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big-tab" href="" data-target="#top20-tab" data-term="114" data-nojs="true" data-small-cat="true" > <h1>Best Maintenance Management Software - CMMS in 2024</h1> </a> <a class="page-category__tab " href="" data-target="#top10-tab" data-term="114">Product Comparisons</a> </div> </div> <div id="dynamic-tab-content"> <div id="cat-top20" class="page-category__tab-content"> <div id="category-top20" class="category category--white flex-order" data-cat="114"> <div id="category-what-is" class="main-container order-2 content-visibility"> <div class="category__sections no-border"> <h3><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--what-is"></span>What is Maintenance Management Software - CMMS?</h3> <p>Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is designed to act as a database that contains information about your business maintenance activities. You can use this data to help your maintenance team do their assignments more effectively, for instance, they can select the machines that need maintenance and decide which storerooms have the parts necessary to repair them.<a href="#" class="show-more-js">Show more</a><span class="show-more-hidden"> The software can also help managers to make the right decisions, for instance, they can determine the cost of fixing machine breakdowns in comparison to the cost of precaution maintenance for all machines. CMMS information is also used to confirm regulatory compliance. Start by checking our leader <a href=''>eMaint</a>, and other recommended solutions in this category.<a href="#" class="show-less-js">Show less</a></span></p> <h3 id="category-how"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--ranking"></span>How was this ranking made?</h3> <p>To come up with this list of best Maintenance Management Software - CMMS we have checked 54 trending apps currently present on the market, comparing their features, ease of implementation, client support, offered integrations as well as mobile device support with our patented <a href="" title="Scoring Methodology">SmartScore<sup>TM</sup></a> rating system. This ranking has been prepared by Jenny Chang, our SaaS authority dedicated to the Maintenance Management Software - CMMS category.</p> </div> </div> <div class="main-container order-1"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="cats-tabs tabs"> <div class="cats-tabs__content"> <div id="cats-0" class="cats-tabs__content-inner tabs-content active"> <div class="category__rank"> <div class="category__rank-head"> <h3>List of Top 13 Maintenance Management Software - CMMS</h3> <div class="category__rank-sort"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="114" data-size="small_business" data-count="13" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="small_business_box"> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2VtYWludC8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9bWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zeXN0ZW1z"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="eMaint reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-18445" data-id="18445" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-18445">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="eMaint"> <span>1. </span> eMaint </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>eMaint aims to help organizations around the globe implement world-class maintenance operations with its cloud-based software solutions. It comes equipped with everything, from work order management and asset monitoring to preventive maintenance and operational reporting. In this way, you can implement proactive and data-based maintenance management strategies. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL2VtYWludC8=" class=" btn" >VISIT WEBSITE</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3dyaWtlLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1tYWludGVuYW5jZS1tYW5hZ2VtZW50LXN5c3RlbXM="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Wrike reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-379" data-id="379" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-379">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Wrike"> <span>2. </span> Wrike </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.7</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">99%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A collaboration software with user-friendly navigation and flexible project views for easier project management. It gives you a bird's eye view of your projects to get a better feel of the progress of your efforts. Moreover, its powerful reporting and analytics tools also help you generate accurate reports with actionable insights. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL3dyaWtlLWNtbXMv" class=" btn" >VISIT WEBSITE</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2NsaWNrLW1haW50LWNtbXMvI2NhdGVnb3J5PW1haW50ZW5hbmNlLW1hbmFnZW1lbnQtc3lzdGVtcw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Click Maint CMMS reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-379366" data-id="379366" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-379366">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Click Maint CMMS"> <span>3. </span> Click Maint CMMS </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.9</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A powerful, user-friendly maintenance management solution with extensive features, key integrations, and a flexible pricing structure, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of businesses across industries.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL2NsaWNrbWFpbnRjbW1zLw==" class=" btn" >VISIT WEBSITE</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL21haW50YWlueC8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9bWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zeXN0ZW1z"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="MaintainX reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-372362" data-id="372362" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-372362">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="MaintainX"> <span>4. </span> MaintainX </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.6</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A free, cloud-based CMMS that streamlines maintenance and operations in diverse industries. It simplifies work order management, inventory management, asset management, and preventive and facility maintenance by leveraging advanced tools, including AI.