Une étude visuelle de l'impact du vent sur la concentration de PM2,5
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c -5.123 -3.49 -11.141 -5.403 -17.327 -5.537 l 2.919 -14.038 l 9.631 2.025 c 0.268 2.472 2.483 4.262 4.955 3.993 c 2.472 -0.268 4.262 -2.483 3.993 -4.955 s -2.483 -4.262 -4.955 -3.993 c -1.421 0.145 -2.696 0.973 -3.4 2.204 L 48.68 17.987 c -0.749 -0.168 -1.499 0.302 -1.667 1.063 c 0 0.011 0 0.011 0 0.022 l -3.322 15.615 c -6.264 0.101 -12.36 2.025 -17.55 5.537 c -2.64 -2.483 -6.801 -2.36 -9.284 0.291 c -2.483 2.64 -2.36 6.801 0.291 9.284 c 0.515 0.481 1.107 0.895 1.767 1.186 c -0.045 0.66 -0.045 1.32 0 1.98 c 0 10.078 11.745 18.277 26.23 18.277 c 14.485 0 26.23 -8.188 26.23 -18.277 c 0.045 -0.66 0.045 -1.32 0 -1.98 C 73.635 49.855 75.056 47.528 75.011 45 z M 30.011 49.508 c 0 -2.483 2.025 -4.508 4.508 -4.508 c 2.483 0 4.508 2.025 4.508 4.508 s -2.025 4.508 -4.508 4.508 C 32.025 53.993 30.011 51.991 30.011 49.508 z M 56.152 62.058 v -0.179 c -3.199 2.405 -7.114 3.635 -11.119 3.468 c -4.005 0.168 -7.919 -1.063 -11.119 -3.468 c -0.425 -0.515 -0.347 -1.286 0.168 -1.711 c 0.447 -0.369 1.085 -0.369 1.544 0 c 2.707 1.98 6.007 2.987 9.362 2.83 c 3.356 0.179 6.667 -0.783 9.407 -2.74 c 0.492 -0.481 1.297 -0.47 1.779 0.022 C 56.655 60.772 56.644 61.577 56.152 62.058 z M 55.537 54.34 c -0.078 0 -0.145 0 -0.224 0 l 0.034 -0.168 c -2.483 0 -4.508 -2.025 -4.508 -4.508 s 2.025 -4.508 4.508 -4.508 s 4.508 2.025 4.508 4.508 C 59.955 52.148 58.02 54.239 55.537 54.34 z" style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: #25a1de; fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform=" matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0) " stroke-linecap="round" /></g></svg></a><script>try{tlite.enable(document.getElementById('share-reddit'),{text:"<div style='font-size:120%'>Share on reddit:<\/div>A visual study of Wind impact on PM2.5 Concentration<br>(https:\/\/\/faq\/2015-11-05\/a-visual-study-of-wind-impact-on-pm25-concentration\/fr\/)"});}catch(e){}</script></div><style>.ui-share-btns {display: block;margin: 0;vertical-align: middle;}.ui-share-btns svg {height: 20px;vertical-align: middle;fill: white;}.ui-share-btn {background-color: #25a1de;color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);font-size: 15px;line-height: 20px;display: inline-block;text-align: center;border: 1px solid #0086c8;cursor: pointer;border-radius: 4px;padding: 3px 5px;margin: 3px;max-width: 800px;min-width: 30px;}.ui-share-btn:first-child {margin-left: 0px;}.ui-share-btn:hover {background-color: #f8f8f8;border-color: #adadad;text-decoration: none;color: black;}.ui-share-btn:hover svg {fill: black;}.ui-share-btn:hover svg g {fill: black;}.ui-share-btn a:hover {text-decoration: none;}</style><i style='color:#888;font-size:13px;word-break: break-all;'>Partager: <a href=''></a></i><br><div class='entry-content' ng-controller='MainController as ctrl'> <div style='float:right;padding-left:20px;text-align:center;width:300px; max-width:50%;'> <img src="/images/forecast/dust-storm-nasa.png" style='max-width:100%;'> <br> <small> A perfect dust storm <small>(<a href=''>attribution</a>)</small> </small> </div> <p>Nous avons écrit à plusieurs reprises sur l'influence du vent sur la pollution de l'air et sur la façon dont les vents forts (ou, pour être plus précis, une forte <a href=''>ventilation</a> ) peuvent contribuer à purifier l'air en très peu de temps. Mais nous n’avons jamais eu l’occasion de créer une visualisation dynamique de ce phénomène, c’est donc le sujet de cet article.</p> <center><br>-<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" version="1" viewBox="0 0 26 26" enable-background="new 0 0 26 26"><path d="M 15.65625 -0.03125 C 14.280846 -0.03760636 12.828752 0.09254274 11.3125 0.40625 C 8.28651 1.0323169 5.7746616 2.1709106 3.96875 3.59375 C 2.3885774 4.8387345 1.3097647 6.3321654 1.0625 7.96875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 1 8.40625 C 1 8.4709766 0.99753847 8.5296394 1 8.59375 C 0.99939321 8.6245955 1 8.6565744 1 8.6875 C 1.0067678 8.8049913 1.0164368 8.9159604 1.03125 9.03125 C 1.0536237 9.2185949 1.1014372 9.4156735 1.15625 9.59375 C 1.4590854 10.826485 2.2046296 11.91918 3.21875 12.78125 C 4.0779092 13.511593 5.1369309 14.083861 6.3125 14.53125 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.53125 14.9375 C 8.1339345 16.910035 12.101162 19.118434 18.1875 18.59375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 18 