Compare Catalonia to the rest of Europe
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A talented proactive workforce in a dynamic business climate offers international companies numerous competitive advantages.</p> </div> </div> <ul class="sub_menu complet"> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Why Catalonia works for your foreign investment project</a> <ul class="three_menu"> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">About Barcelona and Catalonia</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Industrial Ecosystem</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Strategic location</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Best FDI region in Europe</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Research and innovation</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Scientific facilities</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Talent</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Tech and digital hubs</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Quality of life</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Strong cluster policy</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Top International Players in Catalonia</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Compare Catalonia to the rest of Europe</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Success stories</a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <button class="dropdown_toggle" type="button">Industries & Technologies<span class="dest_blue">.</span></button> <a href="" class="link_page"> <span class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Industries & Technologies</span> </a> <button class="close_box_submenu"> <span class="fa-solid fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Ocultar submenu</span> </button> <div class="box_sub_menu hidden"> <div class="titular"> <div class="title"> <a href="" class="link_menu">Industries & Technologies<span class="dest_blue">.</span></a> <div class="line_red"></div> </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Strongly industrialized, Catalonia is one of Southern Europe鈥檚 main economic powerhouses. A wide and dynamic industrial base with strong connections to ICT and smart solutions makes it easy to find the suppliers you need.</p> </div> </div> <ul class="sub_menu complet"> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Key industries & technologies in Catalonia</a> <ul class="three_menu"> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Chemical, Plastics & Green Business</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Fashion & Design</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Food & Beverage</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Health & Life Sciences</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Industrial Systems & Digitalization</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Mobility & Transportation</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Startups</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Technologies</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Videogames & Digital Media</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Catalonia Industry Suppliers</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub</a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <button class="dropdown_toggle" type="button">Services for investors<span class="dest_blue">.