Handle Proxy

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Handle Proxy</TITLE> <style> body { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; } </style> </HEAD> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <basefont size ="3"> <img src="/static/images/res_tool.gif" width="270" height="40" alt=" Logo"> <h3 align="center">Resolve a Handle and View the Values</h3> <p align="left">The web form below will enable you to resolve individual handles and view their associated values. It uses a proxy server, which understands both the Handle protocol and HTTP protocol.</p> <p align="left">If you type a handle into the text box, and that handle has a URL associated with it as one of its values, the proxy server will instruct your browser to display the location of that URL.&nbsp; If you select &quot;Don't Redirect to URLs&quot;, the proxy will display the handle record.</p> <p align="left">The Handle proxy server uses caching to speed handle resolution. If you check &quot;Authoritative Query&quot;, the proxy will bypass the cache, go directly to the responsible handle server, and then refresh the cache with the data for that handle. </p> <p align="left">Simply appending a handle to the URL <a href=""></a> and giving the string to a browser as a location will also resolve that handle. The proxy also supports a REST API, returning handle records in JSON format. <a href="/help.html">Further documentation is available here.</a></p> <form action="/" method=POST > <center><table border="0"><tr> <td align=center> Handle: <input id="hdl" type=text name="hdl" value="" size=45> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=LEFT valign=TOP> <input type=checkbox name="auth" value="">Authoritative Query<br> <input type=checkbox name="noredirect" value="">Don't Redirect to URLs<br> <input type=checkbox name="ignore_aliases" value="">Don't Follow Aliases <br><br><input type=SUBMIT value="Submit"></td> </tr></table></center></form> <p><strong><em><small> <a href="/help.html">Handle Proxy Server Documentation</a><br/> <a href=""> Web Site</a> </small></em></strong><br> <p><i>Contact <a href=""></a> with your handle questions and comments</i>. <script> document.getElementById('hdl').focus(); </script> </body> </html>

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