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL21haW50YWlueC8=" class=" btn" >VISIT WEBSITE</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL21hbmFnZXJwbHVzLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1tYWludGVuYW5jZS1tYW5hZ2VtZW50LXN5c3RlbXM="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="ManagerPlus reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-32131" data-id="32131" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-32131">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="ManagerPlus"> <span>5. </span> ManagerPlus </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">94%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>An enterprise asset management solution designed to reduce operation costs by combining the functions of asset management, maintenance, and inventory management in a single platform. This user-friendly application comes in five separate modules: inspection module, work order management, preventive maintenance, asset management, and inventory management.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2hpcHBvLWNtbXMvI2NhdGVnb3J5PW1haW50ZW5hbmNlLW1hbmFnZW1lbnQtc3lzdGVtcw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Hippo CMMS reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-18372" data-id="18372" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-18372">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Hippo CMMS"> <span>6. </span> Hippo CMMS </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>This CMMS helps companies manage tasks and projects related to maintenance operations. It is ideal for field services businesses for automating work orders, vendor management, facility management, and the likes. With specialized analytics for maintenance projects, it can help businesses extend asset life and decrease response times for critical orders.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2R1ZGUtc29sdXRpb25zLXRlY2hub2xvZ3ktbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zb2Z0d2FyZS8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9bWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zeXN0ZW1z"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Dude Solutions reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-92759" data-id="92759" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-92759">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Dude Solutions"> <span>7. </span> Dude Solutions </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>An innovative and market-leading operations management solution. Dude Solutions automates and streamlines the workflows to generate valuable information and make data-driven decisions to improve your business operations by focusing on the core business aspects, namely work and assets, technology, energy, events, and capital forecasting.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2ZpaXgvI2NhdGVnb3J5PW1haW50ZW5hbmNlLW1hbmFnZW1lbnQtc3lzdGVtcw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Fiix reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-50965" data-id="50965" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-50965">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Fiix"> <span>8. </span> Fiix </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.5</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A CMMS built for easier collaboration, project management, and task tracking. It helps companies manage maintenance projects and orders. With modules for preventive maintenance, work orders, and inventory management, it helps users extend asset lifespan and avoid major breakdowns. Fiix is fitted with collaboration tools for easy team management and reporting. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3Vwa2VlcC8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9bWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zeXN0ZW1z"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="UpKeep reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-29489" data-id="29489" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-29489">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="UpKeep"> <span>9. </span> UpKeep </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.5</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A compact CMMS that offers robust solutions to streamline asset and maintenance management. Among its features are tools for deploying and managing work orders and requests, inventory management, PM scheduling. Also included are automation and tracking solutions for warranty, time, cost, and depreciation values, reporting, and QR coding.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2NvcnJpZ28vI2NhdGVnb3J5PW1haW50ZW5hbmNlLW1hbmFnZW1lbnQtc3lzdGVtcw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Corrigo reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-32058" data-id="32058" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-32058">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Corrigo"> <span>10. </span> Corrigo </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.3</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">99%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Corrigo is a maintenance management software tool that enables you to take control over your facility management unit and make smarter decisions. This application uses its work order network features for asset, property, and inventory maintenance in order to reduce operating costs and accelerate the functionality of workflows and processes. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2Fzc2V0LWluZmluaXR5LyNjYXRlZ29yeT1tYWludGVuYW5jZS1tYW5hZ2VtZW50LXN5c3RlbXM="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Asset Infinity reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-30976" data-id="30976" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-30976">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Asset Infinity"> <span>11. </span> Asset Infinity </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">96%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Asset Infinity is a platform that helps businesses gain absolute control over the tracking and management of their assets. This application simplifies the process by utilizing dashboards and pre-built reports that offer complete visibility of all assets’ status. It also comes with procurement management, materials management, contract management, and more.