite having found this song enjoyable while becoming acquainted, it actually didn't initially strike me as one which I would come to consider among my most treasured, largely because of its gentle (yet nonethless powerful) nature. It was this defining characterstic, however, that has proved to be one of its greatest virtues, its brilliance burning with a sustainable intensity that allows it to endure through the ages without exhausting itself. With its outstanding instrumentation, delightful syncopation, hypnotic repeated chorus, emotive meaning, poetic lyrics and reflective, mellow, melancholy sound, this song has the capacity to grow alongside you as it accompanies you down the passages of time (ironically, unlike 'a ship in the night'), which, in my case, has cemented it as a lifelong favourite. I would consider it an ideal musical companion, no matter your circumstances, as we can, one and all, relate to the ephemerality of the seasons of life, and the individuals or conditions that define them. While I gradually go weary of many songs which I stream on repeat, I somehow doubt I will ever not have the desire to be drawn into the unparalleled imagery and musical composition of this one. An immense 'thank you' to Barclay James Harvest for gifting us with this masterpiece.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary no-hover" data-link="[]" data-type="commentType"> My Opinion </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27245}" data-type="tag"> Positive </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27246}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27247}" data-type="tag"> Enjoyment </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27248}" data-type="tag"> Nostalgia </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27249}" data-type="tag"> Timeless </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27250}" data-type="tag"> Melancholy </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27251}" data-type="tag"> Reflection </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27252}" data-type="tag"> Musical Brilliance </div> </div> <div class="comment-hasTruncation-options"> <button class='button button-primary comment-truncated'>Read more...</button> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">One of my favourite songs from one of favourite artists. Despite having found this song enjoyable while becoming acquainted, it actually didn't initially strike me as one which I would come to consider among my most treasured, largely because of its gentle (yet nonethless powerful) nature. It was this defining characterstic, however, that has proved to be one of its greatest virtues, its brilliance burning with a sustainable intensity that allows it to endure through the ages without exhausting itself. With its outstanding instrumentation, delightful syncopation, hypnotic repeated chorus, emotive meaning, poetic lyrics and reflective, mellow, melancholy sound, this song has the capacity to grow alongside you as it accompanies you down the passages of time (ironically, unlike 'a ship in the night'), which, in my case, has cemented it as a lifelong favourite. I would consider it an ideal musical companion, no matter your circumstances, as we can, one and all, relate to the ephemerality of the seasons of life, and the individuals or conditions that define them. While I gradually go weary of many songs which I stream on repeat, I somehow doubt I will ever not have the desire to be drawn into the unparalleled imagery and musical composition of this one. An immense 'thank you' to Barclay James Harvest for gifting us with this masterpiece.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-8" data-cid="73016457531" data-author="lisasil" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:3530822107858627260,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:8589948954,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Michel Polnareff&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Qui A Tu\u00e9 Grand-Maman ?&quot;}" data-commenttype="my interpretation"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="../../../images/art-default.webp" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? Lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? by Michel Polnareff</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908451/" id="userprofile-17908451" rel="me nofollow" title="lisasil" class="bold">lisasil</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 09:41:23" title="2024-11-27 09:41:23">5h <span>ago</span></time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext hasTruncation"> <p class='truncated'>It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;....</p><p class='hidden'>It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the &#039;u&#039; in &#039;ou&#039;, leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read &#039;was it time or men&#039; or &#039;was it time where men&#039;. This doesn&#039;t have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves.</p><p class='hidden'>The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the &#039;death&#039; of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of &#039;bulldozing&#039; implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff&#039;s implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the &#039;men who no longer have time&#039;, who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion.</p><p class='hidden'>In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff&#039;s line &#039;est-ce pour cela que l&#039;on te pleure ?&#039; introduces for the first time in the song reference to a &#039;we&#039;, distinct from the singular &#039;you&#039; that the narrator addresses. The &#039;othering&#039; of this structure leads me to believe that the &#039;we&#039; is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can&#039;t say I confidently understand this line; it&#039;s a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn&#039;t imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose &#039;hands are left empty&#039; and is being grieved, but I&#039;m inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary no-hover" data-link="[]" data-type="commentType"> My Interpretation </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27237}" data-type="tag"> Negative </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27238}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27239}" data-type="tag"> Sadness </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27240}" data-type="tag"> Environmentalism </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27241}" data-type="tag"> Modernization </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27242}" data-type="tag"> Loss </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27243}" data-type="tag"> Reflection </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27244}" data-type="tag"> Critique </div> </div> <div class="comment-hasTruncation-options"> <button class='button button-primary comment-truncated'>Read more...