Open Positions in Cryptology

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There can be no attachments. </p> <p> This is intended to be a free service from an IACR member to the IACR membership. The content of the job posting is the responsibility of the person requesting the posting and not the IACR. Commercial enterprises who want to advertise their openings should identify at least one of their employees who is a member of IACR. </p> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3921" id="url-3921"> <span id="position-3921">PhD Position in Post Quantum Cryptography and Blockchains</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3921" class="font-italic">University of New South Wales, Sydney</h6> <div id="description-3921"> We are looking for motivated Phd students to work on Post Quantum Cryptography for Blockchains. The student will be funded by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Grant. </p> The candidate is expected to have strong mathematical inclination and excellent foundations in data structures, discrete mathematics, and algorithms. Candidates with a good knowledge in Cryptography (as demonstrated by relevant courses taken and or good quality thesis/publications) will be preferred. Good programming knowledge is required. </p> Open to students who have completed a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline. Candidates in their final year of study are welcome. </p> The Candidate will be working in the <b>School of Computer Science and Engineering </b> in a collaborative and supportive environment, while collaborating with researchers in the University of Wollongong. UNSW, Sydney is one of the founding members of the Group of Eight, a coalition of Australian research-intensive universities. Kensington Campus where we are based is centrally located. Sydney has been constantly ranked among the most liveable cities of the world. Sydney is a nature lover's paradise with beautiful beaches, and vast stretches of national parks. <p><p> Interested candidates can contact Sushmita Ruj with their CV and transcripts. Applications will be considered till the position is filled. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3921">Sushmita Ruj at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-16 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-16</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="*9gd12s*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTEwMzU3MTk4Mi4xNzQxODY2OTU1*_ga_JN37M497TT*MTc0MTg2Njk1NC4xLjAuMTc0MTg2Njk1NC4wLjAuMA" id="url-3920"> <span id="position-3920">PhD on Symmetric Cryptography over Prime Fields and Integer Rings</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3920" class="font-italic">Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)</h6> <div id="description-3920"> Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is among the top research universities in the Netherlands, specialized in engineering science and technology.<br><br> We are currently looking for an outstanding candidate for a 4-year PhD researcher position in the area of symmetric-key cryptography. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Lorenzo Grassi, towards a PhD degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology.<br><br> The research topics will focus on <ul> <li> design and implementation of dedicated symmetric-key primitives operating over prime fields and/or integer rings, that can provide efficient solutions for rising applications of practical importance such as Format Preserving Encryption, Multi-Party Computation, Homomorphic Encryption, and Zero-Knowledge; </li> <li> analyze the security of those symmetric-key primitives, with the goals to improve the current cryptanalytic results, and to develop new innovative security arguments. </li> </ul> We are looking for a candidate who has recently completed, or is about to complete, a master's degree in cryptography, mathematics, computer sciences, or a closely related field. The master's degree must have been awarded, with good results, before their start in the PhD position. The candidate must be highly motivated and be able to demonstrate their potential for conducting original research in cryptography.<br><br> The vacancy is open until a suitable candidate has been found. Applications will be screened continuously, and we will conclude the recruitment as soon as we find the right candidate. The starting date is negotiable.<br><br> Interested and qualified candidates should apply at </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3920">Dr. Lorenzo Grassi (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-15 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-13</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";company=xjtlu" id="url-3919"> <span id="position-3919">Faculty Positions (Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/) in</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3919" class="font-italic">Xi&#039;an Jiaotong-Liverpool Univeristy</h6> <div id="description-3919"> The Post-Quantum Migration Interdisciplinary Lab (PQC-X) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) led by Prof. Jintai Ding specializes in Post- quantum Cryptography. It is an internationally collaborative, open lab, with English as the primary working language. The lab aims to establish itself as a world-class research facility, focused on advancing key post-quantum migration technologies, facilitating their transfer to industry, and fostering the development of high-level talent in the field. Now PQX-X is hiring talents in working in areas such as computational algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory, mathematical optimization, quantum algorithms, post-quantum cryptography, multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, fully homomorphic encryption, privacy-preserving algorithms, block chain, high-performance computing, and algorithm implementation. The position requires you to have a doctorate degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cryptography, or equivalent practical experience. How to Apply Please submit your application through our university website: The documents listed as below are required for the application: • A Cover Letter • A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level • Three Academic References Letters </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3919">For specific inquiries relating to the position, please email the dean of the School, Prof. Jintai Ding, at Informal inquiries may be addressed to HR at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-12 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-12</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3918"> <span id="position-3918">Doctoral Researcher (PhD student) in Applied Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3918" class="font-italic">FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg</h6> <div id="description-3918"> The Research Training Group "Cybercrime and Forensic Computing" aims to systematically analyse research questions arising from the interaction between computer science and criminal law. The following research areas are particularly relevant to one of the PhD positions:<br> <ul> <li> Applied Cryptography <li> Provable Security <li> Privacy and Anonymity <li> Modern Cryptographic Communication Protocols (TLS, Noise, MLS, Double Ratchet, ...) <li> Building Blocks of Secure Messaging Protocols </ul> More information about the project can be found at<br><br> Applicants should have an excellent academic record, hold an MSc or an equivalent university degree in computer science or related disciplines, and have the goal to finish a PhD degree within three years. For the particular position in applied cryptography, applicants should have a practical understanding of modern cryptographic protocols deployed in the real world and a background in provable security (e.g., game-based security definitions, reduction-based proofs, ...). </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3918">Felix Freiling ( for general questions and the application process, Paul Rösler ( for questions about the position in the applied cryptography group.</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-06</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";ln=1" id="url-3917"> <span id="position-3917">Professor</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3917" class="font-italic">Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology); Tokyo, Japan</h6> <div id="description-3917"> <ul> <li> Professor of Department of Mathematical and Computing Science <li>Research Fields: Theoretical Computer Science, Theory of Computational Complexity, Theory of Algorithms, Theory of Cryptography, Programming Theory, Software Verification Theory, Blockchain Technology, Theory and Practice of Cybersecurity, etc. </ul> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3917">Keisuke Tanaka (, School of Computing, Institute of Science Tokyo</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-06</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";utm_source=External+Job+Share" id="url-3916"> <span id="position-3916">Assistant Professor</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3916" class="font-italic">University of Edinburgh, UK</h6> <div id="description-3916"> Applications are invited for a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position in Cyber Security & Privacy to join the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. The post is based within the School’s Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust group, which is a broad group of researchers whose expertise ranges from cryptography and formal verification to human factors and social aspects. <br><br> This position is part of a broader collaborative research initiative on privacy-enhanced secure computations at scale, in partnership with Input-Output Global (IOG). Applications are invited from candidates with research expertise in all areas of Cyber Security & Privacy, with special consideration given to those specializing in blockchain and distributed ledgers, multi-party computation, post-quantum cryptography, and data privacy. <br><br> We are seeking current and future leaders in the field. The successful candidates will have (or be near to completing) a PhD, outstanding track record of research, evidence of growing reputation, a committed vision and research agenda, the enthusiasm and ability to undertake original research, to manage a research group, and to engage with teaching and academic supervision. <br><br> The School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh is one of the largest in Europe, with more than 120 academic staff and a total of over 500 post-doctoral researchers, research students and support staff. Informatics at Edinburgh rated highest on Research Power in the most recent Research Excellence Framework. The School has strong links with industry, with dedicated business incubator space and well-established enterprise and business development programmes. The University of Edinburgh has recently established the Bayes Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, which provides a locus for fruitful multi-disciplinary work, including a range of companies collocated in it. The School holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advance the representation of women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. We are also Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions actively promoting LGBT equality. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3916">Prof. Aggelos Kiayias </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-03-04</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3914"> <span id="position-3914">Post-doctoral fellowship</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3914" class="font-italic">University of Waterloo</h6> <div id="description-3914"> The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo invites applications from qualified candidates for 2-year postdoctoral fellowship appointments in post-quantum cryptography under the supervision of Prof. David Jao, Prof. Michele Mosca, and Prof. Douglas Stebila. <p> A Ph.D. degree and evidence of excellence in research are required. Successful applicants are expected to maintain an active program of research, and participate in research activities with academic and industry partners in the grant. The annual salary is 70,000 CAD. In addition, a travel fund of 3,000 CAD per year is provided. The positions are available immediately. <p> Interested individuals should apply using the MathJobs site ( Applications should include a cover letter describing their interest in the position, a curriculum vitae and research statement and at least three reference letters. <p> The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office. <p> The University regards equity and diversity as an integral part of academic excellence and is committed to accessibility for all employees. We encourage applications from candidates who have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including applicants who identify as Indigenous peoples (e.g., First Nations, Métis, Inuit/Inuk), Black, racialized, people with disabilities, women and/or 2SLGBTQ+. If you have any application, interview or workplace accommodation requests, please contact Carol Seely-Morrison ( <p> All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3914">Douglas Stebila (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-27 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-26</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3913" id="url-3913"> <span id="position-3913">Ph.D. student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3913" class="font-italic">Télécom Paris, Paris, France</h6> <div id="description-3913"> As part of a collaborative project on data protection, we are recruiting a PhD student to carry out research on advanced cryptography (e.g. homomorphic encryption, multiparty computation). Candidates should have a strong background in cryptography. The thesis must be completed by the end of December 2025. