wwPDB Format version 3.3: Coordinate Section

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/general.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/format32.css" /> <title>wwPDB Format version 3.3: Coordinate Section</title> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="logo"> <a href="/index.php"> <img src="" alt="wwpdb" /></a> </div> <div id="header"> <div class="spacer"></div> <span>Atomic Coordinate Entry Format Version 3.3</span> </div> <div id="manu"> <div id="mainindex"> <a class="white" href="v3.3.html">Main Index</a> </div> <div id="sublinks"> <p><a class="white" href="#MODEL">MODEL</a></p> <p><a class="white" href="#ATOM">ATOM</a></p> <p><a class="white" href="#ANISOU">ANISOU</a></p> <p><a class="white" href="#TER">TER</a></p> <p><a class="white" href="#HETATM">HETATM</a></p> <p><a class="white" href="#ENDMDL">ENDMDL</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="mainContent"> <h1>Coordinate Section</h1> <p>The Coordinate Section contains the collection of atomic coordinates as well as the MODEL and ENDMDL records.   </p> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="MODEL">MODEL</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>The MODEL record specifies the model serial number when multiple models of the same structure are presented in a single coordinate entry, as is often the case with structures determined by NMR. </p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS       DATA TYPE    FIELD          DEFINITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6        Record name   &quot;MODEL &quot; 11 - 14       Integer       serial         Model serial number. </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>This record is used only when more than one model appears in an entry. Generally, it is employed mainly for NMR structures. The chemical connectivity should be the same for each model. ATOM, HETATM, ANISOU, and TER records for each model structure and are interspersed as needed between MODEL and ENDMDL records.</li> <li>The numbering of models is sequential, beginning with 1.</li> <li>All models in a deposition should be superimposed in an appropriate author determined manner and only one superposition method should be used. Structures from different experiments, or different domains of a structure should not be superimposed and deposited as models of a deposition.</li> <li>All models in an NMR ensemble should be homogeneous – each model should have the exact same atoms (hydrogen and heavy atoms), sequence and chemistry.</li> <li>All models in an NMR entry should have hydrogen atoms.</li> <li>Deposition of minimized average structure must be accompanied with ensemble and must be homogeneous with ensemble.</li> <li>A model cannot have more than 99,999 atoms. Where the entry does not contain an ensemble of models, then the entry cannot have more than 99,999 atoms. Entries that go beyond this atom limit must be split into multiple entries, each containing no more than the limits specified above.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong> <br /> <p>Entries with multiple models in the NUMMDL record are checked for corresponding pairs of MODEL/ ENDMDL records, and for consecutively numbered models. </p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong> </p> <p>Each MODEL must have a corresponding ENDMDL record.</p> <p><strong>Examples</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 MODEL        1 ATOM      1  N   ALA A   1      11.104   6.134  -6.504  1.00  0.00           N ATOM      2  CA  ALA A   1      11.639   6.071  -5.147  1.00  0.00           C ... … ... … ... … ATOM    293 1HG  GLU A  18    -14.861  -4.847   0.361  1.00  0.00           H ATOM    294 2HG  GLU A  18    -13.518  -3.769   0.084  1.00  0.00           H TER     295      GLU A  18                                           ENDMDL                                                              MODEL        2                                                        ATOM    296  N   ALA A   1     10.883   6.779  -6.464  1.00  0.00         N ATOM    297  CA  ALA A   1     11.451   6.531  -5.142  1.00  0.00         C ... … ... … ATOM    588 1HG  GLU A  18    -13.363  -4.163  -2.372 1.00  0.00          H ATOM    589 2HG  GLU A  18    -12.634  -3.023  -3.475 1.00  0.00          H TER     590      GLU A  18                                          ENDMDL </pre> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 MODEL        1 ATOM      1  N  AALA A   1      72.883  57.697  56.410  0.50 83.80           N  ATOM      