16.59375 C 14.906411 16.860439 12.500325 16.269357 10.78125 15.5 C 14.30154 15.772761 18.245209 15.070028 21.71875 12.96875 A 1.0021949 1.0021949 0 1 0 20.6875 11.25 C 16.887924 13.548509 12.317006 14.000584 8.78125 13.21875 C 8.6725971 13.194724 8.5753958 13.151278 8.46875 13.125 C 10.108287 13.189898 11.88322 13.060799 13.6875 12.6875 C 16.718701 12.060355 19.36029 10.886006 21.21875 9.4375 C 23.067114 7.9968631 24.272087 6.1533076 23.875 4.21875 C 23.8732 4.20861 23.8769 4.197602 23.875 4.1875 C 23.513143 2.2541955 21.685558 1.0369822 19.4375 0.4375 C 18.307598 0.13619269 17.031654 -0.02489364 15.65625 -0.03125 z M 15.65625 1.96875 C 16.883971 1.97489 18.004902 2.1263073 18.9375 2.375 C 20.802695 2.8723854 21.754612 3.7133252 21.90625 4.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.9375 4.625 C 22.12047 5.4788616 21.54154 6.6735055 20 7.875 C 18.45846 9.0764945 16.081299 10.145895 13.3125 10.71875 C 10.546306 11.291066 7.7660826 11.269646 5.8125 10.78125 C 4.8357087 10.537052 4.0847823 10.157122 3.625 9.78125 C 3.3682882 9.5713881 3.1893221 9.3858538 3.09375 9.1875 C 3.0413411 8.9743851 3.0082478 8.7545393 3 8.53125 C 3.0633474 7.4789308 3.7648202 6.2771492 5.1875 5.15625 C 6.6815884 3.9790894 8.91349 2.9489331 11.6875 2.375 C 13.071248 2.0887073 14.428529 1.9626064 15.65625 1.96875 z M 15.96875 3.65625 C 14.93792 3.617106 13.843984 3.69192 12.71875 3.90625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 12.6875 3.9375 C 9.8940815 4.582135 7.6159262 5.8506824 6.5625 7.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 8.25 8.625 C 8.7942179 7.740646 10.701734 6.434394 13.09375 5.875 C 13.10453 5.87295 13.11421 5.87702 13.125 5.875 C 15.064267 5.5112859 17.031887 5.6468794 18.03125 6.03125 A 1.0040202 1.0040202 0 0 0 18.75 4.15625 C 17.952461 3.8495042 16.99958 3.6953943 15.96875 3.65625 z M 9.15625 17.59375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.5625 19.25 C 8.5625 19.25 11.033033 22.015963 15.53125 21.90625 A 1.0004882 1.0004882 0 1 0 15.46875 19.90625 C 11.766967 19.996537 10.0625 17.9375 10.0625 17.9375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 9.15625 17.59375 z M 8.125 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.40625 21.65625 C 7.40625 21.65625 8.6869767 23.974979 11.65625 24.09375 A 1.001098 1.001098 0 0 0 11.75 22.09375 C 9.7192733 22.012521 9.1875 20.75 9.1875 20.75 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.21875 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.125 20.1875 z M 7.59375 23.0625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.4375 23.09375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9375 23.34375 C 6.9375 23.34375 6.19375 24 5.09375 24 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 5.09375 26 C 6.99375 26 8.28125 24.84375 8.28125 24.84375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.59375 23.0625 z" color="#000" ></path></svg>-<br><br></center> <p>En matière de prévision de la qualité de l'air, la clé d'une meilleure précision est d'affiner le modèle de prévision et de créer une modélisation spécifique pour chaque pays et, mieux encore, pour chaque ville. Par exemple, à Pékin, c’est la proximité des montagnes au Nord et du Hebei au sud qui définit le modèle :</p> <ul> <li>Le vent du sud a tendance à augmenter la pollution à Pékin : si le vent n'est pas assez fort (c'est-à-dire s'il ne <a href=''>ventile</a> pas assez), alors les particules seront bloquées par les montagnes et ne pourront pas se déplacer plus au nord, créant ainsi une particule dense. concentration à Pékin.</li> <li>Le vent du nord a tendance à éliminer la pollution : lorsque le vent souffle suffisamment du nord, l'air est presque immédiatement purifié puisqu'il n'y a pas de « source de pollution » au nord (ou, du moins, beaucoup moins qu'au sud).</li> </ul> <p>C'est ce que l'on peut voir dans l'animation ci-dessous, dans laquelle les sources de pollution sont arbitrairement localisées là où se trouvent les stations de surveillance dans le Hebei. Chaque source de pollution émet une particule toutes les heures. Plus le nombre de particules dans une zone est élevé, plus la pollution est élevée (le bleu correspond à une faible concentration, le rouge ~ marron aux fortes concentrations). Le modèle éolien est basé sur le Global Forecast System (alias GFS).