NASA GISS: Events: Meetings, Workshops, Seminars, and Colloquia

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Please consult with the event <a href="">host/contact</a> for connection details if you wish to remotely join any event marked as "<span class="virtual">Virtual</span>" or "<span class="virtual">Hybrid</span>".</p> </p> <p class="ednote"> This event listing was last updated 2025-02-19. All times shown are New York City local.</p> <hr style="width:50%" /> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 18, 2025</b></dt> <dd>9 a.m. to 5 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting</b></dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107075)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Brian Cairns</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107075" class="abstract"><p>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Brian Cairns for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> NASA PACE. mission Validation Science Team meeting and PACE-PAX field campaign meeting <br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107075)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107075" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107075)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 19, 2025</b></dt> <dd>9 a.m. to 5 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting</b></dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107076)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Brian Cairns</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107076" class="abstract"><p>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Brian Cairns for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> NASA PACE. mission Validation Science Team meeting and PACE-PAX field campaign meeting <br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107076)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107076" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107076)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 19, 2025</b></dt> <dd>11 a.m. to 12 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>IRI Climate Forecast Briefing</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Andrew W. Robertson</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 19, 2025</b></dt> <dd>1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>GISS Lunch Seminar</b></dd> <dd>Topic: <i>Influence of resolved topography on model biases in E2.1 and E3</i></dd> <dd>Speaker: Dervla Meegan-Kumar (UC Irvine)</dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107205)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107205" class="abstract"><p>GISS Lunch Seminar<br /> Speaker: Dervla Meegan-Kumar (UC Irvine)<br />Title: Influence of resolved topography on model biases in E2.1 and E3<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> Mountains shape climatology through their interactions with low-level flow. The averaging of Earth&#39;s surface height onto coarse-resolution model grids may limit models&#39; ability to fully capture the impact of orographic blocking on circulation, however, as this often leads to unrealistically low mountain heights. I explore the sensitivity of model biases in E2.1 and E3 to resolved topography in suite of idealized experiments forced with modified surface height boundary conditions. In the first set of simulations, I implement envelope topography (calculated as the mean plus 1&Iuml;&#131; variance of sub-grid-scale topography) over Central and South America in the fully-coupled E2.1 model to evaluate the role of orographic blocking by these ranges on common model biases, including the double-ITCZ and the dipole in precipitation biases over South America (i.e. too-wet Andes and too-dry Amazon). Next, I test the impact of applying grid-cell maximum topography over North and Central America on the North American Monsoon in the atmosphere-only E3. While the topographic modifications improve some aspects of the model circulation in both experiments, the effect of the improved circulation is likely confounded by other model limitations, such as the simulation of stratocumulus clouds in the south Pacific in E2.1 or the representation of the narrow Gulf of California. The results highlight the importance of accurately representing orography in GCMs and that alternate methods of calculating surface height boundary conditions should be considered in model development, however, the optimal interpolation scheme will vary depending on model resolution and the impact of topography on model biases may be limited if the model is overly sensitive to other parameterizations. <br /><br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107205)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107205" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107205)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 20, 2025</b></dt> <dd>9 a.m. to 5 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting</b></dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107077)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Brian Cairns</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107077" class="abstract"><p>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Brian Cairns for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> NASA PACE. mission Validation Science Team meeting and PACE-PAX field campaign meeting <br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107077)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107077" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107077)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 21, 2025</b></dt> <dd>9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting</b></dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107078)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Brian Cairns</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107078" class="abstract"><p>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Brian Cairns for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> NASA PACE. mission Validation Science Team meeting and PACE-PAX field campaign meeting <br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107078)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107078" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107078)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 21, 2025</b></dt> <dd>3 p.m. to 5 p.m.