FutureStarters - ZF

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We are doing this across all relevant areas: from sustainability, electric mobility, autonomous driving, software and digitalization to Vehicle Motion Control. That’s why at ZF, the focus is on all our colleagues around the world, who bring another piece of the future to life every day. They are pushing boundaries and breaking through barriers into a brighter future for all.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-normal" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" data-video-id="0_21xii68z" data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay zfcui-color-white"> <div class="zfcsv-video-title-overlay-content "> <span class="zfcfsv-video-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-movie"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media zfctm-text-media-full-width zfctm-text-media-text-only" id="text_with_image___gallery_4_886923" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Meet the ZF FutureStarters</h2> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-copy zfcui-prometo-light"> <p>The future begins where ideas originate and grow. ZF is a company that has reinvented itself again and again over more than 100 years, from the gear factory to deep learning algorithms. At our company, a piece of the future is created every day – imagined, developed, and produced with the passion of our employees around the globe.They are the ones enabling innovations. They are the ZF FutureStarters. ZF invites you to meet them – and to discover our technologies through them! Join us on this exciting voyage into transforming the way we move!</p> </div> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Tile Teaser--> <div class="zfctt-teasers " id="tt_stories_1305070" > <div class="row zfctt-item-wrapper"> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Inga Starbatty as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Inga Starbatty as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Inga Starbatty as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Inga Starbatty as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <div class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></div> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Horsepower in her Blood </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>Inga Starbatty was practically born with a love of anything with an engine. Her father is a master mechanic, and as a child her dream job was to be one too. These were ideal prerequisites for the FutureStarter, who now works at ZF in Jeversen.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> Horsepower in her Blood </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> Inga Starbatty was practically born with a love of anything with an engine. Her father is a master mechanic, and as a child her dream job was to be one too. These were ideal prerequisites for the FutureStarter, who now works at ZF in Jeversen. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-m" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Jicheng Gong as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Jicheng Gong as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Jicheng Gong as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Jicheng Gong as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <div class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></div> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> A Place in his Heart for Computers and Cars </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>Ever since he was a child, Jicheng Gong has had a passion for cars – especially race cars. Formula 1 has always been his favorite. Accordingly, the FutureStarter realized early on that a job in the automotive industry was his dream, preferably one as an engineer or designer.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="60"> A Place in his Heart for Computers and Cars </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="400"> Ever since he was a child, Jicheng Gong has had a passion for cars – especially race cars. Formula 1 has always been his favorite. Accordingly, the FutureStarter realized early on that a job in the automotive industry was his dream, preferably one as an engineer or designer. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-s" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Dhana Kad as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Dhana Kad as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Dhana Kad as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Dhana Kad as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <div class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></div> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> A Strong Belief in Sustainability </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>Dhanashree Kad originally comes from the western Indian city of Pune. Today, she heads a global team at ZF that focuses on sustainability in e-mobility. With this role, she’s actually accomplished what she wanted to do when as a child – albeit at high speed and with remarkable dedication.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="45"> A Strong Belief in Sustainability </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> Dhanashree Kad originally comes from the western Indian city of Pune. Today, she heads a global team at ZF that focuses on sustainability in e-mobility. With this role, she’s actually accomplished what she wanted to do when as a child – albeit at high speed and with remarkable dedication. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-s" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Alexander Grupp as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Alexander Grupp as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="AI generated Image of ZF employee Alexander Grupp as a ZF FutureStarter" title="AI generated Image of ZF employee Alexander Grupp as a ZF FutureStarter" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <div class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></div> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> ZF Rescue Connect: When Every Minute Counts </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>FutureStarter Alexander Grupp has driven the “ZF Rescue Connect” project from an idea to market maturity. With the Group behind him and a lot of personal initiative, he has fulfilled a childhood dream.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="45"> ZF Rescue Connect: When Every Minute Counts </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> FutureStarter Alexander Grupp has driven the “ZF Rescue Connect” project from an idea to market maturity. With the Group behind him and a lot of personal initiative, he has fulfilled a childhood dream. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Tile Teaser--> <!--begin Single Teaser Part--> <div class="zfctt-item zfctt-teaser zfctt-teaser-s" > <a href="" target="_self" class="zfctt-item-block"> <div class="zfctt-image-wrapper"> <img class="zfctt-image" data-image-name="" data-image-1-1="" data-image-2-1="" data-image-3-2="" data-image-16-9="" alt="ZF FutureStarter Julia Weber" title="ZF FutureStarter Julia Weber" /> <img class="zfctt-mobile-image" data-src="" alt="ZF FutureStarter Julia Weber" title="ZF FutureStarter Julia Weber" /> <div class="zfctt-social-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfctt-content-social"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading"> <div class="zfctt-content-social-heading-container"> <span class="zfcui-icon zfctt-icon-social"></span> <div class="zfcui-color-grey-dark"></div> <h3 class="zfcui-color-cyan"> Transformation of Togetherness </h3> <span class="zfctt-btn-go zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r zfcui-bg-cyan"></span> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-text-social zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-color-grey-dark"> <div><div>Companies must use innovations such as artificial intelligence and digitalized processes for the transformation. But above all, according to ZF FutureStarter Julia Beck, they need to design their corporate culture in such a way that employees feel comfortable - and that their creativity and ideas are given the space they need.</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfctt-content-bg"></div> <div class="zfctt-content"> <h3 class="zfctt-headline zfcui-prometo-medium" data-text-limit="45"> Transformation of Togetherness </h3> <div class="zfctt-text zfcui-prometo-light" data-text-limit="210"> Companies must use innovations such as artificial intelligence and digitalized processes for the transformation. But above all, according to ZF FutureStarter Julia Beck, they need to design their corporate culture in such a way that employees feel comfortable - and that their creativity and ideas are given the space they need. </div> </div> </a> </div> <!--end Single Teaser Part--> <!--end Single Tile Teaser--> </div> </div> <!--end Tile Teaser--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="sw_categories_white_1311038"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --><!-- Begin link / anchor navigation --> <!-- begin anchor_nav_part --> <div class="zfcan-anchor-navigation" id="c_1244565"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcan-anchor-border"></div> <div class="zfcan-anchor-list not-default"> <div class="zfcan-anchor-item"> <a class="zfcui-prometo-medium" href="?pageLink=tm_emob_intro_1305072" data-target="tm_emob_intro_1305072">E-Mobility</a> </div> <div class="zfcan-anchor-item"> <a class="zfcui-prometo-medium" href="?pageLink=tm_vmc_intro_1311904" data-target="tm_vmc_intro_1311904">Vehicle Motion Control</a> </div> <div class="zfcan-anchor-item"> <a class="zfcui-prometo-medium" href="?pageLink=tm_ad_intro_1311908" data-target="tm_ad_intro_1311908">Automated Driving</a> </div> <div class="zfcan-anchor-item"> <a class="zfcui-prometo-medium" href="?pageLink=tm_digitalization_intro_1311912" data-target="tm_digitalization_intro_1311912">Digitalization & Software</a> </div> <div class="zfcan-anchor-item"> <a class="zfcui-prometo-medium" href="?pageLink=tm_sustainability_intro_1311042" data-target="tm_sustainability_intro_1311042">Sustainability</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end anchor_nav_part --> <!-- End link / anchor navigation --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_emob_intro_1305072" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Electric Mobility</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium ">The future of mobility is electric. That’s why ZF has been working on this for decades. Today, ZF offers nearly all the components needed for electric vehicle powertrains – from the e-motor to the software.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="E-Mobility @ ZF" data-src="" > </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " id="divider_3_1063101"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser zfcgac-slider" id="gallery_e_mob_1311039" data-custom-mobile-swipe > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="3" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Alexander Thum as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Maritime Electrification for the E-Volution at Sea</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Electronics and mechanics – ZF FutureStarter Alexander Thum has always been fascinated by this mix. It’s no wonder, then, that these areas play a part in his professional life as a trained mechatronics and mechanical engineer. But not in the automotive sector, as you might expect for someone working at ZF – rather, in the shipping industry.