</p> <center><br>-<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" version="1" viewBox="0 0 26 26" enable-background="new 0 0 26 26"><path d="M 15.65625 -0.03125 C 14.280846 -0.03760636 12.828752 0.09254274 11.3125 0.40625 C 8.28651 1.0323169 5.7746616 2.1709106 3.96875 3.59375 C 2.3885774 4.8387345 1.3097647 6.3321654 1.0625 7.96875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 1 8.40625 C 1 8.4709766 0.99753847 8.5296394 1 8.59375 C 0.99939321 8.6245955 1 8.6565744 1 8.6875 C 1.0067678 8.8049913 1.0164368 8.9159604 1.03125 9.03125 C 1.0536237 9.2185949 1.1014372 9.4156735 1.15625 9.59375 C 1.4590854 10.826485 2.2046296 11.91918 3.21875 12.78125 C 4.0779092 13.511593 5.1369309 14.083861 6.3125 14.53125 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.53125 14.9375 C 8.1339345 16.910035 12.101162 19.118434 18.1875 18.59375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 18 16.59375 C 14.906411 16.860439 12.500325 16.269357 10.78125 15.5 C 14.30154 15.772761 18.245209 15.070028 21.71875 12.96875 A 1.0021949 1.0021949 0 1 0 20.6875 11.25 C 16.887924 13.548509 12.317006 14.000584 8.78125 13.21875 C 8.6725971 13.194724 8.5753958 13.151278 8.46875 13.125 C 10.108287 13.189898 11.88322 13.060799 13.6875 12.6875 C 16.718701 12.060355 19.36029 10.886006 21.21875 9.4375 C 23.067114 7.9968631 24.272087 6.1533076 23.875 4.21875 C 23.8732 4.20861 23.8769 4.197602 23.875 4.1875 C 23.513143 2.2541955 21.685558 1.0369822 19.4375 0.4375 C 18.307598 0.13619269 17.031654 -0.02489364 15.65625 -0.03125 z M 15.65625 1.96875 C 16.883971 1.97489 18.004902 2.1263073 18.9375 2.375 C 20.802695 2.8723854 21.754612 3.7133252 21.90625 4.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.9375 4.625 C 22.12047 5.4788616 21.54154 6.6735055 20 7.875 C 18.45846 9.0764945 16.081299 10.145895 13.3125 10.71875 C 10.546306 11.291066 7.7660826 11.269646 5.8125 10.78125 C 4.8357087 10.537052 4.0847823 10.157122 3.625 9.78125 C 3.3682882 9.5713881 3.1893221 9.3858538 3.09375 9.1875 C 3.0413411 8.9743851 3.0082478 8.7545393 3 8.53125 C 3.0633474 7.4789308 3.7648202 6.2771492 5.1875 5.15625 C 6.6815884 3.9790894 8.91349 2.9489331 11.6875 2.375 C 13.071248 2.0887073 14.428529 1.9626064 15.65625 1.96875 z M 15.96875 3.65625 C 14.93792 3.617106 13.843984 3.69192 12.71875 3.90625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 12.6875 3.9375 C 9.8940815 4.582135 7.6159262 5.8506824 6.5625 7.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 8.25 8.625 C 8.7942179 7.740646 10.701734 6.434394 13.09375 5.875 C 13.10453 5.87295 13.11421 5.87702 13.125 5.875 C 15.064267 5.5112859 17.031887 5.6468794 18.03125 6.03125 A 1.0040202 1.0040202 0 0 0 18.75 4.15625 C 17.952461 3.8495042 16.99958 3.6953943 15.96875 3.65625 z M 9.15625 17.59375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.5625 19.25 C 8.5625 19.25 11.033033 22.015963 15.53125 21.90625 A 1.0004882 1.0004882 0 1 0 15.46875 19.90625 C 11.766967 19.996537 10.0625 17.9375 10.0625 17.9375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 9.15625 17.59375 z M 8.125 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.40625 21.65625 C 7.40625 21.65625 8.6869767 23.974979 11.65625 24.09375 A 1.001098 1.001098 0 0 0 11.75 22.09375 C 9.7192733 22.012521 9.1875 20.75 9.1875 20.75 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.21875 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.125 20.1875 z M 7.59375 23.0625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.4375 23.09375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9375 23.34375 C 6.9375 23.34375 6.19375 24 5.09375 24 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 5.09375 26 C 6.99375 26 8.28125 24.84375 8.28125 24.84375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.59375 23.0625 z" color="#000" ></path></svg>-<br><br></center> <div style='clear:both'></div> <div class='tab-pane-body'> <div id="dateslider"></div> <div class='tab-pane-body-content'> <div class='map-container'> <center> <div id='map'></div> </center> </div> <div style='padding:10px;'> <center> <div style='border-bottom:1px solid #888;margin:30px 10px;display:inline-block;'> Air Quality Forecast Viewer<br> <small id='aqf-viewer-version'> version 1.2 (2016/2/18) </small> </div> <div id='maptitle'>Loading.. </div> <div id='map-loading-spinner' class="aqspinner3"><div class="r1"></div><div class="r2"></div><div class="r3"></div><div class="r4"></div><div class="r5"></div></div> <div id='maptime'></div> <br> <div onclick='togglePerfBlock(;' id='perfblock'> <div id='perfblock-expanded' style='display:none;'> <button class='btn btn-default'> Hide performance counters </button> <br> <div style='font-size:60%;padding:2px;' id='perf-info'>...