2  CA AALA A   1      73.796  56.531  56.644  0.50 84.78           C  ATOM      3  C  AALA A   1      74.549  56.551  57.997  0.50 85.05           C  ATOM      4  O  AALA A   1      73.951  56.413  59.075  0.50 84.77           O  ... ... ... HETATM37900  O  AHOH   490     -24.915 147.513  36.413  0.50 41.86           O  HETATM37901  O  AHOH   491     -28.699 130.471  22.248  0.50 36.06           O  HETATM37902  O  AHOH   492     -33.309 184.488  26.176  0.50 15.00           O  ENDMDL                                                                          MODEL        2                                                                   ATOM      1  N  BALA A   1      72.883  57.697  56.410  0.50 83.80           N  ATOM      2  CA BALA A   1      73.796  56.531  56.644  0.50 84.78           C  ATOM      3  C  BALA A   1      74.549  56.551  57.997  0.50 85.05           C  ATOM      4  O  BALA A   1      73.951  56.413  59.075  0.50 84.77           O  ATOM      5  CB BALA A   1      74.804  56.369  55.453  0.50 84.29           C  ATOM      6  N  BASP A   2      75.872  56.703  57.905  0.50 85.59           N  ATOM      7  CA BASP A   2      76.801  56.651  59.048  0.50 85.67           C  ATOM      8  C  BASP A   2      76.283  57.361  60.309  0.50 84.80           C  ... </pre> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="ATOM">ATOM</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>The ATOM records present the atomic coordinates for standard amino acids and nucleotides. They also present the occupancy and temperature factor for each atom. Non-polymer chemical coordinates use the HETATM record type. The element symbol is always present on each ATOM record; charge is optional. </p> <p>Changes in ATOM/HETATM records result from the standardization atom and residue nomenclature. This nomenclature is described in the Chemical Component Dictionary (<a href=""></a>).</p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS        DATA TYPE    FIELD       DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -  6        Record name   &quot;ATOM  &quot;  7 - 11        Integer       serial       Atom serial number. 13 - 16        Atom          name         Atom name. 17             Character     altLoc       Alternate location indicator. 18 - 20        Residue name  resName      Residue name. 22             Character     chainID     Chain identifier. 23 - 26        Integer       resSeq       Residue sequence number. 27             AChar         iCode        Code for insertion of residues. 31 - 38        Real(8.3)     x            Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms. 39 - 46        Real(8.3)     y            Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms. 47 - 54        Real(8.3)     z            Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms. 55 - 60        Real(6.2)    occupancy    Occupancy. 61 - 66        Real(6.2)    tempFactor   Temperature factor. 77 - 78        LString(2)   element      Element symbol, right-justified. 79 - 80        LString(2)   charge       Charge on the atom. </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>ATOM records for proteins are listed from amino to carboxyl terminus.</li> <li>Nucleic acid residues are listed from the 5' to the 3' terminus.</li> <li>Alignment of one-letter atom name such as C starts at column 14, while two-letter atom name such as FE starts at column 13.</li> <li>Atom nomenclature begins with atom type.</li> <li>No ordering is specified for polysaccharides.</li> <li>Non-blank alphanumerical character is used for chain identifier.</li> <li>The list of ATOM records in a chain is terminated by a TER record. </li> <li>If more than one model is present in the entry, each model is delimited by MODEL and ENDMDL records.</li> <li>AltLoc is the place holder to indicate alternate conformation. The alternate conformation can be in the entire polymer chain, or several residues or partial residue (several atoms within one residue). If an atom is provided in more than one position, then a non-blank alternate location indicator must be used for each of the atomic positions. Within a residue, all atoms that are associated with each other in a given conformation are assigned the same alternate position indicator. There are two ways of representing alternate conformation- either at atom level or at residue level (see examples).