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Antonio Uscanga as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Engineering Perfectly Balanced</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>In four fast-paced years at ZF, Antonio Uscanga&#39;s roles and responsibilities have evolved and changed. As a FutureStarter, he wants to inspire others to get involved in the industry transition to electrified mobility.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Denis Belacek as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">E-Mobility and the "Petrol Head": a Perfect Match</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>&#34;I see myself as a kind of bus driver,&#34; says Denis Belacek. &#34;Because I make sure everyone is on board and gets where they need to go on time.&#34; He has been Technical Project Manager in ZF&#39;s Slovakian Research and Development team in Trnava since 2022 and is currently responsible for e-mobility projects.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Patrick Roesch as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Switching From Car to Bike</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Patrik Rösch is to be envied - he turned his hobby into a profession at ZF. At Eurobike, the passionate cyclist and industrial engineer, along with his team, are presenting a newly designed drive system for e-bikes. Some déjà vu: six years ago at the same trade fair, his career had already taken an unexpected turn.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="sw_ntemob_full_1244189"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!-- begin Next_Teaser --> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper " > <a class="zfcnt-wrapper-content row" href="" target='_self' id="nt_e_mob_1244190"> <div class="zfcnt-inner-wrapper"> <div class="zfcnt-image-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-image"> <img class="zfcnt-image" src="" data-src="" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/> </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-next-label zfcnt-wrapper-content-custom-label zfcui-prometo-medium"> Read more about </div> <div class="zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-link-title"> Electric Mobility @ ZF </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-button zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r"> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end Next_Teaser --><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="sw_vmc_white_1311903"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_vmc_intro_1311904" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Vehicle Motion Control</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium ">The chassis is the basis of mobility on wheels; driving dynamics, safety and comfort are combined here. ZF ensures that drive, steering and braking impulses are always implemented in the best possible way.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " id="divider_7_1311905"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser zfcgac-slider" id="gallery_vmc_1311906" data-custom-mobile-swipe > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="3" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Miriam Beck as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Perfection Behind the Scenes</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Miriam Beck has experienced a paradigm shift during her 16 years with ZF. When she excels at her job, the end customer is completely unaware of her existence: Miriam Beck is working on the chassis of the future. The key ingredients are functional data and the collaboration of colleagues from other teams. The result: cubiX.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Abhilash Ramakrishnan as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Passion Turned Into a Profession</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Abhilash Ramakrishnan, Chief Engineer Software for Brake Controls at ZF CVS, is delighted to see the role of electronics becoming more focused on the need for safety-critical systems.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Dhananjay Gaikwad as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Narrow Roads, Heavy Traffic, and Smart Solutions</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>He knows the characteristics of mobility in India particularly well: Dhananjay Gaikwad frequently travels from the ZF Head Office in Pune to development centers of car manufacturers in Mumbai. The Senior Sales Manager at ZF considers himself a FutureStarter because he thinks of solutions for almost all local aspects of Next Generation Mobility.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Henry Zhang as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Transformation in a Roundabout Way</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>ZF FutureStarter Henry Zhang is proud of his employer. For him, ZF&#39;s innovative technology will help Chinese car manufacturers to become increasingly competitive.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Xinzheng Wu as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Detours to the Destination</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Make no mistake, real car guys still exist – even among the ZF FutureStarters. Xinzheng Wu, also known as William by international classmates and colleagues, belongs to this species.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="sw_nt_vmc_full_1263968"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!