</div> </div> <button class='btn btn-default' id='perfblock-collapsed'> Show performance counters </button> </div> </center> </div> </div> </div> <center><br>-<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" version="1" viewBox="0 0 26 26" enable-background="new 0 0 26 26"><path d="M 15.65625 -0.03125 C 14.280846 -0.03760636 12.828752 0.09254274 11.3125 0.40625 C 8.28651 1.0323169 5.7746616 2.1709106 3.96875 3.59375 C 2.3885774 4.8387345 1.3097647 6.3321654 1.0625 7.96875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 1 8.40625 C 1 8.4709766 0.99753847 8.5296394 1 8.59375 C 0.99939321 8.6245955 1 8.6565744 1 8.6875 C 1.0067678 8.8049913 1.0164368 8.9159604 1.03125 9.03125 C 1.0536237 9.2185949 1.1014372 9.4156735 1.15625 9.59375 C 1.4590854 10.826485 2.2046296 11.91918 3.21875 12.78125 C 4.0779092 13.511593 5.1369309 14.083861 6.3125 14.53125 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.53125 14.9375 C 8.1339345 16.910035 12.101162 19.118434 18.1875 18.59375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 18 16.59375 C 14.906411 16.860439 12.500325 16.269357 10.78125 15.5 C 14.30154 15.772761 18.245209 15.070028 21.71875 12.96875 A 1.0021949 1.0021949 0 1 0 20.6875 11.25 C 16.887924 13.548509 12.317006 14.000584 8.78125 13.21875 C 8.6725971 13.194724 8.5753958 13.151278 8.46875 13.125 C 10.108287 13.189898 11.88322 13.060799 13.6875 12.6875 C 16.718701 12.060355 19.36029 10.886006 21.21875 9.4375 C 23.067114 7.9968631 24.272087 6.1533076 23.875 4.21875 C 23.8732 4.20861 23.8769 4.197602 23.875 4.1875 C 23.513143 2.2541955 21.685558 1.0369822 19.4375 0.4375 C 18.307598 0.13619269 17.031654 -0.02489364 15.65625 -0.03125 z M 15.65625 1.96875 C 16.883971 1.97489 18.004902 2.1263073 18.9375 2.375 C 20.802695 2.8723854 21.754612 3.7133252 21.90625 4.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.9375 4.625 C 22.12047 5.4788616 21.54154 6.6735055 20 7.875 C 18.45846 9.0764945 16.081299 10.145895 13.3125 10.71875 C 10.546306 11.291066 7.7660826 11.269646 5.8125 10.78125 C 4.8357087 10.537052 4.0847823 10.157122 3.625 9.78125 C 3.3682882 9.5713881 3.1893221 9.3858538 3.09375 9.1875 C 3.0413411 8.9743851 3.0082478 8.7545393 3 8.53125 C 3.0633474 7.4789308 3.7648202 6.2771492 5.1875 5.15625 C 6.6815884 3.9790894 8.91349 2.9489331 11.6875 2.375 C 13.071248 2.0887073 14.428529 1.9626064 15.65625 1.96875 z M 15.96875 3.65625 C 14.93792 3.617106 13.843984 3.69192 12.71875 3.90625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 12.6875 3.9375 C 9.8940815 4.582135 7.6159262 5.8506824 6.5625 7.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 8.25 8.625 C 8.7942179 7.740646 10.701734 6.434394 13.09375 5.875 C 13.10453 5.87295 13.11421 5.87702 13.125 5.875 C 15.064267 5.5112859 17.031887 5.6468794 18.03125 6.03125 A 1.0040202 1.0040202 0 0 0 18.75 4.15625 C 17.952461 3.8495042 16.99958 3.6953943 15.96875 3.65625 z M 9.15625 17.59375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.5625 19.25 C 8.5625 19.25 11.033033 22.015963 15.53125 21.90625 A 1.0004882 1.0004882 0 1 0 15.46875 19.90625 C 11.766967 19.996537 10.0625 17.9375 10.0625 17.9375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 9.15625 17.59375 z M 8.125 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.40625 21.65625 C 7.40625 21.65625 8.6869767 23.974979 11.65625 24.09375 A 1.001098 1.001098 0 0 0 11.75 22.09375 C 9.7192733 22.012521 9.1875 20.75 9.1875 20.75 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.21875 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.125 20.1875 z M 7.59375 23.0625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.4375 23.09375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9375 23.34375 C 6.9375 23.34375 6.19375 24 5.09375 24 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 5.09375 26 C 6.99375 26 8.28125 24.84375 8.28125 24.84375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.59375 23.0625 z" color="#000" ></path></svg>-<br><br></center> <p>Il s’agit bien sûr d’un modèle très léger comparé aux modèles complexes qui nécessitent une puissance de traitement super informatique pour pouvoir calculer l’ensemble des prévisions de la qualité de l’air dans le monde. Mais il présente l’avantage d’expliquer visuellement le concept de base de la prévision de la qualité de l’air.