10,000 Birds: Birding, blogging, conservation, and commentary
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It offers a fantastic insight into the lives of Harris’s Hawks, the Sonoran Desert and its creatures. Please see below for more details. The National Geographic WILD TV network is debuting Aerial Assassins, hosted by James Currie on Friday, January 20, [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Best Bird of the Weekend (Third Weekend of 2012)">Best Bird of the Weekend (Third Weekend of 2012)</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>What a splendid weekend! With superb American playoff football all weekend long, I hardly noticed the bitter arrival of authentic winter weather or the apparent absence of non-corvid avifauna in my immediate vicinity. But who cares, right? As a Giant fan, I enjoyed my fill of meaningless entertainment this weekend. Oh, you’d rather talk about [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c2 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="The Definition of Harrier">The Definition of Harrier</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>In the dictionary, the word harry is defined as meaning to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by repeated attacks. Randy Finley of Wildlifist generously shares with us a photo series that shows exactly how the Northern Harrier earned its evocative name… On a recent chilly late December morning, I was visiting the Lower [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Australian Owlet-nightjar">Australian Owlet-nightjar</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Last Sunday we went for a short drive to the east of Broome to see if we could find some sunshine! The rain has been great for the land and everywhere is turning green. You do need to be careful of cattle wandering across the highway, as the grass always looks greener on the other [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c3 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Noon Blog at Space Coast">Noon Blog at Space Coast</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>The event that I am most looking forward to at the 15th Annual Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival is the “Noon Blog” that I will have the great pleasure of facilitating. I love meeting other nature bloggers and have had the great pleasure of birding and otherwise spending time with a host of other [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Social Media for Bird Bloggers – What is Just Right?">Social Media for Bird Bloggers – What is Just Right?</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>As a bird blogger in these days of the social-media-heavy internet it is important to properly calibrate your blog’s social media presence. Too little material appearing on Facebook, Twitter, and Google + and your blog is likely to not get the attention it rightfully deserves. Too many links posted all over the place and your [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c4 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="New Zealand Storm-petrels; Back from the Dead">New Zealand Storm-petrels; Back from the Dead</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>There are few stories in ornithology I enjoy more than those of a Lazarus taxon, a species thought to be extinct being found alive and well in some hidden part of the world. There is a depressing finality about extinction, but knowing when for certain something is extinct is an imprecise science and on occasion we’ve gotten it spectacularly wrong. Jerdon’s [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Machi the Whimbrel Gunned Down by Hunters">Machi the Whimbrel Gunned Down by Hunters</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Scientists at The Center for Conservation Biology have announced that Machi, a Whimbrel that they have tracked via a satellite transmitter for over two years and 44,000 kilometers (27,000 miles) was gunned down on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe (French West Indies). This is a bird that flew over 3,400 miles in one flight from [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c5 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Birds of Prey Stamps">Birds of Prey Stamps</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Come 20 January 2012 birders will have reason to be philatelists as well. That’s because the United States Postal Service will be releasing a set of five stamps, illustrated by Robert Giusti, featuring birds of prey. The five lucky birds are Northern Goshawk, Peregrine Falcon, Golden Eagle, Osprey, and Northern Harrier. Check them out below! [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="What can I say…..">What can I say…..</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Time for some poetry! What can I say about Roebuck Bay… The pindan cliffs, the miles of sea A seabed full of history. What can I say about Roebuck Bay… The tide is in and the fishermen stand The hermit crabs are crossing the sand What can I say about Roebuck Bay… The tide goes [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c6 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Review of Your Backyard">Review of Your Backyard</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>I must say that I never expected us at 10,000 Birds to receive an email asking us if we wanted to review a DVD made from a company dedicated to producing “children’s nature resources (from a Creation perspective).” After all, my views on creationism are pretty darn clear. Nonetheless, I thought it might be interesting [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution – A Review by a Sometime Jersey Birder">The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution – A Review by a Sometime Jersey Birder</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>It’s