-- begin Next_Teaser --> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper " > <a class="zfcnt-wrapper-content row" href="" target='_self' id="nt_vmc_1263969"> <div class="zfcnt-inner-wrapper"> <div class="zfcnt-image-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-image"> <img class="zfcnt-image" src="" data-src="" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/> </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-next-label zfcnt-wrapper-content-custom-label zfcui-prometo-medium"> Read more about </div> <div class="zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-link-title"> Vehicle Motion Control @ ZF </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-button zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r"> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end Next_Teaser --><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="sw_ad_intro_1311907"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_ad_intro_1311908" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Automated Driving</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium ">From technology to testing to future trends: Read here how ZF is designing automated driving for cars, commercial vehicles, or other vehicles.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " id="divider_8_1311909"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser zfcgac-slider" id="gallery_ad_1_1311910" data-custom-mobile-swipe > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="3" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Inga Starbatty as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Horsepower in her Blood</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Inga Starbatty was practically born with a love of anything with an engine. Her father is a master mechanic, and as a child her dream job was to be one too. These were ideal prerequisites for the FutureStarter, who now works at ZF in Jeversen.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Read more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Preet Gill as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Going Your Own Way and Creating Value</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>FutureStarter Preet Gill did not plan on having a career in the automotive industry. However, he now works for ZF in Detroit as the Head of Sustainability and Digitalization in the Electronics and ADAS Division, and he has never felt restricted or confined to certain sectors.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Amanda Mohan as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Work That Protects Your Family</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>It was already clear to Amanda Mohan that she wanted to become an electronics engineer when she was just eleven years old. However, it was only in her 13 years at ZF that she realized she could help prevent accidents or protect accident victims from serious injury.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Matthias Loeffler as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Shape the Future of Mobility Yourself</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Matthias Löffler, Head of Strategy, Portfolio &amp; Business Development Connectivity at ZF, feels in exactly the right place. Because at a system supplier like ZF, technologies for the mobility of tomorrow are developed, programmed and constructed in-house. Perfect for him.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="sw_nt_ad_full_1264193"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!-- begin Next_Teaser --> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper " > <a class="zfcnt-wrapper-content row" href="" target='_self' id="nt_ad_1264194"> <div class="zfcnt-inner-wrapper"> <div class="zfcnt-image-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-image"> <img class="zfcnt-image" src="" data-src="" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/> </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-next-label zfcnt-wrapper-content-custom-label zfcui-prometo-medium"> Read more about </div> <div class="zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-link-title"> Automated Driving @ ZF </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-button zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r"> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end Next_Teaser --><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="sw_digitalization_white_1_1311911"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_digitalization_intro_1311912" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Digitalization & Software</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium ">Data forms the basis for the mobility of the future. Hardware, software and networking become crucial. Our experts develop their own supercomputers and solutions at the highest level.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <div class="zfcci-image-container" > <div class="zfcci-image-wrapper zfcui-aspect-3-2"> <span class="zfcci-image-copyright"></span> <img alt="" data-src="" aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="zfcci-image-caption zfc-width-100"> <span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " id="divider_9_1311913"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser zfcgac-slider" id="gallery_digitalization_1_1311914" data-custom-mobile-swipe > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="3" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Alexander Grupp as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">ZF Rescue Connect: When Every Minute Counts</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>FutureStarter Alexander Grupp has driven the “ZF Rescue Connect” project from an idea to market maturity. With the Group behind him and a lot of personal initiative, he has fulfilled a childhood dream.