</dd> <dd><b>GISS Poster Party</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Priscilla De Leon</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>February 26, 2025</b></dt> <dd>1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>GISS Lunch Seminar</b></dd> <dd>Topic: <i>The isotopic fingerprint of the atmospheric circulation in ice cores in Polar Regions</i></dd> <dd>Speaker: Mathieu Casado (LSCE)</dd> <dd>More info: <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showAbs(107248)"><b>Abstract</b></a></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi</dd> </dl> <div id="abst107248" class="abstract"><p>GISS Lunch Seminar<br /> Speaker: Mathieu Casado (LSCE)<br />Title: The isotopic fingerprint of the atmospheric circulation in ice cores in Polar Regions<br /> </p><hr /> <p>This is a hybrid presentation, presented both in-person and on-line. Please consult with event host Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi for connection details if you wish to virtually attend.</p><hr /> <p>Abstract:<br /> Water isotopic composition in ice core records is classically interpreted as a temperature proxy. In fact, the isotopic composition integrates the whole hydrological cycle, leading to a proxy signal recorded by ice cores different the local climatic variations. Here, I will be introducing a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to the interpretation of the isotopic signal, combining long term observations of vapour, precipitation and surface snow isotopic and isotope-enabled General Circulation Modelling tools. Ongoing work will use a wide range of numerical methods to evaluate physically-based estimates of the isotopic paleothermometer, i.e. the slope between isotopes and temperature, or detect the signature of climate change in Antarctica. <br /><br /></p> <hr /><p style="text-align:center">[ <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="hideAbs(107248)">Close</a> ]</p></div><!-- end abst --> <div id="fade107248" class="fade" onclick="hideAbs(107248)"></div> <dl class="event"><dt><b>March 5, 2025</b></dt> <dd>1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>GISS Lunch Seminar</b></dd> <dd>Speaker: Arman Pouyaei (Princeton Univ)</dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>March 19, 2025</b></dt> <dd>11 a.m. to 12 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>IRI Climate Forecast Briefing</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Andrew W. Robertson</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>March 19, 2025</b></dt> <dd>1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>GISS Lunch Seminar</b></dd> <dd>Speaker: Mark Miller (Rutgers Univ.)</dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>March 26, 2025</b></dt> <dd>1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>GISS Lunch Seminar</b></dd> <dd>Speaker: Alex Gonzalez (WHOI)</dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>April 16, 2025</b></dt> <dd>11 a.m. to 12 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>IRI Climate Forecast Briefing</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Andrew W. Robertson</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 5, 2025</b></dt> <dd>8 a.m. to 6 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>Extreme Events in Climate</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Anastasia Romanou</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 6, 2025</b></dt> <dd>8 a.m. to 6 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>Extreme Events in Climate</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Anastasia Romanou</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 7, 2025</b></dt> <dd>8 a.m. to 6 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>Extreme Events in Climate</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Anastasia Romanou</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 8, 2025</b></dt> <dd>8 a.m. to 6 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>Extreme Events in Climate</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Anastasia Romanou</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 9, 2025</b></dt> <dd>8 a.m. to 6 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>Extreme Events in Climate</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Anastasia Romanou</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>May 21, 2025</b></dt> <dd>11 a.m. to 12 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>IRI Climate Forecast Briefing</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Andrew W. Robertson</dd> </dl> <dl class="event"><dt><b>June 18, 2025</b></dt> <dd>11 a.m. to 12 p.m.&mdash; <span class="virtual">Hybrid</span></dd> <dd><b>IRI Climate Forecast Briefing</b></dd> <dd>Host/Contact: Andrew W. Robertson</dd> </dl> </div><!-- end col1b --> </div><!-- end col1a --> <div class="col2a"> <div class="col2b"> <h3 class="bhed">Meetings and Workshops</h3> <p> Forthcoming meetings, workshops, and other special events that will be hosted by GISS staff include the following:</p> <h4>PACE Validation Science Team Meeting</h4> <p>Feb. 18-21, 2025. For information, contact <a href="">Brian Cairns</a>.</p> <h4>Extreme Events in Climate</h4> <p>May 5-9, 2025. For information, contact <a href="">Anastasia Romanou</a>.</p> <!-- <p>There are no workshops, conferences, or other special events (co-)organized by NASA/GISS staff currently announced.</p> --> <div class="quicklinks"> <p>+ <a href="past.html">Past Meeting &amp; Workshop Reports</a></p> </div> </div><!