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3913">Sébastien Canard (, Qingju Wang (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-27 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-26</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3912" id="url-3912"> <span id="position-3912">PhD students in cryptographic applications of algebraic curves</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3912" class="font-italic">Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3912"> We are inviting applications for PhD student scholarships in the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Students who are interested in cryptographic applications of algebraic curves are encouraged to apply to work on one of the following two areas: <p> <br> - Isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography <br> - Constructive and computational aspects of zk-SNARKs </p> Applicants should have a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science and be highly motivated for research work with a demonstrated ability to work independently. Applications (cover letter, CV, transcripts, contacts for references) can be emailed to Craig Costello with "PhD applicant - YOUR NAME" in the subject. Applications will be processed continuously until the positions are filled. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3912"></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-27 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-26</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3911"> <span id="position-3911">PhD Student in Cryptology</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3911" class="font-italic">KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Stockholm, Sweden</h6> <div id="description-3911"> <p><i>Since <b>this position requires Swedish citizenship</b>, the below description of the position is available in Swedish only.</i></p> <p>Centrum för cyberförsvar och informationssäkerhet (CDIS) vid KTH — som är ett samarbete mellan KTH och Försvarsmakten, samt vissa andra myndigheter — söker doktorander. Det rör sig om en bred utlysning inom cybersäkerhetsområdet. Vi vill här särskilt peka ut en möjlig specialisering inom kryptologiområdet.</p> <p>Mer specifikt har KTH i samarbete med avdelningen för krypto och IT-säkerhet vid Must pågående spetsforskning som syftar till att möta de utmaningar som följer av kvantdatorutvecklingen. Vi söker nu inom ramen för CDIS utlysning en doktorand som kan bidra till den forskningen.</p> <p>Doktoranden kommer att handledas av Johan Håstad och/eller Douglas Wikström. Forskningssatsningen omfattar även Martin Ekerå och Joel Gärtner. Vid intresse, <b>sök en av de av CDIS utlysta doktorandtjänsterna</b>.</p> <p>Tjänsten kommer att omfatta 80% doktorandstudier vid KTH och 20% placering vid Must där möjlighet ges att arbeta med några av Sveriges främsta kryptologer. Resultatet för doktoranden blir en unik kombination av teori och praktik inom kryptologiområdet.</p> <p>För ytterligare information, kontakta Johan Håstad ( eller Martin Ekerå (</p> <p><b>Sista ansökningsdag</b> är den <b>8 april 2025</b>. Observera att <b>svenskt medborgarskap är ett krav för tjänsten</b>, och att tjänsten medför krav på säkerhetsprövning.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3911">For more information about the position, please contact Johan Håstad ( or Martin Ekerå (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-12 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-25</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3910"> <span id="position-3910">Post-Doc in Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3910" class="font-italic">Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany</h6> <div id="description-3910"> We are looking for a bright researcher with strong interest and suitable experience in any of the following research areas: <ul> <li><b>Secure computation</b>: SMPC / FHE techniques and their use in protocol design, e.g. PSI</li> <li><b>PQC techniques</b> for any of the aforementioned areas </li> </ul> The successful candidate will be expected to lead on research activities in our upcoming research project on secure multi-party computation, funded by a German institution. They will work closely with members of the Privacy and Applied Cryptography (PACY) lab, led by Prof. Mark Manulis, and the Quantum-Safe and Advanced Cryptography (QuSAC) lab, led by Prof. Daniel Slamanig. The candidate will benefit from our modern infrastructure and availability of funds to support own research and travel. Also, Munich is amongst best places to live in Germany.<br><br> This position is full-time and available for immediate start (~58k to 68k EUR p.a. depending on qualifications and experience) with initial contract for 2 years. Candidates without a doctoral degree but with sufficient research experience, e.g., final-year doctoral students, are also welcome to apply.<br><br> Requirements:<br> <ul> <li>Master's degree (or equivalent) or PhD in Mathematics, Cryptography, or Computer Science with excellent grades</li> <li>Solid knowledge and demonstrable experience in any of the aforementioned research areas</li> <li>Post-doc candidates must have a strong track record (ideally with papers at IACR conferences and/or the top 4 security conferences) and good academic writing and presentation skills</li> <li>Experience with cryptographic implementations (desirable)</li> <li>Proficiency in English (essential) and German (desirable)</li> <li>A valid working permit for the EU</li> </ul> Applications (cover letter, CV, transcripts, contacts for references) can be emailed to Prof. Mark Manulis. Applications will be processed continuously until the position is filled.<br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3910">Prof. Mark Manulis (mark.manulis [at] unibw [dot] de)</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-25 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-25</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3909" id="url-3909"> <span id="position-3909">Fully Funded Postdoc Position</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3909" class="font-italic">Monash University, Melbourne, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3909"> The post-quantum cryptography research group at Monash University, Australia, has a <b>fully funded postdoc opening</b> for a research project funded by Australian Research Council - Discovery Projects 2025, including in particular the following areas: <ul> <li>Developing tools and techniques for FHE-based private cloud computation applications.</li> <li>Theory and applications of zk-SNARKs in FHE-based cloud computation.</li> <li>Secure and Efficient Implementations of zk-SNARK and FHE schemes and their applications.</li> </ul> <p>The candidate will have the opportunity to work in an excellent research environment and collaborate with experts in cryptography and with CryptoLab industry partners, as well as contributing to supervision and training of PhD students.</p> <p>Monash University is among the leading universities in Australia and is located in Melbourne, ranked as Australia's most liveable city and among the most liveable cities in the world.</p> <p>Applicants should have (or be expected to complete in the next 6 months) a <b>PhD</b> in mathematics, theoretical computer science, cryptography, engineering or closely related areas. <b>Research experience in at least one of lattice-based cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, or FHE is required.</b></p> <p>The candidate should have excellent English verbal and written communication skills. Programming experience and skills, especially in Sagemath, Python, Magma, and/or C/C++, are also highly desirable.</p> <p><b>To apply:</b> Please apply by filling in the application form by 21st Apr 2025 at the following URL: <b></b> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3909">Ron Steinfeld (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-24 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-21</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3908"> <span id="position-3908">PhDs / PostDocs in Cryptographic Engineering</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3908" class="font-italic">Research Institute Cyber Defence (CODE), Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany</h6> <div id="description-3908"> <p>We have an opening of multiple PhD and Post-Doc researchers at the Research Institute CODE in Munich, Germany. All positions are available for start from March/April 2025 and are fully funded at federal salary levels TV-&Ouml;D E13/14. The researcher will work closely with Michael Hutter who will start a professorship in Embedded Systems Security. The candidate will have the opportunity to travel and tackle cutting-edge challenges currently facing the industry (e.g., PQShield). Candidates will also gain experience with supporting teaching activities.<br><br>We are seeking talented researchers with a strong interest and relevant experience in any of the following research areas:</p> <ul> <li>Applied cryptography with a focus on hardware and embedded systems security</li> <li>Physical attacks, side-channel leakage detection, fault analysis, hardware tampering, machine learning/deep learning/AI-driven techniques for SCA</li> <li>Secure and efficient implementations of cryptography, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), privacy-preserving computing (MPC, FHE)</li> <li>ASIC/FPGA design security</li> </ul> <p><strong>Requirements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Master's degree or PhD in Computer Science, Information Security, etc.</li> <li>PostDoc candidates must have a strong track record</li> <li>High motivation for research work and ability to work independently</li> <li>Eager to disseminate research results through publications and presentations at top-tie conferences.</li> <li>Fluency in written and spoken English (German desirable but not required)</li> </ul> <p><strong>How to apply?</strong><br>Send an email to Michael Hutter with subject "Application CODE" including your motivation letter, CV, transcripts of grades, and references. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3908">Prof. Michael Hutter (michutte [AT] gmail dot com)<br><br>Applications will be processed continuously until the positions are filled.</p></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-24 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-20</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3907" id="url-3907"> <span id="position-3907">PhD student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3907" class="font-italic">University of Wollongong, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3907"> We are recruiting one PhD student to conduct research in privacy-preserving post-quantum cryptography. The position is fully funded for up to four years, with attractive stipends and travel grants. Applicants are expected to have a Master's degree in cryptography (or a closely related field) and proficiency in English. Applications will be processed continuously until the position is filled. <p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3907">Please send your applications (CV, transcripts, contacts for references) to Dr Khoa Nguyen (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-24 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-19</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3905" id="url-3905"> <span id="position-3905">Faculty Position on Cybersecurity</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3905" class="font-italic">Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)- BarcelonaTECH</h6> <div id="description-3905"> Several faculty positions within the Cybersecurity domain are available in Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), School of Engineering in Manresa. UPC is a leading research university in Spain with more than 5000 students studying on Information and Communication Technology related fields. It is the top Spanish university in terms of participation in EU-funded research projects. <p>Apart from conducting research within their area, the successful candidates are expected to teach the recent MSc program on Cybersecurity, AI, and IoT areas, funded through the European Commission’s Digital Europe programme. The development of the MSc program will be part of a European project, in which the candidates will participate actively.</p> Skills/Qualifications:<ul><li>PhD degree in the area of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field</li><li>Written and spoken proficiency in English (Spanish or Catalan is a plus)</li><li>Proven scientific publication record</li><li>Experience in academic teaching (classes and lab courses) and supervising or co-supervising of academic theses</li></ul> What we offer: <ul><li> A friendly working environment</li><li>Hybrid work modality with up to 40% home office option</li><li>Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career options</li><li>Nice climate</li></ul> The initial appointment will be a visiting professor position (inline with the university staff categories), during the timeframe of which the recruited professors will be given support to switch to tenure-track positions. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3905">Ilker Demirkol (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-19 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-19</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";show_description=true" id="url-3904"> <span id="position-3904">Research Engineer in Cyber Range</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3904" class="font-italic">Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology</h6> <div id="description-3904"> Temporary contract, 24 months, Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval, Luxembourg<br><br> <b>Are you passionate about research? So are we! Come and join us</b><br> The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) active in the fields of IT, materials and environment. By transforming scientific knowledge into technologies, smart data and tools, LIST empowers citizens in their choices, public authorities in their decisions and businesses in their strategies.<br> Do you want to know more about LIST? Check our website:<br><br> <b>How will you contribute?</b><br> We are looking for a motivated research engineer to support a project in the context of semi-autonomous cyber-range training and exercise scenario generation.