Pfizer Inc, United Kingdom Ranking

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var ds1=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,423,423rd\n2010,460,460th\n2011,554,554th\n2012,668,668th\n2013,754,754th\n2014,816,816th\n2015,909,909th\n2016,1428,1428th\n2017,736,736th\n2018,384,384th\n2019,564,564th\n2020,547,547th\n2021,897,897th\n2022,1089,1089th\n2023,1684,1684th\n2024,1658,1658th\n2025,1790,1790th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart',this,settingsevolution); }); var settingsevolution2=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution2.general.title = "Research Rank"; settingsevolution2.general.default_color='rgb(250, 167, 91)'; settingsevolution2.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2019 new indicators were added as part of the research factor: Not Own Journals (NotOJ), Own Journals (OJ) and Open Access (OA)."}]; var ds12=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,442,442nd\n2010,536,536th\n2011,852,852nd\n2012,1119,1119th\n2013,1601,1601st\n2014,1899,1899th\n2015,2217,2217th\n2016,2469,2469th\n2017,2723,2723rd\n2018,2389,2389th\n2019,2457,2457th\n2020,2283,2283rd\n2021,2373,2373rd\n2022,2175,2175th\n2023,3409,3409th\n2024,3020,3020th\n2025,1384,1384th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_research', this, settingsevolution2); }); var settingsevolution3=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution3.general.title = "Innovation Rank"; settingsevolution3.general.default_color='rgb(90, 155, 212)'; settingsevolution3.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2018 the number of patents held by the institution was included as part of the innovation factor."}]; var ds13=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2009,479,479th\n2010,456,456th\n2011,426,426th\n2012,473,473rd\n2013,480,480th\n2014,481,481st\n2015,492,492nd\n2016,994,994th\n2017,282,282nd\n2018,110,110th\n2019,192,192nd\n2020,202,202nd\n2021,454,454th\n2022,545,545th\n2023,843,843rd\n2024,944,944th\n2025,1492,1492nd\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_innovation', this, settingsevolution3); }); var settingsevolution4=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsevolution)); settingsevolution4.general.title = "Societal Rank"; settingsevolution4.general.default_color='rgb(122, 195, 106)'; settingsevolution4.annotations= [{"criteria":{"Year":"2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2019 the Altmetrics (AM) indicator was included as part of the societal factor."}, {"criteria":{"Year":"2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"},"text":"In 2024 new indicators were added as part of the societal factor: Authority Score (AScore), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Female Scientific Talent Pool (FemSTP), Overton (OV)."}]; var ds14=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Year,Rank,Label\n2015,2905,2905th\n2016,2984,2984th\n2017,4256,4256th\n2018,3589,3589th\n2019,4572,4572nd\n2020,4651,4651st\n2021,4765,4765th\n2022,5124,5124th\n2023,5529,5529th\n2024,4945,4945th\n2025,5867,5867th\n', datatypes: { 'Year':'date' } }).done(function () { new graphica.View('evolutionchart_societal', this, settingsevolution4); }); var settingsCompare={ "general": { "default_shape":"bar", "label_config":"[Percentile][Label]", "tooltip_config":"", "label_placement":"automatic", "title_size":14, "left_padding":24, "right_padding":24, "top_padding":24, "bottom_padding":24, "colors":{"Overall":"rgb(0,0,0)","Research":"rgb(250, 167, 91)","Innovation":"rgb(90, 155, 212)","Societal":"rgb(122, 195, 106)"}, "bar_width":0.666, "default_alpha":0.8, "label_placement":"in","label_align":"right","label_vertical_align":"middle" }, "grammar": [ { "variable":"Region", "property":"AXIS_Y", "show_title":false, "padding":6 }, { "variable":"Indicator", "property":"AXIS_X", "orientation":"top", "labels_align":"left", "show_title":false, "grid_lines_color":"#f1f3f5" }, { "variable":"Length", "property":"AXIS_X", "max":106, "show_labels":false, "show_grid_lines":false }, { "variable":"Indicator", "property":"COLOR", "legend":false }]} if (by('id:compare_all')) { var ds15=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Indicator;Region;Percentile;Label;Length\nOverall;World;19;th;81\nResearch;World;15;th;85\nInnovation;World;16;th;84\nSocietal;World;61;st;39\nOverall;Western Europe;28;th;72\nResearch;Western Europe;28;th;72\nInnovation;Western Europe;17;th;83\nSocietal;Western Europe;73;rd;27\nOverall;OECD;27;th;73\nResearch;OECD;22;nd;78\nInnovation;OECD;16;th;84\nSocietal;OECD;77;th;23\nOverall;United Kingdom;37;th;63\nResearch;United Kingdom;41;st;59\nInnovation;United Kingdom;15;th;85\nSocietal;United Kingdom;90;th;10\n', }).done(function () { new graphica.View('compare_all', this, settingsCompare); }); var settingsCompare2=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingsCompare)); var ds16=new graphica.Dataset({ data: 'Indicator;Region;Percentile;Label;Length\nOverall;World;64;th;36\nResearch;World;17;th;83\nInnovation;World;69;th;31\nSocietal;World;82;nd;18\nOverall;Western Europe;68;th;32\nResearch;Western Europe;18;th;82\nInnovation;Western Europe;67;th;33\nSocietal;Western Europe;84;th;16\nOverall;OECD;67;th;33\nResearch;OECD;15;th;85\nInnovation;OECD;72;nd;28\nSocietal;OECD;81;st;19\nOverall;United Kingdom;80;th;20\nResearch;United Kingdom;38;th;62\nInnovation;United Kingdom;71;st;29\nSocietal;United Kingdom;80;th;20\n', }).done(function () { new graphica.View('compare_sector', this, settingsCompare2); }); } var modal = document.getElementById("myModal"); window.onclick = function(event) { if ( == modal) { = "none"; } } }); </script> <body> <aside class="multisitebar"> <div class="multisitebar_central"> <div class="siteslinks"> <a href="" class="sjrlink"><img src="multisitebar/sjr.png" alt="SCImago Journal & Country Rank" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Journal Country & Rank</span></a> <a href="" class="scimagoirlink currentsite"><img src="multisitebar/sir.png" alt="SCImago Institutions Rankings" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Institutions Rankings</span></a> <a href="" class="scimagomedialink"><img src="multisitebar/logo-white-128.png" alt="SCImago Media Rankings" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Media Rankings</span></a> <a href="" class="siriberlink"><img src="multisitebar/siriber.png" alt="SCImago Iber" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Iber</span></a> <a href="" class="srcrlink"><img src="multisitebar/srcr.png" alt="SCImago Research Centers Ranking" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Research Centers Ranking</span></a> <a href="" class="graphicalink"><img src="multisitebar/graphica.png" alt="SCImago Graphica" /><span class="multisite_tooltip">SCImago Graphica</span></a> <a href="" class="epilink"><img src="multisitebar/epi.png" alt="Ediciones Profesionales de la Información " /><span class="multisite_tooltip">Ediciones Profesionales de la Informaci&oacute;n</span></a> </div> <div id="multisitebar_scimagolablink"> <a href=""><img src="multisitebar/scimagolab_mobile.png" alt="SCImago Lab" class="multisitebar_scimagolablink_mobile" /><img class="multisitebar_scimagolablink_desktop" src="multisitebar/scimagolab.png" alt="SCImago Lab" /></a> </div> </div> </aside> <div class="head"> <div id="logo"> <a href="./" title="home page"><img src="./img/logo.png" alt="Scimago Institutions Rankings" /></a> </div> <nav class="menu closedmenu"> <div class="menubuttons"> <img src="img/menu.png" alt="open menu" id="openmenu"/> <img src="img/close.png" alt="close menu" id="closemenu" /> </div> <ul class="menuul"> <li id="li_rankings_menu_mobile" ><a href="./" aria-haspopup="false" aria-expanded="false">Home</a> <li id="li_rankings_menu_mobile" ><a href="rankings.php" aria-haspopup="false" aria-expanded="false">Rankings</a> <li id="li_rankings_menu"><a href="#" id="rankings_menu" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Rankings<img src="./img/dropdown_icon.png" alt="" /></a> <div class="submenu_wrap"> <div class="submenu" id="submenu"> <div class="submenucontent"> <div> <div class="h1">By sectors</div> <ul class="submenuul"> <li><a href="rankings.php"><img src="img/overall_black.png" alt="" />Overall Ranking</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Higher%20educ."><img src="img/university_black.png" alt="" />University Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Government"><img src="img/government_black.png" alt="" />Government Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Health"><img src="img/health_black.png" alt="" />Health Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Private"><img src="img/private_black.png" alt="" />Company Rankings</a></li> <li><a href="rankings.php?sector=Others"><img src="img/other_black.png" alt="" />Non-Profit Rankings</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="border-left-style: solid; 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background-color:rgb(245,247,249)"> <div class="dostercios" id="block_info"> <h1>Pfizer Inc, United Kingdom<img src='img/private.png' class='img_private' alt='Private' title='Private' style='margin-left:12px' /></h1> <h2>United Kingdom</h2> <p> <a class="country_sirlink" href=" Kingdom" title="visit SCImago Media Rankings - United Kingdom"><img src="img/media_white.png" alt="SCImago Media Logo">United Kingdom in SCImago Media Rankings</a> </p> <p><a href='#wp-comments-response' id='comment_link'>Leave a comment</a> or share on <!-- Sharingbutton Facebook --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#3b5998" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on Facebook"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/></svg> </a> <!-- Sharingbutton Twitter --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#55acee" href=" Inc, United Kingdom in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;url=" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on Twitter"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M23.44 4.83c-.8.37-1.5.38- 1.32-2.02-.88.52-1.86.9-2.9 1.1-.82-.88-2-1.43-3.3-1.43-2.5 0-4.55 2.04-4.55 4.54 0 . 1.04-3.77-.2-7.12-2-9.36-4.75-.4.67-.6 1.45-.6 2.3 0 1.56.8 2.95 2 3.77-.74-.03-1.44-.23-2.05-.57v.06c0 2.2 1.56 4.03 3.64 4.44-.67.2-1.37.2- 1.8 2.26 3.12 4.25 3.16C5.78 18.1 3.37 18.74 1 18.46c2 1.3 4.4 2.04 6.97 2.04 8.35 0 12.92-6.92 12.92-12.93 0-.2 0-.4-.02-.6.9-.63 1.96-1.22 2.56-2.14z"/></svg> </a> <!