</p> <img src="/images/forecast/air-quality-forecast-with-artificial-intelligence.png" style='width:500px;max-width:100%;float:right;'> <p>Pour être plus précis, le modèle devrait inclure le profil vertical du vent, ainsi que la prévision pour plusieurs hauteurs (couches) - actuellement, le modèle utilise uniquement la prévision à 10 mètres, 100 mètres et 5 km. De plus, les sources de pollution devraient être plus complètes et inclure l’ensemble des sources mondiales – actuellement, seules les sources du Hebei sont incluses.</p> <center><br>-<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" version="1" viewBox="0 0 26 26" enable-background="new 0 0 26 26"><path d="M 15.65625 -0.03125 C 14.280846 -0.03760636 12.828752 0.09254274 11.3125 0.40625 C 8.28651 1.0323169 5.7746616 2.1709106 3.96875 3.59375 C 2.3885774 4.8387345 1.3097647 6.3321654 1.0625 7.96875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 1 8.40625 C 1 8.4709766 0.99753847 8.5296394 1 8.59375 C 0.99939321 8.6245955 1 8.6565744 1 8.6875 C 1.0067678 8.8049913 1.0164368 8.9159604 1.03125 9.03125 C 1.0536237 9.2185949 1.1014372 9.4156735 1.15625 9.59375 C 1.4590854 10.826485 2.2046296 11.91918 3.21875 12.78125 C 4.0779092 13.511593 5.1369309 14.083861 6.3125 14.53125 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.53125 14.9375 C 8.1339345 16.910035 12.101162 19.118434 18.1875 18.59375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 18 16.59375 C 14.906411 16.860439 12.500325 16.269357 10.78125 15.5 C 14.30154 15.772761 18.245209 15.070028 21.71875 12.96875 A 1.0021949 1.0021949 0 1 0 20.6875 11.25 C 16.887924 13.548509 12.317006 14.000584 8.78125 13.21875 C 8.6725971 13.194724 8.5753958 13.151278 8.46875 13.125 C 10.108287 13.189898 11.88322 13.060799 13.6875 12.6875 C 16.718701 12.060355 19.36029 10.886006 21.21875 9.4375 C 23.067114 7.9968631 24.272087 6.1533076 23.875 4.21875 C 23.8732 4.20861 23.8769 4.197602 23.875 4.1875 C 23.513143 2.2541955 21.685558 1.0369822 19.4375 0.4375 C 18.307598 0.13619269 17.031654 -0.02489364 15.65625 -0.03125 z M 15.65625 1.96875 C 16.883971 1.97489 18.004902 2.1263073 18.9375 2.375 C 20.802695 2.8723854 21.754612 3.7133252 21.90625 4.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 21.9375 4.625 C 22.12047 5.4788616 21.54154 6.6735055 20 7.875 C 18.45846 9.0764945 16.081299 10.145895 13.3125 10.71875 C 10.546306 11.291066 7.7660826 11.269646 5.8125 10.78125 C 4.8357087 10.537052 4.0847823 10.157122 3.625 9.78125 C 3.3682882 9.5713881 3.1893221 9.3858538 3.09375 9.1875 C 3.0413411 8.9743851 3.0082478 8.7545393 3 8.53125 C 3.0633474 7.4789308 3.7648202 6.2771492 5.1875 5.15625 C 6.6815884 3.9790894 8.91349 2.9489331 11.6875 2.375 C 13.071248 2.0887073 14.428529 1.9626064 15.65625 1.96875 z M 15.96875 3.65625 C 14.93792 3.617106 13.843984 3.69192 12.71875 3.90625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 12.6875 3.9375 C 9.8940815 4.582135 7.6159262 5.8506824 6.5625 7.5625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 8.25 8.625 C 8.7942179 7.740646 10.701734 6.434394 13.09375 5.875 C 13.10453 5.87295 13.11421 5.87702 13.125 5.875 C 15.064267 5.5112859 17.031887 5.6468794 18.03125 6.03125 A 1.0040202 1.0040202 0 0 0 18.75 4.15625 C 17.952461 3.8495042 16.99958 3.6953943 15.96875 3.65625 z M 9.15625 17.59375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.5625 19.25 C 8.5625 19.25 11.033033 22.015963 15.53125 21.90625 A 1.0004882 1.0004882 0 1 0 15.46875 19.90625 C 11.766967 19.996537 10.0625 17.9375 10.0625 17.9375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 9.15625 17.59375 z M 8.125 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.40625 21.65625 C 7.40625 21.65625 8.6869767 23.974979 11.65625 24.09375 A 1.001098 1.001098 0 0 0 11.75 22.09375 C 9.7192733 22.012521 9.1875 20.75 9.1875 20.75 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.21875 20.1875 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 8.125 20.1875 z M 7.59375 23.0625 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.4375 23.09375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 6.9375 23.34375 C 6.9375 23.34375 6.19375 24 5.09375 24 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 1 0 5.09375 26 C 6.99375 26 8.28125 24.84375 8.28125 24.84375 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 7.59375 23.0625 z" color="#000" ></path></svg>-<br><br></center> <p>Enfin, de nombreux rapports de recherche ont étudié les systèmes de prévision de la qualité de l’air basés sur <i>l’apprentissage automatique</i> ou <i>l’intelligence artificielle</i> . Le concept sous-jacent est d'« apprendre » en comparant les données observées avec les données prévues et d'identifier les modèles répétitifs (comme le montre le diagramme de droite).