The language predicament in multilingual universities

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botmar12"><b><a href="" style="white-space: nowrap">Wondwosen Tamrat</a></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="white-space: nowrap">17 October 2024</span></div> <div style="height:39px"><script src="" type="text/javascript">lang: en_US</script> <div style="float:left;margin-right:8px"><script type="IN/Share" data-url=""></script></div><div style="float:left;margin-right:8px"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-show-count="true">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></div><iframe src="" width="106" height="28" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></div> Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic country in which about 80 languages are spoken across the nation. Since the establishment of the transitional government in 1994, which led to an ethnically federated country, fundamental changes have occurred in the language policies and practices in the country.<br /> <br /> Some of the changes have been accompanied by positive outcomes, such as the increasing use of local languages in various dimensions of political and social life. Another advantage has been the promotion of local languages and their use in schools, especially at the lower levels.<br /> <br /> Nevertheless, the changes are also posing challenges at the higher level of education owing to the limited availability of polyglots and the lack of the citizenry’s mastery of a single national language that can serve as a common language for all ethnic groups.<br /> <br /> This is compounded by the diminishing role given to the relative position of Amharic, which used to serve as a common language of communication across the country.<br /> <br /> The relative de-emphasis on the teaching of Amharic and the lack of knowledge of more than one language is gradually depriving children and the youth of a common language and the sense of national unity that is often developed in this way.<br /> <br /> <b>Challenges at multilingual universities</b><br /> <br /> Universities in the Global South (and even North) are increasingly faced with language challenges which are mainly driven by the increased cultural and linguistic diversification of their staff and student populations.<br /> <br /> This has led to the emergence of the ‘multilingual university’ – the implication being that contemporary universities are turned into sites of linguistic diversity and contestation. Responding to these challenges is also high on the agenda in academic circles as expressed through intermittent calls for decolonisation, inclusivity, diversity and equality.<br /> <br /> It appears that Ethiopia has moved to this categorisation, given its language policy and the teaching of languages in schools.<br /> <br /> Over the past 30 years, university students have been facing numerous challenges when they move out of their region and join public universities located in different parts of the country.<br /> <br /> Among others, many point out the lack of a common medium of communication that inhibits learning and discourages social cohesion.<br /> <br /> Consequently, the communication between instructors and students and among students, themselves, is increasingly getting difficult for lack of a common language in which they can interact.<br /> <br /> Even though English is a medium of instruction at the tertiary level, many instructors complain that students’ poor mastery of the language inhibits communication and understanding of classroom lessons and out-of-class communication.<br /> <br /> This may continue as a challenge, given the current shift towards more than one official language and with no clear plans for addressing the need to have a common means of communication for the youth.<br /> <br /> <b>A language for countrywide communication</b><br /> <br /> In 1994, the Ethiopian Constitution downgraded Amharic from its former official language position to a working language.<br /> <br /> Nonetheless, the fact that the 1994 Constitution designated Amharic as the working language of the federal government, while providing equal recognition to all Ethiopian languages, was still regarded as recognition of the need for a common language among different ethnic groups.<br /> <br /> Another important development has been the change of policy with regard to the role of local languages in the schools. The following directions were set for schools in the 1994 Education and Training Policy (ETP):<br /> <br /> • The provision of primary education in nationality languages (spoken by specific ethnic groups);<br /> <br /> • The right of ‘nations and nationalities’ either to learn in their own language or to choose another language based on national and countrywide distribution;<br /> <br /> • The use of the nationality language spoken in each geographical area as the language of teacher training for kindergarten and primary education;<br /> <br /> • The teaching of Amharic as a language of countrywide communication;<br /> <br /> • The use of English as the medium of instruction for secondary and higher education;<br /> <br /> • Giving students a choice to learn at least one nationality language and one foreign language for cultural and international relations; and<br /> <br /> • Teaching English as a subject starting from grade 1.<br /> <br /> Given the nature of this multilingual policy and its implications, many felt the progressive changes made would equally address the rights of children to learn in their own mother tongue without, at the same time, losing the need for having a language of countrywide communication.<br /> <br /> In its policy directions, ETP 1994 recognised the need for taking the necessary steps to strengthen language teaching at all levels and the role of teacher training in implementing the policy. However, implementations over the past three decades indicate that this promise has not materialised, and students are found to be quite weak in all areas of language learning.<br /> <br /> Several studies consistently revealed that primary school children in Ethiopia have serious language problems and lack basic skills in all languages. This includes students’ mother tongue, which is a medium of instruction at the lower levels, Amharic which is the federal working language and English which is considered as the language of international relations.<br /> <br /> Although teaching in children’s mother tongue continues to draw positive responses, there is a serious concern across society about the poor level of achievement attained and the lack of a common medium of communication which is needed for the purposes of mobility and national unity as well as a national identity.<br /> <br /> <b>The 2018 Education Roadmap</b><br /> <br /> The 2018 Ethiopian Education Roadmap, which took up the language issue as an important area of educational reform, offers a series of suggestions to address the language challenges the system has been experiencing.