-- Sharingbutton LinkedIn --> <a class="sharebutton" style="background-color:#0077b5" href=";url=;title=Pfizer Inc, United Kingdom in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;summary=Pfizer Inc, United Kingdom in Scimago Institutions Rankings&amp;source=" target="_blank" rel="noopener" aria-label="Share on LinkedIn"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M6.5 21.5h-5v-13h5v13zM4 6.5C2.5 6.5 1.5 5.3 1.5 4s1-2.4 2.5-2.4c1.6 0 2.5 1 2.6 2.5 0 1.4-1 2.5-2.6 2.5zm11.5 6c-1 0-2 1-2 2v7h-5v-13h5V10s1.6-1.5 4-1.5c3 0 5 2.2 5 6.3v6.7h-5v-7c0-1-1-2-2-2z"/></svg> </a> <a class="sharebutton embed_tooltip" id="embed_button" data-idp="62161" style="background-color:#424242; color:white; width:auto;padding-left:6px;padding-right: 6px;font-family: 'Noto Sans';font-size: 13px;line-height: 195%" href="#">&#10094; &#10095; Embed</a> </p> <p><strong>Foundation</strong>: 1952</p><p><strong>Mission</strong>: We Will become the world’s most valued company to patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners, and the communities where we cork and live. </p><p><strong>Vision</strong>: We dedicate ourselves to humanity’s quest for longer, healthier lives through innovation in pharmaceutical, consumer, and animal health products. </p><p><strong>History</strong>: <a href='' target='_blank'></a></p> </div><div class="untercio" style="background-color:rgb(245,247,249)"> <div class="percentiles"> <div><div class="h1">19<sup>th</sup></div><strong>Overall</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">15<sup>th</sup></div><strong>Research</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">16<sup>th</sup></div><strong>Innovation</strong> percentile</div> <div><div class="h1">61<sup>st</sup></div><strong>Societal</strong> percentile</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center!important;overflow: hidden;"> <!-- GOOGLE ADS quitada in-article--> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Evolution of the institution</h2> <p>The following data gives a quick reading on the scientific performance in the last years. The research ranking refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research output. The innovation ranking is calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents. Finally, the societal ranking is based on the number of pages of the institution's website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks.</p> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_research'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_innovation'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="gridchart" id='evolutionchart_societal'> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Compared to its context</h2> <p>The result of the evaluation of the institution can be compared to obtain a view of the country, the region to which it belongs and the institutions of the world, placing it in their respective positions.</p> </div> <div class="gridchartX2"> <div style="padding:24px;padding-bottom: 0px;white-space: nowrap;">Compared to All sectors (percentiles)</div> <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;top:32px;" id='compare_all'><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> <div class="gridchartX2" > <div style="padding:24px;padding-bottom: 0px;white-space: nowrap;">Compared to Companies sector (percentiles)</div> <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;top:32px;" id='compare_sector'><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center;"> <!-- GOOGLE ADS--> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Ranks by Subject areas/categories</h2> <p>We have divided the scientific output of the institution into 19 large areas of knowledge and the following table shows only the ranks in different territorial domains achieved by the institution in each of the areas. For an institution to have a presence in an area, it is necessary that it exceed in the last year a minimum output threshold equivalent to twice the percentage that this area represents in the world. If you need scientific indicators on these areas visit <a href="">Scopus</a> and/or <a href="">SciVal</a>. </p> </div> <div style="padding-bottom:24px"> <label for="all"><input style="vertical-align:text-top" type="radio" id="all" name="area_sector" value="all" checked onChange="by('id:area_ranks_all').style('display','block'); by('id:area_ranks_sector').style('display','none');">All sectors</label>&nbsp; <label for="sector"><input style="vertical-align:text-top" type="radio" id="sector" name="area_sector" value="sector" onChange="by('id:area_ranks_all').style('display','none'); by('id:area_ranks_sector').style('display','block');">Companies</label> </div> <div id="area_ranks_all"> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Area</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Western Europe</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>OECD</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>United Kingdom</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1300' title='Ranking - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology '>Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1544<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>563<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1164<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>78<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1600' title='Ranking - Chemistry '>Chemistry </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3409<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1091<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2024<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>107<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2700' title='Ranking - Medicine '>Medicine </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2700_ranks_all').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1532<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>551<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1121<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>78<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3000' title='Ranking - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics '>Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1982<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>652<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1314<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>74<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="area_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Area</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Western Europe</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>OECD</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>United Kingdom</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1300&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology - Companies'>Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>117<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>32<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>63<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=1600&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Chemistry - Companies'>Chemistry </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>152<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>40<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>79<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2700&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Medicine - Companies'>Medicine </a> <span class="close" title="Show Ranks for Subject categories" onclick="document.getElementById('myModalContent').innerHTML=document.getElementById('2700_ranks_sector').innerHTML; document.getElementById('myModal').style.display='block';">+</span></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>112<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>30<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>63<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=3000&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics - Companies'>Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics </a> </strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>92<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>25<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>50<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>5<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2700_ranks_all" style="display: none;"> <h3>Medicine - All sectors</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Western Europe</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>OECD</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>United Kingdom</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2725' title='Ranking - Infectious Diseases'>Infectious Diseases</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1820<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>611<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1243<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>83<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2730' title='Ranking - Oncology'>Oncology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>781<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>308<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>611<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>37<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2739' title='Ranking - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health'>Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>146<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>28<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>100<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>11<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="2700_ranks_sector" style="display: none;"> <h3>Medicine - Companies</h3> <div class='wrap-table-ranks'><table class='table table-striped table-ranks' style='margin:auto; border-collapse: collapse;'> <thead><tr><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Category</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>World</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>Western Europe</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>OECD</strong></th><th style='; padding: 6px;'><strong>United Kingdom</strong></th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2725&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Infectious Diseases - Companies'>Infectious Diseases</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>47<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>8<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>24<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2730&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Oncology - Companies'>Oncology</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>59<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>16<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>33<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>3<span class='table-rank-suffix'>rd</span></td></tr> <tr class="even"><td style='text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'><strong><a href='rankings.php?area=2739&sector=Private' title='Ranking - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health - Companies'>Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health</a></strong></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>6<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>2<span class='table-rank-suffix'>nd</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>4<span class='table-rank-suffix'>th</span></td><td style='text-align: right; border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;'>1<span class='table-rank-suffix'>st</span></td></tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> <div id="related_institutions"> <div id="related_institutions_config"> <span id='related_institutions_config_title'>Similar institutions <img src='img/similar_institutions_help.svg' id='rel_jou_help' title='Similarity is expressed as a percentage of publishing journals shared between the selected institution and similar ones in descending order.' /></span> <span style="display: none" id="related_journals_sourceid">62161</span> <!