</p> <p>Sur le papier, les systèmes de prévision basés sur le Machine Learning semblent bons, mais en réalité, sont-ils meilleurs que les modèles déterministes traditionnels (que nous préférons dans le cadre du <a href='/home/fr/'>projet World Air Quality Index</a> ) ? En nous référant à l'excellente <a href=''>conférence TED</a> de <a href=''>Talithia Williams</a> sur « Possédez les données de votre corps », notre réponse à cette question est « montrez-nous les données ! », et c'est quelque chose que nous aborderons dans notre prochain article sur les prévisions !</p> <div style='clear:both'></div> <style type="text/css"> .tab-pane-body { box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .20); background: #fff; } .tab-pane-body-content { min-height: 625px; background: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #888; } #map { height: 600px; padding: 0px; margin: 10px; background-color: white; border: 1px solid #888; max-width: 600px; } .map-container { float: left; width: 600px; } #dateslider { padding: 0px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) { .map-container { float: none; margin: 0; width: 100%; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { #map { height: 500px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 400px) { #map { height: 400px; } } #perf-info { line-height: 1.1; 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name: "石家庄市/封龙山(*)", latlng: [37.91, 114.354] }, { name: "唐山市/12中", latlng: [39.658, 118.184] }, { name: "唐山市/陶瓷公司", latlng: [39.668, 118.219] }, { name: "唐山市/小山子站", latlng: [39.63, 118.2] }, { name: "唐山市/物资局", latlng: [39.641, 118.185] }, { name: "唐山市/雷达站子站", latlng: [39.643, 118.144] }, { name: "唐山市/供销社", latlng: [39.631, 118.166] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/市监测站", latlng: [39.957, 119.602] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/北戴河", latlng: [39.828, 119.526] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/第一关", latlng: [40.018, 119.762] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/建设大厦", latlng: [39.942, 119.537] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/市政府", latlng: [39.936, 119.607] }, { name: "邯郸市/丛台公园", latlng: [36.62, 114.496] }, { name: "邯郸市/市环保局", latlng: [36.618, 114.513] }, { name: "邯郸市/东污水", latlng: [36.616, 114.543] }, { name: "邯郸市/矿院", latlng: [36.578, 114.504] }, { name: "邢台市/路桥公司", latlng: [37.096, 114.533] }, { name: "邢台市/达活泉", latlng: [37.097, 114.482] }, { name: "邢台市/邢师高专", latlng: [37.053, 114.526] }, { name: "邢台市/环保局", latlng: [37.062, 114.485] }, { name: "保定市/市监测站", latlng: [38.871, 115.521] }, { name: "保定市/地表水厂", latlng: [38.842, 115.461] }, { name: "保定市/华电二区", latlng: [38.896, 115.522] }, { name: "保定市/接待中心", latlng: [38.911, 115.471] }, { name: "保定市/胶片厂", latlng: [38.876, 115.442] }, { name: "保定市/游泳馆", latlng: [38.863, 115.493] }, { name: "张家口市/世纪豪园", latlng: [40.769, 114.903] }, { name: "张家口市/北泵房(*)", latlng: [40.873, 114.904] }, { name: "张家口市/人民公园", latlng: [40.837, 114.898] }, { name: "张家口市/五金库", latlng: [40.811, 114.881] }, { name: "张家口市/探机厂", latlng: [40.795, 114.892] }, { name: "承德市/铁路", latlng: [40.916, 117.966] }, { name: "承德市/文化中心", latlng: [40.973, 117.818] }, { name: "承德市/中国银行", latlng: [40.984, 117.952] }, { name: "承德市/开发区", latlng: [40.936, 117.963] }, { name: "承德市/离宫(*)", latlng: [41.011, 117.938] }, { name: "沧州市/沧州市环保局", latlng: [38.323, 116.871] }, { name: "沧州市/沧县城建局", latlng: [38.299, 116.885] }, { name: "沧州市/电视转播站", latlng: [38.325, 116.858] }, { name: "廊坊市/环境监测监理中心", latlng: [39.557, 116.715] }, { name: "廊坊市/药材公司", latlng: [39.518, 116.684] }, { name: "廊坊市/开发区", latlng: [39.575, 116.773] }, { name: "廊坊市/北华航天学院", latlng: [39.534, 116.737] }, { name: "衡水市/衡水市环保局", latlng: [37.739, 115.69] }, { name: "衡水市/环境监测站", latlng: [37.738, 115.643] }, { name: "衡水市/电机北厂", latlng: [37.758, 115.695] }, { name: "唐山市/十二中", latlng: [39.658, 118.184] }, { name: "唐山市/小山", latlng: [39.63, 118.2] }, { name: "石家庄市/鹿泉一中(*)", latlng: [38.085, 114.347] }, { name: "石家庄市/正定联通公司(*)", latlng: [38.159, 114.593] }, { name: "石家庄市/栾城通讯公司(*)", latlng: [37.906, 114.633] }, { name: "石家庄市/藁城实验学校(*)", latlng: [38.039, 114.862] }, { name: "石家庄市/晋州博纳德(*)", latlng: [38.04, 115.079] }, { name: "石家庄市/新乐市委东楼(*)", latlng: [38.349, 114.69] }, { name: "石家庄市/无极环保局(*)", latlng: [38.178, 114.991] }, { name: "石家庄市/深泽供电局(*)", latlng: [38.197, 115.213] }, { name: "石家庄市/赵县环保局(*)", latlng: [37.771, 114.77] }, { name: "石家庄市/高邑县政府(*)", latlng: [37.623, 114.607] }, { name: "石家庄市/元氏住建局(*)", latlng: [37.766, 114.517] }, { name: "石家庄市/赞皇县政府(*)", latlng: [37.672, 114.392] }, { name: "石家庄市/井陉县气象局(*)", latlng: [38.038, 114.152] }, { name: "石家庄市/井陉矿区区委大楼(*)", latlng: [38.071, 114.069] }, { name: "石家庄市/平山冶河(*)", latlng: [38.266, 114.204] }, { name: "石家庄市/灵寿供水(*)", latlng: [38.315, 114.367] }, { name: "石家庄市/行唐县委办公楼(*)", latlng: [38.444, 114.56] }, { name: "辛集市/辛集市政府", latlng: [37.949, 115.224] }, { name: "唐山市/古冶区政府(*)", latlng: [39.74, 118.454] }, { name: "唐山市/开平监测站(*)", latlng: [39.674, 118.269] }, { name: "唐山市/丰南区政府(*)", latlng: [39.582, 118.091] }, { name: "唐山市/丰润区政府(*)", latlng: [39.839, 118.169] }, { name: "唐山市/迁西环保局(*)", latlng: [40.152, 118.311] }, { name: "唐山市/曹妃甸新立小学(*)", latlng: [39.29, 118.456] }, { name: "唐山市/遵化环保局(*)", latlng: [40.205, 117.991] }, { name: "唐山市/迁安一中(*)", latlng: [40.003, 118.711] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/青龙环保局(*)", latlng: [40.418, 118.952] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/昌黎环保局(*)", latlng: [39.713, 119.167] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/抚宁党校(*)", latlng: [39.882, 119.251] }, { name: "邯郸市/峰峰矿区地税局(*)", latlng: [36.423, 114.24] }, { name: "邯郸市/涉县监测站(*)", latlng: [36.589, 113.686] }, { name: "邯郸市/磁县职教中心(*)", latlng: [36.38, 114.384] }, { name: "邯郸市/永年政府宾馆(*)", latlng: [36.783, 114.497] }, { name: "邯郸市/武安高开区(*)", latlng: [36.686, 114.263] }, { name: "邢台市/内丘文化活动中心(*)", latlng: [37.293, 114.519] }, { name: "邢台市/沙河宣传文化中心(*)", latlng: [36.861, 114.51] }, { name: "保定市/满城税务局(*)", latlng: [38.955, 115.329] }, { name: "保定市/清苑县政府(*)", latlng: [38.771, 115.496] }, { name: "保定市/徐水环保局(*)", latlng: [39.025, 115.662] }, { name: "保定市/安新民政局(*)", latlng: [38.942, 115.942] }, { name: "保定市/涿州监测站(*)", latlng: [39.492, 116.034] }, { name: "保定市/高碑店环保局(*)", latlng: [39.332, 115.88] }, { name: "定州市/定州武装部", latlng: [38.522, 114.997] }, { name: "张家口市/宣化区军营凤凰城(*)", latlng: [40.615, 115.106] }, { name: "张家口市/下花园环保局(*)", latlng: [40.508, 115.296] }, { name: "张家口市/怀安环保局(*)", latlng: [40.68, 114.392] }, { name: "张家口市/怀来府前小学(*)", latlng: [40.421, 115.524] }, { name: "张家口市/赤城北山(*)", latlng: [40.919, 115.838] }, { name: "承德市/承德县环保局(*)", latlng: [40.775, 118.17] }, { name: "承德市/兴隆县政府(*)", latlng: [40.423, 117.507] }, { name: "承德市/滦平环保局(*)", latlng: [40.949, 117.344] }, { name: "承德市/丰宁县政府(*)", latlng: [41.215, 116.652] }, { name: "沧州市/青县政府(*)", latlng: [38.589, 116.81] }, { name: "沧州市/泊头市政府(*)", latlng: [38.089, 116.585] }, { name: "沧州市/任丘华油八处(*)", latlng: [38.737, 116.119] }, { name: "沧州市/黄骅财政局培训中心(*)", latlng: [38.377, 117.337] }, { name: "廊坊市/固安党校(*)", latlng: [39.445, 116.305] }, { name: "廊坊市/香河环保局(*)", latlng: [39.766, 117.009] }, { name: "廊坊市/文安县环保局(*)", latlng: [38.88, 116.464] }, { name: "廊坊市/大厂卫生局(*)", latlng: [39.89, 116.998] }, { name: "廊坊市/霸州顺达燃气(*)", latlng: [39.132, 116.398] }, { name: "廊坊市/三河交通局(*)", latlng: [39.988, 117.085] }, { name: "衡水市/安平县环保局(*)", latlng: [38.238, 115.532] }, { name: "衡水市/冀州环保局(*)", latlng: [37.548, 115.581] }, { name: "唐山市/[调试中]滦县第一中学(*)", latlng: [39.747, 118.71] }, { name: "唐山市/[调试中]滦南县县政府(*)", latlng: [39.51, 118.681] }, { name: "唐山市/[调试中]乐亭县综合职校(*)", latlng: [39.432, 118.919] }, { name: "唐山市/[调试中]玉田县政府(*)", latlng: [39.907, 117.745] }, { name: "秦皇岛市/[调试中]卢龙县气象局(*)", latlng: [39.9, 118.899] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]临漳县三中(*)", latlng: [36.33, 114.601] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]成安县网通公司(*)", latlng: [36.44, 114.671] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]大名县大名一中(*)", latlng: [36.291, 115.154] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]肥乡工商行政管理局(*)", latlng: [36.549, 114.788] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]邱县政府(*)", latlng: [36.811, 115.181] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]鸡泽县环境保护局(*)", latlng: [36.918, 114.879] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]广平县一中(*)", latlng: [36.482, 114.952] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]馆陶县永济路小学(*)", latlng: [36.541, 115.3] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]魏县第三中学(*)", latlng: [36.347, 114.926] }, { name: "邯郸市/[调试中]曲周县武装部(*)", latlng: [36.785, 