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class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September venue">Economic History Department</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September time">16:00 - 17:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September event" style="background-color: #F9B3F0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p><a href="panel-debate">Panel debate (in Swedish): <em>Hur mycket kan en individ påverka sin framtid?</em></a></p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September venue">EC1 Holger Crafoords Ekonomicentrum</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September time">17:00 onwards</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September event" style="background-color: #FFD878"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Reception in Ljusgarden</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September venue">EC1 Holger Crafoords Ekonomicentrum</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September time">19:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September event" style="background-color: #FFD878"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Pub quiz</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Wednesday the 27th of September venue">John Bull Pub & Restaurant</td> </tr> <tr class="even gt_group_heading_row"> <td colspan="3" id="Thursday the 28th of September" class="gt_group_heading" data-quarto-table-cell-role="th" style="font-weight: bold" scope="colgroup">Thursday the 28th of September</td> </tr> <tr class="odd gt_row_group_first"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">08:30 - 09:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #A7C5FF"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Registration</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen: Lilla Sparbanks-foajén</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">09:00 - 09:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #F9B3F0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Opening remarks by<br> Erik Green, Chair of the Swedish Economic History Society<br> Lena Eskilsson, Deputy Vice Chancellor Lund University<br> Mats Helmfrid, Chairmman of Lund City Council</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen: Stora Salen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">10:00 - 11:15</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 1</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">11:15 - 11:30</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #FAB8A4"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Coffee Break</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">11:30 - 12:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 2</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">12:45 - 14:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #FAB8A4"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Lunch Break</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">14:00 - 15:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #9FECEC"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Keynote by Sheilagh Ogilvie titled <em>State Capacity and Economic History</em></p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen: Stora Salen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">15:15 - 16:30</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 3</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">16:30 - 16:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #FAB8A4"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Coffee Break</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">16:45 - 18:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 4</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">18:00 - 18:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #FFD878"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>PhD Mingle</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">Café Ariman</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">18:00 - 18:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #F9B3F0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p><a href="/">Celebrate New Scholarship: book launch</a></p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September time">19:00 onwards</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Thursday the 28th of September event" style="background-color: #FFD878"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Dinner at <a href="">Torgets</a></p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Thursday the 28th of September venue">Torgets Restaurant, beside City Hall in Lund</td> </tr> <tr class="even gt_group_heading_row"> <td colspan="3" id="Friday the 29th of September" class="gt_group_heading" data-quarto-table-cell-role="th" style="font-weight: bold" scope="colgroup">Friday the 29th of September</td> </tr> <tr class="odd gt_row_group_first"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">09:00 - 10:15</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 5</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">10:15 - 10:30</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #FAB8A4"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Coffee Break</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">10:30 - 11:45</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 6</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">11:45 - 13:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #FAB8A4"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Lunch Break</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue"></td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">13:00 - 14:00</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #9FECEC"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Keynote by Klara Arnberg titled <a href="keynotes#the-sex-of-markets"><em>The Sex of Markets</em></a></p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue">AF Borgen: Stora Salen</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September time">14:15 - 15:30</td> <td class="gt_row gt_left" headers="Friday the 29th of September event" style="background-color: #C0F7C0"><div class="gt_from_md"> <p>Parallel Session 7</p> </div></td> <td class="gt_row gt_center" headers="Friday the 29th of September venue">AF Borgen</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <section id="administrative-meetings" class="level3"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="administrative-meetings">Administrative meetings</h3> <div class="cell"> <div class="cell-output-display"> <div id="icidcgywlp" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_table { display: table; border-collapse: collapse; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: #333333; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; background-color: #FFFFFF; width: auto; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: #A8A8A8; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #A8A8A8; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_heading { background-color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_caption { padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_title { color: #333333; font-size: 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padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 100%; font-weight: initial; text-transform: inherit; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: #D3D3D3; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_empty_group_heading { padding: 0.5px; color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 100%; font-weight: initial; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: #D3D3D3; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; vertical-align: middle; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_from_md > :first-child { margin-top: 0; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_from_md > :last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_row { 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:where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_summary_row { color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; text-transform: inherit; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_first_summary_row { border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_first_summary_row.thick { border-top-width: 2px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_last_summary_row { padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_grand_summary_row { color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; text-transform: inherit; padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_first_grand_summary_row { padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; border-top-style: double; border-top-width: 6px; border-top-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_striped { background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.05); } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_table_body { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: #D3D3D3; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_footnotes { color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_footnote { margin: 0px; font-size: 90%; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_sourcenotes { color: #333333; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_sourcenote { font-size: 90%; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_left { text-align: left; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_center { text-align: center; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_right { text-align: right; font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_font_normal { font-weight: normal; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_font_bold { font-weight: bold; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_font_italic { font-style: italic; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_super { font-size: 65%; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_footnote_marks { font-style: italic; font-weight: normal; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: 0.4em; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_asterisk { font-size: 100%; vertical-align: 0; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_indent_1 { text-indent: 5px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_indent_2 { text-indent: 10px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_indent_3 { text-indent: 15px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_indent_4 { text-indent: 20px; } :where(#icidcgywlp) .gt_indent_5 { text-indent: 25px; } </style> <table class="gt_table"> <thead class="gt_header"> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="gt_heading gt_title gt_font_normal gt_bottom_border" style=""><strong>Administrative meeting schedule</strong></td> </tr> </thead> <thead class="gt_col_headings"> <tr> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_right" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Time">Time</th> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Meeting">Meeting</th> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Room">Room</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="gt_table_body"> <tr><td headers="Time" class="gt_row gt_right">11:00-12:00</td> <td headers="Meeting" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A7C5FF;">Meeting with heads of department</td> <td headers="Room" class="gt_row gt_left"><div style="line-height:14px"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;color:#000000;font-size:14px">2064</span></div> <div style="line-height:10px"><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#BEBEBE;font-size:10px">Alfa 1</span></div></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Time" class="gt_row gt_right">12:00-13:00</td> <td headers="Meeting" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A7C5FF;">Lunch for heads of department and director of studies</td> <td headers="Room" class="gt_row gt_left"><div style="line-height:14px"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;color:#000000;font-size:14px">venue tba</span></div> <div style="line-height:10px"><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#BEBEBE;font-size:10px"></span></div></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Time" class="gt_row gt_right">13:00-14:00</td> <td headers="Meeting" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A7C5FF;">Meeting of the directors of PhD-studies</td> <td headers="Room" class="gt_row gt_left"><div style="line-height:14px"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;color:#000000;font-size:14px">1104</span></div> <div style="line-height:10px"><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#BEBEBE;font-size:10px">Alfa 1</span></div></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Time" class="gt_row gt_right">14:00-15:00</td> <td headers="Meeting" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A7C5FF;">Editor’s meeting for the Scandinavian Economic History Review </td> <td headers="Room" class="gt_row gt_left"><div style="line-height:14px"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;color:#000000;font-size:14px">1104</span></div> <div style="line-height:10px"><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#BEBEBE;font-size:10px">Alfa 1</span></div></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Time" class="gt_row gt_right">15:00-16:00</td> <td headers="Meeting" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A7C5FF;">Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Social and Economic history</td> <td headers="Room" class="gt_row gt_left"><div style="line-height:14px"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-variant:small-caps;color:#000000;font-size:14px">1104</span></div> <div style="line-height:10px"><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#BEBEBE;font-size:10px">Alfa 1</span></div></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="paper-sessions" class="level2 page-columns page-full"> <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="paper-sessions">Paper Sessions</h2> <p>The paper sessions will take place at <a href="">AF Borgen</a> in Lund. The room numbers will be updated when we know exactly which rooms we will have access to.</p> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="somdraecqo" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_table { display: table; border-collapse: collapse; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: #333333; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; background-color: #FFFFFF; width: auto; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: #A8A8A8; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #A8A8A8; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_heading { background-color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF; border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-color: #D3D3D3; border-right-style: none; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_caption { padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_title { color: #333333; font-size: 125%; font-weight: initial; padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF; border-bottom-width: 0; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_subtitle { color: #333333; font-size: 85%; font-weight: initial; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; border-top-color: #FFFFFF; border-top-width: 0; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_bottom_border { border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: #D3D3D3; } :where(#somdraecqo) .gt_col_headings { border-top-style: solid; 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(4)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">2: Thursday the 28th of September 11:30 - 12:45</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Labour, living standards and inequality (4)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;">Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons (3)</td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">Consequences of Technological Change (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history (3)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">The political economy of protection (2)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">The Neoliberal Shift (3)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">Central banking – a science or an art? (4)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">3: Thursday the 28th of September 15:15 - 16:30</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Labour, living standards and inequality (3)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;">Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons (3)</td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history (4)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization (3)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">The Neoliberal Shift (3)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">Historical national accounts (2)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">4: Thursday the 28th of September 16:45 - 18:00</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship (3)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;"></td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history (3)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization (3)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">The Neoliberal Shift (3)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">Historical national accounts (3)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">5: Friday the 29th of September 09:00 - 10:15</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Global inequality – levels and trends (3)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;">The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality (3)</td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 (3)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">Land and the political economy (2)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">Pre-Industrial Households and Markets (3)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) (3)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">6: Friday the 29th of September 10:30 - 11:45</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Global inequality – levels and trends (3)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;">The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality (2)</td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">Historical Perspectives on Migration (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 (2)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">Families, business and wealth (3)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">Pre-Industrial Households and Markets (2)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research (3)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="slot_desc" class="gt_row gt_left">7: Friday the 29th of September 14:15 - 15:30</td> <td headers="1" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFD1DC;">Global inequality – levels and trends (2)</td> <td headers="2" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A2D5F2;">Health crises: plagues and strikes (3)</td> <td headers="3" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFFFD1;">Historical Perspectives on Migration (3)</td> <td headers="4" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #A8E6CF;">Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development (3)</td> <td headers="5" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #D4A5A5;">Families, business and wealth (2)</td> <td headers="6" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #FFABAB;">Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship (3)</td> <td headers="7" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #C3AED6;">History of consumption (2)</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Session prep --> <section id="session-1" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-1">Session 1</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="oozkkjalni" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { 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class="gt_heading gt_title gt_font_normal gt_bottom_border" style=""><strong>Parallel Session 1</strong><br>Thursday the 28th of September 10:00 - 11:15</td> </tr> </thead> <thead class="gt_col_headings"> <tr> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Title">Title</th> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Author">Author</th> <th class="gt_col_heading gt_columns_bottom_border gt_left" rowspan="1" colspan="1" scope="col" id="Together with">Together with</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="gt_table_body"> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder">Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/martin_andersson_coercion_through_remuneration_in_">Coercion through Remuneration in the Swedish Servant Institution</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Martin Andersson</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Carolina Uppenberg</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/maja_lundqvist_enclosures_and_population_in_uppsal">Enclosures and Population in Uppsala County 1760-1900</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Maja Lundqvist</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kathryn_gary_paid_spinning_in_rural_landless_and_s">Paid spinning in rural landless and semi-landless households in Sweden 1767-1797: Some preliminary results</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kathryn Gary</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Malin Nilsson & Mats Olsson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/bram_hilkens_the_market_mightier_than_the_family_a">The Market Mightier Than the Family? A Case Study of Market Transfers and Land Distribution in Holland, 1555-1684</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Bram Hilkens</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 1: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom">Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="/">How to avoid the effects of collapsing commodities? Lessons from history</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Cristián Ducoing</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Fredrik NG Andersson, Ellen Hillbom and Sara Torregrosa</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jakob_hannerz_shine_a_light_community_effects_of_d">Shine a light: Community Effects of Distributed Energy Systems in East Africa since the 1990s</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jakob Hannerz</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jutta Bolt</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/bertus_markus_melles_what_explains_technological_a">What explains technological adaptation in Africa? A comparative study of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Bertus Markus Melles</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 1: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Prince Young Aboagye</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri">Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anna_missiaia_at_the_roots_of_the_industrial_takeo">At the roots of the industrial take-off: evidence from the Swedish parishes (1750-1850)</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Missiaia</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Fredrik Sandgren</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/johanne_arnfred_development_of_artisan_workshops_i">Development of Artisan Workshops in Southern Sweden, 1840-1890.</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Johanne Arnfred</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/christian_vedel_holy_cows_and_spilt_milk_a_firm_le">Holy Cows and Spilt Milk: A Firm Level Analysis of the Impact of Religious Conflict on Productivity</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Christian Vedel</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 1: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jeanet Bentzen, University of Copenhagen, Nina Boberg-Fazlic, TU Dortmund University, Paul Sharp, University of Southern Denmark, Christian Skovsgaard, University of Southern Denmark</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs">Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/maxence_castiello_railroads_geographic_and_social_">Railroads, Geographic and Social Mobility: Evidence from Nineteenth Century America</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Maxence Castiello</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Clément Bosquet</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/diego_castaneda_garza_a_wicked_war_war_and_the_wea">A Wicked War: War and the Wealth Inequality – Public Debt Nexus.</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Diego Castañeda Garza</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/samuel_marknas_mare_liberum_and_the_golden_mine_an">Mare Liberum and the Golden Mine: Anglo-Dutch Relations, the Fisheries, and the Struggle for Maritime Supremacy, 1600-1800</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Samuel Marknäs</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 1: International Trade, Mobility and Development organized by Samuel Marknäs coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell">Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jeremy_land_from_mercantilism_to_tariffs_the_ameri">From Mercantilism to Tariffs: The American Experience of Protectionism from the Colonial Era to the Early Republic, 1750-1830</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jeremy Land</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">John Moore</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/juan_pablo_julia_tariff_protection_in_argentina_be">Tariff protection in Argentina between the First Globalization and the post-war period</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Juan Pablo Juliá</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Cecilia Lara (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/christopher_absell_the_price_and_welfare_consequen">The price and welfare consequences of the British Sugar Act of 1846</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Christopher Absell</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 1: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/david_larsson_heidenblad_a_nation_of_everyman_inve">A Nation of Everyman Investors: The Popularisation of Stock Saving in Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">David Larsson