</span></button> <a href="" class="link_page"> <span class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Services for investors</span> </a> <button class="close_box_submenu"> <span class="fa-solid fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Ocultar submenu</span> </button> <div class="box_sub_menu hidden"> <div class="titular"> <div class="title"> <a href="" class="link_menu">Services for investors<span class="dest_blue">.</span></a> <div class="line_red"></div> </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Setting up business in Catalonia gets even easier if you receive first-hand details on the local steps and procedures. Our success lies in offering a pro-business approach and tailor-made solutions.</p> </div> </div> <ul class="sub_menu complet"> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Foreign Investment Services</a> <ul class="three_menu"> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Setting up your company</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Business Location Service</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Financing & Incentives in Catalonia</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Connecting to local partners</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Access to Talent</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">International Mobility for Executives</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Post-investment service</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Business Operations Services</a> <ul class="three_menu"> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Catalonia Suppliers</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_three_menu" href="">Open Innovation Challenge Service</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Our team of Experts in Foreign Investment Services</a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <button class="dropdown_toggle" type="button">News & Events<span class="dest_blue">.</span></button> <a href="" class="link_page"> <span class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">News & Events</span> </a> <button class="close_box_submenu"> <span class="fa-solid fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Ocultar submenu</span> </button> <div class="box_sub_menu hidden"> <div class="titular"> <div class="title"> <a href="" class="link_menu">News & Events<span class="dest_blue">.</span></a> <div class="line_red"></div> </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Catalonia Trade & Investment attends business events around the world to promote Catalonia and Barcelona as an ideal investment and business location. Check out our latest news and connect to our social media.</p> </div> </div> <ul class="sub_menu "> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">News</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">International Agenda</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Videos</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Resources and documents</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Newsletter & Social Networks</a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <button class="dropdown_toggle" type="button">Catalonia Trade & Investment<span class="dest_blue">.</span></button> <a href="" class="link_page"> <span class="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Catalonia Trade & Investment</span> </a> <button class="close_box_submenu"> <span class="fa-solid fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Ocultar submenu</span> </button> <div class="box_sub_menu hidden"> <div class="titular"> <div class="title"> <a href="" class="link_menu">Catalonia Trade & Investment<span class="dest_blue">.</span></a> <div class="line_red"></div> </div> <div class="summary"> <p>Catalonia Trade & Investment is the public agency that works to attract foreign investment to Barcelona and Catalonia, promoting the area as an attractive, innovative and competitive business location.