tough being a New Jersey birder. Jersey has always gotten a bad rap in general (the smells of the turnpike, the Jersey shore, the governor), and in the world of birding, the state often seems to be symbolized by two words: Cape May. And yes, Cape May is incredibly wonderful, with its hawk watch [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c7 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Of Whiskey Jacks and Water Ouzels">Of Whiskey Jacks and Water Ouzels</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>There’s a reason why the name of Linnaeus is still spoken with respect more than two centuries after his death. Giving organisms standard names allowed precise communication across cultures and languages. In the birding community, standardization of common names has followed, and is an on-going project (with mixed success.) This is obviously very useful as [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="What’s in a name?">What’s in a name?</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Last week I discussed the somewhat dated kakariki taxonomy used in the recent edition of the Parrots of the World by Jospeh Forshaw. My second grumble about these small parakeets and this book is not actually particularly restricted to the book, it’s actually a ubiquitous problem related to the name of one of the species [...]</p></div></div></div><div class="c c8 tab-content"><div class="post odd"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="No Snow on Long Island">No Snow on Long Island</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Saturday was set aside for birding. Redgannet was in town and had all day to get out looking for birds so I had booked us for the pelagic trip out of Freeport and our plan was to find his life Snowy Owl and then get on the boat and enjoy a host of alcids, gulls, [...]</p></div></div><div class="post even"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Raptors at Botrosa Road">Raptors at Botrosa Road</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>While Birding the Choco Region near Esmeraldas we had an amazing day with many raptors at the Botrosa Road. We had some very nice looks at Black Hawk-Eagle, Semiplumbeous Hawk, Double toothed Kite, Laughing Falcon, and two others not yet positively identified. Black Hawk-Eagle Semiplumbeous Hawk Laughing Falcon Double-toothed Kite</p></div></div></div></div></div> <script type="text/javascript">function startGallery() { var myGallery = new gallery($("myGallery"), { timed: true, delay: 6000, showArrows: true, showCarousel: false }); } window.onDomReady(startGallery);</script> <div id="myGallery" class="section"><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="The Definition of Harrier">The Definition of Harrier</a></h3><p>In the dictionary, the word harry is defined as meaning to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by repeated attacks. Randy Finley of Wildlifist generously... <a href="" title="The Definition of Harrier"></a></p> <a href="" title="The Definition of Harrier" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="The Definition of Harrier" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Short">Short</a></h3><p>I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for owls. Wander through my front door and glance upwards and you’ll find at least two watching you, a Tawny Owl and a Barn... <a href="" title="Short"></a></p> <a href="" title="Short" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Short" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Australian Owlet-nightjar">Australian Owlet-nightjar</a></h3><p>Last Sunday we went for a short drive to the east of Broome to see if we could find some sunshine! The rain has been great for the land and everywhere... <a href="" title="Australian Owlet-nightjar"></a></p> <a href="" title="Australian Owlet-nightjar" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Australian Owlet-nightjar" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Raptors at Botrosa Road">Raptors at Botrosa Road</a></h3><p>While Birding the Choco Region near Esmeraldas we had an amazing day with many raptors at the Botrosa Road. We had some very nice looks at Black Hawk-Eagle,... <a href="" title="Raptors at Botrosa Road"></a></p> <a href="" title="Raptors at Botrosa Road" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Raptors at Botrosa Road" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="When will the Pluvialis tundra plovers get their own family?">When will the Pluvialis tundra plovers get their own family?</a></h3><p>The air was thick and clammy, and mosquitoes were biting along Louisiana’s Mermentau River last Thursday morning,... <a href="" title="When will the Pluvialis tundra plovers get their own family?"></a></p> <a href="" title="When will the Pluvialis tundra plovers get their own family?" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="When will the Pluvialis tundra plovers get their own family?" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Sometimes you get the bird…">Sometimes you get the bird…</a></h3><p>I was going to continue talking about birding in Sydney today, but an incident on Friday needs to be addressed quickly, before the immediacy of... <a href="" title="Sometimes you get the bird…"></a></p> <a href="" title="Sometimes you get the bird…" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Sometimes you get the bird…" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds">Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds</a></h3><p>The family Picathartidae consists of two very unusual birds; White-necked or Yellow-headed Picathartes, endemic to the Upper Guinea forests... <a href="" title="Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds"></a></p> <a href="" title="Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds" class="full