Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan_Japan National Park Expedition
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A timeless adventure awaits. <br><br> <div class="mov"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="common/img/mov.jpg" width="900" height="500" alt="Japan National Park Expedition Movie"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="areas"> <div class="wrapper cFix"> <div class="ttl"><p><img src="common/img/e/ttl_areas.png" width="186" height="34" alt="Featured Areas" title="Featured Areas"></p></div> <div class="btn_kyushu"><a href="kyushu_e.html" title="Kyushu Model Tour[Read report]"><img src="common/img/e/area_btn_kyushu_off.png" width="196" height="196" alt="Kyushu Model Tour[Read report]"></a></div> <div class="btn_nikko"><a href="nikko_e.html" title="Nikko Model Tour[Read report]"><img src="common/img/e/area_btn_nikko_off.png" width="196" height="196" alt="Nikko Model Tour[Read report]"></a></div> </div> </div> <div id="itinerary"> <div class="margin"></div> <div class="wrapper cFix"> <div class="ttl"><p><img src="common/img/e/ttl_itinerary.png" width="264" height="40" alt="Expedition Itinerary" title="Expedition Itinerary"></p></div> <ul class="cFix"> <li><div class="itinerary_header"><img src="common/img/expedition_step_1.png" width="74" height="72" alt="STEP.1" title="STEP.1"></div> <div class="itinerary_inner"> <h3>Pre-Expedition</h3> A select team of local professionals, international travel experts, and project designers thoroughly navigate select National Parks and their surrounding areas, interpreting and seeking to communicate the unique appeal inherent in some of Japan's most impressive natural surroundings.</div> <div class="itinerary_footer"></div></li> <li class="itinerary_arrow"><img src="common/img/expedition_arrow.png" width="30" height="32" alt="Expedition Itinerary" ></li> <li><div class="itinerary_header"><img src="common/img/expedition_step_2.png" width="74" height="72" alt="STEP.2" title="STEP.2"></div> <div class="itinerary_inner"> <h3>Trial Expedition</h3> A series of Trial Expeditions spanning the target regions designed specifically around the group's discoveries, offering an entirely new travel experience to a select group of international travelers that incorporates the places, stories, and people, embodying the nature and locality unique to Japan National Parks. </div> <div class="itinerary_footer"></div></li> <li class="itinerary_arrow"><img src="common/img/expedition_arrow.png" width="30" height="32" alt="Expedition Itinerary"></li> <li><div class="itinerary_header"><img src="common/img/expedition_step_3.png" width="74" height="72" alt="STEP.3" title="STEP.3"></div> <div class="itinerary_inner"> <h3>Action Plan Development</h3> Based on the thorough exploration of the selected areas, as well as feedback from participants in the Trial Expedition, the project team will organize their efforts to create an Action Plan that will empower local and international players working with and within Japan National Parks to be able to offer memorable, once-in-a-lifetime National Park experiences to curious travelers from across the globe. <div class="apLink"><a href="pdf/expedition_pdf_en.pdf" target="_blank">Guidelines for Formulation of<br> National Park Action Plans<br><span class="tSS"> (PDF 1.79MB)</span></a></div></div> <div class="itinerary_footer"></div></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- footer --> <div id="footer" class=" tSS"> Copyright © <script type="text/javascript">document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script> All Rights Reserved, Copyright Ministry of the Environment. </div> <!-- //footer --> <div class="pagetop tSS"><a href="#pagetop" title="Back to page top" >Back to page top</a></div> </div> </body> </html>