<br /> <br /> The map suggested the following in the interest of enhancing language education through the use of mother tongue education, a federal working language and an international language:<br /> <br /> • In the primary education system (grades 1-6), children’s speaking, reading and writing skills need to be given due attention and strengthened. Accordingly, start mother tongue as a medium of instruction from grade 1; start English as a subject from grade 1 (where, in fact, the focus should be on oral or spoken and listening aspects – until grade 3); and start Amharic (federal working language) as a subject from grade 1.<br /> <br /> • Introduce bilingual education (mother tongue plus one more language based on the preference of the child or parent) to strengthen unity in diversity.<br /> <br /> • Revisit and strengthen language education (mother tongue as a medium of instruction in primary school, Amharic as a federal working language and English as a medium of instruction as of grade 7) at teacher education colleges.<br /> <br /> • Introduce a proficiency strategy (developing resource materials, promoting communication skills, introducing language labs etc) to promote language education.<br /> <br /> • Train language education teachers in the teacher education colleges in the language they are expected to teach at school.<br /> <br /> The Education Roadmap appears to follow in the footsteps of the ETP and seeks to combine the need for strengthening multilingual education with languages for countrywide and international communication in mind.<br /> <br /> The map further emphasises the need for relying on teacher capability for meaningful implementation of the scheme, since it calls for measures that strengthen teacher education and training.<br /> <br /> <b>From a working language to several official languages</b><br /> <br /> A recent announcement of an additional list of official languages by the government appears to further complicate the matter and challenge the place of Amharic, which was singularly picked as countrywide communication.<br /> <br /> It is not clear how the choice has been made, but, in addition to Amharic, four additional languages have been chosen as official languages of the country: Afar, Oromiffa, Somali and Tigrigna.<br /> <br /> Notwithstanding the lack of clarity between ‘official’ and ‘working’ language, the new declaration is made despite the fact that the constitution still states Amharic as the only working language of the country.<br /> <br /> <b>Revised education policy</b><br /> <br /> The revised Education and Training Policy of 2022 endorses the more than one official language direction recently announced, in addition to the three-language policy direction previously envisaged by the ETP 1994 and the 2018 Roadmap.<br /> <br /> If the new direction is proposed to give the five languages an equal status in the official, cultural and family life of the society, this will be the first time Ethiopia will be moving from what is often called horizontal multilingualism (when one language assumes official status in a country, as in Tanzania) to diagonal multilingualism (where many languages assume the role of official status, as in Canada).<br /> <br /> According to the revised policy, a local language will be given both as a subject and a medium of instruction starting from kindergarten, but the decision with regard to the level at which teaching in the local language is to be stopped is left for regional governments.<br /> <br /> Against the previous direction of maintaining Amharic as a countrywide means of communication, one national language out of the five official languages is suggested to be selected for teaching based on parent’s or students’ choice. The language chosen will be offered from grade 3 to grade 10.<br /> <br /> English will be given as a subject from grade 1, but the grade at which it begins to serve as a medium of instruction is left to regional authorities. However, it will serve as the compulsory medium of instruction starting from grade 9 in all schools and regions. One additional foreign language shall also be offered as an elective from grade 9 onwards.<br /> <br /> <b>The need for clear direction</b><br /> <br /> The persistent change in language policy in education will continue to affect the manner in which education is offered at the lower and tertiary levels in Ethiopia and in creating the needed social cohesion within the society.<br /> <br /> While implementation failures have derailed the success of previous policies, very little has been discussed about the implications of the new direction and what it might entail in the form of benefits and challenges.<br /> <br /> Notwithstanding political contestations that appear to be common manifestations in the language choices of multilingual countries, Ethiopia needs to develop a pragmatic policy which facilitates its nation-building process through the choice of a language or languages that promote national unity and communication among the youth.<br /> <br /> Far beyond identifying languages for this purpose, mechanisms should be sought to determine how such languages meet the purposes for which they are chosen and the manner in which such choices will be translated into meaningful and implementable actions.<br /> <br /> While Ethiopia’s effort to recognise multilingualism in the context of its educational environment is unavoidable, the apparent neglect to develop a language or languages of integration is detrimental, not only to the education sector, but also to national unity and social cohesion.<br /> <br /> Given the current challenges and lack of clarity, there is, indeed, more to be done in the Ethiopian context in terms of proper language planning, pragmatic policy development and implementation.<br /> <br /> <I>Wondwosen Tamrat (PhD) is an associate professor of higher education and founding president of St Mary’s University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a collaborating scholar of the Programme for Research on Private Higher Education at the State University of New York at Albany, United States, and coordinator of the private higher education sub-cluster of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa. He may be reached at or</I><br /> <br /> <I>This article is a commentary. Commentary articles are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of </I>University World News<I>.</I> </div><br><script src=""></script> <div style="background:#ffe57d;padding:8px" id="subform"> <span style="font-family:arial"><b>Receive email updates from UWN</b></span> <br> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" style="width:65%;font-size:16px" placeholder="enter your email address"> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" style="background:#000;color:#fff;padding:4px;font-size:20px; border:1px solid #000;font-weight:normal;border-radius:8px;font-family:arial" name="action" id="signupbutton" value="Sign Up" onclick="return formCheck();"> <br> <input type="checkbox" id="globalnl" name="globalnl" value="1"> Global newsletters &nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" id="africanl" name="africanl" value="1"> Africa newsletters &nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" id="otheremails" name="otheremails" value="1"> Other<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(other includes 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