</p> </div> </div> <ul class="sub_menu "> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">About Catalonia Trade & Investment</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Worldwide offices</a> </li> <li> <a class="link_sub_menu" href="">Contact us</a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class="nav-item button_search"> <button type="button" class="button_open_search_menu"> <span class="fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Search</span> </button> <div id="search-menu" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" class="hidden search_preheader"> <button id="close-search-menu" class="close_search" type="button"> <span class="fas 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data-analytics-asset-type="web-content"> <section id="cabecera" class="cabecera_1"> <div class="background_degra"></div> <div class="content_head"> <div class="titular"> <h1 class="big_title"><span class="hand">Compare Catalonia to </span><br>the rest of Europe</h1> </div> <div class="summary"> <p>How does Catalonia rank in comparison to Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, UK, Ireland, and Romania?</p> </div> </div> <picture data-fileentryid="1022253"><source media="(max-width:300px)" srcset="/o/adaptive-media/image/1022253/Thumbnail-300x300/compare-catalonia-header.jpg?t=1685442933135"><source media="(max-width:1000px) and (min-width:300px)" srcset="/o/adaptive-media/image/1022253/Preview-1000x0/compare-catalonia-header.jpg?t=1685442933135"><img class="background_image" src="/documents/176177/179099/compare-catalonia-header.jpg/c37198af-fd85-8b2f-a518-2cee7254e826?t=1685442933135" alt="" data-fileentryid="1022253"></picture> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class=" mb-lg-0 ml-lg-0 mr-lg-0 mt-lg-0 pb-lg-0 pl-lg-0 pr-lg-0 pt-lg-0" style="box-sizing: border-box;border-style: solid; border-width: 0px;opacity: 1.0;"> <div id="fragment-0-kgpo" > <div class="portlet-boundary portlet-boundary_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_ portlet-static portlet-static-end portlet-borderless portlet-journal-content " id="p_p_id_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_kgpo_"> <span id="p_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_kgpo"></span> <section class="portlet" id="portlet_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_kgpo"> <div class="portlet-content"> <div class="autofit-float autofit-row portlet-header"> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-end"> <div class="autofit-section"> <div class="visible-interaction"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" portlet-content-container"> <div class="portlet-body"> <div class="" data-fragments-editor-item-id="20132-1169244" data-fragments-editor-item-type="fragments-editor-mapped-item"> <div class="journal-content-article " data-analytics-asset-id="1169242" data-analytics-asset-title="Intro Compare Catalonia" data-analytics-asset-type="web-content"> <section class="container content_basic"> <div class="content_text"> <p>Are you considering expanding your business or <strong>investing in Europe</strong>? If so, Barcelona-Catalonia, located in <strong>Southern Europe</strong>, presents unique assets that can give your business the competitive edge it needs to succeed in the <strong>European market</strong>.</p> <p>Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting, Catalonia offers an excellent opportunity to explore <strong>new European business prospects</strong>. To assist you in making informed decisions, we have created a <strong>comparison tool</strong> that provides valuable insights into the region's growth and investment potential.