Heidenblad</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/eivind_thomassen_central_bankers_and_centralized_w">Central bankers and centralized wage bargaining: A different perspective on the rise of neoliberalism in Norway</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Eivind Thomassen</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/pontus_blume_the_struggle_against_institutions_pla">The Struggle Against Institutions: Platform Market Creation and the State</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Pontus Blüme</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 1: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren">Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/liang_zhao_1930s_swedish_financial_crisis_revisite">1930s Swedish financial crisis revisited---central banking and the lender of last resort</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Liang Zhao</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/ingrid_hjertaker_a_license_to_innovate__the_politi">A ‘license to innovate’ – the politics of money at the European Central Bank</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Ingrid Hjertaker</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/cecilia_kahn_riksbanken_och_regimskiftet_ett_oroan">Riksbanken och regimskiftet: "Ett oroande spring av utländska banker"</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Cecilia Kahn</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/asa_malmstrom_rognes_the_illusory_independence_of_">The Illusory Independence of Bank of Japan</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Åsa Malmström Rognes</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 1: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-2" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-2">Session 2</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="cxwrbhmfzn" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder">Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/viktor_persarvet_enclosures_and_productivity_in_ea">Enclosures and productivity in Eastern Sweden – Evidence from the land market 1840-1869</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Viktor Persarvet</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Marja Erikson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/patrick_svensson_farmers_and_farm_workers_work_org">Farmers and farm workers: work organization and social relations on six farms in central Sweden 1850-1910.</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Patrick Svensson</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kelsey_marleen_mol_what_do_and_dont_the_censuses_t">What do and don’t the censuses tell us about married women’s work?</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kelsey Marleen Mol</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_bengtsson_income_inequality_in_sweden_1870197">Income inequality in Sweden 1870–1970: Evidence from micro data</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Bengtsson</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 2: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jakob Molinder, Svante Prado</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom">Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/valeria_lukkari_growth_and_differentiation_in_keny">Growth and differentiation in Kenya’s public sector, ca. 1920s to 1960s</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Valeria Lukkari</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sascha_klocke_shrinking_and_financial_development_">Shrinking and financial development in Kenya and Tanzania, 1960-2020</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sascha Klocke</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Tobias Axelsson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_green_elite_coalitions_and_industrialization_">Elite coalitions and industrialization in Africa</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Green</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 2: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Victor Gwande, Rory Pilossof, Ushehwedu Kufakurinani</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri">Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kristine_bruland_a_new_perspective_on_innovation_a">A new perspective on innovation and industrialization</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kristine Bruland</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/suvi_heikkuri_electricity_as_a_skillbiased_technol">Electricity as a skill-biased technology: Evidence from Sweden during early 20th century</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Suvi Heikkuri</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Svante Prado</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/svante_prado_the_impact_of_electricity_on_producti">The impact of electricity on productivity: an industry-level approach to Swedish manufacturing, 1913–1938</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Svante Prado</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 2: Consequences of Technological Change organized by Suvi Heikkuri coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Christopher Absell and Jesper Hamark</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi">Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/cristian_ducoing_andeans_vs_nordic_energy_as_a_det">ANDEANS VS NORDIC. ENERGY AS A DETERMINING FACTOR. 1870-1930</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Cristián Ducoing</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Martin Garrido</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/john_brolin_the_little_ice_age_energy_transition">The Little Ice Age energy transition</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">John brolin</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/johanna_fink_is_public_energy_innovation_funding_i">Is public energy innovation funding in line with Swedish environmental targets?</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Johanna Fink</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 2: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Josef Taalbi</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell">Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/thomas_pettersson_kampen_om_skogsravaran__kopsagve">Kampen om skogsråvaran - köpsågverkens situation i Norrland efter 1970</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Thomas Pettersson</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Fredrik Olsson Spjut</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/staffan_albinsson_musiklifvets_hojande">MUSIKLIFVETS HÖJANDE!</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Staffan Albinsson</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 2: The political economy of protection organized by Christopher Absell coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/li_eriksdotter_andersson_50_shades_of_trade_swedis">50 Shades of Trade: Swedish Trade Union Interests and the Neoliberal World Trade Regime post 1979</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Li Eriksdotter Andersson</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/rasmus_nykvist_neoliberalism_in_the_making_the_rol">Neoliberalism in the making? The role of managerial agency in the corproatization of swedish public entperises</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Rasmus Nykvist</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Rickard Björnemalm</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/dominic_mealy_patterns_and_causes_of_marketization">Patterns and Causes of Marketization in Public Services</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Dominic Mealy</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 2: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonas Ljungberg</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren">Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/lars_fredrik_oksendal_an_old_remedy_for_a_new_prob">An old remedy for a new problem. How history provides the easiest route to making digital central bank money available to the public in a cash free world</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Lars Fredrik Øksendal</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sean_kenny_the_economic_costs_of_bank_closures_evi">The Economic Costs of Bank Closures: Evidence from a Natural Experiment</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Seán Kenny</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jason Lennard, Emma Horgan</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/gjermund_forfang_rongved_nordic_central_bank_coope">Nordic Central Bank Cooperation 1931-1939 – Challenging an era of deglobalisation and uncertainty</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Gjermund Forfang Rongved</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anders_ogren_the_role_of_clearing_in_central_bank_">The