-- <span id="related_institutions_settings">options <svg viewBox="0 0 18 18" width="18" height="18"><circle cx="8" cy="3" r="2"/><circle cx="8" cy="9" r="2"/><circle cx="8" cy="15" r="2"/></svg></span> --> </div> <div id="related_institutions_content"> <div id="related_slider"></div> <img id="left_related_institutions" src="img/left.svg" style="cursor: pointer;"> <img id="right_related_institutions" src="img/right.svg" style="cursor: pointer;"> </div> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Publishing profile</h2> <p>These are the journals used by the institution's researchers to publish their work in the last year. The size of each circle represents the value of the <abbr title="Scimago Journal Rank">SJR</abbr> of the publication, and its spatial position represents its subject matter.</p> <p>This visualizatión allows you to identify the knowledge areas where the institution has published, recognize the prestige of the scientific journals in which the institution knowledge has been published, and identify predominant scientific communities.</p> </div> <div class="mapviz"> <div> <iframe title="Shape of Science" frameBorder="0" src=""></iframe> </div> </div> <div class='text'><h2>Where is the institution located?</h2></div> <script src=""></script> <script src="js/scimagoMapsConfig.js"></script> <script src="js/avoidOverlaps.js?2"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <div id="container-gray-map" style=""> <div class="wrap-map" style=""> <div id='map'></div> <div id="scimapsLink"><a href="">SCImago Maps</a></div> <div id="legend"> <ul> <li><div class="leg" id="gov"></div> Government</li> <li><div class="leg" id="health"></div> Health</li> <li><div class="leg" id="universities"></div> Universities</li> <li><div class="leg" id="companies"></div> Companies</li> <li><div class="leg" id="non-profit"></div> Non-Profit</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div style="overflow: visible; height: 0px; width: 0px;"> <div id="overlay" ></div> </div> </div> <script> let map_center = [0,0]; let original_coords = []; let citymap = {8792: { center: [ -0.128735, 51.521061 ], population: 14.528201803501, title: 'School of Advanced Study, University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 269', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8760: { center: [ -0.774428, 50.8442774 ], population: 16.862144162197, title: 'University of Chichester (GBR)<br>Rank: 268', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8755: { center: [ -0.9919337, 51.9961233 ], population: 16.968232451229, title: 'University of Buckingham (GBR)<br>Rank: 267', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9894: { center: [ 1.1644968, 52.0540292 ], population: 17.799257381977, title: 'University of Suffolk (GBR)<br>Rank: 266', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8686: { center: [ -2.89107, 53.391358 ], population: 18.270760888784, title: 'Liverpool Hope University (GBR)<br>Rank: 265', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8708: { center: [ -0.1792847, 51.5011441 ], population: 18.506512642188, title: 'Royal College of Art (GBR)<br>Rank: 264', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43702: { center: [ -5.051041, 50.263195 ], population: 18.518300229858, title: 'Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 263', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8659: { center: [ -2.4324397, 51.3858376 ], population: 18.754051983262, title: 'Bath Spa University (GBR)<br>Rank: 262', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97933: { center: [ -3.1736697, 55.9216819 ], population: 18.830671303118, title: 'The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences (GBR)<br>Rank: 261', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 79390: { center: [ -0.1378699, 51.5216807 ], population: 18.871927859963, title: 'ARUP (GBR)<br>Rank: 260', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 97615: { center: [ -0.3273025, 53.7674909 ], population: 19.019272705841, title: 'NHS Humber Health Partnership * (GBR)<br>Rank: 259', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43720: { center: [ -1.960842, 52.420742 ], population: 19.066423056521, title: 'Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 258', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9924: { center: [ -4.0739666, 52.1138031 ], population: 19.119467201037, title: 'University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (GBR)<br>Rank: 257', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8738: { center: [ -0.8831912, 52.2722003 ], population: 19.997642482466, title: 'The University of Northampton (GBR)<br>Rank: 256', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8666: { center: [ 1.0906598, 51.2779397 ], population: 20.062474214652, title: 'Canterbury Christ Church University (GBR)<br>Rank: 255', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8714: { center: [ -0.3345, 51.4362989 ], population: 20.292332174221, title: 'St Mary\'s University, Twickenham (GBR)<br>Rank: 254', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8819: { center: [ -2.2430811, 52.1973876 ], population: 20.522190133789, title: 'University of Worcester (GBR)<br>Rank: 253', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97969: { center: [ -5.9456153, 54.5606382 ], population: 20.622384628986, title: 'Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 252', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8749: { center: [ -2.97464, 56.462978 ], population: 20.746154299523, title: 'University of Abertay Dundee (GBR)<br>Rank: 251', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8793: { center: [ -0.1150045, 51.5300567 ], population: 20.816879825544, title: 'School of Oriental and African Studies (GBR)<br>Rank: 250', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92097: { center: [ -0.072079, 51.5135676 ], population: 20.822773619379, title: 'East London NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 249', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8701: { center: [ -3.0734377, 55.9316716 ], population: 20.846348794719, title: 'Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (GBR)<br>Rank: 248', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8685: { center: [ -1.6455383, 53.8483885 ], population: 21.21765780633, title: 'Leeds Trinity University (GBR)<br>Rank: 247', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43091: { center: [ -1.383801, 54.906869 ], population: 21.247126775505, title: 'City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 246', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 61977: { center: [ -2.094581, 57.149142 ], population: 21.323746095362, title: 'Cardiff Metropolitan University (GBR)<br>Rank: 245', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96534: { center: [ -2.1827408, 53.0033369 ], population: 21.429834384393, title: 'University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 244', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43649: { center: [ -1.0647579, 50.7994655 ], population: 21.488772322744, title: 'Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 243', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23516: { center: [ -2.094774, 57.149618 ], population: 21.594860611776, title: 'Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (GBR)<br>Rank: 242', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8813: { center: [ -0.0797771, 51.5252069 ], population: 21.630223374786, title: 'University of the Arts London (GBR)<br>Rank: 241', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43698: { center: [ -0.958922, 51.450648 ], population: 21.683267519302, title: 'Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 240', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 62925: { center: [ -3.2092309, 55.9652527 ], population: 21.718630282313, title: 'Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (GBR)<br>Rank: 239', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8751: { center: [ -0.4577, 52.1337 ], population: 21.801143396004, title: 'University of Bedfordshire (GBR)<br>Rank: 238', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8769: { center: [ -2.0839007, 51.9088651 ], population: 21.913125478871, title: 'University of Gloucestershire (GBR)<br>Rank: 237', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8809: { center: [ -1.3888119, 54.9035041 ], population: 21.924913066541, title: 'University of Sunderland (GBR)<br>Rank: 236', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43549: { center: [ -2.1256587, 52.5868159 ], population: 21.966169623387, title: 'The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 235', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43569: { center: [ -1.5278402, 55.0681328 ], population: 22.048682737078, title: 'Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 234', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43787: { center: [ 0.7077123, 51.5459269 ], population: 22.137089644604, title: 'Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 233', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43396: { center: [ -0.135356, 51.524687 ], population: 22.337478634997, title: 'Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 232', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8705: { center: [ -0.2449715, 51.4573964 ], population: 22.349266222668, title: 'Roehampton University * (GBR)<br>Rank: 231', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96495: { center: [ -0.1138563, 51.5319502 ], population: 22.520186243885, title: 'Anna Freud (GBR)<br>Rank: 230', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 43406: { center: [ -0.3560632, 53.7447173 ], population: 22.561442800731, title: 'Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 229', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43721: { center: [ -2.70309, 53.763201 ], population: 22.561442800731, title: 'Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 228', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9859: { center: [ -0.1608411, 51.526385 ], population: 22.567336594566, title: 'London Business School (GBR)<br>Rank: 227', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8677: { center: [ -2.4271346, 52.7794512 ], population: 22.702893852773, title: 'Harper Adams University College (GBR)<br>Rank: 226', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43741: { center: [ -1.9375135, 52.4366501 ], population: 22.720575234278, title: 'Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 225', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 92116: { center: [ -2.2926045, 53.5364995 ], population: 22.80308834797, title: 'Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 224', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43724: { center: [ -0.60826, 51.240792 ], population: 22.862026286321, title: 'Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 223', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43699: { center: [ -1.823434, 50.7480032 ], population: 23.032946307538, title: 'University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 222', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43901: { center: [ -1.2300130629, 54.580375182 ], population: 23.1272470089, title: 'South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 221', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43138: { center: [ -1.759325, 53.795925 ], population: 23.17439735958, title: 'Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 220', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43910: { center: [ -2.9915726, 53.4083714 ], population: 23.197972534921, title: 'Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 219', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8766: { center: [ 0.0098782, 51.543067 ], population: 23.227441504096, title: 'University of East London (GBR)<br>Rank: 218', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23499: { center: [ -3.435973, 55.378051 ], population: 23.445511875995, title: 'Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (GBR)<br>Rank: 217', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9925: { center: [ -3.0120534, 51.590221 ], population: 23.569281546532, title: 'University of South Wales (GBR)<br>Rank: 216', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8822: { center: [ -1.0809595, 53.965283 ], population: 23.687157423233, title: 'York St John University (GBR)<br>Rank: 215', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8730: { center: [ -2.4361722, 53.5735039 ], population: 23.704838804739, title: 'The University of Bolton * (GBR)<br>Rank: 214', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43717: { center: [ -0.119359, 51.511163 ], population: 23.781458124595, title: 'Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 213', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43891: { center: [ -2.9007441, 53.4099285 ], population: 23.875758825956, title: 'Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 212', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8745: { center: [ -4.2314535, 57.4766949 ], population: 23.875758825956, title: 'University of the Highlands and Islands (GBR)<br>Rank: 211', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43268: { center: [ -4.1140963, 50.4163691 ], population: 23.887546413626, title: 'University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 210', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8716: { center: [ -1.829980, 52.475795 ], population: 23.952378145812, title: 'Staffordshire University (GBR)<br>Rank: 209', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23619: { center: [ -1.4920228, 53.3810124 ], population: 24.14687334237, title: 'Sheffield Children\'s NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 208', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8759: { center: [ -2.8991292, 53.2002705 ], population: 24.152767136206, title: 'University of Chester (GBR)<br>Rank: 207', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43725: { center: [ -0.168749, 50.8279319 ], population: 24.188129899216, title: 'Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 206', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8762: { center: [ -1.4965811, 52.9379481 ], population: 24.188129899216, title: 'University of Derby (GBR)<br>Rank: 205', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43186: { center: [ -3.2398483, 58.6489531 ], population: 24.282430600578, title: 'London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 204', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8689: { center: [ -0.1018171, 51.4976717 ], population: 24.370837508104, title: 'London South Bank University (GBR)<br>Rank: 203', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62906: { center: [ -0.1342584, 51.5349414 ], population: 24.417987858785, title: 'Zoological Society of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 202', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 23649: { center: [ -2.094284, 57.149063 ], population: 24.465138209465, title: 'The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 201', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43116: { center: [ -1.890767, 52.486095 ], population: 24.577120292332, title: 'Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 200', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23487: { center: [ -3.943646, 51.62144 ], population: 24.618376849178, title: 'Swansea Bay University Health Board (GBR)<br>Rank: 199', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8684: { center: [ -1.5468836, 53.8035402 ], population: 24.630164436848, title: 'Leeds Beckett University (GBR)<br>Rank: 198', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71705: { center: [ -1.781660, 51.558748 ], population: 24.665527199859, title: 'Economic and Social Research Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 197', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 92198: { center: [ -1.2573686, 51.7518782 ], population: 24.665527199859, title: 'George Institute for Global Health, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 196', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23559: { center: [ -2.094537, 57.149879 ], population: 24.830553427241, title: 'James Hutton Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 195', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 43266: { center: [ -1.512808, 52.911386 ], population: 25.019154829964, title: 'University Hospital of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation (GBR)<br>Rank: 194', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23489: { center: [ 0.227244, 52.183951 ], population: 25.04862379914, title: 'Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 193', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8743: { center: [ -2.127578, 52.5884041 ], population: 25.125243118996, title: 'University of Wolverhampton (GBR)<br>Rank: 192', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97825: { center: [ -0.3704553, 53.7709342 ], population: 25.137030706666, title: 'Hull York Medical School (GBR)<br>Rank: 191', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23553: { center: [ -1.3178094, 51.5709838 ], population: 25.260800377203, title: 'ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, RAL (GBR)<br>Rank: 190', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8718: { center: [ -0.3037116, 51.5065024 ], population: 25.313844521719, title: 'University of West London (GBR)<br>Rank: 189', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8777: { center: [ -0.1303146, 51.5218563 ], population: 25.337419697059, title: 'Birkbeck, University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 188', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8682: { center: [ -0.2627839, 51.4333958 ], population: 25.461189367596, title: 'Kingston University (GBR)<br>Rank: 187', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8780: { center: [ -0.0362888, 51.4745685 ], population: 25.549596275122, title: 'Goldsmiths, University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 186', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8753: { center: [ -0.0874776, 50.8677135 ], population: 25.555490068957, title: 'University of Brighton * (GBR)<br>Rank: 185', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23602: { center: [ -3.533899, 50.718412 ], population: 25.626215594978, title: 'Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 184', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8691: { center: [ -0.147926, 51.644243 ], population: 25.691047327164, title: 'Middlesex University * (GBR)<br>Rank: 183', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8697: { center: [ -1.232936, 51.762036 ], population: 25.73230388401, title: 'Oxford Brookes University (GBR)<br>Rank: 182', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62713: { center: [ -0.1271151, 51.495675 ], population: 25.808923203866, title: 'Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs * (GBR)<br>Rank: 181', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9830: { center: [ -1.8973091, 52.5170469 ], population: 25.814816997701, title: 'Birmingham City University (GBR)<br>Rank: 180', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96509: { center: [ -2.58791, 51.454513 ], population: 25.885542523723, title: 'Bristol Robotics Laboratory (GBR)<br>Rank: 179', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 72496: { center: [ -2.136182, 57.1561051 ], population: 26.003418400424, title: 'NHS Grampian (GBR)<br>Rank: 178', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43789: { center: [ -2.5288629, 51.4964617 ], population: 26.02109978193, title: 'North Bristol NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 177', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 72435: { center: [ -2.2338837, 53.4668498 ], population: 26.038781163435, title: 'Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (GBR)<br>Rank: 176', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9923: { center: [ -4.1315153, 53.2260921 ], population: 26.04467495727, title: 'Bangor University (GBR)<br>Rank: 175', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43726: { center: [ -0.119830, 51.511585 ], population: 26.06825013261, title: 'Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 174', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23632: { center: [ -2.639975, 53.3445501 ], population: 26.085931514116, title: 'Daresbury Laboratory (GBR)<br>Rank: 173', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 23497: { center: [ -0.119473, 51.511674 ], population: 26.115400483291, title: 'Centre for Economic Policy Research (GBR)<br>Rank: 172', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 8740: { center: [ -2.2737257, 53.4872299 ], population: 26.150763246302, title: 'The University of Salford (GBR)<br>Rank: 171', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8657: { center: [ 0.1348029, 52.2038029 ], population: 26.192019803147, title: 'Anglia Ruskin University (GBR)<br>Rank: 170', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8675: { center: [ -4.24845, 55.8661 ], population: 