</p> <p>Our tool is the perfect guide to help you get started, whether you are searching for<strong> new investment opportunities</strong> or looking to expand your existing business.</p> <p>Join us to discover what makes <strong>Barcelona-Catalonia </strong>such an <strong>attractive European investment destination</strong>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class=" mb-lg-0 ml-lg-0 mr-lg-0 mt-lg-0 pb-lg-0 pl-lg-0 pr-lg-0 pt-lg-0" style="box-sizing: border-box;border-style: solid; border-width: 0px;opacity: 1.0;"> <div id="fragment-0-yqco" > <div class="portlet-boundary portlet-boundary_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_ portlet-static portlet-static-end portlet-borderless portlet-journal-content " id="p_p_id_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_yqco_"> <span id="p_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_yqco"></span> <section class="portlet" id="portlet_com_liferay_journal_content_web_portlet_JournalContentPortlet_INSTANCE_yqco"> <div class="portlet-content"> <div class="autofit-float autofit-row portlet-header"> <div class="autofit-col autofit-col-end"> <div class="autofit-section"> <div class="visible-interaction"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" portlet-content-container"> <div class="portlet-body"> <div class="" data-fragments-editor-item-id="20132-184399" data-fragments-editor-item-type="fragments-editor-mapped-item"> <div class="journal-content-article " data-analytics-asset-id="724884" data-analytics-asset-title="Choose a country" data-analytics-asset-type="web-content"> <section class="type_maps_5 container"> <div class="content_type_4"> <div class="line_red "></div> <div class="titular"> <h2 class="big_title"><span class="hand">Choose</span> a country to compare with <span class="color-blue">Catalonia</span>:<span class="dest_blue hidden">.</span></h2> </div> <div class="content_text"> <p><strong>Investing in Europe </strong>can be complex, but with our help, you can make informed decisions that will benefit your business.</p> <p>Our <strong>comparison tool</strong> enables you to choose wisely and shape the future of your <strong>European investments</strong>. In a few clicks, you can gain the knowledge you need to make<strong> informed decisions</strong> that lead to success on this thriving continent.</p> <p><strong>Select a country below</strong> and see how Catalonia performs in selecting <strong>foreign investment decision-making indicators</strong>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bloque_map container"> <div id="chartdiv" class="container_map"></div> </div> </section> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> window.am5geodata_region_world_europeLow = (function () { var map = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[22.7663, 54.3568], [20.2082, 54.4208], [19.6045, 54.459], [19.9749, 54.9213], [20.5202, 54.9949], [20.9, 55.2867], [20.958, 55.2791], [20.595, 54.9824], [21.1887, 54.9352], [21.2357, 55.2641], [22.0723, 55.0637], [22.5676, 55.0591], [22.8313, 54.8385], [22.7663, 54.3568]]], [[[48.9533, 69.5092], [50.2651, 69.1857], [49.6261, 68.8597], [48.6668, 68.7331], [48.32, 69.2694], [48.9533, 69.5092]]], [[[48.5727, 41.8445], [48.3912, 41.602], [47.8609, 41.213], [47.261, 41.3149], [46.7494, 41.8124], [46.4299, 41.8906], [45.639, 42.2048], [45.7278, 42.4751], [45.3437, 42.53], [44.8707, 42.7564], [44.5061, 42.7489], [43.9571, 42.5665], [43.7822, 42.7472], [42.4191, 43.2243], [41.5806, 43.2191], [40.6481, 43.5342], [40.1502, 43.5698], [39.9784, 