Code : “MOTU” team

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Use methods for deleting pcm and ctl ... </div> <div class="popupTitle" id="branch-log-4544" onmouseover="hide_commit(4544)"> <p> <strong>Author:</strong> <a href="" class="sprite person">Daniel T Chen</a> <br /> <strong>Revision Date:</strong> 2008-05-10 17:05:02 UTC </p> <p>Use methods for deleting pcm and ctl defaults.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a class="sprite branch" href="/~motu/asoundconf-ui/trunk">lp:~motu/<wbr />asoundconf-<wbr />ui/trunk</a> </td> <td align="right" style="padding-right: 5px"> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">1</span> <span class="branchstatusDEVELOPMENT">Development</span> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2007-06-13 04:21:40 UTC</span> <time title="2007-06-13 04:21:40 UTC" datetime="2007-06-13T04:21:40.989815+00:00">2007-06-13</time> </td> <td onmouseout="hide_commit(4183)" onmouseover="show_commit(4183)"> <div class="lastCommit"> <a href="">16</a>. Tweak --help. </div> <div class="popupTitle" id="branch-log-4183" onmouseover="hide_commit(4183)"> <p> <strong>Author:</strong> Daniel T. Chen <br /> <strong>Revision Date:</strong> 2007-07-03 03:11:46 UTC </p> <p>Tweak --help.</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table style="width: 100%;" class="lower-batch-nav"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-index"> <strong>1</strong> &rarr; <strong>3</strong> of 3 results </td> <td style="text-align: right; white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-links"> <span class="first inactive">First</span> &bull; <span class="previous inactive">Previous</span> &bull; <span class="next inactive"><strong>Next</strong></span> &bull; <span class="last inactive">Last</span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div class="portlet related" id="portlet-team-branches"> <h2>Branches owned by</h2> <ul> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~computer-janitor-hackers">computer-janitor-hackers</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~openstack-ubuntu-packagers">OpenStack Ubuntu packagers</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~planet-ubuntu">Planet Ubuntu</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~ubuntubudgie-dev">Ubuntu Budgie Developers</a> </li> <li> <img src="" width="14" height="14" /> <a href="/~ubuntu-bugcontrol">Ubuntu Bug Control</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail">Ubuntu Development Team (bugmail catching gateway)</a> </li> <li> <img src="" width="14" height="14" /> <a href="/~ubuntu-dev">Ubuntu Development Team</a> </li> <li> <img src="" width="14" height="14" /> <a href="/~ubuntumembers">Ubuntu Members</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~ubuntu-packaging-guide-team">Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~ubuntu-testing-tools-team">Ubuntu Testing Tools Team</a> </li> <li> <span class="sprite team"></span> <a href="/~ubuntu-transition-trackers">Ubuntu Transition Trackers</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b --> </div><!-- yui-main --> <div id="side-portlets" class="yui-b side"> <div id="portlet-person-codesummary" class="portlet"> <table> <tr class="code-links"> <td><span class="menu-link-branches nolink">Branches</span></td> </tr> <tr class="code-links"> <td><a class="menu-link-active_reviews" href="">Active reviews</a></td> </tr> <tr class="code-links"> <td><a class="menu-link-source_package_recipes" href="">Source package recipes</a></td> </tr> <tr class="code-links"> <td><a class="menu-link-snaps" href="">Snap packages</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div><!-- yui-b side --> </div><!-- yui-t4 --> <div id="footer" class="footer"> <div class="lp-arcana"> <div class="lp-branding"> <a href=""><img src="/@@/launchpad-footer-logo.svg" alt="Launchpad" width="65" height="18" /></a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Take the tour</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Read the guide</a> &nbsp; <form id="globalsearch" method="get" accept-charset="UTF-8" action=""> <input type="search" id="search-text" name="field.text" /> <input type="image" src="/@@/search" style="vertical-align:5%" alt="Search Launchpad" /> </form> </div> </div> <div class="colophon"> &copy; 2004 <a href="">Canonical&nbsp;Ltd.</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Terms of use</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Data privacy</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="/feedback">Contact Launchpad Support</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Blog</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Careers</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">System status</a> <span id="lp-version"> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; 22ade00 (<a href="">Get the code!</a>) </span> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-d0--> <script id="json-cache-script">LP.cache = {"related_features": {}, "context": {"self_link": "", "web_link": "", "resource_type_link": "", "all_specifications_collection_link": "", "valid_specifications_collection_link": "", "recipes_collection_link": "", "time_zone": "UTC", "private": false, "is_valid": true, "is_team": true, "account_status": "Unactivated", "visibility": "Public", "name": "motu", "is_probationary": false, "id": "", "karma": 0, "homepage_content": "The MOTU Team looks after all of the packages in Universe and Multiverse in Ubuntu.\n\n", "description": "The MOTU Team looks after all of the packages in Universe and Multiverse in Ubuntu.\n\n\nThe Masters of the Universe take care of the Ubuntu Universe packages, fix bugs, add new packages, or remove obsolete ones from the Ubuntu archive.\n\nIf you want to join, be sure to read to understand what is required from you. We look forward to see you in the team soon!\n", "languages_collection_link": "", "hide_email_addresses": false, "date_created": "2005-06-15T02:17:43.115113+00:00", "sshkeys_collection_link": "", "is_ubuntu_coc_signer": false, "gpg_keys_collection_link": "", "wiki_names_collection_link": "", "irc_nicknames_collection_link": "", "jabber_ids_collection_link": "", "social_accounts_collection_link": "", "memberships_details_collection_link": "", "open_membership_invitations_collection_link": "", "confirmed_email_addresses_collection_link": "", "team_owner_link": "", "preferred_email_address_link": "", "mailing_list_auto_subscribe_policy": "Ask me when I join a team", "archive_link": null, "ppas_collection_link": "", "sub_teams_collection_link": "", "super_teams_collection_link": "", "members_collection_link": "", "admins_collection_link": "", "participants_collection_link": "", "deactivated_members_collection_link": "", "expired_members_collection_link": "", "invited_members_collection_link": "", "members_details_collection_link": "", "proposed_members_collection_link": "", "account_status_history": "", "team_description": "The Masters of the Universe take care of the Ubuntu Universe packages, fix bugs, add new packages, or remove obsolete ones from the Ubuntu archive.\n\nIf you want to join, be sure to read to understand what is required from you. We look forward to see you in the team soon!\n", "membership_policy": "Restricted Team", "subscription_policy": "Restricted Team", "renewal_policy": "invite them to renew their own membership", "default_membership_period": 730, "default_renewal_period": 730, "logo_link": "", "mugshot_link": "", "display_name": "MOTU", "http_etag": "\"dbeabea9fcd190fd1f1764e210b1e90fe4277631-9a237a8e4de85c82955d4a6de35dc0c6e55e498e\""}};</script> </body> <!-- Facet name: branches Page type: main_side Has global search: True Has application tabs: True Has side portlets: True At least 29 queries/external actions issued in 0.41 seconds Features: {'profiling.enabled': None, 'hard_timeout': '9000', 'app.mainsite_only.canonical_url': None, 'js.yui_version': None, 'app.maintenance_message': None, 'ajax.batch_navigator.enabled': None, 'baselayout.careers_link.disabled': None, 'visible_render_time': None} r22ade00 --> </html>

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