26.256851535333, title: 'Glasgow Caledonian University (GBR)<br>Rank: 169', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 9922: { center: [ -4.077357, 52.413575 ], population: 26.333470855189, title: 'Aberystwyth University (GBR)<br>Rank: 168', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23483: { center: [ 0.08132, 52.21367 ], population: 26.351152236695, title: 'British Antarctic Survey (GBR)<br>Rank: 167', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8758: { center: [ -2.705469, 53.761397 ], population: 26.35704603053, title: 'University of Central Lancashire (GBR)<br>Rank: 166', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 79386: { center: [ -1.4746165, 52.9225365 ], population: 26.398302587375, title: 'Rolls-Royce plc, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 165', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 8812: { center: [ -2.094520, 57.149902 ], population: 26.410090175046, title: 'University of Teesside (GBR)<br>Rank: 164', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43244: { center: [ -1.4376872, 52.4211586 ], population: 26.421877762716, title: 'University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 163', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23600: { center: [ -0.28675, 51.482811 ], population: 26.769611598986, title: 'Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (GBR)<br>Rank: 162', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 23484: { center: [ -1.077385, 52.8789749 ], population: 26.793186774327, title: 'British Geological Survey (GBR)<br>Rank: 161', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8817: { center: [ -0.143492, 51.5711436 ], population: 26.840337125007, title: 'University of Westminster (GBR)<br>Rank: 160', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8712: { center: [ -2.094721, 57.149723 ], population: 26.840337125007, title: 'Sheffield Hallam University (GBR)<br>Rank: 159', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43199: { center: [ -0.135791, 51.524977 ], population: 26.905168857193, title: 'Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 158', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 77876: { center: [ -4.4304783, 55.844268 ], population: 26.964106795544, title: 'University of the West of Scotland (GBR)<br>Rank: 157', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8790: { center: [ -0.1340541, 51.5366312 ], population: 26.970000589379, title: 'Royal Holloway - University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 156', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8771: { center: [ -0.2385638, 51.7519553 ], population: 26.98178817705, title: 'University of Hertfordshire (GBR)<br>Rank: 155', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 72676: { center: [ -5.9296547, 54.5948609 ], population: 27.01715094006, title: 'Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 154', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23590: { center: [ -4.142653, 50.370381 ], population: 27.146814404432, title: 'Plymouth Marine Laboratory (GBR)<br>Rank: 153', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 61364: { center: [ -0.1745438, 51.5179172 ], population: 27.182177167443, title: 'St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 152', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43993: { center: [ -1.464544, 53.38311 ], population: 27.241115105794, title: 'Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 151', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43057: { center: [ -2.8963888, 53.4205381 ], population: 27.294159250309, title: 'Alder Hey Children\'s NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 150', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8727: { center: [ -2.138687, 57.1190342 ], population: 27.382566157836, title: 'Robert Gordon University (GBR)<br>Rank: 149', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23496: { center: [ -4.129263, 53.22739 ], population: 27.412035127011, title: 'Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (GBR)<br>Rank: 148', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 43738: { center: [ -2.3234243, 53.4875447 ], population: 27.417928920846, title: 'Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 147', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8672: { center: [ -2.8756762, 53.5599855 ], population: 27.441504096187, title: 'Edge Hill University (GBR)<br>Rank: 146', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43561: { center: [ 1.2206089, 52.6170025 ], population: 27.470973065362, title: 'Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 145', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8791: { center: [ -0.1371902, 51.5404392 ], population: 27.65368067425, title: 'Royal Veterinary College, University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 144', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23571: { center: [ -1.395372, 50.893748 ], population: 27.730299994106, title: 'National Oceanography Centre Southampton (GBR)<br>Rank: 143', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8681: { center: [ -1.829833, 52.4750743 ], population: 27.783344138622, title: 'Keele University (GBR)<br>Rank: 142', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 62746: { center: [ -2.9677738, 53.4086368 ], population: 28.089821418047, title: 'Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (GBR)<br>Rank: 141', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8752: { center: [ -1.775019, 53.81739 ], population: 28.113396593387, title: 'University of Bradford (GBR)<br>Rank: 140', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43375: { center: [ -0.2118406, 51.9242203 ], population: 28.136971768728, title: 'East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 139', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23576: { center: [ -0.1831982, 51.4949978 ], population: 28.195909707078, title: 'Natural History Museum London (GBR)<br>Rank: 138', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8662: { center: [ -1.88, 50.72 ], population: 28.231272470089, title: 'Bournemouth University (GBR)<br>Rank: 137', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23596: { center: [ -2.6544635, 52.0765569 ], population: 28.260741439264, title: 'Rothamsted Research (GBR)<br>Rank: 136', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8721: { center: [ -0.0904658, 51.5220366 ], population: 28.31378558378, title: 'City University London (GBR)<br>Rank: 135', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8742: { center: [ -3.9197915, 56.1459667 ], population: 28.32557317145, title: 'University of Stirling (GBR)<br>Rank: 134', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 73256: { center: [ -3.1877945, 55.922633 ], population: 28.343254552956, title: 'UK Astronomy Technology Centre (GBR)<br>Rank: 133', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8814: { center: [ -2.5422165, 51.4842362 ], population: 28.384511109801, title: 'University of the West of England * (GBR)<br>Rank: 132', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43149: { center: [ -2.5945699, 51.459771 ], population: 28.408086285142, title: 'University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 131', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23491: { center: [ -3.1923771, 51.4821319 ], population: 28.596687687865, title: 'Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (GBR)<br>Rank: 130', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 68506: { center: [ -4.242511, 55.857809 ], population: 28.785289090588, title: 'NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GBR)<br>Rank: 129', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8774: { center: [ -0.527901, 53.268697 ], population: 28.844227028939, title: 'University of Lincoln (GBR)<br>Rank: 128', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8804: { center: [ -4.110431, 50.421124 ], population: 28.920846348795, title: 'Plymouth University (GBR)<br>Rank: 127', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8688: { center: [ -0.0883057, 51.5177154 ], population: 29.038722225497, title: 'London Metropolitan University (GBR)<br>Rank: 126', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8734: { center: [ -1.784927, 53.645156 ], population: 29.062297400837, title: 'University of Huddersfield (GBR)<br>Rank: 125', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8671: { center: [ -1.14029, 52.631001 ], population: 29.127129133023, title: 'De Montfort University (GBR)<br>Rank: 124', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8692: { center: [ -3.2884614, 55.9247156 ], population: 29.156598102198, title: 'Edinburgh Napier University (GBR)<br>Rank: 123', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8735: { center: [ -0.3673875, 53.7714552 ], population: 29.345199504921, title: 'The University of Hull * (GBR)<br>Rank: 122', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8770: { center: [ -0.010677, 51.47879 ], population: 29.486650556964, title: 'University of Greenwich (GBR)<br>Rank: 121', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43461: { center: [ -1.140437, 52.637984 ], population: 29.704720928862, title: 'University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 120', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8795: { center: [ -0.17651, 51.428341 ], population: 29.87564095008, title: 'St Georges University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 119', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8667: { center: [ -1.5051919, 52.4061841 ], population: 30.064242352803, title: 'Coventry University (GBR)<br>Rank: 118', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23624: { center: [ -2.094463, 57.149333 ], population: 30.087817528143, title: 'South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 117', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8726: { center: [ -0.7071929, 52.0240479 ], population: 30.129074084989, title: 'The Open University (GBR)<br>Rank: 116', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8805: { center: [ -1.09735, 50.7938613 ], population: 30.341250663052, title: 'University of Portsmouth (GBR)<br>Rank: 115', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8687: { center: [ -2.9686071, 53.4009561 ], population: 30.494489302764, title: 'Liverpool John Moores University (GBR)<br>Rank: 114', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8664: { center: [ -0.4726723, 51.5328918 ], population: 30.706665880827, title: 'Brunel University (GBR)<br>Rank: 113', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43460: { center: [ -1.1819565, 52.6547996 ], population: 30.783285200684, title: 'NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (GBR)<br>Rank: 112', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43439: { center: [ -0.093512, 51.467917 ], population: 30.889373489715, title: 'Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 111', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23575: { center: [ -1.789498, 51.568463 ], population: 30.912948665056, title: 'Natural Environment Research Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 110', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8679: { center: [ -3.3203494, 55.9096602 ], population: 30.983674191077, title: 'Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom * (GBR)<br>Rank: 109', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43578: { center: [ -1.1601775, 52.9891911 ], population: 30.989567984912, title: 'Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 108', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8767: { center: [ 0.9450282, 51.8765579 ], population: 31.16048800613, title: 'University of Essex (GBR)<br>Rank: 107', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8815: { center: [ -6.6723022, 55.1479016 ], population: 31.260682501326, title: 'University of Ulster (GBR)<br>Rank: 106', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 61363: { center: [ -1.61778, 54.978252 ], population: 31.278363882831, title: 'Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 105', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96535: { center: [ -1.1549892, 52.9540223 ], population: 31.296045264337, title: 'NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre (GBR)<br>Rank: 104', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 66815: { center: [ -1.4709042, 53.8065897 ], population: 31.478752873224, title: 'The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 103', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8724: { center: [ -2.2394124, 53.4704767 ], population: 31.53179701774, title: 'The Manchester Metropolitan University (GBR)<br>Rank: 102', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8658: { center: [ -1.8903548, 52.4874129 ], population: 31.555372193081, title: 'Aston University (GBR)<br>Rank: 101', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8725: { center: [ -1.1518467, 52.9560989 ], population: 31.743973595804, title: 'The Nottingham Trent University (GBR)<br>Rank: 100', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96538: { center: [ -4.2611409, 55.8595347 ], population: 31.773442564979, title: 'Public Health Scotland (GBR)<br>Rank: 99', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 62161: { center: [ 1.341476, 51.288417 ], population: 31.779336358814, title: 'Pfizer Inc, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 98', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '1' }, 78878: { center: [ -0.3045303, 51.4078744 ], population: 31.82059291566, title: 'Unilever, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 97', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 43652: { center: [ -1.890268, 52.486030 ], population: 32.15653916426, title: 'University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 96', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96539: { center: [ -3.16946, 51.476551 ], population: 32.162432958095, title: 'Public Health Wales (GBR)<br>Rank: 95', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23509: { center: [ -1.3099598, 51.5742765 ], population: 32.250839865622, title: 'Diamond Light Source (GBR)<br>Rank: 94', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 71552: { center: [ -0.1001843, 51.5172648 ], population: 32.345140566983, title: 'Barts and the London NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 93', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 73258: { center: [ -3.1884932, 55.9532473 ], population: 32.398184711499, title: 'NHS Lothian (GBR)<br>Rank: 92', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 59209: { center: [ -1.24484, 51.608044 ], population: 32.463016443685, title: 'Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GBR)<br>Rank: 91', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 23572: { center: [ -0.34581, 51.42744 ], population: 32.50427300053, title: 'National Physical Laboratory (GBR)<br>Rank: 90', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 92120: { center: [ -1.222492, 51.750628 ], population: 32.628042671067, title: 'Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 89', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8748: { center: [ -2.0994648, 57.1646803 ], population: 32.633936464902, title: 'University of Aberdeen (GBR)<br>Rank: 88', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8668: { center: [ -0.6282057, 52.0740377 ], population: 32.663405434078, title: 'Cranfield University (GBR)<br>Rank: 87', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43536: { center: [ -0.09071, 51.5278 ], population: 32.834325455296, title: 'Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 86', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 9875: { center: [ -0.1653236, 51.5532242 ], population: 33.022926858019, title: 'Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 85', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43635: { center: [ -1.43425, 50.93483 ], population: 33.052395827194, title: 'University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 84', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 59215: { center: [ -3.0375651, 56.4636034 ], population: 33.347085518949, title: 'NHS Tayside (GBR)<br>Rank: 83', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23615: { center: [ -1.7846453, 51.5672489 ], population: 33.382448281959, title: 'Science and Technology Facilities Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 82', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 43603: { center: [ -0.1155275, 52.2486498 ], population: 33.559262097012, title: 'Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 81', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 44038: { center: [ -2.060070, 51.490164 ], population: 33.624093829198, title: 'Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 80', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96493: { center: [ -0.0831981, 51.5168279 ], population: 33.629987623033, title: 'Health Data Research UK (GBR)<br>Rank: 79', sector: 'Others' , color: 'rgb(172, 146, 236)', selected_insti: '' }, 9926: { center: [ -3.974518, 51.62509 ], population: 33.76554488124, title: 'Swansea University (GBR)<br>Rank: 78', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8807: { center: [ -2.798925, 56.338911 ], population: 33.818589025756, title: 'University of St. Andrews (GBR)<br>Rank: 77', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8736: { center: [ 1.0626685, 51.2972388 ], population: 33.877526964107, title: 'The University of Kent (GBR)<br>Rank: 76', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80628: { center: [ 0.0004815, 51.5398367 ], population: 34.013084222314, title: 'BMJ Group (GBR)<br>Rank: 75', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 58817: { center: [ -0.1167, 51.514 ], population: 34.013084222314, title: 'London School of Economics and Political Science (GBR)<br>Rank: 74', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23642: { center: [ -3.4738142, 50.7272414 ], population: 34.024871809984, title: 'Met Office (GBR)<br>Rank: 73', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8739: { center: [ -0.9498655, 51.4412226 ], population: 34.095597336005, title: 'The University of Reading (GBR)<br>Rank: 72', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 81303: { center: [ 0.076010, 51.4942210 ], population: 34.325455295574, title: 'British Library (GBR)<br>Rank: 71', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8695: { center: [ -1.6028173, 54.9714003 ], population: 34.366711852419, title: 'Northumbria University (GBR)<br>Rank: 70', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43212: { center: [ -2.2304992, 53.4299933 ], population: 34.455118759946, title: 'The Christie NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 69', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8690: { center: [ -1.2244696, 52.7687043 ], population: 35.297931278364, title: 'Loughborough University (GBR)<br>Rank: 68', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 96494: { center: [ -0.1319239, 51.5364147 ], population: 35.409913361231, title: 'Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 67', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43062: { center: [ 0.227244, 52.183951 ], population: 35.451169918076, title: 'Syngenta, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 66', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 8811: { center: [ -0.08603, 50.86371 ], population: 35.462957505746, title: 'University of Sussex * (GBR)<br>Rank: 65', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8763: { center: [ -1.5785435, 54.7597945 ], population: 35.622089939294, title: 'University of Durham (GBR)<br>Rank: 64', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8683: { center: [ -2.7904489, 54.0116302 ], population: 36.093593446101, title: 'Lancaster University * (GBR)<br>Rank: 63', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8765: { center: [ 1.2449226, 52.6223101 ], population: 36.140743796782, title: 'University of East Anglia * (GBR)<br>Rank: 62', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80626: { center: [ 0.121848, 52.205348 ], population: 36.288088642659, title: 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology (GBR)<br>Rank: 61', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8731: { center: [ -2.9785969, 56.4581539 ], population: 36.677079035775, title: 'University of Dundee (GBR)<br>Rank: 60', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43935: { center: [ -0.093498, 51.467337 ], population: 36.777273530972, title: 'University College London Hospital NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 59', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8750: { center: [ -2.3317084, 51.3799149 ], population: 37.348971532976, title: 'University of Bath (GBR)<br>Rank: 58', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23535: { center: [ -1.3231696, 51.401528 ], population: 37.419697058997, title: 'The Pirbright Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 57', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8808: { center: [ -4.2428707, 55.8629329 ], population: 37.490422585018, title: 'University of Strathclyde * (GBR)<br>Rank: 56', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8773: { center: [ -1.12572, 52.622211 ], population: 37.891200565804, title: 'University of Leicester (GBR)<br>Rank: 55', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23534: { center: [ -0.1738194, 51.5177662 ], population: 38.174102669889, title: 'Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 54', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 92040: { center: [ -0.1269428, 51.5300521 ], population: 38.403960629457, title: 'Alan Turing Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 53', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 43337: { center: [ -0.1198244, 