</li> <li>For atoms that are in alternate sites indicated by the alternate site indicator, sorting of atoms in the ATOM/HETATM list uses the following general rules:</li> <pre> - In the simple case that involves a few atoms or a few residues with alternate sites, the coordinates occur one after the other in the entry. - In the case of a large heterogen groups which are disordered, the atoms for each conformer are listed together. </pre> <li>Alphabet letters are commonly used for insertion code. The insertion code is used when two residues have the same numbering. The combination of residue numbering and insertion code defines the unique residue. </li> <li>If the depositor provides the data, then the isotropic B value is given for the temperature factor.</li> <li>If there are neither isotropic B values from the depositor, nor anisotropic temperature factors in ANISOU, then the default value of 0.0 is used for the temperature factor.</li> <li>Columns 79 - 80 indicate any charge on the atom, e.g., 2+, 1-. In most cases, these are blank.</li> <li>For refinements with program REFMAC prior 5.5.0042 which use TLS refinement, the values of B may include only the TLS contribution to the isotropic temperature factor rather than the full isotropic value.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong> </p> <p>The ATOM/HETATM records are checked for PDB file format, sequence information, and packing.</p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong></p> <p>The ATOM records are compared to the corresponding sequence database. Sequence discrepancies appear in the SEQADV record. Missing atoms are annotated in the remarks. HETATM records are formatted in the same way as ATOM records. The sequence implied by ATOM records must be identical to that given in SEQRES, with the exception that residues that have no coordinates, e.g., due to disorder, must appear in SEQRES. </p> <p><strong>Example </strong></p> <pre> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ATOM 32 N AARG A -3 11.281 86.699 94.383 0.50 35.88 N ATOM 33 N BARG A -3 11.296 86.721 94.521 0.50 35.60 N ATOM 34 CA AARG A -3 12.353 85.696 94.456 0.50 36.67 C ATOM 35 CA BARG A -3 12.333 85.862 95.041 0.50 36.42 C ATOM 36 C AARG A -3 13.559 86.257 95.222 0.50 37.37 C ATOM 37 C BARG A -3 12.759 86.530 96.365 0.50 36.39 C ATOM 38 O AARG A -3 13.753 87.471 95.270 0.50 37.74 O ATOM 39 O BARG A -3 12.924 87.757 96.420 0.50 37.26 O ATOM 40 CB AARG A -3 12.774 85.306 93.039 0.50 37.25 C ATOM 41 CB BARG A -3 13.428 85.746 93.980 0.50 36.60 C ATOM 42 CG AARG A -3 11.754 84.432 92.321 0.50 38.44 C ATOM 43 CG BARG A -3 12.866 85.172 92.651 0.50 37.31 C ATOM 44 CD AARG A -3 11.698 84.678 90.815 0.50 38.51 C ATOM 45 CD BARG A -3 13.374 85.886 91.406 0.50 37.66 C ATOM 46 NE AARG A -3 12.984 84.447 90.163 0.50 39.94 N ATOM 47 NE BARG A -3 12.644 85.487 90.195 0.50 38.24 N ATOM 48 CZ AARG A -3 13.202 84.534 88.850 0.50 40.03 C ATOM 49 CZ BARG A -3 13.114 85.582 88.947 0.50 39.55 C ATOM 50 NH1AARG A -3 12.218 84.840 88.007 0.50 40.76 N ATOM 51 NH1BARG A -3 14.338 86.056 88.706 0.50 40.23 N ATOM 52 NH2AARG A -3 14.421 84.308 88.373 0.50 40.45 N </pre> <pre> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ATOM 32 N AARG A -3 11.281 86.699 94.383 0.50 35.88 N ATOM 33 CA AARG A -3 12.353 85.696 94.456 0.50 36.67 C ATOM 34 C AARG A -3 13.559 86.257 95.222 0.50 37.37 C ATOM 35 O AARG A -3 13.753 87.471 95.270 0.50 37.74 O ATOM 36 CB AARG A -3 12.774 85.306 93.039 0.50 37.25 C ATOM 37 CG AARG A -3 11.754 84.432 92.321 0.50 38.44 C ATOM 38 CD AARG A -3 11.698 84.678 90.815 0.50 38.51 C ATOM 39 NE AARG A -3 12.984 84.447 90.163 0.50 39.94 N ATOM 40 CZ AARG A -3 13.202 84.534 88.850 0.50 40.03 C ATOM 41 NH1AARG A -3 12.218 84.840 88.007 0.50 40.76 N ATOM 42 NH2AARG A -3 14.421 84.308 88.373 0.50 40.45 N ATOM 43 N BARG A -3 11.296 86.721 94.521 0.50 35.60 N ATOM 44 CA BARG A -3 12.333 85.862 95.041 0.50 36.42 C ATOM 45 C BARG A -3 12.759 86.530 96.365 0.50 36.39 C ATOM 46 O BARG A -3 12.924 87.757 96.420 0.50 37.26 O ATOM 47 CB BARG A -3 13.428 85.746 93.980 0.50 36.60 C ATOM 48 CG BARG A -3 12.866 85.172 92.651 0.50 37.31 C ATOM 49 CD BARG A -3 13.374 85.886 91.406 0.50 37.66 C ATOM 50 NE BARG A -3 12.644 85.487 90.195 0.50 38.24 N ATOM 51 CZ BARG A -3 13.114 85.582 88.947 0.50 39.55 C ATOM 52 NH1BARG A -3 14.338 86.056 88.706 0.50 40.23 N </pre> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="ANISOU">ANISOU</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>The ANISOU records present the anisotropic temperature factors.</p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS       DATA TYPE    FIELD          DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6        Record name   &quot;ANISOU&quot;  7 - 11       Integer       serial         Atom serial number. 