BIPM Time Dept database
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<b>nnn</b> is a number assigned by the BIPM; <b>YYYY</b> indicates the year (typically the start of the calibration exercise).<br>The types of calibration are:<br> z = 0: For TWSTFT links, whatever the technique used for the link calibration. nnn then is the calibration identification of the ITU format.<br> z = 1: For GNSS systems, with GNSS calibration campaigns under the supervision of the BIPM; nnn then identifies a report corresponding to a calibration trip; see details in the GNSS Guidelines.<br> z = 2: For GNSS systems, calibrated with other techniques (e.g. manufacturer calibration, absolute calibration, or transfer using a calibrated link); nnn then identifies a report and is a sequential number within the year.<br> z = 3: direct links, e.g. through RF cables or optical fibres; nnn then identifies a report and is a sequential number within the year.<br><br><li>Calibrations made before 2014 have been included in the current scheme by assigning a Cal_ID when a full report is available. <br>The history of calibrations until 2014 can also be accessed at <a href=/ftp/pub/tai/publication/time-calibration/Archive/> archives </a>.</li><br>On this website, you can access the calibration results and reports for all techniques contributing to UTC.<br>Results for time transfer equipment are stored in BIPM Time Department database, some dedicated webpages allow to consult this database .<br><h4>GNSS calibrations</h4><li>ReadMe :<a href=/ftp/pub/tai/publication/gnss-calibration/readme.pdf> Here </a> </li><li>Full list of calibrations : <a href=calid_gnss.html> Here </a></li> <li>Search calibrations by laboratory/equipment : <a href=gnss.html> Here </a> </li><li>Calibrations guidelines : <a href=> Here </a></li> <li>How to get GNSS calibration for UTC(k) laboratories : <a href=> Here </a> </li><h4>TWSTFT calibrations</h4><li>Full list of calibrations : <a href=calid_tw.html> Here </a> </li><li>Search calibrations by laboratory/equipment : <a href=tw.html> Here </a> </li><br><br><hr><TABLE class='sitemap'> <tr> <td class='sitemap'><a href="/database/index.html" class='sitemap'>Home</a></td> <td class='sitemap' ><a href="../ftp/pub/tai/" class='sitemap'>FTP results</a></td> <td class='sitemap'><a href="../api" class='sitemap'>API UTC</a></td> <td class='sitemap'><a href='/page/sitemap.html' class='sitemap'>Sitemap</a></td> <td class='sitemap'><a href="javascript:hidden_email('tai','','');" class='sitemap' >Contact us</a></td> <td class='sitemap'><a href="javascript:hidden_email('aharmeg','','');" class='sitemap' >Webmaster</a></td> </tr> </TABLE> </body> </html>