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2xpbWJsZS1jbW1zLyNjYXRlZ29yeT1tYWludGVuYW5jZS1tYW5hZ2VtZW50LXN5c3RlbXM="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Limble CMMS reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-92578" data-id="92578" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-92578">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Limble CMMS"> <span>12. </span> Limble CMMS </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.1</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A cloud-based CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) tailored for small to midsize businesses operating in a wide range of industries. It allows users to manage maintenance-related projects, tasks, and operations. This ranges from preventive care to work order management. It is also fitted with collaboration tools that allow users to update each other of changing project details and statuses. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2Zjcy1lbmdpbmVlcmluZy8jY2F0ZWdvcnk9bWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtbWFuYWdlbWVudC1zeXN0ZW1z"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="FCS Engineering reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-138420" data-id="138420" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-138420">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="FCS Engineering"> <span>13. </span> FCS Engineering </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">7.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A guest-oriented hospitality maintenance management software for hotel and property businesses.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-sort category__rank-sort--mobile-show"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="114" data-size="small_business" data-count="13" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__sidebar col col--25 col--sm content-visibility"> <div class="category__categories mini-hide"> <h4>Similar Categories:</h4> <p>In the event you didn't find just the solution you were looking for here's a list of various categories similar to Maintenance Management Software - CMMS that you might want to browse through:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" title="Project Management Software">Project Management Software</a><li><a href="" title="Agile Project Management Software">Agile Project Management Software</a><li><a href="" title="Enterprise Project Management Software">Enterprise Project Management Software</a><li><a href="" title="Field Service Management Software - FSM">Field Service Management Software - FSM</a><li><a href="" title="Free Project Management Software">Free Project Management Software</a><li><a href="" title="Professional Services Automation Software - PSA">Professional Services Automation Software - PSA</a><li><a href="" title="Project Management Software With Time Tracking">Project Management Software With Time Tracking</a><li><a href="" title="Project Portfolio Management Software - PPM">Project Portfolio Management Software - PPM</a><li><a href="" title="Task Management Software">Task Management Software</a><li><a href="" title="Time Tracking Software">Time Tracking Software</a><li><a href="" title="Visual Project Management Tools">Visual Project Management Tools</a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="order-3 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__content"> <img width="1000" height="483" src="" class="lazyload toc-img" alt="Maintenance Management Software - CMMS Guide" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" data-srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 93w" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <h3 class="toc-header margin">Table of contents</h3> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__sections toggle"> <div class="article-section"> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Running a business in today’s economy (a successful one in particular) depends big time on standard compliance and responding to audits, which makes online maintenance programs a backbone rather than an option for any manufacturing organization. Fortunately, technology has come this far where there are reliable software solutions that make maintenance management less complicated, more cost-effective, and deliver actual results that boost your business’ bottom line.</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="get-to-know-each-product-with-free-trial"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--free-trial"></span>Get to know each product with free trial</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Explained in simplest terms, maintenance management software for enterprises and SMBs is a centralized repository for relevant documents, spare resources, and work processes, which can improve business platforms by ensuring compliance and performing root cause analyses. Its application is fairly universal, as you can use it to understand the impact of past mistakes, to manage current operations, and to predict trends relevant to your workflow.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Therefore, best maintenance management tools are suitable for every organization whose success depends on compliance, proper asset management, skilled staff, well-organized budget, and competitiveness. If you recognize yourself somewhere in this sentence, you’re safe to assume that a computerized compliance solution is an investment well worth it.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A good way to start your search for the best maintenance management software is to sign up for the free trials or demo offered by leading maintenance management software providers. This will help you understand the main features and benefits of each software and do a comparison of different tools. The following are the best CMMS software solutions that have received the highest SmartScore rankings and user satisfaction rating in our maintenance management software reviews:</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="">Hippo CMMS reviews</a></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">,</span><a href=""> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Bigfoot CMMS</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, and</span><a href=""> <span style="font-weight: 400;">eMaint</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">. Visit their websites to learn if they offer a free trial or demo. </span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="targeted-businesses"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--targeted-businesses"></span>Targeted Businesses</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Almost all industries need maintenance and maintenance management software can help them in this regard. Here are four main types of businesses that can use this system:</span></p> <ul> <li><b>Production maintenance</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – These companies produce products. They have heavy equipment, forklifts, assembly lines, and machines that need maintenance.