-- end col2b --> <div class="col2b"> <h2>Seminars and Colloquia</h2> <p>Informal <a href="lunch"/><b>Lunch Seminars</b></a> usually take place at GISS on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. two or three times per month, mostly during the academic year. These events are usually "hybrid", i.e., they are presented in person at GISS but may be attended remotely by obtaining connection details from the event host.</p> <p><b>ROCKE-3D Seminars</b> discussing exoplanetary studies are held from time to time, sometimes "hybrid" and sometimes "virtual".</p> <p>GISS staff also organize a series of <b>Sea Level Rise Seminars</b> on Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m., with presentations by scientists from numerous research institutions. This seminar is almost always "virtual" and occurs two or three times per month, year-round.</p> <p>Other special seminars may occur depending on the schedules of visiting scientists.</p> <p>Videos of past seminars and other presentations, including some tutorials, may be found on the <a href=""><b>GISS YouTube channel</b></a>.</p> </div> </div><!-- end col2a --> <div class="col1a"> <div class="col1b"> <h3 class="bhed">Security Note</h3 class="bhed"> <p>Federal regulations require that visitors to NASA/GISS arrange in advance for a building pass. Persons planning to attend a GISS seminar or colloquium held on-site at the institute should contact the event host several days in advance of the event for assistance. </p> <p>Persons who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents and who may be planning a visit to GISS require that special arrangements be made. Please co-ordinate with your GISS host on this at least three weeks before your visit.</p> <p>Due to implementation of the <a href="">REAL ID Act (2005)</a>, a passport, state driver's license or state identification card is required for admittance to the GISS premises, which is considered a federal facility. Please note that we expect that in May 2025 a state-issued license or ID will need to be <a href="">REAL-ID compliant</a> in order to be accepted. </p> <p>All visitors can expect to have their bags searched upon entry to GISS. This may include having to answer questions about personal items, including any medication the visitor may be carrying.</p> </div> </div><!-- end col1a --> </div><!-- end content --> <div id="nav"><h3>Site Menu</h3> <ul id="mnav"> <li><a href="">GISS Home</a></li> <li><a href="">News &amp; Features</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">News &amp; Features Overview</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">Projects &amp; Groups</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Projects Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">Astrobiology &amp; ROCKE-3D</a></li> <li><a href="">CASI</a></li> <li><a href="">Climate Impacts</a></li> <li><a href="">Climate Modeling</a></li> <li><a href="">IRI Forecasts</a></li> <li><a href="">ISCCP</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">Datasets</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Datasets Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">GISTEMP Surface Temperature</a></li> <li><a href="">Model E Simulations</a></li> <li><a href="">Model Forcings</a></li> <li><a href="">ROCKE-3D Simulations</a></li> <li><a href="">ISCCP Data Products</a></li> <li><a href="">GACP Data Products</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">Publications</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Publications Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">2025 Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">2024 Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">2023 Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">2022 Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">2021 Publications</a></li> <li><a href="">Accepted &amp; In Press</a></li> <li><a href="">Author Bibliographies</a></li> <li><a href="">Annual Best</a></li> <li><a href="">Most Cited</a></li> <li><a href="">Dissertations</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">Software</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Software Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">GCM Model E</a></li> <li><a href="">Panoply Data Viewer</a></li> <li><a href="">G.Projector</a></li> <li><a href="">Mars24 Sunclock</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">Education</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Education Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">Internships</a></li> <li><a href="">CCRI STEM Engagement</a></li> <li><a href="">Graduate Study</a></li> <li><a href="">Postdoc Research</a></li> <li><a href="">STEM Curriculum Modules</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li><li class="sel"><a href="">Events</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">Events Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">Lunch Seminars</a></li> <li><a href="">Past Special Events</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li> <li><a href="">About GISS</a> <ul class="mnav2"> <li><a href="">About GISS</a></li> <li><a href="">Management Staff</a></li> <li><a href="">Personnel Directory</a></li> <li><a href="">Visitors' Info</a></li> <li><a href="">Employment</a></li></ul><!-- end mnav2 --></li></ul><!-- end mnav --></div><!-- end nav --> <div id="endpaper"></div></div><!-- end paper --> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerlogo"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration" style="width:140px;height:98px" /></a></div><!-- end footerlogo --> <div id="footersig"><a href="" class="imageLink"><img src="" alt="Goddard Space Flight Center" style="width:172px;height:68px" /></a></div><!-- end footersig --> <div id="footerinfo"> <p>Page updated: Feb 19, 2025</p> <p>Website Curator: <a href=""> Robert B. Schmunk</a> &mdash; NASA Official: <a href=""> Gavin A. Schmidt</a></p> <p><a href="">Contact GISS</a> &mdash; <a href="">NASA Privacy Policy</a> &mdash; <a href="">Accessibility</a></p></div><!-- end footerinfo --></div><!-- end footer --></div><!-- end page --></body> </html>

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