13 - 16       Atom          name           Atom name. 17            Character     altLoc         Alternate location indicator 18 - 20       Residue name  resName        Residue name. 22            Character     chainID        Chain identifier. 23 - 26       Integer       resSeq         Residue sequence number. 27            AChar         iCode          Insertion code. 29 - 35       Integer       u[0][0]        U(1,1) 36 - 42       Integer       u[1][1]        U(2,2) 43 - 49       Integer       u[2][2]        U(3,3) 50 - 56       Integer       u[0][1]        U(1,2) 57 - 63       Integer       u[0][2]        U(1,3) 64 - 70       Integer       u[1][2]        U(2,3) 77 - 78       LString(2)    element        Element symbol, right-justified. 79 - 80       LString(2)    charge         Charge on the atom. </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>Columns 7 - 27 and 73 - 80 are identical to the corresponding ATOM/HETATM record.</li> <li>The anisotropic temperature factors (columns 29 - 70) are scaled by a factor of 10**4 (Angstroms**2) and are presented as integers. </li> <li>The anisotropic temperature factors are stored in the same coordinate frame as the atomic coordinate records.</li> <li>ANISOU values are listed only if they have been provided by the depositor.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong></p> <p>The depositor provides ANISOU records, and the wwPDB verifies their format. </p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong> </p> <p>The anisotropic temperature factors are related to the corresponding ATOM/HETATM isotropic temperature factors as ,B(eq), as described in the ATOM and HETATM sections. </p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ATOM    107  N   GLY A  13      12.681  37.302 -25.211 1.000 15.56           N ANISOU  107  N   GLY A  13     2406   1892   1614    198    519   -328       N ATOM    108  CA  GLY A  13      11.982  37.996 -26.241 1.000 16.92           C ANISOU  108  CA  GLY A  13     2748   2004   1679    -21    155   -419       C ATOM    109  C   GLY A  13      11.678  39.447 -26.008 1.000 15.73           C ANISOU  109  C   GLY A  13     2555   1955   1468     87    357   -109       C ATOM    110  O   GLY A  13      11.444  40.201 -26.971 1.000 20.93           O ANISOU  110  O   GLY A  13     3837   2505   1611    164   -121    189       O ATOM    111  N   ASN A  14      11.608  39.863 -24.755 1.000 13.68           N ANISOU  111  N   ASN A  14     2059   1674   1462     27    244    -96       N </pre> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong> </p> <p>The standard deviations for the anisotropic temperature factors are related to the corresponding ATOM/ HETATM ANISOU temperature factors.</p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ATOM    107  N   GLY A  13      12.681  37.302 -25.211 1.000 15.56           N ANISOU  107  N   GLY A  13     2406   1892   1614    198    519   -328       N SIGUIJ  107  N   GLY A  13       10     10     10     10    10     10       N ATOM    108  CA  GLY A  13      11.982  37.996 -26.241 1.000 16.92          C ANISOU  108  CA  GLY A  13    2748   2004   1679    -21    155   -419       C SIGUIJ  108  CA  GLY A  13       10     10     10     10    10     10       C ATOM    109  C   GLY A  13      11.678  39.447 -26.008 1.000 15.73          C ANISOU  109  C   GLY A  13     2555   1955   1468     87    357   -109       C SIGUIJ  109  C   GLY A  13       10     10     10     10    10     10       C ATOM    110  O   GLY A  13      11.444  40.201 -26.971 1.000 20.93          O ANISOU  110  O   GLY A  13     3837   2505   1611    164   -121    189       O SIGUIJ  110  O   GLY A  13       10     10     10     10    10     10       O ATOM    111  N   ASN A  14      11.608  39.863 -24.755 1.000 13.68          N ANISOU  111  N   ASN A  14     2059   1674   1462     27    244    -96       N SIGUIJ  111  N   ASN A  14       10     10     10     10    10     10       N </pre> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="TER">TER</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>The TER record indicates the end of a list of ATOM/HETATM records for a chain.</p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS        DATA TYPE    FIELD           DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -  6        Record name   &quot;TER   &quot;  7 - 11        Integer       serial          Serial number. 