</span></li> <li><b>Facility maintenance – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">These companies maintain apartment buildings, government buildings, theaters, etc. They can use the system to resolve water supply, HVAC, and structural issues.</span></li> <li><b>Fleet maintenance – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">These companies maintain vehicles that are used for transportation. A good maintenance management system can help to take care of their fleet of towing trucks, transport ships, city buses, pizza delivery vehicles, rental cars, etc.</span></li> <li><b>Linear asset maintenance – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">These companies need to maintain assets that are miles long. Examples are a city’s water pipes and roads, a telecom company’s fiber-optic cabling, and the long lengths of electrical wiring used by energy utility companies.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="what-are-examples-of-maintenance-management-cmms-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--examples"></span>What are Examples of Maintenance Management (CMMS) Software?</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><a href=""><b>Hippo CMMS:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Hippo is a user-friendly, affordable, and robust web-based maintenance management system for small business and large enterprises.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>Bigfoot CMMS:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Bigfoot CMMS is a computerized maintenance management solution. It is a cloud-based app that offers useful tools for the needs of maintenance professionals worldwide.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>eMaint:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">eMaint is an easy-to-use and flexible system that allows users to take control of all aspects of facilities and maintenance management.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>Maintenance Connection:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">It offers a top-notch maintenance management software to help companies stay on top of all their maintenance operations.</span></li> <li><a href=""><b>MPulse:</b></a> <span style="font-weight: 400;">MPulse CMMS offers scheduling, tracking, and reporting tools for facilities and equipment maintenance.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="types-of-maintenance-management-software"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--types"></span>Types of Maintenance Management Software</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><b>Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – This type is used to monitor, manage, and extend the life of important assets.</span></li> <li><b>Modular applications </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">– These apps can be integrated into a single maintenance management system. This integration facilitates efficient interactions between different business units in a company.</span></li> <li><b>Work Order Management Software – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">A work order is a request used to describe in detail any maintenance need.</span></li> <li><b>Preventive Maintenance Software (PM) – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">A PM system is similar to work order management system and is used to communicate work orders. This software is used to schedule routine maintenance and to inform staff when repairs are needed.</span></li> <li><b>Predictive Maintenance Software (PdM)</b><span style="font-weight: 400;"> – These solutions offer data-driven analytic functions that help to identify when an asset will require maintenance before any downtime occurs.</span></li> <li><b>Fleet Maintenance Software – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Enterprises</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">with transportation fleets use this software to track details of drivers, vehicles, mileage, leasing contracts and more.</span></li> <li><b>Facilities Maintenance Software (FM)</b><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This system includes work orders for preventive maintenance.</span></li> <li><b>Computer Aided Facility Management Software (CAFM) – </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">This software goes beyond maintenance needs and helps businesses to allocate all kinds of resources within the facility.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="key-features-of-maintenance-management-systems"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--key-features"></span>Key Features of Maintenance Management Systems</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>Once you’ve determined that you need a maintenance management system, it is time to analyze the features that can respond to that need. Our in-depth comparisons indicate that these are the compulsory ‘dish ingredients’ you should look for:</p> <ul> <li><b>Total customization: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ideally, it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to transform a brand new MM system into a personalized workplace. It is because of the desirable drag-and-drop functionality, which eases adding and transforming custom fields.</span></li> <li><b>Mobile access: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Due to the fact that maintenance systems are supposed to make information available at any time, they must be mobile-friendly. You should be able to follow information, record damage, or pull asset reports on the go, using whatever internet-enabled device.</span></li> <li><b>Flexible integration: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">Another thing each maintenance software provider should offer is flexible integration, meaning that you can connect your system with every information-reading machine, pre-built APIs/connectors, and enterprise programs supposed to pull/push data from it.</span></li> <li><b>A robust feature-suite: </b><span style="font-weight: 400;">The universal list of features each maintenance management system should possess goes as follows: Asset management, Prevention management, Inventory purchasing, Work orders, Unlimited guest requestors, Custom workflows, Custom API integration, Custom reporting, Role permissions, Compliance audit, Rotating assets, Multi-site management, RFQs, Rotating assets, Rebuilds, etc.</span></li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="benefits-of-maintenance-management-systems"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--benefits"></span>Benefits of Maintenance Management Systems</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Before choosing a maintenance management system, you should prepare yourself, and create a list of benefits you expect to realize. This is important to avoid being dazzled by amazing functionality promises, and foremost, paying for expensive options you won’t even use.