<br> You will be mainly in charge of, but not limited to: <ul> <li>Design and development of the architecture of a minimal testing platform for cyber range scenarios execution</li> <li>Design, development and integration of the semi-autonomous scenario generator tool</li> <li>Integration of threat intelligence sources for scenarios definition</li> <li>Prepare the tools and platform for deployment: running tests, designing, and developing APIs</li> <li>Contribution in design and develop cyber range training and exercise scenarios</li> <li>Test and validate the tools and platform on base of the selected scenarios</li> <li>Contribute to the writing of technical reports/project deliverables</li> </ul> <b>Nationality/Eligibility</b><br> Due to the nature of this position the applicant must be from a NATO member country, from an EU EEA/EFTA country or from one of the following NATO Indo-Pacific partners: Australia, Japan, Republic of South Korea and New Zealand<br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3904">Carolina DE LEON</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-24 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-17</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3903"> <span id="position-3903">Postdoctoral Scholar</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3903" class="font-italic">Clemson University</h6> <div id="description-3903"> The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences is recruiting for one Post Doctoral Scholar position. This is a 12 month research position. The appointment is initially for one year August 15, 2025 - August 14, 2026 and may be renewed for one additional year, contingent upon funding and performance. The start date may be deferred until January 1, 2026. The targeted research area is Post-Quantum Cryptography. The postdoctoral scholar will collaborate closely with the Savannah River National Laboratory SRNL to address critical security and cryptographic challenges. Candidates with strong potential for collaboration with faculty in the Division of Mathematics will receive the highest consideration. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3903">Ryann Cartor,</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-16 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3902"> <span id="position-3902">Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3902" class="font-italic">University of Surrey, UK</h6> <div id="description-3902"> The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is seeking to recruit a full-time Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security to expand our team of dynamic and highly skilled security researchers. It is part of a strategic investment in cyber security, alongside a Lecturer position in cyber security. <p> <p> The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), within the School, has an international reputation in cyber security and resilience research excellence in applied and post-quantum cryptography, security verification and analysis, security and privacy, distributed systems, and networked systems. SCCS is recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre as an Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research and Education. Its research was also a core contributor to Surrey’s 7th position in the UK for REF2021 outputs within Computer Science. Surrey was recognised as Cyber University of the Year 2023 at the National Cyber Awards. <p> Surrey has an internationally leading track record in security and communications research and runs the newly formed Doctoral Training centre in Future Open Secure and Resilient Communications in collaboration with Queens University Belfast with funding for 50 PhD students. <p> This post sits within SCCS and this role encourages applications in the areas of systems security, web security, cyber-physical systems, cyber resilience, ethical hacking, machine learning for security, with application in various domains with preference in communications, space, banking, and autonomous systems. Candidates with practical security experience and skills will complement our strengths in cryptography and formal verification. <p> This post will support the growing cohort of students across all undergraduate Computer Science programmes and support students in the highly successful MSc in Cyber Security. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3902">Professor Steve Schneider (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-16 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3901"> <span id="position-3901">Lecturer in Cyber Security</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3901" class="font-italic">University of Surrey, UK</h6> <div id="description-3901"> The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is seeking to recruit a full-time Lecturer in Cyber Security to expand our team of dynamic and highly skilled security researchers. It is part of a strategic investment in cyber security alongside a Senior Lecturer position in cyber security. <p> <p> The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), within the School, has an international reputation in cyber security and resilience research excellence in applied and post-quantum cryptography, security verification and analysis, security and privacy, distributed systems, and networked systems. SCCS is recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre as an Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research and Education. Its research was also a core contributor to Surrey’s 7th position in the UK for REF2021 outputs within Computer Science. Surrey was recognised as Cyber University of the Year 2023 at the National Cyber Awards. <p> Surrey has an international leading track record in security and communications research and runs the newly formed Doctoral Training centre in Future Open Secure and Resilient Communications in collaboration with Queens University Belfast with funding for 50 PhD students. <p> This post sits within SCCS and this role encourages applications in the areas of systems security, web security, cyber-physical systems, cyber resilience, ethical hacking, machine learning for security, with application in various domains with preference in communications, space, banking, and autonomous systems. Candidates with practical security experience and skills will complement our strengths in cryptography and formal verification. <p> This post will support the growing cohort of students across all undergraduate Computer Science programmes and support students in the highly successful MSc in Cyber Security. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3901">Professor Steve Schneider</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-16 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3900"> <span id="position-3900">Researcher on post-quantum cryptography (PhD student)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3900" class="font-italic">Adva Network Security; Munich, Germany</h6> <div id="description-3900"> Adva Network Security is a German-based company and was funded by leading security experts to help operators of critical infrastructure, government agencies and enterprises security-harden their networks. We are currently looking for a highly motivated <b>Cryptography/Security Engineer (PhD track) (M/F/D)</b> to join our Advanced Technology team in Munich. The position will allow to focus on research and innovation in cryptography with a high relevance for our cryptographic products. In cooperation with a University, we’ll support to pursue a PhD degree in the field. <br><br> <b>Responsibilities</b><br> • Research and develop innovative and secure solutions for key-exchange, encryption and authentication in optical networks.<br> • Analyze the security of cryptographic algorithms and protocols.<br> • Collaborate with the research community in national and international projects.<br> • Demonstrate technical excellence at conferences or workshops.<br> <br> <b>Requirements</b><br> • Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field.<br> • Good knowledge of cryptographic concepts and information security principles.<br> • Solid programming skills in (C and Python preferred).<br> • Good presentation, communication, and scientific writing skills.<br> • Fluent in oral and written English, fluency in German is a plus.<br><br> <b>Apply here:</b> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3900">Dr. Helmut Griesser [Helmut'Griesser(a)advasecurity'com]</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-16 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3899"> <span id="position-3899">Fully Funded Ph.D. Student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3899" class="font-italic">University of New South Wales, Canberra</h6> <div id="description-3899"> We are looking for a PhD student to join our Team at UNSW Canberra with Dr Shabnam Kasra as main supervisor. The positions are fully funded for up to 3/5 years for successful applicants. Topics including, but not limited to: - Design and cryptanalysis of cryptographic primitives - Post-quantum cryptography - Tools for cryptanalysis - Side-channel attacks - Cryptography for autonomous vehicles Applicant skills/background: -Strong research track record - A strong background in cryptography, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related discipline . - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to thrive in a collaborative research environment. - Critical thinking and analytical skills, with fluency in technical English. - Proficiency in programming. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3899">Dr Shabnam Kasra </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-13 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-13</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3898"> <span id="position-3898">Tenured Professor position, Cryptology and Information Security</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3898" class="font-italic">University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France</h6> <div id="description-3898"> In view of its ongoing development, the CRYPTO group of the University of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France) invites applications for the following full-time position. <p><p> A tenured Professor faculty position (&ldquo;Professeur des universit&eacute;s&rdquo;) is open to highly qualified candidates who are committed to a career in research and teaching. Preference will be given to candidates with very strong research achievements in one or several of the areas related to the general fields of cryptology and information security. <p><p> Responsibilities include research leadership and dissemination, supervision of doctoral students, development of national or international research projects, and strong commitment to teaching at undergraduate or graduate level. <p><p> <strong>How to apply:</strong> Applications must be sent exclusively via the ODYSSEE portal ( The list of mandatory documents to be provided is defined by the decree of 6 February 2023 ( <p> Deadline for submitting applications: <strong>Friday, April 4, 2025, 4 PM, Paris time (France)</strong>. <p> For selected candidates, in person auditions will take place on Monday, May 19, 2025 (in Versailles). <p> <i><strong>IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> Except for candidates who are currently &ldquo;Ma&icirc;tre de conf&eacute;rences&rdquo; in France and hold an HDR diploma (&ldquo;Habilitation &agrave; diriger des recherches&rdquo;), a &ldquo;Qualification aux fonctions de professeur des universit&eacute;s&rdquo; certificate from the french &ldquo;Conseil National des Universit&eacute;s&rdquo; is usually required to apply. However candidates who already hold a tenured Professor (or equivalent) position may in some cases be exempted from this certificate.</i> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3898">Louis Goubin, Full Professor, head of the "Cryptology and Information Security" group<p>e-mail: <i>louis.goubin (at)</i> </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-03-07 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-11</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3895"> <span id="position-3895">Senior Applied Mathematician / Researcher (Background in Probabilistic Modeling)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3895" class="font-italic">Nomos </h6> <div id="description-3895"> Nomos is a new blockchain designed from the ground up with the original cypherpunk ethos: decentralization, censorship resistance, permissionless-ness and privacy. It will serve as the trustless agreements layer of the Logos stack. The forthcoming Nomos network will provide a common infrastructure layer upon which communities and aspiring network states can build social, governance, and financial services that uphold their community members’ fundamental rights and values. </p><b>Key Responsibilities</b> <li>Develop and analyze advanced algorithms for complex systems, focusing on privacy, efficiency and scalability. <li>Understand engineering requirements and translate them into mathematical models for their analysis. <li>Formalize and prove properties of protocols and algorithms currently in development by our team. <li>Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, translating theoretical constructs into commercially viable solutions. <li>Lead the applied research efforts, bridging academic rigor with practical, industry-focused outcomes. </p> <b>Ideally, you will have</b> <li>Strong background in computer science or applied mathematics: advanced analysis of algorithms, complex systems and/or stochastic processes. <li>Proven track record of using advanced mathematical tools to tackle real-world problems. <li>Strong collaboration and communication skills, with the ability to convey complex ideas clearly both in written and verbal form. <li>Experience with or strong interest in blockchain, cryptography, distributed systems or networks. </p><b>Bonus points</b> <li>Exposure to blockchain concepts or decentralized technologies. <li>Familiarity with cryptography and open-source contributions. <li>Familiarity with differential privacy analysis. <li>Advanced degree (PhD or MsC with significant research experience) in Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, or a related field—paired with commercial experience </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3895"></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-02-07 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-02-03</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3894"> <span id="position-3894">Researcher in Cryptographic Protocols and Key Exchange</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3894" class="font-italic">Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Abu Dhabi, UAE</h6> <div id="description-3894"> <p>We are looking for a permanent researcher to join the Cryptographic Protocols team within the Cryptography Research Center (CRC) at TII. The main task of the team is to conduct applied academic research and assist in product development, spanning topics such as: TLS, QUIC, Tor, Key Exchange, secure channels, cryptographic primitives and their implementation, privacy enhancing technologies, MLS and Secure Messaging, WebRTC, and formal methods. The nature of our work spans both theory and practice, covering aspects such as provable security, security models, efficient designs, implementation aspects, and attacks.