18 - 20        Residue name  resName         Residue name. 22             Character     chainID         Chain identifier. 23 - 26        Integer       resSeq          Residue sequence number. 27             AChar         iCode           Insertion code. </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>Every chain of ATOM/HETATM records presented on SEQRES records is terminated with a TER record.</li> <li>The TER records occur in the coordinate section of the entry, and indicate the last residue presented for each polypeptide and/or nucleic acid chain for which there are determined coordinates. For proteins, the residue defined on the TER record is the carboxy-terminal residue; for nucleic acids it is the 3'-terminal residue.</li> <li>For a cyclic molecule, the choice of termini is arbitrary.</li> <li>Terminal oxygen atoms are presented as OXT for proteins, and as O5’ or OP3 for nucleic acids. These atoms are present only if the last residue in the polymer is truly the last residue in the SEQRES.</li> <li>The TER record has the same residue name, chain identifier, sequence number and insertion code as the terminal residue. The serial number of the TER record is one number greater than the serial number of the ATOM/HETATM preceding the TER.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong> </p> <p>TER must appear at the terminal carboxyl end or 3' end of a chain. For proteins, there is usually a terminal oxygen, labeled OXT. The validation program checks for the occurrence of TER and OXT records. </p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong></p> <p>The residue name appearing on the TER record must be the same as the residue name of the immediately preceding ATOM or non-water HETATM record.</p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ATOM    601  N   LEU A  75     -17.070 -16.002   2.409  1.00 55.63           N  ATOM    602  CA  LEU A  75     -16.343 -16.746   3.444  1.00 55.50           C  ATOM    603  C   LEU A  75     -16.499 -18.263   3.300  1.00 55.55           C  ATOM    604  O   LEU A  75     -16.645 -18.789   2.195  1.00 55.50           O  ATOM    605  CB  LEU A  75     -16.776 -16.283   4.844  1.00 55.51           C  TER     606      LEU A  75   ... … ATOM   1185  O   LEU B  75      26.292  -4.310  16.940  1.00 55.45           O  ATOM   1186  CB  LEU B  75      23.881  -1.551  16.797  1.00 55.32           C  TER    1187      LEU B  75                                                      HETATM 1188  H2  SRT A1076     -17.263  11.260  28.634  1.00 59.62           H  HETATM 1189  HA  SRT A1076     -19.347  11.519  28.341  1.00 59.42           H   HETATM 1190  H3  SRT A1076     -17.157  14.303  28.677  1.00 58.00           H  HETATM 1191  HB  SRT A1076     -15.110  13.610  28.816  1.00 57.77           H  HETATM 1192  O1  SRT A1076     -17.028  11.281  31.131  1.00 62.63           O  ATOM    295  HB2 ALA A  18      4.601  -9.393   7.275  1.00  0.00           H  ATOM    296  HB3 ALA A  18       3.340  -9.147   6.043  1.00  0.00           H  TER     297     ALA A  18                                                      ENDMDL                                                                           </pre> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="HETATM">HETATM</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>Non-polymer or other “non-standard” chemical coordinates, such as water molecules or atoms presented in HET groups use the HETATM record type. They also present the occupancy and temperature factor for each atom. The ATOM records present the atomic coordinates for standard residues. The element symbol is always present on each HETATM record; charge is optional. </p> <p>Changes in ATOM/HETATM records will require standardization in atom and residue nomenclature. This nomenclature is described in the Chemical Component Dictionary, <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS       DATA TYPE     FIELD         DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 6        Record name    &quot;HETATM&quot;  7 - 11       Integer        serial        Atom serial number. 13 - 16       Atom           name          Atom name. 17            Character      altLoc        Alternate location indicator. 18 - 20       Residue name   resName       Residue name. 22            Character      chainID       Chain identifier. 23 - 26       Integer        resSeq        Residue sequence number. 27            AChar          iCode         Code for insertion of residues. 