</button> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">It seems that Polnareff is here using &#039;grand-maman&#039; to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)&#039;mother nature&#039; to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, &#039;the men who no longer have the time to spend time&#039;. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the &#039;u&#039; in &#039;ou&#039;, leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read &#039;was it time or men&#039; or &#039;was it time where men&#039;. This doesn&#039;t have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves. The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the &#039;death&#039; of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of &#039;bulldozing&#039; implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff&#039;s implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the &#039;men who no longer have time&#039;, who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion. In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff&#039;s line &#039;est-ce pour cela que l&#039;on te pleure ?&#039; introduces for the first time in the song reference to a &#039;we&#039;, distinct from the singular &#039;you&#039; that the narrator addresses. The &#039;othering&#039; of this structure leads me to believe that the &#039;we&#039; is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can&#039;t say I confidently understand this line; it&#039;s a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn&#039;t imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose &#039;hands are left empty&#039; and is being grieved, but I&#039;m inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; <span class="reply-count" data-replies="0">0</span> </a> <a class="action-link" href=""> <i class="icon fal fa-share-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Share </a> </div> <div class="comment-reply no-replies toggleable toggleable-hidden"> <form class="parentCommentReplyForm inputForm"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="replyBody" placeholder="Reply to this comment..."></textarea> </form> </div> </div> <div class="card comment comment-container " data-key="feed-item-9" data-cid="73016457530" data-author="lisasil" data-source="{&quot;id&quot;:3530822107858627260,&quot;value&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;artist_id&quot;:8589948954,&quot;artist_name&quot;:&quot;Michel Polnareff&quot;,&quot;song_title&quot;:&quot;Qui A Tu\u00e9 Grand-Maman ?&quot;}" data-commenttype="my interpretation"> <div class="comment-header"> <div class="imagery"> <div class=""> <div class="mediaArt image-container image-container-1"> <img data-src="../../../images/art-default.webp" src="../../../images/art-default.webp" class=" image lazy image-small" alt="Cover art for Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="metadata"> <div class="titling"> <a href="" class="comment-title" title="Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? Lyrics by Michel Polnareff"> <!-- <img src="../../../images/art-default.webp" style="border-radius: 3px; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #dedede;"> --> <span class="comment-title-primary">Qui A Tu茅 Grand-Maman ? by Michel Polnareff</span> </a> </div> <div class="authoring"> <div class="left-info"> <span class="comment-author"> <span class="by">by</span> <a href="/profiles/view/17908451/" id="userprofile-17908451" rel="me nofollow" title="lisasil" class="bold">lisasil</a> </span> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="comment-awards"> </div> <span class="comment-time"> <time class="timeago timeago_short" datetime="2024-11-27 09:38:47" title="2024-11-27 09:38:47">5h <span>ago</span></time> </span> <!-- <button class="btn toggle-collapse"> <i class="icon fal fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> --> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-usertext hasTruncation"> <p class='truncated'>It seems that Polnareff is here using 'grand-maman' to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)'mother nature' to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, 'the men who no longer have the time to spend time'....</p><p class='hidden'>It seems that Polnareff is here using 'grand-maman' to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)'mother nature' to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, 'the men who no longer have the time to spend time'. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the 'u' in 'ou', leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read 'was it time or men' or 'was it time where men'. This doesn't have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves.</p><p class='hidden'>The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the 'death' of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of 'bulldozing' implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff's implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the 'men who no longer have time', who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion. In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff's line 'est-ce pour cela que l'on te pleure ?' introduces for the first time in the song reference to a 'we', distinct from the singular 'you' that the narrator addresses. The 'othering' of this structure leads me to believe that the 'we' is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can't say I confidently understand this line; it's a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn't imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose 'hands are left empty' and is being grieved, but I'm inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</p> </div> <div class="comment-tags"> <div class="pill secondary no-hover" data-link="[]" data-type="commentType"> My Interpretation </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27229}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27230}" data-type="tag"> Subjective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27231}" data-type="tag"> Reflective </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27232}" data-type="tag"> Nature </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27233}" data-type="tag"> Urbanization </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27234}" data-type="tag"> Loss </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27235}" data-type="tag"> Criticism </div> <div class="pill secondary " data-link="{&quot;tag_id&quot;:27236}" data-type="tag"> Environment </div> </div> <div class="comment-hasTruncation-options"> <button class='button button-primary comment-truncated'>Read more...