feature-full"/></div><div class="imageElement"><h3><a href="" title="Goliath Herons at Lake Panic">Goliath Herons at Lake Panic</a></h3><p>The evocatively named Lake Panic is overlooked by a thatched, rustic style hide in one of the most delicious settings that a birder is ever likely to... <a href="" title="Goliath Herons at Lake Panic"></a></p> <a href="" title="Goliath Herons at Lake Panic" class="open"></a> <img src="" alt="Goliath Herons at Lake Panic" class="full feature-full"/></div></div><div id="excerpts" class="section"><div class="post "><h2 class="section-header">Newest Posts</h2><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="National Geographic launches Birding TV Show">National Geographic launches Birding TV Show</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by James" rel="author">James</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 17, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> No comments yet<div class="entry"><p>Ok, so I’m unashamedly promoting my new show on National Geographic WILD in this post. It offers a fantastic insight into the lives of Harris’s Hawks, the Sonoran Desert and its creatures. Please see below for more details. The National Geographic WILD TV network is debuting Aerial Assassins, hosted by James Currie on Friday, January 20, [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="The Definition of Harrier">The Definition of Harrier</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by a Guest" rel="author">a Guest</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 16, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 1 comment<div class="entry"><p>In the dictionary, the word harry is defined as meaning to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by repeated attacks. Randy Finley of Wildlifist generously shares with us a photo series that shows exactly how the Northern Harrier earned its evocative name… On a recent chilly late December morning, I was visiting the Lower [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Bye to Bill">Bye to Bill</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Corey" rel="author">Corey</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 16, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 1 comment<div class="entry"><p>Bill Thompson III, also known as Bill of the Birds, will be leaving 10,000 Birds because he just can’t keep up with the vigor of bird blogging at the fast paced, deadline-driven environment of 10,000 Birds. Or maybe it had something to do with rasing a family, having a day job, and trying to get some books [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="No Snow on Long Island">No Snow on Long Island</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Corey" rel="author">Corey</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 16, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 7 comments<div class="entry"><p>Saturday was set aside for birding. Redgannet was in town and had all day to get out looking for birds so I had booked us for the pelagic trip out of Freeport and our plan was to find his life Snowy Owl and then get on the boat and enjoy a host of alcids, gulls, [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Best Bird of the Weekend (Third Weekend of 2012)">Best Bird of the Weekend (Third Weekend of 2012)</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Mike" rel="author">Mike</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 16, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 14 comments<div class="entry"><p>What a splendid weekend! With superb American playoff football all weekend long, I hardly noticed the bitter arrival of authentic winter weather or the apparent absence of non-corvid avifauna in my immediate vicinity. But who cares, right? As a Giant fan, I enjoyed my fill of meaningless entertainment this weekend. Oh, you’d rather talk about [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Short">Short</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Alan" rel="author">Alan</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 15, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 4 comments<div class="entry"><p>I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for owls. Wander through my front door and glance upwards and you’ll find at least two watching you, a Tawny Owl and a Barn Owl, both sadly gathered as roadkills. Above our fireplace is a large painting of a Barn Owl. The current header image of [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Australian Owlet-nightjar">Australian Owlet-nightjar</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Clare M" rel="author">Clare M</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 15, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 8 comments<div class="entry"><p>Last Sunday we went for a short drive to the east of Broome to see if we could find some sunshine! The rain has been great for the land and everywhere is turning green. You do need to be careful of cattle wandering across the highway, as the grass always looks greener on the other [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="How To Cure Ornithophobia">How To Cure Ornithophobia</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Corey" rel="author">Corey</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 15, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> No comments yet<div class="entry"><p>Basic Instructions is awesome and this comic, How to Face Your Fear, is no exception.</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="How Much Garbage?">How Much Garbage?</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Corey" rel="author">Corey</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 14, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 4 comments<div class="entry"><p>Give a big thanks to Nicole for doing her part to keep a beach in Kuwait clean (and click through to be shocked by the accumulation of garbage – an unbelievable amount of trash for a pretty wealthy country).