role of clearing in central bank cooperation: From the Scandinavian Monetary Union to the Bank for International Settlements</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anders Ögren</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 2: Central banking – a science or an art? organized by Lars Fredrik Øksendal and Anders Ögren coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Hans-Michael Trautwein</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-3" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-3">Session 3</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="tvknujranp" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder">Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/william_skoglund_the_union_wage_effect_at_the_dawn">The Union Wage Effect at the Dawn of the Great Levelling - Evidence from Interwar Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">William Skoglund</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jonas_helgertz_the_human_cost_of_inequality_race_d">The Human Cost of Inequality: Race Differentials across Time and Space in Child Mortality in the United States, 1850-1940</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonas Helgertz</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">J David Hacker, Richard Steckel, Nicolas Ziebarth</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jorgen_modalsli_female_labor_force_participation_i">Female labor force participation in census microdata</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jørgen Modalsli</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 3: Labour, living standards and inequality organized by Erik Bengtsson, Kathryn Gary, Tobias Karlsson, Malin Nilsson and Jakob Molinder coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom">Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jorich_johann_loubser_david_and_goliath_botswanan_">David and Goliath? Botswanan elites and negotiated settlements, 1895-1975</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jorich Johann Loubser</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Tomás Medina Mora Perez</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/linn_ternsjo_the_role_of_the_state_and_worker_powe">The Role of the State and Worker Power in Social Upgrading and Downgrading of the Mauritian Garment Industry</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Linn Ternsjö</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jeanne_cilliers_lessons_from_successful_disease_pr">Lessons from successful disease prevention campaigns in former British Africa: The Nigerian experience with Yaws</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jeanne Cilliers</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 3: Paths towards sustained development in the global south: Historical lessons organized by Erik Green and Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jutta Bolt</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson">Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/charlotte_nilsson_critique_of_work_and_the_meaning">Critique of work and the meaning of retirement in the Swedish FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement c. 2010-2025</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Charlotte Nilsson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/lars_fredrik_andersson_in_sickness_and_in_health__">In sickness and in health - Sickness among urban and rural working-class men and women in early 20th century Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Lars Fredrik Andersson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Liselotte Eriksson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/dennis_fahlgren_occupation_and_family_networks_at_">Occupation and family networks at old age, Västerbotten 1890-1960</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Dennis Fahlgren</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 3: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi">Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/magnus_lindmark_energy_transitions_past_and_presen">Energy transitions: past and present</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Magnus Lindmark</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Ann-Kristin Bergquist</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/astrid_kander_the_current_energy_crisis_in_histori">The current energy crisis in historical perspective</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Astrid Kander</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/josef_taalbi_the_swedish_innovation_system_for_sus">The Swedish innovation system for sustainable transitions – Insights from innovation output data</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Josef Taalbi</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Philipp Jonas Kreutzer</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/mattias_nasman_the_swedish_automobile_industry_and">The Swedish Automobile Industry and the Environment during the Oil Crisis: The present-day environmental transition in perspective</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Mattias Näsman</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 3: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson">Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/bjorn_hasselgren_canals_and_the_ironindustry_durin">Canals and the iron-industry during the early industrialisation era - state-supported growth policies in the making</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Björn Hasselgren</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jorgen_burchardt_the_economy_of_freight_transport_">The economy of freight transport on road: Interaction between bans and technical improvements of vehicles and road construction.</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jørgen Burchardt</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/stylianos_panagiotidis_the_formation_of_a_new_repu">The Formation of a New Republic: Steel Industry and Society 1871-1914</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Stylianos Panagiotidis</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 3: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/mathias_krusell_decentralization_and_management_co">Decentralization and Management Consultants</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Mathias Krusell</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/paulina_vaughn_underemployment_and_the_neoliberal_">Underemployment and the Neoliberal Shift</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Paulina Vaughn</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/thea_holmlund_the_role_of_trade_unions_in_precaris">The Role of Trade Unions in Precarisation: LO’s Negotiations on Employment Security 1990-2020</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Thea Holmlund</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 3: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo">Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/svante_prado_new_estimates_of_swedish_historical_n">New estimates of Swedish historical national accounts from the income side, 1870–1910</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Svante Prado</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Bengtsson and Jakob Molinder</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/juan_pablo_julia_trade_shocks_and_resilience_to_ec">Trade shocks and Resilience to Economic shrinking: comparative analysis of Argentina, Australia, and Canada</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Juan Pablo Juliá</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 3: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Martin Andersson (Lund University)</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-4" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-4">Session 4</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="ipfbmzejdh" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack">Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anton_svensson_family_life_cycle_living_standards_">Family life cycle living standards in a pre/early industrial city: Stockholm from 1800 to 1880</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anton Svensson</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/helene_castenbrandt_too_sick_to_work_welfare_benef">Too sick to work: welfare benefits in early 20th century Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Helene Castenbrandt</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="/">The 1938 Swedish child allowance and its short-term effects</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Louise Cormack</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 4: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson">Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/tobias_karlsson_conceptualizing_and_measuring_reti">Conceptualizing