</p> <p>Applicants should have completed (or be close to completing) their PhD in a related area and preferably also have postdoctoral research experience. Preference will be given to applicants with publications in top-tier venues such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, ACM CCS, IEEE S&P, and USENIX.</p> <p> Required Skills: <ul> <li>Fluency in English (verbal and written) and an ability to communicate research effectively.</li> <li>Good problem-solving skills and an ability to conduct research independently.</li> <li>Good interpersonal and collaborative skills.</li> <li>Solid knowledge in cryptography with a focus on one or more of the following: Key Exchange, Secure Messaging, Postquantum cryptography, Provable Security, Cryptography Engineering, and Cryptographic Protocols more generally.</li> </ul></p> <p> Valuable Skills: <ul> <li>Strong background in Mathematics and/or Computer Science.</li> <li>Programming, Software Engineering, experience in implementing cryptographic primitives and attacks on real-world cryptosystems, reverse engineering of closed-source protocols.</li> <li>Experience in analyzing protocol standards and specifications.</li> <li>Experience in Formal Methods and related tools.</li> </ul></p> <p> What we offer: <ul> <li>Vibrant working environment, flexible working conditions, and travel funding.</li> <li>Industry-competitive tax-free salary.</li> <li>Family-wide health insurance and children’s education allowance.</li></ul></p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3894">Jean Paul Degabriele</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-31</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3893" id="url-3893"> <span id="position-3893">Fully Funded Ph.D. Studentship</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3893" class="font-italic">School of Cryptology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences</h6> <div id="description-3893"> <p>We are inviting talented and highly motivated applicants to submit applications for a PhD studentship at School of Cryptology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. The positions are fully funded and have a 3 to 5-year duration, with a negotiable start date.</p> <br/> <strong>We explore topics including, but not limited to:</strong> <li>Design and cryptanalysis of symmetric-key cryptographic primitives</li> <li>Post-quantum cryptography</li> <li>Tools for cryptanalysis</li> <br/> <strong>Applicant skills/background: </strong> <li>A strong background in cryptography, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related discipline .</li> <li>Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to thrive in a collaborative research environment.</li> <li>Critical thinking and analytical skills, with fluency in technical English.</li> <li>Proficiency in programming.</li> <br/> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3893">Siwei Sun (siweisun.isaac at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-31</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3891"> <span id="position-3891">Researcher, JAM - Fully Remote</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3891" class="font-italic">Parity Technologies</h6> <div id="description-3891"> JAM Gray Paper: <p><p> <strong>About Us</strong><p><p> Parity is one of the world's most experienced core blockchain infrastructure companies, building the open-source technologies that will lay the foundation for the new decentralised internet.<p><p> Parity was founded by Dr. Gavin Wood, co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum, the primary engineer behind the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), inventor of the Solidity programming language, and primary author of the Ethereum Yellowpaper.<p><p> We believe in a decentralised web that respects the freedom and data of individuals and empowers developers to create better services. Our vision is to create a world based on truthful, rather than trustful, interactions.<p><p> <strong>About the Team</strong><p><p> The Incubation team operates at the forefront of blockchain innovation. Under the direct leadership of our founder, Dr. Gavin Wood, the team is responsible for identifying and prototyping new ideas for Polkadot. Currently, the team's primary focus is on advancing PolkaJAM - the next-generation decentralised virtual machine - a protocol combining the best elements of Polkadot and Ethereum.<p><p> <strong>About the Position</strong><p><p> - Evaluate and refine technical designs proposed by the team, benchmarking them against blockchain scaling solutions.<p> - Conduct performance modelling and analysis.<p> - Document technical insights and formalise research findings.<p> - Collaborate with engineering teams, translating research insights into actionable technical strategies.<p><p> <strong>About You</strong><p><p> - PhD in Computer Science, Cryptography, Distributed Systems, etc.<p> - Strong technical knowledge of Ethereum, Layer 2 scaling solutions, cryptography, or low-level systems programming.<p> - Ability to analyse and evaluate designs proposed by the team<p> - Experience developing performance models and defining measurement strategies to validate theoretical assumptions.<p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3891">Joe Mullaney</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-30</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3890"> <span id="position-3890">Full Professor in Quantum Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3890" class="font-italic">The University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science</h6> <div id="description-3890"> The University of Manchester invites applications for a Professor in Quantum Technology, with a particular <em>focus on Quantum Cryptography.</em> <br><br> The successful candidate will lead cutting-edge research in quantum cryptography and related areas. The role includes securing external funding, publishing in top-tier venues, supervising PhD students, and contributing to teaching in the CS department.<br><br> Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or a related field, an outstanding research record in quantum cryptography or related areas, experience in securing research funding, and a strong teaching background.<br><br> The position is permanent and based in Manchester, a leading hub for quantum research. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. For more details and to apply, visit:<br> <br><br><strong>Application deadline: March 31, 2025.</strong><br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3890">For informal enquiries please contact Bernardo Magri (bernardo <em>dot</em> magri <em>at</em></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-30</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3889" id="url-3889"> <span id="position-3889">PhD Position</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3889" class="font-italic">INSA Lyon, CITI Lab (Villeurbanne, France)</h6> <div id="description-3889"> <p> The CITI Lab at INSA Lyon, France, is seeking a motivated PhD student to engage in pioneering research in frugal cryptography. </p> <p> The research project focuses on designing and analyzing cryptographic primitives, evaluating their energy consumption in various contexts such as Internet communication and Machine Learning. The PhD candidate will also develop generic tools and methodologies to assess the energy impact of cryptographic implementations. The work aims to create secure and efficient cryptographic solutions adapted to the needs of a digital and sustainable future. </p> <p> This fully funded position has a 3-year duration, with a negotiable start date. </p> <p>Responsibilities</p> <ul> <li>Collaborate with faculty and researchers to design innovative cryptographic protocols.</li> <li>Publish research findings in leading computer science conferences and journals.</li> <li>Participate in academic activities, including seminars, workshops, and conferences, to stay updated on advancements in the field.</li> <li>Potentially assist in teaching duties as a teaching assistant (TA).</li> </ul> <p>Requirements</p> <ul> <li>A strong background in cryptography, with an MSc in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related discipline (preferred but not mandatory).</li> <li>Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to thrive in a collaborative research environment.</li> <li>Strong organizational and time-management abilities to balance research, coursework, and teaching responsibilities.</li> <li>Critical thinking and analytical skills, with fluency in technical English.</li> <li>Proficiency in programming.</li> </ul> <p>To Apply: Please submit your CV along with transcripts from both your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3889">Clementine Gritti (clementine.gritt(at)</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-29 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-27</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3888"> <span id="position-3888">Postdoctoral Scholar in Multi-party Computation and Quantum Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3888" class="font-italic">Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan</h6> <div id="description-3888"> <p>As part of the collaboration between the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) and Partisia (Aarhus, Denmark), the Applied Cryptography Unit at OIST is seeking to hire a postdoctoral scholar to conduct research on applications of Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) to quantum cryptography.</p> <p>The postdoc will investigate how MPC techniques may be used to enhance the security and functionality of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) enabled networks. The project will be led by Prof. Carlos Cid at OIST, with close collaboration with researchers from Partisia. The ideal candidate will have experience in the design and analysis of secure computation protocols, and strong knowledge of quantum cryptography.</p> <p>We are seeking candidates with excellent post-graduate academic formation in cryptography, mathematics, computer science, or a closely related field, with research strong experience in the design and analysis of secure computation, and in quantum cryptography. Candidates must have a PhD at the time of commencing the position. This is a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 2 years, potentially extended depending of performance and other circumstances.</p> <p> <b>Starting Date:</b> as soon as possible.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3888">Carlos Cid (<i>carlos.cid_[at]</i>) </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-26 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-24</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3887"> <span id="position-3887">Postdoctoral Scholar in Quantum-resistant Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3887" class="font-italic">Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan</h6> <div id="description-3887"> <p>The Applied Cryptography Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) is seeking to hire a postdoctoral scholar to conduct research on quantum-resistant cryptography.</p> <p>The postdoc will work on a project, part of a collaboration between Prof. Carlos Cid at OIST and Prof. Ludovic Perret at EPITA Research Lab, EPITA, Paris, France, focusing on the design and benchmarking of novel hybrid protocols for secure satellite communication that use classical and post-quantum cryptography combined with space-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The successful candidate will have experience in the design and analysis of protocols in post-quantum or quantum cryptography, with a strong motivation to work at the intersection of these two domains.</p> <p>We are seeking candidates with excellent post-graduate academic formation in cryptography, mathematics, computer science, or a closely related field, with research experience in the design and analysis of protocols in post-quantum or quantum cryptography. Candidates must have a PhD at the time of commencing the position. This is a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 2 years, potentially extended depending of performance and other circumstances.</p> <p> <b>Starting Date:</b> as soon as possible.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3887">Carlos Cid (<i>carlos.cid_[at]</i>) and Ludovic Perret (<i>ludovic.perret_[at]</i>)</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-26 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-24</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3886"> <span id="position-3886">Cryptography/Security Engineer</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3886" class="font-italic">IDEMIA - Courbevoie, France</h6> <div id="description-3886"> <p>Since our founding, IDEMIA has been on a mission to unlock the world and make it safer through our cutting-edge identity technologies.<br> <br> The IDEMIA Smart Identity (ISI) Division of the IDEMIA Group is looking for a <b>Cryptography/Security Engineer</b> to help us secure our products and thus protect your identity from external threats. <br> <br> The candidate has strong interest and suitable experience in any of the following areas:<br> &bull; Integration of state-of-the-art cryptography algorithms in embedded systems.<br> &bull; Physical attacks on embedded systems / smart-cards.<br> &bull; Automatic vulnerability detection in embedded devices and/or firmware.<br> <br> <b>Responsabilities</b>: The candidate will support R&amp;D development teams, lead our research in ongoing / upcoming, and contribute to the growth of our activities through working groups. <br> <br> <b>Requirements</b>:<br> &bull; Master's degree (or equivalent) or PhD in Mathematics, Cryptography, Computer Science, or Embedded Electronic.<br> &bull; Solid knowledge and demonstrable experiences in any of the aforementioned areas.<br> &bull; Experience in developing/analyzing cryptographic primitives&rsquo; implementations in one high-level language (e.g., Python, MATLAB) and C/C++. (essential)<br> &bull; Experience with vulnerabilities research. (desirable)<br> &bull; Proficiency in English (essential) and French. (essential)<br> &bull; Problem-solving, independence, communication skills. (essential)<br> &bull; Knowledge in Side-channel attacks or Fault Injections attacks. (desirable)<br> &bull; Post-quantum Cryptography (PQC) techniques for any of the aforementioned areas. (desirable)<br> <br> The candidate will work at our Paris-La Defense office, closely with members of our R&amp;D team in France and abroad. Travel may be required.<br> <br> Applications will be processed continuously until the position is filled.