</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="CSI: Backyard Bird Banditry">CSI: Backyard Bird Banditry</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Mike" rel="author">Mike</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 14, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 13 comments<div class="entry"><p>At approximately 9am on January 13, an avian act of violence occurred in a suburban backyard in eastern North America. Who was the predator and who was the prey? The following photo is your only piece of evidence beyond date, time, and location. Leave your guesses in the comments section. The first person to correctly [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Review of Your Backyard">Review of Your Backyard</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Corey" rel="author">Corey</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 13, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 7 comments<div class="entry"><p>I must say that I never expected us at 10,000 Birds to receive an email asking us if we wanted to review a DVD made from a company dedicated to producing “children’s nature resources (from a Creation perspective).” After all, my views on creationism are pretty darn clear. Nonetheless, I thought it might be interesting [...]</p></div></div><div class="post "><h2 class="post-title"><a href="" title="The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution – A Review by a Sometime Jersey Birder">The Birds of New Jersey: Status and Distribution – A Review by a Sometime Jersey Birder</a></h2> By <a href="" title="Posts by Donna" rel="author">Donna</a> <font color="#FBB917">•</font> January 13, 2012 <font color="#FBB917">•</font> 4 comments<div class="entry"><p>It’s tough being a New Jersey birder. Jersey has always gotten a bad rap in general (the smells of the turnpike, the Jersey shore, the governor), and in the world of birding, the state often seems to be symbolized by two words: Cape May. And yes, Cape May is incredibly wonderful, with its hawk watch [...]</p></div></div></div><div id="home-custom-2" class="welcome"><h3>Welcome to 10,000 Birds</h3><p>Welcome to 10,000 Birds, your source for birding, blogging, conservation, commentary, and so much more. We'd like it to be as easy as possible to find what you're looking for, so check out our suggestions below. 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Read our strong yet well-informed opinions on <a href="/web/20120117175448/">blogging</a>, <a href="/web/20120117175448/">politics</a>, and <a href="/web/20120117175448/">food</a>. 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Or maybe it had something to do with rasing a family, having a day job, and trying to get some books published. You can find him out at his retirement farm, otherwise known as <a title="Bill of the BIrds" href="">his original blog</a>, talking about the good old days and yelling at birds to get on his lawn.</p><p>We’ll miss BT3, and are glad that <a title="10,000 Birds Archives for Bill Thompson" href="">the archives of his Offbeat Birding beat</a> are still here to peruse (and even more glad that he might occasionally do a guest post here). Good luck, <a title="Bill of the Birds" href="">Bill of the Birds</a>!</p></div></div><div id="recent-post-45135" class="post"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="How To Cure Ornithophobia">How To Cure Ornithophobia</a></h3><div class="entry"><p><em>Basic Instructions</em> is awesome and this comic, <a title="Basic Instructions: How to Face Your Fear" href="">How to Face Your Fear</a>, is no exception.</p></div></div><div id="recent-post-45132" class="post"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="How Much Garbage?">How Much Garbage?</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Give a big thanks to Nicole for <a title="Mother Nature: Beach Clean-up Sulaibikhat 3, Kuwait, January 13th 2012" href="">doing her part to keep a beach in Kuwait clean</a> (and click through to be shocked by the accumulation of garbage – an unbelievable amount of trash for a pretty wealthy country).</p></div></div><div id="recent-post-44998" class="post"><h3 class="post-title"><a href="" title="Breaking News About Ducks’ Decision Making Process">Breaking News About Ducks’ Decision Making Process</a></h3><div class="entry"><p>Who <a title="Thinking Duck" href="">would’ve thunk it</a>?</p></div></div></div></div><div class="menu"><div class="textwidget">Corey's 2012 Year List - <a href="/web/20120117175448/" title="Corey - 2012 Year List">102</a><br/> Jochen's 2012 Year List - <a href="/web/20120117175448/" title="Jochen - 2012 Year List">53</a><br/> Clare M's 2012 Year List - <a href="/web/20120117175448/" title="Clare M - 2012 Year List">140</a><br/></div></div><div class="menu"><div class="textwidget"><p align="center"><a href="" title="I and the Bird - the blog carnival about wild birds and birding"><img src="/web/20120117175448im_/"></a></p><p><center><a href=""><img src="" alt="Check out the Nature Blog Network" border="0"/> </a> <a href=",175"><img src="" alt="Nature Blog Network - The toplist for every species of nature blog" width="88" height="31" border="0"></a></p><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites" border="0"/></a></p><p><center><a href=""><img src="" alt="Green Top Sites - Ranking the Best Green Sites on the Internet" border="0"/></a></p><p><center><a href=""><img src="" alt="All Green Sites" border="0"/></a></p> <br\><a href=""><img src="" alt="Green Life Buzz" title="Green Life Buzz" border="0"/></a></div></div></div></div><div id="footer"><p class="left"> Copyright © 2012 <a href="" title="10,000 Birds">10,000 Birds</a>. 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