43.4199], [38.7172, 44.2883], [38.1814, 44.4196], [37.8514, 44.6988], [37.4111, 44.7352], [36.9413, 45.2895], [37.6475, 45.377], [37.6123, 45.5649], [37.9332, 46.0018], [38.1837, 46.0949], [37.9678, 46.6183], [39.2932, 47.1056], [38.4851, 47.1757], [38.2144, 47.0914], [38.2873, 47.5592], [38.9004, 47.8554], [39.7358, 47.8445], [39.9608, 48.2378], [39.6866, 49.0078], [40.0702, 49.2003], [39.7807, 49.572], [39.1746, 49.856], [38.9184, 49.8248], [38.2588, 50.0524], [38.047, 49.9201], [37.4229, 50.4114], [36.3059, 50.2804], [35.4116, 50.5398], [35.3122, 51.0438], [34.2808, 51.3116], [34.1209, 51.6793], [34.3978, 51.7806], [33.7355, 52.3448], [32.5081, 52.3085], [32.2831, 52.1141], [31.7636, 52.1011], [31.5773, 52.3123], [31.4179, 53.196], [32.142, 53.0912], [32.7041, 53.3362], [31.7918, 54.0558], [31.4038, 54.1958], [31.1212, 54.6484], [30.799, 54.7833], [30.9779, 55.0505], [30.9067, 55.5699], [30.2335, 55.8452], [29.4825, 55.6844], [29.3748, 55.9386], [28.7948, 55.9426], [28.1483, 56.143], [28.1035, 56.5455], [27.8063, 56.867], [27.7972, 57.3168], [27.3515, 57.5281], [27.7532, 57.841], [27.4882, 58.2702], [27.4271, 58.7331], [28.0125, 59.4842], [28.0142, 59.7247], [28.9472, 59.8289], [29.069, 60.1915], [28.6506, 60.6109], [27.7981, 60.5362], [29.6904, 61.546], [31.2856, 62.5678], [31.5343, 62.8855], [31.1809, 63.2083], [30.0555, 63.6888], [30.5038, 64.0206], [30.1083, 64.366], [30.0726, 64.765], [29.6042, 64.9685], [29.7158, 65.6246], [30.0955, 65.6816], [29.9031, 66.0911], [29.087, 66.9709], [29.9412, 67.5475], [29.3441, 68.0621], [28.6853, 68.1897], [28.4708, 68.4883], [28.9656, 69.0218], [30.8694, 69.7834], [31.453, 69.6896], [31.9847, 69.9537], [32.9418, 69.7517], [32.3776, 69.4791], [33.6845, 69.3101], [35.858, 69.1917], [37.7305, 68.692], [40.3809, 67.8318], [40.9662, 67.7135], [41.1887, 66.8261], [40.5215, 66.4466], [39.2888, 66.1322], [38.3976, 66.0645], [35.5135, 66.3958], [34.8244, 66.6112], [32.4637, 66.9162], [33.5667, 66.3209], [34.3999, 66.1285], [34.7866, 65.8646], [34.4065, 65.3957], [34.8034, 64.9861], [34.8697, 64.5601], [35.6471, 64.3783], [36.3652, 64.0028], [37.4423, 63.8134], [38.0707, 64.0259], [37.9538, 64.3201], [37.1834, 64.4084], [36.5282, 64.8472], [36.8828, 65.1724], [37.5284, 65.1083], [38.0096, 64.8789], [39.7582, 64.577], [40.2812, 64.998], [39.7982, 65.3498], [39.8167, 65.5978], [40.6916, 65.9635], [41.476, 66.1234], [42.2107, 66.5196], [44.0969, 66.235], [44.4885, 66.6718], [44.292, 67.0997], [43.7822, 67.2546], [44.2253, 67.9955], [44.0482, 68.549], [45.892, 68.4798], [46.6901, 67.8489], [45.5286, 67.7577], [44.9397, 67.4776], [45.9856, 66.8529], [46.691, 66.8254], [47.7092, 67.0449], [47.8745, 67.5842], [48.8777, 67.7314], [50.839, 68.3499], [52.5503, 68.5925], [53.8018, 68.9959], [53.9679, 68.2273], [54.5616, 68.273], [56.0435, 68.649], [57.1267, 68.554], [58.173, 68.8898], [58.9192, 69.0038], [59.8975, 68.422], [60.9336, 68.9869], [60.1703, 69.5909], [61.0158, 69.8515], [63.3616, 69.6753], [66.4159, 68.9478], [67.0025, 68.8735], [67.874, 68.4712], [68.2691, 67.2858], [67.5443, 66.7228], [66.2023, 66.1717], [64.8012, 65.7163], [63.0821, 64.9055], [61.2167, 64.2826], [60.5426, 61.0084], [60.0644, 59.4402], [59.4316, 58.5187], [58.7984, 57.8523], [58.0263, 57.3293], [57.8277, 56.8591], [58.5799, 56.5143], [58.6903, 56.0873], [58.0983, 55.5504], [57.1834, 55.4219], [56.0839, 55.3472], [56.9738, 54.4687], [57.6207, 53.9831], [58.9548, 54.5315], [59.6294, 54.3087], [59.8829, 53.9417], [59.4083, 53.6475], [59.0053, 53.1793], [59.037, 52.6069], [59.7071, 52.4617], [60.0675, 51.8909], [60.4648, 51.6513], [61.3631, 51.442], [61.5849, 51.2298], [61.3894, 50.8609], [60.638, 50.6639], [59.9551, 