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You may end up having a list of rare, business-specific requirements, and that’s good because of the high probability of finding a program that can satisfy them. Since we can’t dive that deep into the core of every manufacturing operation, we’re going to summarize expectations prescribed of every business (highlighting that a maintenance system that lacks at least one of them is not a good maintenance system).</span></p> <p><b>Robust metrics set</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">You can easily evaluate the impact of such systems, knowing that almost 50% of your operational budget is spent exactly on maintenance. Reducing rates after applying a good maintenance system goes as high as 15 %, and that’s because all metrics that are relevant to uptime results are gathered in one place.</span></p> <p><b>Stronger asset management</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Capturing historical and current business data is a blood infusion to your suffering asset management, and that should be enough to lead you towards a computerized maintenance solution. You need a system that will support your change, follow expanding technology trends, and respond to the demand for great maintenance practices–things maintenance systems wrap up one way or the other.</span></p> <p><b>Smooth labor transitions</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The key maintenance factor of every company is the human one, which means that the sudden disappearance of a skilled professional can cause critical damage to one’s business. Now that experts get to choose from a variety of job offers, the risk is all the more.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A maintenance management system can be your defense wall in such cases: the historical knowledge of a particular employee won’t be irreversibly lost because it will keep it in a standard repository, which will make it available to every newcomer taking over a position.</span></p> <p><b>Sustainable competitive advantages</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Computerized maintenance managers empower a chain of knowledge-intensive actions derived from robust information databases. Knowledge is what connects variable wealth with sustainable success, and helps you plan investment timing, upgrades, and innovations. The role of your system will be to provide that knowledge in a way that makes your competitive advantages and strengths obvious.</span></p> <p><b>Compliance with government regulations</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Liability is more than critical to every business environment and is, unfortunately, a sphere where one can’t rely on their own readiness to respond to standards and requirements. Maintenance management software relieves a big deal of this burden, as it orients performance towards reducing work-related incidents and liability hazards. Having it on board would mean that you don’t have to worry about non-compliance claims, wrong documenting practices, certified compliance, or unsafe work methods. Thanks to the system, you will monitor and record everything that is happening in your company.</span></p> <p><b>Prioritization of skills</b></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Technology is evolving all the time, and it requires professional skills you hadn’t even heard about a few years ago. Regardless of the competence of the person you’re employing, it may turn out that his education is not enough to respond to the technical program of your institution, which is where training becomes essential. Maintenance programs enable you to prioritize technical skills and predict the ones that are required for fulfilling a vacancy. Preparing employees in such a way will save a significant amount of time, money, and effort.</span></p> <p><strong>Reduced system downtimes</strong></p> <p>Prolonged interruptions and downtimes can have drastic effects on your business operations and reputation. Having a CMMS in place can help prevent these situations from taking place by scheduling regular maintenance checks.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="pricing-overview"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--default"></span>Pricing overview</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Maintenance management tools are often offered in different price ranges that it’s almost impossible to round up an average price expectation. Pricing structures are different for every product, especially when you consider the modules/features you would have to add, the same as extra support/training expenses.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Most systems are pay-per-use ones and they usually vary between $35 and $150, depending on the features and the setup costs. Instead, you can choose a pay-per-module system and pay either renewing, annual fees ($60-$100), or a one-time license fee instead ($200-$1500).</span></p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="latest-trends"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--latest-trends"></span>Latest Trends</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>CMMS is making businesses gradually leave behind traditional and costly maintenance management practices. The technology itself is also continuously growing and the following are just some of the latest developments:</p> <p><strong>APM: </strong>Asset performance management (APM) is now a thing and adds to the growing list of asset management solutions. APM’s functions are a combination of CMMS maintenance scheduling and enterprise asset management’s asset tracking capability.</p> <p><strong>IoT: </strong>Integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into maintenance management gives businesses access to a world of valuable data they will be otherwise out of touch with.</p> <p><strong>AI: </strong>Devices, equipment, etc., are getting smarter and so are industry-grade software solutions like CMMS. Incorporating AI technology can enhance maintenance management solutions’ capability to detect anomalies and predict potential threats.