<br/> <br> Due to the confidential and sensitive nature of the projects we work on, this position requires an on-site presence five days a week.<br> </p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3886">Applicants are invited to submit a digital application on our career portal.</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-26 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-23</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";utm_source=External+Job+Share" id="url-3885"> <span id="position-3885">Assistant/Associate Professor</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3885" class="font-italic">University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK</h6> <div id="description-3885"> <p> The School of Computer Science is further investing in its already strong Security and Privacy Research group. </p> <p> We seek to recruit an outstanding researcher with a specific interest in applied cryptography in the context of hardware and embedded systems security. We are particularly interested in researchers with a track record in pre-silicon leakage and/or fault analysis, secure embedded software development, statistical side channel and fault evaluation techniques, machine and deep learning for side channels. </p> <p> You will be expected to develop your own research agenda over time, and you can expect to contribute to all aspects of school life (teaching, administration), initially guided and supported by Prof. Elisabeth Oswald </p> <p> The University of Birmingham offers permanent positions, with a defined pathway for progression and promotion. </p> <p> Further information, (salary, application requirements, etc.) as well as a link for applicants, can be found below. The closing date for applications in 2.3.2025. If you have questions around (working in) Birmingham, then please use the contact provided below. </p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3885">Prof. Elisabeth Oswald, m.e.</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-26 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-22</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3883"> <span id="position-3883">PhD Position</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3883" class="font-italic">CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security</h6> <div id="description-3883"> We are looking for a motivated PhD student to contribute to research in public-key cryptography and provable security.<br><br> We explore topics including, but not limited to: <ul> <li> Key exchange and secure messaging <li> Public-key encryption with advanced functionalities </ul> Our research typically includes the following aspects: <ul> <li> Formalizing new cryptographic primitives and security models <li> Modularizing complex primitives <li> Developing techniques to achieve concrete (and tight) security bounds <li> Designing and analyzing practical instantiations (e.g., based on elliptic curves, lattices, or isogenies) </ul> For more details and to apply please refer to<br><br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3883">Doreen Riepel (riepel[at]</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-26 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-22</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3880"> <span id="position-3880">Ph.D. student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3880" class="font-italic">Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Denmark</h6> <div id="description-3880"> Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship collaboration at the Cryptography and Security Group. The position is available from 1st May 2025 or later, with an application deadline on 1st February 2025. <br><br> The research scope of the position will be Cryptographic Protocols such as (Password-Autheticated) Key Exchange and MPC (Multi-Party Computation), with a focus on applications to the retail industry. In particular, we envision to improve the state-of-the-art in cryptographic protocols for stronger authentication and privacy-preserving data analytics that can be applicable to strengthen the security posture of real-world deployed systems. <br><br> The responsibilities of the PhD student are: <ul> <li> Collaborating with faculty members and fellow researchers to develop novel cryptographic protocols. <li> Publishing research findings in top-tier conferences and journals in computer science and related fields. <li> Participating in academic activities such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to stay informed of the latest developments in the field. <li> Supporting teaching activities in the department by serving as TA. </ul> The project is funded by Salling Foundation, in their interest to protect the Danish retail sector against identity theft and data breaches: <br><br> <b>Qualifications</b> <ul> <li> A previous background in cryptography and an MSc. in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or a related discipline are desirable (but not required). <li> Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively in a collaborative research environment. <li> Strong organizational and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks between research, coursework and teaching duties. <li> Analytical and critical thinking skill, fluency in technical English. </ul> An interest in developing the techniques further for practical deployment in a startup setting will be <i>encouraged and supported</i>. <br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3880">Diego F. Aranha (dfaranha [at] or Sophia Yakoubov (sophia.yakoubov [a]</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-15 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-13</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3878" id="url-3878"> <span id="position-3878">PhD Research Internship</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3878" class="font-italic">Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium</h6> <div id="description-3878"> Nokia Bell Labs is looking for PhD student (or PostDoc ) interns for 2025. We have two positions related to ZKP and FHE/MPC. <br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> We are strictly looking for technical researchers with programming skills. <br/><br/> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3878">Emad Heydari Beni (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-10 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-07</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3877"> <span id="position-3877">PhD in Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3877" class="font-italic">King&#039;s College London</h6> <div id="description-3877"> <p>We are inviting applications for a PhD studentship in the cryptography lab at King's College London. Specifically, we are looking for an applicant to work with Martin Albrecht and Benjamin Dowling.</p> <p>The PhD could, for example, cover cryptanalysing existing cryptographic technologies/protocols, such as Telegram or WhatsApp, or modelling and designing new cryptographic protocols or primitives.</p> <p>This PhD will work in a team consisting of social scientists, specifically ethnographers, and us cryptographers. Together, we study what the security needs and wants of participants in large-scale protests are and how these relate to the security guarantees provided by cryptographic solutions.</p> <p>We encourage applicants to reach out to us to discuss the position informally before applying.</p> <p><b>Fine print:</b> This is a fully-funded positions covering both fees and maintenance. The latter is at the UKRI rate. We seek applicants with a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science, preferably with some background in cryptography. We will consider applications on a rolling basis.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3877">Martin Albrecht and Ben Dowling</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-10 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-07</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3874"> <span id="position-3874">Faculty position in Computer Science</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3874" class="font-italic">Free University of Brussels</h6> <div id="description-3874"> The Faculty of Sciences of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for a full-time academic position in Computer Science to begin October 1st, 2025. All areas of Computer Science, <b>including Cryptography</b>, will be considered. <br><br> ULB and the Computer Science Department is <b>strongly committed to improving gender equality</b>. Therefore, a proactive attitude to supporting and encouraging underrepresented groups, particularly women in Computer Science, will be one of the criteria for appointment. To combat the under-representation of women in STEM disciplines, the University will ensure that a minimum of 30% of women with the required qualifications are on the shortlist. Additionally, other criteria being equal, the appointment will be given to a woman. The scheme also includes awareness raising of unconscious biases among members of selection boards. <br><br> The Computer Science Department of ULB is a leading research and dynamic education center. Located in the capital of Europe, it offers a wide range of funding and research opportunities. Brussels is a cosmopolitan city with an excellent quality of life and easy access to all major cities in Europe. <br><br> The position involves both teaching and research and some commitment to administrative tasks. <br><br> For candidates not fluent in French, a temporary period of teaching in English shall be granted.<br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3874">Professor John Jacono (E-mail:, Head of the Computer Science Department.<br><br> Applicants with expertise in Cryptography and related areas are also welcome to contact Christophe Petit at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2025-01-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2025-01-06</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3872" id="url-3872"> <span id="position-3872">Ph.D. student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3872" class="font-italic">University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida</h6> <div id="description-3872"> Funded PhD position for Fall 2025 on Cryptographic Engineering and Hardware Security. Contact only if you already have a Bachelor's and Master's in Computer Engineering or Computer Science with hardware background. <br> <br> This is an urgent call for interested applicants. A funded Ph.D. student position is available for Fall 2025 (priority deadline Jan. 15, 2025 while you may submit after that too) to work on different aspects of Cryptographic Engineering in the CSE department with Dr. Mehran Mozaffari Kermani. <br> <br> We are looking for motivated, talented, and hardworking applicants who have background and are interested in working on different aspects of Cryptographic Engineering with emphasis on hardware/software implementation, and side-channel attacks. <br> <br> Please send email me your updated CV (including list of publications, language test marks, and references), transcripts for B.Sc. and M.Sc., and a statement of interest to: mehran2 (at) as soon as possible. <br> <br> Research Webpage: </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3872">Mehran Mozaffari Kermani</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-28</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3867"> <span id="position-3867">Asst/Assoc Prof (Tenure Track/ Tenured) in Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3867" class="font-italic">Nanyang Technological University, Singapore </h6> <div id="description-3867"> The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at NTU invites applications for an Asst/Assoc Prof (Tenure Track/Tenured) position specializing in Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). This position focuses on advancing the field of PQC, which is critical in the era of quantum computing. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3867">Prof Wang Huaxiong:</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-31 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-26</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3863" id="url-3863"> <span id="position-3863">PhD students</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3863" class="font-italic">University of Wollongong, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3863"> The Institute of Cybersecurity and Cryptology at the University of Wollongong (Australia) is recruiting two PhD students to carry out cutting-edge research in privacy-preserving post-quantum cryptography. The positions are fully funded for up to 4 years. Applicants are expected to have a strong background in computer science, cryptography and mathematics, as well as proficiency in English. Applications will be processed continuously until the positions are filled. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3863">Applications (CV, transcripts, contacts for references) can be emailed to Dr Khoa Nguyen (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-19 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-18</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3861"> <span id="position-3861">Ph.D Student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3861" class="font-italic">University of Amsterdam, Netherlands</h6> <div id="description-3861"> The Theory of Computer Science Group from the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam is seeking a PhD student to carry out cutting-edge research in cryptography, with an expected focus on Secure Multi-Party Computation. This position is funded by the NWO Gravitation project “Challenges in Cyber Security”, a collaboration with partners from TU Eindhoven, Radboud University, CWI and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. <br> <br> For more information and to apply, please visit The closing date for the applications is 15 April 2025 (for full consideration, you are encouraged to apply on or before 15 March 2025). </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3861">Divya Ravi (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-17 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-16</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3859"> <span id="position-3859">Multiple Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty Positions</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3859" class="font-italic">University of South Florida, College of AI, Cybersecurity, and Computing</h6> <div id="description-3859"> Multiple Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty Positions Available at USF. Job IDs: 38362 38363 38364 </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3859">See the advertisement for the details. </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-17 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3857" id="url-3857"> <span id="position-3857">Senior Research Associate/Research Associate (SRA/RA)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3857" class="font-italic">University of New South Wales, Canberra</h6> <div id="description-3857"> This position is funded by the ARC Discovery Grant over three years starting from Jan. 2025. The RA/SRA position is situated within the School of Systems and Computing, University of New South Wales, Canberra. As a member of a research team, the Postdoctoral Fellow will undertake research as directed by the Team Leader. The position will involve research activity in multidisciplinary settings requiring skills in cryptography, machine learning, and biometrics. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to the development of research results and their publication in international journals, and participate at a national and/or international conference/s. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3857">The role of RA is to report to Prof. Jiankun Hu and have Prof. Jiankun Hu direct reports. Please contact Prof. Hu at for details.</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-17 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-13</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3855" id="url-3855"> <span id="position-3855">PhD Student in Post-quantum Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3855" class="font-italic">University of Wollongong, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3855"> We are looking for a motivated PhD student to work on Post-quantum cryptography for Cloud Computing. The position is fully funded with 3.5-year duration and the starting date is negotiable. The applicant should have a solid background in Computer Science, Mathematics, or relevant fields. If interested, please send your CV and transcripts to us. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3855">Willy Susilo ( and Dung Hoang Duong (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-17 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-11</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3851"> <span id="position-3851">Master&#039;s internship in Code-based Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3851" class="font-italic">Télécom Paris, France</h6> <div id="description-3851"> The Cryptography and Cybersecurity (C2) team at Télécom Paris is looking for an intern in Code-based Cryptography. The objective of the internship would be to design and analyze a post-quantum threshold signature scheme relying on code-based assumptions.<br><br> The internship may be followed by a PhD position.<br><br> For more information, please visit <br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3851">victor[dot]dyseryn[at]telecom-paris[dot]fr</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-11 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-10</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3849" id="url-3849"> <span id="position-3849">Research internship (Cryptography)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3849" class="font-italic">Microsoft Research, Redmond</h6> <div id="description-3849"> The Cryptography research team at Microsoft Research, Redmond, is looking for PhD student interns for the spring or summer of 2025. Please apply as soon as possible if you are interested in joining us! <br><br> For more information and to apply, go to <br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3849">Karen Easterbrook ( or Kim Laine (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-09 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-09</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3846"> <span id="position-3846">Associate/Assistant Professor in cybersecurity</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3846" class="font-italic">Télécom Paris, Palaiseau, France</h6> <div id="description-3846"> <p>Telecom Paris is looking for an Associate/Assistant Professor in cybersecurity. <p>Within the Computer Science and Networks (INFRES) department, the Cryptography and Cybersecurity (C2) team aims to develop skills in various areas of cybersecurity, including (i) security mechanisms for future wireless networks (6G, IIoT, ITS-G5, etc.), (ii) solutions tailored to the security of virtualized architectures and cloud infrastructures, and (iii) advanced detection mechanisms and effective automatic responses to cyberattacks. <p>Regarding teaching, Telecom Paris has very great needs in cybersecurity, whether to give courses or to manage teaching units. The Associate/Assistant professor recruited will strengthen the school's ability to coordinate, design and implement courses on the security of IT networks and systems, for example in the cloud, radio communications and vehicular networks. It is also expected that the recruited she/he will be able to take part in the general computer science courses taught in the first year. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3846">Sébastien Canard (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-05</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3845"> <span id="position-3845">Faculty Position in Computer Science and Engineering</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3845" class="font-italic">Koç University, İstanbul, Türkiye</h6> <div id="description-3845"> Koç University College of Engineering invites applications for full-time faculty positions in Computer Science and Engineering starting in Fall 2025. We seek outstanding candidates with significant contributions in all computer science and engineering research areas. <br><br> The ideal candidate will have a visionary research agenda, an exceptional research and publication track record, and a strong commitment to academic excellence and innovation. The successful candidate will demonstrate dedication to undergraduate and graduate education and foster an inclusive learning environment. <br><br> Koç University is a private, non-profit institution in Istanbul, Türkiye, where English is the medium of instruction. It hosts the highest number of European Research Council (ERC) Grant recipients in Türkiye and continues to secure the largest research funding from Horizon 2020. The university provides a vibrant interdisciplinary research environment, including the Koç University School of Medicine, Hospital, Translational Medicine Research Center (KUTTAM), and Koç University Is Bank Artificial Intelligence Research Center (KUIS AI). Koç University is home to Türkiye’s largest GPU cluster, providing advanced infrastructure for leading-edge AI research. <br><br> The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Koç University has world-renowned faculty with extensive awards and projects on both national and international levels. Our faculty is a national leader in AI research and is equally strong in high-performance computing (HPC), security, and networks, with a unique emphasis on interdisciplinary work that bridges AI and medicine. For more information about the department and its faculty, please visit <br><br> Koç University offers a competitive salary and benefits package, including housing support, private insurance, K-12 education support, and research startup funding. <br><br> Application Deadline: Evaluation of applications will begin on January, 20th and continue until all open positions are filled. All applications will be treated confidentially. <b>Apply online via the link:</b> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3845"></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-05 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-12-04</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3842" id="url-3842"> <span id="position-3842">Multiple academic teaching positions (Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3842" class="font-italic">Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Malaysia</h6> <div id="description-3842"> Xiamen University Malaysia is now seeking highly motivated, committed and qualified individuals for academic teaching positions in computer science and cyber security. </p> <p> Candidates in computer science and cyber security are welcome to apply. The ideal candidate is expected to be able to support general computing subjects, as well as cyber security specialization subjects. Applicants must possess their <b>first (Bachelor's) degree in computing</b> and PhD in a related discipline. </p> <p> Applicants with specific teaching and research interests in <b>one or more</b> of the following areas from <b>each group</b> are encouraged to apply: </p> <p> Cybersecurity <ul> <li>Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis</li> <li>Malware Analysis</li> <li>Cryptanalysis</li> <li>Biometrics</li> <li>Blockchain Technology</li> <li>Cyber Security Laws and Regulations</li> </ul> </p> </p> <p> Computing <ul> <li>Programming (C, C++, Java)</li> <li>Discrete Math</li> <li>Data Structure</li> <li>Design and Analysis of Algorithms</li> <li>Computer Networks and Communication</li> <li>Operating Systems</li> <li>Big Data Analytics</li> </ul> </p> <p> <strong>HOW TO APPLY </strong> <br> Applicants are invited to submit a digital application to and All applications must include the following attachments: <ol> <li>Your detailed and current CV with publication (*Asterisk to indicate corresponding author, include Indexing & Quartile);</li> <li>Cover letter; </li> <li>List of courses from the above that the candidate can support; </li> <li>Evidence of academic qualifications (Bachelor, Master & PhD Certificate; Bachelor, Master & PhD Transcripts and Professional Certificates);</li> <li>3-5 Full-Text publications (if applicable);</li> <li>Teaching evaluation (if applicable);</li> <li>Two academic references (at least one of them is the applicant’s current/most recent employer).</li> </ol> The positions will remain open until filled, but priority will be given to applications received by 13 December 2024. </p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3842">Iftekhar Salam</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-02 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-30</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3841"> <span id="position-3841">PhD in Lattice-Based Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3841" class="font-italic">King&#039;s College London</h6> <div id="description-3841"> <p>We are inviting applications for a PhD studentship in the cryptography lab at King’s College London. Specifically, we are looking for an applicant to work with us in the area of lattice-based cryptography. We are particularly interested in the study of and constructions from new lattice-based assumptions and privacy-preserving technologies based on lattices.</p> <p>The PhD could cover studying the underlying hard mathematical problems, cryptanalysis, constructions or applications of lattice-techniques. This can cover post-quantum aspects of lattice-based cryptography and/or advanced functionalities.</p> <p>The applicant would work with Martin Albrecht, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen and/or Eamonn Postlethwaite. We encourage applicants to reach out to Martin to discuss the position informally before applying.</p> <p><b>Fine print.</b> This is a fully-funded positions covering both fees and maintenance. The latter is at the UKRI rate. Funded by UKRI Frontier Research. We seek applicants with a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science. We will consider applications on a rolling basis. </p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3841">Martin Albrecht (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-02 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-29</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3840" id="url-3840"> <span id="position-3840">Fully Funded PhD student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3840" class="font-italic">Monash University, Melbourne, Australia </h6> <div id="description-3840"> <p>The post-quantum cryptography research group at the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia, has <strong>3 fully funded Ph.D. student scholarship openings</strong> for research projects funded by Australian Research Council - Discovery Projects 2025, including in particular the following areas:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Developing tools and techniques for FHE-based private cloud computation applications.</strong></li> <li><strong>Theory and applications of zk-SNARKS in FHE-based cloud computation.</strong></li> <li><strong>Secure and Efficient Implementations of zk-SNARK and FHE schemes and their applications.</strong></li> </ul> <p>Students will have the opportunity to work in an excellent research environment and collaborate with experts in cryptography and with </strong>Cryptolab industry partners</strong>.</p> <p>Monash University is among the leading universities in Australia and is located in Melbourne, ranked as Australia's most liveable city and among the most liveable cities in the world.</p> <p>Applicants should have (or be expected to complete in the next 12 months) a <strong>Masters or Honours equivalent qualification</strong> with a research thesis, with excellent grades in mathematics, theoretical computer science, cryptography, engineering or closely related areas. They should have excellent English verbal and written communication skills. Programming experience and skills, especially in <em>Sagemath, Python, Magma</em>, and/or <em>C/C++</em>, are also highly desirable.</p> <p><strong>To apply:</strong> please send a copy of your CV and all your transcripts (bachelor and/or master) by <strong>1st Feb 2025 to</strong></p> <p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3840">Amin Sakzad (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-02 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-29</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3839"> <span id="position-3839">Cryptanalysis Bounties and Research Grants</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3839" class="font-italic">Ethereum Foundation</h6> <div id="description-3839"> Ethereum Foundation launches a big initiative aimed to boost the third-party cryptanalysis of the Poseidon hash function. It provides bounties for breaking reduced-round versions, awards for research papers describing theoretical attacks, and grants for detailed investigation of certain gaps in the existing analysis. The total fund is $500 000. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3839">Ethereum Foundation Poseidon Group</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-12-02 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-28</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3833" id="url-3833"> <span id="position-3833"> Ph.D. student</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3833" class="font-italic">School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wollongong; Wollongong, Australia</h6> <div id="description-3833"> We are looking for two motivated PhD students in the area of cryptography. The positions are fully funded with 3-year duration and the starting date is negotiable. The research topics are mainly in public-key cryptography, including, but not limited to, public-key primitives with advanced functionality, lattice-based cryptography, and privacy-preserving protocols. The applicants should have a solid background in Computer Science, Mathematics, or relevant fields. If interested, please send your CV (including a list of publications and language test marks), transcripts, and a short research statement (about your research background and research interest) to us. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3833">Rupeng Yang (; Zuoxia Yu (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-20 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-20</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3831"> <span id="position-3831">Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty in Computer Science at all Ranks (Assistant, Associate, Full)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3831" class="font-italic">Stevens Institute of Technology</h6> <div id="description-3831"> The Department of Computer Science in the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science at Stevens Institute of Technology invites applications for two tenure-track and tenured positions at all ranks (assistant, associate, full). This year our priorities are in all aspects of cybersecurity (e.g., systems security, cryptography, privacy, security for AI) and artificial intelligence, which are areas we plan to grow aided by enthusiastic new faculty. Exceptional candidates in other areas may be considered. Endowed chairs are available for exceptional senior candidates. <p><p> <b>Responsibilities:</b> Candidates are expected to demonstrate a commitment to teaching and mentorship at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including working with students from underrepresented groups. Successful candidates will have the potential to develop an externally funded research program, supervise graduate students in research, and contribute to the highly interdisciplinary, collaborative, diverse, innovative, and entrepreneurial culture at Stevens. <p><p> <b> Required Education and Experience: </b> Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in computer science or a related discipline. Candidates applying at the rank of Associate or Full should have a track record of success in scholarship, funded research, teaching, mentoring, and contributing to diversity, equity, and inclusion. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3831">Samantha Kleinberg (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-20 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-18</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3830"> <span id="position-3830">Non-Tenure Track Teaching Faculty in Computer Science at all Ranks (Assistant, Associate, Full)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3830" class="font-italic">Stevens Institute of Technology</h6> <div id="description-3830"> The Department of Computer Science (CS) in the Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science (SES) at Stevens Institute of Technology (Stevens) invites applications for non-tenure track, teaching faculty positions to begin in September 2025. The rank of the appointment will depend on experience and qualifications. <p><p> <b> Responsibilities:</b> Successful candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate level. They are also expected to advise students, supervise them in research, and contribute to the intellectually vibrant, highly interdisciplinary, collaborative, diverse, innovative, and entrepreneurial culture at Stevens. <p> <p> <b> Required Education and Experience:</b> Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. in computer science or a related discipline. The department especially seeks candidates with a strong background in systems and security but will consider applications in all areas of computer science. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3830">Sandeep Bhatt ( </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-20 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-18</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3828"> <span id="position-3828">Assistant and Associate Professors</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3828" class="font-italic">Shanghai Jiao Tong University, John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science; Shanghai, China</h6> <div id="description-3828"> <p><b>The John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)</b> is seeking to fill several <b>tenure-track positions in computer science at the rank of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor</b> starting on a mutually agreed date. Faculty duties include research, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and supervision of student research. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field by the start of employment.</p> <p>Shanghai Jiao Tong University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China, which enjoys a long history and a world-renowned reputation. The John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science at SJTU was established in January 2017 and is named after John Hopcroft, a Turing Award winner, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The center is led by him as the director. The mission of the center is to create a relaxed and free international academic environment, recruit promising young scholars, and help them grow into world-class scholars in the field of computer science. For more information about our center, please visit our website at <b></b>.</p> <p>Strong candidates in all areas will be considered with special consideration given (but not limited) to Cryptography and Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Computer Architecture, Database, Operating System, Software Engineering etc. An internationally competitive package for salary and benefits will be offered by the Center. SJTU makes a great effort to provide a startup research grant. </p> <p><b>Apply: </b>To apply, please submit a curriculum vita (CV) to Prof. Haiming Jin at and Prof. YuYu at To ensure full consideration, please apply by June 30 2025, although applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3828">Prof. Haiming Jin at and Prof. YuYu at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-18 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-18</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3827" id="url-3827"> <span id="position-3827">Multiple academic teaching positions (Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3827" class="font-italic">Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang, Malaysia</h6> <div id="description-3827"> Xiamen University Malaysia is now seeking highly motivated, committed and qualified individuals for academic teaching positions in computer science and cyber security. </p> <p> Candidates in computer science and cyber security are welcome to apply. The ideal candidate is expected to be able to support general computing subjects, as well as cyber security specialization subjects. Applicants must possess their <b>first (Bachelor's) degree in computing</b> and PhD in a related discipline. </p> <p> Applicants with specific teaching and research interests in <b>one or more</b> of the following areas from <b>each group</b> are encouraged to apply: </p> <p> Cybersecurity <ul> <li>Malware Analysis</li> <li>Cryptanalysis</li> <li>Biometrics</li> <li>Blockchain Technology</li> <li>Cyber Security Laws and Regulations</li> </ul> </p> </p> <p> Computing <ul> <li>Data Structure</li> <li>Design and Analysis of Algorithms</li> <li>Computer Networks and Communication</li> <li>Principles of Operating Systems</li> <li>Big Data Analytics</li> </ul> </p> <p> <strong>HOW TO APPLY </strong> <br> Applicants are invited to submit a digital application packet to: and </p> <p> The subject line of your email must include: <b>your name, relevant academic discipline, and the specific position for which you are applying for</b>. All application packets must include the following attachments: <ol> <li>Your detailed and current CV with publication (*Asterisk to indicate corresponding author, include Indexing & Quartile);</li> <li>Cover letter; </li> <li>List of courses from the above that the candidate can support; </li> <li>Evidence of academic qualifications (Bachelor, Master & PhD Certificate; Bachelor, Master & PhD Transcripts and Professional Certificates);</li> <li>3-5 Full-Text publications (if applicable);</li> <li>Teaching evaluation (if applicable);</li> <li>Two academic references (at least one of them is the applicant’s current/most recent employer).</li> </ol> The positions will remain open until filled, but priority will be given to applications received by 13 December 2024. </p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3827">Iftekhar Salam</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-18 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-16</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3821"> <span id="position-3821">Cryptography R&amp;D Engineer</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3821" class="font-italic">CryptoNext Security</h6> <div id="description-3821"> CryptoNext Security develops post-quantum cryptography solutions to protect critical data from emerging quantum threats. We work with clients like banks, governments, and security institutions to secure the future of cybersecurity.<br><br> In this role, you will design and implement cryptographic algorithms in languages like C and Java, optimize them for embedded and IoT systems, and address side-channel attacks. You’ll develop and integrate protocols such as TLS and IPSEC using tools like OpenSSL and ensure the security and performance of our software through rigorous testing. Collaboration is key as you’ll work closely with the team to integrate CryptoNext solutions with HSMs, VPNs, and PKI.<br><br> We’re looking for someone with a strong background in cryptography, including public-key, and proficiency in programming languages like C or Java. Problem-solving and independence are essential, and fluency in French and English is required.<br><br> You’ll join a high-level R&D team, working on cutting-edge projects in a hybrid environment at our Paris office near Gare de Lyon.<br><br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3821"><br><br><b>Apply here:</b></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-10 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-08</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3818"> <span id="position-3818">Post-Doc in Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3818" class="font-italic">The University of Edinburgh</h6> <div id="description-3818"> The successful candidate will contribute to the formal security specification, design and software implementation of cryptographic protocols in the Open Finance area. In Open Finance we envision multiple entities, each holding private data, that want to perform joint computation over this data to offer to customers the best possible financial products. The main goal of the project is to investigate what are the security requirements for Open Finance, and then provide a formal security of such a system. The successful candidate will in particular focus on optimizing the already developed cryptographic protocols and implement them focusing on a specific use case. The majority of the work will be related to the optimization and implementation of a cryptographic protocol for which we have already developed a high level specification. In this the successful candidate will be supported by members of the School of Informatics. The candidate will also be supported by members of the Business School to familiarize themselves with the concepts of Open Finance. The project is funded by Input-Output Global. <p> The post is full-time, available immediately for 12 months. <br><br> <b>Your skills and attributes for success:</b> <ul> <li> Ph.D. (or near completion) in cryptography or related fields <li>Experience in implementing cryptographic algorithms, and writing software for security-related applications <li> Track record of strong publications <li>Strong experience in provable security, and in the design of cryptographic protocols </ul> The following criteria are not yes/no factors, but questions of degree. Recruitment will aim at selecting those candidates with the best possible performance in all these criteria. <ul> <li>Experience in research in one or more of the following areas: secure multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, blockchain, functional encryption, fully-homomorphic encryption, and distributed algorithms. <li>Ability to communicate complex information clearly, orally, and in writing. </ul> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3818">Michele Ciampi michele.ciampi at <br> Raffaella Calabrese, raffaella calabrese at</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-06 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-11-06</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href=";utm_medium=member_desktop" id="url-3814"> <span id="position-3814">PhD Scholarship [UK Home Students]</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3814" class="font-italic">The University of Sheffield</h6> <div id="description-3814"> <p><strong>PhD Studentship in Security for Smart Manufacturing and Digital Twin</strong> <br>(University of Sheffield, UK)</p> <p>Are you ready to explore the forefront of securing smart manufacturing systems and digital twins? Join the <b>University of Sheffield</b>'s research team through a 3.5-year <strong>PhD studentship</strong> focused on enhancing security within advanced manufacturing environments, specifically in applications involving digital twins and robotic arms.</p> <p><strong>Project Overview:</strong> <br>This project addresses critical security challenges within smart manufacturing environments, focusing on the protection and resilience of <i>digital twin frameworks</i>. The research aims to fortify systems against cyber threats to ensure safe, secure, and efficient operation in industrial settings. Key areas of study include vulnerability analysis, digital twin security, and developing defence mechanisms to protect interconnected manufacturing components, including robotic arms.