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class="tags">Category: </span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>It’s been a tumultuous month. For us – and unfortunately for you.</p> <p>We’re sorry for the frustration and the less than great service. While not an excuse, here is the reason:</p> <p>We changed co-location facilities. We, well the four members of our ops team, moved 1,000 servers and ALL of our real-time search infrastructure. Things are now returning to normal, although slower than we would have liked.</p> <p>Looking forward:<br/> We haven’t lost any data – so when things are back to normal your link counts and authority will be exactly where they should be.</p> <p>We’ll follow up in more detail so you have information on exactly which services have been affected and how, and when they’ll be completely functional again.<br/> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>We have completed the colo move</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on June 3, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>Our colo move from one end of San Francisco to the other was completed this past Monday. We have successfully moved nearly 900 machines while reducing our overall rack footprint by more than 50%. This major reduction will help us manage our systems better, keep things running better, save a ton of money, and, as an added benefit, consume a lot less power, thus being a wee bit more friendly to the planet.</p> <p>We had a hard deadline and only 5 weeks to complete the move. We moved quickly and as cautiously as possible. We did have outages and I apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused you, our Technorati users. We still have cleanup, networking to optimize, systems to stabilize, and the routine work of running a real-time blog search engine and ad platform, but things are calming down. This move makes great economic sense for us going forward and the pain of the last few weeks, though unpleasant, was worth enduring since we are now much better positioned for success going forward.</p> <p>I want to thank the Technorati Operations team for their die hard dedication, positive attitude, and professionalism. I'd also like to thank all of you for sticking with us. We look forward to serving you, the bloggers, readers, and advertisers, for a long, long time.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Colo move update - mostly good, some bad</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on May 17, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>We have moved over 2/3 of the servers and have all systems enabled at this time. Performance has crept back down to much more acceptable levels, but not where we want it to be nor where it was before we started the move. We will continue to optimize the configuration of the servers and network.</p> <p>You can see some of our progress, and some of what this ordeal has been like, here:</p> <p><a href=";tests[]=2&amp;tests[]=36&amp;tests[]=192&amp;tests[]=277&amp;tests[]=278">GrapPERF for Technorati</a></p> <p>Separately, we had a few hosts fail over the weekend, which is unfortunate but to be expected when they get moved. Those have been rebooted or replaced and, as of this writing, search and tags are working, though a bit slow.</p> <p><strong>What's not working so well</strong></p> <p>A lot of you on Twitter have said that "Technorati has forgotten my blog". We haven't, but our blog display data servers are running very hot and not always returning data. Unfortunately, this particular error is not handled as we would like in the front-end and, instead of saying there was an error, it concludes that the blog doesn't exist. Our mistake, not yours. We'll be fixing this, but in the meantime, try a reload and sorry for the inconvenience.</p> <p>Blog claiming continues to be problematic. This is more the result of our new crawler's diligence in not letting potential spam or non-blogs into the index than the result of the move, though the move has aggravated things. We are trying to balance content review policies for new sites that people are trying to claim with our desire to keep spam out. Some of what we are looking for in a blog can be found in the <a href="">Technorati Blog Quality Guidelines</a>.</p> <p><strong>Priorities</strong></p> <ol> <li>Stability and performance of the site.</li> <li>Making sure blog claiming works.</li> <li>Continued ping processing and indexing</li> </ol> <p>There are engineers working on all of these and I'll keep you posted on our progress.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>The Technorati Attention Index</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Jen McLean"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Jen McLean</a></cite> on May 14, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Blogosphere">Blogosphere</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p><a href="">The Technorati Attention Index: </a> These are the top sites with highest number of blogs linking to them in the past 30 days. This time around, in addition to rank, we've added Attention numbers. Attention is the number of blogs (not the number of links) that have linked to the site in the past 30 days. Here are the mainstream media gainers and losers in the blogosphere:</p> <p><br/> <strong>New to the top 50</strong></p> <p>The Dallas Morning News</p> <p>San Jose Mercury News</p> <p>Star Tribune</p> <p><br/> <strong>Out of the top 50</strong></p> <p>US News &amp; World Report</p> <p>Rolling Stone</p> <p>Christian Science Monitor</p> <p>International Herald Tribune (now part of</p> <p><br/> <strong>5 biggest gains in Rank</strong></p> <p>PBS</p> <p>The Houston Chronicle</p> <p>Google News</p> <p>NY Post</p> <p>Slate</p> <p><br/> <strong>5 biggest losses in Rank</strong></p> <p>The Economist</p> <p>Chicago Tribune</p> <p>The White House</p> <p>Financial Times</p> <p>Newsweek</p> <p><br/> <strong>5 biggest gains in attention</strong></p> <p>YouTube</p> <p>The Wall Street Journal</p> <p>CNN</p> <p>LA Times </p> <p>Wired</p> <p><br/> <strong>5 biggest losses in attention</strong></p> <p>Reuters</p> <p></p> <p>The Boston Globe</p> <p>Financial Times</p> <p>The Economist</p> <p><strong><br/> Overall Rankings and Attention</strong><br/>  <br/> 1.   <a href="">YouTube</a> 60,644<br/> 2.   <a href="">The New York Times</a> 17,374<br/> 3.   <a href=""></a> 8,039<br/> 4.   <a href="">The Wall Street Journal</a> ­7,513<br/> 5.   <a href="">The Washington Post</a> 6,891<br/> 6.   <a href="">CNN</a> 6,330<br/> 7.   <a href=""></a> ­5,380<br/> 8.   <a href="">Yahoo! News</a> 5,070<br/> 9.   <a href="">MSNBC</a> 5,036<br/> 10. <a href="">The Los Angeles Times</a> 4,536<br/> 11. <a href="">Reuters</a> ­4,314<br/> 12. <a href="">FOX News</a> 4,001<br/> 13. <a href="">The Boston Globe</a> 3,838<br/> 14. <a href="">USA Today</a> 3,619<br/> 15. <a href="">Daily Mail</a> 3,530<br/> 16. <a href="">Time</a> 3,524<br/> 17. <a href="">BBC News</a> 3,399<br/> 18. <a href="">NPR</a> 3,189<br/> 19. <a href="">NY Daily News</a> 2,588<br/> 20. <a href="">Forbes</a> 2,534<br/> 21. <a href="">San Francisco Chronicle</a> 2,420<br/> 22. <a href="">Slate</a> 2,187<br/> 23. <a href="">CBS News<a> 2,156<br/> 24. <a href="">Google News</a> 2,093<br/> 25. <a href="">Wired</a> 2,062<br/> 26. <a href="">Financial Times</a> 2,056<br/> 27. <a href="">PBS</a> 2,053<br/> 28. <a href="">NY Post</a> 2,025<br/> 29. <a href="">San Francisco Examiner</a> 1,968<br/> 30. <a href="">BusinessWeek</a> 1,949<br/> 31. <a href="">The White House</a> 1,929<br/> 32. <a href="">Salon</a> 1,928<br/> 33. <a href="">Chicago Tribune</a> 1,924<br/> 34. <a href="">Newsweek</a> 1,880<br/> 35. <a href="">CNNMoney</a> 1,712<br/> 36. <a href="">CBC</a> 1,696<br/> 37. <a href="">Yahoo! Finance</a> 1,642<br/> 38. <a href="">The Economist</a> 1,565<br/> 39. <a href="">New York Magazine</a> 1,550<br/> 40. <a href=""></a> 1,288 <br/> 41. <a href="">The Houston Chronicle</a> 1,120<br/> 42. <a href="">Science Daily</a> 1,093<br/> 43. <a href="">MarketWatch</a> 1,076<br/> 44. <a href="">People</a> 1,066<br/> 45. <a href="">Miami Herald</a> 1,049<br/> 46. <a href="">The Seattle Times</a> 1,049<br/> 47. <a href="">Yahoo! Sports</a> 1,047<br/> 48. <a href="">The Dallas Morning News</a> 939<br/> 49. <a href="">San Jose Mercury News</a> 879<br/> 50. <a href="">Star Tribune</a> 877</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Colo move update - slowly coming back online</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on May 13, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>Yesterday we completed 3 move phases, relocating about 60 machines. In particular we have moved the vast majority of our front end web farm and the back end search and crawling infrastructure. The team has been working non-stop to execute our adjusted plan.</p> <p>If you have been trying to use the site in the last 24 hours, you have noticed we've had our difficulties. Despite rigorous configuration test scenarios and checks prior to the move, some of our internal network components failed to do what they were supposed to. This meant that, although everything we moved was up and running, requests coming from the internet were not getting everything they needed to complete a meaningful page of HTML. </p> <p>You may have noticed that your claimed blogs didn't show up any more or that we seem to have forgotten that your favorite blogs exist. Believe, they are all safe and nothing has been lost.</p> <p>The ops team has rerouted various pieces to start bringing the site online again and full results are now beginning to show up. Unfortunately, you may still see monster pages or slow responses.</p> <p>We appreciate your patience and I'd like to say thank you to the team for their hard work and ingenuity. They are a small group dedicated to keeping Technorati running smoothly. A move of this magnitude is always a challenge and they are doing everything they can to get it done quickly and return all services to normalcy.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Colo move update - moving main web server farm</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on May 12, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>We've been running for about a week with our web server farm split between the two colo facilities. This approach has definitely made it difficult to guarantee fast or solid page loads.</p> <p>This afternoon we will be moving a major portion of the web server farm so that it resides in the same facility as the search backend. The servers we have already moved are performing quite well and we expect that this will return most services to normal.</p> <p>We appreciate your patience as we are working as fast as we can on getting Technorati working 100% again.</p> <p><a href="">Support Blog</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Colo move continues</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on May 11, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>Our move between colos continues at full pace. We are working hard to keep services available but there will be outages, both scheduled and unscheduled. We apologize for the inconvenience and understand downtime makes it difficult to use the site.</p> <p>You can keep up with more detailed updates on the <a href="">Support Blog</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Crawls and blog claiming likely offline on Fri.