31 - 38       Real(8.3)      x             Orthogonal coordinates for X. 39 - 46       Real(8.3)      y             Orthogonal coordinates for Y. 47 - 54       Real(8.3)      z             Orthogonal coordinates for Z. 55 - 60       Real(6.2)      occupancy     Occupancy. 61 - 66       Real(6.2)      tempFactor    Temperature factor. 77 - 78       LString(2)     element       Element symbol; right-justified. 79 - 80       LString(2)     charge        Charge on the atom. </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>The x, y, z coordinates are in Angstrom units.</li> <li>No ordering is specified for polysaccharides.</li> <li>See the HET section of this document regarding naming of heterogens. See the Chemical Component Dictionary for residue names, formulas, and topology of the HET groups that have appeared so far in the PDB (see <a href=""></a> ).</li> <li>If the depositor provides the data, then the isotropic B value is given for the temperature factor.</li> <li>If there are neither isotropic B values provided by the depositor, nor anisotropic temperature factors in ANISOU, then the default value of 0.0 is used for the temperature factor.</li> <li>Insertion codes and element naming are fully described in the ATOM section of this document.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong></p> <p>Processing programs check ATOM/HETATM records for PDB file format, sequence information, and packing. </p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong></p> <p>HETATM records must have corresponding HET, HETNAM, FORMUL and CONECT records, except for waters. </p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 HETATM 8237 MG    MG A1001      13.872  -2.555 -29.045  1.00 27.36          MG  HETATM 3835 FE   HEM A   1      17.140   3.115  15.066  1.00 14.14          FE HETATM 8238  S   SO4 A2001      10.885 -15.746 -14.404  1.00 47.84           S  HETATM 8239  O1  SO4 A2001      11.191 -14.833 -15.531  1.00 50.12           O  HETATM 8240  O2  SO4 A2001       9.576 -16.338 -14.706  1.00 48.55           O  HETATM 8241  O3  SO4 A2001      11.995 -16.703 -14.431  1.00 49.88          O  HETATM 8242  O4  SO4 A2001      10.932 -15.073 -13.100  1.00 49.91           O  </pre> <p><hr noshade></p> <h2><a name="ENDMDL">ENDMDL</a></h2> <p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>The ENDMDL records are paired with MODEL records to group individual structures found in a coordinate entry. </p> <p><strong>Record Format</strong></p> <pre> COLUMNS       DATA TYPE     FIELD        DEFINITION ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - 6         Record name   &quot;ENDMDL&quot; </pre> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <ul> <li>MODEL/ENDMDL records are used only when more than one structure is presented in the entry, as is often the case with NMR entries.</li> <li>All the models in a multi-model entry must represent the same structure.</li> <li>Every MODEL record has an associated ENDMDL record.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Verification/Validation/Value Authority Control</strong> </p> <p>Entries with multiple structures in the NUMMDL record are checked for corresponding pairs of MODEL/ ENDMDL records, and for consecutively numbered models.</p> <p><strong>Relationships to Other Record Types</strong></p> <p>There must be a corresponding MODEL record. </p> <p>In the case of an NMR entry, the NUMMDL record states the number of model structures that are present in the individual entry.</p> <p><strong>Example</strong></p> <pre>          1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ... ... ... ... ATOM  14550 1HG  GLU   122     -14.364  14.787 -14.258  1.00  0.00           H ATOM  14551 2HG  GLU   122     -13.794  13.738 -12.961  1.00  0.00           H TER   14552      GLU   122                                             ENDMDL                                                                  MODEL        9                                                         ATOM  14553  N   SER     1     -28.280   1.567  12.004  1.00  0.00           N ATOM  14554  CA  SER     1     -27.749   0.392  11.256  1.00  0.00           C ... ... ... ... ATOM  16369 1HG  GLU   122      -3.757  18.546  -8.439  1.00  0.00           H ATOM  16370 2HG  GLU   122      -3.066  17.166  -7.584  1.00  0.00           H TER   16371      GLU   122                                             ENDMDL                                                                  </pre> </body> </html> <p><hr noshade></p> <p><span class="caption">© 2010 wwPDB</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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