and measuring retirement in historical micro-level data</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Tobias Karlsson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/johan_ericsson_local_level_state_capacity_in_swede">Local level state capacity in Sweden in the 19th century</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Johan Ericsson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jaco_zuijderduijn_old_age_pensions_and_retirement_">Old age, pensions and retirement before the welfare state</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jaco Zuijderduijn</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 4: The long road to the welfare state... and beyond: retirement, old-age provision and eldercare in the past and present organized by Jaco Zuijderduijn and Tobias Karlsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi">Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/odinn_melsted_the_business_of_renewable_energy_dev">The Business of Renewable Energy Development: The Oil Industry and Geothermal Energy in Iceland and California, 1960s-1970s</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Odinn Melsted</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/oyvind_h_nordbotten_perceived_resources_for_batter">Perceived Resources for Battery Manufacturing in Norway</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Øyvind H. Nordbotten</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/philipp_jonas_kreutzer_shades_of_green_in_the_swed">Shades of Green in the Swedish Forest-Based Bioeconomy Transition</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Philipp Jonas Kreutzer</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 4: Sustainability and energy transitions in economic and business history organized by Mattias Näsman and Josef Taalbi coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson">Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/josef_taalbi_public_policies_electrification_and_e">Public policies, electrification and electric vehicle adoption: A comparative case study of Chicago</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Josef Taalbi</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Alexandra López Cermeño</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jan_ottosson_sas_and_the_cold_war">SAS and the Cold War</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jan Ottosson</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Lars Fälting</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anna_lindgren_the_state_as_gardener__the_state_as_">The State as Gardener – the State as Structure</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Lindgren</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 4: Structured by the State – infrastructure and communication in the era of industrialization organized by Björn Hasselgren and Jan Ottosson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/elin_astrom_rudberg_explorers_and_creators_of_mark">Explorers and creators of markets - Market research and public relations in Sweden 1980s to 1990s</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Elin Åström Rudberg</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_bengtsson_the_politics_of_profits_profit_sque">The politics of profits: Profit squeeze and macroeconomic management in Sweden, 1975–1985</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Bengtsson</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/charlotte_nilsson_work_life_as_an_arena_for_neolib">Work life as an arena for neoliberal subjectification: The case of personal time management in Sweden during the 1980s</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Charlotte Nilsson</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 4: The Neoliberal Shift organized by Jonas Ljungberg and Erik Bengtsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen)">Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen)</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anthony_smythe_growth_and_resilience_theory_a_new_">Growth and Resilience Theory: A new way of conceptualising convergence dynamics.</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anthony Smythe</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/cristian_ducoing_is_economic_growth_sustainable_co">Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Conflicting Signals from International Organisations</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Cristián Ducoing</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Eoin McLaughlin and Nick Hanley</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kerstin_enflo_swedish_historical__national_account">Swedish Historical National Accounts 2023 Update, Revision and Underlying Principles</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kerstin Enflo</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 4: Historical national accounts organized by Svante Prado and Kerstin Enflo (session moved to Stora Salen) coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Charlie Nilsson, Kerstin Enflo, Håkan Lobell, Olle Krantz</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-5" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-5">Session 5</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="uylzrsgntv" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom">Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/valeria_lukkari_income_inequality_and_its_drivers_">Income inequality and its drivers in colonial Kenya, 1921-1960</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Valeria Lukkari</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Maria Mwaipopo Fibaek</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/diego_castaneda_garza_moderate_opulence_the_evolut">Moderate Opulence: The Evolution of Wealth inequality in Mexico in its first century of independence</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Diego Castañeda Garza</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sara_torregrosahetland_the_distributive_effects_of">The distributive effects of consumption taxes</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sara Torregrosa-Hetland</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 5: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Oriol Sabaté</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka">Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/peter_gladoic_hakansson_changing_values_on_sexual_">Changing values on sexual behaviours in South-East Europe 1995–2020</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Peter Gladoic Håkansson</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Dubravka Gladoic Håkansson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kelly_ragan_sex_and_the_single_girl_the_pill_and_a">Sex and the Single Girl: The Pill and a Century of Unwed Childbearing</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kelly Ragan</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/volha_lazuka_lifecycle_effects_of_sex_education">Life-cycle effects of sex education</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Volha Lazuka</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 5: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Annika Elwert</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani">Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/finni_jo_erdmann_do_women_patent_differently__the_">Do women patent differently - the patent system of the GDR</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Finni Jo Erdmann</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sophia_rishyna_women_jews_and_foreigners_a_data_an">Women, Jews, and Foreigners. A Data Analysis of Minority Inventorship in Nazi Germany</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sophia Rishyna</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/youssouf_merouani_women_inventors_an_exploration_o">Women inventors: an exploration of French patents 1791-1900</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Youssouf Merouani</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 5: Leading Change: Female Pioneers in Patenting and Inventing organized by Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Faustine Perrin</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern">Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/clara_dallairefortier_natural_resource_constraint_">Natural Resource Constraint on Fiscal Capacity: Evidence from Canadian Municipalities</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Clara Dallaire-Fortier</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Giacomo Rella</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kristin_ranestad_the_value_of_practical_knowledge_">The value of practical knowledge: Skilled workrs’ job switching within, to and from mining in Norway from ca. 1787 to 1940</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kristin