51.5112139 ], population: 38.521836506159, title: 'Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 52', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23518: { center: [ -0.9815128, 51.4583669 ], population: 39.25266694171, title: 'European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (GBR)<br>Rank: 51', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 43052: { center: [ 0.121817, 52.205337 ], population: 39.276242117051, title: 'Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 50', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8810: { center: [ -0.5895144, 51.242722 ], population: 39.535569045795, title: 'University of Surrey (GBR)<br>Rank: 49', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 71704: { center: [ -1.781776, 51.558000 ], population: 39.712382860848, title: 'Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 48', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8820: { center: [ -1.0498431, 53.9476941 ], population: 40.018860140272, title: 'University of York * (GBR)<br>Rank: 47', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 43912: { center: [ -0.172626, 51.4904102 ], population: 40.714327812813, title: 'The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 46', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 97308: { center: [ -0.1275862, 51.5072178 ], population: 41.026698886073, title: 'World Health Organization, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 45', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 43424: { center: [ -1.1985742, 51.7626463 ], population: 41.256556845642, title: 'Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 44', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 58818: { center: [ -0.129917, 51.5205654 ], population: 41.344963753168, title: 'London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (GBR)<br>Rank: 43', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8702: { center: [ -5.938872, 54.579312 ], population: 41.627865857252, title: 'Queen\'s University Belfast (GBR)<br>Rank: 42', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23554: { center: [ 1.297355, 52.6308859 ], population: 42.806624624271, title: 'John Innes Center (GBR)<br>Rank: 41', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 23477: { center: [ -1.779242, 51.555919 ], population: 42.859668768786, title: 'Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 40', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8768: { center: [ -3.5356679, 50.7344614 ], population: 43.048270171509, title: 'University of Exeter (GBR)<br>Rank: 39', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 61222: { center: [ -2.094278, 57.149717 ], population: 43.932339246773, title: 'GlaxoSmithKline, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 38', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 23540: { center: [ 1.2772173, 52.6696858 ], population: 44.362586196735, title: 'Quadram Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 37', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 59219: { center: [ 0.173449, 52.210489 ], population: 44.568868980963, title: 'Babraham Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 36', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 9834: { center: [ -3.1670532, 51.5045204 ], population: 44.598337950139, title: 'Cardiff University (GBR)<br>Rank: 35', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23525: { center: [ -0.088936, 51.5048811 ], population: 45.576707726764, title: 'Guy\'s & Saint Thomas NHS Foundation Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 34', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 96531: { center: [ -1.2577263, 51.7520209 ], population: 45.753521541816, title: 'NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (GBR)<br>Rank: 33', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8816: { center: [ -1.562303, 52.3789864 ], population: 46.036423645901, title: 'University of Warwick (GBR)<br>Rank: 32', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8796: { center: [ -0.1816918, 51.4907117 ], population: 47.344845877291, title: 'Institute of Cancer Research (GBR)<br>Rank: 31', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8806: { center: [ -1.396307, 50.9340383 ], population: 47.391996227972, title: 'University of Southampton (GBR)<br>Rank: 30', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 92030: { center: [ -0.1287455, 51.5316498 ], population: 48.382153592267, title: 'The Francis Crick Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 29', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8741: { center: [ -1.48912, 53.381031 ], population: 48.647374314846, title: 'The University of Sheffield (GBR)<br>Rank: 28', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 80439: { center: [ -0.622272, 51.515807 ], population: 48.729887428538, title: 'UCB Pharma SA, UK (GBR)<br>Rank: 27', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 23529: { center: [ -0.1088102, 51.501522 ], population: 49.095302646313, title: 'UK Health Security Agency (GBR)<br>Rank: 26', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 59521: { center: [ -1.6155884, 54.9812844 ], population: 49.325160605882, title: 'Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne (GBR)<br>Rank: 25', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8754: { center: [ -2.6023459, 51.4575182 ], population: 49.378204750398, title: 'University of Bristol * (GBR)<br>Rank: 24', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8788: { center: [ -0.0988354, 51.5224128 ], population: 49.708257205163, title: 'Queen Mary, University of London (GBR)<br>Rank: 23', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8772: { center: [ -1.5528149, 53.8089426 ], population: 50.374255908528, title: 'University of Leeds (GBR)<br>Rank: 22', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8775: { center: [ -2.9641999, 53.4034484 ], population: 51.222962220782, title: 'University of Liverpool * (GBR)<br>Rank: 21', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8733: { center: [ -4.2888509, 55.8724333 ], population: 51.382094654329, title: 'University of Glasgow * (GBR)<br>Rank: 20', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 59781: { center: [ -0.119211, 51.511221 ], population: 51.759297459775, title: 'AstraZeneca, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 19', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 8729: { center: [ -1.9303823, 52.4503735 ], population: 52.4017209878, title: 'University of Birmingham (GBR)<br>Rank: 18', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8801: { center: [ -1.250362, 52.83161 ], population: 52.743561030235, title: 'University of Nottingham * (GBR)<br>Rank: 17', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 59213: { center: [ -0.1187847, 51.5159237 ], population: 56.857429127129, title: 'Cancer Research UK (GBR)<br>Rank: 16', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 71667: { center: [ 0.173581, 52.210611 ], population: 57.776860965403, title: 'Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK (GBR)<br>Rank: 15', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 23653: { center: [ 0.183, 52.083 ], population: 58.136382389344, title: 'Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (GBR)<br>Rank: 14', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 23652: { center: [ -0.1231927, 51.5218221 ], population: 60.317086108328, title: 'Wellcome Trust (GBR)<br>Rank: 13', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 94789: { center: [ -0.1275862, 51.5072178 ], population: 60.588200624742, title: 'Microsoft, United Kingdom (GBR)<br>Rank: 12', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 8737: { center: [ -2.2338837, 53.4668498 ], population: 62.491896033477, title: 'The University of Manchester * (GBR)<br>Rank: 11', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8732: { center: [ -3.1892413, 55.9445158 ], population: 64.183414864148, title: 'The University of Edinburgh * (GBR)<br>Rank: 10', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23563: { center: [ -0.1364097, 51.5256483 ], population: 64.31307832852, title: 'Medical Research Council (GBR)<br>Rank: 9', sector: 'Health' , color: '#6b8cbb', selected_insti: '' }, 8783: { center: [ -0.1157655, 51.5119006 ], population: 67.878823598751, title: 'Kings College London (GBR)<br>Rank: 8', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 97434: { center: [ -1.7798258, 51.5581438 ], population: 76.147816349384, title: 'UK Research and Innovation * (GBR)<br>Rank: 7', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 8782: { center: [ -0.1726806, 51.4987651 ], population: 81.151647315377, title: 'Imperial College London (GBR)<br>Rank: 6', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8756: { center: [ 0.1161837, 52.201188 ], population: 82.471857134437, title: 'University of Cambridge * (GBR)<br>Rank: 5', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 23517: { center: [ 0.183, 52.083 ], population: 89.573878705723, title: 'European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL (GBR)<br>Rank: 4', sector: 'Government' , color: '#ebc95d', selected_insti: '' }, 89899: { center: [ -0.1277583, 51.5073509 ], population: 92.326280426711, title: 'DeepMind Technologies Ltd, UK (GBR)<br>Rank: 3', sector: 'Private' , color: '#e47067', selected_insti: '' }, 8797: { center: [ -0.1278208, 51.5232298 ], population: 98.69157776861, title: 'University College London * (GBR)<br>Rank: 2', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, 8802: { center: [ -1.2566678, 51.7590701 ], population: 100, title: 'University of Oxford * (GBR)<br>Rank: 1', sector: 'Higher educ.' , color: '#7fc9ad', selected_insti: '' }, }; let datos_sir = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] } let features = get_features_array_from_mapData( citymap ); datos_sir.features = features; init_scimagomap(); function init_scimagomap(){ if( rtlSupported() ){ maplibregl.setRTLTextPlugin( getrtlplugin(), function(err) { // console.log(err); } ); } var map = new maplibregl.Map({ // container id container: 'map', style: get_scimago_map_style(), center: map_center, zoom: getMapZoom(), minZoom: getMapMinZoom(),//2.3, maxZoom: getMapMaxZoom()//7.5 }); if( addNavControl() ){ var nav = new maplibregl.NavigationControl(); map.addControl( nav,addNavControl() ); } var popup = new maplibregl.Popup({ offset: 20, closeButton: false, closeOnClick: false }); var hoveredStateId = null; map.on('load', function () { let lastZoom = map.getZoom(); /* add source data to the map. para poder modificarlos más abajo en tiempo real */ map.addSource('sirData', { type: 'geojson', data: datos_sir }); var layer_for_datos_sir = { 'id': 'circles_sir', 'type': 'circle', 'source': 'sirData', 'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point'], 'layout': {}, "paint": { "circle-radius": ["get","radius"], "circle-color": ["get", "color"], 'circle-opacity' : 0.85, 