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="potential-issues"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--enterprises"></span>Potential Issues</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>Not all CMMS software can turn into the perfect maintenance management solution for your company. Some CMMS software can fail to deliver the desired results and there are times when it is not the software’s fault. Here are some of the common roadblocks encountered when implementing and using a CMMS solution:</p> <p><strong>Unsatisfactory vendor support:</strong> There are vendors that provide little to no training on how to properly deploy and use a CMMS. While there are CMMS software solutions that are easy enough to use and, there are also those that require vendors to conduct an actual demonstration.</p> <p><strong>Wrong CMMS: </strong>Not all CMMS are created equal and there are those that are specifically designed for particular business size and/or industry. This can be resolved by knowing what your business’ needs are and conducting extensive research to determine which CMMS solution is right for you.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="category category--white order-5 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="category__content category__content--margin col col--75 col--sm"> <h3>List of Maintenance Management Software - CMMS Companies</h3> <div class="soft__list"> <div class="pull-right"> <p>Order by:</p> <div id="soft-dd" class="soft__list__dd" data-ajax="" data-term="114" data-count="15" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Newest</span> <ul> <li data-sort="newest">Newest</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table" class="soft__table"> <div class="soft__head"> <div class="col col--33 s-name"> Product name: </div> <div class="col col--20 s-cat"> Category: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> Smart Score: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> Price: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> User Satisf. </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> User reviews: </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table-products"> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Maintainly" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Maintainly reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Maintainly</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.6 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $4 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Click Maint CMMS" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Click Maint CMMS reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Click Maint CMMS</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.9 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $35 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="yCloudx" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="yCloudx reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>yCloudx</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.4 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="MaintainX" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="MaintainX reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>MaintainX</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.6 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $21 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="NEXGEN" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="NEXGEN reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>NEXGEN</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="WorkTrek" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="WorkTrek reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>WorkTrek</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $19 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>27 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="FaultFixers" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="FaultFixers reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>FaultFixers</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> £50 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 94% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="OASES" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="OASES reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>OASES</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 99% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Sweven" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Sweven reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Sweven</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $19 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 98% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Cryotos" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Cryotos reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Cryotos</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $29 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="JGID" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="JGID reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>JGID</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $99 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Proteus CMMS" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Proteus CMMS reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Proteus CMMS</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 95% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="TeroTAM" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="TeroTAM reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>TeroTAM</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Ticked Off" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Ticked Off reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Ticked Off</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $129 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 94% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="eWorkOrders" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="eWorkOrders reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>eWorkOrders</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Maintenance Management Software - CMMS </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> By quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pagination" class="fot-pagination"><div class="fot-pagination__inner"><span class="mini-hide">Page 1 of 6</span><span class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--disabled">1</span><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=2">2</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=3">3</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=4">4</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=5">5</a><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=6">6</a><a class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--last" href="?page=6">Last »</a><div class="clearfix"></div></div></div> <h3>Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS</h3> <p>To select an appropriate SaaS program for your business, start by asking the following questions:</p> <p>· Is this cloud system the best solution—economically and features-wise?