</p> <p><strong>Research Themes Include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Identifying and analysing vulnerabilities in digital twins and robotic arm systems</li> <li>Designing robust digital twin models with enhanced resistance to cyber threats</li> <li>Implementing advanced security protocols for smart manufacturing infrastructure</li> <li>Collaborating with industry partners to establish new security standards for digital twin and robotic systems</li> </ul> <p><strong>Position Details:</strong></p> <ul> <li><b>Starting Date:</b> Flexible, with preferred start dates in January 2025 or September 2025.</li> <li><b>Location:</b> Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK.</li> <li><b>Duration:</b> 3 years and 6 months</li> </ul> <p><strong>Candidate Requirements:</strong> <br>The ideal candidate should have an excellent academic track record at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and a strong background in research, demonstrated by relevant publications. This opportunity is available for <b>UK home students only</b>.</p> <p><em>Note:</em> Only UK-based candidates are eligible to apply.</p> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3814"><p><strong>Application Process:</strong> <br>To apply, please send your CV, research statement, letter of motivation, and academic transcripts to Be sure to include <b>[PhD-SmartMfgSec]</b> in the subject line</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-11-02 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-10-31</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3809"> <span id="position-3809">Fully-funded PhD Positions - Cryptography/Security/Privacy/Blockchain-based Systems</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3809" class="font-italic">University of Connecticut, School of Computing</h6> <div id="description-3809"> Several fully-funded PhD student openings for Fall 2025 are available in cryptography, computer security, privacy, and blockchain-based systems at the University of Connecticut (UConn), School of Computing, led by Prof. Ghada Almashaqbeh.<br><br> The positions provide a great opportunity for students with interest in interdisciplinary projects that combine knowledge from various fields towards the design of secure systems and protocols. We target real-world and timely problems and aim to develop secure and practical solutions backed by rigorous foundations and efficient implementations/thorough performance testing (with a focus on large-scale distributed systems, including privacy, scalability and interoperability of blockchain-based systems, and applied cryptographic protocols in general). We are also interested in theoretical projects that contribute in devising new models in Cryptography and Privacy (such as MPC, authentication, and zero-knowledge proofs).<br><br> For more information about our current and previous projects please check For interested students, please send your CV to and provide any relevant information about your research interests, and relevant skills and background. </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3809">Ghada Almashaqbeh,</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-10-28 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-10-27</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3799"> <span id="position-3799">Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at NJIT (cybersecurity + AI)</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3799" class="font-italic">New Jersey Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science, USA</h6> <div id="description-3799"> The Computer Science Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions starting in Fall 2025. Exceptional candidates will be considered in all areas of Computer Science, but priority will be given to those that can build synergies in the following areas, defined broadly: <ul> <li>Cybersecurity (2 tenure-track positions) <li>AI and applications of AI (such as robotics) (2 tenure-track positions) </ul> We aim to hire at the rank of Assistant Professor, but exceptional candidates at higher ranks will also be considered. <br><br> NJIT is a Carnegie R1 Doctoral University (Very High Research Activity), with $178M research expenditures in FY23. The Computer Science Department has 31 tenured/tenure track faculty, with nine NSF CAREER, one DARPA Young Investigator, and one DoE Early Career awardees. The Computer Science Department enrolls over 3,200 students at all levels across six programs of study and takes part, alongside the Departments of Informatics and Data Science, in the Ying Wu College of Computing (YWCC). YWCC comprises has an enrollment of more than 4,700 students in computing disciplines, and graduates over 1,000 computing professionals every year; as such, it is the largest producer of computing talent in the tri-state (NY, NJ, CT) area. <br><br> To formally apply for the position, please submit your application materials at NJIT recognizes the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in academia and society at large. Candidates who have a track record in DEI are requested to also submit an optional Diversity Statement. Applications received by December 31, 2024 will receive full consideration. However, applications are reviewed until all the positions are filled. Contact address for inquiries: </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3799"></span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-10-23 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-10-17</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3796" id="url-3796"> <span id="position-3796">PhD Positions in Cryptography</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3796" class="font-italic">University of Georgia, School of Computing</h6> <div id="description-3796"> We are looking for two PhD students who wish to pursue research in applied cryptography. The positions are fully funded and the starting date is negotiable. <br><br> The candidates will work on topics including but not limited to:<br> <ul> <li> Cryptanalyzing existing cryptographic protocols in the literature and the industry </li> <li> Encrypted databases </li> <li> Distributed systems </li> </ul> Other research topics are possible upon negotiation. <br><br> If interested, please send an email (with a CV and cover letter) to Dr. Zichen Gui ( </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3796">Zichen Gui (Zichen dot Gui at uga dot edu)</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-10-15 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-10-14</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="" id="url-3784"> <span id="position-3784">Multiple Postdoc and PhD positions</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3784" class="font-italic">University of South Florida</h6> <div id="description-3784"> The USF Center for Cryptographic Research is recruiting 3 postdoctoral fellows and 3 graduate students to work on Applied Algebra. Our program focuses on the following topics: <ul> <li>Cryptology</li> <li>Coding Theory</li> <li>Quantum Computing</li> </ul> Candidates whose research intersects multiple topics of interest are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will be hosted by the USF Department of Mathematics and Statistics. All candidates must be <b>U.S. citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents (i.e. Green Card holders)</b>. The additional minimum qualifications are <ul> <li>Postdoctoral: a PhD in mathematics, computer science, or a related field. </li> <li>Graduate students: a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, or evidence of completion of coursework in algebra, analysis and topology.</li> </ul> The start date is negotiable, but needs to be before the start of the Fall 2025 semester. <br> <br> Our program is supported by an NSF Research Training Group (RTG) grant. More information about our RTG program is available at:<br> <b> </b> <br> <br> Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We encourage all potential applicants to visit our applications page which includes a simplified procedure through an interest form:<br> <b></b> <br> <br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3784">Jean-François Biasse (</span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-09-27 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-09-25</small> </div> <hr /> <div class=""> <h5> <a href="/jobs/item/3782" id="url-3782"> <span id="position-3782">PhD Student in Cryptographic Engineering</span> </a> </h5> <h6 id="place-3782" class="font-italic">University of South Florida</h6> <div id="description-3782"> This is an urgent call for interested applicants. A funded Ph.D. student position is available starting January 2025 (all documents submitted by Oct. 15th, 2024) or, if positions are not filled, for Fall 2025 to work on different aspects of Cryptographic Engineering in the CSE department with Dr. Mehran Mozaffari Kermani. <br><br> The required expertise includes:<br> - Master’s in Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering<br> - Solid background in digital design, VLSI, computer arithmetic, and ASIC/FPGA <br> - Solid HDL expertise<br> - Outstanding English (if English tests are taken) to be eligible for department funding<br> - Motivation to work beyond the expectations from an average Ph.D. student and publish in top tier venues <br><br> Please closely observe the admission requirement details before emailing. We are looking for motivated, talented, and hardworking applicants who have background and are interested in working on different aspects of Cryptographic Engineering with emphasis on Side-channel attacks, particularly fault and power analysis attacks. Please send me your updated CV (including list of publications, language test marks, and references), transcripts for B.Sc. (and/or M.Sc.), and a statement of interest to: mehran2 (at) as soon as possible. <br><br> NOTE: At this time, I consider only the applicants who have already taken TOEFL/IELTS exams with excellent marks. The successful candidate will be asked to apply formally very soon to the department, so all the material has to be ready. We do not require GRE.<br><br> Research Webpage:<br><br> CSE Admissions: <br> </div> <strong>Contact: </strong> <span id="contact-3782">Prof. Mehran Mozaffari Kermani Email: mehran2 (at) </span> <br /> <strong>Last updated: </strong> 2024-09-24 <small class="float-right mt-2 mt-md-0">posted on 2024-09-22</small> </div> </main> <div id="pageFooter"> <footer class="container-fluid iacrMain-footer pt-4"> <div class="row px-4"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3 mb-md-3"> <a href="/about/" class="h6 d-none d-md-block"> <strong>About</strong> </a> <p class="d-none d-md-block mt-2"> The <a href="/">International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)</a> is a non-profit scientific organization whose purpose is to further research in cryptology and related fields. <a href="/about/">Learn more...</a> </p> <div class="text-center"> <a href="//" class="social" title="Twitter Feed"> <img src="/img/icons/twitter.svg" class="socialBtn" alt="Twitter logo"> </a> <a href="//" class="social" title="YouTube Channel"> <img src="/img/icons/youtube.svg" class="socialBtn" alt="YouTube logo"> </a> <a href="//" class="social" title="Facebook Page"> <img src="/img/icons/facebook.svg" class="socialBtn" alt="Facebook logo"> </a> <a href="" class="social" title="Weibo"> <img src="/img/icons/weibo.svg" class="socialBtn" alt="Weibo logo"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <a href="/meetings/" class="h6"> <strong>Events</strong> </a> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li> <a href="/meetings/asiacrypt/">Asiacrypt</a>&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="/meetings/crypto/">Crypto</a>&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="/meetings/eurocrypt/">Eurocrypt</a> </li> <li> <a href="/meetings/ches/" title="Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems">CHES</a>&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="/meetings/fse/" title="Fast Software Encryption">FSE</a>&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="/meetings/pkc/" title="Public Key Cryptography">PKC</a>&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="/meetings/tcc/" title="Theory of Cryptography Conference">TCC</a> </li> <li> <a href="//"> Real World Crypto </a> </li> <li> <a href="/schools/"> Schools </a> </li> <li> <a href="/events/"> Calendar of events </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <a href="/publications/" class="h6"> <strong>Publications</strong> </a> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li> <a href="/publications/access.php"> Access to Publications </a> </li> <li> <a href="/jofc/"> Journal of Cryptology </a> </li> <li> <a href="/transactions/tosc/"> Trans. on Symmetric Cryptology </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Trans. on CHES </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Communications in Cryptology </a> </li> <li> <a href="//"> Cryptology ePrint Archive </a> </li> <li> <a href="/cryptodb/"> Publication database </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <a href="/services/" class="h6"> <strong>Services</strong> </a> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li> <a href="/news"> News </a> </li> <li> <a href="/awards/"> Awards </a> </li> <li> <a href="/jobs/"> Jobs </a> </li> <li> <a href="">Update your information</a> </li> <li> <a href="/membership.php">How to join</a> </li> <li class="d-block d-md-none"> <a href="/about/"> About the IACR </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 iacrMain-bottomOfFooter text-center py-2 mt-3"> <span class="align-middle"> <a href="/copyright.html">Copyright &copy; <span id="thisYear"></span> <script>document.getElementById("thisYear").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear();</script> <span class="d-none d-md-inline">by the </span><span class="d-md-none">IACR</span><span class="d-none d-md-inline">International Association for Cryptologic Research</span></a> <span class="d-none d-md-inline">&bull; </span><br class="d-md-none"> <a href="/privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a> </span> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- populated by headerFooter.js --> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <!-- Custom JS (load header & footer) --> <script src="/js/search.js"></script> </body> </html>

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