Ranestad</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/pal_thonstad_sandvik_this_land_is_my_land_a_global">This land is my land: A Global and Comparative History of Regulation of Agricultural Land c. 1789-1913</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Pål Thonstad Sandvik</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 5: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Pål Thonstad Sandvik</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson">Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/adrien_montalbo_freehold_land_resistance_to_author">Freehold Land, Resistance To Authoritarianism and Support for Democracy: Evidence from France</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Adrien Montalbo</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_bengtsson_the_social_origins_of_democracy_and">The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Bengtsson</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 5: Land and the political economy organized by Klas Eriksson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Felix Kersting (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/marcus_falk_consumption_patterns_and_living_standa">Consumption patterns and living standards in towns around the Baltic, c. 1540-1860: Probate Evidence from Three Towns in Denmark and Southern Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Marcus Falk</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Bengtsson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/hedvig_widmalm_det_svenska_spinnhusets_ekonomi_172">Det svenska spinnhusets ekonomi, 1724 – 1825</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Hedvig Widmalm</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/docent_anders_perlinge_institutet_for_ekonomiskhis">Likvida affärer. Ored Olsson i Grönhult, Villands Vånga, och brännvinsekonomin vid 1800-talets mitt.</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Docent Anders Perlinge, Institutet för Ekonomisk-historisk och Företagshistorisk Forskning (EHFF), Handelshögskolan i Stockholm</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 5: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall">Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/therese_christoffersson_arbetsmarknadens_osynliga_">Arbetsmarknadens osynliga händer: Icke-offentlig förmedling av arbetare i och från Sverige 1850–1942</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Therese Christoffersson</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sofi_vedin_avlonat_hushallsarbete_i_sverige_189019">Avlönat hushållsarbete i Sverige 1890-1939</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sofi Vedin</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/arvand_mirsafian_en_kamp_om_produktionen_arbetare_">En kamp om produktionen. Arbetare och rationaliseringspolitik i Sverige 1920–1950</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Arvand Mirsafian</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 5: Labour and workers in Sweden since approx. 1850 (in Swedish) organized by Fia Sundevall coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-6" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-6">Session 6</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="owxajwgyum" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom">Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/peter_courtney_invisible_borders__persisting_scars">Invisible Borders – Persisting Scars: How the Apartheid Homelands Define Contemporary South Africa</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Peter Courtney</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/diego_castaneda_garza_what_we_gained_that_time_we_">What we gained that time we lost so much</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Diego Castañeda Garza</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sergio Silva Castañeda</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_green_understanding_wage_discrimination_in_a_">Understanding wage discrimination in a settler colony: Khoesan wages in nineteenth century Cape Colony</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Green</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 6: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Calumet Links</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka">Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anna_inez_bergman_advertising_birth_control_the_co">Advertising Birth Control: The contraceptive business and sex education in Sweden 1910–1938</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Inez Bergman</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Inez Bergman</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kelly_ragan_the_power_of_the_pill_evidence_from_or">The Power of the Pill: Evidence from Oral Contraceptive Sales</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">kelly ragan</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 6: The role of educational policy, sex education and contraceptives for gender equality organized by Annika Elwert and Volha Lazuka coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson">Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/marcos_castillo_gender_migration_and_labor_market_">Gender, migration and labor market: Swedish migration to the US at the turn of the 20th century.</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Marcos Castillo</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/perolof_gronberg_remaining_in_the_northern_future_">Remaining in the Northern ”Future Country”? Migration patterns among graduates from the technical secondary school in Härnösand, 1901-1971</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Per-Olof Grönberg</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Fay Lundh Nilsson</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jonatan_andersson_the_urban_premium_during_industr">The Urban Premium During Industrialization: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migration in Sweden</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonatan Andersson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 6: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jakob Molinder</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern">Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kasper_hage_stjern_societal_interests_demands_that">"Societal Interests demands that this splendor remains in the hands of the village”: The Issue of Usage and Ownership of Norwegian Mountain Ranges, 1915-1940.</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kasper Hage Stjern</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/andreas_rd_sanders_the_making_and_breaking_of_an_i">The making and breaking of an “international order” of mineral extraction in the long 19th century</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Andreas R.D. Sanders</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 6: There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough: Ownership, redistribution, and extraction of natural resources, 1800-2000 organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson">Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/erik_thosteman_forging_a_cultural_economy_swedisha">Forging a cultural economy: Swedish-American publishing networks and organizations in the mid-west 1860-1880</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Erik Thosteman</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="/">Exogenous Shock Creates Organisational and Structural Change: The impact of Covid-19 on the Swedish business sector</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Rickard Björnemalm</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anders Houltz and Hans Sjögren</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/hans_sjogren_the_art_of_surviving_as_a_family_busi">The art of surviving as a family business – the Nordic case</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Hans Sjögren</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 6: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/christina_dackling_two_pairs_of_cotton_socks_and_1">“Two pairs of cotton socks, and 1 ditto worn.” - Cotton consumption households in Karlskrona at the turn of the 1800s.</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Christina Dackling</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/henrik_forsberg_relieving_famine_northern_sweden_v">Relieving famine. Northern Sweden (Västerbotten) during the 1860s: Local, Regional and Comparative Perspectives.