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style="vertical-align:middle;"> <a name="module:M00580"></a><font class="title3"><b>Pentose phosphate pathway, archaea, fructose 6P =&gt; ribose 5P</b></font> </td> <!-- <td align="right" valign="bottom"><button class="btn" onclick="javascript:void('/kegg/document/help_module.html','KEGG_Help','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,width=720,height=640,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))">Help</button></td> --> </tr> </table> [ <a href="/brite/htext=ko00002a.keg&amp;query=M00580&amp;option=-a&amp;node_proc=ko00002a_org&amp;proc_enabled=ko&panel=collapse">Module menu</a> | <a href="/entry/M00580">Module entry</a> | <a href="javascript:void(open_ko_list('M00580', 'ko'))">KO/Compound list</a> | <a href="javascript:void('/kegg/document/help_module.html','KEGG_Help','width=720,height=640'))">Help</a> ] <div style="margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;"> <input type="button" class="change-type" value="Change module type" data-entry="M00580"> </div> <div class="definition"> <table> <tr> <td>Entry</td> <td> M00580 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Pentose phosphate pathway, archaea, fructose 6P =&gt; ribose 5P</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Definition</td> <td> (<a href="/entry/K08094">K08094</a> (<a href="/entry/K08093">K08093</a>,<a href="/entry/K13812">K13812</a>),<a href="/entry/K13831">K13831</a>) <a href="/entry/K01807">K01807</a><br /> <button class="btn" onclick="location.href=''">Ortholog table</button> <button class="btn" onclick="location.href='/kegg-bin/show_taxonomy?id=M00580'">Taxonomy</button> <!-- <button class="btn" onclick="location.href='/kegg-bin/view_module_table?id=M00580'">Module table</button> --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Type</td> <td>Pathway module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pathway</td> <td> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map00030+M00580">map00030</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01200+M00580">map01200</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01230+M00580">map01230</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01100+M00580">map01100</a> </span> <span style="margin-right:5px;"> <a href="/pathway/map01120+M00580">map01120</a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Reaction</td> <td><a href="/entry/R05339">R05339</a> <a href="/entry/C00085">C00085</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C06019">C06019</a><br><a href="/entry/R05338">R05338</a> <a href="/entry/C06019">C06019</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C00199">C00199</a><br><a href="/entry/R01056">R01056</a> <a href="/entry/C00199">C00199</a> -&gt; <a href="/entry/C00117">C00117</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <form action="/kegg-bin/show_module"> <input type="hidden" name="map" value="M00580"> <input type="hidden" name="org" value="ko"> <div style="margin-top:0px;"> <table cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td><img src="/tmp/pathway_thumbnail/ko_M00580.png?1732710105" usemap="#module1" border="0" alt="MODULE IMAGE"></td> <td><img src="/tmp/pathway_thumbnail/M00580_reaction.png?1732710105" usemap="#reaction1" border="0" alt="MODULE-REACTION IMAGE"></td> </tr> </table> <map name="module1"> <area shape="rect" id="node1_0" href="/entry/K08094" title="K08094 (hxlB)" alt="" coords="17,11,167,34"/> <area shape="rect" id="node1_1" href="/entry/K08093" title="K08093 (hxlA)" alt="" coords="17,57,90,79"/> <area shape="rect" id="node1_2" href="/entry/K13812" title="K13812 (fae&#45;hps)" alt="" coords="94,57,167,79"/> <area shape="rect" id="node1_3" href="/entry/K13831" title="K13831 (hps&#45;phi)" alt="" coords="171,11,245,79"/> <area shape="rect" id="node2_4" href="/entry/K01807" title="K01807 (rpiA)" alt="" coords="94,108,167,131"/> </map> <map name="reaction1"> <area shape="poly" id="node1" href="/entry/C00085" title="C00085 (D&#45;Fructose 6&#45;phosphate)" alt="" coords="81,29,79,22,74,15,66,10,55,7,44,5,33,7,22,10,14,15,9,22,7,29,9,37,14,43,22,49,33,52,44,53,55,52,66,49,74,43,79,37"/> <area shape="rect" id="node2" href="/entry/R05339" title="R05339" alt="" coords="5,83,83,105"/> <area shape="poly" id="node3" href="/entry/C06019" title="C06019 (D&#45;arabino&#45;Hex&#45;3&#45;ulose 6&#45;phosphate)" alt="" coords="81,159,79,151,74,145,66,139,55,136,44,135,33,136,22,139,14,145,9,151,7,159,9,166,14,173,22,178,33,181,44,183,55,181,66,178,74,173,79,166"/> <area shape="rect" id="node4" href="/entry/R05338" title="R05338" alt="" coords="5,212,83,235"/> <area shape="poly" id="node5" href="/entry/C00199" title="C00199 (D&#45;Ribulose 5&#45;phosphate)" alt="" coords="81,288,79,281,74,274,66,269,55,265,44,264,33,265,22,269,14,274,9,281,7,288,9,295,14,302,22,307,33,311,44,312,55,311,66,307,74,302,79,295"/> <area shape="rect" id="node6" href="/entry/R01056" title="R01056" alt="" coords="5,341,83,364"/> <area shape="poly" id="node7" href="/entry/C00117" title="C00117 (D&#45;Ribose 5&#45;phosphate)" alt="" coords="81,417,79,410,74,403,66,398,55,395,44,393,33,395,22,398,14,403,9,410,7,417,9,425,14,431,22,437,33,440,44,441,55,440,66,437,74,431,79,425"/> </map> </div> </form> <form name="taxonomy1" method="post" action="/kegg-bin/show_brite"> <input type="hidden" name="htext" value="br08610.keg"> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="-a"> <input type="hidden" name="query" value="eum stm seo sev sey sem sej seb sef setu setc senr send seni shb senh seeh eclz ecan echg kpn kpy koc klw rtg citz pge sod vsh mca metu mmeo meef mmt mdn mdh mko mpad mrp mmot meec meup mah mbur mpsy mmai msze mmob mein moz misz mesl mech meiy mcau mej mec mpin mmaf mtha orb bpdz acid cser mfa mmb meh mei mep mbac mbat mrk muv meu mmec mpau moh mmei xdi noh acut sdo gal gsp kba baca basb bcir ntx nil bmq bmd bmh bmeg beo bfx pks bcl cgot cfir oih ocn oon hmn hli hnz hsan hshi vig vne vpt vnt vik fec sje pbut grc gcs gsm nmk ndt ncm nnv meku msem mdg blen sedd bvq rmf rod bag bbev alkg phj dom stea puk sau sav saw sah saj sam sas sar sac sax saa sao sae sad suu suv sue suj suk suc sut suq suz sud sux suw sug suf saua saue saun saus sauu saug sauz saut sauj sauk sauq sauv sauw saux sauy sauf sab suy saub saum sauc saur saui saud sams suh ser sep sepp seps sha shh ssp sca slg sln ssd sdt sdp swa spas sxy sxl sxo shu scap ssch sscz sagq seqo ssif scv spet scoh sury snl skl sfq shom smus scar schr sarl spic ssh ssim sdb sllo saul srai spsd stas seda scaq sdev srot stap shsi sgai sscu sff mlen mvt shv esi ean exm exu eace exi exh pjd gym ppy ppm ppo ppol ppq ppoy pms pmq pmw pta psab pdu pbd pgm pod paen paef paeq pste paea paee paeh paej pbj pri pson ppeo pnp pbv pyg pdh pib pcx pkb paih pvo plw palb pprt pbac prz plyc psop ptri pcel ptj pka pui pmah pmae pspn ppog paun phk pnk ppab pkp pglu plzh pacl pezz aneu cchl cheb cohl saca aaco acur adau afas pana play pshx jeo panc lkl lcz lcs lce lcw lcl lpq lpi lpap lcb lcx lchi lze lhn lpab lpah lsb lmu lle fix fcli fhin fmt fcp lbn lcu lkf lhil llao lbr lbk lna lcy aapi lpd pce paci lalw lali lhb ooe oen lmm lgc wcb wjo wcf wso whe wei lbe egv eav esg eraf eds ems too vcp vhy aur amit carn cac cae cay cbe cbz cbei csr cdy 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