'circle-stroke-width': [ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], 3, [ 'match', ['get','currentInsti'], "1", 3, /* selected insti -> border width = 3*/ 1 /* others border = 1*/ ] ], 'circle-stroke-color': [ 'case', ['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], "#000", // color borde al sobrevolar [ 'match', ['get','currentInsti'], "1", "#000",/* border color of selected insti*/ ["get", "color"] /* color borde circulos*/ /*"rgba(245, 245, 245, 0.5)" // color borde circulos*/ ] ] } }; map.addLayer(layer_for_datos_sir, "capital_palces_z10"); map.on('click', 'circles_sir', function(event){ location.href = event.features[0].properties.url; } ); map.on('mousemove', 'circles_sir', (e)=>{ // Change the cursor style as a UI indicator. map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Copy coordinates array. const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice(); const description = e.features[0].properties.title; const circle_radio = e.features[0].properties.radius; // Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple // copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears // over the copy being pointed to. while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) { coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360; } // Populate the popup and set its coordinates // based on the feature found. popup.setOffset( circle_radio + 5 ) .setLngLat(coordinates) .setHTML(description).addTo(map); if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } // console.log(e.features[0]); hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } }); map.on('mouseleave', 'circles_sir', (e)=>{ //map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'grab'; popup.remove(); if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } //console.log('out', map.getFeatureState({source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId})); hoveredStateId = null; }); let restoredCoords = true; let apply_algorithm_from_zoom = 6; map.on('zoomend', () =>{ const currentZoom = map.getZoom(); if( apply_scimago_overlap() ){ //console.log('zoomin'+currentZoom); if (currentZoom > lastZoom) { // zoom in if( currentZoom >= apply_algorithm_from_zoom ){ //console.log('currentZoom :'+currentZoom); restore_original_state( datos_sir.features ); // CALCULATE for each zoom level (pos xy chnages depending on zoom level). ADD new property poit_xy to feature recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir); restoredCoords = false; // REPAINT map.getSource('sirData').setData({ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": datos_sir.features // new_features }); } } else { if( !restoredCoords ){ restore_original_state( datos_sir.features ); datos_sir.features.forEach( (feature)=> { = map.project(feature.geometry.coordinates); }); restoredCoords = true; } if( currentZoom >= apply_algorithm_from_zoom ){ // zoom out // return to inicial coords status recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir); restoredCoords = false; } map.getSource('sirData').setData( { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": datos_sir.features } ); } } // overlaop yes/no lastZoom = currentZoom; }); }); //load }//init function recalculateCoords(map,datos_sir){ //console.log('recibo map'); datos_sir.features.forEach( (feature)=> { = map.project(feature.geometry.coordinates); }); let new_features = apply_algorithm_to_correct_overlap(datos_sir.features); datos_sir.features.forEach( (item) => { let lnglat_from_xy = map.unproject( ).wrap(); item.geometry.coordinates = [ lnglat_from_xy.lng ,]; }); } /* function to apply algorithm to nodes array when zoom is >= 5 features: array of feature */ function apply_algorithm_to_correct_overlap(features){ //console.log('--->call'); return scimagomaps.Utils.nodeOverlap(features); } /* original_coords array contains all id and original coordinates of circles */ function restore_original_state( features ){ //console.log('restore coords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'); features.forEach( (item)=> { //console.log(item.geometry.coordinates); let previous = original_coords.find( element => === ); item.geometry.coordinates = previous.coords; }); } /*function onMouseLeaveMaplibre(e){ //map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'grab'; popup.remove(); if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } //console.log('out', map.getFeatureState({source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId})); hoveredStateId = null; }*/ /*function onMouseMoveMaplibre(e){ // Change the cursor style as a UI indicator. map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; // Copy coordinates array. const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice(); const description = e.features[0].properties.title; const circle_radio = e.features[0].properties.radius; // Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple // copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears // over the copy being pointed to. while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) { coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360; } // Populate the popup and set its coordinates // based on the feature found. popup.setOffset( circle_radio + 5 ) .setLngLat(coordinates) .setHTML(description).addTo(map); if (e.features.length > 0) { if (hoveredStateId) { map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: false } ); } // console.log(e.features[0]); hoveredStateId = e.features[0].id; map.setFeatureState( { source: 'sirData', id: hoveredStateId }, { hover: true } ); } }*/ function circleRadius_maplibre(population){ /*var min = 10; var max = 90;*/ var population_min = 1; var population_max = 100; //var pxMax = 90; var pxMax = 140; var pxMin = 10; /*if(population > population_max){ population = population_max; } else*/ if(population < population_min){ population = population_min; } else{ population = (population * pxMax) / pxMin; } //The radius of a circle from the area //r = √(A / π). var radio = Math.sqrt(population/Math.PI); //var radio = Math.sqrt(population) * 2 / (Math.PI); return radio; } function create_data_feature(id, item, radio){ let feature ={ "type": "Feature", 'id' : id, 'properties': { 'title': item.title, 'population' : item.population, 'sector': item.sector, 'color' : item.color, 'currentInsti' : item.selected_insti, 'radius': radio, 'url' : 'institution.php?idp='+id }, "geometry": { // type: Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon "type": "Point", "coordinates" } } return feature; } function get_features_array_from_mapData(citymap){ let features = []; let father_feature = null; for (let city in citymap) { let point_xy = null; let radio = circleRadius_maplibre(citymap[city].population); let obj = {}; = city; obj.coords = citymap[city].center; obj.radius = radio; original_coords.push(obj); if( citymap[city].selected_insti ){ // make it as map center map_center = citymap[city].center; /*instiSelected = citymap[city];*/ father_feature = create_data_feature(city, citymap[city], radio ); } else{ let feature = create_data_feature(city, citymap[city], radio ); features.push(feature); } } // Add selected insti at the end. features.push(father_feature); return features; } function getMapZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.initialMapZoom; } function getMapMinZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.minZoom; } function getMapMaxZoom(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.maxZoom; } function rtlSupported(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.rtlSupported; } function getrtlplugin(){ if( scimagoMapsConfig.rtlSupported ) return ""; return 0; } function addNavControl(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.addNavControl; } function apply_scimago_overlap(){ return scimagoMapsConfig.applyOverlap; } function get_scimago_map_style(){ let style = null; switch( scimagoMapsConfig.mapStyle ){ case "gray": style = ""; break; case "dark": style = ""; break; case "dark-gray": style = ""; break; case "gray-blue": style = ""; break; case "earth": style = ""; break; default: style = ""; } return style; } </script> <div class="text" style="width:100%; text-align:center!important;overflow: hidden;"> <!--GOOGLE ADS --> </div> <div id="wp-comments-response"><div class="loader"></div><div class="LoadingCommentsLabel">Loading comments...</div></div> <div id="container-form-comment"> <div id="respond-comment-scimagojr" class="hide"> <div id="feedback_insert_comment"></div> <h3>Leave a comment</h3> <form id="form-submit-comment-scimagojr" > <p> <label for="comment-scimagojr-name-user">Name</label> <input id="comment-scimagojr-name-user" name="comment-scimagojr-name-user" type="text" size="20"/> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="nombre-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p> <label for="comment-scimagojr-email-user">Email<br /><span class="emailnote">(will not be published)</span></label> <input id="comment-scimagojr-email-user" name="comment-scimagojr-email-user" type="text" size="30"/> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="email-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p> <textarea id="comment-scimagojr" name="comment-scimagojr" cols="45" rows="8" aria-required="true"></textarea> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="textarea-validation">* Required</span> </p> <p class="form-submit"> <div id="html_element"></div> <span class="validation-form-messaje nonDisplay" id="captcha-validation" >* Required</span> <button type="button" id="cancel_reply" class="hide" >Cancel</button> <input name="submit-comment-scimagojr" type="button" id="submit-comment-scimagojr" class="submit" onclick="addEventsListenerForm()" value="Submit"> <input type="hidden" name="comment_scimagojr_post_ID" value="" id="comment_scimagojr_post_ID"> <input type="hidden" name="comment_scimagojr_parent" id="comment_scimagojr_parent" value="0"> </p> <p class="comments_rules"> </p> </form> <script src="" async defer> </script> </div> </div> <div id="embed2"> <div class="embed_block2"> <div id="embed_img2"><img style="width:280px;height:260px" src='institution_img.php?idp=62161&width=560&height=520' /></div><div class="embed_code2"> <p><strong>Embedding this widget into your website</strong></p> <p> <label for="dark_theme" class="radio"><input type="radio" id="dark_theme" name="theme" checked /><span class="label"></span>Dark</label> <label for="light_theme" class="radio"><input type="radio" id="light_theme" name="theme"/><span class="label"></span>Light</label> </p> <p><span style="margin-right: 30px">Width: <input type="text" value="280" id="width_widget">px</span><span>Height: <input type="text" value="260" id="height_widget">px</span></p> <p style="color:rgb(150,150,150)">Just copy the code and paste it within your HTML code</p> <textarea id='embed_textarea2' name='embed_textarea2' rows="6" readonly='' onclick=';'><a href=&quot;;src=emb&quot; 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