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Manuela Sodinca as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Software Makes the Difference</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Working as a software developer at one of the world’s largest automotive suppliers is diverse, exciting and always on the cutting edge. That’s what Manuela Sodinca, Cross Divisional Test Manager at ZF, reports.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Joe Ferro as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">The “Fleet Whisperer”</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Joe Ferro, IoT product manager SCALAR, is sort of a “fleet whisperer” at ZF in the US – and a real #FutureStarter.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Alan Dittrich as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Pioneering Work That Never Ends</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Alan Dittrich could be described as a ZF native talent – one with start-up spirit, to be exact. Since starting his career, he has used every opportunity to further develop himself as well as the ZF portfolio.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Jincheng Gong as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">A Place in his Heart for Computers and Cars</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Ever since he was a child, Jicheng Gong has had a passion for cars – especially race cars. Formula 1 has always been his favorite. Accordingly, the FutureStarter realized early on that a job in the automotive industry was his dream, preferably one as an engineer or designer.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Rene Deist as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">FutureStarter with Passion</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>René Deist considers himself to be a FutureStarter: The Senior Vice President International Digitalization drives digitalization forward and makes sure ZF is fit for the future. He has a clear vision of how value creation can be increased: by introducing modern processes and utilizing the potential of generative artificial intelligence.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Sebastian Grimm as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Mission Innovation: the Boss in the Ideas lab</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Sebastian Grimm&#39;s role as FutureStarter is reflected in his job as Head of Innovation Lab, where he deals with the future on a daily basis. His mission: to discover and develop new things.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Deevakar Kuppuswamy as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Digital Twin: The Future Inside the Computer</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>FutureStarter Deevakar Kuppuswamy is impressed by the speed with which ZF is implementing Next Generation Mobility. Together with his team, he is reducing the development times of new transmissions or electric motors by up to half thanks to simulations, virtual approvals and digital twins.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Marta Stala as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Getting Artificial Intelligence on the Road Faster</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Marta Stala is working on platforms for the development and integration of generative artificial intelligence. Her work is helping develop even faster ZF products that are laying the foundation for the autonomous driving. The physicist is enthusiastic about the numerous opportunities that open up for her as a FutureStarter at ZF.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Andrzej Trzepiecinski as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Using Algorithms to Eliminate Traffic Accidents</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Heading up an eight-person team of algorithm developers while completing a Master&#39;s degree in Management Studies? Andrzej Trzepiecinski could never have imagined it when he first started studying mechatronics. Now he feels like a FutureStarter because he’s working on a world in which traffic accidents can finally be called a thing of the past.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey " id="sw_nt_digitalization_full_1264334"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!-- begin Next_Teaser --> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper " > <a class="zfcnt-wrapper-content row" href="" target='_self' id="nt_digitalization_1264335"> <div class="zfcnt-inner-wrapper"> <div class="zfcnt-image-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-image"> <img class="zfcnt-image" src="" data-src="" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/> </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-container"> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-next-label zfcnt-wrapper-content-custom-label zfcui-prometo-medium"> Read more about </div> <div class="zfc-title zfcui-prometo-medium zfcnt-wrapper-content-description-link-title"> Digitalization & Software @ ZF </div> </div> <div class="zfcnt-wrapper-content-button zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r"> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end Next_Teaser --><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-white " id="sw_sustainability_white_1311041"> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper-content zfc-wrapper-content"> <!-- end section_wrapper_part --> <!-- end section_wrapper --> <!