50.7992], [59.8122, 50.5819], [58.8836, 50.6944], [58.3594, 51.0638], [57.8386, 51.0917], [57.4422, 50.8889], [57.0116, 51.0651], [56.4917, 51.0196], [55.7978, 50.6022], [55.5425, 50.6017], [54.7269, 50.9981], [54.4215, 50.7803], [54.0417, 51.1152], [53.3382, 51.4824], [52.5708, 51.4817], [52.331, 51.6812], [51.6089, 51.4839], [50.7942, 51.7291], [50.2467, 51.2895], [49.4978, 51.0836], [49.3233, 50.8518], [48.8087, 50.6013], [48.7007, 50.3538], [48.843, 50.0131], [48.4343, 49.8284], [47.7062, 50.3781], [47.3264, 50.2734], [46.9916, 49.8526], [46.8022, 49.3671], [47.0144, 49.0986], [46.7029, 48.8055], [46.6611, 48.4124], [47.0044, 48.2845], [47.0935, 47.9476], [47.482, 47.8039], [48.11, 47.7452], [48.5525, 47.321], [48.9594, 46.7745], [48.6101, 46.5663], [49.184, 46.3486], [48.2576, 45.7778], [47.5243, 45.6016], [47.2219, 45.0242], [46.7551, 44.6566], [46.753, 44.4205], [47.2303, 44.1925], [47.5088, 43.5096], [47.4631, 43.035], [48.5727, 41.8445]]], [[[59.6369, 69.721], [58.9531, 69.8928], [58.4731, 70.2668], [59.0053, 70.4652], [60.3923, 69.9625], [59.6369, 69.721]]], [[[51.5825, 72.0712], [52.6218, 72.3008], [53.7531, 73.2933], [54.9404, 73.3834], [56.4293, 73.201], [56.0834, 72.7895], [55.3561, 72.4651], [55.2977, 71.9354], [56.043, 71.3457], [56.8952, 70.9271], [57.1456, 70.5891], [54.6012, 70.6801], [53.7222, 70.8146], [53.3637, 71.5416], [51.8124, 71.4913], [51.4388, 71.777], [51.5825, 72.0712]]], [[[68.8908, 76.6597], [68.1653, 76.2849], [66.2823, 75.9836], [61.356, 75.315], [60.2222, 74.7964], [58.5347, 74.4989], [58.4415, 74.1289], [56.9637, 73.3665], [56.4302, 73.2972], [55.0068, 73.4539], [54.3001, 73.3509], [53.7627, 73.7662], [54.6424, 73.9595], [55.5824, 74.6277], [56.4987, 74.9571], [57.0876, 75.3838], [58.8814, 75.8546], [61.0536, 76.1199], [61.2018, 76.282], [62.9714, 76.2367], [65.863, 76.6134], [67.5352, 77.0078], [68.4857, 76.9338], [68.8908, 76.6597]]], [[[59.3063, 80.6177], [59.5921, 80.8165], [61.5977, 80.893], [62.0758, 80.617], [61.0511, 80.4186], [59.3063, 80.6177]]], [[[49.0878, 80.5157], [49.2447, 80.8213], [50.8012, 80.9141], [51.7039, 80.6875], [48.8961, 80.3694], [47.6323, 80.1121], [46.6444, 80.3002], [49.0878, 80.5157]]], [[[54.3757, 80.7871], [54.7189, 81.116], [57.694, 80.7924], [55.7125, 80.6372], [54.3757, 80.7871]]], [[[55.717, 81.1885], [57.0915, 81.5412], [58.3717, 81.3869], [57.451, 81.1356], [55.717, 81.1885]]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Russia", "id": "RU", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "RU" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-5.3345, 36.1624], [-5.3383, 36.1123], [-5.3563, 36.1263], [-5.3552, 36.1452], [-5.3345, 36.1624]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Gibraltar", "id": "GI", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "GI" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[4.2262, 51.3865], [3.9023, 51.2075], [3.35, 51.3776], [4.2262, 51.3865]]], [[[4.2262, 51.3865], [3.5872, 51.4541], [4.4829, 52.3092], [4.769, 52.9411], [5.0256, 52.95], [5.1205, 52.388], [5.5613, 52.5948], [5.3754, 53.0956], [6.0622, 53.4072], [6.8163, 53.4412], [7.1974, 53.2824], [7.0352, 52.3802], [6.7416, 51.9111], [5.9484, 51.7625], [6.1932, 51.4887], [5.8948, 50.9843], [5.9937, 50.7504], [5.7973, 50.7546], [5.694, 50.7748], [5.8271, 51.1257], [5.5085, 51.2751], [4.5035, 51.4746], [4.2262, 51.3865]]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Netherlands", "id": "NL", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "NL" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[12.4392, 41.8981], [12.4308, 41.8972], [12.4308, 41.9056], [12.4383, 41.9065], [12.4392, 41.8981]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Vatican