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Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! </p> <h4> When is it? </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> Every Saturday at 9:00am. </p> <h4> Where is it? </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> The event takes place at Holkham Hall, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1AB. See <a href="course">Course page</a> for more details. </p> <h4> What does it cost to join in? </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> Nothing - it's free! but please <strong><a href="/register/?eventName=holkham">register</a></strong> before you first come along. Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a <strong>scannable</strong> copy of your barcode (<a href="">request a reminder</a>). If you forget it, <a href="">you won't get a time</a>. </p> <h4> How fast do I have to be? </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> We all take part for our own enjoyment. Please come along and join in whatever your pace! </p> <h4> Holkham parkrun needs you! </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> It is entirely organised by volunteers - email <a href=""></a> to help. </p> <h4> Safeguarding </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> parkrun is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk. For our full safeguarding processes and policies, including how to report a concern, please see our <a href="">Safeguarding Hub</a>. </p> <h4> We're friendly! </h4> <p class="paddetandb"> Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee at the Courtyard Cafe - please come and join us! </p> </div> <!-- closes homeleft --> <div class="homeright"> <div class="homerightinner"> <div class="homerightinnerinner"> <div> <a href='photos'><img src='' alt='An image depicting a typical parkrun event' /></a> </div> <h3 class="paddetandb"> Thanks to this week's volunteers </h3> <div> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ul class="homepageVols"> <li>Alex HOWARD</li> <li>Alison SLAPP</li> <li>Anne HALL</li> <li>Ceridwen HOWELL</li> <li>Jamie YOUNGS</li> <li>Jenny WATSON</li> <li>Lucy HARRISON</li> <li>Mark RISEBOROUGH</li> <li>Martin KNIGHT</li> <li>Matthew James Oliver FREEZER</li> <li>Nik BRYAN</li> <li>Phil LONGWELL</li> <li>Phillippa HARRISON</li> <li>Richard BURTON</li> <li>Robert MCPAUL</li> <li>Roy LAWRENCE</li> <li>Shirley BROWELL</li> <li>Vikki POWLES</li> <li>William AYLEY-DODD</li> </ul> <br /> See our <a href="volunteer">volunteer page</a> for information on how you can get involved. </div> <h3 class="paddetandb"> Upcoming </h3> <p class="homeupcoming centred"> Holkham parkrun takes place every Saturday at 9:00am. <p style='padding: 10px; color: #e21145' class='centred'><strong>Please note Holkham parkrun is cancelled on 14/12/24 - See the news page for more detail</strong></p> <h3 class='paddetandb'>Other parkruns nearby</h3><a href=''>Hunstanton Promenade</a>(13.1m), <a href=''>Sandringham</a>(14.9m), <a href=''>Sheringham</a>(15.9m), <a href=''>Dereham</a>(19.7m), <a href=''>Blickling</a>(19.9m) </p> <h3 class="paddetandb"> Tips </h3> <ul id="highlights"> <li><a href="">We operate a <strong>No barcode, No result</strong> policy</a>, so please bring a scannable barcode with you.</li> <li>If you need to reprint your barcode, please see your registration email, previous results or ‘thanks for volunteering’ email or you can <a href="">request a reminder email</a>.</li> <li>Coming along for the first time? Please make sure you have <a href="/register/?eventName=holkham"> registered</a> and also read the <a href="course">course description</a>.</li> <li>Did you take part this week? Check out the <a href="results">results page</a> and <a href="news">news page</a> which includes event reports - we normally update these a day or two after the event.</li> <li>Not received your results email? It may be in your spam folder. <a href="">We've a few tips on our support site</a> to help you.</li> <li>You look great! Have a look at the <a href="photos">event photos</a>.</li> <li>Want to know more? Read <a href="aboutus">about us</a> and the event.</li> <li>Our <a href="links">links page</a> connects you to local and national running resources.</li> <li>This event is organised and delivered every week by volunteers; if you want to join us, find out more on our <a href="">volunteering page</a>.</li> <li>Summary event statistics are at the <a href="#footerStats">bottom of every page</a>.</li> <li>Any other questions? Read our <a href="">dedicated support site</a>.</li> </ul> </div> <!-- closes homerightinnerinner --> </div> <!-- closes homerightinner --> </div> <!-- closes homeright --> <br class="clear" /> <!-- extra clearing <br> - only *really* needed in news page, and not even there in practice as one of two columns (news and rhs sidebar) should stretch the page to fill the whole viewport height (which was the issue) - but works nicely on all pages - clears the bird on footer image fromt the text nicely --> <br class="clear" /> </div><!-- #main --> </main> <footer role="contentinfo"> <div id="footerStats"> <div> <h3>Holkham parkrun event statistics</h3> <p>Problem with results? please contact <a href=""></a> </p> <div class="flex"> <div class="aStat"> Events: <span class="num">340</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> Finishers: <span class="num">16717</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> Finishes: <span class="num">54407</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> Volunteers: <span class="num">547</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> PBs: <span class="num">7548</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> Average finish time: <span class="num">00:29:57</span> </div> <div class="aStat"> Groups: <span class="num">1153</span> </div> </div> <div class="lastupdated"> Stats last updated: Thu 12 Dec 2024 02:24:08 UTC </div> </div> </div> <div id="footerLogos"> <div> <a href="/sponsors/vitality/" title="Vitality"> <img src="" alt="Vitality"> </a> <a href="" title="Co-Op"> <img src="" alt="Co-Op"> </a> <a href="" title="WithU"> <img src="" alt="WithU"> </a> <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=uk%7Cbrand%7Cs20%7Cparkrun%7C-%7C-%7C-%7C-%7C-%7C-%7C-" title="Brooks"> <img src="" alt="Brooks"> </a> </div> </div> <div id="footerLegal" class="footerOuter"> <div id="legalLinks"> <a href=''>Contact us</a> <a href=''>Privacy</a> <a href='/terms-conditions/'>Terms and Conditions</a> <a href=''>Safeguarding</a> <a href=''>Careers</a> </div> <p class="faded">&copy; parkrun Limited (Company Number: 07289574)</p> <p class="faded">No part of this site may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.</p> <p>Frameworks, 2 Sheen Road, Richmond, TW9 1AE</p> <div id="footerSocial"> <div class="footerSocialLogo"> <a title="facebook" href=""> <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>Facebook</title><path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M9.101 23.691v-7.98H6.627v-3.667h2.474v-1.58c0-4.085 1.848-5.978 5.858-5.978.401 0 .955.042 1.468.103a8.68 8.68 0 0 1 1.141.195v3.325a8.623 8.623 0 0 0-.653-.036 26.805 26.805 0 0 0-.733-.009c-.707 0-1.259.096-1.675.309a1.686 1.686 0 0 0-.679.622c-.258.42-.374.995-.374 1.752v1.297h3.919l-.386 2.103-.287 1.564h-3.246v8.245C19.396 23.238 24 18.179 24 12.044c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12s-12 5.373-12 12c0 5.628 3.874 10.35 9.101 11.647Z"/></svg> </a> </div> <div class="footerSocialLogo"> <a title="twitter" href=""> <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>X</title><path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M18.901 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