--begin Text with image + gallery--> <div class="zfctm-text-media" id="tm_sustainability_intro_1311042" > <div class="row"> <div class="zfctm-text-media-heading-wrapper"> <div class="zfctm-headline"> <h2 class="zfctm-headline-text zfcui-prometo-medium">Sustainability</h2> </div> <h3 class="zfctm-subline-text zfcui-prometo-medium ">Sustainability is an integral part of ZF Group strategy. Its targets include complete climate neutrality by 2040. However, sustainability means far more to us than climate protection. In addition to climate and nature, we focus on the dimensions of people and lasting values.</h3> </div> <div class="zfctm-text-media-content-wrapper"> <!--begin Video--> <!-- begin video_part --> <div class="zfcfsv-full-size-video zfcfsv-video-autoplay-muted" > <div class="zfcfsv-video-wrapper null zfcfsv-crop- "> <span class="zfcfsv-image-copyright"></span> <data-video data-id="auto" class="zfcfsv-landing-video video-js" width="100%" autoplay="autoplay" data-video-id="0_xjzf5e92" muted data-account="665003325001" data-player="179hai48L" data-embed="default" controls="" > </data-video> </div> </div> <!-- end video part --> <!--end Video--> </div> </div> </div> <!--end Text with image + gallery--><!--begin Divider--> <!--begin divider_part--> <div class="zfc-separator " id="divider_5_1264336"> <span class="zfc-dotted-line zfcui-prometo-light zfc-dotted-no-title zfc-dotted-line-inherit zfcui-color-inherit"></span> </div> <!--end divider_part--> <!--end Divider--><!--begin Gallery--> <!--begin gallery_part--> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-alternative-component zfcgac-gallery-teaser zfcgac-slider" id="gallery_sustainability_1_1311902" data-custom-mobile-swipe > <div class="zfcgac-show-page zfc-show-page-container"> <div class="zfcgac-gallery-item-wrapper zfc-gallery-item-wrapper zfcgac-gallery-teaser-item" data-slide-count="3" data-lightbox-disabled> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Dhana Kad as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">A Strong Belief in Sustainability: the Secret of Success</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Dhanashree Kad originally comes from the western Indian city of Pune. Today, she heads a global team at ZF that focuses on sustainability in e-mobility. With this role, she’s actually accomplished what she wanted to do when as a child – albeit at high speed and with remarkable dedication.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Wim Geens as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Lord of the Winds</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>If it weren’t for Wim Geens’ work, his customers could face massive costs. When wind turbines stop, no electricity is generated and costs just explode. By 2050, electricity will be the main source for fuel and cover more than 50 percent of the world&#39;s entire energy demand.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Julia Weber as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Transformation of Togetherness</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>Companies must use innovations such as artificial intelligence and digitalized processes for the transformation. But above all, according to ZF FutureStarter Julia Beck, they need to design their corporate culture in such a way that employees feel comfortable - and that their creativity and ideas are given the space they need.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Sasikala Sam as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Sustainable out of Passion</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>For FutureStarter Sasikala Sam, the path was mapped out early on. Safety and environmental protection were already on her agenda when hardly anyone was talking about sustainability. Today, she is responsible for Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) at ZF in India.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-item zfc-slider-item " data-video=""> <div class="zfcgac-item-wrapper"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-row"> <div class="zfcgac-copyright-text"> &nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="zfcgac-image-row zfc-media-container"> <span class="zfcgac-lightbox-item-anchor" > <img data-src="" alt="ZF employee Friederike Kraus as a ZF FutureStarter" /> </span> </div> <div class="zfcgac-text-container"> <div class="zfcgac-text-headline zfcui-prometo-medium">Looking Ahead: An Aftermarket Strategist</div> <div class="zfcgac-text-copy zfc-copy"><p>ZF FutureStarter Friederike Kraus always has to think a few years ahead. Because at ZF Aftermarket she takes care of the topic strategy - and therefore everything in the context of future spare parts supply and repairs. The business economist has been working at ZF in Division B for two years and hasn&#39;t regretted it for a second.</p></div> <div class="zfcgac-text-link"> <!-- begin button_part --> <div class="zfcui-prometo-medium zfcui-btn-wrapper" > <a href="" target="_self" role="button" > <div class="zfcui-btn zfcui-btn-link" role="button"> <span class="zfcui-btn-label zfcui-btn-label-wi"> <span data-text-limit="22" > Learn more </span> <span class="zfcui-btn-icon zfcui-icon zfcui-icon-arrow-big-thin-r" ></span> </span> </div> </a> </div> <!-- end button part --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper"> <div class="zfc-wrapper-content"> <div class="zfcgac-dot-navigation"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zfgac-lightbox-overlay"></div> </div> <!--end gallery_part--> <!--end Gallery--><!-- begin section_wrapper --> </div> </div> <!-- begin section_wrapper_part --> <div class="zfcsw-wrapper zfcsw-wrapper-grey zfcsw-wrapper-small " id="sw_ntsustainability_full_1244563"> 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