114.951] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]临城县环保局(*)", latlng: [37.441, 114.514] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]柏乡县中学(*)", latlng: [37.488, 114.7] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]隆尧县环保局(*)", latlng: [37.354, 114.752] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]任县青少年文化活动中心(*)", latlng: [37.121, 114.667] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]南和县环保局(*)", latlng: [37.021, 114.681] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]宁晋县政府(*)", latlng: [37.62, 114.918] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]巨鹿行政服务中心(*)", latlng: [37.234, 115.03] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]新河县环保局(*)", latlng: [37.522, 115.242] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]广宗县计划生育局(*)", latlng: [37.074, 115.133] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]平乡县行政服务中心(*)", latlng: [37.063, 115.029] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]威县第一中学(*)", latlng: [36.99, 115.264] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]清河县青少年活动中心(*)", latlng: [37.078, 115.678] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]临西县政府(*)", latlng: [36.871, 115.501] }, { name: "邢台市/[调试中]南宫市地税局(*)", latlng: [37.364, 115.412] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]白沟新城行政中心楼(*)", latlng: [39.109, 116.029] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]涞水县环境监测站(*)", latlng: [39.393, 115.713] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]阜平县环保局(*)", latlng: [38.851, 114.194] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]定兴县政府(*)", latlng: [39.269, 115.814] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]唐县政府楼(*)", latlng: [38.748, 114.976] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]高阳县环保局(*)", latlng: [38.692, 115.764] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]容城县环境保护局(*)", latlng: [39.048, 115.868] }, { name: "保定市/[调试中]涞源县环保局(*)", latlng: [39.359, 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Cependant, pour certains polluants, il peut y avoir un risque sur la santé pour un très petit nombre de personnes inhabituellement sensibles à la pollution atmosphérique.</td></tr><tr style="background-color:#ff9933;color:white"><td nowrap="true">101-150</td><td>Mauvais pour les groupes sensibles</td><td>La qualité de l'air est acceptable; Cependant, pour certains polluants, il peut y avoir un problème de santé modérée pour un très petit nombre de personnes qui sont particulièrement sensibles à la pollution de l'air. </td></tr><tr style="background-color:#cc0033;color:white"><td nowrap="true">151-200</td><td>Mauvais</td><td>Tout le monde peut commencer à ressentir des effets sur la santé; les membres des groupes sensibles peuvent ressentir des effets de santé plus graves.</td></tr><tr style="background-color:#660099;color:white"><td nowrap="true">201-300</td><td>Très mauvais</td><td>Avertissements de santé de conditions d'urgence. Toute la population est plus susceptible d'être affecté. </td></tr><tr style="background-color:#7e0023;color:white"><td nowrap="true">300+</td><td>Dangereux</td><td>Alerte de santé: tout le monde peut ressentir des effets de santé plus graves.</td></tr></table></div><br>Pour en savoir plus sur la qualité de l'air, consultez le <a href=''> sujet Qualité de l'air sur Wikipedia </a> ou <a href=''> le guide AirNow de la qualité de l'air et de votre santé </a>.<br><br>Pour des conseils de santé très utiles du Dr. Richard Saint Cyr, consultez le blog <a href=''></a>.<br><br></center></div></div></div><center><br><!-- responsive ad --><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block"data-ad-client="ca-pub-0281575029452656"data-ad-slot="2455076269"data-ad-format="auto"></ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script><style type='text/css'>.usage-notice {line-height:1.5;max-width:95%;width:1000px;margin-top:10px;padding:5px;font-size: 15px;background-color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px white;-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 8px -3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);}</style><div class="textshadowwhite usage-notice" style=''><b>Notice d'utilisation</b>: Toutes les données sur la qualité de l'air ne sont pas validées au moment de la publication et, pour des raisons d'assurance de la qualité, ces données peuvent être modifiées à tout moment et sans préavis. 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