</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Henrik Forsberg</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 6: Pre-Industrial Households and Markets organized by Marcus Falk coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Magnus Bohman</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani">Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="/">Innovation networks during the French industrialization – Working with historical text data at scale</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Youssouf Merouani</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jonas_kreutzer_mastering_digital_research_methods_">Mastering Digital Research Methods for Economic Historians: Unlocking Efficiency and Collaboration</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonas Kreutzer</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jonathan_jayes_wired_for_success_swedens_electrica">Wired for Success: Sweden's Electrical Innovators in the Age of Industrial Transformation</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonathan Jayes</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 6: The application of cutting edge technology to economic history research organized by Jonathan Jayes, Jonas Kreutzer, Youssouf Merouani coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="session-7" class="level3 page-columns page-full"> <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="session-7">Session 7</h3> <div class="cell page-columns page-full"> <div class="cell-output-display column-page"> <div id="csfzyjabiu" style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:auto;width:auto;height:auto;"> <style>html { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', Arial, sans-serif; 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font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom">Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/stefania_galli_destined_to_the_top_intergeneration">Destined to the top? Intergenerational wealth transmission and elite persistence in the Caribbean at turbulent times (1760-1914)</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Stefania Galli</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Dimitrios Thedoridis and Klas Rönnbäck</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/sascha_klocke_social_tables_for_tanganyika_1925195">Social Tables for Tanganyika, 1925-1957</a></td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Sascha Klocke</td> <td headers="Gustafscenen Session 7: Global inequality – levels and trends organized by Ellen Hillbom coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan">Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/nicolas_maughan_a_weakened_society_plague_economy_">A Weakened Society? Plague, Economy and Social Resilience in Early 18th-Century Provence</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Nicolas Maughan</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/anna_tegunimataka_department_of_economic_history_l">Island Women and the Obesity Transition: Examining SES, Ethnicity and Economic Development</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Tegunimataka (Department of Economic History, Lund University)</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Omar Karlsson (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/nikolaos_prodromidis_the_effect_of_strikes_on_heal">The Effect of Strikes on Health</a></td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Nikolaos Prodromidis</td> <td headers="Källarsalen Session 7: Health crises: plagues and strikes organized by Nicolas Maughan coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson">Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/oliver_wach_building_socialism_on_abandoned_land_t">Building Socialism on Abandoned Land: The Long-term Impact of Deportations in South-East Poland</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Oliver Wach</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/fatima_de_arriba_moreno_migrant_selection_and_labo">Migrant selection and labor outcomes of Non-Western immigrants in Sweden and Denmark after the 2002 Danish reforms</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Fátima de Arriba Moreno</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Anna Tegunimataka and Jonas Helgertz</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/jonatan_andersson_the_returns_to_migration_interna">The Returns to Migration: Internal Migration and Intergenerational Mobility in Sweden, 1880-1940</a></td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Jonatan Andersson</td> <td headers="Lilla salen Session 7: Historical Perspectives on Migration organized by Jonatan Andersson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern">Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/malin_dahlstrom_cartels_for_building_materials_as_">Cartels for building materials as construction foundations for building large corporations</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Malin Dahlström</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/henric_haggqvist_drivers_of_market_concentration_i">Drivers of market concentration in the Swedish brewery sector, 1910-1990</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Henric Häggqvist</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/kasper_hage_stjern_intermediaries_of_cartelization">Intermediaries of Cartelization: The Regional Circuits of the Norwegian and Swedish Brewery Cartels, 1906-1956</a></td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Kasper Hage Stjern</td> <td headers="Nya Fest Session 7: Levels of Cartelization: Scandinavian Perspectives on the Role Cartelization in Business Development organized by Kasper Hage Stjern coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson">Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/staffan_albinsson_i_am_doing_divinely_jenny_linds_">‘I am doing divinely’ Jenny Lind’s financial legacy</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Staffan Albinsson</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/matteo_pompermaier_a_family_affair_financial_strat">A family affair: financial strategies and intergenerational wealth accumulation among the Swedish nobility (18th and 19th centuries).</a></td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Matteo Pompermaier</td> <td headers="Sångsalen Session 7: Families, business and wealth organized by Staffan Albinsson coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Martin Dackling</td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack">Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/marcus_falk_lifecycle_impact_on_consumption_in_sou">Life-cycle impact on consumption in southern Sweden, probate evidence from southern Sweden c. 1680-1860</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Marcus Falk</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/malin_nilsson_shortterm_variation_in_urban_breadwi">Short-term variation in urban breadwinner incomes as a determinant for the earnings of their spouse and children: Sweden 1913-14</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Malin Nilsson</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Stefan Öberg</td></tr> <tr><td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/panel_debate_panel_debate_on_life_cycles_incomes_a">Panel debate on Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship</a></td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Panel debate</td> <td headers="Lilla Sparbanksfoajén Session 7: Life cycles incomes and relief during stages of economic hardship organized by Anton Svensson and Louise Cormack coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr class="gt_group_heading_row"> <th colspan="3" class="gt_group_heading" style="background-color: #95ACC6; font-weight: bold;" scope="colgroup" id="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall">Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall</th> </tr> <tr class="gt_row_group_first"><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/michael_funke_moderate_advertising_the_historical_">Moderate advertising The historical development of the regulation of alcohol advertising in Sweden 1950–2003</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Michael Funke</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> <tr><td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall title" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"><a href="abstracts/nikolas_glover_paying_the_price_for_protecting_con">Paying the price for protecting consumption: the business history of the coffee trade in Sweden during WWII</a></td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall authors_name" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;">Nikolas Glover</td> <td headers="Kerstins Rum Session 7: History of consumption organized by Fia Sundevall coauthors" class="gt_row gt_left" style="background-color: #F4F9F9;"></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </main> <!-- /main --> <script id="quarto-html-after-body" type="application/javascript"> window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { const toggleBodyColorMode = (bsSheetEl) => { const mode = bsSheetEl.getAttribute("data-mode"); 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