City", "id": "VA", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "VA" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[38.2144, 47.0914], [37.5433, 47.0744], [37.3399, 46.9168], [36.2795, 46.6585], [35.8268, 46.6244], [34.8495, 46.1899], [35.0231, 45.7012], [35.5579, 45.3109], [36.1705, 45.453], [36.5748, 45.3935], [36.3933, 45.0654], [35.8699, 45.0055], [35.4727, 45.0982], [35.0877, 44.8027], [34.7168, 44.8071], [33.9099, 44.3877], [33.4507, 44.5537], [33.5553, 45.0978], [32.9186, 45.3483], [32.5081, 45.4036], [33.6648, 45.947], [33.2024, 46.1758], [32.4769, 46.0837], [32.0357, 46.2608], [31.9746, 46.7088], [30.7964, 46.5522], [30.5112, 46.1054], [30.2194, 45.8666], [29.602, 45.6825], [29.7061, 45.2599], [29.2236, 45.4027], [28.7604, 45.2342], [28.2125, 45.4502], [28.9476, 46.0501], [28.9274, 46.4242], [29.1462, 46.5267], [29.838, 46.3504], [29.878, 46.8291], [29.5721, 46.9639], [29.5493, 47.2467], [29.1599, 47.4558], [29.1947, 47.8823], [28.7741, 48.1194], [28.3271, 48.1617], [27.5494, 48.4776], [26.619, 48.2596], [26.1624, 47.9925], [25.4641, 47.9107], [24.8933, 47.7178], [24.5786, 47.9311], [24.1778, 47.9059], [23.2027, 48.0843], [22.8766, 47.9472], [22.1322, 48.4053], [22.5387, 49.0726], [22.6494, 49.5392], [23.7121, 50.3774], [23.9731, 50.4101], [24.1058, 50.8449], [23.6053, 51.5179], [24.3615, 51.8676], [25.9251, 51.9137], [27.1424, 51.752], [27.2702, 51.6135], [28.5992, 51.5427], [29.1357, 51.6173], [29.3466, 51.3824], [30.5332, 51.5964], [30.9805, 52.0462], [31.7636, 52.1011], [32.2831, 52.1141], [32.5081, 52.3085], [33.7355, 52.3448], [34.3978, 51.7806], [34.1209, 51.6793], [34.2808, 51.3116], [35.3122, 51.0438], [35.4116, 50.5398], [36.3059, 50.2804], [37.4229, 50.4114], [38.047, 49.9201], [38.2588, 50.0524], [38.9184, 49.8248], [39.1746, 49.856], [39.7807, 49.572], [40.0702, 49.2003], [39.6866, 49.0078], [39.9608, 48.2378], [39.7358, 47.8445], [38.9004, 47.8554], [38.2873, 47.5592], [38.2144, 47.0914]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Ukraine", "id": "UA", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "UA" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[41.5103, 41.5175], [42.4661, 41.4397], [42.7878, 41.5637], [43.439, 41.1071], [43.7225, 40.7196], [43.5691, 40.4821], [43.792, 40.0704], [44.2894, 40.0405], [44.7684, 39.7035], [44.8172, 39.6503], [44.3891, 39.4223], [44.0231, 39.3774], [44.4309, 38.357], [44.2112, 37.9084], [44.5614, 37.7449], [44.5737, 37.4355], [44.7939, 37.2904], [44.2819, 36.978], [44.2085, 37.203], [43.516, 37.2448], [42.7746, 37.3717], [42.456, 37.1287], [42.2683, 37.2764], [41.5155, 37.0891], [40.7057, 37.0975], [40.0166, 36.826], [39.3569, 36.6819], [38.7668, 36.6933], [38.1915, 36.9015], [37.4366, 36.6436], [36.6582, 36.8022], [36.5375, 36.4576], [36.1274, 35.8314], [35.8111, 36.3096], [36.1881, 36.6589], [36.0488, 36.9108], [35.5376, 36.597], [34.6012, 36.7846], [34.0233, 36.3408], [33.6946, 36.1817], [32.7947, 36.0358], [32.3776, 36.1834], [32.0221, 36.535], [31.3523, 36.801], [30.6439, 36.8655], [30.484, 36.3105], [29.6895, 36.1566], [29.1432, 36.397], [29.0382, 36.6937], [28.4835, 36.8035], [28.1338, 37.0299], [27.349, 37.0193], [27.5198, 37.2491], [27.2192, 37.3894], [27.0778, 37.6877], [27.2324, 37.9786], [26.6827, 38.1983], [26.8612, 38.3728], [26.7636, 38.7099], [27.0136, 38.887], [26.6818, 39.2922], [26.8268, 39.5628], [26.1132, 39.4676], [26.1813, 39.99], [26.7376, 40.4001], [27.2848, 40.4559], [27.4754, 40.3196], [28.2893, 40.4031], [28.7877, 40.534], [29.3647, 40.8096], [29.0456, 41.0074], [29.322, 41.2275], [29.9193, 41.1506], [30.3451, 41.1967], [30.8101, 41.0851], [31.2548, 41.1076], [31.4582, 