<br /> · Will it be uncomplicated to do long-term business with the cloud provider?<br /> · Is the app easy to use and does it simplify technology?<br /> · Can the software help your company to manage compliance, security, and operational risks?</p> <p>Find out if other companies have successfully deployed the solution. Get proof about the provider being able to provide the desired business value and ROI. Peruse case studies to learn about the user experiences of other buyers. Get references from the vendor and find out about the caliber of the software and service provided.</p> <p>Another important aspect to consider is the free trial. Before you make such a vital decision and invest your hard-earned money, be certain if the program actually fits your needs. You can do this by signing up for the free trial and trying out the program’s functionality. Also, find out if the provider can help you to pilot the platform. You may need to shell out for the implementation of the pilot, but the cost is worth it as it will give you results and proof points to analyze before you make a key investment. </p> <div class="fot-faq"> <h3><span class="icon icon--faq"></span>Frequently asked questions about Maintenance Management Software - CMMS</h3> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is the best maintenance management software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q1"> <p>The best maintenance management software is <a href="">Hippo CMMS</a>. This CMMS is not only easy to use, but it also offers a full suite of solutions, including preventive maintenance, work order management, equipment maintenance, facility management, and vendor management.</p> <p>Hippo CMMS maximizes asset longevity and keeps close track of work orders, maintenance requests, as well as provide real-time update request status on your desktop and mobile devices.</p> <p>This CMMS also simplifies and improves inventory management and helps managers keep track of their staff’s productivity and activities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the benefits of maintenance management software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q2"> <p>Maintenance management software solutions can offer a varied list of benefits, such as the following:</p> <p><b>Reduces maintenance costs. </b>Robust automation tools eliminate redundant tasks and accelerate processes previously done manually, both of which save valuable time and manpower resources.</p> <p><strong>Reinforces scalability. </strong>CMMS solutions grow with your company. As your business expands and your maintenance management requirements grow, your CMMS software solution can adapt seamlessly and adjust accordingly.</p> <p><b>Keeps all data secured and organized. </b>Data and documentation play crucial roles in the maintenance management aspect of your business. CMMS software keeps all relevant data, documentation, and reports in a secured location accessible to relevant individuals.</p> <p><strong>Ensures compliance. </strong>CMMS software helps make sure that policies concerning the safety of the physical work environment as well as the security of business data are properly in place.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the features of maintenance management software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q3"> <p>CMMS solutions can offer a variety of additional features, depending on the business industry they are specifically created for. Below, however, are some of the must-have features:</p> <p><strong>Customization:</strong> This ensures that businesses can tailor their CMMS platforms according to their maintenance management needs.</p> <p><strong>Flexible integration: </strong>Optimize your CMMS solution’s capabilities by integrating it with your existing systems, such as your <a href="">ERP software</a>.</p> <p><strong>Complete suite of robust tools: </strong>These include asset management, preventive maintenance management, work order management, and more. Other standard tools are scheduling, reporting, and analytics.</p> <p><strong>Mobile access: </strong>Information and features must also be accessible and functional on mobile devices, especially for managers who work off-site.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is the easiest maintenance management software to use? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q4"> <p>The easiest CMMS solutions to use are those with straightforward design and streamlined functionality. Here are some of them:</p> <p><strong><a href="">Hippo CMMS</a>. </strong>This maintenance management software takes pride in being user-friendly. This is ideal for businesses that are not yet familiar with how CMMS solutions work as this does not require its users to be tech-savvy. It provides users with easy-to-use features as well as mobile capability.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Wrike</a>.</strong> Wrike is designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency among your staff and teams, regardless of their location. Wrike provides a virtual workspace where teams can collaborate seamlessly to accomplish tasks and projects.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Fiix</a>. </strong>This cloud-based CMMS offers a comprehensive and user-friendly maintenance management solution. It is not only easy to use, but it is also easy to deploy.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is a good free maintenance management software? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q5"> <p>Pricing for CMMS solutions can range from affordable to sophisticated, but there are also those that offer free plans, which can be helpful to startups and small businesses:</p> <p><strong><a href="">Wrike</a>. </strong>This application revolves more around project management and its free plan includes task management, file sharing, email, and basic application integrations, streaming of real-time activity, mobile access, and more.</p> <p><strong><a href="">UpKeep</a>. </strong>This CMMS offers an impressive list of features for free. Some of these features are unlimited work orders and requests, unlimited users, barcode scanning, in-app messaging, training/webinars, and self-service help.</p> <p><strong><a href="">MaintenanceCare</a>. </strong>MaintenanceCare’s free plan is limited to one user and one facility and it includes user guide support, online work order page, basic task list manager, and basic reporting.