</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on April 30, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>As I said in <a href="">Colo move is in full swing now</a>, we will be having regularly scheduled maintenance windows while we move from our old colo to our new colo.</p> <p>We are experiencing some slowness over our network between the two colos which has caused a backlog in ping processing.</p> <p>Rather than have this drag on for several days, we have opted to accelerate the move of the major parts of our crawling infrastructure. To make this go quickly, we will probably have to turn crawling and blog claiming off for several hours tomorrow (Friday May 1).</p> <p>No data will be lost as we will simply queue the requests for later processing.</p> <p>You can keep track of our updates in the <a href="">Site status report</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Colo move in full swing now</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Dorion Carroll"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Dorion Carroll</a></cite> on April 30, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: <a href="" rel="tag" title="Technorati Weblog posts about: Technorati News">Technorati News</a></span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>We've been preparing for our colo move for the last several months. In fact, we're moving two colos at the same time. We expect to be completed prior to the end of May.</p> <p>Since we'll be moving more than 600 servers that make up the 30+ sub-systems that drive Technorati, Blogcritics and AdEngage, there is a ton to coordinate. Our systems have been designed from the ground up with high availability and redundancy in mind. That being said, there are still a lot of moving parts and things don't always go quite as planned. We expect there will be planned outages of some systems and, unfortunately, there may be some unplanned outages as well. We'll keep you posted if things go bump in the night, but, rest assured, we'll keep your blog data safe. Our backup servers have already been moved successfully.</p> <p>For the latest on the move or system status, please consult the <a href="">Site status report</a> in the right sidebar of our support site.</p> </div> </div> <div class="entry"> <div class="entry_info"> <div class="inner"> <h3>Next Generation Journalism: The Re-Launch of</h3> <img class="photo" src="/web/20090703143151im_/" alt="Richard Jalichandra"/><h4 class="byline">Posted by <cite class="vcard"><a href="" class="fn">Richard Jalichandra</a></cite> on April 28, 2009</h4> <p> <span class="tags">Category: </span> <span class="permalink"><a href="">Permalink</a> &middot; <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <a href="" rel="linkcount">View blog reactions</a> </span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="entry_body"> <p>Today, we’ve launched a full redesign of <a href=""></a>, a community combining the best of citizen journalism with the news exclusives and content standards of a fully edited media property.</p> <p>This is exciting for a couple of reasons. First,, we’ve created a site that looks as great as the content it hosts. </p> <p>Second and more importantly:</p> <p>With the rise of citizen journalism we’re now seeing what looks more and more to be the demise of classic journalism. But there’s a gap left – how do we fill it? Journalism 3.0. Properties like BlogCritics are pioneering a new model that combines the immediacy and transparency of the blogosphere, with the high content standards of classic journalism. This is a compelling and viable model that delivers readers the best content and lets writers reach a much larger audience than their own blogs deliver, build their own names and make money in the process. I predict we’ll se a lot more happening with this model.</p> <p>How does it work at BlogCritics? A staff of 15 editors (most of them highly respected writers in their own rights) reviews and manages every article published on the site. Hundreds are published each week: news, opinions, and product reviews across entertainment, technology, culture and politics. </p> <p>Another feature I think is important in the larger scheme of the next web: The new BlogCritics makes it easier for audiences not only to find great content, but to follow their favorite writers by surfacing all the content a writer has created both on and off the Blogcritics platform – giving you one place to find an author’s complete body of work.</p> <p>I have to say, we did start out with a fantastic property. BlogCritics launched back in 2002 and we acquired them last year (link). With a team of two, and a handful of volunteer editors, Blogcritics successfully built a thriving community of more than 3,300 writers who have published more than 84,000 articles, and has attracted huge following, giving blog writers a platform to reach a larger audience.</p> <p>Congratulations to our Publiser <a href="">Eric Olsen</a> and the entire BlogCritics community.<br/> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="extra"> <div class="sponsor"> <div class="doubleclick"> <!-- Begin DoubleClick Ad --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=";ad=rb;member=0;sz=300x60;ord=2215165114030242?" type="text/javascript"></scr' + 'ipt>'); //--> </script> <noscript><div><a href=";ad=rb;member=0;sz=300x60;ord=2215165114030242"><img src=";ad=rb;member=0;sz=300x60;ord=2215165114030242" width="300" height="60" alt=""/></a></div></noscript> <!-- End DoubleClick Ad --> </div> </div> <div class="ad module"> <div class="doubleclick"> <!-- Begin DoubleClick Ad --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=";tile=2;pos=top;ad=rb;member=0;sz=300x250;ord=2215165114030242?" type="text/javascript"></scr' + 'ipt>'); 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