41.3198], [32.3064, 41.7298], [33.3817, 42.0176], [34.7506, 41.957], [35.0068, 42.0634], [35.2978, 41.7289], [36.0514, 41.6824], [36.1793, 41.4266], [36.5097, 41.2627], [36.7778, 41.3633], [37.0661, 41.1844], [38.3809, 40.9243], [39.4264, 41.1062], [40.2653, 40.9612], [40.9596, 41.2117], [41.5103, 41.5175]]], [[[28.0142, 41.9689], [28.3465, 41.4666], [29.0571, 41.2297], [28.7802, 40.974], [28.172, 41.0808], [27.4997, 40.9731], [27.2579, 40.6875], [26.1052, 40.6114], [26.0394, 40.7269], [26.3311, 40.9546], [26.3307, 41.2385], [26.6247, 41.4016], [26.3211, 41.7166], [26.6155, 41.965], [27.2948, 42.0796], [27.5348, 41.921], [28.0142, 41.9689]]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Turkey", "id": "TR", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "TR" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[24.1559, 65.8052], [23.1025, 65.7353], [21.5657, 65.4082], [21.5741, 65.1258], [21.1382, 64.8086], [21.4651, 64.3797], [20.7624, 63.8679], [19.0345, 63.2377], [18.4632, 62.8959], [17.8954, 62.8304], [17.4173, 61.7407], [17.1308, 61.5758], [17.2512, 60.7009], [17.956, 60.5898], [18.5572, 60.2536], [18.9707, 59.7572], [17.8761, 59.2708], [18.2853, 59.1093], [17.4568, 58.8586], [16.6521, 58.4343], [16.77, 58.2142], [16.5555, 57.8123], [16.5278, 57.0681], [15.9965, 56.2228], [14.7819, 56.1619], [14.2155, 55.8325], [14.3416, 55.5278], [13.3211, 55.3465], [12.8856, 55.4115], [12.9779, 55.6938], [12.5925, 56.1377], [12.8834, 56.6178], [12.4215, 56.9064], [11.4495, 58.1183], [11.1472, 58.9887], [11.3884, 59.0365], [11.7985, 59.2899], [11.6806, 59.5923], [12.4862, 60.1068], [12.5886, 60.4507], [12.2941, 61.0027], [12.8808, 61.3522], [12.1557, 61.7208], [12.3033, 62.2856], [12.1148, 62.592], [12.2181, 63.0006], [11.9997, 63.2916], [12.6624, 63.9404], [13.2996, 64.0747], [13.9606, 64.014], [14.0774, 64.4641], [13.6503, 64.5816], [14.4799, 65.3014], [14.5432, 66.1294], [15.4837, 66.306], [15.4231, 66.4899], [16.4034, 67.0551], [16.1275, 67.4259], [17.3246, 68.1038], [17.9169, 67.9649], [18.3784, 68.5624], [19.9696, 68.3565], [20.6222, 69.037], [21.9976, 68.5207], [22.7821, 68.391], [23.639, 67.9544], [23.4682, 67.4501], [23.9884, 66.8107], [23.701, 66.4809], [24.1559, 65.8052]]], [[[19.0766, 57.836], [18.8139, 57.7061], [18.7, 57.2427], [18.2853, 57.0832], [18.1366, 57.5565], [18.5374, 57.8305], [19.0766, 57.836]]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Sweden", "id": "SE", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "SE" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[16.5164, 46.4996], [15.6362, 46.2006], 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[19.7687, 78.6228], [18.4395, 78.0251], [18.2281, 77.5226], [17.6234, 77.3993], [16.7006, 76.5793], [14.3658, 77.2345], [14.0045, 77.4453], [14.9212, 77.6889], [13.6806, 78.028], [14.9945, 78.1513], [14.6382, 78.4147], [13.1502, 78.2376], [11.7738, 78.7164], [11.2082, 79.1297], [10.8659, 79.7966], [12.7533, 79.7759], [13.384, 79.4808], [15.8164, 79.6818], [16.7867, 79.9069]]], [[[21.6084, 78.5958], [23.1166, 77.9915], [24.2384, 77.8985], [23.8417, 77.4978], [22.8019, 77.2758], [22.057, 77.5011], [21.6084, 77.9162], [20.228, 78.478], [21.6084, 78.5958]]]] }, "properties": { "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "id": "SJ", "Continent": "Europe" }, "id": "SJ" }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[19.2551, 70.0664], [19.5926, 69.9701], [18.7844, 69.579], [18.3493, 69.7678], [19.2551, 70.0664]]], [[[17.5029, 69.5962], [17.9508, 69.198], [16.9716, 69.138], [17.5029, 69.5962]]], [[[30.8694, 69.7834], [28.9656, 69.0218], [29.3335, 69.4731], [29.1414, 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