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best maintenance management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q1", "text": "<p>The best maintenance management software is <a href=\"\">Hippo CMMS</a>. This CMMS is not only easy to use, but it also offers a full suite of solutions, including preventive maintenance, work order management, equipment maintenance, facility management, and vendor management.</p>\n<p>Hippo CMMS maximizes asset longevity and keeps close track of work orders, maintenance requests, as well as provide real-time update request status on your desktop and mobile devices.</p>\n<p>This CMMS also simplifies and improves inventory management and helps managers keep track of their staff’s productivity and activities.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the benefits of maintenance management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q2", "text": "<p>Maintenance management software solutions can offer a varied list of benefits, such as the following:</p>\n<p><b>Reduces maintenance costs. </b>Robust automation tools eliminate redundant tasks and accelerate processes previously done manually, both of which save valuable time and manpower resources.</p>\n<p><strong>Reinforces scalability. </strong>CMMS solutions grow with your company. As your business expands and your maintenance management requirements grow, your CMMS software solution can adapt seamlessly and adjust accordingly.</p>\n<p><b>Keeps all data secured and organized. </b>Data and documentation play crucial roles in the maintenance management aspect of your business. CMMS software keeps all relevant data, documentation, and reports in a secured location accessible to relevant individuals.</p>\n<p><strong>Ensures compliance. </strong>CMMS software helps make sure that policies concerning the safety of the physical work environment as well as the security of business data are properly in place.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the features of maintenance management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q3", "text": "<p>CMMS solutions can offer a variety of additional features, depending on the business industry they are specifically created for. Below, however, are some of the must-have features:</p>\n<p><strong>Customization:</strong> This ensures that businesses can tailor their CMMS platforms according to their maintenance management needs.</p>\n<p><strong>Flexible integration: </strong>Optimize your CMMS solution’s capabilities by integrating it with your existing systems, such as your <a href=\"\">ERP software</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Complete suite of robust tools: </strong>These include asset management, preventive maintenance management, work order management, and more. Other standard tools are scheduling, reporting, and analytics.</p>\n<p><strong>Mobile access: </strong>Information and features must also be accessible and functional on mobile devices, especially for managers who work off-site.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the easiest maintenance management software to use?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q4", "text": "<p>The easiest CMMS solutions to use are those with straightforward design and streamlined functionality. Here are some of them:</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">Hippo CMMS</a>.\u00a0</strong>This maintenance management software takes pride in being user-friendly. This is ideal for businesses that are not yet familiar with how CMMS solutions work as this does not require its users to be tech-savvy. It provides users with easy-to-use features as well as mobile capability.</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">Wrike</a>.</strong> Wrike is designed to enhance collaboration and efficiency among your staff and teams, regardless of their location. Wrike provides a virtual workspace where teams can collaborate seamlessly to accomplish tasks and projects.</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">Fiix</a>.\u00a0</strong>This cloud-based CMMS offers a comprehensive and user-friendly maintenance management solution. It is not only easy to use, but it is also easy to deploy.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a good free maintenance management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q5", "text": "<p>Pricing for CMMS solutions can range from affordable to sophisticated, but there are also those that offer free plans, which can be helpful to startups and small businesses:</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">Wrike</a>.\u00a0</strong>This application revolves more around project management and its free plan includes task management, file sharing, email, and basic application integrations, streaming of real-time activity, mobile access, and more.</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">UpKeep</a>.\u00a0</strong>This CMMS offers an impressive list of features for free. Some of these features are unlimited work orders and requests, unlimited users, barcode scanning, in-app messaging, training/webinars, and self-service help.</p>\n<p><strong><a href=\"\">MaintenanceCare</a>. </strong>MaintenanceCare’s free plan is limited to one user and one facility and it includes user guide support, online work order page, basic task list manager, and basic reporting.</p>\n" } } ] }</script> <div class="category__author" style="display: flex;"> <div class="category__avatar"> <img src="" data-src="" alt="Jenny Chang" class="lazyload"> </div> <div class="category__author__desc"> <h4>By <a href="" title="Jenny Chang">Jenny Chang</a></h4> <p>Jenny Chang is a senior writer specializing in SaaS and B2B software solutions. Her decision to focus on these two industries was spurred by their explosive growth in the last decade, much of it she attributes to the emergence of disruptive technologies and the quick adoption by businesses that were quick to recognize their values to their organizations. She has covered all the major developments in SaaS and B2B software solutions, from the introduction of massive ERPs to small business platforms to help startups on their way to success.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p class="updated">Updated <time datetime="2024-11-18T23:47:08+00:00" title="2024-11-18T23:47:08+00:00">November 18, 2024</time></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Why FO Free Modal --> <div id="why-fo-free" class="fot-modal why-fo-free-modal"> <div class="fot-modal__close"><span></span><span></span></div> <h3> <img width="30" height="30" class="why_fo_free_modal_img" alt="Why is FinancesOnline free?" srcset=" 1x, 2x" src=""> Why is FinancesOnline free? </h3> <p>FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. 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