</button> </div> <div class="comment-edit"> <form class="CommentEditForm inputForm hidden"> <textarea class="growing-textarea" name="editBody">It seems that Polnareff is here using 'grand-maman' to metaphorically represent the era of his grandparents, perhaps drawing upon the concept of (grand)'mother nature' to highlight the replacement of natural environments with infrastructure over time. Painting an idyllic picture in which flowers grow in gardens and birds sing in trees, he laments the loss of the peace of green spaces and questions whether their destruction was inevitable, meeting a natural death, having simply fallen victim to time, or whether it was an intentional decision by the disdainfully described antagonists, 'the men who no longer have the time to spend time'. I think the somewhat paradoxical nature of this clause was designed to emphasise the absurdity of modern metropolitan life, suggesting they have forgotten how to fundamentally live and have drifted far from the way life is meant to be under the artificial constraints imposed by their modern lifestyles. It speaks of the reallocation of the precious hours, days and years of our lives to the pursuit of success in the rat race, at the expense of connection with the beautiful tranquility of the natural world and the joy in simple things like silence - the absence of constant activity - for which many have lost an appreciation. Across various sources, the lyrics differ in whether there is an accent grave on the 'u' in 'ou', leaving ambiguity around whether it was intended to read 'was it time or men' or 'was it time where men'. This doesn't have significant bearing on the overall meaning of the song, but I personally prefer the former interpretation (upon which I based my above thoughts), because I feel it calls into question to a greater degree the necessity (and consequences) of our choices as humans, along with the autonomy, both collectively and, in part, individually, that we have in deciding whether we want to contribute to and perpetuate consumptive development or choose an alternative path for ourselves. The song follows a narrative-style format, effectively ultimately answering its own central question as it progresses. Alternating between descriptive verses evoking an image of a picturesque garden and the repeated chorus questioning the cause or agent responsible for the clearing of said garden, a juxtaposition is created that intensifies the sense of regret around the 'death' of the garden. After sparking intrigue and promoting reflection on the reasons underlying urbanisation over the first two verses and repetitions of the chorus, Polnareff delivers the answer to the listener: it was the bulldozer that killed metaphorical grandmother - a gruesome and violent mental image no doubt deliberately evocative to position the audience to condemn the attack on the unadulterated earth represented by the analogy, reinforced by the overall unfavourable depiction of other heavy machinery taking the place of the flowers. I see the choice of leveling the accusation at the bulldozer, while arguably quite simply just accurate, as bringing additional depth to the song with the connotations of 'bulldozing' implying that something is done by asserting ones will with brute force and no remorse or consideration for those that stand in way, building upon Polnareff's implication that this was unthinking course of action that lacked proper fore-thought. It also names an inanimate object as the perpetrator, rather than directly accusing man (specifically the 'men who no longer have time', who Polnareff could have blamed to resolve the question), while allowing the reader to make the obvious inference that the bulldozer was not self-operating, but driven by a human, representing a more elegant, implicit conclusion. In relation to the bleak, construction landscape left in the wake of the bulldozer, Polnareff's line 'est-ce pour cela que l'on te pleure ?' introduces for the first time in the song reference to a 'we', distinct from the singular 'you' that the narrator addresses. The 'othering' of this structure leads me to believe that the 'we' is comprised of individuals who reject the prescribed by society, who lament the situation and look with pity upon those wrapped up in the microcosm of business and economics, though I can't say I confidently understand this line; it's a bit beyond me, and perhaps isn't imbued with any particular symbolism. Perhaps, the person addressed in the second person is actually the grandmother herself, whose 'hands are left empty' and is being grieved, but I'm inclined to think that Polnareff meant it was the businessmen of the world (, too) who are left empty-handed when nature is destroyed. In my eyes, this is corroborated by the child-like sound of the voices on the non-lyrical vocalisation component of the chorus, creating the sense that it is the pure, uncontaminated spirits of children at one with nature who are the opponents of the men afflicted with time-poverty.</textarea> <div class="edit-reason-container"> <label><em>Reason:</em></label> <input type="text" name="editReason"> </div> <div class="actions"> <div> <button class="btn-edit-submit primary"> <i class="icon icon-loading hidden spinning fad fa-spinner"></i> <i class="icon icon-edit fal fa-edit"></i> <span class="text">Edit</span> </button> <span class="error"></span> </div> <button class="btn-edit-cancel secondary">Cancel</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="comment-footer"> <div class="comment-rating" data-rating="1" data-user="0"> <button class="btn rating lightbox " data-method="up"> <i class="far fa-chevron-up"></i> </button> <div class="value action-show-raters">+1</div> <button class="btn rating " data-method="down"> <i class="far fa-chevron-down"></i> </button> <div class="comment-rating-users"> Users: </div> </div> <a class="action-reply" href="" data-canReply="true"> <i class="icon fal fa-comments" aria-hidden="true"></i> Reply&nbsp;路&nbsp; 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